lenoraslament · 3 months
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Lenora’s Love: A Tom Riddle Fanfiction
Chapter 20: Tom Riddle the Romantic
Warning: Fluff, Soft Tom, like the sweetest sugariest Tom, Bad Poetry, DeathEater Romcom vibes, like Crucio me so I can burn for you…
She gasped as he slowly entered her, her lips brushed against his. "Oh Tom" she breathed.
"I love you" he said his mouth dropping onto hers.
Tom sat up in bed. It was plaguing him badly. These dreams. Nightmares. Wishes. It was early, he opened the curtains of his room and the sunrise spilled onto the floor.
  He showered and dress. A crisp shirt and slacks.
When he came down the stairs, Mulciber, Avery and Nott were seated at the dining table.
  He sat down and they wished him a respectful good morning. His jaw was tight, he read the paper. Abraxas walked in, looking at Tom for a moment before sitting across from him.
  "My lord" he pushed a second cup of coffee across to Tom.
  "Good Morning Malfoy" he said grabbing the cup and taking a drink.
"If you're not going to leave her alone-" Abraxas started, Tom slammed the mug down so hard the hot coffee splashed onto the table.
"FOR-" he remembered that somewhere parents were lurking, "fucks sake" he continued in a harsh whisper.
  "My relationship with Miss. Rosier is not your business" he muttered, Mulciber pulled out his wand and cleaned the spill, Avery and Nott remained quiet spectators.
"But it is, my lord" he said, "She's a pure blood wizard, her parents are important allies, and now she's one of us".
Tom scowled, "so!?".
Avery put his hands through his hair frustrated, "you're sneaking around with her like she's one of your whores".
"She is a lady" Mulciber added much to Tom's chagrin, "so I think what Abraxas is suggesting, my lord".
"Is try dating her for Merlin's sake" Nott finished.
"What's the point," Tom mumbled.
"Because you love her" Lestrange said, from the counter where he was pouring his coffee; silently he witness it all.
"I'm sorry my lord, but this unnecessary back and forth is distracting you".
All of their mouths dropped, "we all heard you, when she was dying. You love her, so just date her so we can get back to business"
Tom tapped his coffee mug, his hand was red from the hot coffee spilling onto it. He looked at Abraxas who was no longer frowning at him.
They're right. Tom hated that.
They all hung on his silence, Tom realized he had never taken anyone on a date. With pure blood women he only socialized with them for reputations sake and with other women well, they stayed behind closed doors.
   "I don't know how" he said plainly.
Avery snorted and Abraxas punched his arm.
"I can help you" Nott said.
Tom looked up embarrassed and Abraxas smiled at him cautiously, "We'll all help you".
"Except Lestrange," Nott said,"he's worse off than you are".
Lestrange harrumphed angrily.
   Lenora came down for breakfast late. She had taken her time getting ready after she slept in. She chose a blush pink dress that hung off her shoulders, for once she let her hair down, creating soft waves with her fingers. She dabbed some jasmine oil on her neck and light pink color on her lips and cheeks.
   "Dear you look lovely" her mother said kissing her head.
  Her father was speaking with the elder Malfoy and Mulciber. They gave each other a co-conspiring smile when they saw her. She sat nervously, not sure why every adult seemed to be staring at her. Where are the guys?
  "I think I'm going to go take a walk-"she started to stand.
"NO" they all cried.
Her eyes widened, and she sat shocked.
          Tom had spoken to her father before she came down. Even though charming people was his forte, he found himself feeling nervous.
  "May I, take your lovely daughter on a date Mr. Rosier?" he even kept a cringed smile as the other adults laughed and grilled him for details.
          Abraxas had gone with him and helped field any comments that embarrassed him.
        "Yes, of course Riddle" Mrs Rosier patted her husband's arm, "We are so happy to see you two...be friendly again". She finished looking at Abraxas face nervously shake his head at her.
Olivine burst into the dining room, "Lenora!" She said grinning, "I need your help".
Lenora looked around at the smiles of the adults she knew most of her life, what was going on?
"Um with what?" She looked at her suspiciously.
  Olivine looked around for help, "with..."
"Flowers dear" her mother jumped in, "for dinner, she needs help with arrangements. Since you helped Abraxas with hers".
"She did?" Olivine looked surprised, Mrs. Lestrange rolled her eyes.
Lenora looked even more lost, and looked to her own father who watched the scene play out with amusement.
"Just go with her Lenora" he smiled warmly so she went.
Tom held a bouquet of flowers, in one hand, in the other he was reading the note that Nott and Avery had been working on.
  "You make the birds sing?" Tom scrunched his nose disgusted.
"Two hours you've been working and that's what you come up with!?"
"There's more..." Nott said looking sheepish.
Tom read down the page of flowery, romantic nonsense.
"You make grass grow!?" Tom looked at them incredulously, "I'm not reading this".
Abraxas grinned behind him,"So don't, just speak from the heart" he said .
"I asked for help!" Tom threw the note on the floor, "this is not helping!".
  Mulciber looked at Olivine, "the anticipation is making him too nervous, just got get her"
     Lestrange sneered, "so we can get this over with please"
Tom held out his wand and Lestrange took off around the house away from him.
"Relax" Abraxas fixed Tom's tie, "you're going to do fine"
"I wouldn't have to do this at all if you all wouldn't have butted in" he moved away from Abraxas' fussing with his suit.
"This song and dance is so unnecessary" Tom groaned smacking the bouquet of flowers on his leg, "this is so stupid. Stupid stupid-"
Lenora stood behind Tom and the rest of the boys eyes widened. Mulciber grabbed Avery, Abraxas and Nott to apparate them away to the other side of the house.
"Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He continued not noticing them disappears.
"My lord?" She asked him, "are you okay?"
Tom turned around his face was red, he seemed nervous and agitated. So unlike himself.
  He held up the bouquet of half crushed flowers, "herbivicus" he muttered and they were repaired.
  "Are those for the table?" Nora asked.
"What table? No. They're for-" her eyes traveled from the flowers to his nice suit and the eyes.
"You" he finished awkwardly.
"Thank you" she took them gingerly from his hand, "What for?" She couldn't quite meet his gaze anymore, her stomach fluttered.
  Tom couldn't tell if she was happy or mortified. Why was it so much easier just to kiss her? Charming he could be. Genuine? It was painful.
  "You make birds grow" he said and cringed.
   She giggled with her hand to her mouth.
  Tom was going to kill every one of them, this. is. humiliating.
  He began to walk away, she quickly grabbed his arm.
  "Stop" he said.
  Lenora shook her head, "I'm not even sure what is happening".
  He could see Abraxas peering from the side of the house, Tom gave him an exhausted glance.
  Abraxas pointed to his chest theatrically, from the heart.
  Tom sighed and took her hands, her eyes met his searching for a clue as to why he was acting so strange.
  "Lenora. I have to apologize. I've taken liberties these past few days with you"
  She drew away hurt, "oh...so it was a mistake"
"Yes" he saw her eyes look down disappointed, "but only because I respect you".
He looked up at Abraxas who pointed more aggressively to his heart, emotions dumb fuck he thought annoyed.
"I more than respect you I-" Riddle managed.
"Yes?" She said looking back to him as he took another deep sigh.
Finally, he sighed putting both hands on her face, "I care for you...deeply. I would like to take you on a...date".
  Lenora could only stare in amazement. She realized in that moment that this was something she had wanted her whole life.
"I'd love to Tom" she smiled as he cupped her face.
Tom let his lips linger over hers. She tilted her head and met his kiss.
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