#snv Thor x reader
luxthestrange · 6 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#156 DADAA
Adam*Holding you in his arms wrapped like a burrito, cradling you in his arms for your nap...Even when you're an adult- In a hushed tone* You BEAUTIFUL and CAPABLE of GREAT things my child...
Adam*Whispering closer to your ears, eyes glowing blue and red*LIKE MURDER~...
Y/n*Snoozing comfortably in his arms*ZZZZzzzz
Adam*Eyes go back to normal, shaking head* Dont do that tho~...
Adam*Eyes glowing again in killer instinct mode*UNLESS ITS COMPLETELY NECESSARY
Y/n*Sleep talking,responding to him*Ok daa..daa...
Adam*Pecks your forehead happily*Thats my baby~ Dada will be your accomplice~... especially if it is to murder your bad boyfriend~oh Dada will BURY him in the yard~Yes their gonna be compost for your mama's garden~
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...Where was this pep talk when i was a baby-
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kanroji-san · 2 months
Kanae!Y/n/Reader AU
Kanae!Y/n: *Taking Thor’s pulse* Your pulse is pretty fast, are you alright?
Thor: Yeah, sorry, let me just relax a bit.
Kanae!Y/n: It’s alright, just take a deep breath for me honey, you’ll be fine.
Thor: *flustered* …
Kanae!Y/n: Eh? Why is your heart rate increasing?
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I can't-She is so pretty
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b3llasdears · 4 months
"good night!"
sleeping with leonidas and thor
I based it on another post here, so just in case, credit to that person!
English is not my first language and I'm using the translator on my keyboard, so I apologize for any errors!
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● There are two reasons why you end up sleeping on top of him:
● 1. he is comfortable
● 2. this man is a giant, so he probably doesn't leave much room for sleeping
● but seriously, he's like a pillow, so you have nothing to envy for not sleeping in the bed
● there are two ways in which you two can sleep, face up (with you on top of him) or side
● if you sleep on your side, he will hug you burying you more in his chest (for your enjoyment)
● you use him as a pillow and he uses you as a stuffed animal, a fair deal
● He needs to feel you, it's his way of knowing that you are safe, he is your protector after all.
● By the way, it is very likely that before going to sleep you two will have a cuddling session, especially if he is stressed, you are like his anti stress toy
● you can hug him, give him kisses, play with his beard, and He won't let you go, his arms will always be around you.
● Although the king always enjoys showing you his love, the bedroom is one of the only places where he will completely let his guard down.
● first of all, unless you are some kind of god/goddess of winter and your body is always cold, you don't need a blanket, this man is a fucking stove
● Of course it is not unbearably hot, but it is hot that can make you run out of air if you stick too close for too long.
● like Leonidas he also needs to feel you close, although he doesn't need it to be so direct, feeling your hand is fine
● You normally sleep side by side, you on your side, he on his, but there is a special occasion in which you do sleep cuddling.
● a stormy night, although not many know it, sometimes these are a sign of sadness or stress on his part, so when it is one of those cases you are ready to shower him with love
● This man is not used to receiving so much attention, so don't be surprised when he turns just as red as his hair.
● Yes, he's going to get nervous, but he's not going to stop you, just because he gets nervous doesn't mean he doesn't like it.
● the only problem is that being nervous makes him even hotter, so you'll probably have to take a cold shower before going to sleep.
● Thor is not very good with words, so his thing is actions, Normally they are things like small gifts, but if you are cuddling he will hug you and caress your hair.
● It's not much, because, again, he's not very used to this kind of contact, but he does the best he can!
● Thor doesn't usually show much affection in public, so appreciate these little moments where you can snuggle with him for as long as you want.
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Is this a Valentine's Day special? Technically not since I was supposed to finish this yesterday, but I guess I'm going to classify it as a special because I finished it in time for it to come out today
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justcressida · 10 months
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"I was granted the death I desperately longed for, only to be caught up in a second life no different than the first. And yet, here I am, doing everything I can to stay alive."
Record Of Ragnarok X Rudbeckia De Borgia! Reader
PS: I'm a foreigner okay? Language problems. Part 2?
A beautiful smile, a radiant gaze, and a gentle aura. No matter what, just smile and pass. You've done just that all your life, and your end hasn't changed yet.
While your desire for death was never ending, when you finally died, you were somehow resurrected with all of humanity. for Ragnarok.
Okay, you were too weird even for someone like him. He was just bored and wanted to mess with mortals, but...
Why are you smiling? He wanted you to be scared or raging, but there you are, with a gentle smile on your face. Yet that master of lies saw your trembling hands no matter how well you played.
Maybe it was meant to be enjoyed, but... Did it really scare you that much?
Okay, he hadn't had the fun he wanted, and the rage of Humanity's first victory was still running through his veins, but somehow you got his attention.
I mean, come to think of it, what mortal would smile at someone who tormented him so much?
Out of sheer curiosity, he chased after you and started spying on you.
And he saw the scars on his back. Whip marks, stab marks.
How did you have so many wounds when even a warrior didn't have that many wounds?
Moreover, Ragnarok had resurrected humanity in its most wonderful period.
Was this your greatest period?
With your pretty face and those horrible scars on your body?
He was obviously extremely intrigued, and Loki's curiosity is obsession.
He will solve the mystery of this beautiful mortal.
Although too busy a man to care for a mortal, Thor was quick to discover Loki's new obsession.
Is it a mortal? Really Loki?
Still, he couldn't help being caught up in this beautiful mortal. The mortal's bright beautiful eyes, shapely face, bright lips, and beautiful hair.
Still, he doesn't understand why this mortal has such a bad reputation. No matter how beautiful mortal she was, everyone looked at this beautiful woman with disgust.
Thor doesn't like to go undercover like Loki, so he'll talk directly to your face.
"Who are you mortal?"
In fact, he said it without expression, too much even for a mortal.
Still, the hammer in his hand, his tall stature and intimidating gaze didn't help at all.
You tried to smile, unable to stop yourself from shaking like a kitten.
"Uh- d-did I do something wrong?"
Your kind words even though you tremble like a kitten, your attempt to smile despite the fear, and most of all your beautiful voice.
He had heard that this beautiful mortal was famous for his voice, but this velvety tone of voice softened his cold heart.
"What's your name, mortal?"
"Well m-my name is Y/N."
A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.
Maybe, Thor thought. Maybe this beautiful mortal isn't as bad as rumors.
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
Not sure if you remember that scene one in RoR/SnV where The Serpent was harassing Eve by grabbing onto her and not letting her go because he wanted her all to himself? Could you write something about how Buddha, Hades, Thor would react if they knew of that same situation happening to reader? Hopefully it’s too confusing for you 😅😅
S/O got harrased by the serpent
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Buddha, Hades, Thor ]
[ Shuumatsu no Valkyrie / Records of Ragnarok ]
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My dear I love your idea, I love Adam and the whole thing about Eve's trial, the scene is just magnificent ✨✨ and, also, im always up to beat an idiot's ass
I was thinking on it and I realice that this is an actual harrasment and that could be a traumatic experience so this is more serious than expected
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As much as Buddha loves just being with you and cuddle you he knows that you need time to yourself (as well as he does) so he is completely willing to let you be by yourself when you need it
It probably happens one of those ocations where you were alone when the serpent approached to you with a not so innocent intent, trying to immediatly restrain you but you manage to get away from him and run away
Although if he did find you when the serpent were harrasing you he will imediatly call him out, first just threating him to leave you alone and it would depend on the next move of the serpent if he attack him or not
However Buddha will be really mad for the whole situation, and even when his blood is boiling he tries to remind calm and focus only on you right now. His first course of action is to make you feel safe, even if the serpent doesn't manage to do something serious is still a traumatic experience so he, first of all, is making sure you realice that you are with him and that you are safe now
He want to know exactly what happened but will take things slowly, not wanting to make you relive that experience, as well he is just focusing in your comfort, asking you if is alright for him to touch you before doing it, even if he just want to hold your hand, and every touch is the most gently and sweetly
Also, if you tell him that you managed to defend yourself from him, either just enough to get away or to fully beat him he is truly proud of you and he won't hesitant on telling you so
Is for sure that he will go and give a lesson to the serpent but he isn't going to even think on leaving your side before making sure you will be fine if he leave you for a moment, it doesn't matter if it takes you a long time or just a little while to feel comfortable again
Buddha think in just scare the hell of him, threatening to kill him but that will vary according to how much it affected you (specially if you prefer for him to not use violence), however if the bastard dare to try to turn around things against you and try to blame you Buddha will react immediatly and kill him
After this Buddha will be hesitant to let you alone, for yours and his sake, as well he will feel kinda guilt about the whole thing (specially if it affected you a lot), and he prefers to don't talk about it again just because he doesn't want to bring you bad memories, but if you want to talk about it or it helps you doing it he has not problem with hearing you vent
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Hades is really caring and he loves being by your side, whenever you go out if he has the opportunity and you let him he will love to go with you but if you want to go alone or he is busy he has no problem with you going alone (although he always recommend for you take a guard with you)
This would happen one of those moments where you went out alone, the serpent tanking advantage of it or even knocking out whoever where with you. It could be that either you manage to get away from him or someone else helped you, but still the serpent try to sneak away because he isn't that stupid to stay there waiting for Hades to appear
It also could be that he find you while the serpent were attacking you and in that case he inmediatly react, harshly separating the two of you two and putting you behind him while angrily threating the serpent, demanding an explanation
Doesn't matter how it happen the moment the news of you being harrased reach him he is immediatly furious, he drops everything he is doing and just runs to your side (in case you weren't the one telling him), he doesn't want to force you to talk about it but he needs to know so with the most sweet and gentle voice he ask you what happened, if you let him he will like to hold you close but if you prefer to not be touched he is totally fine with it
Hades holds all the patience in the world for you so you can use all the time you need to recover, but he want for you to keep going and don't get caught in the bad memories, he will bring you everything you ask for your comfort as well as pass all the time you need by your side, nothing will make him happier to help you feel safe and comfortable again
Just as much as he is focused in your comfort he is focused on making the serpent pay for what he had done, so he waste no time and ask the guards to bring the bastard to him imediatly (he would go to search him himself but he doesn't want to leave you alone), and even when he is furious he try to be fair and don't let himself get carry for the anger, although he is on the edge so it just take him trying to blame you or even you getting scare for his presence and Hades will let get out his anger on him
After everything is solved Hades stay really caring and gentle with you, he doesn't want to rush you so he will be pretty protective until he knows you are better (and not just masking or trying to ignore what happened), also he offered an apology for what happened, he knows he wasn't the one who attacked you but he can't help but feel guilty for not protecting you
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Being in a relationship with you vanish Thor's apathy and boredom, but that is just one of all the reasons he has of why he loves spending time with you, so even when he doesn't say much or even if is just being physicaly close he loves spending time with you, although he totally respect that you want to have time alone and others times he just get too busy so you two will have to separate
It has to be in one of those moments where you were alone when the serpent taked the opportunity to attack you, trying to be quickly or even trying to take you somewhere else, it could be that you manage to run away or that someone else helped you, but in that moment the serpent will just snuck knowing what fate awaits for him if he doesn't run away
Although if Thor manage to get in time and see the serpent harrasing you he is furious and react immediatly, it would be almost a miracle that he doesn't hurt you when he separate him from you, with one of his hands he holds the serpent almost crushing him (as if his gaze wasn't enough to almost kill him) while with the other he is pushing you behind him
His reaction is still pretty bad when he gets the news of what happened to you, he is furious at the bastard and imediatly gets going to searching him, he will make him pay just for even just think on touching you, it doesn't matter if this doesn't affected you much because this is something unpardonable
The only thing that can stop him right now is you, asking him to please just stay by your side, if that is what you wish he then he will stay, but just until you are more calm or even fall sleep because then he will get back on track of searching that stupid serpent, he will hunt him if he has to (although he doesn't want to waste much time because he doesn't want to leave you alone) and the chances of him getting alive from it are minimum
After taking care of the problem Thor will completely focus on you, he isn't good with words so once he return the first thing he does is hold you close to him, gently hide you from the rest of the world, and he will stay like that for a while because he can't help but blame himself for it (specially if you still seem scare)
From that day it would take a long time for Thor to feel comfortable again with leaving your side, he want to stay by your side all the time, or at least keep you in his range of vision and he becomes pretty protective and wary of whoever gets near you. He just want for you to feel safe and comfortable again, he doesn't want for you to fear of being attacked again
However, even when his reaction afterwards is pretty bad it would vary depending on how much it affected you, like if you still seem really scare he won't leave your side at any moment, but if you seem to be handling it well he will be more calm about it and wont take him long to let you be alone again
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samyanggs · 1 year
Heyyyyy! Can you please write hcs about Thor, Loki and Poseidon with a human s/o who is wise beyond her years and is perfectly fine with her own mortality and human nature, she is easy-going and gets along with literally anyone, doesn't expect anything in return from her boyfriend despite them being powerful deities and doesn't ask them for stuff, being completely fine with just spending time with them. Bonus points if you include something along the lines of "Don't you want to become a deity?" "Why would I? I like being me and that includes all my faults and virtues". Thanks!!! Sending you lots of love and hugs!!!
Hihii! Yea I can do those and thanks for the love and hugs! I’m currently having nausea, migraine, slight dizziness and a stomachache so I’m sorry if this is bad or isn’t what you’re looking for I’ve also never wrote Poseidon before so sorry for ooc
Warnings: none
Don’t be afraid to reach out to me for any reason, you can ask me questions about me and request smth for me to write or you can js ask me a question you’d like for me to answer!
“My mind is well beyond my years..”
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You were.. odd.. you were a human yet wise and smart beyond your mortal years. That must’ve been why Thor had been attracted to you, the moment you showed your intelligence. A few weeks into your relationship he started noticing how you were definitely much more smarter than the average mortal of your age. People also flocked to you because you got along with everyone with no problems. He questioned you, curious. You were both relaxing, eating dinner together like he has asked you too and you complied. It was silent, just how you both liked it- that was until he spoke.
“Don’t you want to become a deity?” He asked, out of the blue. He bit into his food and chewed it, looking at you expectantly for your answer.
You chuckled before shaking your head. “Why would I? I like being me and that includes all my faults and virtues. I can’t control what I am so there’s no point in wishing that I could be one when I’m not one.” You replied simply, going back to eating your food silently. He blinked, nodding slowly.
He looked back down to his food and continued eating, smiling softly. You really were wise beyond your mortal years.
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He, as a god, always thought that the ones who could be wiser than any other human would be the gods. Oh, how he was proven wrong the moment you came and showed your fantastic and amazing intelligence. You were wiser than anybody that was the same human age as you. And he dare say that you were wiser than some of the gods. He was immediately attracted to you the moment you showed your intelligence. Many people, and he means many, could get along with you easily. You were smart and you could interact with people even better. You were definitely if not, his type. But he always found himself wondering why you never wished to become a deity. So he decided to ask you while you both were in his room. You were reading a book while he was playing a game.
“Don’t you wanna be a deity?” He asked eyes fixated on the screen, moving quickly between you and the screen.
You looked up from your book and looked at him “Why would I? I like being me and that includes all my faults and virtues.” You said, smiling softly at him. “I can’t control what I am so there’s no point in wishing that I could be a deity when I’m not one.” You said going back to reading your book.
Loki paused his game and turned to look at you. He blinked slowly before going back to his game, unpausing it. He chuckled softly. You really were wiser than your mortal years and more selfless than many gods and humans.
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If you told Poseidon that he was going to court with a human in the future, he would’ve ignored you with a hint of distaste on his faces . He supposes that he couldn’t do that now, after courting a human.. who was much wiser than humans and (some) gods alike— the reason why he thought that you were worthy enough for him to look at you. While he was reserved, quiet and disliked other people, you were the opposite. You were extroverted, polite and liked people. You got along with everyone while he didn’t. he supposed that, that’s what they mean by opposites attract. He does question why you don’t want to become a deity despite your own strengths and personality. So he decided to question you one day while you both were together.
“Why don’t you want to become a deity?” He asked, looking at you. He rested his cheek on his fist waiting for your answer with that same cold expression on his face.
You looked at him, unfazed by his coldness. “Why would I? I like being me and that includes all my faults and virtues. I also am not able control who and what I am, therefore there is no reason for me to wish to become a deity when I’m not one.” You answered calmly.
He blinked at you slowly and nodded, his cold expression turning into one of confusion and acceptance. He smirked to himself quietly. He really did choose a wise partner to court.
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luxthestrange · 5 months
RoR Incorrect quotes#167 Thank you-
Loki: wait, so y/n kissed you and you said “thank you”?
Thor: yes...
Loki: well that was very polite~
Thor: I panicked
-In the human side-
Y/n*Eating cereal on the couch watching kitchen nightmares with Cain and Abel*-Then he thanked me...
Cain & Abel: As he should
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theanimekid · 1 year
I had a Grandson and you didn't tell me?!
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Thor x Deity Reader
Synopsis: Odin meets his grandson for the very first time, and instantly asked questions about his son and why he didn't tell him
Warnings: Fluff, Funny Shit, Loki being Loki, Odin being a grandpa
Part Three of Sweet Nectar
Odin stood there with the papers slowly falling from his hand while Hunnin and Mungin Sat there in absolute shock and very surprise as Thor walked in with you and his son cradled in his arms. Cooing and babbling happily. Hunnin and Mungin immediately flew over Thor's shoulders to see his son. " Awww, look at the little baby, isn't he cute?" Munnigin chirped as the little baby boy tried to reach up and grab his beak. Muungin grunted and squeaked as the baby boy, was shaking him like a toy maraca. Hunngin laughed at him. While he was trying to break free from the little boy's grasp. Odin slowly walked closer to his grandson, looking at him with confusing eyes, he looked back at his son. " I had a grandson, and you didn't tell me?" Odin asked surprisingly while the little boy was grasping his cloak, cooing as he felt the consistency.
Thor nodded, " Yes, I did." I had a grandson... And he never told me... Odin thought, But deep down, he reprimanded himself for passing on his thing with beautiful women to his son.
"So... who was the lady you conceived with? Odin asked. You cleared your throat to get his attention, and he quickly turned his gaze towards... you... The maid. He assigned you to his son?! He pointed his finger at his son. In realization, " Now that makes a lot of sense." He added. The baby boy resumed tugging on his grandfather's cloak. Odin gently grabbed the baby from Thor's arms. " Now, aren't you a good-looking young man," He said with the love and joy that finally... He's got a grandkid!! As if he's not old enough at it is.
Odin ordered some of his servants to bring every toy in the village. While the rest set up the baby's room. You and Thor looked at each other than at Odin and your son, which whom he was getting along with. " I told you they'll get along just fine." You said as you exhorted his arm. He looked back at you with a tiny smile, before kissing the top of your head. When you told him, that it was time to meet his grandfather, he was a little conservative at first, but with slight persuasion, he agreed. And now his father was showing his new toys and bonding with his grandson, which lasted for hours till Thor joined in. It was actually kinda adorable. Seeing your husband and his father's adhesion with the little boy. About an hour later, your son fell asleep in his crib while his father gently rocked it. His tiny snores escaped his mouth. Loki floated into the new room, which was filled with toys, baby toys, and books. While he glanced at certain brother and maid with a crib. He peaked over to see your son sleeping away. He noticed the red hair anywhere. He looked at him and the baby a couple times before realizing that he was an uncle?! " You slept with your maid?!" He asked loudly. Thor gave a deathly stare for yelling so loudly while his son was sleeping, but he was only moving a little bit, so it was no bother. Loki lowered his voice, " You slept with your maid?" Thor only stared at him before throwing him out of the baby room. " Was that necessary love?" Thor turned to you. " Yes, it was."
Any other shit you'll want me to write just click the Ask button on my blog
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kanroji-san · 2 months
I present you
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Kanae!Y/n/Reader AU
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Hi! How are you? Can I request Buddha, Thor, Poseidon headcanons where reader loves to play the guitar or piano and their singing voice is angelic? :)
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- Buddha loves having you play for him while he naps and chills. Like, he's napping under his tree and you're singing and strumming and he subtly opens one of his eyes to look at you.
- BECAUSE LET'S BE HONEST, HE IS WHIPPED and he just smiles at how peaceful and gorgeous you look as you play so elegantly or as you sing so heavenly. It highkey makes his heart flutter when you do it for him ngl.
- Culturally, from what I've read so feel free to correct me, buddhist monks are only limited to playing only certain instruments so he's also very curious about your guitar since he never has heard anything like it and so he will ask you a lot of questions and hopefully he doesn't annoy you with them.
- He does like the piano too, just, the way you sit so elegantly as you play and the melodies that you play absolutely just leave him hypnotized. Like, he's staring at you with the most adoring and admiring look ever.
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- Tbh, Thor may not look like he enjoys or cares about you playing but TRUST ME WHEN I TELL YOU THAT HE DOES, HE REALLY DOES. Like he can be on the other side of heaven and the moment you pluck the strings on your guitar or press a key on your piano, he is right there next to you ready to hear you play.
- Wants to try it out but he's worried that he'll break your instruments, after all. But, like if you decide to put your hands on his and guide them, he'd genuinely enjoy that because as helpful as it is, he loves any affection that you give him.
- Has you play at different Asgardian functions, if someone scoffs at you and your music because you're a human or for some other reason, Thor will wait until your done before turning around and punching them in the face. He'd hate to distract your amazing performance after all♡
- NO BUT WHEN HE'S HEALING FROM HIS FIGHT, PLEASE STAY AT HIS SIDE AND SING FOR HIM. He claims that hearing your voice makes the pain go away or hurt just a little less because, well, your voice is simply divine and it makes him happy.
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rukia-writes · 2 years
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Thor x (fem) reader! Goddess
🎰Casino event 🎰
Warnings: pregnancy, Odin being a grandpa, 18+, no minors 🔞, bondage, slight outfit kink, pet names.
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Odin had seen his fair share, but this took the cake by a mile.
Hugninn and Muninn were in shock as Thor held a small newborn baby in his arms as Odin sat on his throne taking in the information he just learned.
“You’re telling me, you’re a father? My son? A father?“
“…Been a dad for six months now. Her name is (Daughter’s Name)-“
Odin in a flash was close to Thor as he peered at the newborn baby who was calm yet happy as she had toy Thor made for her. Odin was all for fertility but who was the lucky lady that Thor actually bedded and ended up with a sweet baby.
“Where is the mother?”
Slowly poking her around from Thor’s arm (Name) made her presence known as she hid behind Thor closely scared of Odin’s response even though Thor promised her no harm would come to her as long as he was there. Finally meeting the mother, Odin became looked at Thor who looked at his daughter who looked at her dad confused.
“The waitress at the casino? The casino Thor?”
Odin recognized the woman as the waitress that they visited last year while on vacation. The casino is where Thor and young woman met, Odin only remembered her because Thor wouldn’t stop looking at her.
Odin blamed himself, he obviously had an eye for beautiful women and knew his son was the same way.
Just as Odin wanted to ask another question everyone heard a very small voice say,”Ra pa.”
It was the first time Thor’s daughter had spoke, all three looked down to see the newborn baby smiling.
“She talked.”
“…No, she didn’t say anything.”
Thor was in disbelief at first but agreed she said her first word, however Odin objected and believed that her first word was grandpa. The two gods went back and forth until (Name) decided to be the mediator, agreeing that her said both their names and that she was a genius. Surprisingly, Odin quickly agreed then proceeded to call the servants to bring toys from nearby villages. Even wanting a room prepared for her, Thor had a feeling this would happen but he knew his daughter was safe here in Asgard.
It all began last year.
Thor had become attracted to a waitress at a famous casino and resort that he traveled to, a place that was fun and where gambling ruled the day. The berserker of thunder found gambling interesting but not as much as fighting, and not definitely not as interesting as the sexy waitress that had to wear the “sexy bunny out fit” as Thor put it.
While Thor wasn’t the best with his words his actions spoke volumes as he would always keep prying eyes away from (Name), and of course. Thor was a protector and he was definitely protective of her but not in overbearing way, Which of course didn’t go unnoticed by (Name) as she found Thor to be quite kind.
“…Did I win?”
“…No, you lost.”
(Name) chuckled a bit as she revealed her hand as the two were playing 21 at the casino table. While Thor wasn’t a fan of losing he didn’t seem to mind losing to the sexy waitress. Making a “hmph” sound Thor asked for another round, with a few minutes left on her shift (Name) happily agreed.
“How about we make a wager?”
“..What do you have in mind?”
Thor of course was intrigued with whatever was going thru (Name)’s mind, as she smiled then proceeded to blow Thor a kiss making the Nordic god of thunder blush a little even though he looked calm on the inside he welcomed the flirting gesture.
“If I win I get a kiss, if you win drinks are on me.”
Thor considered it a win-win situation.
Without even thinking another thought Thor agreed to the game and surprisingly this time the Nordic god won. Receiving his kiss on the cheek Thor only muttered a “Thanks.” Noticing the faint blush on his face (Name) muttered a “You’re welcome.”
A month had passed by as the two had become close , so much so Thor was invited to (Name)’s apartment and his visits were frequent, routinely, and that was fine with (Name) as she enjoyed Thor’s company. The same was said for Thor as the following days the two became closer and closer until the two became as one heart and mind. Their bodies became rather addicted to one another the more time they spent together the less they cared about other things.
Thor noticed would come home early, even though he told her to stay for the entirety of her shift. However, Thor just didn’t understand is what (Name) told him, to (Name) Thor’s cock was worth coming home early.
From days to weeks the two had become passionately intimate, but that was okay to them. One night in particular, Thor was a bit rougher than nights previous. Maybe, it was the outfit.
In truth, it wasn’t.
What Thor liked most about the outfit was the stockings, the corset was another piece he liked but the stocking is what Thor liked the best. Agreeing to having her hands tied behind back it was a night Thor would never forget that night, loving the sight of seeing his beloved wrists tied by her own stocking as she was currently lying on her back waiting for her god to ravish her.
Thor gave her what she wanted and more.
In truth, it was Thor who was usually the calm and collected one, that night it was he who was full of emotion that night as (Name) was currently whimpering and moaning on his thick cock while facing him while sitting on his lap while Thor thrusted his hips upwards as his cock was deep inside (Name)’s wet cunt while massaging her breasts with his rough and manly hands, each time he would thrust his hips his cock that was deep inside his sexy bunny he would hit her g-spot making her orgasm draw near, her mind was full of pleasure. Listening to her shamelessly moan on his cock while he enjoyed how amazing she felt made the god of thunder feel emotions he normally wouldn’t feel.
Love and lust mixing together.
A smirk came to Thor as he stopped tending to (Name)’s breasts and proceeded to grab her chin making her lean closer to him which in turn made his cock slide deeper inside her and deciding to tease a bit he stopped moving completely. A taunting smirk now came to his lips when he heard her plea for more, shamelessly pleading for more. Thor moaned a bit as the grip on her chin tightened and his cock twitched a few times in excitement.
Thor could feel her grind on him wanting that release more than anything but the god simply refused even when she was pleading to her strong god only to be met with a chuckle. A chuckle that made her cunt shiver with excitement as it was deep sounding.
“Don’t be so needy, bunnies are supposed to be submissive. Can’t take a little teasing.”
Thor’s eyes were glazed with lust as he talked as he also grabbed the bunny ears that were barely hanging on and straightened them out.
“Such a sexy bunny. If you beg a little more I’ll reward you.”
“Please, Thor. Please fill your sweet bunny with your cum-“
Even though Thor was the one in control the emotions started mixing together until Thor couldn’t take it and had to have his sweet bunny right there and then. Mercilessly, Thor fucked (Name) in her apartment, simply not caring if the neighbors heard. Indeed, it was what Thor wanted so everyone knew who (Name) was with now. 
The day the two met both wanted nothing more than to have sex that would bound them forever, and love that would keep them together forever. The feeling both could only describe was sweet and euphoric.
Even the release was mind numbing as both tilted their head back while giving a sigh of relief, enjoying the pleasure Thor’s cock twitched excitedly filling (Name)’s cunt to the brim as her whole body did a shiver as she moaned again when Thor did a few sloppy thrusts before sliding out his cock and patting (Name)’s head as she was catching her breath.
“Well done, my beloved.”
That was the night their daughter was conceived.
Regardless, Odin was thrilled to have a granddaughter now as he now had a room prepared filled with stuff animals and toys. Loki, that had just arrived as he floated over the crib to see (Daughter Name) asleep. This was all new to Loki as he looked at Thor who was rocking the crib slowly while sitting down.
“….You fucked?!”
Thor gave Loki a glare, not for his statement but at how loud he was not wanting his daughter to wake up. Odin ignored them all nodding to himself that his grand daughter was a genius before leaving to get her books.
“Thor…you fucked??”
Loki was quiet with his question this time still surprised Thor, the battle hungry god, was able to have a baby.
A cute baby.
“He fell for my charm.”
(Name) patted Thor’s broad shoulders Loki didn’t need to hear anything else as he welcomed (Name) with a few questions all the while Thor watched over his sleeping baby and rocking her crib gently.
Thor didn’t believe in luck all that much, but he did believe he was lucky to have his small yet happy family.
Thor still believes his daughter’s first words was “Papa.” Odin disagrees everytime.
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🎰 Rukia-Writes🎰
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mxomo · 1 year
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kinktober: size kink ♡ featuring thor
He was just much, much bigger than you, and he never let you forget it. c/w: record of ragnarok, female reader, size kink, stomach bulge, slight dumbification, overstim, multiple orgasms, unrealistic but it’s size kink so whatevs a/n: yay god of thunder yay nearing the end of the kinktober series!!~
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Thor pushed a third finger into you, your pussy wonderfully accommodating as your second orgasm washed over you and drool gathered in the corner of your mouth, your chest moving up and down heavily as your lungs burned. Thor smirked at your glazed eyes, your leg twitching sporadically beneath his hands as his fingers worked you open to take his much, much larger girth, resting readily, heavily, waiting on your thigh. You were sprawled on your back, legs flayed open on the edge of his plush bed; ripe for the picking.
“Feeling nice,” Thor commented quietly, smirk still present as he twisted his finger up to press into your spongy g-spot, drawing a loud whine from your lips. As much as he was absolutely desperate to bury himself into you, he knew that he was just a little too big and that he needed to be patient. He had to remind himself that time invested now to make you ready and pliable would mean plenty more fucking for him later. It was important to look after the things he cared for; your pussy had an incredibly high priority spot on that list. Proud man that he was, Thor made sure to leave you in high heaven after each of your encounters, enthusiastically fucking you stupid every time.
So when his impossibly wide cockhead, prepped with its own dripping precum, aligned itself with your clenching but gushing hole, you gripped the sheets by your hips and held your breath in anticipation. You enjoyed nothing more than the feeling of his unfairly wide girth stretching you open, though it still made you nervous each time. Spotting this, Thor reached a large hand towards your nipple, twisting it harshly as reprimand.
“You’re tense again,” he frowned, moving his fingers back to your hole in an effort to soften his entry once more. “Breathe. You know you need to relax.”
You whimpered at his retreat and allowed yourself a deep breath, moving your hands to your nipples instead and allowing Thor to reposition you against his cock again as you tried your best to relax. You barely registered the pillow that he slipped behind your back, lifting you up and allowing you a much better view. You pulled your tits aside by the nipples, wanting to watch the moment he sheathed himself fully into you, stretching your cunny to the brim. Anticipation built in your stomach as you watched the bead of cum on his slit grow, licking your lips.
It was a slow process. He pushed forward with a grunt, the mushroomed tip slipping into you with a slight resistance despite your overslick entrance. “Oh!” You couldn’t stop the cries tumbling from you, the stretch impossibly satisfying despite not even sheathing himself halfway. His muscles tensed beneath your thighs, and you keened happily.
“Hah.. oh, oh, God, o-oh!” Incoherent babbles were met by Thor’s satisfied grunts as your slick walls clenched with a bruising grip with each spasm of your legs or stuttered, choked cry.
“F-fuck,” Thor groaned as he bottomed out against your cervix, thrusting minutely as he gripped the remaining inch of his cock that jutted out of you. Massaging the base, he closed his eyes as your legs locked around his waist and his heaving member became captive in the apex of your legs. He thought of himself as a quiet lover, before he met you. Something about your almost constantly fluttering, greedy cunny; the taste, the amount of slick you’d create just for him; the way your eyes rolled, your lewd face as you mewled in happiness being skewered on his cock that, frankly, scared many others, yet you lapped up and begged for with glee.
It took everything in his power to not cum right there, waiting for your pussy to adjust to him, before he even slid all the way in. He could feel you moulding around him as his minimal thrusting (more like twitching) stirred you up enough to loosen, just a smidge.
Thor placed another pillow behind your back, cursing as it only tightened you again and he felt a sudden gush of warmth flood against him as you came, unexpectedly, from the sudden shift in position that hit just the right spot. You sobbed, quietly, as your thoughts scattered and you lost yourself to a fog of pleasure. You clawed at the man quite literally rearranging your insides for some semblance of reality as you chanted his name, almost silently. Your mouth was dry, your muscles hurt from being so tense, and you felt full.
Thor eyed the bulge in your lower belly, watching it grow as you crumbled around him and he finally sheathed himself fully into your open core. Your babbling fell silent as he pressed his open palm against your lower belly and your mouth dropped open in a silent scream. You couldn’t breathe. You could feel him in your throat; alongside his hand pushing into your g-spot from the outside was enough to quite literally blow your mind, and your eyes rolled.
Stars burst in your vision as you felt him hilt deep inside you, pushing insistently against your cervix as your lower belly bulged it’s effort to accommodate him. You were sure he would have to do no more to rearrange your insides as you struggled to catch your breath, head rolling as his large hands held you in place by the waist. His own breathing was laboured, stuttering in time to the clenching of your already overworked core that was desperately milking him in an effort to clearly suffocate him.
“Hah,” he groaned as your cunny became more slippery by the minute; it was worth the pay off, taking it slow, stretching you out, because-
Those hands on your waist lifted you up swiftly, leaving his cockhead perfectly on the verge of slipping out before slamming you back downwards. A loud scream ripped from your mouth as Thor fucked you as he pleased, each thrust feeling like he was going to split you in half, ramming insistently into your cervix so hard and so good. When he captured your nipple in his mouth, your pussy released over his ceaselessly-working member as the extra sensation pushed you over the edge once more, and you clung to him the best you could. Your nails dug into his back for more purchase, unable to fully wrap around his thick frame as he bucked into you like a dog in heat; you were little, next to him. Tiny. Small. Like a doll, and he fucked you like one, until drool fell from your mouth and your voice cracked, until you were sure you drew blood on his back and you’d lost track of how many times you’d cum. Every touch of his made you feel like you were on fire; he was under your skin in every sense of the word. Did you black out? Were you dead? There was nothing but stars, but magic, but pure utopia-
“Come back to me,” Thor coaxed you gently, massaging and running his hands along your sides, your hips, your tits, your shoulders. This was the face he was waiting for, he thought; that dick drunk, fucked out expression that was so fucking pretty, the sexiest thing he had ever seen that he swore could get him off in his pants, knowing he made you look that way.
Several hard thrusts later and your name tumbled from his lips through gritted teeth as your cervix filled with the brunt of his seed; your incoherent mumbles intensified with every pulse of his member that dragged deliciously against your insides. He pulled out, almost, using his cockhead to keep you plugged up as he admired you with a smirk. A quick water break (he fed you, of course) and he was settled between your legs again, doing a fantastic job of keeping his mess contained.
“Lovely,” he complimented, gripping his dick in his hand as he massaged himself. By no means was he finished, and he wanted to give you a break, but he also wanted to fuck you silly. So he would settle for the next best thing as you attempted to catch your breath.
“Sit up a bit- a little- yes, ah. Ngh. Squeezing good, love. Don’t move.”
He wasn’t joking when he thought he could cum to that face; a few minutes of tugging and Thor emptied into you once more, bucking into you with a grunt as the sudden intrusion pushed out a lewd mix of your juices, alongside a choked cry from your own mouth.
“Fuck..” he hissed, pistoning back into you as his relentless member continued to pulse needily in your pussy.
Holding on to your face much more gently than you anticipated, Thor swooped in for a kiss, his tongue meeting yours in a gentle caress as you sunk into his attentions and warm haze of comfort before he started pistoning into your core like a crazed man again. You took on too much, fucking a God like him, as your vision clouded and the pressure snapped. You crumbled into the haze as he sunk you onto him, over and over again.
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prompt list • kinktober masterlist • masterlist
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justcressida · 9 months
Hiiii I hope you have nice day, this is my first request, can you write ror with eris reader from 'kill the villainess' ?Love your blog btw♡~♡
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"I don't want to get affectionate even as time passes."
Record Of Ragnarok X Eris Mizermillan! Reader
Note: Thank you my love <3 Please write the characters you want from now on, I'm having a hard time choosing a character 🥺 Thank you for the request
In the whole process you went through from your birth to your death, your execution at a young age, your anger, your deception and your jealousy.
Each one was a fake imitation of emotion. Just like your mother, you have always been in a 'depression' since the moment you were born. But unlike your mother, you were abandoned.
A cold heart, far from compassion. An emotionless mind. Your only desire was death, and Ragnarok did not please you at all. Side with the Gods just to die? Well, people's views are always easy to change.
A few minutes before your execution, didn't the people who admired you want your death with a little provocation? Humanity is not worth living.
Having similar minds with Thor was the first reason you approached each other. Maybe not in terms of appearance, but your poor heart trembled as you compared him to Anakin.
Needless to say, Thor isn't easy to get attached to, but he's quick to adopt.
Too bad, Thor wasn't Anakin and you were just a human. But somehow you enjoyed each other's silence. Sometimes it doesn't take years to get to know someone.
In the beginning, you were just a friend, then his heart started racing with his chest for you when he heard about your existence.
He didn't know what to do, until Loki made fun of his 'little love'.
Is it love? A foreign but wistful expression for a man who for a long time fought only war. However, he quickly accepted it, he actually quite likes this feeling blooming in his heart.
The softening of your cold expression, the excitement reflected on your beautiful face when you talk about the things you enjoy, your facial expressions, your looks... He couldn't fall in love with anyone else but you anyway.
I don't need to talk, Thor is your personal bodyguard and is ready to fight to the death anyone who comes near you. Especially with that bastard Prince.
A strange lover who sometimes does very strange things. But as a result you couldn't think of being with anyone else
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thequietkid-moonie · 1 year
S/O is killed out of hate
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[ SCENARIO ] [ Thor, Zerofuku, Hades ]
[ Records of Ragnarok / Shuumatsu no Valkyrie ]
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It hurt me to write this 😔 anyway, here it is hope you like it! 🤠
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Thor may don't be the best with feelings or to express them, but when he start a relationship with you is because he is sure that he loves you and that he does it with all his being
If you ever have a problem you can always count with him, even when he doesn't fully understand it or when the only thing he can do is hear you he promise to always be there for you, you have Thor's protection without even asking for it
Still, Thor isn't someone possessive or clingy, he loves spending time with you but is okay if you need some time alone or sometimes is him who have things to do that will make him be away for a while, he is still the one of the greatest gods after all
Also, if he knows that you or even him have an enemy that could be dangerous he will give you an bodyguard if is need it, someone that will keep you safe when he can't be by your side, just to make sure
Still, you are free to go wherever you want, so it would in one of those occasions where you were just having a walk alone when someone had approached to you and put an end to your life
Thor will not going to take this well, at first when the news of your murder reach him he really hopes that this is nothing more than a bad taste joke of his brother, he was already looking angrily at the person who had tell him the news, but when the person insisted on it Thor doesn't waste more time and rush to your side, it was obvious how desesperate and furious he was, so much that no one dared to say anything, even stepping aside fearing to get on his way
When he gets where you were he slowly approaches to you without saying a single word, he is just too focused on you, gently caressing you face before holding you carefuly un his arms, hugging you tightly close to him while asking whoever where there what happened, his voice was so intimidating and full of fury that the person it was almost unable to answer
However, if the case is that he was the one who find you his reaction will be a little more aggresive, just by seeing your body on the floor he is shocked, it took him a moment to notice your blood or how you weren't moving (it would be just worst if the bodyguard he assigned to you was death there too), getting back to his senses he rushes to your side, despertly searching for a hint that you were still alive, but your pulse weren't there anymore, he feels so frustrated and angry that he even let go an scream of pain that alertated everyone around
He have to recive help from others to conduce a proper investigation because he can't just bring himself to calm down, he is too focused on his desire to find the culprit and make them pay for what they have done to you. He isn't someone who normally resorts to violence, but this time he isn't going to hold back when confronting the person
When he discover that they killed you because he hated you he will be even more furious, almost unable to hold himself and kill them right there, Thor wants to fight them properly, mainly because he wants to make them pay for what he have done to you, the more the person says the more angry Thor gets (as if he wasn't already angry enough), but it would make things worst for both if the person did it because he hated him instead of you, in that case he will be even more aggresive with them while fighting, calling him coward and saying that he don't deserve to even continue living
However, he himself will be in charge of preparing a farewell ceremony with all the honors, he wants to say goodbye to you properly and thank you for all you have done for him
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After Zerofuku was consumed by the negative feelings he was left behind with nothing more than the hatred he feels and the inmense pain, and still you decided to stay by his side
It doesn't matter too much if you know him since a long time ago or you just met him after he transformed, the important is that you had made your way into his life and heart, showing him the kindness and love no one had show him before, and once he accepted you in his life he wasn't planning to leave you go away, you are the only good thing in his life right now
That is why he had grow pretty protective over you, not wanting to anything bad happening to you, if he ever notice (or you tell him) that other people doesn't seem to like you too much or you even have some enemies he will be even more protective, wanting to be by your side all the time in order to protect you
It was one day that you were alone, maybe you have some things to do and Zerofuku just couldn't be with you right now or just you (or him) need some time alone to relax or think, everything seemed normal, just a pretty day, but while you were busy in your own mind someone came from behind to attack you
By the time Zerofuku had come searching for you that person had already go away, leaving behind nothing but your body. The moment Zerofuku lay his eyes on the escene it was like time stoped for him, unable to move or response to anything just trying to process what he was seeing
When he finally was able to move he screams your name while running to your side, he didn't want to accept that this was real, he was desperately looking for your pulse, some sign that you are still alive, the feeling of your blood in his hands it was unpleasant and the cold of your body scares him
He hate it, he hates you for leaving him, he hates himself for not protecting you, he hates this situation, he has nothing more than hate. He didn't exactly calm down but he does noticed the signs of the murder, it could be the position of the wound or that there wasn't around any kind of weapon, or even signs that you had fought for your life, and with every new sign he discover he just get more and more angry
It doesn't matter much if your death was quickly, that doesn't make things easier for him, but if you had suffer while dying that will make him more eager to find the bastard who had done this
After giving you a proper sepulcher and saying a last goodbye to you he will spend every minute of his life searching for whoever have done this, he has nothing more that his hate again, he has nothing to lose anymore. Even if he part himself before being able to find the culprit that won't stop them to continue with this, he isn't going to rest until he put an end to life of the bastard who killed you with his own hands
He was already planning to make that person suffer for what they did, but when he discover that they had did it because they hated you (or him) and that they even were just glad that you died that will make him more furious and eager to end with their life. He start fighting with them without even a warning and won't stop until his body don't give more, he is planning to let out all his anger and pain against that person, making them suffer until the very end, and even if they die that won't stop him from razing with the whole place until he can't anymore, until he feel like his entire body will fall apart, until he feels like he will pass out and has no more strength to continue
Is until then that he can finally just lay down and quietly cry for his grief
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Hades is a really caring person, and even when he seem really calm he is passionate, he loves you with al his heart and he is willing to do everything in his power for you to be happy
If you ever have a problem he will like to know, he is willing to give you all the time you need to talk about whatever is bothering you, but he wants to know at some point, specially if the problem is with someone specific since he will hate for the problem escalates to a greater one (still he is ready to step in order to protect you if is need it)
Hades isn't exactly clingy nor possessive, so you are free to do and go to wherever you want, but he will like to know what you are into just in case you need his help or just because he cares for you. Although he is a busy man, so he may not be able to spend all the time with you
It was one of those occasions that you two were apart, maybe he was busy or you just wanted to do something alone, either way you being alone gives to however wanted to attack you the perfect oportunity to do so, being quickly and before someone notice it they put an end to your life
His reaction will depend a little for how the situation had happened, but what doesn't change is the feeling of anger and frustration for not being able to help you
If he was the one who had find your body his inmediatly call your name and runs to your side, holding you close to him carefuly and searching for the pulse, just hoping that is still there, it doesn't take him long to accept that you died but that doesn't make things less painful. However, if is one of the guards/servants of the palace who had bring him the news he stops whatever he is doing inmediatly and demand to be lead to where you were, even rushing himself to get there, when he finally get he just slowly walk to your side and carefuly hold you tightly, in both cases even when he knows that you are death deep down he just wants for you to open your eyes, at least once, even if is just for say goodbye
This kind of situation it would be pretty difficult to happen inside of his palace, there are a lot of guard and since it is his domain he has an advantage, still it isn't imposible, so if it was actually on the palace it would make him feel worst, this was supose to be a safe space for you, somewhere you could feel free and secure and still someone had manage to do this. If it was outside of the palace he still feels bad but knows that there wasn't much he could have done for you
He tries to stay clam during all of this, quickly starting to work and ordering some guards to help with the investigation, but in reallity he is just putting his feelings aside in order to concentrate to solve the problem, he will express all his frustration and anger later, right now you are more important
Hades makes sure that, after he end the investigation he makes an special ceremony to say goodbye, he feel like this and finding the culprit is the very least he can do for you, if he wasn't able to protect you as he should be at least he will make things right in your name
Hades is a really good leader and strategist so it won't take him so long to find the culprit of this, and even when he have the bastard who dared to take you away from him he tries to stay calm, wanting to know why exactly they had done this, why they had went against you
Hearing that it was out of hate make him feel even more furious, that person had killed you just because he hated you, he can't comprehend why some one will hate you that much to the point that wanting to see you death. But it will make him feel worst if it was actually because they hated him, if the problem was with him you shouldn't be affected, it anger him that just because some coward that couldn't face him properly you ended like that
Either way, unlike like him, he won't be able to hold himself more and he himself will make sure to make the culprit pay for what he had done, he does it for your honor too
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yourstruly-caycay · 2 years
The "requests are both open and closed" is kind of throwing me off but I'll try anyways 😭,can i request an headcanon for Jack the ripper, Poseidon and Thor finding their lover cutting herself???? So an angst to fluff/comfort??? Bye i Hope i didn't bother you.
  No worry about bothering me or not, but I was quite surprise when you request this to me, I ain’t sure if I'm able to do this request, but I’ll try my best. However, I will write this base from my experience.
Warning: self-harm 
Jack the Ripper
He, himself, aware that because of his status as a killer (which he label it on himself). It can risk the relationship between you and him, that if you ever found out about this, there's a high chance for you to leave him out of fear.
Even if he's a killer, he genuinely do love you, but will never take the risk of showing his dark side.
Your love, smile, affection, and soothing words are enough for him to forgot the sickening action he do; in his eyes, you're an angel, you always looks happy in front of him and give amount of comfort and affection to him, you look so fine that he almost goes blind toward the curtain behind your smile.
How wrong of him, he feels like his heart drop when he see a blood on your wrist with the amount of tears flow from your face. Without any thought, he immediately yanked the knife from you and hug you so you won't do anything to harm yourself. 
 Hearing your tears of agony and sadness breaks him as all he could do is to 
A few minutes has passed since the incident, you relaxed in his arm with no energy left to cry, and now it's Jack's turn to be in alarm with the caused of your condition. Why did you do this? Did someone tell you a harmful words? Who? Did you actually find out his identity and shame of it to the point you want to end your life so you won’t be with him?
"Jack, let me go."
Your weak voice stops his overthinking questions and glances at you, how foolish of him, now it's not the right moment for the questions!
Shake his head out of disagreement with your statement, he instead carries you to the bedroom. Shocking you as you try to convince him again, but it turn to deaf ears as you finally give in since you’re not in the right mood to argue.
Placing you carefully into the bed, he then bring out the medical kit and gently tend your wounds as he tried to not accidentally harm you. After it’s finish, he stand up and said, “Please wait here for a moment, I’ll bring you some tea and snacks.”
The only answer he receive are your nod as he just smile and kiss your forehead before he leave.
Later, he come with two cups of tea and a cookies as he set it on the table, then he begin to hold you close to him and rub your back — after silent of comfort, he begin to ask, “Is there something that bothering you, Y/n?” no respond come from you — not like he expect for you to just immediately say it. “You don’t have to tell me now, tell me when you’re already comfortable enough to say it, I’ll always be there for you.”
Upon hearing his words, you lean closer to him as you bury your face to his neck and hug him back, the action itself is enough to let him know you thank him.
If there’s anyone who have the bold to hurt his darling, then a head without a half of its upper body will be found somewhere else.
That said, Thor realize that you’ve been distant from everyone including him for a weeks now and he have not see you as much as before either. 
At first, he thought that you might have a bad days and wanted to be left alone, which he did give you space. 
However, just because you’re rarely be seen, Thor always pay attention to your behaviors if he ever see you again, and the more he do that, the more concern he is. 
I mean, he should’ve follow his guts quicker...
"I’m fine, things has just... been a little bit bothering me, I guess.” You stated while avoiding eye contact with him. You thought that he might be upset with you, but to your surprise, Thor nod and pat your head, “Tell me if there’s someone or something bother you.” He hope that he did it right since he’s not too sure on how to comfort you in this tense situation. 
You smile at him and nod as you leave him behind, you might think that he give you space like usual, but since he’s been pay attention to your behavior, there’s something suspicious with your appearance — specifically your wrist that you’ve been hiding it every time he see you.
When you’re finally all alone, your true face finally revealed — emptiness can be seen within your eyes, your smile turn into frown, and you're letting out a breathe... it seems like smiling has been nothing but a pressure to you. to distract the emotional pain you feel, you take a deep breath with knife ready to slit your wrist, you close your eyes and- 
Opening your eyes in panic, you found Thor take the knife and crush it as he glance at you, which you cower in fear of his anger. “Please don’t be mad at me, please, don’t hurt me.” You sniffle with eyes wouldn’t dare to look at him and tears spills, but what you didn’t know is that Thor take a step back, "did I accidentally hurt them?” He thought, even seeing you cower break his heart.
“Y/n.” As he expect you to not answer him, he sigh and slowly step forward reaching to your hand gently. “I... I’m not going to hurt you.”
Hearing his words, you’re able to look at him and startle at his expression, you don’t know if you’re hallucinating or Thor actually express a sadness, but all you know is that you feel slightly relief.
“Yeah...” hearing his word, you begin to cry louder and cover your face in shame. 
“I’m sorry for crying, I’m sorry.” 
"There's no need to apologize." He hug you hoping that you won’t do any harmful attempt and comfort you, after that, he take you to your shared bedroom and try to talk to you about it.
Ever since that day, he’s also been checking up on you and staying by your side more (unless you ask him for space), although this won’t make your emotional pain instantly gone, you still thank him for staying by your side and being a pretty good listener.
Having a relationship with Poseidon is very difficult and you’re aware of this too, yet you still love him and want to keep this relationship because you also know that he love you... in a different way that you can’t understand since he’s still new to romance stuff.
However, just because a gods is perfect doesn’t mean their character is perfect, the downside to this one is due to his cold attitude (sometimes a jerk too), his lack of affection, and especially his obsess with perfection is what makes you struggle to open up to him when your flaws showed up... which this lead up into cutting yourself for the sake of coping with your problem, thinking he would just mind his own business like usual.
Perhaps, you shouldn't really underestimate Poseidon watchful eyes.
"Who did this to you, y/n?" He grabs your wrist filled with cuts, the wave suddenly roars so high that it startles you, and his disappointed face can also be seen.
But, you stay silent, cursing yourself for forgetting that Poseidon has a very keen eyes. "Y/n, I demand the answer now." His voice is calm, unlike the roaring wave outside, yet it still scare you.
Poseidon patiently waits for the answer as you still struggle to say it. "I... I..." Yet, in the end, you didn't get to say the words as tear fall down your face. He receive no answer but a sound of cry from his lover, slowly, he become irked, not at you, but the “person” who is responsible for this, he’s sure there’s someone who harm you. 
But now, he stay by your side before the killing spree. He hug you close to his chest and sigh in confusion, he has no idea how to make you go back to "happy-self”, but he know that maybe it’s the best to just stay by your side.
“Cry all you want, you can tell me about the filthy rat who harm you later.”
You thank him for that little comfort, but how will you tell him about this bad-habit coping mechanism you have?
~ The end
note: I’m having nervous wrack doing this, it’s like a trigger to my forgotten memories, but a good way to spill out how I actually feel through this fanfic! This is probably one of the difficult writing I’ve done.
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zodiacs-web · 2 years
hello! could you do head canons for poseidon and thor with an s/o who does competitive swimming. they could be your personal cheerleaders and you can push them in the water. also them having to help you with a tech suit would be pretty funny.
I’m starting my swim season soon so this has been in my brain for a bit lol
Swimmer S/o Headcanons
𖥔 Thor / Poseidon x Gn!Reader
𖥔 What's in the web: Fluff, potentially OoC Thor and Poseidon
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He isn't necessarily excited about such a thing, but if it's for you he'll gladly come to your meets. Just for everyone to stare at a strange man sitting at the benches, applauding for you every chance he gets be it if its silent cheerleading.
When it's one on one with you at the pool, he just enjoys watching. It's not that he doesn't know how to swim, it's just he isn't fond of water in that particular sense. But he's content enough to at least join you in the water for a few minutes.
If you try to push him into the pool, please god, you will embarrass yourself as you are weaker than him. He'll stare at you like you're insane but get the memo a few seconds later. Falling into the water just to hear you laugh in excitement.
Ah, the tech suit. Yeah, he may be strong and all but he's scared to help you. Fearing he'll rip it if he puts too much force on edges of your suit or if he ever tries one on. So every time you ask for help, be patient he's terrified he'll rip it.
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Poseidon is ecstatic that he has something he can do with you while also including water. Will gladly go to your meets just so he can give you pointers on your swimming like you haven't done this at all. Like you're a beginner to him.
One on one's are enjoyable with him, you take it slow, drifting across the water as he wraps his arms around you, listening to the water mumble. Then all hell breaks loose once you two start messing around and splash water at each other.
Pushing him in the pool is just like what'll happen with Thor. He'll recognize his strength and fall just to see you laugh uncontrollably. He just loves watching your face contort into this happy smile whenever you do it. He'll gladly fall to see it.
Tech suits. Make him wear one just so the thick cloth get stuck at his hips only for him to call you to help him. Your gripping onto the cloth while holding in your giggles, trying to get it up just for you to become weak with laughter. He'll rip it if it means getting it on him.
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