#spectrobes jeena
spectrobes-drawings · 2 years
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People over on Instagram inspire me to pick up the games again. I might even try to get my Wii to work :D
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sundown-draws · 8 months
Hmm thinking about!! Spectrobes and Fate.
Krux being self-sacrificial multiple times: when saving Grant from the exploding ship, then later wanting to use the krawl source.
The terrible irony of Grant being a type of catalyst to Krux's undoing, having both discovered the krawl source and later command the battle against him. Yet, he's helpless to stop Krux himself.
Kaio being like an uncaring God to Krux's pleads. The Kaio shards glowing red being a warning of catastrophe and that catastrophe being Krux.
Kamtoga being the figurative ancestor to Rallen, as both wore the same cosmolink... yet Jeena, who wears the other cosmolink, is more like Grant, not Krux. She does have high ideals but is very much ruled by logic.
Younger Krux- the Krux people knew- might be dead, yet the people that knew him support and guide the new Spectrobe Masters.
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92darkdragon · 6 months
I am a huge fan of spectrobes. Yeah it’s a bummer that I get the “what’s Spectrobes” or “never heard of it” but I get ecstatic when I find that rare fellow fan. But I’m getting off topic, my main point of this post.
I still get excited at fanarts, fanfictions, anything Spectrobes, and today I was just googling stuff for kicks aaaaand
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I’ve known they had books, I got them (and sad book 4 never got released) BUT A MANGA. I can’t tell you how happy I am to find this. I now have a mission. I can understand a lick of this at all. But you know somewhere out there SOMEONE has bought this manga and translated it. AND IM GONNA FIND IT
1/4 Update: ((I should be sleeping but that can wait for a moment)) so apparently the manga was from a magazine. 3 chapters, 10 pages each, no real English translated pages....it might be a dumb idea but I'm getting Google translate involve and I might translate these pages myself when I have the time
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sweetcreme · 11 months
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Been in a spectrobes mood recently.
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She's so cool
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choccos-aaart · 8 months
Look, see! I draw more than just the Menahat population
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WIP of Rallen and Gorrik being bros before I accidentally abandon it (I do want to finish this though)
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beht mhm.gif
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Here are the references I got for dressin up the boys in their Nessa outfits. Really, they're not much different from their lookalikes on Menahat, except more long-sleeved.
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It will forever bother me how uneven Salias irises are
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IDK where I got the idea of Jeena and Zig calling people stupid from xD
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maxriderg · 9 months
In honor of Michelle Ruff/Michelle Suzanne Ruff's one and only, upcoming 56th Birthday, here a little thing that I've made for her Birthday (complete with this) and well, have a very, VERY, V-E-R-Y, VERY Happy Early 56th Birthday to the one and only, Michelle Suzanne Ruff (1967-present) herself, Ladies and Gentlemen! ;)
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jeenaragnos · 2 years
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Right Click and Save this one-of-a-kind NFTeena
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tojk0524 · 10 months
jeena (spectrobes)
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kingboohoo37 · 4 months
KBHs Random Rant: Spectrobes
Just remembered I do not have a post about one of my favorite childhood game series which is Spectrobes.
It never took off as an actual monster-catching game since its last release was in 2011, however, we do have three strong entries.
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Most people probably have never heard of this game but trust me if you're one of those people you were missing out.
I cannot tell you what my fascination was with this game but I just found the gameplay so refreshing considering Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Ranger were the only DS games I really played before and this game made me realize there were other interesting games out there.
The basic plot:
So what is this game about? Well, you're playing a young officer named Rallen who is kind of working for a galactical security service (NPP - Nanairo Planet Patrol) in the Nanairo planet system. His partner is a woman called Jeena who usually handles the technical stuff. One day they find an unidentifiable escape pod on one of the planets in their solar system. In it was an old man and a device that appeared to contain monsters they had never seen before. As Rallen tries to understand what he found he gets attacked by a mystical dark force of enemies which he later finds out to be "Krawl". A race of planet-eating creatures that go from solar system to solar system and systematically wipe them out. The only thing that can fight them: Spectrobes. A race of ancient creatures that have the sole purpose of fighting the Krawl since normal weapons don't work on them.
So Rallen and Jeena go on a journey to learn more about Spectrobes which can be awakened from fossils to defend their galaxy.
I know I know it's nothing crazy but the gameplay mechanics are so unique, from digging up fossils and minerals that Spectrobes need to eat to get stronger to the battle system...
There is way too much to talk about but damn these games left an impression on me that can't be replaced.
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The battle system works like a real-time action RPG where you basically need to mash the right buttons at the right time. They kinda revamped this system a little bit from game to game but the core gameplay stayed the same.
Krawl on the other hand mostly looks like blobs of dark matter xD
As I have never finished the third game (I never had a Wii okay?) the second game Beyond The Portals was definitely much better than the first. It gave the antagonists new characters that were actual characters and not just random black blobs xD
I don't really wanna go into more details but feel free to check out these games, they are really fun!
Oh did I mention I love the characters? Rallen is like a really good fighter and has good instincts but sucks at basically anything that involves technology. Jeena is the one who tends to lecture him when he touches anything that would be better left in her hands xD Then there is the old man Aldous who has an interesting backstory. He is the one they found in that escape pod. The only survivor from the Giorna system that the Krawl already devoured. He takes the place of the mentor role and teaches Rallen anything he knows about Spectrobes and Krawl.
Oh and as the game progresses it gets crazier when you learn how to summon Ultimate Form Spectrobes...
Ah well, I could go on but I think that's enough...
I leave you guys the main theme of the game here:
A truly amazing melody that rings nostalgia for me xD
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xerxestexastoast · 6 months
10 Fandoms 10 Characters
tagged by @clannfearrunt let's GO
Zero/Zero Two from Kirby
Darkrai from Pokemon
Knuckles the Echidna. sorry Con for stealing your bit but Knuckles is so. I love the guy
Jeena from Spectrobes
Duna from Fossil Fighters
The Pikmin. All of them. They're my little guys your honor.
Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda
Fawful from the Mario & Luigi RPGs
Mizutsune from Monster Hunter
Frye from Splatoon
don't have many people to tag but uhhhhhh @cowboycthulhu and @ondaja give it a whirl if you're feeling it
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spectrobes-drawings · 3 months
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I started doodling Jeena at work and actually decided to make it a full color drawing. Yay for actually finishing something for once
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sundown-draws · 8 months
Ramble about Spectrobes world building: Humanity's place in space.
It's kind of wild that this game had more to be discovered because I grew up and replayed it and was able to understand the premise more.
⏰️Spanish is my mother language so replaying it in English when I was older got me a little messed up with the existentialism, like how Nanairo is the birthplace of humanity yet the other solar systems you visit, the "children" of Nanairo, are abandoned or destroyed by krawl.
⭐️ The High Krawl also had some existential implications, they show us Krawl aren't mindless monsters or "demons" or whatever, they're just as alive as humans and Spectrobes, they even have more sapience than Spectrobes... It's all so bittersweet, because yes Rallen saved Nanairo, and Jeena recovered history, but we didn't get to deeply understand why Krawl do what they do, and the krawl war goes on and on, Jado doesn't die, Krux doesn't die... Etc etc space horror?
🌐 Btw my theory about the underlying message is that exploration for the sake of getting humanity's mark on everything, and colonizing other planets might as well end up biting us in the butt because of the pure audacity to assume "intelligent life" has to be sapient (and our especific cultural sapiece btw), we can easily destroy life because we want to rush into space.
🌪 Maybe Nanairo humans tried to be a type 3 civilization, krawl felt threatened by being displaced by humans, Spectrobes simply can buffer humans being killed by krawl because humans can bond and train animals- so Spectrobes aren't "angels" either, but it's scary to think Geos can destroy planets as well if a human just tells them to.
⏳️ There's some mythological and/or religious themes to Spectrobes too. They mention Fate, Krux talks about Kaio like it's god, some savior that comes around only when real bad shit will happen to humans... He, aspiring to be a savior as well? ends up on the opposite end, becoming more alike the creatures that were causing him desperation. Jeena frames this as Krux reaching for power and sacrificing his ideals and humanity in the process.
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92darkdragon · 5 months
As I mentioned in a previous post I was going to translate the Spectrobes manga pages I found. It’ll take time cause: I got work, I’m using google translate so the translations are not spot on, but it’s enough to get me close to something so I may so my own interpretations (Maybe a heck of a lot cause holy heck when I started translating it was…yikes for some things). ANYWAY. I’ll post them here when they are done. Either page by page or reblog this post with the each new page, don’t know I’ll keep y’all posted.
Anyway, here is pages 1-3 of chp 1. Each chapter has 10 pages and there’s 3 chapters
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sweetcreme · 2 years
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Finally got my workstation set up, and made some progress on my Jeena figure. Featuring Tamiya putty, which is a dream to work with, and a nightmare to ventilate.
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spectraltenkai · 2 years
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“Ya know, Rallen, I can see why this thing was sealed away.”
“We do a pretty good job at uncovering some shady secrets though, Jeena!”
HELL YEAH SPECTROBES! To the boss I fought only a few amount of times in my youth, you finally get a piece of fanart, Darkroe!
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