#sonic is their son idc
incorrect-pitbabe · 4 months
Sonic: Kim isn’t answering my messages.
Kenta: Allow me.
Sonic: I tried 6 times, what makes you thi-
Kim: *replying to Kentas message* Hello.
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sh-0-w-1-sh · 6 months
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It’s a fucking CRIME that I didn’t draw Tails….
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98chao · 1 year
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dtiys from twitter
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12neonlit-stage · 11 months
What are your thoughts on Sonegg? Me personally, I think the dynamic could be interesting... if Sonic was older. (I think he's like sixteen-ish?)
No. FUCK no.
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motheffigy · 1 year
The Sonic fandom is really cool because we’ve spent pretty much our entire online existence getting shat on nonstop on every single corner of the gaming internet that isn’t us. Like even if it’s not as persistent now as it was back when I was a kid/teenager, I remember the time where we were the punching bag. I remember the time where every Sonic fandom outsider was just going to make a joke about your Sonic OCs and like “haha are you into {insert gross fetish thing associated with the Sonic fandom}” and we survived that sort of constant barrage of people being like “haha are you a weirdo? are you a nasty little sewage vermin, you Sonic fan you?” enough to maintain the genuinely kickass awesome vibes our fandom has overall? Plus! We’ve spent like most of our existence being force fed pretty bad Sonic games lmao. I mean since I got into the Sonic series, we had Sonic ‘06, Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, Sonic Forces, Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood, to name a few. And we, again, just kept on keeping on appreciating the games and giving love to our little hedgehog boy and his silly little friends. We became a glorified meme, a community that exists as a joke, and yet we carry on, just as passionate for the series as whenever we were introduced to it. I think Sonic is one of those fandoms that if you got REALLY INTO IT at the right point in your life (especially if you’ve been a fan for longer than a decade like I have) it kind of never leaves you and it’s honestly just a blast to see our fandom get some positive attention, post-movie and post-Frontiers.
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squeiky · 11 months
FS au Metal Sonic is just Metal Sonic but he grew up watching way to many barbie movies and Eggman just... let him BECOME barbie.
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echo-ri0t · 6 days
In depth about post I guess
Hi I am John, but please call me Echo (or not idc anymore). I am an 18 year old trans man, I am also, autistic and a system (hooraaa or something) this account echo-ri0t is both my fics account and my main account. If you want to see infrequent art then go to my art blog.
I’m trying to post more often but my fandoms keep changing around so…
Here’s the fandoms I’m in
. Tf2
. Dbz
. Bugsnax
. Mlp
. Vocaloid
. Dcu (Batman mostly)
. Madoka Magica
. Sonic
. Homestuck
. Pizza tower
. Hlvrai
. Cosplay
And many many more
My special interests include
. Plushies
. Sonic
. Collecting physical media (DVDs, CDs, old games, ect)
. Dbz
. Payday 2
. Cuphead
. Mario
. Art
. Video gaming
. Space
I love making friends and chatting with others so please don’t be scared to dm me (I promise I don’t bite)
My tags:
/echos fics/ -self explanatory, these are my fics, both one shots and series’s will be tagged under this
/sosdos/ - SoSDoS is the acronym for my fanfic Son of Spy Daughter of Scout.
/echo screaming/ - my rant/vent tag. Let’s hope I don’t use this
/mom echo is eating the words again/ - my normal tag
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fatherson-showdown · 1 year
For anyone wondering here are some stats as of typing this post:
Total submissions: 7
Most submitted father: Dr. Eggman (at 2 submissions)
Most submitted son: Monkie Kid and Metal Sonic (at 2 submissions each)
Most submitted fandom: Lego Monkie Kid and the Sonic franchise (at 2 submissions each) (honestly this goes hand-in-hand with the prev one but idc)
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warriore · 2 years
since mars brought it up here are some metas i want to write for knuckles eventually. either toss them at me in asks sometimes or throw a rock or punch me if i don’t do them eventually idc:
i. knuckles, irt to loneliness but his subsequent duty on behalf of being the naoweyryatke (echidnan for “the jewel protector”) ii. knuckles, irt the wachowski family & his subsequent found family adoption (spoilers: it takes a LONG while for him to adjust to them subconsciously) iii. that one uquiz meme i took for knuckles about ‘what’s his problem’ & i got ‘laziness’ & started fucking wailing & going balls to the walls because it’s all he ever knew was his quest for the emerald mcguffin & the loss of direction that comes from it. & sometimes, before the wachowskis, he wonders what life would be if the stars didn’t align for this iv. knuckles irt his echidnan culture and the disconnect he has with it (am i projecting? yes) v. the talk with sonic & the parallels between son & knux & PARALLELS, I TELL YOU, PARALLELS vi. i also wanted to do like a tl;dr of my opinions on knux & his interactions/associations with other mobians so like. that too. that’s mainly a plotting thing though
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upperranktwo · 3 years
Thank you @keeijiakaashi for the tag!!! 
30 questions game!
Name/nickname: Sky
Gender: female
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 160cm (roughly. I’m 5′3)
Time: As of writing this it’s 18:15 (when I posted this it was 18:30)
Birthday: June 4th
Favorite bands: Atm it’s FVK (My faves since 2012), Beartooth, In This Moment, Ice Nine Kills, Starset and I’m listening to a lot of Bleed From Within
Favorite solo artists: I don’t really listen to Solo Artist so I can’t think of one at the top of my head 
Song stuck in my head: Disease by Beartooth lives in my head rent free 
Last movie: Omg I can’t remember ???? I think it was detective Pikachu with my niece a few weeks ago
Last show: Rewatched KNY last week (maybe 2 weeks ago. My twin recently got into it so it was her first time watching it and I wasn’t gonna say no to a rewatch)
When did i create this blog? I think Jan 2018
What do i post: anime, colourings and occasionally my own photography 
Last thing i googled: Tumblr, literally just to go on here 
Other blogs: Nah
Do i get asks: Sometimes! I do love getting asks so if anyone wants to send me any feel free *hint hint*
Why i choose my url: Tokoyami is my son and I want him to have the best life. I had to add an extra m but it doesn’t look too out of place I think
Following: 117
Followers: 294
Average hours of sleep: It depends. It can be anything from 2 hours to 14 hours. We love guessing 
Instruments: I can play a little bass and a little guitar 
What am i wearing: PJ shirt, Jumper and jogging trousers (It’s 4 degrees but feels like 1 rn so I’m cold)
Dream job: My degree is in Media and Music so something to do with that
Dream trip: Maybe Japan. My twin has been twice now and is dying for me to go with her next time 
Favourite food: Pizza, Ice Cream, Cheese bites, Cheese cake and Peach Slices. 
Nationality: I’m British (More specifically English)
Favourite song(s): Could We Burn Darlin? - FVK and Endless Possibilities from Sonic Unleashed (my fave game)
Last book read: I haven’t read a book in YEARS I mainly just read Manga now and the last one I read was BNHA 
Top three fictional universes i'd like to live: Pokemon, BNHA (I’d have a sick quirk me and I’d be vibing) and maybe KNY where I would be a demon and I’m vibing (however I won’t have Muzan convert me. Don’t come near me please) (Probably wouldn’t be fun but as long as I’m vibing idc)
I feel super super super super awkward tagging people so if you want to do this feel free and say I tagged ya 
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shadowofthelamp · 5 years
YOUR HEADCANONS ARE SO VALIDD I LOVE SEEING PEOPLES HEADCANONS!! Yes Yes! Do you got any more Scourge ones? I love my trash son! To narrow it down a bit have you got any fluffy ones? Like ones about cuddling and does he like baths etc? Also any more about his fear of heights? I live for cute stuff idc that the character is literally a gremlin, thank you you’re blessed
His fear of heights is like Sonic’s fear of water- he can deal with it if he really has to, but he VASTLY prefers just avoiding it. Second or third floors windows are fine, those glass floors that look down to something 100 feet below or leaning off the roof of the castle? Not fine.
He collects stuffed animals, but only weird ones- stuff that has an arm sewn where the leg should be or the wrong colors, or a really weird and funny expression on their face.
I’ve already mentioned this, but I hc he likes baking! Other forms of cooking are okay, but mostly he likes making desserts. Usually he just hoards them himself, but he might give it to a partner if they catch him in the act to ‘keep them quiet’.
He was actually kind of a quiet kid- while Sonic was a total loudmouth who often got into trouble, Rosy mostly kept him in the house, and his friends dragged him into trouble. He ended up the leader partially because his speed was really useful and partially because he grew into the role, growing a wall to deal with them thinking he was a goody-two shoes when really he wanted to be paid attention to and when he was little he thought behaving would do that. (Knowing he was betrothed to Sally didn’t much help, as she was one of the worst of the lot, so he sort of subconsciously knew he’d have to be like her to survive. This is all my hc, btw.)
He is... almost criminally snuggly once he gets close to a person because he’s really touch-deprived.
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kattimariias · 5 years
sonic boom but i insert a bunch of other characters in it. bonus gay
mighty and ray - sonic’s childhood friend, mighty, moves to bygone island alongside his adopted brother ray. the two join team sonic, though it seems like mighty doesn’t just see sonic as a pal
bean - bean helps eggman out with some Crime Shit, but leaves his side towards the end since he thinks the guy’s too bossy
bark - when the colder regions of bygone island starts to become strangely warmer, he sets out to figure out the issue. its eggman’s machine fucking around with nature, which leads to bark angrily destroying the thing. bean is amused by this and think hes “cool and interesting”, so the two become friends. episode is usually pretty silent bc he doesnt talk here
fang and also rouge - both of them discover the chaos crystals and try to steal it from one another, only for team sonic to take them and place them in a safer area
witchcarters - wendy places various curses around bygone island, and with tails going unaffected by it, its up to him to stop her and her cronies
battle kukku - the kukkus attempt to claim bygone island for themselves, but eggman won’t let them have it. meanwhile, tails has a bit of rivalry with the son of their leader and the owl guy with the weird name wants to one up eggy
honey - amy buys a new dress (which resembles modern amy’s dress, but longer), leading to honey growing in popularity among the citizens. she thanks amy and starts to generously gift her...to rather severe degrees. she eventually tones it down and the two become friends
tiara (i know shes cut but idc) - tiara and her dad visit bygone island out of curiosity towards the chaos crystals, though it becomes difficult as the safe haven for them has tight security
gamma and omega - both were built by eggman (and also are technically in the same series in this? idk boom’s an au it doesnt matter) and later betray him after seeing the good in nature. they meet the cubots and adjust to their new lives
vanilla, cream, and cheese - all three try to find ways to defeat eggman and other villains without using much violence and instead peace. but in the end, they learn that sometimes conflicts have to have disagreeable endings
espio and charmy - espio’s clan disbands, so he searches for a new one-only to find himself caring for an orphaned bee
tikal and the whole echidna tribe tbh - team sonic take a trip to angel island after knuckles gets really nostalgic over it, only to be shocked upon seeing echidnas living there
chaos - one of wendy’s spells still prevail, and manages to spread onto angel island. this spell gives water life, and things quickly go off the rails due to chaos’ inconsistent form changes
maria and gerald - eggman’s relatives find him, and are extremely disappointed by his choices in life. since gerald inspired him when he was young, they send him and hope he can knock some sense into the guy. meanwhile, maria (who’s adopted which is why shes still young in this) meets a mysterious black and red hedgehog
emerl - cream befriends one of tails’ new creations. things go haywire, but he’s rebuilt into gmerl afterwards since cream got horribly upset over the gizoid’s betrayal
silver - while testing his time travel skills, he finds himself stuck in the past, leading team sonic to teach him everything
blaze - a faraway kingdom messages team sonic. they request help, as they have been taken over by the battle kukku. when they arrive, the king and queen are missing, so they team up with their daughter (obviously blaze) in order to defeat battle kukku again (note: stories of team sonic have been told by travelers going from one place to another)
marine - while making sure that the kingdom’s at safety, blaze meets a raccoon that immediately attaches to her, as she’s her biggest fan. she isn’t fond of her at first, but when sonic tells blaze the story of how he met tails, she realizes marine isn’t much different from tails back then and decides to take her under her wing
mephiles - shadow comes across a scepter that unleashes a silhouette that copies his appearance. said silhouette turns into an actual hedgehog, and follows him around endlessly
elise - a human mysteriously washes ashore on bygone island, with only the memory of heat and sun. she doesn’t seem to know the existence of mobians either, so team sonic n friends have to help her adjust and discover her memories (also why does she got fire powers) (theres probably an ep featuring both mephiles and elise figuring out theyre both connected somehow)
the babylon rogues - a team of skateboarders challenge sonic to a contest, so their leader can prove that hes better than him. except theres no skating rink at bygone island so they have to struggle through the process of getting one
chip - sonic comes across a fairy, who immediately latches onto him. since chip is the type of fairy that “becomes attached to the person that first sees/rescues them”, sonic can’t really get rid of him and instead just has to go with it. the two are pals by the end
the wisps - honestly colors in itself could be a multipart boom ep, so imagine that game but with team sonic + amy, sticks, mighty, ray, and chip
the deadly six - team sonic discovers a magical conch, and upon blowing it, they gain the attention of some weird creatures. as it turns out, they somehow landed on bygone island and have to return to their home planet; lost hex
infinite and the jackal squad - a new punk squad starts causing a ruckus in bygone island, which eventually leads to a takeover. shadow finally starts taking maria’s advice and helps out with pushing them back down, though they end up joining eggman’s side
gadget - sonic gets a new big fan. hes weary at first, but learns that gadget isn’t as obsessive as the last one and that big fans don’t automatically mean they are creepy. its wholesome
nazo - when tiara experiments with the chaos crystals, she accidentally summons a mysterious hedgehog
sonia and manic - sonic’s siblings hurriedly bust into sonic’s shack, much to his confusion, until they tell him news that all three have been awaiting for years
ashura - a sonic lookalike prides himself as sonic’s biggest rival, even though sonic has NEVER met him
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Reputation Tour - Minneapolis Night 2 - The Show
I am so extra when it comes to these types of posts so I am going to start with the concert itself (nothing before or after)
Well ok, we can start with the pre-show setlist because it was lit. 
I knew that she played Tequila and Bad Reputation but I didn’t know the rest 
*** disclaimer: I’ve low key been following the concerts, but I’ve mostly been following the B-stage song (and fans reactions and experiences ofc). I’ve looked at the full setlist before but I only knew the first and last song. I had a phase where I would follow along to a lot of an artist on tour and see how each show went but I actually prefer this because it’s more of a surprise, I’ll likely follow more now that I’ve had my show. 
Babe, Selena, Roman Holiday, Curious. I loved when My My My came on and in my head, I was like I’d love to hear strawberries and cigarettes, and what does she do? Play it right after.
This past spring, during my last semester I had both songs on a short playlist that I would play on repeat when I was studying for tests, it got me through. The only thing about listening to them in the stadium is I realized as a college student I listened to a lot of music but I don’t necessarily know all the lyrics to songs I listened to at the time bc I was multitasking. Rip.
I loved that she played Obsessed, I thought that was hilarious, I was into that song during junior high. 
Anyways now on to the concert.
I don’t even know how much I’ll have to say because I was just DANCING AND SCREAMING LYRICS most of the time, like there were certain points where I had to bring myself back to reality because I was so lost in the music that I forgot to focus on Taylor  - Like that tells you that it was a D*** good show. 
ok lets go song by song. 
…Ready for it? 
I wasn’t sure where she was going to come out but WOW WHAT AN ENTRANCE. I loved the fog and ahhhhh
I Did Something Bad
I felt bad bc one of my friends really wanted to come to the show but it didn’t work out and this was the song she wanted to see the most.
Like this song DESERVES to be heard live. Like honestly this entire album the live versions bring it up another level. 
I can’t
you could literally FEEL the heat from the flames. I wow. 
During the bridge when all of the dancers were lying on the floor as burning witches - it reminded me of the thing Taylor does best, the theatrics. SHE PUTS ON A SHOW. Like idc what people say about Taylor's music, you don’t have to like it, but you can’t say that she can’t put on a show.
This song is such a BA and makes me feel powerful. It doesn’t take any sh**
We love transitions. SOme of them are cheesy but I am such a sucker for them. I love that the screens show pictures of the Olivia and Meredith. 
Ok so this song took a while for me to get into when it first came out. Now i love it ofc. but like this son also deserves to be heard in concert because it’s fun to be over the top with it. 
Style / Love Story / You Belong With Me
Have I mentioned that I love this woman with my entire heart? One thing that I love about concerts, is how the artist changes the arrangement, and this mashup exhibits that well. 
Like as a fan who has been here for 10 years I appreciate her singing old songs so much. Also Style is wow one of my fav songs off of 1989. 
She acknowledges the band during this mashup, and bjwailvuke,hrgoiuelakrj,nfwleiaksjbvn IM SO EMO ACTUALLY GOING TO CCRY that was one of my favorite parts of the show when Taylor was leaning against Paul and Amos while they were playing. They’ve been there with her through it all. They’ve stuck around. They could get any job in the world and they stay (my eyes are watering up so much I can’t see). I clapped so hard for them. I appreciate them so much and they deserve all the love in the world. I can’t imagine how emo they get over long live because I get emo over long live referring to them more than anyone else wow. 
AND WOW you belong with me. That gave me Speak Now flashbacks in how the screens looked (she played that song going back to the stage from the b-stage during that tour).
Look What You Made Me Do
I feel like seeing rep in concert just made me appreciate the album 10000 more than before it is so POWERFUL & SEXY. The sound of this song live mixed with the power of the music video wow. This woman OWNS THE WORLD
I didn’t realize that they actually did the phone call during the show but I LOVED being able to scream she’s dead. 
Lol I was so focused on the screen or in my head at some point that I DIDN”T NOTICE THE SNAKE COMING OUT OF THE STAGE. My friend was FREAKING OUT as was half of the audience. I knew about the snake pre show but it was still like wow hi hello. 
End Game 
I guess if there is anything that I was ??????? mildly disappointed with was that this song was so short, I mean like I didn’t know what to expect either because I didn’t expect her to do the rap or ed’s part. This is just one of my favorite songs so I would’ve loved to hear the song for longer. 
King of My Heart
I guess out of the entire show this one stood out the least, but like that means very little because I was still screaming the lyrics and dancing the entire time.
I love the harmonies in this song and it was*sounds of heaven above* to hear it live 
A good transition to the slower songs. 
For her speech - I was surprised by how many people hadn’t seen her before but I was just smiling because I was so happy for them.
Also, I don’t remember if this was during this same part or when it was but when she was asking who was from MN and who was from elsewhere - can I just say that I met someone who was from KOREA attending the show. And she had seen it the night before and if that doesn’t tell you the power of music there’s nothing else. 
Ok actual disappointment of the concert. NO ONE BY ME SCREAM 1, 2, 3, LETS GO BITCH I was so sad. And I forgot to tell the friend I was going with about it. The other friend I was hoping to go to the other night did know tho and wanted to do that. But I was like I’m not going to scream profanities is no one by me is so I kinda mumbled off at the end of the phrase. (more like it made me self conscious that I was saying it at the wrong time, but I wasn’t) It sounded like other sections were louder like it was loud enough to be recognized in the venue. But idk if ppl who aren’t part of stan twitter would understand what was being said unless they were by a fan who said it. 
Lol I’ve probably watched more videos of people saying this that of the rep songs pre my show. 
Ok I didn’t realize that this was the song that she goes over to the b-stage with and awwww. I knew it was pretty but it was gorgeous. My friend (who is more of a casual fan but was still hype and singing during the show to everything besides the expected (long live, TTWAS, and should’ve said no) was so appreciative of that part, she was like it felt like she was looking at me. I was just so happy during that moment she makes me so happy. I was one of the few people not waving because I was just taking it all in, the beauty of it all. 
Shake it off
lol the one song I completely forgot was on the setlist I was so surprised. I didn’t realize that the openers were on the stage until they had been on the stage for like 45 seconds. Before my show, I didn’t see many people post videos of this song. And the visuals were so fun and colorful and the confetti.
Also like after the song confetti was flying through the air during the acoustic show and PRETTTY.
After this song was over my heart was beating so fast because I couldn’t wait to hear what the secret song was.
So it goes… 
Ok so this is the part of the show were I got very confused.
So, the one downside of looking at the setlist was that I KNEW that this song wasn’t on the setlist. So I thought this song was the secret song, so ngl I got low key sad even though  ITS MY FAV song off the album (not including singles) (ranking to be posted sooon, idk my order yet, still).
I was still happy to hear it, but I wasn’t able to appreciate as much as I would’ve. I did later tho. 
The morning of the show, or the night before, someone who had met her night 1 had posted that she had talked to taylor and knew the two options taylor was thinking of for tonight. And I was like ugh I wish she could givea vague hint, that no one would be able to guess, but would make so much sense after the fact. I didn’t want to be spoiled but iwkjbsvk still the part that I was most excited about. (fun fact it didn’t end up being either song that the girl had discussed with taylor)
Taylor talked about people saying she’s been listening to people from all platforms asking her to play old songs. At one point she even said 13 years, and in my head I was like is she actually going to play I’d Lie (DO IT). But once she started describing the song I knew it right away. Lol I recorded the speech beforehand and you can just hear me muttering tied together with a smile over and over again.
I was correct
Tied Together With A Smile
This song has always been beautiful. From 2007 I have always liked it because sonically it’s soothing (I know I’ve been through other stuff with this song but not enough to be remembered). But honestly, doing my album rank the other week made me REALLY REALLY appreciate this song, in a way that 6th grade me wouldn’t have been able to comprehend. I know I’ve cried to this song before, but not in memory of the way I realized it.
This song is me during the end of high school. I always did well in school but suddenly I was struggling and I fell apart. I put so much pressure on myself and I felt like such a failure. It would lead to bad anxiety, breaking down, and later being depressed. And then during my first year of college, I was in a depressed mood state still and I just felt so numb I couldn’t feel anything. 
I SCREAMED THIS SONG. I probably shouldn’t have during the verses. BUT IT DESERVES THAT. This song is one of those songs that you sob to, and honestly, at one point I looked like a wreck during this song because I almost cried. 
I am so happy she sang this song. Like she reminded us to be kind to ourselves. ANd can I cry again? I love her so much. Like honestly this is something we all need to remind ourselves at times. 
ugh what beauty.
When the show was over I thought we had heard every song from rep, but after research, I realized that she switched dancing with my hands tied with so it goes… Like wow am I happy that I got lucky enough to get to hear one of my fav songs and I got a DEBUT ALBUM song what even. Like rip for 1989 the secret song was mean. for red both songs were really good, but the night that I wasn’t there was just a little bit better. I still love begin again it is gorgeous. But like tied together is a song that SO many fans haven’t heard live before 
(I’m listening to each song while writing this post and Carrie Underwood came on shuffle after this song and I got so distracted, I never realized that I know almost all of her music except her most recent album and few singles)
(now I remembered that I need to listen to troye new album, but back on track. Troye’s album can wait, memories on the other hand only last so long)
Blank Space 
This happened a few times during the show where I just started singing the lyrics but I didn’t know what I was singing. That’s what happens when you know the entire discovery of someone who has more than 2 albums out. 
This was another song that I completely forgot that she was performing. It was fun. The arrangement felt different which I appreciated because it freshens up the song, and for people who went to 1989 it’s not an exact repeat. 
this song has the best visuals and dancing with it.
Everyone was looking at the back screen to get to unedited close up of her but I was staring at the main stage. 
It was enchanting and that’s all I have to say. Beautiful. A Masterpiece. 
Bad Blood/Should've Said No
Lol the snake bring her back to the stage went so fast. Low key felt bad for the people on the other side because I feel like they didn’t get as much time as she went past. 
Based on how hard I went during the concert this was my favorite song. I WENT SO HARD during should’ve said no. 
Boy go home.
This song was such a tease tho bc the music of shoul’ve said no kept playing in the background while she was still singing bad blood. I liked the visuals of this version of bad blood better than the 1989 tour. But I will say that it is one of the songs that stood out during the 1989 tour. During 1989 tour I got that out of this world chance to sit front row middle catwalk during that tour and the next night I won ticket in the lower level. And during the second night the visuals stood out (same goes to ootw).
Wow I want to hear should’ve said no live again.
I heard it during speak now, but wow it went so HARD>
Also I kept thinking of the CMT performance. 
Don’t Blame Me
This song was all about the hand gestures. I love the gospel choir feel of this song. 
Long Live/New Years Day
Lol this is probs the only part of the show I was relatively chill. Because I was just so happy so many memories, so proud of taylor, so happy for her crew band and dancer, and everything was right. Still screamed some of the lyrics of long live when I probs should’ve been quieter (or at least been trying to sing like a normal person)
Why She Disappeared
Ok I was excited for this. This is one of the things I purposefully didn’t watch bc I wanted to save it for the concert. But I must’ve blacked out or something because I remember trying to film it. Then my space filled up. But I barely processed half of it. So I am going to have to go back to that. But I do like the transition - and the story she tells. 
Getaway Car
after so it goes… this is my next fav song off the album. The visuals were very entrancing during this song as well.
She was so cute during this song. She did a little slide. And wow now that I’m watching a video from last night I didn’t realize that this is the only song shes alone on the main stage?? 
Also, I love this outfit. 
wow I love her so much
(now I’m just thinkng of how powerful it is for her to be on stage ALONE in a room over 66 thousand people.)
Call It What You Want
This is the point where I don’t have much to say
this song is also a fav and the confetti she’s so pretty the song’s pretty, she’s in love and I’m so happy for her. The fountain was out and suddenly it was bittersweet. I didn’t want the night to end. 
She laughed during the song. ugh I love those small moments when she smiles or reacts to something. 
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together / This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
This moment is so beautiful. While it’s talking about people that we don’t want to be friends with and we need to let go (doesn’t mean we don’t get upset about it) but we were in a room fill of people all there to have a good time and all there for the same reason
To have the times of their life and to share their love for Taylor and her music
One thing that really stood out about this concert was how nice everyone was, the warmth felt through out the stadium there was so much love. And wow.
It was such a great night.
I’ve been to speak now, red, 2 nights of 1989, and now one of reputation and this was by far her best tour ever.
Thank you for coming to Minneapolis. I hope you had an amazing night I sure did. 
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So Kim Jong-Un was laughing at me making a movie with free labor...
I said "man you're right, i need these in America to talk to North Korea"
So y'all were kidnapped and so I said y'all can make a movie before you get to leave where you have been held hostage.
And no pay no promise to be paid
For a Disney Pixar animated film that will be a box office hit using your facial images.
So. Uhm that was really unethical. Which means bad.
So we will pay y'all of course to use your likeness. We just didn't have time and we got all your DNA when we recorded you.
Except for Truth or Consequences which i think the Mayor at least had a sign in sheet...
So we have it so there's an ability to be paid if we use your likeness (face)
And i have no idea what that price is because I've never been paid.
I was just trying to keep everything calm cause they wanted to show you how the guns and all looked which in hindsight would been better to park it facing away from people and the casino and allow you to walk around safely at your choice.
But i saw them go out and so i was like holy shit they're gonna get scared! Don't get scared!! No one is gonna shoot you all like crazy to kill you.
Then I remembered the movie we started in 2008. And that went on
For me it was super fast paced watching 3 different locations with only my 3rd eye and the movie (fun) and just trying to keep everyone alive and safe and in a good comfortable level.
And trying not to cry i haven't slept in over a day So ... My soulmate nearly died a few people did as i watched plane crashes. I mean it was a lot
So please forgive me for overlooking a few things and thanks for making the day fun for your selves and your rescuers and for me.
Keeping me from crying my eyes out because someone did this on purpose. Knowing the unfortunate satellite system and knowing and allowing people to fuck with my car any time. And preventing me from Christmas with my family which would moved the void to make New Mexico safe.
I've dealt with it. My brother and my kids and my mom and dad and Uncles and Cousins and a whole fucking Army is coming down.
..... I'll be blunt that not everyone deserves so fair warning.
And I am going 125 miles south. So suck a Dick about it, IDC. As a reminder since i got shot in the fucking head way too many goddam times tonight. Because I take the pain of people shot point blank whether or not its my fault or anyone's but most especially when its a family member and its someone innocent. That way i know to heal them. But i got shot too many times and i had other business that was extremely serious that i won't mention. So I am warning everyone right now afraid of a sonic blast I'm not playing. So don't fuck with my people again.
Continue returning people. Dont fucking run your mouth at me and dont fucking bring your attitude
And excuse your ass but I am on my period. So be extremely terrified of my PMS if you can't understand why I'm angry now.
We didn't do a GODDAM thing to you and you started crashing planes into us. What the fuck. You started killing people in Tucumcari.
You started kidnapling.
You wanna explain to me who. I will explain its been shot in the fucking face with a fucking bullet. So if you know its time to be quiet and dont say shit. Then it was sandbagged by my son.
So I dont need to hear your shit.
I need you to return the people to a 24 hour restaurant before i burn you all Alive.
We know how to get out our house in 5 seconds flat with air conditioners in the window. Do you know how to get out of yours?
Its simple to,understand it doesn't need to come down to that.
If you fuckers were not taking up I40 with your bull shit giving children loaded guns to shoot people point blank and not unloading them because a liar mass text you and signed my name. Well it's ok i guess i found a lot of people. And we are getting a lot of matches on DNA now. Because people didn't go to the airport as asked.
I'm in a bad mood. So I'm gonna be blunt. I always am. And im almost always honest. And i am as honest as possible 100% of the time.
Unfortunately its not nice.
The world will get better. It will just take some time.
I can't even drive my car now Because it almost fucking exploded due to pieces of shit fucking with it. After Jesse's Abu fixed it.
I know when an Abu is working on it in the middle of the night and I know when an Abu is not.
So fuck you. For fucking with my shit. There's snipers on the roof so don't fucking come over because they are using bullets. Dont send your pathetic wife or loser friend you're too lazy to dump and be honest with so they can get killed. We can tell the difference.
So your little friend that dropped his brother in the Indian Ocean to hide who he is. Didn't hide from me. And hes dead.
Understand that.
You don't know me and i don't know you and so When you come breathing on me i smell your breath and your whole soul.
So get yourself under control.
There's a whole lotta shit to do than stare at me and figure out how to piss me off.
Im gonna stay that Just so you know
I don't kill people and then be all happy and relaxed. I get fucking pissed and i never fucking sleep or eat.
So figure that and add PMS.
As i said continue returning victims.
I have a massive pile up on I40. And i need Chinooks to go to Grants and Gallup and pick up our friends and take them to Truth or Consequences.
I need 3. I need humvees to check restaurants in Albuquerque.
Los Lunas and Belen are using their own police departments.
Uncle Donald is asleep. Vice President of the United States of America, Mike Pence is awake.
So please be kind and courteous. Turn your car radios on in I40.
Play some music. Live as if this was your last day on Earth tomorrow. And you're still trying to get into Heaven.
Doesn't mattwe what you did yesterday. Doesn't matter what you did an hour ago
Lets pretend Jesus is alive and forgave us and our time starts over now.
Let's do the right thing.
You did bad.
I did bad and killed your leader who you may or may not know who it was.
So it starts over.
Everyone is good, lets prove that to ourselves and each other.
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ghoul--doodle · 5 years
idc about anon so how about 1. what was your favorite game as a child 2. who do you like drawing the most out of your characters 3. story behind an ocs name?
1. My favourite game was... probably sonic adventure 2! I played that game for... many hours. I had many chao but my favourite was one I named Bolt & he was my son
2. I like drawing any animal characters with funky fur patterns, especially cats! None of my cat characters outside of Marm really have a nane tho, I’m bad at naming things
3. I’ll pick Naro! Because his name is dumb! His name was maybe one out of five that I could have picked from, Naro was made up in a dream & apparently my brain didn’t automatically pick a name for him so every time a character referred to him they used a different name, Naro was just the one out of the bunch I thought was the least dumb.
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Jerry Smith Jerry Christmas Sweater, Shirt, Hoodie, Longsleeve T-Shirt
It happened ik i did it for a Jerry Smith Jerry Christmas Sweater cause like mlk and malcom x and bob marley im gona risk going back and dancing on the train and singing in the area i was chased but ima just be careful because whenever i sing or dance they dont give me any money and i keep going from cart to cart saying im gona be singing my lil brothers song in a opera voice called pray by justin bieber were here to make a change! bro i really wana help out my mom.
Jerry Smith Jerry Christmas Sweater, Hoodie, Sweater, Ladies T-Shirt
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But i need to make a change bro me just sitting home i got no money for momz to even buy a good quality camera so ppl can watch my videos and to go to marz to make some amazing new tracks and poems about love lol xD but its cool whatever happens it was meant to be i love you lil bro even if somebody try something out there ima defend.
Jerry Smith Jerry Christmas Sweater
Run away like sonic lol but if i hear them threaten your name im running back and super man punching all of them idc what they pull out ima fight for my brother forever im not hearing nothing. love you lil bro ima try the coral house and even if they say come back next week i stilll am gona go dance on the train and please ask to donate it.
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Jerry Smith Jerry Christmas Sweater, V-Neck, Tank-Top, Long Sleeve T-Shirt
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Would mean alot hopefully they do ima pray God opens up there heart so they can realize the change im tryna make i love you brooooooo your the bestttttt remember no mater what keep moving forward your awesome!!!!! you can never underestimate the inevitable thats why ima be on guard when i go out there.
Jerry Smith Jerry Christmas Tanktop
Now mankind know ye not what season this is, behold it is the final a short time has been given for world before it days of tribulation, for as the stars above reveal the women is in birth pains and soon cometh in season the child caught up unto the throne of God, who shall be worthy to escape the things to come and stand before the Son of man, who will be taken up to the hidden tribes to be spared the great judgements to come both the wrath of God and the Devil.
Jerry Smith Jerry Christmas Longsleeve
Make money to get into a studio i might even pray and ask the last person to forgive me and secretly make a track then leave i love world peace bro i love love i just wana be a great person i dont wana shed any more tears i really dont bro when i feel nobody hears me out after i give the speech my heart drops and i feel like i dont wana be on this Jerry Smith Jerry Christmas Sweater anymore but i stay strong becasue i need to be here to pray for you to become stronger my lil baby brother and for world peace to happen.
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