#stan jimmy woo for clear skin
I have a question about wandavision:
well... many questions, actually, but one main one:
Is wanda actually capable of spontaneous creation?
agatha says she is, but does she know enough to be sure? she doesn’t seem to have a very deep understanding of wanda’s powers, or at least of their origin and limits.
but remember a previous episode (was it ep. 5, 6, 7? i’m not sure), specifically one scene: the scene in which monica shoots her ‘70s wandavision outfit and it turns out that the outfit is made from the same material as the bulletproof vest she was wearing when she first entered the hex. in this scene we learn a very important thing: 
wanda can’t just wish something into existence.
(as far as monica knows/has proven, at least).
she takes what is already there and changes the molecules/particles to fit what she wants. this means that what monica proved with her experiment is the opposite of what agatha is claiming wanda can do. so, what is actually true? can wanda just bring things into existence, or does she have to alter reality using the things that are already there?
in addition, there is evidence disproving monica’s theory: 1. wanda’s house in westview and 2. vision.
these things or at least, things made from the same material, weren’t there originally; wanda couldn’t have changed materials to “create” the house and vision.
now, vision is, of course more important here than the house. these 2 conflicting accounts of wanda’s powers make it very difficult to figure out how the vision who is currently in the hex came to be.
is he a “copy” of the original vision that wanda made? this could explain why he has no memories before westview and why he seemed to fall apart when he tried to leave the hex. if he left the hex, wanda’s powers wouldn’t influence him anymore, meaning he would cease to exist. this theory would also fall in line with what monica said: in this case, vision wouldn’t be made of, say vibranium and the mind stone, but of other materials held together by wanda’s magic.
or: did wanda singlehandedly create a second vision? this theory would confirm what agatha claims to be true. it would also raise a different question: if wanda willed vision, and therefore the materials he is made of, into existence, did she,, create a second mind stone? did she pull it from another dimension/multiverse? what would the consequences of this be for the fabric of reality? this theory is also an interesting setup for multiverse of madness as it would mean that wanda’s altering of reality/use of different dimensions would cause reality itself to fall apart, which doctor strange (and loki, too, probably) would most likely notice.
i hope the next episode will provide some answers because so far all i have is questions.
is there perhaps something i’m forgetting or missing? if there is, feel free to add to this post
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vestwpockets · 3 years
anyways, stan jimmy woo and darcy lewis for clear skin
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pineappletheatrekid · 3 years
Stan Doctor Darcy Lewis, Agent Jimmy Woo, and Captain Monica Rambeau for clear skin.
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