#steph: yo I love dana wanna share
gayshitanddadjokes · 9 months
Tim Drake: I have three relatives
Steph: ooh this one is gonna be good
Tim, counting on his fingers: Cass
Cass: *smiles*
Tim: Dick
Dick: score
Tim: and my stepmom Dana
Bruce: wait what
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ranveer--singh · 3 years
Appreciation post 2020
So today is the last day of 2020. Its been some what a different year as we hoped. But I must say tumblr was my espace this year and I met some lovely people on her. Happy New Year to you all, hope 2021 is better for us all.
@sunslittlesister Dana you are my sister, who been with me through all my username changes through to all the players and actors I like. Thanks for being there for me, we hade great year watching movies together our teams clowning around and all in all having fun. Thanks for sending German snacks, we should do another gift swap middle of the year. Here is two another awesome year and hopefully our teams do well.
@footballffbarbiex Amy you are amazing, I've know you since gosh can't remember but I know it was a world cup. Thank you so much for keeping 2020 amazing with everything you write. They have been my safe haven, I will cherish them all. I am so happy to find another crazy Henry Cavill fan like you who indulged me in my requests. Hope you have an amazing 2021 and can't wait to send you more chocolates, hearing bud squeal made my day.
@footballfangurl I know you haven't used tumblr as much this year. But watching movies with you been fun, you found out so early on on MI6 that Henry was the bad guy lol. Can't wait till after your exams so we can watch Sand Castle together. Thanks for being my friend, beta and all round great person. Let's hope 2021 does good for football.
@lawsandother your my little sister, I love when ever we talk because your so sweet and passionate about the clubs you support. I am so happy you started to write and are posting them all, your such a talented person who deserves everything. Let's hope for a great 2021.
@ghosts-of-puppets Kingaaa I love how are minds work together to create crazy ideas for Amy to write. She gets scared everything I send her a request. So happy to see new Virgil content and hopefully he can play next year. Man United are 2nd lol we could win you never know. Thanks for being amazing and making my dash fun with your posts.
@avsensio Lexiiiii my sister I miss you, miss your writing, but your incredibly talented person who shares the same interests as me. Your dogs are adorable and we definitely need to chat more next year.
@trentalexanders @football-laeli @dancefaeries @peterpanupinthesky you girls in the OG group are amazing. Can't believe how much has gone on but the group kept us sain, happy and was a place I could switch of to. Love you girls we still need that England nt photo.
@keanureevesisbae I am so happy I got go know this incredible girl who has the most beautiful smile. Your writing makes me smile, feel happy and your a bundle of joy. Love the time we watched MI6 together and skipped to all the Henry parts. Keep being your beautiful and bubbly self.
@wondersofdreaming TJ your my dumpling buddy, I wish there was no brexit so I could come over and try your home made dumplings. I love our calls, watching movies together even though I got a shock in Aquaman seeing Graham as king. Thanks for being such a kind spirt and I hope to be able to see you in 2021.
@littlefreya Freya your an amazing human being, without your fics this year I dunno how I would have coped. They cheered me up, made me smile, laugh and of course hot at times. Keep being the incredible person you are, cannot wait for what new things we get to see from you next year.
@luclittlepond your my Spanish mum lol your amazing person to talk to. I love that you also like Real Madrid and I hope next year they do better. Thanks for always being there and reading my stuff. Hope 2021 is good for you and your family.
@madbaddic7ed Twinnie I dunno what to say but it's your fault for me enjoying Outlander and Sam Heughan 😆🤣 Thanks for being there for me, the countless phone calls, video calls, watching movies together. It's like we twins bit far away, I hope soon we can meet up.
@toomanystoriessolittletime Steph your a huge beacon of joy. I love getting to know you, gosh your quicker then me in watching tv series. I am grateful your my friend and would love to come to Germany and try your cooking as you talk so much about it. I loved the gifts you sent over, not opened the new box yet but will soon. Love the calls we have had. Hopefully you can travel to London next year.
@emelinelovesjc I love seeing your gifs on my dash, they are so good. Even your writing is amazing, your such a lovely person to talk to and can't wait till 2021 when I can cone try your crepes.
@b-n-a-o one thing I have accomplished this year was getting you into Sergio Ramos to the point you made gifs. Such a win all around, your gifs are incredible, your amazing to talk yo and we share many smiliar interests.
@foodieforthoughts I love how this year I met a lot of Indian's in the Henry Cavill fandom. You are funny, talented writer, friendly and just as thirsty as me. Glad I got to know you and we share the same love for Henry Cavill and Chris Evans. Lets hope 2021 is good and we get to have more fun.
@toomanyfandomsshreya @unicornbitchface you girls are amazing. It's like having more sisters in my life, thanks for making 2021 amazing as you both are. @unicornbitchface Evans is a hottie lol.
@wolvesandhoundshowltogether You amaze me at how incredible you are. So glad I got to know you this year and your Henry Cavill shitposts made me laugh, fireman Sy got to be the best thing I loved reading this year. Hope 2021 is good for you.
@hlkwrites I dunno what to say but gosh your writing really made me smile. Prime Time is my favourite series and I binged it in 1 day. I love talking to you, your another brit I found on her. Love how much we have in common and I cannot wait for 2021 for you to kill us with more Rugby dad.
I wanna also thank these people for making 2020 good on tumblr, with things they reblog, writing fan fics and gifmaking @killjoy-assbutt-1112 @thelastsock @demivampirew @dancingwendigo @dangerouslovefanfic @infinite-shite @the-soot-sprite @luna-aestas @fishcustardandclintbarton @yespolkadotkitty @august-walker @lxndonorris @emyearns @oh-for-fic-sake @sciapod @mariestark @crimsonrae @kaibacorpdork @nuggsmum @ladyreapermc @hell1129-blog @brexrif @promptandpros @hollydaisy23 @penwieldingdreamer @viking-raider
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