#sorry i bombed everyones dash with gifts for my friends but. i love them so much.
jovenshires · 4 months
hello everyone merry christmas back to our regularly scheduled bullshit
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jeromesxreader16 · 3 years
Such a Joker (54)
Part 53 Here!
"Who are you?" Bruce's voice booms through the study. He stares at his newly crafted parents with confusion, and shock. His mind must be going in circles. "Well, look who decided to join us," Martha speaks to her boy. "Hello, champ." Thomas follows.
"Master Bruce!" Alfred pops in with a tray of tea and biscuits. Bruce looks at his friend in shock. "Alfred, how did you..."
"Look at the state of you. What have I told you about rolling around in the muck?" Bruce stares at everyone, Jeremiah and I hide away watching for the time being.
"Alfred, what's going on? Who are these people?"
"Whatever do you mean, Bruce?"
"We're your parents." Silence from the billionaire boy Bruce Wayne.
"Right. Well, let's get you spruced up. After all, we have guests."
Jeremiah pulls us both out with smiles. His hand around my waist and his other raising a glass. "Welcome home, Bruce."
"Jeremiah. You're alive." Bruce's eyes travel to mine.
"Well, you didn't think Selina could kill me so easily, did you? Or that I'd ever leave my wife and my unborn sprees? I just had to put you off my scent until I could finalize my... project." Jeremiah pinches Martha's cheek. Bruce lunges for him before Alfred stops him. "Manners, Master Bruce. Let's not be rude to our guests."
I look to Bruce with a slight smile. If I play along I might be able to stay safer if I play the victim. I smile kissing Jer's cheek. "Especially when we come bearing gifts." I present the bomb to them all on the table. "Oh, Mrs. Valaska. A cake. How exceedingly kind of you. Is it Italian meringue?" I look back at Jeremiah with a smile, about to burst into laughter. He shrugs his shoulder. "Sure." Bruce strides towards me with fury, until Jeremiah pulls out the trigger.
"Now, now, Bruce, you come any closer and I blow up Wayne Manor, with all of us inside of it. I have a dozen more of these, uh, Italian meringues sprinkled throughout the house." Bruce glares at me with ill intent. "What did you do to Alfred? And who are these people?" I roll my eyes leaving Jerimiah's side and plopping on the couch. "Ah, glad you asked. Come."
Jer strolls over to look at Wayne's personalized smiles with Bruce. "Mommy and Daddy dearest were just an innocent couple I kidnapped based on... bone structure and, um... build. Just a touch of plastic surgery, and voila... Waynes. Alfred, I nabbed in the Green Zone." Bruce waves his hand in front of their faces, connecting the dots.
"They're hypnotized."
"Well, I'm afraid there was no room for improv in our script. Today is a... very important day, Bruce. Just look at the way they're dressed." I walk around Martha, admiring her pearls. "I like these, J." He hum. "I'll get you some just like it, love, but these ones are important for tonight." I giggle and kiss his cheek.
"It's the night my parents were killed," Bruce says with sadness.
"And I'm giving you the chance to experience it all over again."
"Isn't it obvious? Bruce... this...this was the most important day of your life. And I didn't get to be a part of it. We didn't get to comfort you on your big day. We need to rectify that." I stretch my arms out, planting them on my swollen belly. "Alfred, is dinner done? I'm hungry."
Jeremiah nods looking at Alfred. "Chop-chop. We're on a very tight schedule. My wife needs to eat." Alfred bows his head. "Of course, Mr. Jeremiah."
Jeremiah pulls out a chair for me in the dining area. Very comfortable and quaint! Jeremiah passes me a plate full of fruits and toast. "Alfred told me such great tidbits about your childhood. Any jam, darling?" Jer paused to ask me. I shake my head, kissing his cheek. "No love."
He nods, "Anyways, yes, How you used to eat here, in the kitchen, when it was just you and the family. My, how... homey and intimate. That's exactly how I'm raising my children."
Alfred walks over with Jer's food. "Grilled cheese and Branston pickle sandwich, Mr. Jeremiah. Master Bruce's favorite. My influence, though Thomas did add a dash of aioli for extra flair." Jer looks at Bruce with judgemental eyes. "Oh. Come on, Bruce. That's a weird favorite food for a 12-year-old."
"I'm playing your game," Bruce says smacking the plate off the table. "Now let Alfred and these people go. They're innocent."
"I'm sorry, Bruce, it's just... it's very important to me that I get every detail exactly right. Speaking of which... the final touch. What was it like... losing your parents that night? I lost my family, too, Bruce. The wound still hasn't healed. I... think about it often." Jeremiah falls into his thoughts, trailing off.
"None of this is real. You're trying to manipulate me. It will never be real." Jer smirks seeing the despair and sadness on Bruce's face. "But you are thinking about that night. That's all I need. I just want to be connected to you. I offered for you to be my best friend! You could've been the godfather to my children. But I've realized if we... can't be friends... then we can be connected in other ways."
"How?" Bruce asks frightened.
"You'll see. In time." Jeremiah looks at his watch humming. "I'm sorry to cut tonight short... but... your parents and I have a very important date ...with destiny." He laughs as we stand up and disappear with the Waynes. "You might want to find your faithful butler and leave. Quickly." as we rush out of the home Bruce struggles to find his butler.
Jeremiah runs through the tunnels, dragging me behind. "Exhilarating. Isn't it love?" I grab the wall as we near the end. "I... I need to slow down." His face smooths and he presses his hand to my back. "Aw, my love, I'm sorry. Giving you a hard time today?" His hand comes to my stomach and the twins kick excessively. "When you're around." I laugh leaning onto the soft fabric of his blazer. Jer looks down at me with sad eyes. "This is dangerous. You shouldn't be here." I furrow my brows. "You brought me along!" "And it was foolish of me. Gents, for the rest of the night, keep my wife safe. At safe blast range."
"Jeremiah!" Bruce calls in the theater. "Show yourself!"
The screen starts running a film. "Ol?! Hola, Bruce." Jeremiah swings in the frame on the big screen. "Well, here we are, the theater where your mommy and daddy took you to see The Mark of Zorro. Ha-ha! I had heard you were obsessed with this man as a child. I wonder what was it
that intrigued you so? Was it the fact that he struck fear into the hearts of his enemy?" Jeremiah in his costume fights off his enemies on the screen.
"En garde! Take that, you villain."
Jer looks into the screen. "Perhaps the movie was a bit too effective. Isn't this the part where you became frightened? When you asked your parents to leave? I wonder what would have happened if you hadn't done that. If you had conquered your fear. Maybe your parents would still be alive."
"Well, on to the last and final stop down memory lane."
Bruce runs out of the theater in a sprint. He stops in his tracks when he sees Jerimiah and I. "Stop! Stop! That's far enough, Bruce."
"Jeremiah. You don't have to do this."
"But I... I do. You see, I-I came to this realization. I realized that no matter what I did to bond us, some random gunman in an alley would be the man who you were tied to the most. The man you saw when you closed your eyes. I want to be the star of the show! Jeremiah says dramatically. "So if I can't have you as a brother bonded by love, then we'll just have to be bonded by hatred." Bruce huffs at him in anger. "And you think killing two people that look like my parents will do that? It won't."
Jer tightens his grip on me. "Well, then it's a good thing I already put a bullet in both of their fraudulent skulls." I look up at him with furrowed brows. "You said-" "Oh, you're both confused. How sweet." I look back to the couple with their backs facing us. "Jer, who is that?"
"You're wondering if I already shot them, then who's this lovely couple?" I jerk away from Jerimiah in an attempt to see the two. "No."
"Thomas, Martha...why don't you turn around?" Tears well in my eyes. "Jer, why?" He looks down at me with venom. "It's always been a roadblock, darling. Even for Jerome. With Jim in the way. No family of ours will survive. So why not have some fun with it, huh?" He winks at me. "No! You- you can't. These kids need him." "They need me," Jerimiah says with a smirk. "And so do you, doll."
"See, Bruce throughout our little adventure, fate brought to me James Gordon and Leslie Thompkins, and I thought to myself, why not... why not kill the man who you think of as your second father figure? And your dear, dear, dear friend Lee Thompkins. And when I do, finally, you and I will be bound together. Because you see...reunification with the mainland hangs on by a thread. Those fireworks go off and toxic chemicals rain down onto the city, and the government...cuts us adrift for good." I let a tear fall. "Jeremiah, please. Don't" He hold me tighter, never letting go of his hold.
Jer pulls me to the car, shoveling me in. "Dad!" I scream over his shoulder.
"I had Jervis Tetch hypnotize them so that they'll wake up the moment these beautiful pearls hit the ground. I want you to see them realize what I've done to them as life drains from their bodies. Never forget, this is all for you, Bruce." Jerimiah hops into the car with me, closing the door as we speed off. I stay silent. Sitting alone. "Aw, darling. Come on now. You know I had to. A wife can never live a life with two sides. You'll understand one day." He kisses my cheek while looking out the windows at his destruction.
"You know... I always liked him." I look up across from me to see Jerome. "He got on my nerves, but he always kept it interesting, didn't he, doll?" I push a smile out on my lips, nodding. Jerome leans over and kisses my forehead. "Cheer up love. Look down, look at our kids. Give them a laugh for me. Keep that one in check." He winks before setting back and vanishing.
I shake my head pushing all the nerves back in my mind. "Jerimiah, love? Where are we going?" He smiles grabbing my hand. "To the finale." Rounding a corner I see the big illuminated letters of ACE Chemicals. The inside reeking of strong odors.
"Jeremiah! Face me!" Bruce's echoed scream bounced through the factory. "Here, Bruce," Jer calls loudly. I stay behind pipes, hidden away safely as Bruce runs after my mad husband.
"Jeremiah! This ends. Tonight."
Both gentlemen on the metal walkway above the vats of acid. Bruce hits Jerimaih making him stumble against the railing. "No, Bruce. Now it begins." Bruce kicks Jerimaih down the catwalk, towering him. "You feel it.
The connection between us. You do. Don't you? Bruce, you feel it." Bruce punches Jeremiah as he continues. "Tell me you feel it."
"You mean nothing to me."
Jerimiah's head butts Bruce before getting to his feet again. "Why don't you understand?" Jer grabs Bruce pushing him against the railing, causing it to bend. "You need me. I'm the answer to your life's question! Without me, you're just a joke...without a punch-" Jerimiah throws his hand at Bruce, but Bruce moves at the right time causing Jer to miss. His arm follows through in the wind, his body hitting the railing hard causing it to break and Jerimiah to fall into the vat. "NO!" I scream running over. Bruce tugs me back as I try to reach down into the vat. "(y/n), no!" I cry holding to the broken railing. "No... no..." I lower my head into my hands. They're both gone. I'm all alone now.
An ambulance rolls up fishing out Jerimiaha's body from the vat. "Miss." I continue to watch as Jerimiah's body is laid on a table and carried away. "Miss." I look up to see a nurse with worry-filled eyes. "I need you to come with me. You've been surrounded by hazardous chemicals. We need to make your child is okay." I nod numbly. Passing Bruce, keeping my head down. "(Y/n)," Bruce calls. "Let me follow." I nod without a word.
"Well, Mrs. Valeska. You're set. Two healthy twins." I nod standing. "Where is-" "Room 204. He's unconscious." "I don't care." I stand walking to the locked room, two guards on each side. "I'm his wife," I say before entering. In the bed, Jerimiah lays still, wrapped up in bandages from head to toe. I feel my tears well up with tears. "He did it to himself, doll. Nothing you could've done." Jerome kisses my shoulder, wrapping his arms around me. The ghostly feeling so comforting. I lay hand hands on his feeling the cold skin. "I wish you were here." "I know, but someone else is." The door opens and none other than my father walks in. "Dad." "Oh, my god." He covers his mouth, tears welling up, as he wraps me in his arms. "You're okay." I cry into his shoulder.
Selina and Bruce arrive in the room. "I can't believe he's still alive," Selina says with hatred, but I can't blame her. "They've been doing scans, and he has no brain activity," I say never taking my eyes away from Jer. "So, he's no longer a threat to you. To anyone." I turn around walking away from the room. "(Y/n)," Dad calls out. "Come home with me, honey. You need to be-" "Okay. I'll meet you there." I continue to walk out the doors into the dark night of Gotham, a quiet night. 
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fnf-brain-rot · 3 years
[Whitty x Boyfriend]
Chapter 3 - He's dangerous
Pico didn't like the idea of Boyfriend going to see this mystery man, and his gut feeling would only be made worse if his idea of who the stranger was, was correct. He only usually closed himself off in his room when he's in deep thought, or when he's organizing business. Right now, it was the latter.
He couldn't stop thinking about Boyfriend's surprise visit. Why did he hesitate to tell his name? He wasn't stupid, he could tell the guy was lying, the only problem is without a name, he wasn't totally sure if this target was the same guy he was hanging out with. Lying down on his queen sized mattress, he sighed, taking the cigarette out of his mouth. He couldn't help but feel guilt for the plan he would come up with. He didn't like the idea of using his dear, close friend, especially since he quite liked him, but there's no other way to get the info out of him. Speaking of..
He heard a knock on his door. He quickly got up, put out his cigarette, and made his way down to answer. Of course, when he opened it, there stood Boyfriend, holding his beloved microphone. "Pi- oh! Sorry, am I bothering you?" The blue haired's face went red as he noticed Pico wasn't wearing a shirt. "Nope, you're just on time actually." Pico couldn't help but chuckle at the flustered male. "Come on, I'll make some tea." The ginger turned to retreat back into his house, and Boyfriend followed loosely behind him. He's seen Pico shirtless a lot, sure, but he still couldn't get used to seeing him like that. He wondered why. 
"So, you come bearing more news about this mystery man of yours?" Pico's voice echoed from his place in the kitchen. "Well.. Yes and no." Boyfriend made himself at home right on Pico's couch of course, kicking his legs up onto the cushions. Pico noticed he's been in such a happy-go-lucky mood ever since meeting this guy. He was starting to suspect he had a crush. "We haven't hung out recently. I just wanted to you know.. kick it with you for a bit." He stated with a grin. Pico rolled his eyes and returned to the living room, holding a cup of coffee and a cup of tea. "Gee, who's fault is that?" He teased, and Boyfriend sat up with a whine, allowing the ginger to sit next to him. "I'm sorry! It's just.. I just really feel for him you know?" Pico only nodded.
"You barely know him Bee." Pico reminded him. "But I bought him food! He ate it! All of it! Like.. Oh my god.. If you were there you would know how much he ate I ordered one of everything." Boyfriend shuddered a little. He was thankful for him finishing the food though. "With who's money?" Pico snorted, and Boyfriend pouted, almost dejectedly. "Gigi's." He answered honestly. "Well.. At least it sounded like you had fun." The ginger glanced away, taking a brisk sip of his black coffee. The bitter taste kept him awake. "I'd love for you to actually meet him this weekend." Boyfriend then spoke up. Pico blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected it to be handed to him like that. "This weekend? Wh- You could barely tell me his name yesterday." He set his cup down and crossed his arms. "I know! But I'll talk him into meeting you and Gigi and Nene and Darnell and the spooky boys!" The smaller male almost squealed in delight.
Pico didn't like the idea of his information being put out there to strangers-especially considering his reputation-but he guessed that was up to Boyfriend's innocence. Pico found it hard to stay mad at him. How could he? He sighed, looking the blue haired male up and down. "I.. guess it's fine. Just as long as he's not smelly, who knows where that guy's been lying around." He scrunched up his nose in distaste. Boyfriend grinned, thankful for Pico's blessing, then hugged him tightly, an action that made Pico's face go a slight shade of red. "Yeah yeah whatever, just.." He huffed in embarrassment, turning his head as Boyfriend buried his face into his chest. This blueberry had no sense of personal space, did he?
Whitty hated to admit it, but he had been thinking about that shorty all day.
So much so, he ended up walking around the area they first met. He almost hadn't noticed his feet subconsciously leading him back to that alley. He only realised when he looked at his crude graffiti where he was, and had an immediate thought to flee but.. instead he sat against the wall. He couldn't help but get second hand embarrassment from the simple thought of his break down during their first battle. He looked down and took out a small phone that was gifted to him some time ago. During their afternoon binge yesterday-well his afternoon binge-he had gotten his phone number in case he needed to call or something. Of course, he wasn't planning on calling any time soon. He wasn't the type to ask for anything, but he was tempted to ask if they could hang out again today.
As he opened Boyfriend's contact, he paused, suddenly becoming aware of his surroundings. He set the phone in his pants pocket and stood back up. He could've sworn he heard movement...He stared intensely at the entrance to the alley way. It wasn't the sound of eager yet gentle foot steps by Boyfriend. It was definitely not friendly.
He stuck his hands in his jacket pockets. He was starting to take steps back with each sound he heard, only to see about three-four? About four figures make their way into the alley. He was trapped, he had no where to run. This alley was a dead end. "See boss? I told you he would be here!" A small, yet gritty voice exhoed along the walls, followed by a loud "shhh!" with another loud "shhh!!"
Whitty could recognise these voices. He's heard them before. In this same spot, weeks ago. They were part of some gang that was out for his bounty. He didn't bother to learn the name, all he knew was that everyone was an enemy. Well.. except for Boyfriend of course. "Whitty, right?" The tallest male stood to the front. His voice was just as gritty, and he had pale skin, straight brown hair and was wearing what seemed to be casual attire. In fact, all of them looked similar. The only intimidating thing to a normal person would be his demeanor and the fact he's above 5'10. Whitty, however, was no normal person. He was a target. By everyone.
Boyfriend sighed happily, just leaving Pico's house. He left with some conflicted feelings, butterflies in his stomach, and red constantly plastered on his cheeks. Sure he thought he had a crush on Pico for a while now but.. He might have been distracted with Whitty. The way his body grew hot at every tiny touch Pico gave him. He can't even see the guy shirtless without becoming a flustered mess. He could tell something was up with Pico too. Maybe he should talk to him about it..
He decided to run and stop at his favorite cafe. He wished he could sit with Whitty in the place. He thought Whitty would like the decor inside. It's warm, quiet, and they give tasty snacks. Boyfriend smiled at the thought of Whitty. He wondered what he was doing. Taking care of himself he hoped. He should probably stop by that alley they first met in, check to see if he left anything there possibly. He did leave in a hurry. Maybe he left his favorite.. thing?? Okay, he'll admit, he had no real reason to go. He just kind of... wanted to think about the taller guy. That's fine, right?
Whitty had been trying his best to stand his ground. His main advantage, and disadvantage, was his height. He found it hard to get back up after being knocked down, so the plan was to stay on his feet. "Why don't you scumbags fuck off somewhere?" The bomb man scoffed, feeling the heat in his head begin, and his fuse started to light. "And miss out on this opportunity? No. You're lucky we want to take you alive." All four of them advanced. They planned to rush him. Whitty's been in a tussle a couple of times, but never with more than two people. Their first plan was to surround him, and take him down that way. He tried to focus and not panic,  taking his hands out of his pockets and balling them into fists. They lit ablaze as if he were holding fire, and he turned around, throwing a punch at the guy to his left, catching them all by surprise. They honestly though he was the flight type.
"AH!! SHIT!" The male yelled in pain, but Whitty could care less. These guys were here supposedly to kidnap him or something. The other two goons went in, one grabbing his arm, thinking he could simply flip him over, and the other on his leg to catch him off balance. The big male stumbled, but forced himself to the side instead of on his back, pushing against the alley wall. He growled, an angry growl, before picking up the smaller guy on his leg by the neck. His hand seared the skin around his hold, and the other male tried to get him to drop him since he was practically cooking his throat.
The man who received the first punch finally recuperated, and dashed over to help. Shame, these three were gonna get killed by the hands of this thing. Everyone knows the leaders tend to make the smartest decisions. He's the leader right? This fight wasn't winnable with only four guys. Not with this big ass creature that seemed to become more and more unhinged with every second, almost as if he were taking pleasure in burning these men alive.
Whitty threw away the severely burned man and turned to the guy on his arm, who had tried to stab him with a needle, but the moment he touched the bare arm, it was like touching a burning stove. Whitty couldn't help but laugh, grabbing this man by the wrist with one hand, and catching the other by the arm as he tried to jump onto him. Yeah.. This is karma right? Their screams of pain, agony, they deserved more than to burn alive.
Boyfriend was almost skipping down the sidewalk, but scrunched his nose at the smell of something burning. It seemed like it was coming right from where he was planning to go too. Was Whitty there? Granted it could just be a hobo using a fire to cook or something but... this was a different smelling burn. A smell he's never smelled before, and it formed a pit in his stomach, though he could never explain why.
He didn't rush popping his head around the corner. The sight made him pale, clamping a hand over his mouth.
Was that.. Whitty?
No way, had to be an evil twin or something..
No, it definitely was Whitty. He was crying.. and laughing? The burning smell was because of him. It was burning clothes, burning flesh. Two men were out on the ground, seeming to have accumulated severe burn wounds, singed clothing.. he almost thought they were dead. "You fucked with the wrong guy. Four dudes?? That's all you got?" He heard Whitty laugh. The laugh wasn't like any Boyfriend had heard. When he saw the man he was holding, he had to step in. "W-Whitty!" He choked, and Whitty stopped almost immediately. He stopped everything. He stopped crying. He stopped laughing. He was no longer heated. It was like his brain had to process what the fuck was going on, and he knew what it was when  Boyfriend hesitantly stepped within his radius. "Whitty.. Put him down." The blue haired male demanded in a shaky voice. He felt like he was gonna vomit. Whitty dropped the guy, then looked at his hands. There were burned things sticking to them.. Hopefully he wasn't looking at human flesh and blood.
"B.. B-Bee.." Whitty's hands began to tremble. His eyes went wide and the black, inky substance began to leak from his eyes again. He did it again. He.. he hurt people again.. "Oh.. fuck.." Whitty breathed out shakily, beginning to back away from the short male. Boyfriend didn't know how to react, but.. he could feel the remorse in Whitty's actions. He had a feeling Whitty wouldn't want him to see him like this. Not like.. a monster. "Whitty.. c.. c-calm down.." Boyfriend didn't let him scoot away too far, tugging on his jacket sleeve. "Don't! Stop!" Whitty exclaimed, causing Boyfriend to jump a bit. "You're not gonna hurt me. "
"You don't know that!"
"Yes I do." Boyfriend stared into Whitty's eyes with intent.
The bomb crouched down, allowing Boyfriend to give him a look of permission, then hug him. "It's.. It's okay, I'm sure you had a reason to." Boyfriend tried to comfort him, while Whitty began to mutter "I'm sorry" Over and over again. Boyfriend only shushed him, hugging the bomb shaped head in his arms. His fuse was short. He's glad he caught him before he exploded. "Let's get out of here, okay? Don't worry about these guys, I'll.. I'll handle it. For now, let's get you somewhere calmer." Boyfriend muttered softly as he pulled away. Whitty was surprised he could still look him in the eyes and not scowl. He nodded and stood straight. Boyfriend took his hand and led him out. He would simply call an ambulance for these guys. For now, he wouldn't allow Whitty to worry about any of it. They were gonna sit by a tree for the rest of the day.
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snakeboistan · 4 years
Flower Power
Karmagisa Flower Shop AU
“How do I passive-aggressively say f*** you in flower?”
Nagisa blinked. It was just an ordinary day at the flower shop he worked at; he opened the double doors and greeted his co-workers, tied his baby blue apron around his waist and started his shift. The morning was quite slow as they only had three customers: a frantic man desperately looking for an anniversary gift for his wife, a teenaged schoolgirl who wanted to cheer up her hospitalised best friend, and a young lady who was headed to her goddaughter’s birth. He was standing behind the counter, arranging the bouquet of lavender-coloured roses and alstroemeria when he walked in. Like a man on a warpath, this tall red headed stranger in a black blazer strode in like he owned the place, the sound of loud confident footsteps reverberated through the empty store as he made his way to the counter and slammed down two a thousand yen notes onto its surface, almost causing Nagisa to drop the posies of purple stock and purple statice in his hand in surprise.
“Um, excuse me?” oh right, he had a job to do.
“Oh sorry, sir,” Nagisa said, still completely perplexed by the events that had unfolded during the last minute. Why, out of all times, did Maehara decide to go to see ‘the cute barista with the most dazzling brown eyes that suck you in and most adorable antennae and beautiful smile that leaves me weak at the knees’ that worked at the coffee shop opposite them and Fuwa chose to work on her commissioned bouquet in the storage room in the back? “I just - um, excuse me - but do you think you could repeat what you just said, please?”
Mr Tall Stranger scoffed, “It’s one of my classmates’ birthday tomorrow and I positively hate the guy. He thinks that just because he got higher than me in midterms last week that he’s sooo much better than me - as if one point is such a difference. Well, the whole school positively adores him and since it’s our last year of High School, I thought it would be a kind gesture for me to put aside our differences and just give him a parting gift for the last birthday he’ll ever be able to spend with me.”
“By … giving him a floral arrangement that would be the equivalent of flipping him off?” Nagisa raised an eyebrow.
“Exactly,” the other replied brightly, “so can you do it? I swear I can pay extra if I need to. Trust me the look on Asano’s face would be worth every yen.”
“Well, I can see what I can do, sir.”
“Karma,” the young man said, “please don’t use any of that ‘sir’ business.”
“Sure, Karma.”
“Thank you, Nagisa.” If it weren’t for the fact that he was wearing a name tag, Nagisa would’ve jumped five feet in the air at the fact that Mr-Karma used his name. It certainly didn’t help that he was somewhat attractive with his sharp golden eyes, stylishly ruffled crimson locks, cocky smile and an aura that screamed confidence. Pushing down the feeling of interest that curled in his stomach and seemed to be targeted towards the other male, Nagisa put down the flowers in his hands and stated, “well, you could use geraniums, which symbolise stupidity, foxgloves, which symbolise insincerity, meadowsweet for uselessness, orange lilies for hatred and finally some yellow carnations.”
“Really,” Karma was grinning widely, placing his elbow on the countertop and resting his chin on the back of his hand, “and what do they mean.”
Nagisa smiled, “disappointment and disdain.”
Karma threw his head back and laughed (and no, the sound did not make Nagisa blush all right, no matter what those pesky store cameras said. Everyone knew that they weren’t working anyway), “that’s brilliant. You sure know your stuff, don’t you? I’m going to need to remember that for the next time I do a group project with Terasaka.”
“Consider it a gift,” Nagisa said, “I like reading and the language of flowers interested me.”
“Is that why you work here then.”
“Not really,” he didn’t know why he was explaining this all to a person he just met, but something about the dashing redhead made him feel … safe, in a way. He didn’t know why but the golden-eyed gaze captured him and drew him in and he wanted more, “I’m trying to save up for University and my own place once I graduate high school and this store pays really well for part-time work. You don’t have to know a lot about flowers to work here but I thought it would be a fun hobby to try to learn and I was curious so I taught myself all about it.”
“You must be really smart, to learn all of that,” Karma smiled, causing him to blush.
“Not really,” he replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck, “trust me I’m not. I’m kind of not doing well in school right now. At this rate, getting a 70 percent in maths would be nothing more than a miracle.”
Karma just hummed before saying, “I see. Well, any chance we could get started on my ‘F*** You, Asano’ birthday gift?”
“Which I assume is coming straight from the heart?”
“But of course,” Karma said solemnly, placing a hand over his heart and winking. Nagisa rolled his eyes, but the smile on his face betrayed his amusement, as he walked around the counter and began searching for the flowers required.
“So, what do you study in school?” Karma asked when Nagisa was gently pulling out a handful of coral coloured foxgloves.
“Hmm? Oh, just the usual, you know: Maths, Science, English. Oh, and also Psychology. You?”
“The same as you but Economics instead of Psychology, which, I’ve got to say is really interesting. Can you, like, read minds?”
“Unfortunately, no, I have not yet unlocked that skill,” Nagisa replied gravely with a shake of his head, “it appears that my dreams of becoming like Psyren and taking over the world by using mental waves are currently on hold.”
“‘Psyren’? Like the villain in the Sonic Ninja: A Soldier Returns comic?” Karma sounded impressed.
“You read Sonic Ninja?”
“Yeah, I got to admit I’m not too big on the movies though. The director they had for the last one was kind of terrible.”
“I thought it was alright,” Nagisa quipped back as he gathered all of the necessary plants and made his way back to the counter, “sure the special effects weren’t that great but the plot was good.”
“Eh,” Karma waved his hand down, “I still think that the villain only won because the plot called for it and not because he was necessarily skilled.”
“Are you kidding me?” Nagisa’s head was down as he wrapped the flowers but he was sure that the incredulity in his voice conveyed every emotion on his face, “he’s one of the most powerful characters in the franchise! He survived a literal nuclear bomb! He was able to create a forcefield so powerful it wiped out an entire village!”
“Yeah, but to say that he’s stronger than an entire army is just pushing it.”
“I suppose so. By the way, that would be two thousand yen, which you already gave me earlier. Would you like a card to sign?”
“Sure,” Karma shrugged, “I’ve got to show how much I mean this thoughtful gesture, you know.”
Nagisa laughed and handed him a card and pen so that Karma could write whatever it was he wanted to write.
“By the way,” Karma asked as he picked up the bouquet, “what would you suggest I get if I wanted to ask someone out?”
“Oh, umm, well. Roses are usually the go to, even if they might be a bit clichè. The best option would be to go for the person’s favourite flower but you have purple lilacs, which mean first love, pink camellias, which mean longing, and chrysanthemums, which mean long lasting love. Personally, I’d go for sunflowers, which mean loyalty and pure adoration, or forget-me-nots, which mean I’ll never forget you, but I think that that one’s pretty obvious.”
Karma hummed and nodded to himself before cheerily saying “goodbye” and leaving the store, ringing the bell as he went. Nagisa sighed and smiled.
“So what was that about?” Fuwa asked smugly from her place near the doorway of the storage room. Nagisa gasped and turned around in shock, not expecting her to be there.
“How long were you standing there?” Nagisa’s tone was accusing.
“Long enough to know that someone’s got a fan.”
“You’ve got it all wrong, he’s just a customer.”
“Mmhmm, keep telling yourself that ‘Gisa. I saw the way he was looking at you. It was pure shoujo manga with the flowers and the banter and the teasing.”
Nagisa rolled his eyes as Fuwa started to go on in another one of her tangents. He loved her, he really did, but he often wondered if she actually lived in the real world.
“What’s got her started?” Maehara asked later when he returned from his break.
“She thinks a customer is into me,” Nagisa replied, “which is stupid because I’m not really the type of guy a person asks out.”
“Ohohoho, that’s what you think, young one,” Fuwa wagged her finger, “the romantic tension between you two was so palpable I could almost taste it. And don’t deny it, you think he’s hot.”
Nagisa blushed, “I, well, I - I have eyes okay! It’s not like he’d be interested in me though. He might not even like guys that much.”
Maehara gave him a knowing look, “that’s what I thought about Isogai but guess who just got a date for next weekend?”
“Really?” Fuwa beamed and clapped her hands giddily, “Oh, you must tell me all about it.”
Nagisa just looked at his friends and sighed.
The next day, when Nagisa turned up at his shift in the afternoon, there was a bouquet of sunflowers and forget-me-nots lying on the countertop. With his heart beating like a drum, he fiddled with the card that was attached to the ribbon that held them in place.
Hey Nagisa,
Heard that the new Sonic Ninja movie is coming out in a week, wanna go watch it together?
Here’s my number: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
P.S: if you ever need help with maths, I’d be glad to lend some assistance ;)
P.P.S: the flowers were great!
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girls-scenarios · 6 years
A Night to Remember
Idol: Nakyung (fromis_9)
Prompt: fromis finally gets their first win on nakyungs birthday and reader hosts a surprise party for nakyung afterwards!! omg i can't believe i almost missed this i love this blog so much
Writer: Admin Kiwi
A/N: So the fromis_9 official profile spells her name as Nagyung, while everyone on Tumblr seems to spell her name as Nakyung I’m so confused-. Anyone care to explain? I usually go off the profile spelling but for Tumblr search purposes I’m going with Nakyung so I hope that’s okay. Also, I wanted to find a gif with her beautiful two-toned hair but there wasn’t one that fit :( Anyway, I hope you all support fromis_9′s comeback Love Bomb (it’s a bop and it’s stuck in my head), and enjoy!
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Your heart was soaring. Even through the screen, you could feel your girlfriend’s excitement, and your heart was racing in your chest. Finally, fromis_9 had gotten their first win, and you could feel tears gathering at the sides of your eyes, smiling as you watched the girls gather around each other, trophy in Saerom’s hand. She was talking into the mic with her free hand, faster than usual and trying not to cry, while the other girls hugged each other. Nagyung was laughing with Jiheon and Chaeyoung while Hayoung, Gyuri, and Jisun were crying, and Jiwon was jumping up and down in excitement, holding Seoyeon’s hand. For a moment, you could only watch, lost in your happiness for them.
It wasn’t until the other idols began to file off the stage and their song started to play through the speakers that you were knocked out of your thoughts and remembered what you’d been doing. It was Nakyung’s birthday, and you were currently standing in their dorm, surrounded by balloons, a “happy birthday” banner, and other scattered decorating materials.
“What an awesome birthday gift,” you said to yourself, stealing one last look at the tv as the girls sang along to their song. Nagyung was glowing, looking happy enough to burst as she danced and waved to the fans, and she stole your attention again. Finally, you shook your head and looked away from the tv again. As much as you loved her, you had to focus on getting the dorm ready for her surprise birthday party. The other girls had entrusted this with you, so you couldn’t let them down.
Her presents from everyone sat on the table, alongside a space for the cake and snacks that you’d brought. The banner would go on the wall so she’d see it as soon as she walked in, and you were scattering balloons around the room, along with taping them up alongside the banner. You also had balloons that spelled out her name to put under the banner, and they’d taken you forever to fill up, so there was no way you were going to forget them. Rolling up your sleeves, you let the tv play in the background as you got to work. After everything that had happened tonight, the party had to be perfect too.
When your phone buzzed with a text from Chaeyoung, you had finished almost everything.
We’re on our way back now! Is everything done?
You took a quick look around the room. All of the decorations were up, so all that was left was to take out the food and cake and arrange the table.
Everything is ready so come on back. Congratulations on the win!
Thank you!!!! We’re all so excited so this surprise party is going to be FUN!
Laughing, you shook your head and put your phone into your pocket, knowing that Chaeyoung probably had some kind of crazy game planned. You wouldn’t be surprised if Jiwon was in on it either.
Alright, let’s get this done, you thought to yourself as you walked over to the fridge. There was a cake, of course, and ice cream, but there was also an assortment of other things, like a veggie plate, western chips and dips that Nakyung liked, plenty of different drinks, and the foods Jisun had cooked and left for you to heat up. You’d also ordered cheese tteokbokki from her favorite restaurant, and it should be there any minute. This was going to be perfect.
Quickly, you set to work clearing space for the food and arranging the presents around the cake in an aesthetic way before beginning to heat up the food. Halfway through the heating up, you were setting out the drinks when the doorbell rang. For a moment, you panicked, before you remembered that it was the delivery you’d ordered and hurried over to open the door and pay for it all, adding it to the array of food and going back to what you were doing.
It was perfect timing. As you sat down the last hot dish, your ears picked up the sound of the girls outside. You dashed over to dim the lights and hide behind the couch, hoping that they couldn’t hear your quickly-beating heart from the doorway.
The door swung open and Saerom stepped inside first, flipping on the lights. As light flooded the room, you heard Nakyung gasp and the rest of the girls begin to cheer.
“Surprise!” You jumped up from where you’d been hiding with a wide grin, and Nakyung’s hands went to her mouth, eyes growing even wider.
“(Y/N)? What’s going on?”
“Happy birthday Nakyung! We planned a surprise for you!” Chaeyoung said, bouncing happily. “(Y/N) helped us out by getting all of it ready while we were working.”
“It looks like it’s doubling as a first win party as well. Congratulations, girls!” You said as you walked over to the group. Nakyung stopped covering her mouth to grab your your hands instead as the rest of the group tumbled into the dorms, tears still streaming down Gyuri’s cheeks as she leaned on Jisun.
“Thank you, (Y/N). Thank you, everyone.” You smiled at her fondly and led her further inside.
“You’re welcome. Come on, I just warmed up all the food, and the cheese tteokbokki is fresh! You guys deserve it!”
“You’re the best, (Y/N)!” Jiwon called as she darted into the kitchen, grabbing a plate and getting started. The rest of the girls followed suit, other than Saerom who hung back a bit to make sure everyone else had enough to eat, but Nakyung didn’t seem to be in any hurry as she approached the cake first. It was rather simple, reading “Happy Birthday Aegyo Queen Nakyung”, but it was her favorite flavor, and she seemed to be touched all the same.
“I love it,” she said, turning to you with a smile. “I love it all. You did all of this by yourself?” You rubbed the back of your neck, shrugging your shoulders.
“Yeah, but it wasn’t that bad. Plus, they got the cake and most of the food before you guys left.”
“That’s why Hayoung unnie wouldn’t let me in the kitchen,” she said, shooting a glance at the oldest member. “It makes sense now.” Laughing, you grabbed two plates, handing one to her.
“Sorry to keep you in the dark. But I got the cheese tteokbokki from your favorite place, so does that make up for it?” Smiling, she leaned into you, letting you lead her over to her favorite dish.
“Just the party would have made up for it honestly. But the cheese tteokbokki? I feel like I owe you one.” She was just joking, you could tell from the lilt in her voice, but you still grinned and raised your eyebrows.
“Hmm, could I get a kiss then?” She giggled and leaned in to press a swift kiss to your lips, almond eyes sparkling as she pulled away.
“I was going to kiss you anyway, you didn’t have to ask.”
“Eww, not in the kitchen,” Jiheon whined, making Nakyung stick her tongue out at her. But she pulled away from you anyway, moving instead to begin filling her plate with food.
The atmosphere was good; everyone was excited, happy, and giddy from the win, so no one seemed to remember that they were tired from long practices and schedules, instead buzzing with life as they gathered in the living room. The trophy sat on the highest shelf near the tv, proclaiming their win to whoever walked through the door.
Nakyung took your hand again once she was finished making her plate, and the two of you walked over to join everyone else sitting in the living room. As the two of you sat down, she bumped your shoulder with her own.
“Hey, babe?”
“Hm?” No one else seemed to be interested in your conversation, busy talking about the win.
“What did you get me?” Her eyes were sparkling again, and she looked so cute that you really wanted to kiss her again. Maybe you would.
“Why do you want to know?” You had gotten her a little figure of her favorite Overwatch character, and the newest Oh My Girl album. But you weren’t going to tell her that and spoil the surprise.
“Because I wanna know?” She gave you the little pout that she knew made your heart speed up, but you shook your head.
“Nope, not going to work. You’ll have to wait and see.” She pouted even harder, leaning in even closer and resting her chin on your shoulder, but just as you felt like you might give in, Jiwon jumped up from the circle, startling everyone into looking at her.
“Okay everyone, it’s game time! Come on!”
“Game time?” Nakyoung asked, pulling away from you and giving you a moment to breathe. Chaeyoung moved to stand beside Jiwon, and you recognized the look on her face.
“Of course! The night would be boring without some kind of entertainment.” Seoyeon knew too, scrunching up her nose as she looked at her friends.
“By entertainment, you mean that you two are going to make us play some weird game, right?”
“Saerom unnie,” Jisun said, turning to the leader for help, but Saerom just shrugged and leaned back into her chair.
“As long as we’re not doing anything crazy or illegal, I don’t see anything wrong with it. It’s a birthday party, you’re supposed to play games.” Jisun sighed and rested her head on Gyuri’s shoulder, and Hayoung gave Saerom a wary look, but Chaeyoung and Jiwon cheered immediately.
“Thank you, leader! The first game is....” Chaeyoung turned to Jiwon, who announced it.
“Truth or dare!” The reaction was varied, from groans to laughs, and you shook your head, already knowing where this was going. But Nakyung was laughing, and as long as she was happy, you were happy.
“Remember the last time we played?” You said, looking at her with raised eyebrows. She nodded.
“Yeah, we had to switch clothes.”
“And you ended up keeping my sweater.”
“Hey, it was cute! And you said it was okay!” You laughed, and she rested her chin on your shoulder again, so close and cute that it made your heart speed up again. No matter now long you’d dated her, she still made your heart race. “Hey, let me dare you.”
“The game hasn’t started yet.”
“Just let me!”
“Fine.” She tilted her head slightly.
“I dare you to kiss me.” You let out a laugh.
“You didn’t have to dare me to do that. I would have anyway.”
“It’s in the spirit of the game.” It was getting late, but you didn’t feel tired at all. The food was good and the room was abuzz, and the entire night had been a success.
“Are you having a good birthday?”
“It’s amazing. It would be even better if you kissed me.” You couldn’t say no to that. Immediately, you leaned forward and captured her lips, kissing her softly. The rest of the girls reacted, of course, but you couldn’t be bothered, and you knew Nakyung wasn’t either. When you pulled away from her, you raised your eyebrows.
“That make it better?” She smiled that cute little smile that made her nose scrunch up just slightly and her eyes crinkle at the sides and wrapped her arms around you, resting her head on your shoulder. You put your arm around her shoulders, pulling her close, and ignored Jiwon’s protests. Nakyung was happy, so you were happy, and well, you knew the other girls were happy too.
“Now it’s perfect.” 
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flightykickback · 5 years
LAWD! This took forever to write!
I legit had… *counts*…three drafts that I scrapped.  What’s crazy is I had so much to type even though this was one night only; All I, and my bank account, had to give.  Why am I overthinking the details? LOL!
But, it’s finally here for your reading pleasure:  our crash and dash to see BTS Speak Yourself Tour in Chicago!
WARNING: This post is long and hardly edited.  I’m tired of looking at it.
When I say this was a crash and dash, I truly mean it.  My friend and I drove early morning from Cleveland, stopped by the Hello Kitty Café Truck in Westlake, then made it to Sleep Inn near Midway Airport by 2 PM on concert day.  We were on our way downtown to the BTS x Live Nation Pop-Up Shop shortly after.  Before we knew it, we were on our way home the next day.  Did we breathe? I don’t think so.
The weather in Chicago was *insert Alaska Thunderfuck voice* TERRIBLE! This wasn’t normal rain and cold, this was a cut through your bones kinda chill.  I was woefully underprepared, no thanks to checking weather reports! Sunny, they said.  ZERO chance of rain, then it rained on our way and was misty all day in Chicago.  Swear, I wanted to pack light, so I didn’t bring anything other than a thin jacket and my ballet flats.  Not only was I freezing, but I also kept stepping in puddles and mud at Soldier Field.  By the end of the night, my hands and feet could’ve been amputated.
Regardless, I had only one chance to complete my mission:
Visit the BTS x Live Nation Pop-Up Shop
Find Disequil Merch
Buy Tour Merch
Die at the Concert
I couldn’t lose!
Originally, my friend and I were to take the transit to the Pop-Up Shop, but she was gracious enough to get us a Lyft since we were an hour away by transit.  The driver was real chill and indulged my hyperactivity enough to withstand me asking if his earlobe gauges hurt (to which we learned he just increased the size today! (☉。☉)), complaining that Blueface is throwing all rappers off-beat, and asking him to cut-off a FL plated minivan trying to jump ahead of us.
Um, excuse me, this Chicago, baby! You can’t just barge in.  Fend for yourself! *Doesn’t really mean any of this since there’s hardly any traffic in Cleveland and traffic in Chicago sucks* But we had somewhere important to be! (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و
We get to the Pop-Up Shop and the line was hundreds of people deep, from the shop door and around an entire city block.  The only consolation was the representation of all ages, ethnicities, sizes, and gender was admirable, and they all desired to buy these overpriced designs by Live Nation.  I just wanted the free slap bracelet =P
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My friend and I were getting out of the Lyft (I’m sure our driver misses us T.T) and I tell her, maybe we can ask for bracelets and get the hell outta here.  She told me, she’ll watch me ask LOL!
I set off to find an employee in what was an embarrassingly long amount of circling in one spot, looking confused while mumbling to myself, “I don’t see any employees! Where’s the door?! Why are there no employees?! Will people think I’m cutting the line? How can people walk into a building with only one way in and one way out, without any employees outside?! Even a club has bouncers!” Literally, the door would swing open and a select few would walk in before the door slammed shut. Did the door even have a handle?? Meanwhile, my friend is waiting against something, looking comfortable.
Then I spot him, THE ONLY representative that appeared to be working outside, complete in a personal jacket and regular looking jeans.  The walkie-talkie and him opening the exit door set my sensors off.  LOL!
“Excuse me, how long is the wait?” I was on a whole. ‘Notha. Level. My introvertedness was nowhere to be seen.
“Three hours.” THREE M-FING HOURS?! Oh hell no, we ain’t got time for that!
“Oh no! My friend and I drove all the way from Cleveland to see the concert tonight.  It starts at 7.” Pure defeatism in my body language and disappointment all over my face.
Aaaaaaaand LIFTOFF! My strange hyperactive charm engaged the employee in a conversation about the wait time, how most ARMY are finagling it, how he got the job (he knows people?!), and eventually I tell him, “I just want a slap bracelet.”
His movements were “say no more” quick.  I barely finished my sentence before he opened the door and reemerged with ONE slap bracelet.  I thanked him profusely, then asked for another one for my friend.  “NOPE! Should’ve asked then.  They gave me a hard time with this one!”  Needless to say, I apologized profusely to my friend -_-; (Sorry!).
  DISSSSEEEQUILLLL MERCH! Ya’ll! I’ve been aching to add their glow-in-the-dark Speak Yourself Tour pin to my collection and it just so happened the merchant was going to be a Soldier Field.  I couldn’t miss this opportunity.  The anxiety set in when I learned I had to find Disequil by Twitter stalking.
I’ve wrote how my friend and I ran into Big Hit Staff before.  They ab-so-lutely DO NOT want anyone except them selling any merch on tour grounds.
Ooooooo, they want their money! They were looking to bust merch and fan sites like it’s their only mission.  There were also a few scares circulating online that cops were busting fan sites, giving them court orders and throwing their merch away O-O! So you can imagine Disequil wasn’t playing any games.
One moment, Disequil was on the outskirts of Soldier Field Campus, then they were someplace else.  Suddenly, they were traveling to a donut shop and announced they’d only be there briefly.  I legit @ them like DO NOT MOVE! I’M COMING! T_T! So, in the frigid, misty air, by bus, we finally caught up with the merchant.  I not only get the SY tour pin, but also prints of their MONO series pin collection!
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By now, everyone should know RM is my bias and his album, MONO, had me deep in reflection after its release.  I collect so many pins to show my love of RM and his intellect that it’s ridiculous.  It’s no surprise that I needed to have the MONO prints too.  The details in the design and the embodiment of each song within the artwork of the pins are overwhelming.  Dissu even explains each design because they’re that incredible!  Not only did I buy the prints, but I also bought the pins when Dissu reopened their shop.
Last, but not least, we had to hook my friend up with tour merch!
At Love Yourself in Chicago, there was only one place to buy merch, in the desolate asphalt lot across from United Center at the giant white circus tent.  This time, there were DOZENS of merch sites: outdoor trailers and kiosks and storefronts inside Soldier Field.  By the time we got there around 6 pm, there were no ridiculous wait times and almost everything was in stock.  The downside was not all merch spots had the same inventory.  This meant, not all the same size tees were in stock at every location – which tees were exactly what my friend was on the hunt for.
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We’d go to a trailer and they’d have the tee, but not in the wanted size; then, we’d go to another site and they wouldn’t have the tee.  In hopes the next site would have the tee, we’d walk up to the counter and find they had a completely different set of tees or completely different inventory! Eventually, my friend had enough, got what she could with the promise to search again after the concert, and we headed to security to be seated.
Why didn’t we check the giant white circus tent you might ask? The mecca for all merch? Because they were ON THE GRASS! It was swamp muddy.  Like, devour your ballet flats muddy.  The worst part is the lonely UNO Experience tent was waaaaaaay across the sloppy wet field with no one paying it any attention. T_T
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  Security was QUICK! I was shivering with cold and excitement knowing I wouldn’t have long before I’d be seated. I double-checked my clear, stadium approved bag: no liquids ��, ARMY bomb ✔, Umbrella ✔ – when the security personnel caught my eye, “They won’t let you bring in an umbrella.” Ya’ll, when it was our turn, they wanted me to discard a premium umbrella, gifted to me by my manager, that folds outwards to trap any wetness from the rain AND has a flashlight on the handle.  The guard offers directions to the locker area.  Thanks!
We trek to find the lockers that were supposed to be on a simple pathway around the corner.  It was around the building and through a tunnel, on the side of a road.  These were portable gym lockers for $10! After gawking at the price, I made sure to put as much as I could in there LOL!
There was a bit of a panic on my end because there were at least 20 people working the registers and locking up peoples’ things, but it appeared the line wasn’t moving quick enough to catch the show on time.  Luckily, we got a locker, raced back to Soldier Field, practically flew through the security line and made it to our seats in time with 30 minutes to spare.  We didn’t miss a thing!
If you’ve never been to a k-pop concert, there’s a pregame after doors open for seating.  Music videos play and fans turn on their lightsticks for a sing-a-long.  It’s no different at Speak Yourself.  ARMY were singing to various music videos with their ARMY Bombs on.  I could feel the energy in the air from everyone’s anticipation.  The girl next to me was so excited about her first BTS concert that she immediately started talking to me about it.
  Finally, without prompting, the first VCR came on, and then…Dionysus.
Note:  Pairing the ARMY Bomb was a bih! I must’ve paired it with the Big Hit app at least five times with horrible cell phone reception until I realized I just had to move the switch from Bluetooth to on after paring LOL!
I did not watch a single recording of Dionysus before the concert.  At first, in all honesty, I was burnt out.  BTS releases so much media that I just needed a break, but this was the perfect opportunity for a surprise while being engulfed in so much sensation.  From that point on, I purposefully refrained from watching Dionysus so I could be murdered in the Soldier Field stands…and the impact did not disappoint!
The background lit up across huge LCD panels, giant silver tigers inflated across the stage, pillars began to appear, fire burst forth and BTS materialized from beneath the stage.  It was hardcore! Each member had a look of royalty and disregard. BTS, the song itself, the stage production, the choreo and surplus of dancers…was murrrddeeer.
The rest of the experience was personal.  I tried to live in the moment as much as possible; although I did get some footage, the rest of the experience turned into amazing memories.  Of course, I do have other highlights I want to share!
1.  THEY’S RICH! Somebody on their team said eff this budget! We straight flexin’! There were lasers, pyrotechnics, lights, beautiful LCD backgrounds, special effects for video feeds to the monitors, twice the amount of back-up dancers than at Love Yourself, inflatables and intricate light oceans (one that formed a galaxy!) throughout the concert. I’ve never seen nor heard of a concert like this.
Plus, every stage got a glow-up:  a conveyor belt on Suga’s stage, Jin’s intergalactic piano, Jay’s sleeker dance platform, RM’s Disney Magic wand, JK flying around the stadium, Jimin popping the bubble he appeared in, and V’s massive, sexy bed.  The medley portion was even standardized so every tour stop could see Baepsae hip thrusts.
I was blown away by how Big Hit could take the same setlist, add a few songs from Persona and still outdo themselves.  And at the very end, with ARMY singing to Mikrokosmos, the BTS logo ascended towards the stars as a year’s worth of fireworks erupted behind it.  It was the most picturesque ending to a concert and incredibly heartfelt.
  2.  The light ocean was phenomenal. We were in space y’all! Soooooooo many colors and each light ocean matched the set.  I frequently took time to look around the stadium and we’d be surrounded by rhythms of pulsing, colorful lights.  Sometimes, clusters of lights would form circles or gradients.  We were floating in a galaxy during Epiphany.  It was beautiful and really whisked me away to somewhere magical.
  3.  Jimin was genuinely concerned for our health. He told us to stay warm and to not catch a cold.  There were plenty of ARMY that had to look cute without a thin jacket, and Jimin gestured to one fan by rubbing his arms like aren’t you cold?! If memory serves correctly, he even posted for ARMY to take a bath when they got home (or was that Day 2?).
I haven’t put as much emphasis on the horrible weather as I should have, but it was hella cold!  So much so that BTS looked overwhelmed.  My hands and feet were numb FOR HOURS, during and after the concert! I really couldn’t fumble anymore for my phone when RM asked us to turn on our “technology,” for the third time that night.  By the time my friend and I got back to the hotel, my feet were so cold, not even laying in a warm bed, with the heat cranked up, could warm them up.
3.  JK said “It’s been a while,” like he’s been living in The States for years without ARMY knowing. His English improved greatly and I was so proud.
4.  V’s massive sexy bed could fit eight people, but instead, only he teased us from it. And the special effects! Singularity is about how someone could live opposite their true feelings, under an acceptable guise.  The monitor would focus on V, then split his image into two colors and have one move to the left and the right.  It made him look as if his person was being pulled in different directions, perhaps his true feelings and his guise, with his physical body, the one that has to live with this internal conflict at the center. It was overpowering and very slick.
5.  BTS and Big Hit fully invested in ARMY. The show was tied up so nicely that it really felt like ARMY was loved and appreciated.  It’s a double whammy when BTS goes live on VLive or posts to Twitter afterward.  This is why post-concert depression (PCD) is real.  It’s also why ARMY buy tickets for both concert dates at multiple tour stops.  The interaction and affection are second to none.  No other artists do it better.
6.  People love to interrupt me during Tear. This isn’t a highlight, but I think I’m cursed to have someone tap me on the shoulder, or walk in front of me to get to their seats during one of my most favorite sets, during my favorite part where Jay just goes in and owns the thang like the rest of the rap line ain’t there. Will I ever see it all the way through? LOL!
I could talk about the usual things like Flying Jungkook, singing along to Epiphany, all the shenanigans during the Anpanman obstacle course, or chanting J-Hope during Just Dance, but those things have already completed the social media circuit.  These highlights are my best experiences and impressions during the show.  There are definitely takeaways that I learned that may be helpful in the future:
 1.  Don’t trust weather forecasts! They can change. Just pack in case of crummy weather, especially transitioning seasons.
2.  If Big Hit keeps accommodating shorter merch lines, there may no longer be obscene waits unless ARMY wills it so.
3.  So what if you don’t get floor seats? Sitting in the stands is still excellent! My friend and I were able to snag seats on the third level, center stage.  It was perfect.  We could see the stage and monitors head-on.  Any antics from the boys were clearly visible.  Most people will tell you that sitting on the floor level is overrated.  You can see everything clearly from the upper levels without people hogging your view!
4.  Staying close to the concert decreases commuter time when leaving the show. I didn’t mention it before, but it took us 2-3 hours to get back to the hotel because 60,000 fans were all leaving at the same time (and because of the Stadium’s poor direction of pedestrian traffic and Lyft drivers being a-holes ( ͒˃⌂˂ ͒)).  On the other hand, we had a cheaper stay at a nice hotel, with a full breakfast included, by staying further from the city center.
5.  Immerse yourself into the concert! You catch more visually and can feel more of the experience. Granted, you won’t have videos and pictures, but as I fumbled with my phone, I lamented not capturing a moment on time and missed out on the full sensation of being present.  To up the ante, bring an ARMY Bomb since the show is an interactive experience.
6.  Lastly, don’t crash and dash! Due to a tight-TIGHT schedule, my friend and I couldn’t catch up with our ARMY friends. Don’t do this! The stress was horrid. Please take your time.  There’s more to see, plenty of people to connect with and lots of good food downtown.  Stay a bit and relax.
All in all, Speak Yourself in Chicago was bomb, from the insane opening to the ethereal ARMY send-off at the end.  This laser light space show in an ARMY Bomb galaxy was completely and utterly magical.  All ARMY should have a chance to experience it and if BTS continues their reign as artists and Big Hit keeps a bottomless budget, the next tour will be the most spectacular yet!
              Experience: #SpeakYourselfInChicago LAWD! This took forever to write! I legit had… *counts*…three drafts that I scrapped.  What's crazy is I had so much to type even though this was one night only; All I, and my bank account, had to give. 
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runawayfridays · 7 years
The WINGS Tour in Manila
By Jen
Episode III: The Wings Tour in Manila Day 2, happened on May 7th of 2017, the day when BTS snatched my wig with their live performances. AGAIN. It’s almost 2 months now since they stopped here in the Philippines for their tour, and every time I see updates from their tour in every country they went to, I can’t help myself but to reminisce and go back to that day through looking at the photos and fancams I took at the concert.
I still remember, with arms both raised up high, army bomb on the left and phone on the right. I screamed my lungs out as Bangtan heat up the MOA Arena once again. I guess, if that day wasn’t really that special, I don’t think I’d still be able to write this fanaccount up until now. Well, that’s PCD (Post Concert Depression) for the longest time. Seeing them live for the 3rd time didn’t make that concert experience less exciting. In fact, I was more hyped to see them again that time. Maybe because they happened to be here on my birthday. And another reason would be because I was blessed to be picked for the pulp royalty, giving me the privilege to attend the sound check and see them practice their songs and interact with us, ARMYs, in their casual clothes. Though, my PR experience would be a lot more exciting if I could just take Rej and Erika with me and be in the same section as well. Too bad, I can just hope that we can share this experience again together next time.
So, going back to The Wings Tour in Manila Day 2, here’s how my concert experience went..(according to how I still remember, LOL) Though birthday presents are usually wrapped in colorful gift wrappers and some were with big ribbons, mine came in dashing outfits and cool hairstyles. And I couldn’t ask for more. I swear they all looked so good. I mean, yes I saw them already before but it was all different this time.
After the long wait at the PR strapping, our battle preparation(A.K.A stuffing our tummies with food),sending me off at the gate entrance, lining up at the lobby and meeting new friends(Hi Princess, Christine, Lauren, and Karla!), it is finally time to see BTS! We were assisted to enter one side of the arena and locate the best spot for the activity. 
Then, it started. My eyes were so full I didn’t know who to focus on as they come out one by one, but Namjoon took my attention with his flashy neon colored hoodie that he later on posted on their twitter account as his Kim Daily entry. He was so cute wearing that beanie and flashing his deep dimples. It was so deep I could fill it with water and dive in there. 
The first song they sang was Baepsae, and I immediately missed Erika coz this was our jam. So, with her in mind, I jammed and danced to Baepsae not minding other people around me. But then my attention was caught by a very good looking, even in his bare-face, Kim Seokjin, wearing an oversized hoodie. And, I must say, the word HANDSOME was written in bold-capital letters all over his face.
The second song was Dope, and again, I jammed all the way as the boys are roaming around the stage meeting their ARMYs from different sides. I still remember, it was his part when Min Yoongi went in front of us. Wearing a black cap, black shirt and black pants, his milky white skin is glowing and it's so blinding. On the other hand, Jeon Jungkook in specs and oversized white shirt was so manly yet adorable. And I can't help myself to squeal. But then, Park Jimin came to my side just as I was singing and dancing. He was as if memorizing every face in front of him. He just can’t stop staring at us. So, I stared back and tried to lock eyes with him but he's just so sexy in those black sunglasses, making me throw him lots of hearts in different forms.
Talking about sexy, did I already mention Kim Taehyung being so sexy, even while wearing a face mask, in a beret, dark blue long sleeved shirt and his favorite red pants? I still remember the way he just stood there in front of me, and wiggled his eyebrows. I swear, that was the sexiest thing he did that night. The memory was still clear to me until now. And of course how can I also forget how manly and sexy Jung Hoseok in specs, black cap, black shirt and black shorts? I think that was the longest jhooope I ever screamed. He's just so ughhh. 
The last song they rehearsed was 21st Century Girls, and again I missed my girls outside and wished I could dance with them as well, but at least my new found friends are there to join me dance to the song while raising our hands up. If I could just take a photo to share this to Erika and Rej but too bad, phones weren’t allowed inside. Although three songs weren’t enough to feed us, ARMYs, it is enough to make us more hyped for the concert itself. Wooo~
After the sound check we were given a quick break to catch our breaths, take a pic with our new found friends, drink some water, go to the rest room and ready ourselves to be blown away again by BTS. But of course, I also used this quick break to call my girls and share my feels and check if they were already lining up outside. It was so quick that the next thing I knew was that I was already inside the arena again, clinging onto that barrier and gawking at how close I was at the stage. Never mind the pushing and tight space, what's important for me that time was that I.AM.SO.CLOSE.
As the arena is being filled with ARMYs, my excitement rises until the lights were all out signaling the start of the show. And everyone, including me, were screaming and waving our hands and light sticks. This was the moment we've all been waiting for. So I sent a quick text to Erika and Rej saying how close I was and to enjoy the show.
So, dim the lights, play intro VCR, music cue, and drop the white curtain… Not Today, Am I Wrong, Baepsae, Dope
The white curtain falls just as Namjoon deliver his lines from Not Today, and everyone inside the arena went wild joining Bangtan in saying the line Chong, Jeojun, Balsa! This song was really perfect for the opening act. It definitely hyped up my soul. After a quick ment, welcoming the ARMYs, Not Today was then followed by Am I Wrong, Baepsae and Dope. And, I just cant with the feels!
After heating up the stage with powerful choreographies, they proceeded with their solo stages...
BEGIN The solo stages started with the golden maknae impressing all the ARMYs with his footwork and vocals in his own song Begin. I wasn’t really expecting that they prepared a choreo for this song. Just listening to Jungkook delivering the lyrics to this song is already something, but seeing him sing and dance to this song is totally a package I cannot complain and refuse.
LIE Next up is sexy mochi Jimin, performing his song Lie while oozing with sexiness. He dances gracefully even while wearing a blindfold. I was surprised that he even managed to add a lifting in his choreo!
FIRST LOVE Then the piano appears, a sign that it is Yoongi’s turn. His stage is really amazing, just him on the piano doing his thing, rapping his swag out of his heart and piercing through mine.
REFLECTION I still remember how Namjoon pointed his mic to us, ARMYs, while performing his song Reflection just so he could let us shout “Kim Namjoon! Saranghae!”. It was so loud that it really echoes inside the whole arena.
STIGMA Just as RapMon exits through the telephone booth propped at the stage, Kim Taehyung comes out so manly in a glittery coat and sings his self-written song, Stigma. In front of the mic stand, he belted out his most awaited high note. For this song, I just had to stay still to listen to him reach that high note and I was not disappointed. Also, it just made his stage even sexier with that black and white effect on the screen. HIS OVERALL PERFORMANCE WAS JUST SO SEXY!
MAMA For Hoseok’s stage, I, again, screamed the longest jhooope I ever screamed v2.0. I really enjoyed J-hope’s stage for MAMA. With, those back-up dancers accompanying him on the extended stage, he led the whole crowd in singing, dancing and clapping to the a Capella part of his song. I really got goosebumps when I thought he was gonna cry in that part but instead, he flashed his proud smile. And with his baby pictures flashing on the big LED screen, he ended his stage with me having a big bright smile on my face.😃
AWAKE Jin, being the last to perform his solo track, didn’t also disappoint the many ARMYs, including me of course, who sang passionately with him. Just like him, his stage is a true definition of beauty. And that high note with so much emotions while he was being lifted as if he was gonna spread his wings and fly, with glitter-like confetti falling from the ceiling, was the highlight of his performance. I almost asked myself if that is how heaven looked like.
For The Wings Tour, BTS didn’t only prepared solo stages, they also came armed with unit stages that most of the ARMYs looked forward to witness…
LOST The first unit to showcase their prepared performance was the Vocal Line. Jin, Jimin, V, and Jungkook went up the stage to perform their song Lost. Surprised by the choreography, I found myself literally lost in that moment while absorbing every lyrics of the song. I’ve been wanting to see them perform this song live, and now that all that I have was the memory of me shouting out the words of the song, which is the same exact words I really do wanted to shout to the whole world, all that I can do was to wish to go back to that moment and get lost again.
CYPHER PT.4 How could I even forget the unit stage of our Rap Line, Rap Monster, Suga, and J-Hope? Cypher pt.4 was my most awaited performance that night. Dressed in those fancy robes and sunglasses, they didn’t failed to hyped me up with their performance. It was so lit! I was jumping while shouting the lines “Sorry Bae!” and tried to rap with them. Oh, how I wish I was able to bop to this song with Erika and Rej. 
Other than the unit stages, Bangtan also performed ARMYs’ all-time-favorite hits…
I NEED U, SAVE ME, FIRE These three songs with killer dance routine is definitely a must watch in their concert. When I Need U started to play, I suddenly felt emotional while remembering the time they sang this as their last song for their Epilogue concert. It was the exact same song from a year ago, but with different feels and a new memory. (TRIVIA: I Need U is BTS’s first win on a music show and they won this on the exact date of my birthday.) And, if someone would ask me to list BTS’s best choreographies for their songs, Save Me would be a permanent on my list. J-hope’s “Whoop whoop!” part would always be my favorite. Talking about best choreographies, Fire, would also be in my list. They just took synchronicity, energy and coolness to a whole new level! Defining the lines, “Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hotter!”, they literally burned me with feels that night.
THE MEDLEY (N.O., NO MORE DREAM, BOY IN LUV, DANGER, RUN) Hot, sexy, and wild. Yes, those were the right words to describe this stage. I never knew I needed a medley and a live band version of these songs until that night. I just lost it all when they huddled up at the center and bounce to the intro of N.O.
The crowd went wild when they started to go in different directions. I still remember how Taehyung walked coolly to our side, my heart started beating so fast and I was already trying to catch my breath. I started to panic more when all the members came one after the other. They were just being so rude the whole performance, body rolling, hip thrusting and body waving in front of us. And, I am so lucky to be so close and experience all of that first hand.
The song switched then to No More Dream, and the screaming just got louder. I froze on my spot with my jaw hanging wide open when I realize how close I was to them. So close, that I could actually see the color of Hoseok’s contacts and his sharp jaw that cuts through my soul. I could even poke Jimin’s cheeks if would reach onto him. It was so fluffy, I thought I was gonnna die! And, how could I even forget Jungkook nailing his rap part in this song while bopping with full energy? Gosh, he looked so hot. The chorus came as well as Rapmon went to our side, proving his dancing skills, while doing the “La La Lalala” part while holding his mic up in the air with a satisfied smile on his face.
It just got hotter when they gathered up at the center and started dancing to Boy In Luv, the fanchants were so loud, and the lines “Wae nae mameul heundeuneun gondae..” was ringing in my ears. It went on like this just as the song changed to Danger. And finally, the last song for this medley, Run. They all started running around the stage and jumping in excitement. I was still in awe and couldn’t believe that they were really in front of me. And, that’s when Jin came with a bottled water in his hand and started showering us. The fact that I felt that cold water sprinkling on my face, proved that everything is really happening. I got back to my senses when gold confetti blasted up in the air signaling the end of this segment. It wouldn’t be called The Wings Tour if they won’t perform the hottest songs from their WINGS album so…
21ST CENTURY GIRL, BOY MEETS EVIL, BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS Excitement rushed through my body when I heard 21st Century Girl started to play. This song is really my jam. The choreo was so sexy yet cute and adorable. And, with Taehyung at the center, I started to grin from ear to ear as I watched the dance break part.😁 
After having fun with that song, the lights went off and the spotlight was suddenly on J-Hope. And, he started to dance to his Intro: Boy Meets Evil. I wasn’t able to stop myself from joining him do a body wave while singing the lines “Too bad..But it’s too sweet..” They continued on to perform Blood, Sweat and Tears. And, I got goosebumps all over my body. Band versions would always be the best. And, of course, the super sexy choreo that I just witnessed that night could not be easily erased from my memory.
Of course, they weren’t just dancing and singing all through out the concert. There were VCRs prepared for the ARMYs. There’s this one VCR that really stood out. It was supposed to be the supplementary story of this whole trilogy. The VCR that would end all the theories and confusions of every ARMY. But, how could anyone try to concentrate in watching when they’re, first, so handsome in that VCR. And, second, when it was translated to Filipino? I swear, I wasn’t able to understand a single thing coz I find it so hilarious!
It wasn’t just the VCR that is in Filipino, even in their talks/ments, all the members tried communicating to Philippine ARMYs in Filipino. I can’t stop laughing while listening to Taehyung asking us the questions, in his robot-like accent, “Ang bilis ng oras diba? Sana hindi na matapos itong concert na ito. Kayo din ba? Kayo din ba? Kayo din ba? Maraming salamat sa pagpunta. Mahal ko kayo.” How could I also forget the derp faces he did in front of the camera?😂 Suga, on the other hand, translated his oh so famous line “Kkaepjjang” to Filipino, saying PH ARMYs were “Magaling!” while doing a thumbs up. Being the cheesy maknae he is, Jungkook, told us that “Gusto ko lagi tayo magkasama”. And me, being the sentimental fan, went all “awww”  after he stated those lines. Meanwhile, I still remember how Jimin made me cringe when he asked us if we liked their performance and when we answered yes, he quickly added the question “talaga ba?” with that cute smile. I just wanted to squish him at that moment! The cheesiness and cringing didn’t just stopped there, it continued on when Jin suddenly shouted “gigil nyo si akooo!”, while holding up a paper, he kept in his pocket, with the words Mahal kita♡  Beaming with excitement, J-Hope declared “ARMY ang aming pakpak”, emphasizing the word Pakpak, in which made the crowd answer, Ganern Ganern. And that is the history of J-Hope’s PakGanern ft. PH ARMYs. And lastly, Namjoon ended the talk by saying, “Maraming salamat sa pagpunta, magkita tayo muli.” That last line played over and over again in my head. That was the only thing I needed to hear, that they’ll be back and we’ll see each other again.
Though I never wanted that night to end, there’s nothing I could do but to just enjoy the last few moments I could still see them live and up close...
OUTRO: WINGS Just as the words FLY HIGH PHILIPPINES ARMY lit up at the stage, Outro:Wings started to play. And, one by one, the members came out in those cute striped long sleeves. They wander around the stage again but this time with a soft and light feeling. It’s as if they’re gonna take me to cloud-nine. And, they actually did. It was Taehyung again who came first to our spot, body waving from side to side, looking so cute in that beret. Oh, I live for Tae’s eyebrows. Then, Jimin came and a little VMin moment happened. But, being the rude Jimin he is, he bent down in front of me and leaned in really really close as if he was teasing me. I swear, I almost dropped everything when he did that and I was already in panic mode. It didn’t do me any good when he left coz after that, Jungkook came flashing me those bunny smiles. And he did the same thing Jimin did. He bent down as well and pointed his mic to us. He was so close! The next thing I knew, my whole body was shaking and I can’t control my trembling hands. Imagine being flocked by the maknae line one at a time! Good thing it was time for their little fun time and they started doing dorky dance steps in the middle just before J-hope do his rap part. And when the chorus came, they started running again. Suga came to our side and I saw his breath-taking gummy smile. Jin came as well while blowing kisses to everyone. I was really flying so high for having such a good time and for having a fancam that, I think, would haunt me for the rest of my life.
2! 3! HOPING FOR MORE BETTER DAYS Okay, now I’m emotional. I’ve been imagining how would it felt like singing this song at their concert, with the other ARMYs and with Bangtan, of course. And this is how I felt, it was so soothing. It’s as if all the things I worry would be gone soon. It was really a great song they did for ARMYs. They always made me feel loved and understood.
SPRING DAY 봄날 Spring Day, the last song for their concert, The Wings Tour. I told myself not to cry and get too emotional when they perform this but I  can’t help it. Every word they spoke just hits me and I’m drowning. It was so beautiful hearing the ARMYs sing for bangtan as they take their bows and thank everyone for coming and doing great while the confetti was falling from the ceiling. It was a fantastic experience. I already missed BTS just as they were disappearing one by one on the stage. The concert has ended and I was still standing there beside the barrier when suddenly a VCR played again. I liked that they always have this behind the scene preparation video with the credits every after their concert. It helps me believe that everything I witnessed was real and not a dream, as they even remember to add “Our WINGS, ARMY” to their long thank you list.
After the concert, I got reunited with Erika and Rej. We were all smiling so widely, though I knew we all wished we were together. The experience would be a lot more enjoyable. I also got to see my friend, Kaisha, and her sister, Ayel, with their cousin, outside. And we just can’t get over with the feels. It was truly a whole new experience for me and BTS. And, guess who’s the happiest birthday girl ever? 🙋 It was definitely the best and most memorable birthday I ever had! Everything was so worth it. See you again, Bangtan!
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velvet-tread · 7 years
Honestly it is SO refreshing to have someone on my dash who loves Gale Hawthorne because - while if I'm completely honest, I've never really been THAT obsessed with THG - I feel like I'm surrounded by Everlark shippers and Gale haters everywhere and I've never really connected to Peeta OR Everlark and it's so tiring to be basically forced into silence about my opinion because none of my mutuals agree with me about Gale and I'm worried they'll judge me or smth because I have the "Wrong Opinion"
Nonny, have a Gale stan solidarity high five from me!
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I’m so sorry you feel cornered in your views.  When the tide of Correct Opinion is againstyou, Liking A Thing™ can be pretty lonely. I spent a long time prowling the fringes ofTHG fandom trying to reconcile my Gale stanning with the received wisdom thathe is a war criminal, a child killer and just generally The Worst.  So believe me when I say, I get you.
Listen, it is totally OK to like a thing just because you likea thing. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for liking something. Neverthelessshould you ever decide to throw off the shroud and openly stan Gale I reckonthere are some pretty good reasons for liking him.
Firstly, Gale shares many of the characteristics that peopleadmire in Katniss.  He’s brave, caring, kind,ingenious, fierce, resilient, resourceful and loyal and he has a dry sense ofhumour that would shrivel even Bellamy Blake. Everyone forgets that Gale’s faults – chief among them his tunnel visionand inability to empathise with his enemy – are rooted in love.  He loves his family.  He loves Katniss.  He loves Prim. He loves his people. Need Iremind everyone that Gale forfeits a chance to run away with the girl he loves tostay back and protect others who couldn’t protect themselves? The hate that grewin him was forged from the horror of the injustice wreaked upon him and hispeople for generations. Which is why I find it particularly irritating that theblame for Katniss’s fate is placed solely on Gale’s shoulders rather than where it belongs– on the Capitol.
And look, I can’t talk about Gale without talking about hisrelationship with Katniss too. I shipped them pretty hard (SPOILER: THIS ISALSO OK AND DOESN’T MAKE YOU A TERRIBLE PERSON DOOMED TO A LIFETIME OF SHITTYRELATIONSHIPS), but I don’t think you have to ship them to appreciate theirdynamic. For me, Gale is a symbol of who Katniss really is vs what the Capitolwants/perceives her to be (which – don’t kill me Everlark friends – is what Peetarepresented to me). Gale is her touchstone, especially in the first book, whenshe is drowning in this sea of artifice for the benefit of the Capitol. Becauseof Gale and Prim, she remembers who she is. And, jeez, the significance of thefact that her ultimate fate – changed forever by war – does not include Gale orPrim is not lost on me.  Katniss has toforge a new life and a new identity based on her new reality (ALSO FINE) butthat comes at the cost of her old securities and touchstones.
Excuse me while I cry forever.
Lastly, and this is an important one, I engaged most with Galebecause he has the most agency out of any of the three main characters. That isa gift that Suzanne Collins does not bestow on Peeta or even Katniss. I freelyadmit that rebellious personalities appeal to me in life and literature – I admirepeople who question established orthodoxies and who agitate for change. But honestly,who wouldn’t rather read about a character that is actively trying to changetheir fate, vs one that isn’t able to or just doesn’t? Throughout the books, Galeis a ticking time bomb of rage and frustrated ambitions, and from the moment heis presented with an opportunity he grabs it with both hands. As a reader, Iwanted to know what he was going to do with this opportunity and as a result Iwas more interested in that than whatever horror would “happen” next to Peeta orKatniss.
(Disclaimer: I love Katniss, but I have an ongoing issue with howlittle agency she has in the story – and I think that is the point. Her mostglorious moments are those where she is Gale, where she sticks two fingers upat the establishment and doesn’t play along. Rue’s funeral is among those, asis her decision to join the rebellion).
I’m not sure you wanted/expected an 800-strong word vomitwhen you sent this ask. But as usual, once I start writing a love letter toGale Hawthorne things get out of hand.
TL;DR I got you, Nonny. 
And I’m so sorry it took so long to answer. I’ve been on aself-imposed hiatus.
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