#spot the Seraph
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Happy Wintersday from the Shadow Falcons
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pyrriax · 2 months
your centurion anatomy sounds really cool :0! can you describe more in detail about them?
in your screenshot it stated they have a crystalline star in their hearts, does this have something to do with the seraphim? also by "tainted by gold" does that mean centurion blood or do seraphim also have gold blood? what are the different colors of centurion blood and are they all some matter of metallic? how do centurions connect to their seraphim?
you can also talk about seraphim anatomy if you want :3 (im also very curious about why they went extinct but im guessing thats spoilers)
also who are the other centurions and seraphim aside from clown and branzy? do they have some kind of hierarchal system? how do seraphim give their souls to creations since im assuming its literal? and what is the exact purpose of soul-sharing?
no need to answer all or any of these ofc just curious :3
Hello hello yes of course! I'm happy to elaborate more on them ^_^ I'll be pulling pieces from my notes, some screenshots of writing I've done relating to it, and just going into some Details.
(Fair warning this is going to be a LOT of words and a lot of this is subject to change, this project and world is a work in progress and I've been shifting things around as I start actually writing things!)
Preface (A quick rundown of the World itself)
Divided into two parts, the main one I'll be focusing on is The Vesper, Vesper is the name of the main Seraph city, and is also used to refer to the floating islands which are the main home of the Seraphs.
The other part of the world, The Fray, is the actual planet. This is the ground, and was once a lush place, but is currently... Not so much. Once upon a time, it had a handful of different names, but now it's nothing more than ruin.
So, Seraph anatomy (What the hell even is a Seraph?)
Seraphs are an organic bipedal species which are humanoid in nature but tend toward being less human in appearance; though one of the main differences is their many (varying number) of wings, along with having anywhere from two to four eyes. Though, all of these things variy from Seraph to Seraph! In general, they're a bit bird-ish, and though the main two that I'll be talking about look relatively similar, Seraphs have a wide variety of colors and patterns, along with the fact they're known to dye feathers the same as people dye their hair!
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(Note: this is an older sketch, before I'd really fleshed out the exact origin of Seraphs. The halo isn't a standard thing, but this does somewhat convey general anatomy! This is a Seraph which is basically showing off what it is, and taking a less strictly humanoid appearance, though it remains bipedal. As well, this is a four-winged example, although its ears are feathered, which can give the appearance of an additional set of wings, depending on the Seraph!)
Generally speaking, Seraphim anatomy isn't too out of the ordinary, although one thing to note is their speech is much more adapted toward chirping and trilling for vocalizations, and most of what I write for the dialogue is more... A transcript of the conversation, than the literal things being said (since I'm already in deep with a worldbuilding project and I don't need to add a conlang on top of that, lol). Well, that's all bar the star in the room, but we'll circle around to that in the next section!
Long before they were known as the Seraphim, Seraphs were a flying creature, and have retained a few key aspects of that, specifically the wings themselves, and a lighter skeleton. This does lead to the high potential of bones breaking, and general injuries, but there are things that circumvent that from being such an issue, which is tied to magic in the world itself.
also by "tainted by gold" does that mean centurion blood or do seraphim also have gold blood?
That line is referring to Seraphim blood! Seraphs have a varied blood color, but the most common one is gold/brass-like, which is usually vibrant but when dried it's much more weathered looking (taking on a greenish hue).
Seraphs are one of two sentient species in their world, and are revered as Gods both for their appearance, and for their abilities. Although, this doesn't mean that they are peaceful, and they often will partake in bloody fights, often to perceived death. Though, these are frowned upon, it isn't outright disallowed, for reasons I'll be getting into! (I swear I'm not dragging this out on purpose I just want to explain what the fuck a Centurion is before we get into magic)
Okay, so what is a Centurion, then? (Centurion Anatomy)
Centurions are primarily humanoid in appearance, but an important distinction to make is that Centurions are not organic. In place of faces, Centurions have masks, which are typically undecorated, left blank to ensure they aren't viewed as expressive or of having emotions. There are few exceptions to this. As well, they typically will have all of their body completely covered, for similar reasons. It's established already in the screenshot you mentioned that Centurions are constructs, and generally speaking, they are made for temporary usage, rather than anything long term. This comes with the nature of their primary purpose, but let's put a pin in that for now.
Despite their status as constructs, they are given pieces which function much like their organs, which primarily exist to be like a siphon for energy and the magic which fuels them. Over time, these pieces wear down, and they will cease to function properly after their designated time is up. This time can be extended, if these pieces are replaced or maintained, but this is something that they cannot do themselves. It was a limitation put into place by their creators to keep them from self-perpetuating and as well to keep them from outliving their usefulness.
These organs appear like they've been made of wood, metal, and wool. This isn't exactly the case, as much of what makes them up is organic material, specifically that of grown stars. (There's worldbuilding and flora explanation I'm not going to drag this out with, but if you're curious I can talk about it more ^_^)
Centurions are nothing more than machines. Or, at least, that's how they were supposed to be, but this isn't how it always remains.
what are the different colors of centurion blood and are they all some matter of metallic?
Centurions have blood much more like humans, though not always. Being variably red or gold, depending on their function. While they are constructs and don't have so much of a need for a circulatory system, this is a bit more... Cosmetic. Centurions with gold blood are more often than not the ones that are made for jobs within Seraphim cities, though this doesn't mean that they always remain there. Although, in rare cases, Centurions may be made without any blood, and instead their organs will be made to replace the few functions it does have.
But, focusing on if all of their blood is metallic, it isn't always the case. Centurions are much more varied, and even from one to another major pieces of anatomy can be wildly different. So, it isn't a far stretch to say there's quite possibly a handful of Centurions with non-metallic blood out there.
Centurion Origins & Purpose (With a little sprinkling of magic!)
So, if you hadn't already guessed it, Centurions were created by the Seraphim! At the beginning, Centurions were made to fill in odd jobs, taking care of things which were necessary and being generally a stand in for workers as the Seraphs progressed. They were modeled after the other sentient species, which are functionally humans but not quite. This was something which caused a fair bit of outrage from them, but the Seraphs didn't exactly care.
Eventually, though, the Centurions took on a much different, and much more... Important role. They took the place of Seraphs in slaughter, in petty squabbles or fights which would've otherwise been an inconvenience. This turned into Centurions no longer being made for small jobs, and instead they were being made as machines of war. They were mindless and soulless soldiers, following orders without a doubt or question.
Although, some Centurions are different from the others: they have a soul, one of the stars. These are the main leaders, and they are the ones which remain for the longest. (This is what Clown is, which is the reason he is the way he is!)
Centurions made for fighting are the only remaining residents of the Fray, and have been the reason for its destruction, after the fall of the Seraphs.
Stars, Magic, all those little things (An some creature details)
Magic in Seraphim is an innate thing, something that everything in the world possesses, but uses in different ways. Some creatures use it for shapeshifting to quickly adapt, others will use it to hunt, meanwhile a handful of species will consume it rather than hunting or scavenging. Although, creatures which consume magic are known to be short lived, and reproduce a lot like how puffball mushrooms do. It's a little horrifying when all of the sudden there are sharp spores flying everywhere, but it's the reason most avoid the main pools of the magic. Seraphs are a species which primarily consume magic, but, unlike the much more nudibranch-esque creatures which are prone to exploding due to the magic they consume, Seraphs have harnessed it for their own purposes.
The Vesper are floating islands which are suspended above vast lakes (which are almost oceanic) and have been held there by the Seraphim. As a means of storing the excess energy they've taken in, they developed a way to use it to continue to suspend the Vesper. These stores could last for several thousand years, assuming they're properly maintained.
But, onto the burning question of the night: what are those stars?
in your screenshot it stated they have a crystalline star in their hearts, does this have something to do with the seraphim?
The star is a key part of the Seraph's anatomy, and is the place where magic tends to remain within their bodies. This is a piece of their heart, the place where their soul resides, and is also their tie to this Godhood they have. Much of the reason they're revered as gods it due to the fact that if the star remains in place, and remains unbroken, it can make them... Somewhat immortal. It greatly heightens their ability to heal, a little like a regeneration potion, if you think about it.
Seraphs are notoriously hard to kill for this reason, given the fact that if given enough time, they're known to be able to sort of regenerate limbs. Not perfectly, and not without several years of time and a high risk of infection, but it's possible. And that's because of the stars. They're almost entities in and of themselves, keeping the Seraphs alive to not die themselves. Although, these stars can survive in other bodies, most notably being placed into Centurions.
So how do you kill the supposedly unkillable, then? What could cause such a mass-dying if they can regenerate?
The easiest and most straightforward way to kill a Seraph is to rip out their star. Although, that involves incapacitating them to some degree (usually via fatally wounding them, as that's generally the most accepted method. This is why it's so greatly frowned upon, as that leaves the Seraph who's been wounded to most likely be killed.) It's recognizable for its shape, which is the origin of its name (for a more visual reference, they're a little like konpeitō, but with a spikier appearance), and though they have varying tones, they're more often than not a pearlescent white. At least, that's when they've been cleaned of blood.
Without their star, the Seraph will die. Even if they we're fatally wounded prior, they will only survive a handful of months at most.
So, this mass dying. While I won't go into all of the details, since that definitely spoils some things, but magic is a finite resource, but even more, Seraphim stars became... Valuable as a weapon. Without the proper maintenance and constant in and out flow of magic, they'll accumulate energy, storing more and more until finally they just explode. Much like the nudibranchs, an excess of this magical energy leads to explosive properties.
This also means that Seraph corpses are dangerous if the stars haven't been removed, which is why in the carnage, there aren't many bodies left to lie and rot. The few Centurions remaining in places like the Vesper cleaned the place of these bodies, and some even took the stars for themselves.
So what do the stars have to do with souls?
In an earlier draft of a concept, I detailed a Seraph getting decapitated and surviving due to its star. The stars are a place where the Seraph's memory, personage, and in the most fantastical sense, their soul, is stored. This Seraph lives, and while it never quite has the same senses as it did before, it is still fundamentally the same person, as its star wasn't harmed in the process.
So; for a Seraph to give a Centurion its soul, that is an act like giving up itself to that Centurion. The Seraph will not exist in the same sense, and as shown with Clown and Branzy, even that will diminish over time.
Although, there is one thing I've avoided mentioning: the humans. Our outliers, as one of the least magically inclined species, they've tried to get ahold of this magic, as well as attempting to use the Seraph's stars for their own. This lead to a few people who've remained, but aren't quite human anymore.
how do seraphim give their souls to creations since im assuming its literal? and what is the exact purpose of soul-sharing?
Seraphim can take out their own star, an act which is painful but to be done for another is a little bit of a profession of love. To give their star to a Centurion, under regular circumstances, it is a way of prolonging the life of their soul. The star is "consumed", a thing which is looked down upon by Centurions, as it's viewed as becoming one with those who've condemned them to their hellish lives.
There are two things that can come of a Seraph's soul being placed into a Centurion, and they go as follows, with few exceptions:
The Centurion is Soulless / a Husk: The soul will continue to live on, but they will start again. It removes all but a few traces of the Seraph's memories, and they will learn to live as they now are. [Example: Ro, who we'll learn more about in the next section]
The Centurion has a Soul / Star (Even if it is one that was grown / artificial): The pre-existing soul will be slowly consumed by the Seraph's, a process which results in one or both of the stars shattering. This can only happen is the Centurion has agreed to it, and it is a thing which became more common as more Seraphs died. [Example: Clown, whose visions of shattering stars are that of his own, and not Branzy's]
Last but not least, an incomplete list of character I've given story to for this AU
Starting with our Seraphim:
Branzy is the most notable as he's the only Seraph who remains a Seraph for his entire existence, even after giving his soul to Clown. Although he's used his magic for shapeshifting purposes, appearing much more akin to the Centurions, as he's been enthralled by them since he was young. Roshambo, although I'll be elaborating more on him in the Centurion section for a few reasons. He was one of the first Seraphs to give his soul to a Centurion, and it had some... Interesting effects.
Onto the Centurions:
Clown is the obvious one, being one of the most perfect example of what makes a Centurion, and being one of the "leaders", his star (his soul) is artificial, one of the ones which was grown, and thus, he's a bit different from Seraph-souled (or, star-eating) Centurions. [Appears a lot like his typical canon appearance, as he was one of the few Centurions who were directly associated with a Seraph, and despite the fact of his origin, he doesn't have the blank mask which is typical of these Centurions. His mask is also carved into a shape which is much more like a horned owl, a little heart-ish; this doesn't affect him.] Zam, a lovely odd case who shows up long after the fall of the Seraphs, but before the Vesper as a whole collapses, who becomes one of the residents of the Vesper's grand library [At least at his introduction, Zam is much like the typical soldier Centurion, dressed in a way which is very impersonal. This changes as he spends time in the library, and by the time of the fall, he's adopted a palette of darker amber hues and white, along with the occasional gold or brass accent. While his mask remained generic for a long time, he eventually allowed Ro to help with adorning it, ending up with a smile and some filigree which matches Ro's own mask.] Roshambo is the last on this list as of currently; although he's fully convinced he isn't a Centurion at all, having been around the other residents of the library since his creation and not knowing himself to be any different from them [Previously being one of the few Centurions who was designated to a space where he would be viewed, Ro is dressed in a way which is almost painfully fancy for him. Unlike the typical blank white, the base color of Ro's mask is an iridescent black, adorned with lavender stripes and laurel patterns. His appearance is a little less decided, compared to the others.]
And last but not least, our... Humans?:
Mapicc is the closest to a normal human of those given one of the Seraph-souls in order to grant him the almost-immortality, this has lead to him having several inhuman traits, including the appearance of seasonally shed feathers, which he's more annoyed by than anything. Spoke is about the furthest from human someone can get while still being so, and this is because of the fact of the star he was given. He was given one of the artificial stars, as a part of a test. He's only become more... Bizarre as time goes on, body twisting and morphing as the magic doesn't know where to go, and he can't fully contain or control it.
The roster is pretty small, since I've been focusing on two different eras, and these two sets don't interact much. Clown and Branzy exist long before the extinction of Seraphs, but Branzy's giving up of his heart does mark the true beginning of the end. Roshambo, Mapicc, and Spoke (later as well including Zam) are the last living beings on the Vesper after the fall of the Seraphs, and are there until the day the sun doesn't set, and the Vesper itself falls from the sky.
... So that's the world of Seraphim, from relative start to end, with much of the fluff, character centric pieces and a bit of the more out-there magical elements cut out to save my damn hands because this is almost 3k words 👍 There are things I'm not sure will remain canon, more proper worldbuilding and flora / fauna exploration I need to work on, and some things I most definitely missed, but hopefully this answers some questions and raises others! there is a lot more to explore post-fall but i have to leave a couple of mysteries, as a treat.
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liesweliveby · 4 months
gayest murder ive seen in a while
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eluxcastar · 2 years
Hii! May i request for a urd, lest, krul, and rigr headcanons/what will they do when their past s/o got reincarnated and currently working as a high ranking JIDA member, then they met again in a war.
Thank you and have a nice day!
Meeting their s/o's reincarnation in the next life, but on the enemy's side
── ୨୧:urd geales, rígr stafford x reader (separate) / lest karr, krul tepes & reader (separate)
୨୧﹑synopsis :: a past friend or lover departed all too soon, never supposed to meet them again, though immortality will make that possible. it was never how they expect it to end up.
୨୧﹑genre :: fluff
୨୧﹑content :: gn reader, kidnapping if you squint hard, lest and krul are extremely rushed, not proofread
୨୧﹑words :: 2.2k
sorry I didn't end up including Lest and Krul in the way the request asked but tbh, I'm just not comfortable writing for them that way. personally I think I'd rather stick to platonic stuff for them if anything (which does make the title a tad misleading (_ _;) ) sorry I never clarified that anywhere (ノ´∀`*)
I might make a part two later with more characters, but rn I just did these four, I really like the idea though so I doubt this will be the last I write for it ♡( ◡‿◡ ) not me realising in post it said headcanons after I got bored and went with a scenario shoot me
part one | part two
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urd geales
he was sure that you were dead, you had been dead for a long time, having slipped away from him in your last mortal life.
and yet you were there, by the General's side as he barked his orders at you to fight, the spitting image of his love, turned against him, but why? Was it just the world you now lived in? Back then, you were able to live peacefully, you didn't have to watch your back every step or worry a monster might chase you back to the safety of the city walls.
it was just chance, and you were caught between the dismal life of livestock down in Sanguinem, and the life of a soldier in the Demon Army. That didn't mean it stung any less.
in a way, Urd was glad to see you strong, an unwavering determination, and apparently more courage than you knew what to do with. You held your sword firm, your hands trembling from the force you applied and the push back you got, even knowing you weren't a match for a Second Progenitor you didn't run. You stood firm to carry out your order, even knowing he could pummel you if he was actually trying. Urd held back, you could tell that much.
he couldn't stand there forever, and neither could you, but it was clear you weren't going to let up, and he couldn't afford to either. Even knowing the person who stood there was surely someone he once knew, in your eyes you had never known him, you'd slice him in two without hesitation if only he let you.
it pained him, and yet he had to. Gently, Urd reminded himself, and in a swift motion of his sword knocked you aside, not too harshly, but enough to leave you nearly sliding along the ground trying to regain your footing even as you stumbled over yourself onto the ground, it was gutting in it's own way, to both of you although for different reasons.
the smell of blood filled the air, he must've grazed you, or perhaps the impact had done it. If only you were who you used to be, he would've been at your side worrying over you, and yet he couldn't.
"General Kureto!" he tried to ignore you, even when he heard your sword scrape against the ground--you'd picked it back up.
if he could only knock you out, he could take you with him, right? You wouldn't have to know why, a vague excuse to back it up would be enough, and yet one problem remained, he didn't have enough arms to carry you, the General, and the Major General. Even if he could, he didn't have a reason to give everyone else why he felt it necessary.
you were a fool, trying to defend your General, who was not quite unconscious and yet not fully conscious either, teetering on the edge in a haze. Kureto couldn't defend himself like that. nor give you orders, you were on your own. Where was Aoi when you needed her?
even on your own, your loyalty lied with the Demon Army, and he couldn’t help but miss your warmth seeing you turned against him.
lest karr
looking so young didn't mean he was foolish, Lest knew that it was always a possibility he would encounter someone just like the Human he used to be attached to. Perhaps you didn't like that he looked like a child, didn't want to hurt him, and to him it was pathetic, he wanted to crush you under his boot like an insect for it.
he couldn't bring himself to, not when you were just so much like them, though…in the Demon Army, you were a squad leader, had people under you, several people actually one of whom was very insistent that you should not be underestimating him.
"It's a child." you hissed at him, almost like a scolding parent, disappointed in him at least from the way it sounded.
"A child who is a Vampire!" he tried to remind you, but you apparently weren't having it. Even Lest could tell that much, approaching him rather unbothered by it, either you had courage, or were stupid. Either way he wasn't going to budge and scare you off.
you were getting very close, and he was very greedy to have you coddle him just a little. Not too much, and he would never admit it outright, but in a way he missed having his head patted, seeing you smile at him. It was nice while it lasted, when he was so young it wasn't out of place to him, his head matched his body and things were as they should be.
he was too young back then to fully understand that you wouldn't be there forever if you were just someone he met at the market sometimes. You used to dote on him back then too.
"Don't." He said, though rather suddenly, "Stay there."
he couldn't let you, not now, he felt like a child ready to stomp his feet on the floor and throw a tantrum. He very much wanted to have you pat him on the head, talk to him a bit just to entertain his talking when no one really wanted to listen much.
if he let you do that all over again, he'd remember what it was like, and he'd miss it again. He'd wish you could always be there, maybe in Germany where he could see you whenever he want and let go of himself for just a while. Maybe. Not yet. For now he needed to keep up his act, remain prideful and just maybe he'd see you again some time where there weren't several people to witness it.
"I'll let you live, just this once. I don't have time to deal with you now, but don't get in my way again."
krul tepes
one of Krul's only comforts after her brother's departure was unfortunately not longed for this world, it wasn't as if you were particularly fragile, not terribly Human. Met your end in the wrong place at the wrong time and suddenly her dearest friend was gone, reduced to a pile of ash by the daylight.
she hadn't seen you in so long, how could she have? You were gone, it had been somewhere around a millennium, and yet now, in 2020, she saw you once again.
you weren't exactly the same, but she knew, somehow, she knew that the one who watched as the Seraph was released and the world ended all over again for the Demon Army, was you. A little bigger than you used to be, but something else about you set her off.
she wouldn't let you be killed again, definitely not like this.
there wasn't a moment's hesitation between her noticing you standing idly by in a complete stand of shock as the people you had known for the majority of what was now your life were sacrificed and her grabbing your arm to pull you away. "Come with me. Now." It didn't even seem like you could move until she forced you. Almost dragging you along until you got your legs to move.
you had barely even processed it was a Vampire who tugged you along let alone the Queen in Japan. Not for a moment until you realised and regained your senses to barely avoid getting stabbed only by the harsh yank at your arm that had you stumbling over yourself onto the ground with a thud.
"Get up, we need to leave, now!" she tried to urge you along, pull you up herself, remind you of the urgency. What was she supposed to do when everything was happening so fast. Does she protect you? Tell you to run? Where can she go that you'll be ok?
she didn't have time to think when she caught up to Mika, she could settle there, in safety. Even if she couldn't keep you safe, she could entrust the task to Mika. She knew you could protect yourself, and yet she couldn't be satisfied with just that--you could supposedly protect yourself before too.
even as Ferid attacked, betrayed her in a way though it was clear he was never truly on her side to begin with, and her consciousness began to wane, she urged you both to go, to protect yourselves, to be safe. You were still confused even when the shock was wearing off, it was just that you couldn't understand why a Vampire would save you, one of the many Colonel's currently still alive. Surely she'd want you dead, wouldn't she? Wouldn't it benefit her to see you killed by that monster?
she didn't need to say it twice, her unexpected though not unwelcome act enough to convince you she needed you alive for something meaning you weren't going to die as a result, at least not for a while, it would give you time to think.
"Mikaela. Go with the Colonel, and find your family! Keep them safe."
rígr stafford
he remembered the birdsong you used to listen to together, back when he first came to Japan, romancing one of his loyal little followers. You used to be special, and he treasured you too much to bring a curse of immortality on you. Did you hate him for that?
you had once begged Rígr not to leave you to grow old while he stayed the same, ever unchanging, and yet he wouldn't budge as he stood firm. Every time you even started to bring it up he'd stop you again, and yet no matter how much you changed he loved you all the same. When your mind went as you began to forget him, then your body as it began slowing to one final stop, no matter what he was there.
he couldn't tell if he regretted that, or if his wondering was just the product of the person who stood before him.
by all accounts it was you, there were no way it couldn't be, right? And yet you barely reacted to him much at all. There was no kiss, asking where he'd been and what kept him so long, where he'd get to feel your head rest against his shoulder when you laid together just one last time before you went. Humans are truly fragile creatures, aren't they?
ah, that's right, you weren't with the Hyakuya Sect anymore-- you never had been, not like this. Despite the similarities you held a stark difference, the first being that you were no longer head over heels in love with him and the second that you had changed in a way, moulded yourself to your new title--and quite an impressive one at that--you were more than just in the army, you could pull rank.
he'd never be able to win you over like that, but seeing you again was nice, nostalgic, like finding an old photograph tucked away in storage of a fond memory long passed.
he didn't speak to you at all, just acknowledged you when he passed you, and you watched him with a great sense of suspicion. Rígr could tell you didn't trust what he was doing, and yet you allowed it in favour of watching him carefully.
watching, waiting, but there was nothing.
it wasn't until your curiosity got the better of you that you reluctantly agreed to help Ferid with whatever he was doing, and suddenly you were wandering another war zone. It was different to the one you encountered before, save for the overrun of death and fighting. The Hyakuya Sect and the Demon Army, you wouldn't stop them, you likely couldn't either. What's to say they would listen?
the other thing that didn't change was the man you were looking for. Who was he? Who knows, but it would be nice if Ferid stopped calling him Papa, that was enough to know you weren't exactly what one might call keen to find him sprawled in an alley in what could only be described as dismantled, ripped at the seams and taken apart.
on the contrary he was quite glad to see you again, standing over him, even if you looked at him like trash on the floor. It was as if you wanted to stab him clean through with the weapon kept sheathed at your side, and he'd let you if only to see you satisfied.
but when all was said and done you were far from standing over him, clawing at the chains around your leg with more desperation than you knew you had in you. Getting taken hostage would be bad, becoming livestock, being out in a place like Sanguinem. You'd seen what it looked like there, even without your help it was a hellhole.
"Let go!" he wouldn't, he wouldn't let go, wouldn't let up at all even when Crowley and Ferid were long gone without you. He clearly didn't have much strength, and yet he used it all to secure one thing as you were unceremoniously dragged back from the place you'd managed to squirm to in one swift movement.
you were strong, you had to be, and yet even for you some opponents were too much. There had never been Vampires so strong in Japan, at least not ones that showed themselves to fight.
"You got away the first time, but you won't end up quite so lucky again."
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lostsoulaltair · 1 year
Owari no Seraph chapter 124
Well, the chapter was...okaay but I must confess that the story is no longer amusing but things to highlight
-Ice cream out of nowhere
-Tower of Babel with no humans (originally, the tower itself was the sin that shattered the universal language humans had for trying to reach heaven)
-A huge pentagram on Earth
-Shikama going alien mode with extremely advanced computers
That's all to highlight
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ofthescatteredstars · 25 days
what flower shows your love the deepest?
Soup is... orchid.
keywords: thoughtful, courageous, evocative.
the flower that represents your love the best is the orchid. you are a master at what you lovingly call "your craft" in showing your love to people.
whether its family, friends, or your lovers, you have an uncanny knack for knowing exactly what people want. some call you a master of love, while others say that you can read their minds.
whatever the case may be, you know how to make people feel wanted, needed- you know how to make people feel TRULY loved. in return, the world rewards you with the faith of a better day, of your own return in true love being given to you in ways that perhaps you cannot yet see.
but have faith, what goes around comes around.
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intern-seraph · 4 months
also insane how many of those are claiming the ad said "fuck muslims" when it clearly showed people covering up islamphobic graffiti because the whole point of the commercial was solidarity between minority communities... antisemitism makes people so stupid :(
LITERALLY jew-hatred makes people's brains rot
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m00nj3w3l · 1 year
Me all caught up with both the ONS anime+manga and getting back into the lowkey dead fandom:
My fucking ass tonight out of the blue: I miss Yoichi
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seraph-draws-stuff · 1 year
all of my problems would be solved if I could breath underwater and lay on the back of a whale while it swims close enough to the oceans surface that I can see the way the light dances across the water. And if I wasn’t allergic to pollen
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Is this some kind of 10th anniversary merchandise? It seems like they coloured Yamamotos’s OnS chibis so my guess is:
Column 1 (I think this column has only three instead of 5): Ashera, Mahiru and I don’t know the third one (the green reminds me of Kiseki-Ō put I don’t remember him getting a chibi?)
Column 2: Lacus, René, Lest, Rigr and Urd
Column 3: Mika, Ferid, Krul, Crowley and, Horn and Chess together
Column 4: Shinya, Kureto, Makoto, Shūsaku and by process of elimination the last one should be Seishirō (but I doubt it bc I don’t see the prison bars XD)
Column 5: Guren, Sayuri, Shigure, Mito and Goshi
Column 6: Yuu, Shinoa, Yoichi, Kimizuki and Mitsuba
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I'm enjoying lorwolf and I think it has the potential to go far as a petsite that's clearly meant to appeal to the fr playerbase while also being distinctly its own thing
But i worry that what's gonna shoot it in the foot upon full release is the fact that most of the available genes maybe aren't actually the same but like they might as well be
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starsandthorn · 2 years
wait the raisin kids adopting crunchy chip bc it looks like he has raisins in his dough is so cute wtf
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serapheseraphim · 3 months
Clearly the reason I rarely get to see my friends is because if I lived close by we'd be too powerful and immediately take over the world. Ahahaha.
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eluxcastar · 2 years
Write about Urd buying wonderbread
Urd buying wonderbread.
FEATURES: urd geales
CW: a lot, he should be put on my strange addiction, xio in general
WC: n/a (I refuse)
NOTES: ok Daddy Wonderbread 😈😈
- Poundcake Kitten 😖😖
I sincerely apologize to literally everyone else for what I'm about to do 💀 this is absolutely a crack thought it started as a result of an inside joke it was two a.m. I have no other excuse my Demons won. Istg I know this person we've been friends almost five years 😭 I'll write something later to make up for this
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it started off as just buying bread, and that's exactly what it was supposed to be, but then he started enjoying it just a little too much. Yes, it could've very well been just the bread, and yet there was the experience of buying the bread—the look of the bread, how soft it was, the nice crust and a good balance of crumbs, the ease of finding the wonderbread and the walk back to the cash register to pay for it.
the cashier sometimes threw out a joke about it, "You must really like this bread" they'd say, and he did. He'd heard every joke before, and never really found it in himself to laugh, but it was there. It was just something beyond compare, a deep, overwhelming urge to keep buying wonderbread that would always win him over, send him on another trip to the supermarket where a loaf of fresh wonderbread would await him on the shelf, begging to be picked up.
it may have been becoming a daily occurrence by now, but it still wasn't enough some days, even though he had cut back. One loaf, he had to keep remaining himself of that fact. But it was lingering somewhere in the back of his mind as he tore it into pieces and fed it to the ducks down in the lake.
one loaf just wasn't enough, but it would have to do.
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tteokdoroki · 3 months
࣪𖤐๋࣭ — JOCK BF!YUUJI ENTRY #10. babies, lots of ‘em.
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about. the all star jock has an intense breeding kink that leads him to confess the plans he has for he and his weird girlfriend’s future. ( 2.5K )
warnings. minors, blank and ageless blogs do not interact! nsfw, smut, angst if you squint, characters aged up to 20s, breeding kink, unprotected sex, cum play, praise, jock bf!yuuji, weird girl + fem!reader - the brain rot continues !! inspired by @kweenkatsuki-fics recent yuuji thirsting hehe <3
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“‘mma give you babies… lots of ‘em,” yuuji slurs, his hips ramming into yours at a bruising, unprecedented pace. 
beneath your shaky fingertips, the muscles of your boyfriend’s back ripple with his movements — his strength as he uses the headboard for leverage to fuck into your sloppy, sweltering heat of your sex. you’re flat on your back, his heavy and weighty body hanging over yours protectively while itadori traps you between the blazing heat in his chest and the sweaty bed sheets below. whenever yuuji gets in the mood like this, possessive and hungry for you ( and nobody else but you ), in the mood to keep you all to himself — you can’t help but succumb to each one of his touches and wet kisses. 
you can’t help the way your body trembles in the cage of his muscular arms while his abs ripple against your tummy and his pelvis tacks deliciously to your swollen clit. the bed creaks beneath the sloppy affair of your grinding bodies and somehow, within the mess of sex and love, your freehands link and squeeze to ground one another. “the way you’re suckin’ me in, god, honey,” yuuji coos, his words tickle the shell of your ear delicately, contrasting with the carnivorous way his deep brown eyes drink you in when he pulls back slightly to look at you, silver chain and dog tags dangling above your hot face, as if he’s picturing you nice and full of him and his seed. “so selfish, you don’t wanna let me pull out. you want this cum…yeah?” 
in that moment, you think you might cum, all because of the breathy whimpers from your lover that ghost over your dampened cupid’s bow ( wet from kisses ) — accompanied by the sensation of his hard-on bullying its way into your tight, quivering little hole. there’s a keen smile that spreads across yuuji’s plush lips when you nod your head ‘yes’ in response, you feel his excitement and desire for you deepen when the entire length of him twitches inside of you — pulsating as small spurts of precum begin to line your lewdly squelching walls.
“i knew you would, you’re such a good girl…and you’re all mine, how lucky am i? that you’re all. fucking. mine.” for a boy so sweet and gentlemanly outside of the bedroom, itadori is always sure to fuck you nasty and raw whilst making you feel like the most adored person on the planet. yuuji’s sailor-mouth-like praises are slurred and sinful, a tale tale sign that he’s already pussy drunk as he sheaths inch after inch within you. you can hardly blame him, not when your body adjusts to yuuji so perfectly — silken pussy stretching over the blue spiralling veins on his heavy cock. “mine to love, mine to fuck, mine to breed.” he tells you through seraphic gripes too.
“ohmygod!” you squeal, voice ringing hoarsely in your throat. your cunt spills honey molasses and sweet nectar against your ravaged sexes, juices intertwining with the small pink tufts of yuuji’s happy trail as his bright red tip bears down harshly on your gummy g-spot — providing him with the lube he needs to make love to you properly. “baby…i c-can’t!” 
just as you moan out again, legs squeezing around your boyfriend’s slender waist — yuuji’s blushing face ducks into your neck, making quick work of marking up your skin…because if he looks at your face, the way your brows crease softly and your lips part in a gentle ‘o’, and sees the way it twists with mounting pleasure. he won’t be able to hold off for much longer, he’ll lose his mind and fuck you too hard for either of you to cope. he knows that you can take it, manage to take all of his seed and all of his love — but if yuuji snaps, he’ll be pounding into you until he’s shooting blanks. 
with your hands traversing upwards into yuuji’s sea of pink curls and over his smooth undercut, he reacts with his golden eyes rolling back into the dark depths of his skull — temporarily locking away your sunlight that brings warmth to your dorm. a familiar heat prickles underneath the surface of your skin like a thousand tiny needles as you pant out your words, pleading with bambi as you look up at yuuji. “i want your cum, yuuji, i want you to…hah… fill me up ‘n get me pregnant…” there’s a feeling painfully seated above your abdomen, a burning sensation of mounting pleasure like a wound desperate to be licked and soothed by itadori.
by grinding up against him, sticky clit smearing over his tense stomach and golden abs, you think that you might garner some relief — but you only feel teased and taunted when the jock pulls his cock from the snugness of your tight head to slap his milky cockhead against your pulsing mound proudly.
“don’t say it like that, fuck, baby,” yuuji all but groans, lashes fluttering at the slick sound your cunt makes with each love tap. beads of his precum ooze over you in another form of claim, glazing you in yuuji’s scent and taste. some of it even drips from your abused hole as it clenches around nothing, desperate to be filled by all that your boyfriend has to offer. “there’s so much… s’leaking out of you. gonna have to keep you on my dick always, give you all my babies.” the rose haired man can’t even hear himself speak, not over the sound of blood rushing through his ears — carrying sex crazed hormones. certainly not over your sweet sighs that form a melody with the pap, pap, pap of your pussy as he slowly sinks back into you — building up a steady rhythm to his thrusts, like an ocean’s regular tide.
yuuji can’t stop rambling, saying whatever lustful thought sits at the forefront of his mind. having you splayed out beneath him like this, your nipples pert against his firm chest and your breasts bouncing with every forceful lunge of his hips forward — it drives him up a wall. “gonna look so pretty ‘n round when you’re full of me. i’ll put a ring on it, make you my pretty wife — holy fuck, you’re squeezing me so tight. you like it when i talk to you like that, huh?” the thick vein on the underside of his shaft presses deliciously up against pleasure spots that only yuuji knows about, never leaving you unsatisfied, not even for a moment as his body rocks passionately into yours.
tanned skin and hard muscle feel slippery underneath your trembling hands. you don’t know what to hold onto, don’t know how to ground yourself when you feel this good and yuuji’s cock skilfully dives into your sopping heat — promises of the future, a wedding and family hand in the humid air buzzing between you both but is best said by the way itadori’s body dsnces with your own, his arousal soaked signature lining your rippling walls.   
“need that so bad, yuuji! need you so bad… please fill me up, i want it inside.” you hiccup and demand, hardly able to speak through it all. the bed moans and groans just like you do, every time itadori’s dick pumps in and pulls out of your dripping, greedy hole — coated in a layer of foamy white. using your elbows as leverage, you work your hips down to meet yuuji in a slick and sensual dance, clenching at every inch of him that assails your insides until delight crackles over your hazy brain.  
“god, baby please…if you keep talking like that i’m gonna—“ yuuji whines from deep within his chest, the sound resonating through you and shooting straight down to your creamy cunt that clamps down on him, pulling little droplets of precum from his sensitive tip. 
your next words have the jock pounding into you with new vigour, desperate to give you everything that you want. “d-don’t pull out, yuuji. inside.” 
“ahh, okay,” he whimpers as his voice rises in pitch, brown eyes stinging with tears. his golden arms flex as they lift you by the apex of your thighs — dragging you back onto his cock and it’s unforgiving pace. itadori presses his forehead to yours, caramel eyes shining with tears that gleam in the afternoon sunlight breaking through the curtains of your dorm.  “okay, okay fuck. okay, oh god — h-honey, i’m…fuck! i-im cumming!” he stumbles over his every word, the pink haired jock’s entire world shattering into smaller glass fragments as he finally hits his peak. thick waves of white flood your womb, hot and viscous and lighting you up from the inside out. it coats your swollen pussy lips in an opaque layer that smears along your inner thighs, pouring endlessly from yuuji’s fat cock and breeder’s balls.
effectively breeding you. 
still humping at you relentlessly and not daring to leave you far behind, yuuji tacks two of his fingers to your clit and caresses it in smooth circles, searing his name into you forever. he never lets up, fucking his cum into your womb with languid thrusts — bulbous and mushroomed cockhead spurting his hot seet against your g-spot as it grazes the epicentre of your pleasure over and over again. yuuji holds you in his arms while your vision clears, replaced by only blinding flashes of white and accompanied by an empty scream rattling around in your throat. your arousal spurts out of you in generous and clear streams, nearly forcing yuuji’s cock from your tight, rippling walls — painting both you and him in your juices. 
your boyfriend can barely hold himself above you as you both finally come down, flopping onto you and trapping you against the sex soiled matress for cuddles. 
“we can’t have babies, yuuji,” you laugh happily, letting out a puff of air from deep within your chest once you’re finally able to catch your breath. “not right now, we’re too young and we’re still in college!”
“well duh, not right now…” he muses, kissing your jaw and your neck and every part of you that he’s marked up and bruised. “but like afterwards…yanno? a few years down the line when we both have jobs. i’m gonna be pro and you’ll be a sexy career woman. ‘n i’ll make so much money that you can take all the time off you want. make sure you’re nice and taken care of and—“ 
giggling, the sweet melodies of your laughter cut through your boyfriend’s wistful rambling. 
“what’s so funny?” 
“it’s just…you’ve really got this all planned out, huh?” you reach a hand up to cup itadori’s sweaty cheek, brushing a thumb over the rough scarring at the corner of his mouth. he leans into you, much like a cat seeking physical touch, and you scratch just under his chin. “you want to be with me for that long?” 
“i mean…yeah. i want you for the rest of my life. i thought that was obvious,” yuuji manages to say while you squish his cheeks and play about with his face, sounding a little dejected. “don’t you? … don’t you want that with me?” 
your smile drops as you shift to your elbows, immediately dead set on reassuring your usually confident boyfriend. “of course i want that with gou. i want everything with you, it’s just that…” you chew on your words, push them around the cavern of your mouth as it dries with nervousness. “it’s just that… i’m still so different to you, i’m still not…conventional by any means. so i just thought… by the time college was over you’d—“ 
“i’d get bored of you?” 
yuuji looks almost offended, his pink and kiss-swollen lips pushed forward into a pout and his dark brows drawn together in the centre of his forehead. falling back onto the sheets, one of his hands sink into the pillow supporting your head as you lay flat on your back — you feel it tremble with an emotion you can’t quite place on his face. is it anger? hurt? annoyance? either way, your heart hammers in your chest and crawls it’s way up your throat. you feel nauseous at the prospect of even upsetting yuuji — especially after the loving sex you’ve just had. 
a croak in your throat replaces your sweet voice, you’re not sure if it’s because of how you’d been previously screaming your boyfriend’s name or because of how nervous you’ve suddenly become. “y-yeah,” you say slowly. “that.” 
“how could you even think that?” yuuji breathes steadily, the corner of his mouth twitching into a frown but you can’t bare to look at him any longer — casting your gaze to the side. 
shaking your head, you blink back tears you hadn’t even known were there. “i don’t… i don’t know. forget it, pretend i never said anything.” 
itadori bends at the neck to reach you,  tutting into the air as it cools down and loses its feverish taste for lust. his nose bumps yours, the pair of them becoming neighbours while his breath coasts across your face almost comfortingly. 
“when i say i want you, i mean it. forever,”  he confesses, like a reflex, like the natural reflex that his brain has to make his heart beat. “i want you to be my wife after all this. you’re not just some college fling to me. i want to buy you a house, a big ring, keep you comfortable for the rest of my life. i decided on that when i first met you,” a calloused finger and thumb tilt your chin to the perfect angle, making you look at him, your gaze falling into a mahogany one belonging only to your doting partner. “i don't care how long it takes to prove this to you… but you’re the love of my life, so have a little faith in me. okay?”
yuuji takes your hand in his, placing your palm on the left side of his chest where the muscle keeping him alive races for you. the only girl in the room. the only girl in his worlds. his dog tags jingle at the movement but his eyes on you remain unwavering and so full of commitment. you’d be stupid not to believe him now.
“okay,” you affirm sweetly, tilting your head a little further in a silent ask. you want a kiss. “i love you, yuuji.” 
“and i love you right back,” he mumbles against your lips without skipping a beat, slotting your mouths together perfectly in a gentle chaste kiss. “now baby, please stop asking me to cum inside, you know i can’t help it and we can’t have babies just yet,” yuuji whines and collapses on top of you with a huff. 
“you’re the one who said you wanted to give me babies!” 
“and you’re the one who keeps feeding into my breeding kink, let’s not get it twisted here!”
and all throughout your playful bickering, yuuji stays nestled deep inside of you — keeping you plugged full. of both his cum and his love.  
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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My heart hurts so bad for Aziraphale because I can honestly just relate to him so, so, so much.
(not putting this one under a cut so warning season 2 ahead, I'll tag it at the bottom too)
Aziraphale says, "Nothing lasts forever," but I don't believe for a second he doesn't wish that it did.
He WANTS things to go back to how they used to be. He WANTS the seraphic Crowley squealing with joy as he cranks up the universal machine and sets the stars aflame. He WANTS there to be no sides, he WANTS to believe in the idea of the host united, he WANTS to go back before Crowley got himself in trouble by asking questions. He wants, I think, to be in that moment of creation and adoration forever.
Change seems to frighten him. There's an aspect of uncertainty. There's an element of chaos, the loss of control. I understand this deeply. And what the Metatron offered him was just that: certainty, control, the ability to dictate his own narrative.
I used to be in a toxic job. On top of it, I had intense anxiety and other undiagnosed neurodivergencies that made it even harder to fit in and understand the untold rules I was supposed to follow to get along. When I first got there, it wasn't so bad -- perhaps I was, like Aziraphale, also a bit idealistic. Then there were some changes that brought instability, significant more anxiety, and a lot of nights spent agonizing over my lack of control over it all.
My friends and significant other tried to convince me to leave, but I didn't want to. I didn't know what else was out there. I didn't know if it would be worse. I didn't know what kind of stability it would have.
Then my manager left, so that spot opened up. I had worked there for a long time, and honestly, I never saw myself going into management. I didn't think I could. I wasn't sure I even wanted to. All of that extra stress, on me? Not to mention, getting FURTHER into the job that was taking a massive toll on me? But then...
Then I would have control. Then I could run things the way *I* had always thought they should run. I wouldn't need to worry about who would replace my manager and whether my life would be a living hell -- I would make it what I wanted it to be. Upper management was really pushing for it, so I applied.
To make a long story short: I don't think it went very well. I didn't have the support I needed. I didn't have the emotional skills I needed. I think I did my best, but I'm not fond of those times. At the time, I was SURE that I wanted to move up even more, I was SURE this would make it all better. I thought this was what I REALLY wanted.
But that's not what I needed. What I needed was to get out, and eventually I did. Even as ready as I was to leave, it was absolutely agonizing. I could barely stand to handle the unknown. I was going to work together with my spouse, actually, and I was so excited for that, but I still... I still was upset and worried sick over the dramatic change that would befall my life, after I had made the decision to leave.
That's where I can relate to Aziraphale. I wonder what would've happened if, before I had actually left for good, the head honchos had come up to me and said, "We want to keep you -- how about we offer you (an even higher position)?" -- would I have said no, or would I have wanted to make a difference?
Funny, I said exactly that, too. That's almost why I didn't change jobs in the first place. I said, "But I feel like I'm really making a difference with what I'm doing now." But what pushed me over the edge was realizing that none of that mattered to them, it was all about THEIR control of ME, not the other way around.
I'm so intensely curious to see what happens with Aziraphale next, but I'm sure he will learn what Crowley understands: nothing lasts forever, and sometimes it's good that it doesn't -- even if sometimes we wish it did.
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