#so if I want to write quick smut it is always WACKY or/and a continuation of another fic*
catwouthats · 1 month
Y’all ever read your first draft of smut and think DAMN HOW FUCKING HORNY WAS I WHEN I WROTE THIS???? HALF THIS SHIT DOESNT MAKE SENSE???
Because I do.
Actually, even if it isn’t my first draft, I’m like “damn I wrote that?… this kink is WAY too fucking specific…”
Cause who fucking wants to hear about an AU where Kriptonians basically have ABO dynamics and can make their partner fulfill the other role (if need be) by simply touching them & being in love?? Because if they don’t have the medicine they (and their partner if they touched them) could get really sick if they aren’t helped through a rut/heat?? 💀
Who wants to hear about the physics behind having sex in space WHILE THE CHARACTERS ARE HAVING SEX IN SPACE??? Like, why do I talk about science in a long ass paragraph in the middle of the smut??? 💀💀
Not to mention, I always have characters over explain things so they are as comfortable as possible despite the shitty situation I PUT THEM IN 💀💀💀
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txemrn · 3 years
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Book/Pairing: The Royal Romance; Leo x Madeleine
Warning: angst (some dark discussion that would give away the plot); smut 🍋 (awkward, NOT sexy); language
Word Count: 3008 (+/-)
Song Inspiration: Faded by Alan Walker ft. Iselin Solheim (lyrics quoted in the text)
A/N: This is a Royal Roulette, technically, but then again, RR was created specifically for Wacky Drabbles, and I just couldn't get the word count down! Oops! Anyway, this idea came to me when I heard this song, and this story needed to be told. Some of it is canon; some of it is creative canon; some of it, well, we'll call it creativity. lol Any and all of these ideas came from my head, but I acknowledge that others have probably written similar stories (purely coincidental).
Huge special thanks to some of my sweet writing friends: @ao719, @charlotteg234, and @kat-tia801. This took a group effort, and I love you ladies so very much for pre-reading and making this story better. And as always, these characters belong to our friends at Pixelberry!
He was a rushing wind; my billowing sails drift me into the unknown, but I don’t care. He’s an incinerating inferno: every tradition I was taught was set ablaze by his touch. My caged heart was unlocked by him; he set the monsters running wild inside of me. In my world of propriety and decorum, he taught me to live; more importantly, he dared me to love.
He broke free: from the customs, our culture, the captivity of our world. He broke free.
Without me. And the mess is all mine to clean up, left with only a picture of our passion--a photo of the love we once shared together. But even that is fading, and will be lost.
I’m alone with my thoughts this morning on my walk. The bite of salt in the coastal breeze tickles my nose, inviting my platinum strands into a carefree dance amongst the sunrise. Adjusting my oversized tortoise-shell sunglasses, my bare toes leave the comfort of the white sand beach only to discover the sting of the barnacle laden steps to the stone jetty. But, the shallow waters never met what I needed. My soul craves to commune with the waves from the deep.
I’m lost; there isn’t enough time in the world to think this through, and yet somehow a decision has to be made. God, where are you now? Was it all in my fantasy? Were you imaginary?
Many described our relationship as ‘destiny’--no, not exactly the romance you read about in foolish fairy tales or hear about in silly love songs. Our families ran in the same spheres of wealth and power. Politics. We are royalty. Since we were close in age, we would spend countless hours together throughout our childhood and teenage years. Being the oldest son to the king, he is--well, he was--the crowned prince of Cordonia; an agreement to our nuptials started well-before my formal training specifically for his social season.
But, something was different about Leo and me. We grew quite fond of each other, a friendship that developed into sharing secret kisses in darkened corners. Was this normal for friendships? Or did we have something deeper? Was this love?
As long as I can remember, I was taught my body was not my own; I was born with a greater purpose, and in that purpose, I would bring honor to my family and my name. I would earn my place in history: a woman who gave of herself everything she could for the sake of a country. Even love.
My reputation is to be held in the highest regard. My efforts in style and wardrobe would be subject to conversation and scrutiny. My eloquence and table etiquette could determine whether or not I’d be fit to be a queen. Every eye movement, every smile, every response could bring honor or dishonor to my family. No one cared about me as long as I presented a pristine package to court, a sacrificial lamb for king and country.
But, when the moment came for me to be chosen as his bride, I felt the swelling of joy inside my chest, bursting like strobes of light for everyone to witness. Suddenly the ideas of ‘the one’ and ‘happily ever after’ that I read about in the great classics teased my senses; I wanted to cry, to scream, to laugh. My body had a sudden thirst, a yearning for him that I didn’t understand.
In my innocence, this could only be one thing.
“Countess Madeleine,” he knowingly grins, “will you do me this honor?”
Swallowing thickly, her jade eyes flutter open at the sound of her name. In a handsomely fit tux, adorning his family colors in full regalia, her future husband, the future king of Cordonia, takes a knee to present the stunning canary solitaire. The dread melts away as the butterflies overcome her nerves.
Keeping with propriety, she nods her head while curtly dabbing away tears. But, something is distracting her: she is to be relishing in her accomplishment of winning the honor, for winning all of the glory, for winning the crown. She is to be the next queen of Cordonia.
But she is overwhelmed by all thoughts of him, her husband-to-be, the father to their future children. Suddenly the life she had been training for didn’t matter; she was betrothed and in love.
Smoothing out the tightness of my heathered linen pants, I take a moment to stare at my empty ring finger. I feel soreness from the collection of tears, but I refuse to allow anymore drop on his behalf. Today is hard enough.
I hug my body, remembering the warmth of his intimate touch. I had kept myself pure for him. Until that night.
Within an hour of making his intentions known to the court, Leo scurries away with his future bride, leaving only a trail of giggles and whispers along the way to his chambers.
Shrugging off his jacket, Leo presses her petite body against the locked door. His hand gently cradles her head, his thumb tracing the length of her jaw. His lips hungrily search hers, wolfishly devouring her mouth before she can react.
“Is this okay?” he whispers under his breath, his smoldering gaze entraps her innocent eyes. Breathlessly focused on his swelling lips, she nods her head dutifully.
He places his hands on her waist before sliding them intently back onto the curves of her ass, grabbing at her fullness under her whimper. A growl becomes his breathing, staring at his prey.
“Do you love me, my future queen?”
Love. Was that love?
The hypnotic rise and fall of the waves is starting to sour my stomach, but the ocean spray is so inviting and calming on my clammy skin. Finding a smooth stone, I seek refuge from the surge of the sea’s tantrum. Relaxing under the gentle rays of the morning sunshine, I close my eyes, only to see him.
He cheats her out of her next breath, his tongue overwhelming her mouth. His eager fingers find the zipper to her ballgown. He paws at her back, his fingers brushing against the secret skin of her body.
Her bra tosses to the wayside; admiring his new found treasure, Leo’s hands plunder her supple curves. His mouth plummets to her hardening nipples, his teeth teasing her nerves with fear. The sudden twinge of pleasure thrashes her head against the door.
“Shall I continue, beautiful?” he exhales, catching his breath; but, before an answer is uttered, he stumbles back into the temptation of her perfect body. His fingers tease across the waistband of her petal pink briefs; her eyes cinch closed, her mouth unable to hold back a moan.
“Someone is enjoying themselves,” he chuckles, standing to tower over her. He kisses her cheek, leaning his mouth close to her ear. “Is this what you want?” He tucks a strand behind her ear.
“Mhmm,” her lips curl slightly, leaning into his touch.
“Do you like what I am doing for you?”
“Yes,” she softly groans.
“Yeah?” He reaches into her panties, her knees buckling to the wandering of his fingers. “Mmmm,” he pulls his hand out, licking his fingertips, “that’s my good girl. You love my touch.” He stands back, shaking off her body. Locking his eyes with hers, he casually steps backwards until he reaches the bed. He slides off his belt, unfastening his slacks.
“Come here,” he motions for her to step closer. “Show me your love for me.”
Madeleine’s eyes focus on his growing girth, bulging from his unzipped pants; but, then her gaze darts around the room. Surely he knows that she isn’t well-versed in such endeavors.
“Maddie?” he combs his fingers through her blonde tresses. “I love you. You know that, right?”
She closes her eyes. The words send a jolt of happiness through her veins. She was experiencing love. She was prepared for everything else, but this?
"Then, let me show you,” he growls, pushing her back onto the bed. Hungrily ripping off her panties, he exposes her to his touch. Youthful and pure. "Are you ready?"
He spreads her legs apart, her thighs trembling. She grips the sheets with her tiny fists. Her doe-like eyes stare into his hunting blues as she feels him touch her again; but this time, it wasn't his fingers.
With an inexperienced push of his hips, red flashes before Madeleine's eyes as she squints her eyes in pain, hiding the gathering of tears. He thrusts again; her teeth gnash at the breaking of her body. Her head thrashes back and forth, groaning as she serves a penance under his rhythmic plunges into her warm, narrow core again and again. Harder and harder. Faster. Deeper.
Without warning, the beating of her body stops, leaving her stretched, completely filled with him. Moaning her name in the company of obscenities, his breathing becomes quick and shallow despite his efforts to slow down. Sweat gathers across his brow as he savors the delicate tightness of her depths. Stumbling into his ecstasy, he loses control, pouring himself into her. The sudden rush of fullness makes her whimper, the sting begins to dull as a smile crawls across her face. His lips meet her soft, glowing skin. Finally, it’s over.
That night: it was so long ago. But, I can still feel it; I can still feel him. The smell and taste of him lingers on my tongue. I miss him.
And with that, my breathing labors as I choke out a sob. I press the back of my hand to my lips as tears cloud my vision from the Mediterranean horizon. A sour pang creeps up my throat as I cradle my tender belly with my other hand. Clenching my eyes closed, I hope to hold back the downpour of tears from my soul. God, please not again.
Madeleine's head rests on Leo's shoulder, his strong arm securely around her exposed body. Her marigold diamond catches the pale moonlight perfectly, it's brilliance mesmerizing the bride-to-be as she subtly teeters her hand on his well-structured chest. He suddenly engulfs her hand with his. Turning towards him, her lips meet his perfectly like the final piece of the puzzle, locking seamlessly in place.
"Runaway with me, Madeleine."
The flecks of evergreen in her eyes sparkle with curiosity. "What--?"
"This life, Maddie," he gently rubs her back, "is this really the life that you want-- that you'd want for us?"
She sits up, taken aback from the peculiar question. "You mean the life we're living right now? Us? Being engaged?”
“Yes--I mean, no. I--” Leo stumbles over his words, dragging his hand across his face. “I love you, and I want to be with you--” he pushes a platinum strand behind her ear, “--but do you ever wonder what it’s like out there? Out in the real world? Away from all of this pressure? Away from all of these rules?”
“Away from the public eye? Living life--” she titters into a big smile, “--like everyday people?"
"Yes." He sighs, pressing her hand against his heart. "Before long, we will be in charge. In charge, Maddie. Of an entire country." There is a quake in his voice, a quiver that even makes her feel chilled. "I don’t think I’m cut out for this,” a breath hitches in his chest. “Will I even be a good king?"
“Of course," she whispers, offering a doting smile, “Of course, Leo," her voice becomes stronger, authoritative. “You can do this. You were made for this. And while, yes, you are the king, you’re not alone.” She laces her fingers with his. “You’ll always have me. You have my support--” she kisses the back of his hand, “and most of all, you have my love.” She leans down to kiss his hand again, but rather he captures her in his arm, bringing her to his lips, making her squeal.
“I love you, Madeleine.”
She moans into his pout as he kisses her once more. “I love you, too, Leo.”
The creaminess to his baritone voice dissipates from my memory, fading away much like our love. How could I have been so foolish? I gave him everything--I promised him everything. My life, my whole existence was for him, and I naively thought that love would somehow stitch us together, that somehow we would be the monarchs that did have it all. Wealth. Power. Love. A happily-ever-after that could join the rankings of the greatest love stories ever told.
But, it wasn't enough. I wasn't enough.
The sudden rapping on the door abruptly wakes Madeleine from a deep sleep. The sunlight pours mercilessly through the windows as she grabs the sheets to cover herself.
The door suddenly tramples open, Constantine bounding first into the room, followed by his head guard Bastien. “Where is he? Where’s Leo?” The king sneers as the blonde trips out of bed, reaching for clothing. “For God’s sakes, couldn’t you two show some fucking self-control?”
Madeleine cinches the high-thread-count sheet around her body, leaving her slender shoulders and décolleté exposed. As a blush crawls across her face, the question begins to haunt her: where is Leo? He wasn’t in bed this morning. In fact, his clothes are missing from their disheveled heap that was next to her discarded dress. His watch and cell phone were missing from the bedside table. But, otherwise everything seemed to be in place.
Madeleine rushes to the ensuite bathroom, hoping to find a logical clue to Leo’s whereabouts there.
"Call him. Now," the king growls at the anxious countess.
"He's not answering us, Countess Madeleine. We assume given your current relationship with his majesty--" Madeleine nods in understanding.
"I'm sorry, but the phone number you're trying to reach has been disconnected or is no longer in service."
Her eyebrows furrow as she ends the call. "I--I--I don't understand," she stammers, rubbing her forehead with her fingers. "His phone has been disconnected--"
"Fucking ungrateful--” growls Constantine, ripping the phone from Madeleine's tiny hand, “--selfish son of a bitch!" He throws the phone against the wall, shattering it into pieces. He gruffly turns towards his future daughter-in-law. “Are you certain you dialed the right number?" He spits. Madeleine braces herself against a wall, turning her face away from him. She carefully nods, refusing to make eye contact. “Unbelievable!” Constantine knocks over some antique silver candelabras before exiting the room, leaving Bastien behind.
“Sir?’ Madeleine quietly calls to the guard, drawing closer to him, ensuring her body is covered. “What is all the commotion about? Where is Leo?”
“Leo failed to report to his morning engagements about last night festivities. According to our cameras, he left this morning through the northwest gate in an unmarked black Sudan around o’four hundred hours.”
Madeleine cups her mouth as she stumbles to sit down on the bed. She nervously combs her fingers through her tangled tresses. “What does this mean?” She spouts nervously, her body shaking with tears gathering in her eyes.
“Please try not to worry, ma’am,” Bastien carefully places a comforting hand on her bare shoulder, quickly withdrawing it when their eyes awkwardly meet at the gesture. “Um--” he clears his throat, “--I don’t know what he’s doing, but we will find him.” He turns on his heel to leave Madeleine alone when suddenly a thought hits him. “By any chance, did he mention anything to you?”
‘Runaway with me, Madeleine.’ One simple request. He asked me to just simply follow him. I thought he was joking or simply making a hypothetical request due to his uneasy nerves; but, my love for him aside, this was my calling: to serve him. If I had chosen to honor him rather than challenge him… if I had chosen to remind him of responsibility and duty rather than trying to win him over with ludicrous ideas of love in marriage…
Leo abdicated the throne.
No one speaks about royalty relinquishing their responsibilities. We’re born into this; we were made to do this. We spend our entire lives preparing, being told that it is an honor to bear such greatness, it is an honor to host such power. No one speaks of the alternative. Truth be told: if we knew there was a way to escape, to renounce such a life as this, how many of us would take that chance?
It’s been seven weeks since that awful morning. Seven weeks of silence and darkness. Seven weeks of broken dreams and false hope. Seven weeks of only one absolution: Leo had found his freedom. He wasn't coming back.
I pull out the photograph of our love just one more time as the tears gather once more in my eyes. Leo’s last words to me were ‘I love you;’ but somehow as I trace my fingers amongst the black and white print, I have to say, ‘goodbye’ for both of us this morning.
“Ms. Amaranth?”
“Yes, ma’am?” Madeleine wakes from her daydream, her voice trembling. She chews incessantly on her nails as her crossed legs bounce nervously. The sterile white walls around her seem to be closing in around her; the air grows thick, stifling. “I’m sorry. What did you say?”
The dark brunette stands to come closer to the blonde. She straightens out her white coat while fixing an endearing smile on her face. She sits down next to Madeleine, taking her hand. “I asked if you are sure about this decision?”
If Madeleine had learned anything in the past two months, it's that she could only be sure about nothing. She stares at her bobbing toe, hypnotically entranced with the clicking of the clock in the exam room.
“There are other options," the doctor continues. "Adoption. Keeping the baby.”
I tear up the ultrasound picture in my hands, letting the wind chase it to the sea. The tattered pieces drift for a place to rest, sinking to the depths my soul will forever crave, a secret place far too precious for this world. For my world.
Goodbye, love.
Tag List (please please please let me know if you need to be added or removed!): @ao719 @bbrandy2002 @burnsoslow @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @choiceskatie @dcbbw @forallthatitsworth @gkittylove99 @glaimtruelovealways @iaminlovewithtrr @jessiembruno @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @lovelyladyk88 @lucy-268 @mainstreetreader @neotericthemis @nestledonthaveone @phoenixrising308 @sfb123 @shannonwrote @shewillreadyou @taniasethi @texaskitten30 @thefrenchiemama @twinkleallnight @yourmajesty09
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bbrandy2002 · 4 years
Wacky Drabble #17: Liam’s Smut
Part 3
Part One Part Two
“Riley’s” Fic/What Happens In Fydelia
This is part of @emceesynonymroll ’s #wackydrabbles. This weeks prompt is: There is a certain taste to it.
Liam x Riley and Liam x Hana x Maxwell
Word count: Lets just say, the limit doesn’t exist. So Sorry Enna😲 ……2143
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A/N: Its been a hella crazy, hectic week and Im Not too thrilled with how this turned out but it is what it is.
Chapter Summary: In an attempt to get Riley to understand how he feels, Liam writes his own smut with shocking results.
**Special Note: @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore did not write any part of this, therefore, this drabble should not reflect on her far superior talent. I had no plans to write this when I wrote the previous drabble or I would have never drug her name into it…but, ya’ll just had to see what Liam wrote 😂 Thanks Bleakmore for being such a good sport!
This is MY attempt to write a story within a story, that includes smut (not my forte), in Bleakmore’s writing style, with a fictional character as a contributor, while also switching back and forth in my own writing style….God have mercy on all of you!!!!
MY READ MORE DID NOT WORK AGAIN...tagged as long post
Riley’s eyes flitted at the screen as she scanned the words written before her. It was quite obvious by the content and plot of this story, one person in particular was meant to read it-her, and it had Liam written all over it. If those two things didn’t make it clear enough, the username, @inyourfacerileybrooks-love-liam, was the biggest indicator her husband had bested her.
A sea of crimson rippled across her face and heaving chest as she shifted onto her side, adjusting the laptop to lay on the bed next to her, full of resentment and outrage. If she was being honest with herself, she felt more guilt than anything.
If he wanted to “out smut” her, she’d be damned not to see what she was up against. She sighed heavily as she began to delve into his-little story.
Liam Fucks Hana Five Ways From Sunday With His Enormous Dick”
A new collaborative drabble by @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore and newcomer @inyourfacerileybrooks-love-liam
NSFW 🍋🍋🍋
Summary: This takes place in Fydelia, during the engagement tour, where Liam had caught his girlfriend, Riley, having sex with Drake in the courtyard.
“Bastien!”, I yelled, “arrest these two for treason, indescency in public, and…”, upon seeing the little Hershey bar wrappers scattered on the ground from Drake’s smores, “….litering”.
Seeking my forgiveness, Riley sobbed and pleaded for her release, citing temporary insanity, as her reasoning for betraying me in such a manner.
I did not care.
As my head guard took them both away in shackles and chains, I stopped him momentarily, “Bastien?”.
He turned to acknowledge me, “Yes, Your Majesty”.
“Throw away the key”.
I never wanted to see their sorry faces again. They both will spend the rest of their days in the palace dungeon, in misery, never to see daylight .
Riley rolled her eyes, “real subtle, Liam”, she murmured, before continuing….
I left the scene of their sexual crime feeling hurt and destroyed. Everything I had done since my coronation had been to protect her….Her! When I spoke those three words in the hedge maze before we made love for the first time, I meant them….I loved her.
Truth is, I never stopped.
I never will.
I would have gone to the far reaches of the universe to love her and show her love. I would have given her anything, do anything she asked, gave her my very own life to protect her, yet, it wasn’t enough to keep her. She didn’t think I was man enough to be those things for her, a lover, a protector, a soul mate, a confidante…my best friend.
She wanted Drake Walker for that.
Shame…there is a certain taste to it. Extremely spicy? Maybe. If so, Riley’s mouth was on fire. She pushed herself up from lying down on her side and gently tossed the laptop onto the bed. If there was anything she was ever sure of in life, it was that Liam loved her and always had. Those words she just read, were meant for her, in the here and now.
Her stomach began to twist and turn, a sour taste rising in the back of her throat. She eased herself from the bed to stand, wiping away the steady streams of hot tears that moistened her cheeks.
She ran to the bathroom, shutting the door and fell to her knees before the cold porcelain, emptying the foulness of her betrayal inside of it. Feeling miserable for hurting Liam and causing him such pain.
“Mommy?..daddy?”, Nikolas called out as he sleepily entered his parents empty bedroom.
Without a reply, he stepped in further, his little, beady blue eyes darting around, seeking to find his mom and dad, his ears perking up at hearing the shower running.
Nikolas decided to wait for them to come out of the bathroom, not knowing Liam had stayed in his study last night. Grabbing onto one of the large wooden posters at the foot of the bed, he placed one foot on the frame and hoisted himself up, crawling playfully to the center.
He rose to his feet and jumped up and down several times before landing on his backside with a high bounce, giggling with pure delight. Riley’s laptop caught his eyes, resting on her pillow, open wide with the screensaver of a half naked, Ryan Reynolds bouncing around consistently. He perched himself on the edge of the bed, his short legs swinging freely over the side, as he laid the laptop in his lap.
He knew he wasn’t permited to use electronic devices without adult supervision, however, in his mind, that was not something he was concerned with. His tiny finger ran over the touchpad as his ears listened intently for the shower to stop. Nik’s eyes narrowed on the words that flashed before him, his hand cupped over his mouth….“daddy did what to Aunt Hana?”…..
Returning to my room at the estate, wounded and dispirited, I pour one drink after another, drowning my sorrows. My ultimate goal was to feel nothing, to forget the love of my life ever existed….if only for this night.
Soon, the dizzying effects of the alcohol begin to take its hold on me. I shed my suit jacket, feeling warmth, tossing it absentmindedly on the bed. I began to roll up the sleeves of my dress shirt, when a gentle knock alerted me to the door. I stumble haphazardly across my suite to see who it is at this late hour.
Hana and Maxwell stood opposite of me with looks of concerns and disappointment.
Maxwell and I stand before Liam, who looks like he has spent the evening wallowing in what Riley and Drake had done to him. By now, the entire court and press had gotten word of their very public display of affection….if thats what you would call it. When Maxwell and I were made aware of the situation, we thought he could use a friend, a shoulder to cry on, and-The Game.
The King invites us into his lavish executive suite, lit only by the moonlight’s glow through the clear glass of the balcony door. A near empty bottle of scotch sits on the coffee table in front of the sofa with a pack of cigarettes and a full ash tray.
“Liam”, I wrap him in a warm hug, “we are so sorry for what happened. Is there anything we can do?”.
“Yeah, buddy”, Maxwell said with an encouraging smile, “we came to cheer your up”.
Liam crosses to the center of the room and slumps down onto the couch, grabbing the bottle of scotch, “I appreciate that, but…I don’t think anyone can help me tonight”.
I look to Maxwell, who gives me a knowing look and a nod. We avert our attention back to the King who is lighting up his next cigarette and falling back into the couch.
I wink at Maxwell. It’s time.
Maxwell and I move to the sofa. He plops down on the end opposite of Liam and I settle myself in between them; there was only enough room for the three of us.
I’m grateful that Maxwell and Hana are so concerned for my wellbeing, however, I really just want to be left alone.
Hana shifts next to me and places a delicate hand on my knee. If I weren’t so inebriated, that act alone would seem almost inappropriate for a lady of my court. I take a quick draw and exhale the toxic fumes towards the ceiling.
“Your Majesty”, her voice sweet and low, “Maxwell and I would like to play a…"game”..with you.“
I smile at her and lightly squeeze the hand she has resting on my knee, “I’m not really in the mood for games..maybe another time”.
“Come on daddy, play the game with Uncle Max and Aunt Hana”
I catch Maxwell’s hand moving just below the hem of Hana’s knee length dress, gliding under the fabric as he caresses her thigh, inching higher and higher. I quirk my brow, curious at to what this knucklehead was doing.
Hana closes her eyes, appearing to melt into his touch, soft moans escaping her lips. I scoot further away, unclear as to what the hell is going on.
The intricate lace of Hana’s light pink panties become visible as Maxwell’s finger disappears under it. Her usually, elegant hand, pressing him further and deeper into her. I avert my eyes and begin to whistle uncomfortably, wondering if these two came to cheer me up by…fucking in front of me?
Hana’s sultry voice beckons for me. “I dare you to touch me too, Your Majesty”, an inviting grin appears on her face as Maxwell removes his fingers from her. To say I am baffled would be an understatement, yet, my cock starts to harden with anticipation.
“Do it, do it, do it”, an oddly subdued Maxwell begins to pressure me with a shit-eating grin.
I shake my head insistently, “I..I can’t touch Lady Hana like that”, I wanted to, she’s gorgeous and talented, and by the looks of Maxwell’s glistening fingers, fucking soaked. I lean forward and put out my cigarette, planning to get away from whatever the hell kind of game these two are playing. I’ve played Monopoly, I’ve played checkers, never have I “played” Stick a Finger in The Pussy.
My heart races as she grabs my hand and pulls it towards her. I hesitate, but, dammit, I’m only a man. My fingers roam over the wetness of her panties, I can smell her essence and it completely overcomes me. I make my way under the lace; she is warm and slick. I begin to move with precision through her folds and she groans my name. Hana’s giftedness never fails…I can honestly say, I do feel a little more cheerful afterall.
Through her moaning, she dares Maxwell to suck my dick. I laugh, oh the Hana…she’s such a jokester, until that son of bitch gets up and kneels before me. In my drunken state, I don’t move as my lifelong friend unbuckles my leather belt and slowly unzips my pants. He releases my cock from its confines…is this really happening? Hana squirms under my touch and I can tell she is close to the edge, as Maxwell’s hot tongue curls around my shaft.
“Nikolas!”, Liam’s voice booms disapprovingly as he stands at the doorway, “are you on your mother’s laptop?”
A panic-stricken Nikolas, jolts from being caught, then squints his eyes as he watches his father approach him.
Liam towers over his young son, hands on his hips with a displeased glare. “Well…what do you have to say for yourself?”
Nikolas remains quiet for a moment before Liam presses him again for an answer. Without warning, he cries out, “You are a bad man daddy! A very bad man!”. He jumps off the bed, pushing himself past Liam, wailing and sobbing back to his room, where his door could be heard slamming shut.
The bathroom door opens and a towel clad Riley slips out, “What was that?”
Liam scratches his unkempt hair, perplexed at his son’s outburst, “I’m not sure. I caught him on your laptop before he told me I was a very bad man and cried himself out of the room”
Riley swiveled the laptop he left on the bed towards her, leaning over it in search of what caused her young child to explode. Her lips moved quietly as she read until, “YOU HAD A THREESOME WITH HANA AND MAXWELL?!”, she blinked wildly, “…my baby is gonna need therapy for life”.
Liam grabbed the device from her, “I most certainly did not”. He read the post for himself, gasping at each sentence, nodding his head incessantly, “No…No…animal sounds?…golden shower?…Hana milked our prostates? Drake escapes the dungeon and kills me with marine life?…I didn’t write this, I swear. I only wrote the first part and Bleakmore assured me she would give it a loving ending”.
Skeptical at his story, Riley points to the screen, “Look”, her eyes focus in as she points to the screen, reading aloud, “Never ask a Drake stan to betray him…You’ve been… Bleakmored”. She bites her lip to control the urge to laugh.
“Bleakmored?”, he sighs, “Bleakmored?…I hope she knows she has traumatized our son”, he closes his eyes in disbelief before Riley wraps her arms around his waste and draws him closer to her.
She stares up at her husband with a loving smile and sincerity, “I’m sorry you were Bleakmored…and…I’m sorry I wrote that story about Drake. You are the only man I want, My King”, she trails kisses across his neck and palms his hardened groin, “maybe you can finish your smut where you left off, with me”.
Liam shudders under the intensity of her hands moving in perfect motion, “Only if you let me… milk you, My Queen”.
Riley lips curl into a devilish grin “I’ll get the Vasoline and rubber gloves”.
Wacky Drabblers and Permatags: @emceesynonymroll @burnsoslow @jessiembruno @sirbeepsalot @dcbbw @romanticatheart-posts @stopforamoment @katedrakeohd @pedudley @of-course-i-went-to-hartfeld @drakesensworld @ao719 @janezillow @eileendannie @texaskitten30 @glaimtruelovealways @fromthedeskofpaisleybleakmore @hopefulmoonobject
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daemon-knight · 5 years
Well folks, it’s time for me to once again shake off all the conflicting feelings and nagging thoughts I’ve had about Tumblr RPing and the general community. Yup, another semi-off-the-cuff Rambling. And I’m using the tiny text this time, so you know it’s big. 
I… honestly don’t feel comfortable calling it off-the-cuff given how many times I’ve edited and organized this, but it breaks my usual rules of a Rambling due to how blunt it is, so… here we are. I want to say this will be the last time I make an off-the-cuff post like this, but I also know I’m going to be doing posts like this for as long as I continue to RP, especially on Tumblr. My gripes will never cease, and I always have something to whine about.
But with that all said…
Nitpicks that Bug Allen
I’m going to just knock out the smaller issues I have with the RPC now before I really start rant and rave about the issues I want to get to. For those who have been following me long enough to know about my ramblings and gripes these are probably issues you’ve heard me talk about once or twice… or thrice. In any case here are the short ones, or at least the ones I can summarize in a sentence or two:
People still have very long bios and rules pages and it needs to stop. I’ve talked about these five times and I the fact I’m bring it up again  just makes me mad.
Speaking of continuing issues, passwords are still a thing too. Get rid of them. You wouldn’t need them if your rules page was short to begin with.
Also gonna’ say this again, but musing and aesthetic posts do nothing to show your character’s personality, traits, or themes, you’re writing does.
I’m starting to see blogs with half-finished or non-existent about pages promoting     themselves. No. Stop that. Finish the blog or drop it, don’t do it halfway and expect to be rewarded.
Probably gonna’ be its own section in this giant Rambling but stop trying to world-build outside of your character. That’s annoying and it makes more work for your partners that’ll be a wasted effort if you yourself only     adhere to it when it works for you.
Dash Commentary. It’s either funny or it’s metagaming. If you aren’t making a comment about something happening to be funny, then don’t post it, that gets very annoying in more plotted storylines.
Pretty sure judolette/Lita covered this at some point, but canon blogs depending on wiki links for bios… no.
Power Levels are still a thing that piss me off, but I’ll go into this later, for now just watch this, this, and this to get an idea of what power levels mean in terms of writing. The short version is that you don’t have the luxury of a universal power scale on     Tumblr, so you have to actually show strength instead of imply it.
Well, I just said the P-word, so I guess I’ll just get to meat of it now…
Power Levels and Fight RPs
Apparently, I can’t talk about this without going on a rant, so here we are. Okay, quick question for anyone that’s been following and reading Claudia’s stuff for a while.
How strong do you think Claudia is?
Take a moment to think about that. On a scale of one to ten, where do you think Claudia stands? Feel free to message me the answer if you want. If you want some context she’s canonically fought a dragon, a ninja, an alien mercenary, a monster hunter, a vampire-hunting vampire, and so on.
Okay, have your answer? Good.
You’re wrong. Claudia is as strong or weak as she needs to be for the plot to have stakes. Her strength in terms of value is irrelevant so long as its believable.
Claudia is strong enough to match her super alien girlfriend, but weak enough to be hard countered by the four-foot inquisitor. Strong enough that she can face off against the six-foot dragon gatekeeper barehanded, but weak enough for the creepy space witch from space to scare her despite her brave face. Strong enough to 1v1 an actual dragon, but weak enough to get overpowered by her little sisters.
You get the point?
Is it clicking?
I’m not even talk about things that happened off screen, Claudia has fought against all these threats and people in canon. When it comes to fight RPs my logic on if an attack hits or misses is simply what reaction creates the best reply. This is why Claudia consistently gets wrecked by Nero but is having an epic kung fu battle with Meiling, it’s interesting and cool. It’s why Temma and Claudia’s sparring matches are low-key and simple while Syn’s fights are bombastic and having them throw each other through buildings like a DBZ fight.
Again, is it clicking? This is basically how a lot of pro-wrestling works. 
Granted, I’ll admit I don’t plot a lot of the RP fights on this site because I see Tumblr RPing as a lot more free-formed than in the forums where nearly everything is a plot line to an extent. This place tends to have a lot of on-and-off RPs that can go quiet and dead for weeks and months before getting started again. That… makes me hesitant to plot anything that isn’t silly or nonsensical because the chances of it truly playing a role in a plotline can get wrecked the moment someone goes dark for a month.
But speaking of Tumblr RPing...
How Allen Views RPing
I think this is the main thing that gets my goat for a lot of the things that go on with the RPC here on Tumblr. To me, role-playing is just that, playing a role. The main idea behind it being to make a character and write them in whatever wacky adventures you and your partners can think up while keeping some thread of continuity and stakes. To that end the biggest thing I like to see as a writer in this type of medium is convincing and interesting characters that would mesh well with the characters I’ve written, be it their personality, background, mannerisms, writing style of the writer, etc.. 
Or you’re a shipping/smut blog that just wants to kiss and bang. No judgement either way that’s just not what I’m into, at least not on Tumblr.
But back to my point, this type of writing is very character driven. It depends a lot on making an interesting character in background, premise, personality, and actions, as well as showing those things through the writing. 
I know I make it sound complex, but for me, if I find a character that can punch Claudia in the face and will, in fact, do so if challenged then that’s enough to at least get me interested in a plot of some kind. Granted, there are some nuances for that, but I’m a pretty simple guy at the end of the day.
You see my point, right? A lot of RPing revolves around the character and making them feel real, or at least probable. This is a part of story writing too, but it’s not the only thing to worry about when writing a story, and it doesn’t have to be the focus unlike RPing.
This also plays into why I don’t partake in nor appreciate things like musings or aesthetic posts. Those don’t sell people on the character, what you write sells people on the character. Pictures, quotes, and other aesthetics do little to show how your character behaves and acts, they’re a shortcut to skip out on writing a character, and I refuse to partake in it.
Essentially, it’s a lot telling and not much showing, and that pisses me off.
I know I sound like a bit of a hypocrite since I occasionally post my drawings of Clauds and her musings, but in my defense most of my posts involve actual writing and her musings are writing in character to her specifically.
And on that note...
Allen’s Views on Canon Blogs
A lot of what I said about writing your character and show their personality and traits through said righting mostly applied to OC blogs and OCs. I won’t go into the nitty-gritty of character writing, but the basics are to just write a character, a premise/goal for that character, and keep the personality and behavior consistent with what you’ve previously established.
Canon characters are a different story.
Well, not completely. I see canon blogs in a similar way, but under much more scrutiny. With an OC you just need to make sure your character is within the grounds of what you’ve written in their profile. So long as it’s probable it’s not OOC or cheating.
Canon characters don’t get that much leeway.
The same principle of selling your character applies, but now with a character that already has an established background, personality, and expectations by fans of the series. This is the reason I think a lot of canon blogs in the RPC get into drama. The fact that these characters already have established backgrounds and expectations can cause a lot of people to get in a fit when those expectations aren’t met. When someone veers off too much from established canon without good reason it breaks the emersion and people get annoyed by that. This is also why when I use to be involved in Canon blogs I usually went with side characters or main characters from very small/unnoticed properties.
Like I said, the idea of selling the character still applies, but that also means the musing and aesthetic postings I mentioned before annoy me even more for canon blogs. The fact that there’s already a lot that we know about these characters to begin with means there’s no real reason to try and cheat by using musings or aesthetic post to get an idea of the character, we already know them or there’s a wiki page that explains them. Or your profile did what it was supposed to and gave us a basic idea of what the character is about. The only case I would see for a reason to cheat would be if your character was diverting from canon in an extreme way.
Which is a nice segue to…
Canon Divergent Blogs
I see two main types of Divergent blogs.
The first type are the blogs that pop up because a character was killed off in canon or put in some state of incapacity like a coma or warped to another dimension, or… just written out of the media for some reason. In this case I think a divergent blog is fine. There might be some narrative issues that would lead to certain characters not evolving or developing because of the sacrifices made or the attempts at realism within the story might ring hallow, but that’s overall harmless in the grander scheme of things and there are some writing tricks to make a fake-out death just as meaningful as a real one. 
However... the second type has me worried. 
The second type is usually some variation of “this character was written poorly by my standards and I’m rewriting them to what they should properly be.” As someone writing their own story and has attempted to write several stories in the past, I’ll tell you straight up that story writing is hard as hell and RPing is a cakewalk by comparison. Making a story from scratch with consist and entertaining characters that have unique character designs and personalities is probably one of the hardest things to do. And that’s just writing, I can’t even imagine the trials animators and professional comic/manga artists go through in order to do the same for all the work it takes to have a series, let alone a successful one.
This stuff isn’t easy, though I do understand the mindset. If character X got shafted and you want to give them a better shake, fine. But… be wary when you assume the version of the character you’re writing is the better one or what was supposed to be, especially for children’s media/anime. Just… remember that you’re writing for a character that was probably made for kids and not an older adolescence crowd, no matter how dark or deep the writing got. When a canon character deviates so far from the original Canon can you really say they’re the same person?
That said, as an OC blog that doesn’t follow a particular canon universe, I myself have no real stake if Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto starts acting like a happy-go-lucky ditz, or if Jin Kisaragi from Blazblue actually starts to visibly care about people other than Ragna and Tsubaki. Claudia has nothing to do with character, so what they do and her reactions to their interactions is... eh, negligent at best in the grand scheme of things.
I… don’t have a good segue to this next topic, so…
A bit random, but I wanna’ get my opinions on shipping out the way while I’m here. This is something I’ve never really understood, neither in RPing nor in fandom. 
From a writer’s perspective, a romantic subplot is tricky because it an easily become the focus and create a huge genre shift that will annoy your main demographic. As such, when two characters get together it’s usually at the end of a story and end it there, because writing a continuous relationship with ups and downs can be difficult when you’re an action series about explosions and punching people. However, the general rules of writing a relationship is usually to keep the character... well, in character. I’ve talked about this before as well, but Claudia dating Syn doesn’t change a lot about their personalities, or at least Claudia’s. She’s still a tomboyish girl that likes fighting, she still picks fights with essentially everyone, she still... acts like Claudia. The only addition is that she’ll occasionally mention she has a girlfriend, and even then she’ll admit that their relationship isn’t the greatest. Syn is always on missions or jobs off planet that just leave Claudia to hang out with her robot maids. Syn is noticeably stronger than Claudia and that ruffles her pride a bit. Syn does a lot of dirty jobs that could harm Claudia’s reputation further if political enemies learned about Claudia’s relationship with her. Hell, Syn is substantially older than Claudia by hundreds of years and that age gap itself creates issues of perspective. This is just a series of things to touch and write about.
Ah, but I was talking about how this played into RPing. 
Again, from a writer’s perspective my main question is does the ship make some form of sense and will the ship create a genre shift that turns what I was originally watching/reading into some romantic series. If the pairing can make sense and the tone/genre remain steady, then I see no issue with it. In terms of RPing, so long as the ship doesn’t lead to you never replying to other RPs and keeping your character consistent with your original premise then I see no issue with it.
So I’ll never understand why people get so riled up about this. Folks need to realize that these are fictional characters that aren’t real. Who they date won’t affect you, and unless it cripples the writing, I don’t think it needs complaint. But then again, romance is my weakest point as a writer next to smut, so… who knows, maybe I’m off base with this one.
I… also don’t have a good segue for this one either, so let’s talk about…
Multi Muse Blogs
To every multi-muse blog following me right now. I want you to do me a favor and pick out your top five characters, the top five that you always like writing for and playing as. You got them figured out?
Okay, delete everyone else from your blog.
Take it from a guy that ran a Multi-Muse blog for three years, don’t just add every random muse that pops into your head. Figure your top five and if you need to have more then make them side muses and specify on your blog somewhere, they’re side muses. Remember all that talk I gave about keeping things in your profile short and simple? Well now you have +5 characters, so that because a requirement if you want to keep your blog running smoothly. Everything I said before about running a blog, aesthetic posts, and so on just become five times more important now because you making five times the work for anyone coming to your blog.
Here’s a quick rundown of how I managed my multi-muse blog:
It’d be best to keep every character within the same world/universe or following a similar theme, my OC mutli-muse was focused on mercenaries and my canon multi-muse had all the characters from the same organization for an example.
Make your profiles short and simple. This is very important because you have 5+ characters and we need to get an idea about them very quickly.
Again, try and keep the limit around five. If another OC pops into your head do me a favor and write a short story about it if you really need to write them, keep them away from your blog unless they’re absolutely needed.
Wouldn’t hurt to get a page code from theme-hunters and have a small blurb about each character either. I know that’s a lot of work, but it really helps when it comes to summarizing a character at a glance.
That’s all I can really say on the matter.
And yet another bad segue…
World Building and Verses
Pretty sure I talked about this several times before, but let me put it in basic terms:
If it’s not relevant to your character, it’s not relevant to us. Your world’s 5 deities mean jack if your character isn’t religious and not actively worshiping one of them while warring with the other four. That long 5-page essay about your world’s magic means jack if your character doesn’t use magic, and even if they do just describe it in a way that’s relevant to your character. Your character’s ancient sword passed down from the great hero king means jack if that king isn’t King Arthur or someone of actual world renown. Hell, this is why a canned the lore of Claudia’s spear in her profile, it wasn’t that relevant to Claudia as a character nor did a play a part in any RP, so it was pointless text and I removed it.
Again, I’ve said this before, but Tumblr RPing doesn’t work like a group/forum RP. Your character’s world is automatically fuses with everyone else’s unless there’s a specific verse for it like RWBY. That world has a lot of specific rules and systems relevant to it, but nearly every other universe is just a spin on modern fantasy, which I be glossed off with a bit of creativity. This is how Claudia’s Soul Eater verse works. Soul Eater is within a modern world, but has supernatural elements like people that can fly and shoot lasers and the like. Claudia’s canon world has those things too, but not cars and other modern devices. At the same time, the Soul Eater verse can keep Claudia as a normal human with some decent fighting skills and keep her skills relevant.
Let’s be real, being able to wield a spear or other melee weapons is pointless in our modern world, but if said weapons were the only way to kill demons and other monstrosities, then people that can master those weapons have worth and can beat up said monsters and other threats with melee weapons without people batting an eye at it. The Soul Eater verse isn’t there just for the sake of Soul Eater, but for the sake of Claudia interacting with characters in a Modern setting that won’t destroy her premise of low-born noble joining military to no suck dick.
Actually, I’ve been talking a lot about writing, and I think that’s the last of things that truly annoy me about RPing on this site, so I think I’ll concluded this with…
Something of a Disclaimer
Now that I got all that out of my system let me say this while I have your attention, because I know I probably ruffled some feathers with this post.
Don’t take what I said to mean I think Claudia is being written with the idea of exploring deep themes, complicated relationships, or anything like that. Claudia is a Black, lesbian knight from Medieval-RPG-Fantasy -France that wields a black spear that can transform into other phallic weapons and is dating a cannibal alien mercenary from outer space while sparring with her robo-maids. She is currently training/mentoring an android that was made/adopted by a hyper-sexual dimensional space witch from space. Her circle of friends consists of a ninja, two catgirls, a vampire, ghost skeleton, and her samurai uncle. And need I remind you of all the times I’ve even taken my potshots at her. Trust me, I’m not saying my character is a stream of good writing.
For example, I’m trying to write my own original story. It was originally going to be about forest ninjas solving a civil war/political schism, but that got canned when I started to work on the world-building and realized writing out a solid civil war plotline was too difficult for someone of my skill. So, I changed it over to kung fu girls and that’s slowly turning into a series of vignettes with an over-arcing plot about a turf war in the background, something in the vein of K-On in terms of structure (a little ironic given the main character is named Kyo-Annie). 
This isn’t even my first time trying to write about the kung fu girls or the ninja girls, this is my third attempt at both over a year’s time. Writing, especially for a story, is hard. You need a well-made plot, decent world-building, entertaining characters, good sentence structure, unique writing style, and so on. Not to mention understand enough about the very language you’re writing in to make sure all the words flow properly. I honestly have no idea how you multi-lingual folks do it, I’m truly impressed by you guys.
But the point is, writing a story and writing a character are very different things, and I’m someone that’s been leaning more towards story-writing as time goes on than character writing. Writing Claudia’s character involves me making sure her dialogue and actions match up with what I’m presenting as a tomboyish, competitive jock that likes fighting and wants to maybe be a princess. Writing Claudia’s story involves me delving into things like upward social mobility, researching medieval politics and warfare, talking about themes of conservative tradition vs. progressive advancement at the cost of identity, whether losing oneself for the sake of their goals is worth it, and the list just goes on. 
It's like I said in my views of RPings, I see this as a very different form of writing and when doing a story, especially on Tumblr. You don’t have the luxury of icons to show expressions, or a profile to get a basic idea of a character. A lot of world-building needs to be done properly and carefully integrated into the story. You can’t just randomly add character upon character without it getting called out as impulsively hopping POVs. There’s just… a lot to keep in mind, and as I start writing these stories and get more involved in writing off Tumblr, the more… Tumblr annoys me.
Ugh, this got depressing. I think I’ll talk about something positive next time. Anyway folks, this 3000+ word Rambling is done. Hopefully I’ll talk about something more fun later.
Like fight RPs and fight narratives, those are always fun.
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fightmejeonkook · 7 years
Tumblr media
REQUEST: Hey i just read all of your fics hehe and i really like your writing! Can I request a very protective demon!tae fic pls? Doesn’t matter if fluffy or smutty thank you so much x 
GENRE: Demon!au, Supernatural, smut(to come), slight angst, i have to make this fluffy ofcourse
He was never supposed to meet her, but when he did, all he wanted to do was to keep her. 
(PT1/??) - PT2
Your toes curl into the sand, lips releasing a deep sigh as you do your best to drone out the deafening beat of music that drums against your ears. You continue to step forward, lips curling up in a smile when the music is replaced by the steady sound of waves crashing against the shore. A cool breeze whips pass you and you wrap your arms around yourself, eyes captivated by the reflection of the moon against the waters. Abruptly, you feel your phone vibrating inside your back pocket and you hesitantly pull it out, glancing at the messages glowing against the screen.
Yoongi(11:41PM) where are you? Jungkook’s been looking for u everywhere.
Yoongi(11:42PM) y/n, are you at least okay? I’m worried.
Jungkook (11:45PM) where are you? Let me explain.
Jungkook(11:45PM) y/n, its your birthday, don’t ruin it. Please talk to me.
You let out a scoff, tucking your phone back into your pocket as you take a sip out of your drink. You frown as the bitter taste heats your throat as you take a seat against the sand, watching the waves move back and forth at where water met the earth.
An unwanted image of Jungkook walking hand in hand with a girl flashes through your memory and you immediately shut your eyes, trying to push away the thought away as your chest constricts. Sure you two had broken up, and sure you had promised to stay friends. But it had been just what? Two months? And now he’s walking into your birthday party with another girl like it was the sanest thing to do?
Well, here’s to not giving a shit about your feelings at all.
You let out a scoff, fingers tracing random shapes against the sand as you pull your knees towards your chest. A cough catches your attention and you snap your head back, eyes locking with an unfamiliar face as he rubs the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Sorry, I didn’t know someone else was already here.” His deep voice dances with the wind, caressing your ears, and you have to keep yourself from shivering as you shake your head, lips curving up in a smile.
“It’s fine. You can stay if you want, I don’t mind.”
His lips purse for a second before he’s nodding, hands pulling out from his pockets as he’s stepping forward and offering you a hand as a sign of respect. “So are you trying to sober up or are you just avoiding the ruckus?”
“A little bit of both.” You give his hand a quick shake, eyes widening in shock when you feel the spark of electricity that runs through where your skins had met. He quickly pulls his hand away, pressing it against his lap as he takes a seat beside you. Now that he was this close to you were only able to see his features properly. And to say you were shocked was a complete understatement; you were absolutely stunned. Seeing just how gorgeous this deep voiced boy was had you at a loss for words. He was dressed in a plain white shirt paired with black tight ripped jeans, showcasing his thighs in the most delicious fashion. Hair pushed back against his head, hidden under a red snap back which he had put on backwards.
You embed each beautiful feature on his face, convinced that you were never going to see someone as handsome as him ever again. From his beautiful thick eyebrows, perfectly chiseled jaw line, his amazingly structured nose, and last but not least, his tantalizing brown eyes that gazed at you with so much intensity that had your stomach fluttering with butterflies.
“Not really one for partying, are you?” He asks with a small smile and you swear to every deity that existed that they had opened the heavens at how handsome he had looked smiling at you like that.
“Yeah, it’s too rowdy in there.” You nod, the irony evident in your voice when in fact, this party was being thrown in your honor “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before though.”
“Ah.” He nods “Yeah, I actually just came with a friend. He said there was this huge birthday party and that I should come. So here I am.”
“You don’t look like you’re having fun though.” You angle your head to the side to look at him, heart hammering against your chest when you see the way he was gazing at you, as if you were the most interesting thing he’s ever seen in a while.
“Too rowdy.” He repeats your words, teeth digging against his lower lip as his eyes lock with yours.
You were about to open your mouth and say something when a sudden ringing has you jumping in shock. You reach around for your phone, pulling it out of your pockets before staring down at the picture of you and Jungkook leaning against each other as you made wacky faces.
You were going to have to change his contact picture one day
“You should pick that up.” The boy beside you mutters, turning to look back at the shore line as a small smile graces the corners of his lips “He seems worried about you.”
You had no time to question his words as you unlock the screen to pick up your ex boyfriend’s call.
“Y/n!” Jungkook’s relieved sigh washes over you and you have to swallow the lump stuck in your throat, annoyed that just hearing his voice still gave you shivers. “Where are you?”
“Why?” You answer his question with another question, something you knew he completely despised. He groans against the phone, muttering a quick “move” to someone who was probably blocking his way before he’s focusing back on you “We need to talk.”
“About what?” You ask again and you could swear you could feel the anger bubbling through Jungkook even though he was probably more than 30ft away from you, marching around inside Namjoon’s beach house.
“Y/n, could you at least for one second be bearable and tell me where you are?”
“You should end the call.” The deep voice of the boy beside you once again vibrates through you and you snap your head to look at him, just recalling his presence. You blink at him, lips parting in shock when you see the seriousness of his expression.
“Who was that?” Jungkook all but growls against the phone and you have to push down a wince, knowing damn well that he was fuming at you now.
“He’s drunk; he has nothing good to say to you right now. End the call.” The boy beside you orders again and for some reason you find yourself listening to him as your finger dances against the call end button, deciding if you should bid Jungkook farewell or not.
“Y/n, who the fuck is th-” You end the phone call, not wanting to hear another word from Jungkook, who was indeed drunk out his mind. Jungkook only ever cursed at you when he was drunk. No matter how mad he had gotten at you in the past, he never cursed you out unless he was completely shit faced drunk.
“How did you know he was drunk?” You ask the boy beside you, eyebrows furrowing at  how he had figured things out without even hearing the phone call.
“I just assumed. Most of them inside are drunk anyway.” He shrugs, acting as if he hadn’t given you the vaguest explanation ever.
“Y/n!” You suddenly hear Yoongi’s voice from a distance and snap your head back, watching as your best friend starts making his way towards you.
“You should go.”
“It’s just Yoongi, he’s my best friend.” You turn back to the boy beside you and push yourself off of the sand. His eyes never leave you as you stand up, the intensity of his gaze invading your system as goose bumps prick against your skin. Suddenly you were wishing that Yoongi hadn’t found you so you could spend more time with the beautiful stranger whose name you hadn’t even discovered yet.
“I-I don’t know your name.” You stutter out, hands wiping against your jeans as you listen to Yoongi advancing closer towards you.
“Taehyung.” His smiles does wonders to you as he bobs his head to the side, eyes crinkling shut “Oh, and y/n? Happy birthday.”
You have no time to ask him how he knew your name or how he knew it was your birthday as Yoongi suddenly wraps his hands around your wrists, eyes wide with concern.
“Where the hell have you been?” He asks, looking at you from head to toe to check your physical state.
“I was just talking to-” You turn around, eyes widening in alarm when you see that Taehyung was no longer anywhere in sight. You snap your head around the beach, trying to see where the young boy had disappeared off to. You furrow your eyebrows against the darkness of the night, and as much as you strained to look for him, the beautiful stranger was nowhere in sight.
“Well whatever you were doing, you scared the living shit out of me.” Yoongi sighs, hands running through his hair, a wave of relief washing over him when he realizes you were safe “Jungkook’s in there drunk as hell and picking fights with every breathing thing he can see.”
“What?” Worry spikes through your blood as you step towards the beach house. Sure, Jungkook was an asshole, but as much as you hated to admit it, you cared for the guy. He was never a fight picker when he got drunk, so hearing this type of behavior from him had you ready to run inside that party to sober him up.
“Its fine, Namjoon’s sedating him and-” He clears his throat “-the girl he’s with is calming him down. He’s just resting now.”
Your heart clenches in pain at your best friend’s words but you chose to ignore the pain as you plaster a fake smile against your lips, wanting to drop the topic as quickly as possible “Well, that’s good. At least he’s okay.”
“What about you?”
“What about me?” You arch an eyebrow, slipping on your sandals as you start walking back towards the main house.
“Are you okay?” Yoongi follows beside you, eyes watching you with caution as you stick your tongue out playfully at him. He always did worry so much about you. Yoongi was a rude, tough and harsh man. But when it came to you, it was as if his whole personality would shift.
“Of course I am. Honestly I’m just tired so is it okay if I head home first?” This day was already coming to an end for you anyway. To be honest, you were already happy enough having spent the day with your friends but little had you known that they had planned to surprise you with a party, using Namjoon’s beach house as the location. You adored them for it, loved the fact that they had gone out of their way to plan this for you, but truth be told, you were never one who enjoyed partying.
“Sure. I understand. Should I drop you home?” Yoongi asks and you shake your head, knowing that the boy had taken one too many drinks to be driving anywhere. You lightly flick his nose and he immediately frowns at you, slapping your hand away.
“Stay here and enjoy some more, there’s a bus stop right in front of Joon’s house, I’ll be fine on my own.”
“Stay here, Yoongi.” You gently command, and just like every other time, Yoongi listens to you. He nods his head; a deep sigh escaping his lips as he gives your hand a light squeeze. It was as if he hated that he listened to you so much.
“Text me the entire ride home.” He mumbles and you immediately smile at him. You press a gentle kiss against his cheek before your stuffing your hands inside your hoodie’s pockets and walking away. You feel his gaze on you the entire time as you march away, navigating past drunk teenagers who were swaying through Namjoon’s lawn. Once you were in front of the large beach house, you glance around the street, shocked to see that the usual bus stop had now been moved a few feet away from where it usually was.
“Huh, when did that happen?” You mumble as you start walking down the dimly lit street, the music from Namjoon’s house still buzzing lightly around you. You pull your hood over your head; teeth biting against your lower lip as you glance around, wondering when the next bus would be arriving. Your phone vibrates inside your pockets again and just as you were about to pull it out, you stop in your tracks when the street light above you starts to flicker.
You lift your head up, watching with curiosity as the light bulb turns on and off. You shake away the goose bumps that run through your arms before you turn back to the road, eyes widening when you see a figure standing directly a few feet away from you. You narrow your eyes against the dark, heart hammering against your chest in fear as you try to make out who the stranger was. He slowly turns his head to the side, gaze locked solely on you as his lips lift up into a sinister smile that has you shivering in fright. He takes a slow step forward, stepping into the light of the street lamp hanging above of you, finally revealing his identity.
“Mark?” You call out, just coming to recognize one of Namjoon’s close friends from his university. You take an unconscious step back, suddenly feeling a negative vibe resonating through him that you’ve never felt before when you had initially met him.
“You smell absolutely delicious little girl.” His usually deep voice cracks, a hiss following ever word that escapes him, sounding as if it wasn’t him who was really speaking.
“Are you drunk?” You stutter as you turn around, trying to look back at Namjoon’s house that suddenly felt too far away. If worse came to worse; you were going to have to run back towards his house to scream for help.
“Hungry more like it.” Mark cackles and that was when you knew he wasn’t sane. He twists his head from side to side; tongue running against his lower lip in the most gruesome manner as he stalks forward. You reflect his movements and step back but suddenly he was pacing towards you in a speed you’ve never thought was humanly possible. You push back against your heels, trying to run backwards as a scream bubbles against your throat. Just as you were about to call for help, you see Mark reach his hands out, nails ready to claw at you as his eyes glow bright red. Mark bares his teeth at you and just as his fingers were about to lock around your throat, a figure appears before you, broad shoulders shielding you from whatever horror that lied before him. You lift your head up, hands shaking as you watch his red snapback fall off of his head as a strong gust of wind zooms past you both.
“Royal blood.” You hear Mark hiss again and you take another step back, your nerves quivering in horror at the turn of events.
The figure before you angles his head to the side and it takes you a few seconds before you recognize him,  Taehyung, arms stretched out in front of him as his hands circle around Mark’s throat, gripping with a force that had the horrid boy’s neck turning black.
“Run.” Taehyung instructs, eyes turning to look at you. You stifle a gasp, your fingers shaking even more when you see the shift of color of his pupils. What once were brown orbs was now colored blood red, staring at you with so much command that your knees buck in horror.
“Run, now. And not inside the house, there are more of them in there. There’s a bus coming, get on it and go home.” He nods for you to leave and for some reason, you listen. You start running away, drowning out the hiss of your name that escapes your attacker who was now in the hands of Taehyung. Just as he had instructed, you see a bus driving towards you and you wave at it for dear life, watching it slowly down and open its doors for you. Before you get on, you spare one glance to where Taehyung had stood. But just like back at the shoreline, the beautiful stranger was once again nowhere to be seen. Your lips tremble in fear, legs giving away their strength as you collapse inside the large vehicle. Red eyes flash in your mind and suddenly you’re letting out deep pants as you try to decipher if what you had seen was real or just a figment of your imagination.
Taehyung lets out a scoff, hands slamming down against the ground as he throws the night creature a few feet away from him. The creature lets out a strained cough, throat finally loosening now that Taehyung no longer had his hands wrapped around him. Taehyung runs his hands through his hair, tongue pressing against the inside of his cheek as he observes the creature’s human form flickering away, finally taking in his actual gruesome identity.
“Don’t lie royal blood, you could smell her just as much as we could. Is that what you’re doing? Trying to keep her to yourself?” His voice cracks around the air and Taehyung lets out an annoyed chuckle, watching as the creature stands on his legs, black ooze dripping down his decaying form.
“You darkworlders always were so chatty.” Taehyung mutters, hands flexing as he summons for his blade.
“It’ll be fun killing a royal blood. I’ll be deemed a hero, especially after I notify them of how you were protecting a stupid human girl.” He grins, and Taehyung has to resist the urge to gag at the sight of his razor like teeth dripping with green venom. Of all the downworlders he had to face, why did he have to face one as disgusting as this?
“What makes you think you’ll be able to kill me?” Taehyung arches an eyebrow, watching as the creature stalks towards him, ready to attack.
“In your own realm, you may have been strong, royal blood. But in this realm, you’re weaker, much easier to kill.”
Taehyung lets out a scoff, hands tightening around the tang of his blade. Before the creature could even move his arms, Taehyung had now closed the distance between them, hands tightening against its throat as he leans forward.
“I may be weaker here-” Taehyung smirks before driving his blade into the ribcage of the darkworlder “but I’m still stronger than you. None of you could ever kill me.”
Taehyung watches in silent interest as the creature screams, howling in pain as he collapses to the ground, a bright flame burning where Taehyung had struck him. Slowly, the downworlder’s body crumbles to dust, disappearing with the wind as he succumbs to his death.
“This isn’t how I planned this night to end.” Taehyung sighs as he shakes his hands, waving his blade away. He runs his hands through his hair before he’s listening to the slow drum of the wheels of your bus. He strains his ears even more, doing his best to capture your voice over the voices of the rest of the passengers.
“I’m not crazy, I’m not crazy. That hot boy really had red eyes, that hot boy disappeared before my eyes two times, that hot boy… wait, oh god hot boy’s name is Taehyung. Just what is Taehyung?”
You were muttering utter nonsense and Taehyung had to bite back his smile as he continues to listen to you, not sure as to why he loved the way your voice had hummed against his ears.
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
What Happens in Fydelia
AKA: The Loser Fic
AKA: Wacky Drabble Prompt 11: Did you have fun.
Drake x Riley
A/N: A few weeks ago, @burnsoslow and I had a bet on who knows the others LI the best, she being a Drake stan and I, Liam. We had to answer 10 questions on books 1 and 2 of TRR. My quiz consisted of questions on Drake and I lost badly.
As part of the bet, I had to write a 500-1000 word short of Burnsy's choice where my MC has sex with Drake, essentially blowing off Liam (or technically in this case, Drake). She requested this take place in Fydelia during the fire pit scene among other things I can't reveal yet. I am NOT a smut writer and clearly thought I would win....so this is the best I can do.
WARNING: Sexual content
Also...Im effecient and used this as my drabble this week....a 2 for 1.
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A cool breeze swept Riley's brown locks wildly, as the glow of the moonlight lit the stone path away from Madeleine's estate. She needed to get away, to make sense of everything that had taken place.
The past few weeks since the coronation had been hell for her-shunned, betrayed, scorned-today was no exception. The relentless berating by the press was one thing, but, Madeleine's taunts of superiority as she got her coveted prize made the foulness of the situation even more distressing. Then, there was the last straw, Liam asking her to be his mistress, a dirty little secret that he could play with after darkness fell, when no one was looking.
Through her teary eyes, she spots a fire in the distance, the perfect spot to warm up from the crisp air and seek solace, away from the press, the shit heads at court, and, especially, him.
Riley slumps wearily into one of the chairs sitting around the stone fire pit, her misty, brown eyes sparkling with the glow of the flames. All the pent up hurt and frustration, finally coming to a head, as she sobs into her hands, trickles of tears streaming down her arms, caught by the earth below. If Bertrand hadn't guilted her into staying, she would catch the first flight out of Cordonia and return to New York, screaming one last fuck you as she headed out.
She wanted nothing but this private moment to unchain herself from the misery she was shackled with, all stemming from a lie, in which she was the actual victim. As difficult as these false accusations were, if Drake hadn't burst through her door that night at Applewood and saved her from Tariq's unwanted advances, she shuddered to think of what could have been. She leans back in her chair, eyes closed and takes in a deep, calming breath. Soon, her deepest, darkest desire, finds her.
The feel of his rugged hand sweeping across her bare shoulder, jerks her from her thoughts. Riley knows without a doubt who it is, she can sense him, he always finds her when she needs him the most.
"Brooks?...you okay?", she hears his husky voice call out to her.
Riley looks up at him with swollen, puffy eyes and he immediately kneels down in front of her, "Hey...hey whats wrong with my girl", he asks while sweeping a lingering tear from her chin.
She attempts to speak, but, her voice is void of words, the only sound she can muster is a loud whimper that rings through the air. She swallows hard, trying to compose herself.
Drake reaches up and places a gentle hand on her cheek, rubbing his thumb under her eye to catch another tear. "Its okay Brooks, I'm here", he pulls her to her feet, easing Riley into his strong arms, wrapping her tenderly into his chest.
They remain in this embrace as Riley sinks deeper into him, melting into his scent and the increasing tempo of his heartbeat, matching the throbbing of her center.
His warm breath tingles on her ear and spreads across her face. She can feel the heat and energy radiating throughout her body, and in this moment, under the cover of a starless sky lit only by crackling flames, if he doesn't touch every single inch of her, she'll burst.
Riley leans into Drake and with a pleading whisper, "I need you, Drake", sensually rubbing his cheek with hers, kissing softly along his jaw, nipping tenderly at his ear.
Drake pulls back, everything in him saying run for safety, she is his best friends, girl. That's what his head was telling him, but, the other part of him that had wanted to devour her since Lythikos was strangling him as her perfume lingered, intoxicating his lust even further. She has consumed his thoughts, his dreams, and every desire for months.
He watches her plead with those fucking eyes that always pulls him in and make him weak. As a rush of hot blood encapsilates every vessel within him, he's reached a crossroads, the invisible wall is quickly crumbling. Pupils dialate, lips salivate, hands gravitate. Tick, tick, tick, the time to turn back has vanished, his cock was fully engorged, he was at her mercy now.
"Drake", her yearning eyes burn right through him, waiting, longing, begging, "I'll do anything you want", she whispers.
He licks his lips in anticipation and nods, "Yeah...you will", he says commandingly. Gripping the back of her hair into a tight fisted ball, he pulls her head back, exposing her neck, his lips taking full charge. Goosebumbs emerge from every surface of her smooth, velvety skin, sending shivers to every aching nerve.
Did either one feel guilt or shame for what they were about to do? Not one damn bit.
The zipper of her dress tugs slowly downward, as their tongues twine together, heat and passion, merged together, attempting to dominate the other. Her hands steadily loosen his belt, unbutton and then grip the collosus that is Drake Walker's dick. It becomes obvious very quickly that he is so much larger than she anticipated, Liam doesn't even come close in size. (😒)
Their lips seperate as she gives one last longing look before sinking down to her knees. She unleashes him from the confines of his jeans and underwear, nearly losing her breath when she comes face to face with his enormity. She glances up at him, with a startled looked, as he lifts himself to her plump lips, beckoning her to endulge.
She grips his tight ass and begins at the head, her tongue swirling rhythmically, emerging herself into him slowly and methodically, moistening as much as she can take of him. Her core vibrating with seering expectancy for what lies ahead, knowing it will fill every inch so completely.
Drake grasps the back of her head, guiding her in further, willing her to take even more of him. Riley withdraws her hands from his ass, slowing his movement with tension to his forceful hips plunging deeper into her mouth. The massive girth and length only permits her to engulf half before she responds from an involuntary gag. Moans and hums dissipate with the mild winds, casting their pleasure filled melody into the night sky.
Drake reaches down and grabs her by the ams, hoisting her to her feet in one swift move as she plops him from her mouth. He lifts her from the ground, wrapping her legs around his waist, battling her tongue once more. Sweeping her hair back, he sinks his teeth into the nook of her neck, suckling delicate impressions along her collar. Riley arches in anticipation of the sensation of his skilled fingertips traveling up the full length of her spine, her breasts, her peaked nipples, before sliding between her legs.
With pressure mounting within both of them, she still straddling, he sits in the empty chair he pulled her up from earlier. Drake lifts Riley and readies his cock, teasing her entrance and prolonging her pleasure.
With a heavy breath, she begs him fervently to lower her onto him. When he finally complies, its like the earth suddenly shifted in orbit, she could swear he filled every portion of her and beyond. She's not used to having such a large cock and has to widen her legs further to accomodate him.
For the next several minutes, the meshing of their bodies slide perfectly with one another. Kissing, thrusting, gripping, they move closer and closer to their abyss. Riley can't contain herself as she screams his name, caring not whether anyone hears her. Her legs begin to quake, "Drake!", her eyes start to flutter, "Drake!, shockwaves emerge throughout as her body tenses in pure ecstacy, "DRAKE!".
His name screaming from her lips arouses him even more as he continues to work into her over and over. His own climax threatening to emerge, Drake quickens his pace until his thrust become erratic. As his balls clench, he sinks his teeth into her shoulder, moaning loudly his own release. Riley accepts every bit of his offering as it mixes with her own hot pools of gratification.
They cling to one another, reveling in their contentment and bliss, soft kisses exchanged to cap off their tryst.
"Did you have fun?"
His shaky voice asks as they both turn to find a stunned Liam, crying over the betrayal he had just walked into.
Riley smirks, still basking in her sexual joyride, "I really did". She glances over at Drake, endulging in one more quick passionate kiss, "Drake is a much better lover than you ever were". (😭)
"Lady Riley, did you hear anything I said?", Bertrands voice booms through the limo.
Riley lifts her head from the car door, rubbing her eyes, and sees Maxwell and Bertrand both staring at her. "What....where are we?", she asks hoarsely.
Maxwell bounces excitedly in his seat, "We're at Applewood baby! Time to put our Sherlock caps on and bust this case wide open".
Bertrand clears his throat, "Yes...and perhaps you'll want to stifle your...moans... for Drake Walker while you sleep. We're trying to clear your name of one indiscretion, not, add to them".
A blush creeps across Riley's face as she slinks down into her seat, "It was just a dream?", she mumbles, surprised. She dabs the beads of sweat from her forehead as she tries to slow her heavy breathing. It was....just a dream.
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