#soup family elena of avalor
lilacthebooklover · 8 months
We Made a Quiz >:]
Which Elena Of Avalor Character Are You? (buzzfeed.com)
Find out. Tell us (@charismabee and I). We must know.
Have fun! <3
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Derek Dwarfson Headcanons;
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Derek is Doug's older brother in the Melissa de la cruz disney descendants books.
Derek's full name is Prince Derek Hendrick Dwarfson de Alva Castilo Flores of Avalor.
Yes, it is quite the mouthful and yes he knows that.
He is 5 years older than Doug.
He and Doug are the sons of Princess Elena Castillo Flores of Avalor and Dopey the Dwarf.
He and Diego fall for one another when they first meet.
He is mute like his father is. But he is a selective mute.
He like Doug speaks many languages. Mainly Spanish.
He is a mechanic and is great at engineering.
He is one of the few people who can understand Doug's sciencey talk.
He loves learning new languages and weightlifting.
He has many hobbies including but not limited to: reading, sports, studying cryptids, sailing, swimming playing cards, and hanging out with his friends.
He often helps Li Shang Jr with his rockets and breaks up fights among his cousins and friends.
His favorite cousins are Sniffles and Raphael/Doc Jr.
He always wins at cards.
His friends are sure he cheats but they aren't sure how he does it.
He used to get so annoyed by his friends not noticing when he was trying to sign to them that he started to carry around a bell so he could shake it when they were arguing.
He does it with his family too.
He went to trade school instead of college. He doesn't regret it at all.
Derek, for obvious reasons, hates apples.
But he does in fact, love gooseberry pie.
He also loves fish soup and Germen-brewed beer (not that he'll tell his parents that, because they'd freak that he's been drinking).
He acts like he doesn't drink but he does occasionally. No one can ever prove it though.
He gets along with his step dad Mateo and his half siblings but he prefers his dad and Doug.
Derek calls Dopey ‘dad’ and calls Mateo ‘Papa’ and Elena ‘Mom and Mama’.
He has many nicknames—Der, Der Bear, Sneaky, Dwarf Hulk, buff, Muscles, and flex.
He gets along with his aunt Isabel too as well as the rest of his aunts and uncles.
Yes, even Grumpy and Grumpy's kids.
He is closer to Mateo than Doug is.
He hates his name because of how long it takes for it to be announced at balls and stuff.
Everyone has given up on trying to remember the exact order of his name.
He couldn't even remember it until he was 12. That's how long his name is.
He always carries a pickaxe around with him.
He is rather close with Harriet's crew.
He has bad memory just like Doug. In his defense, he has alot of family members.
He is terrified of getting lost because he thinks he wouldn't be found. He can't yell when he gets stressed after all.
He's not a fan of being judged or betrayal either.
Or threats to puppies and his kingdom. Or other kingdoms.
He doesn't like being told what to do or Doug being in danger either.
He can see ghosts like his mother and he is also quite skilled in fencing.
He hates Ballet too.
He is quite good at dancing and sailing.
Loves chocolate and adventuring.
He has a pet horse named Bruno and an alpacamundi named Breeze.
He sticks to his mothers' colors over his father's. Gives him more variety.
He loves music as well.
His birthday is August 23rd, which makes him a Virgo.
He knows how to sew.
He has no allergies unlike Doug.
Li Shang Jr is his bestfriend.
He helps the vks with their panic attacks quite often. He's quite good at it.
He and Doug are the closest to Snow White out of all the dwarves and their kids. Not that that's surprising.
His parents are divorced but still friends.
He is the crown prince of Avalor currently.
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iamtotallycool · 4 years
Moving Forward
This is an old fic that I started writing soon after “Spirit of a Wizard.” Having a desire for to have Mateo and Elena to have a heart to heart about another unfortunate experience they now share.
I have no excuse to why this took so long to finish, just decided to start doing some early spring cleaning.
It was common knowledge to all that if Elena ever had something weighing on her mind, it was completely hopeless for her to fall asleep.
And this was the case as Elena shifted on her bed once again to try and hope for tiredness to fall over her. But, the only thing that fell over her was Flo, who had been sleeping atop of the pillow next to her. The little alpacamundi didn't seem to notice her sudden shift in movement as she now laid sprawled out over Elena's face.
Elena huffed out a deep sigh of annoyance and peeled off Flo, placing her animal companion back on the pillow without her making so much as a twitch.
After throwing back the covers, putting on her slippers, and grabbing one of the throw blankets to wrap around her shoulders, Elena padded across her room and over to her balcony windows. She jumped up onto her tiptoes and peered out to the bedroom across the way.
It was faint, but she could make the distinct outline of candles burning in Mateo's window.
Elena immediately turned on her heels, and was out the door, and down the hall without a second thought.
The familiar hallways and turns she took seemed like they were going on forever. Was his room always this far away from hers? She remembered it being so much closer whenever she needed to seek him out, no matter where she was located in the palace at the time. Would it be too invasive to learn a teleportation spell?
It was a question that would need to be put off for another time though as she reached her destination when she rounded the next corner.
She tentatively knocked on the bedroom door. There was no answer. Elena immediately knocked a little harder. Still no answer.
A chill ran down Elena's spine as she grabbed the door handle and hastily opened the door.
He was no where in sight when she did the initial scan of the room. However, she noticed that the stairs that led down to the Secret Bibliotecha were open with splashes of blues, whites, and even pinks bursting up from the hidden room.
Relief washed over Elena as she fully entered Mateo's bedroom and closed the door behind her.
When she got to the top of the stairs, she gasped as she realized the flashing colors were from a miniaturized galaxy that was floating and swirling mid-air. The stars and planets were more brilliant and astounding than she had ever seen through a telescope, even with the latest models in Mateo's and Isa's observatories.
Suddenly, a comet shot up right next to Elena.
"Whoa!" Elena exclaimed as she swiftly jumped out of the way and it fizzled out before it hit the ceiling.
The floating galaxy instantly stilled and disappeared in a flash.
"Hello?" Mateo's voice called out.
"It's me Mateo!" Elena replied as she descended down the stairs at a quicker pace.
She found Mateo sitting on the ground, stacks of opened books surrounded him and he had one of the long couch pillows behind his back. He had taken off his new wizard robes, but was still in his everyday clothes with only his shirt untucked.
"I didn't expect anyone to be here with me," Mateo said as he twisted his new Sunbird Tamborita nervously. "You aren't hurt are you?"
Elena shook her head, "Nope, not even a scratch."
He leaned to the side on his hands to look behind her.
"No Flo?" he mused.
Elena laughed lightly, "No she's fast asleep. But I couldn't even get a wink of it."
"Yeah, neither can I," Mateo replied. "Well, you know, less than I normally can."
"I wouldn't expect you to," Elena said matter-of-factly.
And she really had expected it. After Elena had recapped what had happened that day to her family, and they had expressed the same sadness of losing yet another member of the household that had once been so happy and simple, she had informed them that she would be taking dinner with Mateo privately.
So, a half an hour later, Elena set out with hot soup, fresh bread, and Flo at her side. The alpacamundi had been insistent on coming along, mostly because she wanted to meet Mateo's other book family members. Which was too innocent and pure of an answer for Elena to explain that Mateo wasn't related to any books.
She had found him in his workshop at that time. One of the newest collection of books cracked open as he seemed to be taking inventory of his current ingredients.
While Mateo had initially turned down her dinner offer at first, saying that he was far too busy, the loud and gurgling sound his stomach made then convinced him other wise.
They decided to sit on the floor at one of the library's card tables. Elena had remained silent as she let him begin rambling about all the amazing finds he had discovered. Including a shape-shifting potion.
"You've already made a shape-shifting potion," Elena had interjected, thinking about all the times they had less-than-responsibly used his potion to turn into their jaquin forms.
"But not like this!" He exclaimed. "This is the one that Shuriki gave Carla so that she could become Rita and..."
Elena felt a piece of bread get lodged in her throat when she saw the crestfallen expression beginning to arise.
Luckily, Flo was there to immediately cut through any tension or solemn feelings that were coming and going throughout the evening, and instantly lighten the mood.
"You can change into different things!? Like a butterfly!" Flo shrieked as she bounced in front of Mateo. "Can you become a butterfly? Can you turn me into a butterfly? Can you also turn icky broccoli into candy!?"
Later that evening, they had parted ways from the kitchen after they had disposed of their dirty dishes, both seemingly with the intention of going to their rooms to get some sleep after a very physically and emotionally draining day for them both.
However, Elena also knew that the first night was the hardest. Which is why, for the first time in a while, it wasn't Esteban that was the reason for her restlessness.
Elena walked across the secret room and sat down beside Mateo. She hadn't really come here with anything to say. She just wanted to make sure that he wasn't staring at a blank wall and completely lost in his grief. She had seen others do that quite a few times. She probably did it herself at times.
"Have I ever told you the story of when I first believed in magic?" Mateo said abruptly as he leaned back and laid his head on half of the long pillow.
Elena was surprised, more so than she really should have been; but with how strongly and passionately Mateo had been about it from the very first day she had met him, she had just assumed he had always been like that.
"It was during the Meteor shower back when I was 8."
Elena remembered that event, it had been one of the things that Isa had said she was so sad she missed since it wouldn't happen for at least another 50 years.
"While my mami had always told me stories about my grandfather and the magic spells he would cast and the creatures he saw, most of that belief was still fueled by childhood innocence. But, it was hard to keep an innocence in the world, in the kingdom, I was growing up in."
Elena gulped as she laid her head down on the empty side of the pillow, adjusting her body so she faced him and wrapping her blanket tighter around her.
"Especially when I couldn't even say a word about who I was, because my mami warned that it wouldn't end with me getting me captured, but killed."
Mateo swallowed.
"I remember that night though. My mother had us walk all the way to the old Maruvian temples even though everyone else was in town. Craning my neck so much that it hurt, but I didn't even care." The corners of his mouth turned into a lop-sided grin. "And as they streaked across the sky, they caused this broach my mother was wearing, that belonged to my abuela, to light up. Then she pointed forward and everywhere I looked, these random patterns in the temple buildings began to light up as well. She said that it was because it was made of turquoise, which the ancient Maruvian's believed brought protection and healing properties. And I remember feeling just this great rush of happiness and amazement and wonder that all the stories that I had learned from my mami were in fact real and still alive. Not sure if she meant to or not, but I knew from that moment, that I would do anything to not only have that feeling again for myself, but for everyone in Avalor."
Elena felt her heart flutter at the sight of his happy expression and at his story. He never ceased in surprising her with just how amazing, and kind, and selfless of a person he was.
Slowly, that smile of his faded. "I have to go home for a few days Elena," Mateo then said flatly. "I need to be with my mami and tell her about what happened."
Elena's heart went out to Rafa especially. She knew how it felt to be an orphan. And whether that happened when you were a child, a teenager, or an adult, there was always this certain empty spot that stayed with you.
"Of course," Elena said softly.
He didn't really need to tell her he was leaving, she had expected this would happen and would give the De Alva family as much time as they needed. Elena knew Mateo would return, the De Alva's were a family the persevered through thick and thin.
It's...it's probably what Esteban had felt she suddenly realized. They had never really talked about that before, him losing both his parents at the same time...
Elena shook her head slightly. There would be plenty of time to think of him later. Right now, she wanted to fully be here for Mateo.
He didn't say anything though for a few moments. His eyes were glued to the ceiling intensely; like they were trying to see through all the stone and to the real night sky that was above them. So, Elena rubbed small, comforting circles with her thumb on the back of his hand, waiting patiently for him to continue.
"I feel guilty for thinking this...but some small part of me doesn't want to tell mami about today. Because she's already had to accept and grieve about him for so many years."
Elena's thumb stopped and she made a hasty move to sit up, but Mateo held up his free hand to her, silently asking her to let him continue. She, of course, complied and lied back down.
Mateo let out such a shaky breath that his whole body shuddered. "But I know I have too, because that wouldn't be fair to her and she can tell me how to live...how to live...without him and make it stop hurting."
Mateo's head than whipped to the side so he looked straight into Elena's eyes. His hazel ones were already welled up with tears and red-rimmed. "How do you not feel this way? I want to regret ever knowing him so it stops hurting! Just to go back to when he was an idealized figure...but I can't! So what am I supposed to do instead!?"
Elena felt the inside of her chest seized with tightness. She released his hand and instead used both of them to grab his face.
"You need to remember to breathe first," Elena said rather firmly, but she needed him to calm down. "In and out. In and out."
Mateo closed his eyes and did as she said, inhaling deeply through his nose and exhaling through his mouth with a slight tremble. He did this a few times before reopening his eyes and meeting her gaze.
"I will be honest with you, and unfortunately, that means that I will have to tell you that those feelings will never fully go away." Elena felt her own eyes begin to sting. She was able to bite them back though. "Not ever."
She pushed herself onto her elbow so that she was now hovering above him. She still had both hands holding his face.
"It's going to be very hard at first, it may even be weeks or even a month before you can make it a day without having them on your mind." It was Elena's turn now as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I never told you this, but it was such a painful experience for me that I shared a bed with Isa for quite a while after we took back the Kingdom, because we both just needed someone to be right there to get us through our nightmares."
One of Mateo's own hands came up and gently cupped her cheek. She smiled, feeling that they were now both connected to each other wholly and gave her the courage to continue.
"But, as you handle those feelings of anger, regret, and sadness, they will begin to fade. And you were right, that day at Carnaval. You were so right that I was surprised that I didn't realize the answer myself at the time. That love really is the most powerful emotion. And that is what you will use to replace those dark feelings until what you think about are the happy memories more than the bad. Trust me."
Elena let a single tear slide down her cheek the moment she finished. However, her smile hadn't left her face, determined to stay resilient for him.
Mateo gently wiped the tear away with his thumb before he proceeded to do the same for his own tears. Elena felt her chest begin to feel not quite so heavy with worry now as she felt his pulse in his neck begin to calm down.
"Will you stay with me?" His cheeks turned pink as he hastily added, "You don't have to stay the whole night...but if you can until I fall asleep."
"Of course," Elena responded with immediately. "You never have to worry about me leaving you. I'm here, always."
"As am I, for you."
Elena felt her heart respond to his words again as she leaned down and placed a quick kiss to his forehead, before she resumed her spot on her side of the pillow that was now feeling very comfortable to her.
Mateo grabbed his new tamborita and raised it above them.
"Estrellas Arriba!" His voice rang out strong. And with one hit to the tamborita, the stunning galaxy burst out from the end of it and into the air above them.
One of his arms then wrapped around her shoulders and pulled her towards him. Elena's own body responded on it's own as she curled into him and reached over to grab his other hand.
Their joined hands rested upon his chest as they continued to admire the wonderous sight above them. Slowly letting the sad memory transform to become yet another happy memory that they would share between them.
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SpongeGuy Reviews Every Disney Sitcom Ever!: Stuck In The Middle (1.1): “Stuck In The Middle”
How can this be a Loud House ripoff if it came out 9 months before that? (shrugs)
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Stuck In The Middle is a disney sitcom with Isabelle from Elena of Avalor in the lead going through Loud House situations, I was always going to love it, I just didn’t realize it was gonna be this good!
The show focuses on Harley Diaz, a bright and resourceful inventor... All right, I’ll admit it, an INCREDIBLY CUTE AND ADORABLE LITTLE BEAN who is the middle child in her family of 7 kids and 9 people. Harley must find a way to keep her family from falling apart every episode with her wits and her will to win.
I really liked this, so let’s just get on with it!
SUMMERY: Harley struggles to get her siblings and parents to the park, where she is to receive a young inventor's award. She looks to Ethan for help and encouragement that they will make it to the park, but Georgie has a basketball game and Rachel is serving at a soup kitchen. Harley worries the basketball game will not finish on time. Rachel decides to spend time with her boyfriend Cuff after her volunteer work, despite her parents' admonitions. The Diaz family does eventually arrive at the park, though late for Harley's award.
COMEDY: 4 Out of 5
The absence of a laugh track makes everything better.
No jokes, the absence of a laugh track made this show way funnier than it could have been. I noticed this when the stuck up neighbor lady Bethany Peterson said that being raised in chaos would lead kids to a life in prison and the father Tom Diaz said “Good thing our kids look good in orange” because that joke with a laugh track would have had two pauses, and an awkward silence that would have killed the pacing, and in a show like this, that NEEDS to be fast, it would have been horrible.
But surely the absence of that isn’t enough for such a high ranking? Of course, and that’s ok, because the show was funny anyway! It’s hard to explain, but things like the sporty girl actually sucking at sports, and Harley’s snarkiness and a lot of the back and forth banter between everyone were a lot funnier than one would expect. Maybe it’s because I’m a Loud House fan, but this show stood out to me.
CHARACTERS: 4 Out of 5
While there are definitely some characters that could have stood for more screentime or more fleshing out (Rachel the big sister and Daphne the princess), and not everyone was some masterful characterization, the characters in this still felt real and believable (helped a lot by the HD camera, the mockumentary look and feel, the lack of a laugh track). And while there were a few characters I liked, I’ll be honest: The 4 points are for Harley.
I mean look at her: Adorable grin, spunky attitude, a can do bring it to win it philosophy, genuine care for her family (unlike Lincoln in the first season of Loud House, Harley tries to make sure everyone wins in her family, not just her), and look, she is the voice of Isabelle from Elena of Avalor, that character is the 3rd cutest I’ve ever seen, ok?
Like, it’s hard to explain, but that’s the kind of daughter I hope I have: Someone whose smart and adorable and I can protect them.
Anyway, loved her, so that got this show a huge boost in the score!
I honestly didn’t expect to like this one so much, but sometimes something vibes with you. There was a lot to be said that this episode wasn’t about how ANNOYING it is to be in family like this, but instead went on to show that everyone in the family is important, even the middle kid, and that while it’s hard, the family would try their best to make sure all their kids get what they’re promised. I really enjoyed the heart of this episode, moments that were not undercut with humor or dumb cutaways for a moment, moments where people were allowed to show that they love each other, and it felt REAL.
I think that’s the best way to sum it up: It felt REAL.
I liked it for that. No offense to Good Luck Charlie or Liv and Maddie (both of which are still top tier so far in my mind), but this is the best one yet (no jk)!
FINAL SCORE: 13 Out of 15
And with that, Good Luck Charlie is dethroned in best show and episode. But that might change, since my next sitcom is the second episode of Good Luck Charlie, our first returning show! Let’s see if it can keep up!
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 4 years
EoA ships fluff headcanons part 2
Do they have bubble baths?
Eleteo: Oh yes, Mateo is a wizard after all so it’s not like they even have to plan, he just casts a spell and there in a tub of suds. Elena particularly loves it when they have rose petals to add to the mood and candles. They could spend hours in the tub together sometimes with Elena getting mischievous and starting a water fight. Gababel: Yes, originally as part of Isabel’s aromatherapy project to see if different combos of smells and soaps help relax. Ironically, she got so stressed by it, and that Gabe insisted on taking over one night to give her a relaxing bubble bath, free of science but filled with massages until she was blissed out. Estebanaomi: Not really since they have a shower on the ship and a rather cranky one at that, you never know if it’s going to be freezing or not. However on those islands, sometimes they do come across natural steam baths or jacuzzis and they take full advantage of those to enjoy each other’s company and get steamed in two different levels. Estoma: Very rarely. Like they’re busy most of the time, so they only do it on a vacation when they can have all the time in the world to enjoy it. They go very slowly, taking time to wash every single part of the others body and if the hand slips, oh well then...
Random heartwarming thing
Eleteo: Elena forgoing her usual plans of excitement and olaball and fencing to spend a whole day indoors studying spells on the spirit world with Mateo. Mateo appreciated it because not only did he need to catch up if he wanted to reach master wizard level in time for fighting the malvagos, but also seeing how hard Elena tried to sit still and pay attention even when reading uninteresting texts like that huge Spirit World book Zuzo had. Elena loves whenever Mateo goes out of his comfort zone but one particular moment was when some person from a rival kingdom, let’s go with King Hector insinuated at a royal meeting that Elena was unfit to rule due to her mood swings powers, her traitorous cousins and young age. Before anyone could even blink, Mateo got up and delivered a impassioned speech on Elena’s behalf highlighting each  and every accomplishment of hers and her strength that Hector no where near possesses as well as her compassion and true love to her subjects. Elena was amazed by how riled Mateo was, but also just in awe that he thought so highly of her. Yes, she knew he loved her but that speech was just wow.
Gababel: Gabe made Isabel cry when they were brainstorming their vows. Yes, they wanted it to be a secret but first they started joking around with mock ones like “The moment you drooled on me when you fell asleep on the carriage from Paraíso, I just knew you were the one.” Stuff like that. But then Gabe pulls out this stunner saying he knows he can make her cry which Isabel doubts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Zzef69S8sM Isabel was touched by how much Gabe had grown and his love for her that this guy who claimed actions spoke louder than words, could speak so eloquently when it came to describing his love for her. An act that truly touched Gabe was one time after a brutal search mission for the past month, Gabe returned back to the barracks, exhausted but excited for the next morning since he had a date with Isabel. He slept through the day. He was horrified when he woke that he missed it but to his utter shock, Isabel had cleaned his office that he had being meaning to do, as well laundered his smelly clothes and had a small note on how he needed his rest and she’ll see him tomorrow. He was touched, she didn’t have to do it. They were only dating but she cared and it warmed his heart. Estenaomi: Naomi broke her ankle one time working on the dock and this was early on in their friendship so up till now Naomi has known Esteban through his annoying, impulsive nature and his occasional sweet side. Well right then, she got a front seat view to how caring Esteban can be. He personally delivered soup to her room everyday and would stay and chat. At first, Naomi thought he was replaced by some imposter but once he started engaging in some banter about how much she complained about not being able to move. She knew it was him, and she appreciated how he took the time out of his so called busy schedule to keep her company. Naomi did a surprising, almost unexpected gift for Esteban when she vouched for his responsible nature and stood up to tell his abuelos that he was more than ready to take on more work within the palace and the Grand Council. His abuelos had been a bit blinded by how they usually see him going off on adventures but Naomi’s words woke them up to that Esteban was growing up and he was maturing. Esteban was super grateful for that and also teased her for inadvertently admitting that he was more than a “mediocre looking narcissist” as @missnobodynobodius put it.
Estoma: They have a lot of talks together by the fireplace when they become a couple and those convos can get pretty deep and sweet as well. In a mixture of nostalgic musings and a bit of insecurity over his treasonous actions, Esteban admitted that he used to be jealous of King Juan back when he was known as Prince Juan. Juan was like the perfect prince, never acting out of emotion, always responsible, a family man that would never hurt his family. He could see why everyone wanted to talk to him and be with his presence, he was like a Fairy . Doña told him she didn’t care much for fairytales much less princes. She preferred the sulky beast who only wanted love but was cursed. He was real, he knew about suffering and he was able to grow and learn lessons and mature. Fairytale princes didn’t do that. It was a thin metaphor and he knew exactly what she was implying and he melted. Bit by bit as Esteban talked about his feelings pre Shuriki and his betrayal and all the lies and deception, Doña admits some of her own past and her flaws like how she didn’t go to college. She dropped out of school after her quinceñera. Which admittedly meant she didn’t go to high school either but that sounded worse. But the best part was for once there was no teasing comments or “That explains so much.” He just listens and accepts it and doesn’t hold it against her and she loves him for that. Who drives the other crazy in bed?
Eleteo: Elena does. It’s the Flores in her but she is just very flirty and teasing and knows just how to drive Mateo wild which she enjoys because she so likes seeing Mateo’s eyes widen in anticipation and eagerness with his focus totally on her. But sometimes Mateo does too. Unintentionally. The boy can be so oblivious when he thinks is being suspenseful but Elena is just ready to explode. Gababel: Gabe for the most part. He has more experience if you pardon the euphemism plus he has all those extra moves from fencing and training and stuff. He’s a bit like Elena that he enjoys Isabel’s excitement and he also is foremost intent on pleasing her. But Isabel can give as good as he got sometimes. Don’t count out the spicy Flores gene. Estenaomi: Esteban does. He has had way too much time formulating ideas back when he was friends with Victor tbh. And though Naomi can’t believe how eager she can get when she knows Esteban can drag it out with the best of em, she also must admit, he knows what he is doing. Then again, Naomi is easily able to turn the tables sometimes when Esteban is an impatient mood, and she drives him insane. Estoma: Both do honestly, it’s like part of their cat and mouse game to show off their erotic prowess,  and have the other one begging their name like a mantra.
Modern day living?
Eleteo: I feel like Eleteo would live in Miami, Florida in a quaint but expansive beach house. Not only because of the large Latin community but it has all the beaches there and it is so colorful and lively that I imagine they would have tons of fun adventures there. Gababel: I see Gabe as a total all American guy so maybe some sort of midwestern town would fit him, but I ultimately imagine them settling in a small town in California. Somewhere in the mountains where there is a tight community and they know their neighbors but close enough for Isabel to go to her job in Silicon Valley. Estenaomi: Hmm I think they’d still be travelers like backpacking through Europe, but their home base would be a nice apartment in Miami near Eleteo or I’m thinking New Orleans, Louisiana. It’s a port town after all with diverse restaurants, peoples and places plus not to mention fun holidays like Mardi Gras. Estoma: I think they would have one of those huge penthouses in New York. Or what is that rich people place? The Hamptons. Yeah, it has it all. All the high end fashions, theatre, and business stuff. And they would totally be the type to splurge and have an additional summer apartment in Europe or something.
Gababel: So somewhat of a switch but Gabe is the royal prince of Avalor while Isabel is in the army. But not as you think. She isn’t a guard but she’s still a scientists tasked with making new more effective weapons, transportations and the like. Anyway, Gabe a la princess Jasmine wants more out of life then being a prince and occasionally playing sports like olaball like his father wants. He wants to go out and defend the people. So he sneaks out to go to the barracks but he is stopped by Isabel when he passes her laboratory which he is immediately intrigued (by the lab and her). Isabel who is sort of a working hermit and she’d be lying if she didn’t get flustered at seeing *the Prince of Avalor!!!* in her lab. Well they get to talking and Gabe is amazed that he has never heard of all her contributions and what she has done and vows to help her get the recognition she wants in a non-military experiment and Isabel promises to help in turn become a royal guard. Estenaomi: So I’ve seen young!Esteban and I’ve seen waiting for Naomi to become the appropriate age, but what if...picture a world where Esteban had also been in that amulet with Elena and when they get out Esteban is the young one and Naomi is the one in her 40s. By that time older Naomi hasn’t become any something special, but she is content with it. Sort of. Not really, but she thinks it too late for her now. Anyhow she gets on the Grand Council for her life experience around the realm and there relationship is a lot like in the show. Only Naomi is the more realistic one who knows how the world works while Esteban inspires her to see she still has a chance to get her dreams. Estoma: So in this one, Esteban made the deal with Shuriki but at last minute did the right thing and told King Raul and nothing happened. So the family was a bit hurt and confused by Esteban’s feelings of loneliness and they promised they would work on it, they still felt Esteban needed to be punished. So he is sent to a small village ranch for the summer to learn that work takes responsibility as well as a chance to see how people work together and depend on one another like a family is supposed to. And as you can guess, it was doña’a family ranch. And it’s a bit like P&P, she thinks he’s spoiled brat and an interference that she has to teach him and while Esteban thinks though the whole summer is going to suck, he finds her attitude an insult to his pride and wants to prove he can totally “slum it.” But then there competitive antagonism turns flirty banter yet there is still obstacles. Namely her fiancé and everyone’s belief, including Esteban’s, that no way he would go for a poor villager, he’s so much better than that.  Eleteo: So Mateo is the adopted son of Prince Gabe this making him Prince Mateo, however he still feels like an outsider because he is adopted as well as knowing he is capable of magic skills that royals are not suppose to possess much less study and learn. But like his brother, he decides to sneak out and find a master, that master being none other than Elena, the royal wizard, wielder of the magic of Takína. Obviously their magical studies bonds them in more ways than one. They confide in one another of Mateo’s outsider feelings and Elena who is still coming to terms with her grief of her parent’s untimely death in battle with her mortal sorceress enemy, Shuriki. So together they team up to help Elena avenge her family and for Mateo to find out the truth of his biological family.
What pet would they have?
Eleteo: I don’t know if they would since their already sooo busy with their lives. I guess Flo counts technically. But when they have kids, their children really really want a dog so they get a energetic, friendly one. The breed...probably the breed from the dog statues in Royal Rivalry. I don’t know the name though. But anyways it’s clear that the dog is like their kid’s child except when it chews up one of Mateo’s spellbooks or pees. Then it’s up to the parents to clean up of course. Mateo also gets his own personal horse to join with Canella in the royal stable. Gababel: I feel like they would keep those hamsters that Isabel had in Science Unfair. Not only for safe, animal friendly experiments but they’re just so darn cute, and easy to carry around. And it’s surprisingly engaging to watch them run around in their little track. They both have horses, of course. Can’t leave Fuego out, and even though Isabel isn’t much of a riding fan, she has one too. Estenaomi: They get a parrot. There can’t be a ship without a parrot, at least according to Esteban’s adventure fantasies. They got a blue macaw parrot and he is the most ornery, cursing bird ever. No kind word to anyone but Esteban and Naomi like him anyway. They also briefly had a monkey. Imagine the one from the Pirates of Caribbean movie but he was disruptive and had this habit of throwing plants at Esteban as if he knew his pet peeve of them. Estoma: I don’t think either would particularly own a pet. They do have horses since Esteban has Valiente and Doña would probably get one her own. The only other pet I could imagine is some stray cat that goes in and out of the palace and particularly likes to nest on Esteban’s coats if he leaves it lying on his bed. Bonus: Alonso totally uses animals as props for his dates  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8yQDIvGz3cWhich led to King Juan implementing the rule of no borrowing animals from the royal menagerie to impress girls.
Embarrassing nickname? eleteo: Hmm I’m not sure actually but probably something like pan dulce monster for Elena because you know how she gets with her pan dulce, she’ll devour everything in sight. And Mateo especially likes to reference that picture of two year old her covered in pan dulce from your fic😉 But the thing is, it’s hard to embarrass Elena so she just takes it in stride. Elena calls Mateo some manner of nauseatingly sweet name like “Honey boo boo kins” for fun when they’re in front of Naomi and Gabe or even Olivia because Mateo’s blush is just adorable. The other embarrassing one that Mateo got in his childhood was Klutzteo because he was so uncoordinated in school. It still makes his face burn to think about it but Elena reminds him of his absolute grace when it comes to dancing. Gababel: We already know Gabe’s embarrassing nickname, “Baker boy.” Actually The Curse of El Guapo wasn’t the first time it came up.  He heard it a lot in grade school when things were a bit more class conscious and poor people were treated with disdain, also some kids couldn’t believe the Great Roberto Nuñez stopped his olaball career to bake. Isabel’s embarrassing nicknames never stuck but they usually followed the pattern of dull or boring or goody two shoes which did not boost her confidence when she sometimes compared herself to Elena.  Estenaomi: I feel like Naomi would have some sort of nickname from her parents that she keeps telling them to knock it off and they do it anyway like Miss Fiestypants which of course, Esteban found out during one of the family dinners and he loves to bring it up since it fits so well. He also makes up some of his own during their many adventures together. Naomi’s favorite nickname for Esteban is “Geyser” after the one time Esteban got drunk and got a tattoo on his back of a huge geyser that looked like it was coming from his butt (yes just like Ted’s butterfly tattoo in HIMYM. I felt a geyser would be even more ridiculous and so like drunk Esteban to go big or go home)  Naomi freaked out when she saw it and she loved making jokes about him blowing his top and stuff like that. Even after he got it removed. Estoma: Esteban’s embarrassing nickname as we know was El Segundo which had disastrous consequences on Esteban’s self esteem. It just reminded him how he was physically inferior to Victor, how everyone paid attention to Elena. That he was second to everyone else in the world. And well, just Esteban.... poor poor Esteban. Doña’s embarrassing nickname was Whore. It all started because her little sibling couldn’t pronounce her full name. And you try to convince a child to try something else when the kid is determined to say what she or he wants, and of course, others thought it was hilarious. It got worse when puberty hit, and she got self conscious that any flirty action she did would be perceived as whorish.
Meeting extended family?
Eleteo: Well obviously Elena has Alacazar full approval even though they got together after his death. But they can just sense it you know. Mateo is beloved by Elena’s grandparents. If I may take from Becky, with Luisa in particular trying to put some meat on his bones. Isabel likes Mateo too of course. He’s like a brother, one who is always willing to listen to her invention ideas and also a calming influence on Elena. Esteban thinks the same. Gababel: Isabel’s whole family enjoys Gabe’s presence though Elena sometimes likes to pull the protective big sister act to catch Gabe off guard. But still their friendship is solid albeit with more teasing. Francisco likes the chance to talk about his vigilante days and watch his swordsmanship and Luisa once again overloads him with treats. Esteban respects Gabe and he too, sometimes pulls protective older sibling act because Isabel is the baby and they’re just protective of her in general. Isabel got to meet Gabe’s aunts and uncles and cousins during the engagement party which was awkward at first. A lot of them were intimidating because she was *the princess of Avalor * but as time wore on, she began to make them feel at ease with his goofy jokes and love of science. Though some still panic when they think they might have potentially offended her. Estenaomi: Esteban was a hit with Naomi’s cousins and aunts and uncles who like to tease and joke with him about his fancy manners and pampered upbringing. Basically it was a fun party with lots of back crushing hugs and blueberry juice. It didn’t take much to win them over. He was already a part of it. Naomi was already warmly accepted with Elena thrilled for her bff to become her sister and Luisa and Francisco admiring her spunk and sassy ways. They thought they balanced each out well. Isabel enjoyed was always counted on to be a riveted audience or a tie breaker for a fight. Estoma: Francisco being the kind man he was happily accepted Esteban’s new gf, and they found a lot to talk about like books and theatre and other culture stuff. Luisa was a bit wary because she knows how Doña acts and Doña was awkwardly polite to her. It got better after the marriage and stuff. Elena was willing to try to make the best of it and so was Isabel but they never became close like Mateo and Gabe are. Age differences and such. Doña didn’t have any contact with her extended family and the only one alive that she knew of her was abuelo who still held a grudge about her parents eloping. But Esteban insisted on going because he wanted to meet him. First, the man didn’t appreciate the unexpected visit. Then began the judgyness like why are you living together when you’re not married? Why marry someone from outside your village? And acting personally offended by how rich Esteban was like in that HIMYM clip, “Oh you with royal upbringing and fancy suit, YOU THINK YA BETTER THAN ME?” Esteban was furious and wasn’t sure how appropriate it would be to throw his drink back at him and yell “YES! I AM!”
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