#so when he sees him sweat his mohawk off he has no issues with pulling him out of the pit and telling him to open his mouth
s0fter-sin · 4 months
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#12 “Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
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[Prompt fill to continue this NonBinary Masc Hux pregnancy story - I Made Your Favourite. 3,829 words. Trigger for mpreg, alcohol, weight/food issues.]
It was all Mitaka’s fault.
Well, that probably wasn’t fair, but Hux was going to have to blame someone because accepting that he was being both irrational and a tad naive really wasn’t his style.
The problem had started a month ago, at that bloody conference. Hux had just given- in his not so humble opinion- the presentation of the day, if not the whole week. He’d secured £18 million in new business for the company and his proposals looked set to become the industry standard. He was riding high.
But he was also drenched in sweat. He, Phasma, and Mitaka had decided to take a well deserved coffee break, but it was too fucking hot outside to wear his suit jacket. So he’d just slung it over his shoulder like he had a million times before.
Except the posture pulled his shirt tight, and now there was more than his usual binder-smoothed lines on show. Kylo had bought him a new half length binder, and Hux had felt certain that he wasn’t showing yet, but…
Hux was staring wistfully into the confectionary cabinet while they stood in line at Costa when an overly familiar finger prodded at his middle.
“You might want to start laying off the donuts, boss. I know we said we’d fatten you up, but maybe go for a smoothie?” Mitaka said with a laugh, his finger still poking gently at what he thought was fat.
It had been like the floor dropping away. Hux had been fighting other people’s perceptions of his weight his entire life- always on the medically concerning side of skinny, always able to eat whatever he felt like but made to feel like it wasn’t enough. The flip side of the coin was no less unpleasant.
The doors had opened, changing the quality of the light, and he caught his reflection in the glass cabinet.
He looked like a man who’d let himself go. He hadn’t thought he was showing, and he wasn’t, not in the traditional baby bump sense yet but… there was a bulge there. Sitting just above his belt buckle. With his whip thin frame it looked like a beer belly.
Hux hadn’t really thought this through. He’d told the senior partner, Snoke, because he needed the time off for appointments but the old man didn’t give a fuck about anything other than his bottom line. He’d just griped about statutory leave until Hux had explained Kylo’s plan to be a stay-at-home dad.
For some reason Hux had assumed that would be it. A few appointments here and there, an extended leave of absence and then back at work. He’d entirely forgotten the whole blowing-up-to-the-size-of-a-house thing that came in the middle.
He was at the top of his game professionally and now his direct report thought he was letting himself go. Hux had no idea how to navigate this because he literally hadn’t considered it.
“Dopheld, what the fuck?!” Phasma hissed, breaking the silence Hux hadn’t even noticed was dragging out between them.
Mitaka was shaking slightly as if he’d finally realised exactly how inappropriate his actions had been. Or he was terrified by the fact that Hux was just staring blankly at him.
“Excuse me.” Hux said quickly. He hadn’t run away exactly, but he had left the coffee shop with his phone in his hand. It was easier to pretend to make a call than to face whatever the fuck that mess had been.
Fortunately there was a Starbucks just down the street, because of course there fucking was. Hux had taken himself there to calm down. And to get the food his body was clamouring for.
He felt like he was being judged by the barista when he ordered the decaf cookies & cream frap and cheesecake muffin, but his cravings were what they were.
He hated cream but apparently the baby loved it, so he would have to endure. Trust Kylo to get him pregnant with a child that had bad taste. It would probably insist on wearing all black clothes and have mastered eyeliner before it could speak.
The image of a rockstar baby was absurd enough to make him smile to himself, and he relaxed slightly. He had half an hour before he had to be back at the conference, so he settled in a window seat and pulled out his phone. Phasma had sent him a ‘U ok?’ but he ignored it. Let Dopheld stew for a while.
GingerSnap: I’m not letting the baby have a mohawk KylOMG: I hadn’t even considered it but now I’m gonna have to make it happen GingerSnap: No KylOMG: Can’t talk, researching infant safe hair dyes. How do you feel about green? GingerSnap: It’d look like a fucking leprechaun KylOMG: Exactly GingerSnap: Dopheld thinks I need to ‘lay off the donuts’ KylOMG: [...typing…] GingerSnap: If you’re composing an anal sex joke you can sleep in the shed tonight KylOMG: Aw. No fun. What about ‘cream filling’ jokes? GingerSnap: Fuck off, I’m serious, what do I do? KylOMG: Eat a whole roast chicken in front of him, establish dominance. GingerSnap: Jeyzus Kylo KylOMG: Did I make you laugh? GingerSnap: Yeah KylOMG: Then my work here is done. We both know you’re healthy, & so is the baby- that’s all that matters right now. Don’t stress yourself, your body isn’t Pheld’s business.
Kylo had been right, and it had made Hux feel better. But he’d still put his suit jacket back on when he went back to the conference. Dopheld hadn’t been able to make eye contact with him, but Hux would still rather sweat than worry about what anyone else thought.
That had been a month ago. Now summer was in full swing and Hux wasn’t getting any thinner. Or any cooler.
The office at least was air conditioned and thanks to the combination of his height with his narrow frame most store bought suits had more than enough space to hide his progress.
And he was hiding, he admitted that now. He’d gotten used to not having conversations about his gender, and dealing with midwife appointments was exhausting enough. They’d been asked where the surrogate was at their first few check-ups until the staff at the centre got used to them.
He knew he’d have to face it all eventually, or take his leave early and deal with the office gossipmongers, and it looked like today might be the day to decide.
There might be lovely cool air con at the office, but the 18th century venue for the annual summer retreat was definitely lacking in that regard.
As much as Hux wanted to wear a suit the dress code was ‘casual’ and someone would be taking notes to ensure compliance with the mandatory fun. So he was wearing the coolest casual wear he owned, and it did nothing to hide his figure. Skinny jeans and soft shirt featuring Kylo’s band logo. They usually looked good on Hux but now he felt like a snake that had swallowed a beach ball. He was only 18 weeks too, it was ridiculous. The moment he stepped outside everyone would know.
“Take my jacket, it’s cold outside.”
Hux hadn’t even noticed Kylo was behind him until he spoke. He knew he’d been dithering just inside the lobby, watching his colleagues on the lawn with trepidation, but he must have been standing there for a long time for Kylo to have caught up to him. Kylo had only just got out of the shower when Hux left the room.
“I don’t think anyone’s going to believe that,” Hux said quietly, tugging restlessly at the hem of his t-shirt. He hated dressing casually in front of his coworkers at the best of times. It felt like taking his armour off. “It’s fucking 32 celsius in the shade, Kylo.”
“Then say you're worried about burning,” Kylo suggested instead. He let one thick fingertip run down Hux’ pale arm for emphasis. “Everyone will believe that.”
Hux chuckled nervously but took the offered jacket anyway. “I'm not ashamed you know.” He said after a moment.
“I know. You've spent every minute in our apartment in your pants. I get it- it's complicated.” Massive shoulders shifted in a shrug. “Whatever you want, it doesn’t bother me.”
Kylo’s clothes, like the man himself, were constructed on an entirely different scale. Hux felt instantly swamped in the mass of grey denim, but it smelled reassuringly of his husband, and half his anxiety melted away.
Beside him Kylo swallowed noisily.
“I uh,” Kylo leaned in to whisper in his ear, “can I reserve a private viewing of you in just the jacket?”
A blush ran down Hux’ chest at the tone and took the last of his worries with it.
“You look fucking amazing,” the whisper continued, “but the thought of all that pale skin and ginger fuzz,” a huge hand settled on his abdomen, “and that belly- fucking majestic.”
Hux snorted. “Ridiculous.”
“We’ll see.”
As they crossed the lawn towards the set up for the evening’s entertainment, Hux noticed Thanisson running towards them with a worried expression.
“Excuse me, Mr Hux?” The intern said when he was still twenty feet away, “Sorry sir, but the performer for the evening has been delayed. Mr Snoke told me to borrow your husband instead.”
That at least was par for the course with Snoke. Not ‘ask to borrow’ or ‘ask your husband if he wouldn’t mind’ just ‘told’. Hux really wished Snoke would behave like a normal eighty year old man, and thus not have realised that his husband was lead singer of a triple platinum band.
There was a grand piano on the miniature stage and a gleam in Kylo’s eye.
“Fine,” Hux said, then thought better of it, “No swearing though.”
Kylo laughed and kissed his temple before following after Thanisson with long happy strides. A kiss was not an agreement. Hux really hoped Kylo wasn’t going to embarrass him.
At least the drinks on offer at the refreshment table were a choice of either Pimms, or virgin punch, so his alcohol free option wasn’t all that noticeable. Everyone’s glass was stuffed with the same fruit pieces and sad bits of wilted mint.
Hux looked around for somewhere to sit while he took a sip. He nearly bit his tongue in revulsion. Apparently the baby didn’t like mint. Fantastic.
Phasma was sitting cross legged on a picnic blanket just in front of the stage with a tablet in her hand and a pitcher of water by her knee.
Crossing the grass he surreptitiously dumped the drink on a table of similarly abandoned glassware. Maybe he was wrong to blame the baby and the punch was just disgusting.
“May I join you?”
She looked up and smiled vaguely. “Of course. No Kylo?”
He settled on the blanket with his legs crossed and Kylo’s jacket wrapped carefully around him. “Snoke stole him. Apparently the singer is delayed.”
“I’d bet you £20 Snoke didn’t book anyone,” She said, turning back to her tablet. “Why pay someone when you know the junior partner’s husband will take any excuse to get near a mic?”
“I really should defend my husband from that entirely accurate slander, but I fear a lie of that magnitude would make my jeans spontaneously combust.” Not that Hux would have mourned such an event. Now he was sitting on the ground they weren’t the most comfortable of clothes. He shifted slightly, trying to move the waistband into a position that didn’t aggravate the thin skin of his stomach.
He reached for the pitcher of water.
“I wouldn’t,” Phasma said without looking up. “That’s mostly vodka.” She reached into her bag and handed him an Evian instead.
He stared at her for a beat before he took it.
“It’s not of my business…” She began.
“Spot on.”
She took the hint.
“You can talk to me if you need to though.” She said then lapsed back into silence.
He wasn’t sure what had given him away, though as Kylo had pointed out he wasn’t all that subtle even before he’d found out he was pregnant himself. Phasma’s wife had had a baby last year, that’s why she was at this year’s retreat alone. Maybe she was just more used to seeing the signs.
Part of him really wished this was something other people didn’t keep finding out about before he could actually tell them. Though since he’d had no intention of telling anyone the wish seemed like a really stupid one.
The pitcher of vodka threatened to slosh when Mitaka clumsily joined them on the blanket.
Things had thawed between them since the conference incident, but he seemed to be constantly aware of everything that came out of his mouth. Hux felt a little bad about that, but not much. If it helped him keep his foot out of his mouth it was probably a benefit.
“Hi. Bloody hell it’s hot.” Dopheld gasped and looked around at the others spread out across the grass. He seemed to be counting.
“Rodinon and Datoo have taken their shirts off,” he eventually continued to Phasma like he was fishing for something.
“I don’t give a fuck what you wear Dopheld.” She said without looking up. “My parents are nudists, I promise you, even Snoke bollock naked wouldn’t be anything I haven’t seen before.”
Hux choked on his water. “Fucking hell.”
She gave a filthy laugh that made the people sitting nearby on the grass look up and shake their heads. Thank god Snoke was nowhere to be seen.
Sitting between them Dopheld seemed unable to undress all at once. Four buttons were unfastened. Then he paused for a gulp of ‘mostly vodka’. The shirt was untucked. Another drink. The rest of the buttons. More booze.
It took at least two minutes before Mitaka’s skin was exposed to the world.
Hux had been mildly envious of his tan for years until Dopheld had explained that half his family was from southern Spain. He still was a little jealous now- even if he could take his shirt off Hux would probably blind everyone in a half mile radius with his pasty skin.
He glanced enviously at Dopheld once he was settled and then frowned before he could stop himself.
Their eyes met for a second. “Problem?”
Hux shook his head. He never had been the best at spotting others. Without seeing the dark top surgery scars he never would have guessed.
“I’m just hoping you’ve got sunscreen on.”
Dopheld opened his mouth to reply but closed it when Phasma handed him a bottle of factor fifty.
“For fucks sake look after yourself,” she said with a sigh. “I only signed up to be two people’s mother.”
“I thought you only had one kid?” Mitaka asked obliviously while Hux said a quiet “Oh congrats.”
She nodded “End of November.”
The conversation was cut off by a smattering of applause that turned into something like a roll of thunder when the waiting audience realised that the unknown local performer had been replaced by Kylo Ren.
“Oh my god, I love the Knights of Ren!” Someone said in the crowd.
Another voice replied, “You know he’s married to Hux right?”
Hux couldn’t help his spine straightening at that.
Beside him Phasma threw her tablet onto the blanket and laughed. “You’re so fucking proud of him!”
“Of course I am!”
“You’re just pleased that everyone knows the skinny twink bagged himself a beefcake!”
Dopheld made a vaguely horrified sound as Hux swatted at her. “Piss off!”
The bench at the piano creaked alarmingly when Kylo sat down and drew everyone’s eyes back to the stage.
Hux had always thought he looked odd playing a keyboard. He was too large and the posture emphasised his shyly rolled shoulders and habit of folding in to make himself look smaller. At least the guitar made him sit up properly. Still, it didn’t make him any less gorgeous.
Kylo flashed him a small mischievous smile as the first notes rang out.
It was a song Hux had never even liked until Kylo had covered it during a technical outage at one of his gigs. Something had blown the speakers for everything but the main mic and Kylo had apparently thought it was ‘funny’ to start singing ‘Sound Of Silence’ acapella. Hux hadn’t found it funny. Hux had thought his spirit was literally going to leave his body.
Even now all these years later it still had the same effect. He could feel his body relaxing to an inhuman degree the instant Kylo opened his mouth.
“Hello darkness, my old friend, I’ve come to talk to you again...”
He could hear other people muttering ‘holy shit’ as the song built. Kylo hid a lot of his vocal talent under the guitars and it was unusual for everyone else to hear it like this. In some ways Hux felt privileged to hear it booming out of the shower every morning.
As he relaxed the weight of the jacket began to feel oppressive on his shoulders. All the tension and anxiety he’d felt for weeks seemed silly now.
Phasma already knew and she had enough clout in the company that people would take the lead from her reaction. Besides Snoke didn’t give a fuck and was still talking about making him a full partner in the next financial year.
“And no one dared disturb the sound of silence. Fools, I said, you do not know…”
Hux shivered and felt the butterflies that usually crawled up his spine at this point settle in his stomach instead. Or maybe that was the baby. He’d had the impression it was moving when Kylo sang before. He might just be imagining it but the sensation made up his mind.
He shrugged out of the jacket and folded it up neatly beside him.
Despite his brain telling him that there were giant flashing arrows pointing at his belly now, no one turned to look at him. Everyone was too busy gaping at Kylo belting out the end of the song.
Hux didn’t bother to join the standing ovation- Kylo already knew how he felt about his music and beside Hux was too busy rescuing the pitcher from Dopheld’s boots. His movement drew the eyes of his companions but before anyone could say anything Kylo was laughing into the mic and asking for the audience’s assistance with the next song.
There was more cheering as Kylo started Bohemian Rhapsody. He really didn’t have the right range for it, but there were few songs better guaranteed to get the audience singing along. Some groups didn’t bother to sit down again and the operatic section ended up turning into an enthusiastically sung argument between the accountants and half the design department.
By the end of the song Hux was laughing so hard he’d unconsciously put a hand on his belly for support. He was absolutely certain that the vague fluttering he could feel was the baby now even if he couldn’t sense it from the outside.
On stage Kylo started picking out the introduction to one of his ballads but mouthed a concerned ‘are you okay?’ in his direction.
Hux responded with a reassuring smile and pointed at his middle with his free hand, miming a wriggling movement with his fingers. Kylo grinned and turned back to the mic.
Slowly Hux became aware of eyes still on him. Both Phasma and Dopheld were staring at him. He watched in silence as their gaze ran over him again.
“Holy shit!” Phasma hissed, leaning right across Dopheld’s legs to get closer Hux. “Are you pregnant?!”
“Yes, Phasma, I am. I thought that’s why you warned me about the vodka?” The pitcher shifted again and Hux put a steadying hand on it. “‘Pheld, if you’re drinking this can you please start looking after it? Thanks.”
Phasma laughed in surprise. “Oh my god, no. I thought you’d quit drinking, you know because of the weight ga…” She stopped herself with a hand over her mouth when she saw the look on his face, “Jesus, I need to shut the fuck up. Sorry.”
Between them Mitaka looked like he was trying to complex equations in his head. “But…”
Hux nudged him. “You didn’t say anything to me, did you?”
“No, but…”
“Holy shit, I can’t believe this!” Phasma said again. Surging forward she climbed over Dopheld and enveloped Hux in an unexpected hug. “Congrats!”
“I think you broke Dopheld.” Hux said with a laugh against her neck.
“Good, things’ll be quiet for a while.” She replied, then sat back. “Is this something you want to be out about? Like, do you want me to unsubtly drop it in the office gossip pool, or should I feign ignorance?”
Hux looked down at his bump. His hand was on it again. He hadn’t even noticed himself moving. Apparently without his suit he couldn’t keep his hands off it. Maybe that was how Kylo felt all the time. He snorted.
“I think I’m out about it. Though if you could very unsubtly remind people about the press policy that’d be great.”
Not that Kylo was really the sort of musician to get mentioned in the gossip magazines. Fortunately for them he was just the wrong side of metal to be interesting to most mainstream outlets. It was one less thing to worry about.
She nodded. “Don’t worry, people who don’t know any better don’t work here for long.”
They sat in companionable silence watching Kylo work through seven more songs before a man in an ill fitting tux appeared in the distance, running across the lawn at a sprint. He looked like a 70s lounge singer.
“Phasma, I do believe you owe me £20.” Hux said cheerfully while the crowd around them groaned in disappointment.
The man didn’t take over immediately, instead he lapsed into a heated argument with Thanisson, but Kylo left the stage anyway.
Hux grinned up at him from the blanket, enjoying the way Kylo’s hair fluttered around his shoulders with every long stride.
At first it looked like the people around them were going to approach Kylo, but then to distinctive noise of a fist connecting with a nose rang out behind him along with Thanisson’s indignant swearing, and everyone became much more interested in the immediate entertainment.
“Hey,” Kylo said quietly, collapsing onto the blanket next to Hux. The back of his hand grazed gently down Hux’ bump. “Is it still moving?”
Hux went to shake his head just as Kylo continued, “Oh great, I need a drink…” And grabbed the vodka.
“Kylo, no that’s…”
But it was already gone. Kylo made a gagging noise.
Hux sighed. “Jesus Christ, nevermind. Here, drink this water before you die.”
Beside them a lost sounding voice said, “But…”
Phasma patted Dopheld on the shoulder, “You’ll work it out eventually. Now come on, let’s go find Kylo more water.”
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Flawed (Part 3)
Characters: Bucky Barnes x OC (Sofia)
Synopsis: Bucky meets a woman outside of Avengers Tower one day. Her skin is flawed down one side of her body and it draws his attention in. Future angst
Word Count: 1826
Warnings: Oral sex (female receiving)
@mumbles411 @musicalninja @emilyevanston @mewsiex @smoothdogsgirl
If you’d like to be tagged just ask.
“Gym level. Have a good day Mr. Barnes.” “Thanks.” It still felt weird to talk to a disembodied voice. But he was getting used to it. It had been two weeks and 3 dates since he met Sofia. Tony was coming home tomorrow and both of them were still trying to figure out how to tell him. Steve had suggested they both come to the compound and the team could help. Plus, everyone was eager to meet Sofia. Bucky was still getting used to Sofia’s casual touching. Grabbing his arm, kissing his cheek or lips, running a hand on his face. She was very affectionate but was trying to not overwhelm him. Bucky stepped into the gym area and made his way to the pool. Sofia was laying on her back in the water, humming to herself and floating. She heard Bucky approaching and sat up. “Hey! You’re early…or have I been in here for five hours?” She looked around at the clock. “No, I needed to come into town early to get a haircut. Sam threatened to give me a mohawk if I didn’t.” Bucky ran a hand over his hair. “I was going to get one a couple of weeks ago but I ran into some chick and forgot about it.” “You have people issues don’t you?” She climbed out of the pool and grabbed a towel, squeezing water from her hair.
“Hazard of being kidnapped and brainwashed.” Bucky shrugged and kissed her wet forehead.
“Hey, you know there is something I’ve been wanting to do with you for a long time.” Sofia tilted her head and gazed through her lashes at him. Her hands were running down the front of his long sleeved shirt.
“And what is that…thing…you want to do?” Bucky stumbled over his words. They had danced around the sex thing. Sticking to heated sessions of kissing and not going further. Despite the many cold showers. Bucky was scared to lose control. Sofia was nervous about him seeing the extent of the scarring. Some guys had been turned off, scared to touch her. Bucky was also terrified of his arm. He knew he had control over it, it wasn’t the Soldier’s arm anymore. He had planned to ask Sofia to spend the night at the compound with him that night. Being together for the first time would be easier if he knew someone was near to…step in if something happened. Steve’s reaction to this idea had been, ‘You want me to sit at the end of the bed and watch?’ “I want to…” She breathed in his ear, pulling his shirt up to expose his stomach. “…race you.” “Like…in a marathon?” He was confused. Her words and the slow removal of his shirt were not connected. “No, in the pool.” She leaned back and smiled. “Come on, strip. You can swim in your boxers.” “Oh…okay.” Bucky let out a shuddering breath. Sofia bit her lip. She knew what she was doing. She liked to see his face flush when he got turned on. It put heat in his eyes. He tried to be so calm and collected with her, she understood why. But she liked that he got worked up over her, because God knew she got worked up over him. More often than not he featured in her dreams that had her drenched in sweat and panting when she woke. Bucky pulled his shirt over his head. Sofia had already seen the scarring on his shoulder. He’d told her how much worse it used to look and she’d flinched. He was wary to let her near the scar, his conditioning. She, in turn, had refused to let him see her hip. It had been broken in the accident, so besides the scarring it was misshapen a bit. Both had yet to discuss the events that gave them their scars further. “After I beat you, we can get your haircut and head to your place.” Sofia stretched as Bucky pulled his shoes and jeans off. He adjusted the waistband of his boxer briefs. “Remember, super enhanced…cybernetic arm?” He made a face at her, feeling the old cockiness he used to have surfacing. “Fine, give me a head start then. So you feel better when you lose.” She challenged and walked to the edge of the pool. Bucky lined up next to her. “Fine. I’ll count to five. You go on three.” “First one to the gaudy waterfall wins.” Bucky counted and Sofia dove into the water, taking off like a shot. When Bucky’s time came he threw himself into the water and caught up in two strokes. He won, of course, jumping out of the water and tossing his hair back. “James Buchanan Barnes, first place! Where’s my prize?” He raised an arm in triumph. “Fine. I’ll buy you a prize. Show off.” She shoved him and he laughed. The water made the movements slower, he felt safe. “Show off?” He grabbed her waist and lifted her in the air, launching her back into the water. She laughed and shook the water off her head. “Why didn’t I challenge you sooner? Water is therapeutic, you know.” She swam up to him with a mischievous grin. His hands went to the sides of her face and kissed her. Sofia put her palms on his shoulders, he ran so warm. She felt the muscles under the skin flex as one arm wrapped around her waist. She opened her mouth a bit to take a breath and he ran his tongue along her lower lip before licking into her mouth. The kissing became wilder, more teeth and fervor. Sofia knew her face would get red from the scratch of his stubble. Bucky’s lips were starting to swell. He became aware that Sofia had hooked her legs around his waist. His hands were on her thighs, pulling her tighter to him. He was painfully hard. He wanted to strip the clothing that separated them and move into that heat more than anything. He broke their kiss to breathe deeper. Her lips moved to his jaw and ear, arms wrapped around his neck. His back pressed to one of the tiled walls of the pool. He reversed their positions and unhooked her legs from his waist. He grabbed her hips and lifted her to the side of the pool onto a cushion that had fallen. Sofia sat, looking at him in a dazed way as he climbed out of the pool. She opened her mouth to say something as Bucky knelt. He grabbed her swimsuit bottoms and pulled them down her legs. She opened her mouth again to say something, maybe an apology for her hip. But Bucky put his hand on her stomach, pushing her flat onto the cushion. He lifted one leg and ran his mouth along her ankle. He grazed his teeth over her calf and knee. Sofia closed her eyes, breathing hard. He repeated the process on her other leg before moving to the insides of her thighs with his tongue. She was squirming now, her hands clenching and releasing  on the wet tile. His mouth met the apex of her thighs in a soft kiss and she hissed through her teeth. He placed a few more open mouthed kisses before running his tongue over and between her folds. Sofia’s hips jerked and Bucky used his silver arm to hold her down. Her hand slapped onto his forearm, gripping him. He flinched at the sensation. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” She gasped, her head shooting up and her hand falling. Bucky ignored the moment and continued to lick and and suck. When her hand gripped him again, he didn’t even notice as he added one finger, then another to his movements. Her legs were making little jerks and trying to close, but Sofia held them open with sheer force. She felt her climax start at her clit and spread through her like fire. When it broke she made a whimpering noise, her back arching. She used a foot to shove Bucky away and clamped her her thighs together. She laid, panting and trying to catch her breath as Bucky moved over her. He kissed her and she tasted herself on him. She parted her legs again as her orgasm subsided, urging him to finish. Bucky nudged her legs shut and continued to kiss her, his forearms on either side of her head. His body laid along hers. “I don’t suppose you have a condom?” She asked when he stopped to breathe. His hair hung down and tickled her cheeks. “I haven’t carried them for quite awhile.” He chuckled. “And that’s why-” He closed his eyes and took a sharp breath. “- I need to use the shower before we go.” “I could help you with that, you know.” Sofia offered. “No, no, you can’t. Not this time.” He shook his head and stood up, helping Sofia to her feet. “Oh…that wound up?” She made an ‘oops’ face. “You didn’t have to…I mean, I loved it, obviously.” “I did, too. As a thank you and also my prize for winning…please stay at my place tonight.” Bucky grabbed a towel and his clothes. “Huh, oh, sure.” She was squinting into a corner, shock registered on her face. “Camera! Security camera!” Sofia grabbed her swim bottoms and struggled into them as she ran. Bucky managed to get his damp jeans on, but was somewhat reluctant to run with his erection. Sofia careened into the elevator and headed to the penthouse. She went into the security suite and addressed the AI. “I need the security footage for the pool erased. Just the last half hour.” She chewed on a nail. Bucky came in a few minutes later. “Does he have live feed?” “No…I mean, I hope he’s not watching security tapes on his romantic getaway.” “Sofia, to erase the requested security footage I need Mister Stark’s password.” The AI said. “Really? You know it’s me.” Sofia whined. “I still need the password.” The AI insisted. “What’s the password?” Bucky looked around. “It’s a verse of Iron Man.” Sofia huffed. “That’s a little obvious.” Bucky tried not to laugh. “He figures anyone who gets this far is a friend so…” Sofia gestured. She hummed quietly to find the right verse, then belted it out. “Password accepted. Footage erased.” The AI announced. “This has been the best day ever.” Bucky chuckled. Sofia turned with a scowl, secretly elated that he had almost laughed a lot with her today. Not to mention the mind numbing orgasm he’d given her. “You tell no one I sang that.” She poked his chest and he pulled her into a hug.
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Linger (5)
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4 Based on: this imagine Warnings: allusions to abuse, violence, and PTSD. Character: Loki, Kay Hemlock (OC) Notes: This isn’t concretely based in the MCU in terms of preciseness. I’ve merely created a story line going off of the end of Thor 2 and what in my head happens when Loki is found out. If you have issues with accuracy and continuity, then be prepared for this to be out of sync.
Kay was once more standing on the safe side of the one-way glass. Within the cell, Loki had received his requested luxuries and it almost gave her a sense of hope. He seemed content as he laid across his bench, his head propped up on the velvet pillows and a book held over his nose as his eyes whisked across the pages. She had not been sure what titles he enjoyed, or if he even knew of any Midgardian works, but Tony has proffered his personal collection of Shakespeare. The smirk on his face betrayed that he believed he was being funny.
As it was, the demigod appeared to enjoy his copy of Othello, his lips moving slightly every so often as he turned the pages. Kay tapped her fingers on the edge of the control panel and her stomach churned anxiously as she prolonged the inevitable. Bruce swiveled his chair towards her, pulling forth the bracelet and waiting for her to offer her wrist.
“Best we don’t forget it this time,” He snapped it around her arm with the wry remark, “You shouldn’t have gone in there without it…or without us.”
“I had Thor,” She countered and lowered her arm, “I was fine.”
“Lucky,” Natasha huffed as she examined her nails, “Loki may play games but it doesn’t mean he’s not dangerous.”
“You think I don’t realize that?” Kat replied with exasperation, “I know, trust me.” She recalled how afraid she had been when Loki had seized her the day before, though he had been far from violent.
“You’re too nice for your own good,” Tony grumbled as he looked through the window with a scowl, “And persuasive. To think I should furnish this villain’s comfort.”
“He might be an ass but he’s human…well, not really, but he has similar needs.” Kay argued as she shook her head, “Look, if we want to get anywhere with Loki, we can’t feed into his hate. That gets us nothing and it sure doesn’t make my job any easier.”
“I guess,” Tony rolled his eyes and turned to her, “Well, better get to it then. Your job, that is.”
“Yes, better,” Kay muttered and took those vaunted steps towards the rounded doors, “Let’s hope he has been appeased by Shakespearian wit.”
The doors opened with their usual whisper and she stepped into the brightly lit hallway, her feet fell more confidently than before but she still felt uneasy. The second set of doors jolted into motion and revealed to her the cell, the demigod making no move to rise as she entered. He did not even look away from his book as she stopped in the middle of the room.
“Loki,” She spoke in the tense silence, “When you’re ready.”
He merely continued reading, revealing no hint of even realizing she was there. She crossed her arms and tapped her toe, waiting for him to do or say something but he remained inert. After a whole minute, seconds she counted in her head, she impatiently approached the bench and looked down at him with annoyance. Her hands went to her hips as she sighed and raised her brows.
“Are you going to get up or is our deal to be dissolved?” She challenged and the book before her dropped to the bench as Loki’s figure faded to air.
Kay stared down at the cover of Othello, her heart racing, jumping into her throat as a voice came from behind her.
“Men should be what they seem,” Loki recited as she turned to face him, “Or those that be not, would they might seem none!”
“Bravo,” Kay remarked dryly as he smirked at her. His dark hair was as sleek as ever and yet there was a manner about him which seemed softer, “You’ve begun with my favourite play.”
“A lucky guess,” He mused as he glanced at the stack of books beside his bench, “But truly, I began with Romeo and Juliet but found myself entirely disenchanted.”
“You would be,” She commented as she scoffed, “I suppose you feel a kindred bond with Iago.”
“On the contrary, this Othello, he is an admirable figure,” He flourished his hand theatrically, “Yet, so tragic.”
“Hmm,” Kay pondered him carefully, “He is. I personally preferred Cassio but he was destined to be a fool.”
“You Midgardians, you all read these books?” He asked curiously, his green eyes sparkling in the white light.
“Some of them,” She explained as she turned to pick up the copy of Othello, flipping through the pages, “Most read at least one in their lifetime. More often than not, they forego the better of the bunch.” She stopped on a particular page and read half from memory, “But I will wear my heart upon my sleeve. For daws to peck at. I am not what I am.”
“As I suspected, Kanontienentha,” Loki had neared without her notice and sat down upon the bench as she backed away, “Words written by another are not read without purpose. What is it that you hide so diligently?”
“Poetry sounds sweet, but is little more than fancy words,” She snapped shut the book and tossed it on the bench beside him, “Often we like the rhythm of words more than their meaning. Dishonesty comes swifter than truth.”
“Perhaps, but we cannot lie without betraying an ounce of the truth,” He contended and smirked as he set the book atop the pile, “Kanontienentha, I know you are dying to get to your little interrogation, but I have a few questions of my own. If you would humour me before we truly begin.”
“Have I not done enough?” She challenged, “You’ve got what you asked for.”
“One more favour,” He leaned back lazily as he spoke and she nodded, eager to be done with whatever joke he had in mind, “I know little of this world, I find much of it tedious. But there are rare features of it I find intriguing.” He ran his long fingers through his dark hair, “You being one of them, Kanontienentha, and not just because of that spark of fury you get when you’re with me.”
“Loki,” She sighed, “Get on with it.”
“See, there it is,” He chuckled before he carried on, “There is something about you, Kanontienentha. Unlike those other Midgardians I have encountered. And I do not mean the tragedy which had you in tears upon this very floor.”
“Loki, I mean it,” She felt her chest seize up as she recalled their previous meetings, “I thought we were past that.”
“For now,” He raised his hands in appeasement, “But tell me, Kanontienentha, a rather musical name, what does it mean?”
“Promise to answer my questions if I tell you,” She bartered sternly and he bowed his head in ascent, “Fine, it is Mohawk for ‘she pushes mountains’. It is of my mother’s native tongue.”
“Delightful,” He drawled, “And fitting.”
“Okay, Loki, I won’t fall for your simpering, so let’s move on,” She exhaled and shifted on her feet, “Forgive me if it is difficult for me to believe anything you say.”
“Believe what you want,” He shrugged and crossed one leg over the other, “I’ve promised to answer your questions, but I cannot guarantee you’ll hear what you want to.”
“That’s for me to decide,” Kay rubbed her forehead as she thought; Loki’s constant gaze was starting to make her sweat, “So, first question: did you always know you were different? Or at least, did you always feel like you were?”
“No, I didn’t always know I was a Frost Giant,” He replied bluntly as his lips twitched, “I thought you would know that by now.”
“That’s not what I meant,” She corrected and chewed the inside of her cheek, “What I mean is, when you were younger, did you feel different? Like you were isolated? Separate from others? That you did not think like them? That you could not relate?”
“Ugh, what does this matter?” He said evasively and looked away at last, his smirk falling away.
“It matters because I’m asking,” Kay asserted, “And because you won’t answer me.”
Loki shook his head as his eyes dropped to his boot, examining the pointed toe as if it were a piece of art he was trying to decipher. He breathed out in a near silent sigh as his brows knitted and she could see the thoughts clashing behind his emerald irises. His lips pursed as he looked up at her once more and uncrossed his legs.
“Yes, I do not know why the answer matters to you, but yes, I have always felt innately distinct from those around me,” Kay could tell that he was trying to conceal the emotions of his confession, “Perhaps, it was merely a feeling of superiority. Entitlement, even. Or perhaps, deep down, I knew that I was not the same as them. That my blood truly set me apart.” He scoffed darkly as he avoided her eyes and his jaw tensed visibly. “Happy?”
“In a way,” She accepted victoriously, “You know, Loki, I never thought you’d actually carry through on it. I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“Had what in me?” He challenged with a tilt of his head.
“Honesty? Integrity?” She returned pointedly despite herself, “It seems all this,” She gestured to his newly acquired possessions, “Was worth it.”
“Oh?” He lifted a brow and once more his form dissolved into air, “Was it?”
Loki stood behind Kay, his warm breath grazing her hair as her body went rigid and she sensed him leaned down so that he lips were next to her ear. “Weighest thy words before thou givest them breath.”
“Loki,” Kay breathed his name as she felt her blood run cold, “Don’t do this.”
“Do what?” He challenged, the tip of his nose touching her ear as he slowly stepped away, “I truly appreciate the kindness you’ve shown me,” He walked around her and faced her once more, “I would not toss it all away so soon. Are we not making some progress?”
“I would dare to hope,” She grumbled as she watched him warily, “Shall we continue?”
“Well, I’ve answered a question, the bare minimum of what I promised,” He grinned and slowly backed up to recline upon his bench, “I think I’ve divulged enough for today…if you should like to remain for a reading of the final act,” He lifted up the volume of Othello, “I believe it should be rather compelling.”
“No, thank you,” Kay frowned, knowing she would get little more from the demigod and hesitant to press her luck, “It is a lovely finale, but one I’ve read before.”
“At your pleasure,” He waved his hand in dismissal and opened the book, beginning his recitation in an unwavering rhythm, “Here, stand behind this bulk, straight will he come. Wear thy good rapier bare, and put it home.” Kay turned and approached the door, looking to the window as she waited for them to open, “Quick, quick! Fear nothing...”
The metal barriers parted and she stepped into the corridor, the drone of Loki’s voice dulling as it closed behind her. The unexpectedly peaceful encounter with the villain echoed in her head and she wondered if perhaps she had missed something. The demigod always had a trick up his sleeve but what it was, she could not guess at.
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shadowwolf6 · 6 years
Resurrection Love One
"A while back...way back...after Animazement 2017, I made it official to move on from my ex. I didn't know how I was going to do it, but one thing I wanted to do, was find myself someone more. I thought solely about going online and giving online dating one more shot. I joined places like Ferzu, FurryMate and the recently taken down Pounced. "I found a girl on Pounced who later had a second account. She had told me about the reason for her second account and that her location was not listed on her profile. I found out later that she was elsewhere, on the other side of the continental United States. When it came to wanting a relationship, I wanted someone close...somewhere close. This...lie...wasn't going to cut it, not when she wanted me to do the moving when I neither had a car nor enough money to support even myself on my own ventures. "I continued and met another...halfway across the US. She seemed pretty much right on for a little while. But even then things slipped through. Yet another one that wanted me to do the moving, even when we were already in talks about meeting up here in NC just to get to know one another. Truth be told, I went online and updated my profile and...she found out. I told her that I wanted something else. I was angry at myself...angry at the unfortunate circumstances that layeth before me. "For a while, it seemed as though my ex had the upper hand on me...that I was only going to be made a mockery through deception. I would go to bed each night after that one praying "God...help me. Somehow...help me". "Then an idea hit me...'why not try this thing called Telegram?'. It took me a night or more just to get to understand this new piece of technology that plopped into my lap...that I dropped there...but I later realized and grew to understand that it worked very much like Skype...minus the video calls. "From there, I made connections. I NEEDED to get myself out there. I joined groups, added friends, talked endlessly for hours...and then another idea hit me. 'Alright...you're a local fur...time to hit the local group up on Telegram and start looking. I asked to join and joined a few group conversations, some of which I'm no longer a part of. Days where I would "chat kill" the conversation with awkward silence would be times where I simply walked away from groups and wiped them free from my paws like dust. The Fayetteville Furs for one, and another fursuit group chat for another...fucking popular fucks... "But I stayed loyal to one group...one I had been seeing even in public. And there, I met a girl...someone local...really local! How about...30 minutes from where I'm at, a little older than I was, but the last time I had a relationship with a girl older than I, we stayed together for a while and made great chemistry. The chemistry is even still with us to this date even though we have yet to go beyond just meeting up and talking every now and then. The two of us have hope for one another for our relationship to work while I strive to getting a car next. THIS is the next big step in my life. "For a while though, there was a minor setback...one that ended my hobby for a while...back in October, I went to a meet and suited for about two hours...sweat in my eyes, nose and mouth, causing my vision to blur in my left eye. When I finished suiting, I regretfully forgot to dry my suit. This would be my downfall, for later in November at the next meet I would attend...the unthinkable. I pulled my suit out and noticed a horrid smell...the smell of water. I turned the head around and noticed several black spots lining the inner foam to my head. Black...Mold... "Black mold is one of the most harmful mold one can be around, and even though its effects themselves are harmless at first, constant introduction to mold spores can lead to problems with the respiratory system and even moreso...further health issues that could put one in the hospital...but on this day, my neglect...my own tiredness when I wanted to collapse instead of take care of the one thing I fought to obtain for so long...jeopardized and eventually destroyed my suiting days. "Many don't know what it means for me...but my prior suit has been through a lot with me. It has been there when I have sought counseling for my fears of driving and social anxiety, and even to this day it saddens me that it was like a sad story book ending - when I was finally over what I was over, my suit could be labeled as it's job being done and time for it to go. I came home crying...but I knew what had to be done...I had to burn him...and let him go. "It was one of the hardest things to do in my life...harder than driving for the first time...harder than applying for a job...harder than, well, letting my ex go. Even to this day I call where I laid Shadow to rest the "Shadow Wolf Memorial Flameground. "I had two close friends who knew about the disaster, talking to me online, comforting me, telling me that they would be more than happy to help me get a new one. But I refused...I knew that if I wanted him back, I had to do it on my own. Shadow was MY...WOLF. MY SUIT. I appreciated the offer fully, but that night, I went back to my previous suit maker. I got an email later that night hearing of how heartbreaking it was for her to hear what had happened. She even mentioned that she knew the faults of going for a resin base as well to know that my resin base wasn't holding up. "She later mentioned the one thing that, like a hand from above, held my chin up. 'I would be more than happy to make a new suit for you'. She knew how much it meant for me to have this suit...knew what it had accomplished for me and knew that, even if it sounded childish, this suit wasn't just a suit to me. Shadow felt like a brother I never had. Like a being that could comfort me when I sought comfort. "I went back to work with a sign in my workzone saying "Do It For Shadow". I had trucks to break down, stock, backstock to run, reclaim to throw out, other trucks to move, new guys to train, and so much more. That each day, I hand counted how many boxed I moved and destroyed, when all products inside were shelved. Each day being close to either 100 or some...even 200 boxes... "This went on for MONTHS...move, stock, count, destroy...move, stock, count, destroy...And after 140+ days, more than 10,000 boxes later, on March 21st, I received an enlightening update. "'Your suit is now finished! I will have it mailed out tomorrow and will send you the tracking information as well. Thank you for commissioning me'. "Back in 2015, I drew up the new concept to Shadow Wolf as a "Hellion". I thought 'Well, what would he look like if he had hair...actual hair? A Mohawk...a goatee...and why not through some stripes on him?' She added spikes to the Mohawk...that if one rubbed the hair today, one would faintly see yet feel the spikes. She even gave him eyelashes so his eyes looked as though he had attitude. When I saw her pictures debuting the suit, I was amazed...I still am amazed. I am in love with this suit. Saturday...March 24th...He Was Resurrected. I say it like this and say it because I felt as though I was a suiter again. I had the ability to suit again and enjoy him. But...Nowadays, he's something more. Now he's my soldier...he's my rock...I started picking up these New World Order shirts online to tell the world "Look who's back and looks who's ready to break every Hollywood light and Wolfpac howl every full moon night". I didn't want him to represent one click...I wanted him to represent BOTH. No sides...just brotherhood. He might still be cute, we just...haven't quite reached that point yet. Not when my ex is trying to be some punk figure hybrid off of Lion King...God knows what he's trying to pull off...or tried to. Most importantly, he's back, and he's gained quite the attention thus far. Why even Uncle Kage is jealous that Shadow has hair that even this Phd. Dumbass can't grow...or tries to grow...saying that his goatee is "out of style". Shadow says "No...you're out of style...someone like me needs to throw you into a retirement home where all you have to do is worry about the next number that gets called on Bingo night and when your nurse comes in to change your adult diaper before tucking you in for bed". "Along the way, I picked up quite a bit of new music to my library to help restimulate those past days where I was just new to the fandom. Lamb of God now grazes and fills my library, along with Metallica. THAT was a long LONG time coming. "In short...life is good again...even when my ex is unfortunately on my mind. I'm back here for hopefully a longer span and while I would like to make more pictures and more content for FA and YouTube, I've got ideas for videos mostly. I did make it to Animazement '18 this year and rocked out all 4 days that I was there with the nWo cosplay with Shadow Wolf that I had. I owned it all...room and everything. I invited those who wanted to attend and they attended with me. I resolved last year's issue with this year's "put up or shut up" moment. And Shadow promises he was a good boy *winks*" -Shadow (nWo) P.S. "Hey-Yo! Sparky...if you can read this...I'm more punk than you, I can make a black eye seem like your fashion statement...if I told my girlfriend what you were into, she'd say you need counseling...that and it aptly matches how much of an asshole you are. That if I told her you once at my shit in RP, she'd look you in the eye and tell you that you were already full of it to begin with. One more...for the good guys...
0 notes
fanficflips-blog · 7 years
It was another afternoon in the Central Park Zoo. Skipper and the rest of the penguins were watching TV, enjoying each others’ company. The group were making small talk and the occasional comment in regards to the show. Abruptly, the overhead lights flickered and then gave way to darkness.  
A piercing scream tore through the sudden darkness, startling the rest of the crew.
Skipper grasped frantically for Lilly.
“It’s okay, Lilly, I’m here.” Comforted the leader as he assessed the situation to no avail.  
“Skipper,” mumbled Lilly, breaking away from his hold, “I’m fine. It’s Private you should worry about.”
Rico procured the flashlight he had swallowed previously. The small light source was enough to illuminate the form of Private, quivering in the corner.
"What can I say? Darkness gives me the willies." Private muttered, abashed and still quite worried.
The room was bathed in light once more, as quickly as it had darkened. On the tale lay a large envelope. Skipper’s suspicion grew at the sight of the unfamiliar object.
"Everybody listen carefully," Skipper said as he approached the card with caution. “You never know what a card like this could contain. Be alert and ready to move.”
"Be careful, Skippa!" Private shouted with concern. He was hugging Lilly close as a means to comfort himself. Skipper finally gathered the courage to retrieve the card and open it up. His blue eyes scanned the paper. They opened wide with shock at the contents of the letter.
"No....I don’t believe it." Cried the penguin, voice grave. He tossed the card aside without a second thought and made haste to exit the room. The others were shocked to see their boss in such a fragile state. He was the glue that held them together; if he was this frightened, there was no telling what the contents of the letter would reveal.
Kowalski apprehensively approached the letter, still laying where Skipper had left it. His eyes scanned the paper for a few moments, and he spoke.
“I’m… I’m afraid to admit that the letter is from Roy.”
As Rico and Private shared a concerned look, Lilly turned to her teammates.
"Uh, boys? Who the hell is Roy?" She asked, breaking the tension their silence created.
Kowalski paused.
“Skipper has never mentioned Roy to you?”
Lilly shot a glare at Kowalski.
“No, he neglected to mention it to me.”
Kowalski huddled up with Rico and Private.
"I think we should tell her." Kowalski whispered, making sure Lilly couldn't hear.
"But Kowalski, don't you think Skippa would have told her if he wanted to?," Private asked uneasily.
Kowalski began to sweat.
"She’s going to find out regardless,” Kowalski explained. “I believe we might as well just get this over with."
Kowalski and Private glanced back over at Lilly, only to discover that Rico was standing behind her. He raised a mallet as if to ask permission to strike her with it. Kowalski and Private quickly deny this silent request. Rico, seemingly defeated, lowered the mallet.
Lilly was getting annoyed by all of this.
"Come on, boys! Stop the nonsense! Just tell me who Roy is."
Lilly was demanding an answer that none of them wished to give her. Private looked to Kowalski and shook his head. Sighing, Kowalski reluctantly took charge.
"Alright, then. Roy is Skipper's father." Kowalski finally answered.
"When Skipper was a hatchling, Roy pushed him much too far. No hatchling should have had to live through what Skipper did. That’s why Skipper behaves the way he does.”
Kowalski looked down at the floor. Sympathy for his boss washed over him.
"Why didn’t Skipper share this with me?,” Lilly asked. Her voice was soft and thick with concern. Lilly never knew her own father. She knew the toll that it took on a penguin.
Private decided to take over the story.
"When Skippa was younga, Roy sent him to a military base in Afghanistan. He was there for twelve years. He saw things....horrible things, and Roy neva bothered to visit him! Eva since then, Skippa hasn’t heard a word from the bastard." Private earned a swift smack to the head courtesy of Rico for using such language in fron of a lady.
Lilly knew firsthand the grief Skipper felt. His relationship with his father had always been strained. Now, 12 years later, his father decides to invite himself back into Skipper’s life.  As she pondered the situation, she realized there were several things left unanswered. Why now, 12 years later? She felt as though Skipper should loathe her father, yes, but to be frightened of him? The things Skipper are frightened of are few and far between. She voiced her concerns to Private.
"Well, Roy told Skippa that the next time they met, he betta be a successful team leada. Otherwise it’s back off to Afghanistan for anotha 12 years." Private couldn’t comprehend the grueling punishment of 12 years in Afghanistan.
Lilly made her way towards the exit. She had decided to bring the matter up with Skipper himself. She made her way up the ladder. Lilly was determined to make things right between Skipper and Roy, the way she never could between herself and her own father.
Lilly emerged from the HQ to find Skipper in a sorry state. Unmoving, Skipper lay on the floor, body curled around itself. His flipper found residence in his mouth as a method of comfort. Upon noticing Lilly’s presence, Skipper attempted to pull himself together. He removed himself from the floor, and consequently his flipper from his mouth. He was always one to try to keep up appearances.
"Skipper,” started Lilly, “I’ve heard about Roy. You can talk to me. My relationship with my father was nonexistent, so I understand how you fee-”
Skipper stopped her before she could finish. His emotions were getting the best of him, no matter how hard he tried to mask them.
"You haven't been to Afghanistan, Lilly! You haven't seen what I’ve seen! At the hands of my father, no less! I can’t.. I can’t live through that again" Closing the distance between them, Skipper started to cry into Lilly's shoulder.
"I-I had no idea...." Lilly's voice trailed off. Skipper picked up his head and gave Lilly a stern look.
"Lilly, when he comes, you have to go. He won’t take kindly to me allowing a female on my team. For your sake and mine, you have to leave." He said, hurt evident in his voice. Lilly pushed him away in disgust.
"Skipper, he may have power over you, but I will NOT be pushed around. If he has an issue with me, he can be sure to say it in my presence." Lilly turned around, offering no chance of rebuttal to Skipper.
Shortly before Roy was set to arrive, the boys were making preparations. Skipper had his team line up topside. Rico could be seen stroking his head dejectedly. His beloved mohawk no longer adorned the top of his head. He let out several angry grunts, crossing his flippers in front of him.
"Don't worry, Rico,” offered Lilly, “As soon as Roy leaves, you can grow your mohawk out again.” Rico and Lilly shared a high-five, laughing.
"Alright, boys! Roy should be here any minute! You MUST be on your best behavior! Comprende!?"
"Sir, yes, sir!" The team saluted Skipper as they stood at attention. They all respected Skipper, and knew how important this moment was.
Just then, as they stood there at attention, arrived a small black Hummer. From it emerged a stern-looking, hardened penguin. He had a very built physique and hardened muscles.
"HELLO, MAGGOTS!” Boomed the elder penguin. He surveyed the penguins at attention before him. His son stood at attention as well, though not in line with his subordinates.
As Roy spotted Lilly standing amongst the others, his expression softened. It was one not unlike Skipper’s.
"Well, Skipper, you never informed me that a beautiful lady would be joining us!” Began the elder penguin. He focused his attention on Lilly once more.
“I’m Roy, my dear, and you are...?" He clasped her hands in his, placing a kiss lightly atop them. He grinned at her all the while.
Abashed, the female began to stutter.
"O-oh, um...hello, Roy. I’m Lilly." She avoided his gaze.
Skipper, who had noticed what transpired, decided to intervene.
As Skipper neared his father, he was met with a swift and merciless punch to the abdomen. Skipper doubled over, immobile and speechless.
Roy burst into a laughing fit, entertained by his own actions. He was not a penguin that any of Skipper’s crew would want to mess around with.
"Haha! Ya should have seen that coming, son!” He started between fits of laughter. ”Ya think you would have learned from all the time you spent in  Afghanistan, huh?" The others’ silence went unnoticed as Roy’s laughter trailed off.
Lilly was the first to speak.
“Why don’t we get you in and get you comfortable, Roy?” The female began.
"Well, thank you, miss!,” Roy started. He directed his gaze to Skipper. “As I’ve said in the past, having a maid to help out around HQ is never a bad idea!”
Lilly had to suppress the rage that threatened to boil over.
Before she could formulate a response, Kowalski threw her over his shoulders and whisked her into HQ.
As Roy entered the HQ,  he began to hand his bags of varying shapes and sizes over to Lilly.  She collapsed under the weight, landing facedown onto the floor of the HQ. Lilly began fuming, her temper once again threatening to expose Skipper’s lie.
"I cannot BELIEVE-" Lilly began, but was promptly and anxiously interrupted by Skipper.
“Well, Lilly,” Skipper began as he shot Lilly a pleading glance, “You should probably get Roy settled in! No doubt about it that he must be exhausted.” With this, he once more piled the mound of bags into her flippers.
Lilly glared at Skipper but manager to take all four bags into the HQ at once.
"Skipper!,” bellowed the elder penguin,  “Why don't you show me around this dump of an HQ?"  
As Lilly gets to work, the rest of the penguins make their way to the lemur habitat.
Back at the HQ, Lilly was hard at work scrubbing the floors. Lilly, despite her stance on passing herself off as a maid, knew that the HQ was in desperate need of a cleaning. Living with a bunch of guys, particularly Rico, meant an incredible amount of cleaning duties. At least she had some time to herself for a change.
As the boys arrived at the lemur habitat, the inhabitants were in full swing.
"Oh, hello silly penguins! Who is this muscley new penguin you have brought with you?” Julien greeted as he approached Roy with curiosity. As Julien extended a paw to Roy, the latter flipped the lemur onto his back.
"Back off, pretty boy!" Threatened the penguin. The look of malice on his face would scare any creature into submission. Luckily for Julien, Skipper chose that moment to break the tension.
"Easy, easy!" Reprimanded Skipper. “Julien is our neighbor. He means no harm.” Frankly the penguin cared nothing of what happened to Julien. He just wanted to diffuse the situation.
Roy rolled his eyes and brought himself to his feet.
“Remember, son, trust NOBODY! Especially not mammals! Or women........dames can't be trusted for anything." Roy allowed himself to become lost in his own thoughts. The look on his face, which could only be described as threatening, alarmed the others. Upon noticing the attention the others were giving him, Roy snapped himself out of it.
"Son, take me to your HQ. I want to see how you operate."With that, Roy lead the way to the HQ.
Julien stood up and cracked his back.
"What the the deal with Mr. Muscley Penguin, and where on earth is Lilly?" He asked. Julien was a firm believer in ‘the more, the merrier’.
Skipper told Julien the truth.
Julien shot Skipper a look and shooed the rest of the crew away.
"Alright, all three of you silly penguins, leave us! I must speak to Skippa in privatecy!”
Kowalski, Rico, and Private did as they were told. As they caught up to Roy, Julien felt comfortable enough to speak.
"Okay, lead penguin. There is one thing you must know!"
Skipper readied himself to leave. Any sane penguin could realize the direction in which this was headed.
“The first rule to having a lady friend,” becan the self-proclaimed King, “is to NEVER hide her from the parents!”  Julien began to quiver, sobs wracking his body. "CARLOTTA!!! WHYYY!! WH--Skippa?"
Unbeknownst to the lemur, the penguin had heard none of his speech. In his place was Mort.
Skipper returned to see the HQ torn asunder. A very distraught Lilly was pacing, muttering to herself.
"Lilly! What happened!?" He demanded as he held her still.
"I’ll tell you EXACTLY what happened," Lilly snarled, expression cross. “Your father demanded I give him a sponge bath! You WILL tell him that I am NOT a maid!”
As if to drive her point home, Private all but runs out of the washroom.
"Lilly! Roy is waiting for you!" He cried as he tried to prevent himself from losing his lunch.
Skipper looked Lilly and the doorway to the washroom. Deliberating on what to say next, he chose his words carefully. After a brief sigh he gave in.
"Okay. I'll tell him first thing in the morning." He said, offering a reassuring smile. An overjoyed Lilly pulled Skipper close for a hug.
"Thank you so much, Skipper. I’m going to go get some sleep and let this situation blow over. Goodnight." As Lilly approached her bunk, she noticed a familiar conglomeration of bags atop the mattress.
A quick glance at Skipper gave her all the information she needed.
"Ah, about that,” Began Skipper sheepishly, “I allowed Roy to use your bunk until he leaves." Skipper motioned to a mass of sleeping bags tucked away in the corner.
“Goodnight, Lilly,” Called Skipper. Without a word, Lilly climbed into the mass, buried her head, and screamed.
"Alright, boys! Today we’re practicing our hand-to-hand combat!" Skipper informed the crew, trying his best to sound authoritative. Skipper was aiming to please Roy, and hoped thst this was the right way to go about doing so.
Lilly, Kowalski, Rico, and Private were elated. Hand-to-hand combat was a favorite among the bunch.
"So, are you ready to get whooped, Skipper?" Kowalski asked, already in a fighting stance opposite his superior. Skipper shot Kowalski a look.
"Actually, boys, I won’t be your opponent today. I’ve given Roy the opportunity to spar with you all."
The team surveyed the penguin standing before them. Despite their training, they stood no chance against the tall, fit penguin that stood before them.
"So....who's first?" Asked the eager penguin.
Naturally, all eyes fell on Lilly. As she prepared to spar with the other, Skipper interrupted.
"Lilly, I’m sorry, but team members only!" With this, Lilly had had enough. Skipper promised he would tell Roy the truth about her position, but he didn't stick to his word.
"Well, Skipper," Lilly declared as she balled her fists, “That shouldn’t be a problem.”
Roy looked down at Lilly and allowed himself to chuckle.
"Ha! A cleaning lady? Fighting ME? I’m gonna break you like a pretty little toothpick, miss!"
Roy took a step towards Lilly, trying to intimidate her, but she stood her ground.
"Bring it on, Grandpa!" Lilly shouted planting her feet firmly on the ground.
"Lilly!" Skipper tried to stop the squabble, but it was too late. Lilly pounced at Roy, swinging her fists anywhere she believed she could land a blow.  Her first successful strike knocked Roy to the floor.
"You pack quite a punch, little lady." Roy let out a cry as he took his next swing. Unfortunately for Lilly, his first successful blow landed her on the floor as well. As she was down, he pinned her and began to punch her repeatedly in the face.
"Dad! Roy, stop!" Skipper cried. He and the boys attempted to pull Roy off to no avail. They were easily swatted aside. Lilly's face was in shreds when Roy finally relented.
"Don't fool yourself, dollface. You ain’t tough." With this he landed a final kick in Lilly’s side and approached the boys.
"Roy," Private screeched, “Are you insane? You nearly killed Skippa’s girlfriend!”
Roy's eyes widened as he looked back at Skipper, cradling Lilly in his lap. She wasn't moving. He then waddled up to Skipper and put his flipper on his shoulder.
"Skipper,” Started Roy, “I’m sorry....I... I didn't mean to..." Roy put his face in his flippers and began to cry. Skipper took after his father.
After a few moments , Lilly opened her eyes and stood up. Her face was bloody and bruised. When she got on her feet she wobbled slightly.
"So, I guess now ya know....." Before she could finish, she collapsed into Kowalski's flippers.
"Kowalski. Take Lilly to the infirmary, STAT!" Skipper ordered. Kowalski did so without hesitation. Skipper then turned at his father and glared.
"Get out......." He whispered. Roy tried to speak, but Skipper cut him off.
“Get out, right now, and never show your face around here again.”
Lilly was recovering in the infirmary as the boys evicted Roy. All of his things were shoved haphazardly in a large box.
"Boys, I know you’re upset, but I can't control it. The anger I feel, it’s as if I black out. I didn’t kill her though, right? Tell me I didn’t.”
They did not dignify Roy with a response. Instead, they shoved him into a rather compact crate and secured the lid. Inside, there was an unexplained shuffling.
Roy let out a large cry.
"Son....SON! There's someone in here!!!!!!" As Roy realized what was happening, he heard the voice of his unwitting travel companion.
“Ha! About time! How’s a faceful of BBs sound, Grandpa?” The female opened fire on Roy, unrelenting.
Kowalski opened the crate and let the newcomer free.
"Thanks Jazzy!" He cheered as gave her a high-five.”
"Don't mention it Kowalski...all in a day's work. I’m gonna go check up on Lilly! See ya!" Jazzy set out for the infirmary, cheerful as can be.
Private, Skipper, and Rico shot  Kowalski a puzzled look.
"Uh, Kowalski? Care to explain-”
"Sorry, Skipper. Classified." Kowalski winked and took his leave.
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s0fter-sin · 4 months
metalhead ghost who’s been in moshpits since he was a kid and is now a veteran of the scene and the self appointed look out. he keeps an eye out for anyone falling or passing out, kicks the shit out of anyone crowd killing or putting their hands where they shouldn’t
and he’s been keeping an eye on the punk in the kilt since he saw him throw himself headfirst into the wall of death
he looks like the type to start shit - loud and aggressive as anyone else here but a punk doesn't end up at a metal show for no reason - but there's also something niggling at him that he's gonna end up getting himself hurt. and ghost can’t tell if he’s going to do it on purpose
if he does, ghost needs to know. he uses these places as an escape - the music, the violence, the community - always has and he knows all to well how easily an escape can curdle and become destructive. he’s seen too many people lost to the darker parts of the scene, almost lost himself to it; he doesn’t want it to happen to anyone else if he can help it
so when he sees the punk sweating his mohawk off, his movements becoming looser and uncoordinated, he has no issues with yanking him out of the pit and pulling him away from the crowd; pushing him up against the venue wall and ordering him to open his mouth
the glaze that falls over his eyes concerns him even as he obediently lets his mouth fall open. he was right; the punk’s severely dehydrated, tongue and gums far to pale and along with the look in his eyes, he half-thinks he’s about to drop
he reflexively tightens his hold on his jaw to keep him up and the punk shivers, a flush creeping up his neck. an almost confused arousal joins the haze in his eyes and ghost smirks beneath his mask
looks like metal shows aren’t the only thing the punk is new to
#soapghost#ghostsoap#ghoap#ghost has a split tongue bc i said so#and soaps mohawk is overgrown and fluffy as hell running down the back of his neck#once ghost forces water down his throat soap comes back online and is his usual self and ghost starts to like him even more#he likes having someone that can go toe to toe with him#i wish i knew more about the scene so i could expand this but i dont know shit about punk or metal culture lmao#i do know itd be mid 20s soap and late 30s early 40s ghost and soaps just self destructing#wanting to be an artist but hes being strangled both by his family who think its a waste when hes so mathematically smart#and by the artistic community who hate his pieces for being too chaotic and non traditional#ghost keeps running into him at shows and he recognises that self destruction all too well#and he sees him declining and knows if he doesnt step in no one will#he was a drug addict after getting caught up in abusive relationship with roba#and it was only his brothers death that pulled him out of his spiral#he doesnt want death to be the end of this spitfire punks story#soaps also got that classic catholic guilt internalised homophobia going for him#hes only ever known the bad parts of the scene he didnt know there was anything different#until ghost introduces him to price and nikolai whove been together longer than hes been alive#and to gaz and farah and alex who make no secret of their love for each other and soap realises just how deprived he is of healthy love#not when his parents barely stand him not when his sister only got married when she fell pregnant and they forced her into the church#with a man she hardly knew just so they could keep their reputation#just ghost showing soap theres more to life than violence and hatred and theres so much love for him to discover#coming out of my cage and ive been doing just fine.txt#we’re a team. ghost team#simon ghost riley#ghost cod#john soap mactavish#soap cod#save post
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