#stephen lobo
deepinthelight · 4 months
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Matthew Kellog and Kiera Cameron
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ramascreen · 2 years
"WIFELIKE" Interview: Elena Kampouris on Playing an Artificial Human
“WIFELIKE” Interview: Elena Kampouris on Playing an Artificial Human
In the anticipation of writer/director James Bird’s sci-fi thriller WIFELIKE, which arrives in select theaters and on digital August 12th, I recently had the opportunity to interview the lead star of this new film Elena Kampouris (“Sacred Lies,” “My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2”) who plays an artificial human assigned as a companion named Meredith. In our conversation, Elena talked to me how she…
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vintagewarhol · 2 years
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evilhorse · 2 years
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Superman?! Alive??!
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krispyweiss · 2 years
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Quarter Notes: Blurbs & Briefs from Sound Bites
- In this edition, St. Vincent, James Taylor and Joe Walsh; Los Lobos; Rickie Lee Jones; the Wood Brothers
“COLBERT” RESIDENCIES ON TAP: St. Vincent, James Taylor and Joe Walsh will spend weeklong residencies playing with the house band on “the Late Show with Stephen Colbert.”
The guests will appear the weeks of July 25, Aug. 1 and Aug. 8, respectively.
LOS UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES: Los Lobos have canceled three consecutive shows citing “unforeseen circumstances.” The band is slated to return to Tedeschi Trucks Band’s Wheels of Soul tour July 23.
RLJ LP ON THE WAY: Rickie Lee Jones spent July 13 “wrapping up my new record with a beautiful string date,” per a Facebook post. There’s no word on the title or release date.
WOOD BROTHERS LP SLATED FOR 2023: The Wood Brothers are working on a new, as-yet-untitled album for 2023, per a news release.
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deysialfher · 3 months
Os 100 livros para ler antes de morrer
Os livros lidos estão riscados!
A arte da guerra (Sun Tzu)
Hamlet (william Shakespeare)
O banquete  (Platão)
A divina comédia - Inferno (são 3 livros) (Dante Alighieri)
O processo de Kafka (Kafka)
O morro dos ventos uivantes (Emilly Bronte)
O pequeno príncipe (Antoine de Saint – Exupéry)
Orgulho e preconceito (Jane Austen)
O princípe (Nicolau Maquiavel)
A Odisseia (Homero)
O vermelho e o negro (Stendhal)
O velho e o mar (Ernest Hemingwai)
Homem invisível (Ralph Ellison)
Dom Quixote (Miguel de Cervantes)
Moby Dick (Herman Melville)
1984  (George Orwell)
Crime e castigo (Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky)
A Ilíada (Homero)
Madame Bovary (Gustave Flaubert)
A montanha mágica (Thomas Mann)
Cem anos de solidão (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
Otelo (William Shakespeare)
Ulysses (James Joyce)
Guerra e Paz (Leo Tolstoy)
As viagens de Gulliver (Jonathan Swift)
O nome da rosa (Umberto Eco)
Alice no País das maravilhas (Lewis Carroll)
Vinte mil léguas submarinas (Julio Verne)
Leviatã (Thomas Hobbes)
Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)
Armas, germes e aço: os destinos das sociedades humanas (Jared Diamond)
O diário de Anne Frank (Anne Frank)
O conto da aia (Margaret Atwood)
O iluminado (Stephen King)
O sol é para todos (Harper Lee)
A revolução dos bichos (George Orwell)
A flecha de Deus (Chinua Achebe)
Utopia (Thomas More)
Gargantua (François Rabelais)
Pantagruel (François Rabelais)
Ensaio sobre a Cegueira (José Saramago)
Édipo Rei (Sófocles)
Os miseráveis (Victor Hugo)
Os Lusíadas (Luis de Camões)
Os três mosquiteiros (Alexandre Dumas)
Decamerão  (Giovanni Boccaccio)
As mil e uma noites (Sem autor)
Amor no tempo do cólera (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)
A epopeia de Gilgamesh (Sem autor)
O livro do Desassossego (Fernando Pessoa)
Livro de jó (Bíblia Sagrada)
O retrato de Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde)
Ismael: um romance da condição humana (Daniel Quinn)
Medeia (Euripides)
Robinson Crusoé (Daniel Defoe)
Contos de Andersen (Hans Christian Andersen)
Conde de Monte Cristo (Alexandre Dumas)
O mundo de Sofia (Jostein Gaarder)
A condição humana (Hannah Arendt)
Laranja mecânica (Anthony Burgess)
O elogio da loucura (Erasmo de Roterdã)
A sangue frio (Truman Capote)
Ardill 22 (Joseph Heller)
Adeus às armas (Ernest Hemingway)
Admirável mundo novo (Aldous Huxley)
Todos os Contos (Edgar Allan Poe)
A morte de Ivan Ilyuich (Leo Tolstoy)
Mahabharata (sem autor)
Contos de Canterbury (Geoffrey Chaucer)
Os irmãos Karamazov (Fyodor M Dostoyevsky)
Tom Jones (Henry Fielding)
A consciência de Zeno (Italo Svero)
Amada (Toni Morrison)
Os filhos da meia-noite (Salman Rushdie)
O tambor (Gunter Grass)
O idiota (Fyodor M Dostoyevsky)
As metamorfoses (Ovídio)
O som da montanha (Yasunari Kawabata)
Ensaios (Michel de Montaigne)
Senhor das moscas (William Golding)
As vinhas da Ira (John Steinbeck)
O grande Gatsby (F. Scott Fitzgerald)
O jogo da amarelinha (Julio Cortázar)
O estrangeiro (Albert Camus)
Memórias de Adriano (Marguerite Yourcenar)
O lobo da Estepe (Herman Hesse)
O apanhador no campo de Centeio (J. D. Salinger)
Rumo o farol (Virginia Woolf)
O castelo (Franz Kafka)
Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy)
O som e a fúria (William Faulkner)
O homem sem qualidades (Robert Musil)
As aventuras de Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain)
Almas mortas (Nikolai Gogol)
Pedro Paramo (Juan Rulfo)
Folhas de relva (Walt Whitman)
Viagem ao fim da noite (Louis Ferdinand Celine)
Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov)
Eneida         (Virgílio)
Em busca do tempo perdido (7 livros) (Marcel Proust)
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trust-and-jump · 1 year
continuum (2012) CANADIAN SCI-FI
This show is great. I watched it in 2017. And i have no idea why there are almost no people talking about it. If you didn't watch it do it.it might be a little slow in the beginning but it's still great. Just. Nice.
There is time travel (from 2077 to 2012), good-to-bad and bad-that-looks-like-good and good-that-is-actually-not, dystopia, subtle details about the future, not subtle details of future, VERY interesting change of view on what is the 'bad' side and what is the 'good' one, and then there are just no sides at all, just people. AND ALSO THE BAD GUY SENDS PEOPLE BACK IN TIME TO FIX THE MESS HE'S DONE. Very cool.
By the way the main character doubting her side. 10000/10. Just watch it.
Created by Simon Barry. Starring: Rachel Nichols, Victor Webster, Erik Knudsen, Stephen Lobo, Roger Cross, Lexa Doig, Tony Amendola, Omari Newton, Luvia Petersen, Jennifer Spence, Brian Markinson, Ryan Robbins.
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stjvmcs · 1 year
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eu juro que vi SKELETON 5 lá no píer de santa monica! RIVER STJAMES é um HOMEM CISGÊNERO de 24 anos. pelo que eu soube, ele trabalha como PROGRAMADOR. dizem que RIVER é muito CALMO, mas também pode ser um pouco SOLITÁRIO. na luz do sol da california, se parece bastante com HERO FIENNES TIFFIN.
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FAMÍLIA. no quesito de ter ou não irmãos, pode-se dizer que river experimentou o melhor dos dois mundos. por dezessete anos, foi filho único de madeline e stephen, um casal que apesar de não ter uma conta bancária de grande porte, sempre trabalhou muito para que nada faltasse ao filho. rosalie chegou na família de surpresa, fruto de um “acidente” quando sua mãe já achava ter entrado na menopausa. apesar de ter crescido sempre muito solitário, river se descobriu uma outra pessoa na presença da irmã pequena, tornando-se o maior exemplo de irmão coruja. especialmente por conta da pequena ter autismo, ainda que de grau leve, river sente a necessidade de protegê-la e ajudá-la sempre, sendo esse um dos motivos que o faz sentir que não pode deixar santa mônica.
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JUVENTUDE. stephen e madeline chegaram a achar que river possuía algum problema, pois apesar de todo o seu desenvolvimento nos primeiros anos ter sido normal, o garoto só começou a falar com três anos. não porque não sabia, mas simplesmente porque não queria. apesar do quesito social deixar um pouco a desejar, sempre foi uma criança muito esperta, atenta a tudo ao seu redor, e também um pouco acima da curva no que dizia respeito à inteligência. não era do tipo que levantava a mão para dar respostas na aula, nem sequer parecia estar prestando atenção, mas quando as notas das provas eram entregadas, river sempre recebia algo acima de a-. poderia ter sido alvo de bullying caso houvesse decidido se juntar aos nerds, porém sempre teve também um quê de valentão, não se deixando intimidar e fazendo com que os outros respeitassem seu espaço. fora sempre de poucos, mas bons amigos, nunca faltando com lealdade aos que conquistavam um espaço em seu coração. quando pequeno, não sonhava em ser presidente ou astronauta, mas  médico. entretanto, a seguir a carreira jamais foi uma verdadeira possibilidade, já que nunca teve dinheiro para pagar uma faculdade, e muito menos mais uma pós graduação em medicina. ainda antes de sair do ensino médio, river descobriu que gostava de passar seu tempo livre estudando informática, e não demorou para que se inserisse no meio de desenvolvimento de softwares, decolando uma carreira como programador.
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PERSONALIDADE. apesar da aparência um tanto quanto intimidadora e do jeito de lobo solitário, river possui um coração magnífico. os pais o criaram com bons princípios, e ele também sempre teve uma mente madura para não deixar que as opiniões alheias o mudassem. é muito decidido, podendo até ser chamado de “cabeça-dura”, pois é muito difícil que mude de opinião depois de colocar algo na cabeça. tendo crescido com pouco dinheiro, é alguém que sabe dar valor às coisas que têm e que conquista, e apesar de hoje em dia tirar uma boa grana como programador, mantém um estilo de vida humilde. a única coisa com a qual realmente gasta algum dinheiro por luxo é com suas tatuagens, pois enquanto o corpo ainda não está completamente coberto, river sempre acaba surgindo com um desenho novo a cada mês. é alguém que se sente mais confortável com seu lado racional do que emocional, o que acaba resultando em uma fachada de durão, quando na verdade não sabe bem expressar seus sentimentos, não raramente internalizando-os. apesar de tudo, é alguém sonhador: toda noite antes de dormir, entra em um debate silencioso entre as inúmeras razões que se dá para não sair de santa mônica, e o desejo de desbravar o mundo, conhecendo as mais belas paisagens e diversas culturas.
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mora sozinho em um apartamento que fica a 10 minutos de distância da casa dos pais.
foi adotado por devon, um cão de rua mestiço de pitbull que certa vez o seguiu até em casa, e hoje dorme junto consigo em sua cama.
tem mais de cem tatuagens no estilo old school espalhadas pelo corpo e, não, nem todas possuem um significado.
não fuma em público, mas possui esse péssimo hábito como uma espécie de válvula de escape.
em seu guarda-roupas, não possui uma única peça de roupa que não seja branca, preta ou cinza. 
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franciskovsky · 1 year
- El psicoanalista - John Katzenbach
- La filosofía de House - William Irwin y Henry Jacoby - El pequeño Quijote (y su mancha) - Johann Page - Ensayo sobre la ceguera - José Saramago - El arte de la guerra - Sun Tzu - Las intermitencias de la muerte - José Saramago - El gato negro (Narraciones extraordinarias) - Edgar Allan Poe - La culpa es de la vaca - Jaime Lopera Gutiérrez y Marta Inés Bernal Trujillo - El ciclo del hombre lobo - Stephen King - Así hablaba Zaratustra - Friedrich Nietzsche - El resplandor - Stephen King - La virtud del egoísmo - Ayn Rand - Metafísica 4 en 1 - Conny Méndez - Harry Potter y El Prisionero de Azkaban - J.K. Rowling - Cuentos - Fiódor Mijailovich Dostoievski (FMD) - El banquete - Platón
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allatonceness · 10 months
100 Conferences
Belém Lima 
Luisa Penha 
Rui Neto 
Bartolomeu costa Cabral 
João Paulo rapagão 
Cristina Guedes 
Carlos Castanheira
Jean Pierre Porcher 
Troy Howie 
João Pedro Serôdio
Gil PitA Penumbra 
Carlos Lobo 
João Mendes Ribeiro 
Alexandre Alves Costa 
Francisco Providência 
Zalraa zawcwi 
Nuno Senos 
Arquitectos anónimos 
Eduardo Aires 
Andre Tavares 
Go Hasegawa 
Jean phillipe Vassal 
Manuel Graça Dias 
Nadia Tolonikva 
Sou Fujimoto 
Frances Kéré 
Maurizio Lanzarato 
Santiago Cirugeda 
Eva Franch 
Ali cherri 
Pankay Mishra 
Hans Ulrich Obrist
Kazuo Sejima
Guido Beltrami 
Josep Quetglas 
Inês Lobo 
Nuno Brandão Costa 
Made in 
Nieto Sobrejano 
Dominique Perrault 
Camilo Rebelo 
Tony Fretton 
Roger Diener 
Go hasengawa + Office KGDVS 
Pascal Flammmer 
De Vylder 
Arq. G 
Barbas lopes 
Nuno Brandão Costa 
Arno Brandhuber 
Valerio Olgiati
Pascal Flammmer 
Arno Brandhuber 
Valerio Olgiati 
Humberto Napolitano 
Rui Furtado + Ricardo Bak Gordon 
Job Floris 
Charllote Von Moos 
Stephen Taylor 
Barão Hunter + Girão Lima 
Madelon Von Vriesendrop 
Alvaro Siza 
Francesca Torzo
Manuel Mendes 
Madelon Von Vriensendrop 
Richard Wentworth 
Thomas Thaites 
Benjamin Seroussi 
Iris Rogoff
Olivier Marboeuf 
Aires Mateus + Fernanda Fragaterio 
Alejandro Aravena
Peter Markli 
Nuno grande + Adriana Calcanhoto 
Sergison Bates 
Eric lapierre 
Thomas Daniel 
Tim Benton 
Paul Owen 
Rick Joy 
Juhami Pallasmaa 
João Luis Carrilho da Graça 
ESM+ NBC+ Luis Ferreira Alves 
Bernando pinto de almeida + JM + Nuno Lacerda Lopes 
Eduardo Souto Moura
Morrettin arq. + Mapa arq.+ Cristina Guedes 
Arq associados + Laboratório de projectos da FAUUSP
Metro arq. + MMBB + ÁLVARO Puntoni 
Vijitha Basmayaka + Guilherme Wisnik 
Camilo rebelo + João Mendes Ribeiro + Alexandre Dias 
Ricardo Carvalho + NBC
101.Marina Tabassum + Inês lobo
Steven Holl 
Ruy Nishizawa
Joan Oackman 
Joan Oackman 
Tom Avermaete 
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feversxmirrors · 1 year
here's a list of favorites/general things i post about (•:
post-punk • permanent wave • new wave • singer-songwriter • emo • escape room • hyperpop • chamber • noise • indie • folk • experimental • drone
bright eyes • iceage • alex g • tori amos • nick cave • the garden • beastie boys • nine inch nails • black midi • leonard cohen • tamino • buck-tick • la dispute • a. g. cook • oingo boingo • chelsea wolfe • rico nasty • the cure • depeche mode • the drums • black country, new road • arctic monkeys • idles • yusuf/cat stevens • boris • xiu xiu • chat pile • spencer krug • yves tumor • jordaan mason • the prodigy
american werewolf in london • the crow • IT • near dark • the lost boys • hellraiser • the dark crystal • labyrinth • the wolf house/la casa lobo • the evil dead/evil dead 2 • my own private idaho • james and the giant peach • bill and ted's excellent adventure • coraline • hereditary • x • scream • the thing • y tu mama también • short term 12 • brick • funeral parade of roses • the shining • house on haunted hill • funny games • rosemary's baby • bones and all
twin peaks • the haunting of hill house • midnight mass • stranger things • fraggle rock • the muppets • cowboy bebop • hannibal • over the garden wall • dragula • barry • the bear • the x-files
anne carson • albert camus • ocean vuong • stephen king • chuck palahniuk • toni morrison • anne rice • rold dahl
animation/claymation • personal art mostly in relation to film • absurdism & existentialism
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deepinthelight · 5 months
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Hot men of Arctic Air
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ramascreen · 2 years
Poster And Trailer For WIFELIKE Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Elena Kampouris
Poster And Trailer For WIFELIKE Starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers and Elena Kampouris
Check out these official trailer and poster for SP Media Group and Paramount Home Entertainment’s WIFELIKE, the sci-fi thriller from writer/director James Bird, starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers (The Good Neighbor, The 12th Man) and Elena Kampouris (Sacred Lies, My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2). WIFELIKE IN SELECT THEATRES AND AVAILABLE ON DIGITAL AUGUST 12, 2022 Written and Directed By: James…
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
two Macchi C-200 Saetta of the 8th fighter group taking off from airfield in North Africa
Ronnie Bell Following
two Macchi C-200 Saetta of the 8th fighter group taking off from airfield in North Africa
Piotr Hardecki and Miguel Lobo faved this
Stephen 11y
Following the end of Italy's campaigns in East Africa, a program was started to completely reequip the Regia Aeronautica with a new interceptor aircraft of modern design.
The 10 February 1936 specifications called for an aircraft powered by a single radial engine, with a top speed of 500 km/h, climb rate at 6000 meters of 5 minutes, with a flight endurance of two hours, and armed with a single (later increased to two) 12.7 mm machine gun.
Macchi's lead designer was Mario Castoldi, the creator of several racing aircraft which competed for the Schneider Trophy, including the M.39, which won the competition in 1926. He also designed the M.C. 72.
In designing a modern fighter, Castoldi proposed a modern all metal cantilever low wing monoplane, with retractable landing gear, and an enclosed cockpit.
The fuselage was of semi monocoque construction, with self-sealing fuel tanks under the pilot's seat, and in the centre section of the wing.
The distinctive "hump" elevated the cockpit to provide the pilot with an unobstructed view over the engine.
The wing had an advanced system whereby the hydraulically actuated flaps were interconnected with the ailerons, so that when the flaps were lowered the ailerons dropped as well.
Power was provided by the 870 hp Fiat A.74 radial engine, although Castoldi preferred inline engines, and had used them in all of his previous designs.
With "direttiva" (Air Ministry Specific) of 1932, Italian industrial leaders had been instructed to concentrate solely on radial engines for fighters, due to their better reliability.
The A.74 was a re-design of the American Pratt & Whitney R-1830 SC-4 Twin Wasp made by engineers Tranquillo Zerbi and Antonio Fessia and was the only Italian engine that could provide a reliability similar to Allied products.
The licence-built A.74 engine could still be problematic.
In late spring 1941, 4° Stormo's Macchi C.200s then based in Sicily, had all the A.74s produced by the Reggiane factory replaced because they were defective units.
The elite unit had to abort many missions against Malta due to engine problems.
Although the Macchi C.200 was considered underpowered, the air-cooled radial engine provided some cover during strafing missions.
Consequently, the C.200 was often used as a cacciabombardiere (fighter-bomber).
Moreover, it was maneuverable and had a sturdy all-metal construction.
Its armament of two 12.7 mm machine guns was not sufficient, but the Saetta could compete with contemporary Allied fighters.
The first prototype (MM.336) C.200 flew on 24 December 1937, in Lonate Pozzolo Varese, with Macchi Chief Test Pilot Giuseppe Burei at the controls.
It was followed by the second prototype early the next year.
During testing, the aircraft attained 500 mph in a dive, although it could muster only 310 mph in level flight due to a lack of engine power.
Nevertheless, this was better than the performance of the competing Fiat G.50, Reggiane Re.2000, A.U.T. 18, IMAM Ro.51, and Caproni-Vizzola F.5.
In 1938 the C.200 won the tender "Caccia I" (fighter 1st) of the Regia Aeronautica, even if after tests at Guidonia airport, on 11 June 1938, Maggiore Ugo Borgogno had warned that when turning at 90° and the pilot tried to make a tighter turn, the aircraft became extremely difficult to control, tending to turn upside down, mostly to the right and entering into a violent flat spin.
Nevertheless, an initial order for 99 was placed with the Macchi factory.
The G.50 (which in same flight tests at Guidonia airport out-turned the Macchi) was also placed in limited production, because it could be brought into service earlier.
Production started in June 1939.
Like others of the early Italian monoplanes, the C.200 suffered from a dangerous tendency to go in a spin.
Early production C.200 aircraft showed autorotation problems similar to the ones of the Fiat G.50, IMAM Ro.51, and the AUT 18.
At the beginning of 1940 two deadly accidents occurred due to autorotation.
Deliveries and production stopped, and the Regia Aeronautica thought of abandoning use of the type, as the skill involved in flying it was beyond that of the average pilot.
The problem was the new profile of the wing.
Castoldi soon tested another new profile, but a solution to the autorotation problem was found by Sergio Stefanutti, chief designer of SAI Ambrosini in Passignano sul Trasimeno, based on studies by Willy Messerschmitt and the NACA.
He redesigned the wing section according to a variable (instead of constant) profile by just covering parts of the wings with plywood.
The new wing entered production in 1939/1940 at SAI Ambrosini and became a standard on the aircraft manufactured by Aermacchi and Breda, a licenced manufacturer.
After the modified wings of the Saetta were introduced, the C.200 proved to be, for a time, the best Italian fighter.
To save weight, the first production C.200 series did not have armour fitted to protect the pilots.
Armour plating was incorporated when the units were going to replace the Saettas with the new Macchi C.202 Folgore and often in only a limited number of aircraft.
After the armour was fitted, the aircraft could become difficult to balance, and during aerobatic manoeuvres could enter an extremely difficult to control flat spin, forcing the pilot to bail out.
On 22 July 1941, Leonardo Ferrulli, one of the top scoring Regia Aeronautica pilots, encountered the problem and was forced to bail out over Sicily.
At the beginning of 1940, Denmark was set to place an order for 12 C.200s, a deal that fell through when Germany invaded Denmark.
The most serious handicap was the low production rate of the type at over 22000 hours in production time due to antiquated construction technology.
A total of 1153 Saettas were eventually produced, but almost all were gone by the time of the armistice between Italy and the Allied armed forces in September 1943.
In an attempt to improve performance, a C.201 prototype was created with a 1000 hp Fiat A.76 engine, but this was abandoned in favour of the Daimler-Benz DB 601 powered C.202.
The Saetta was to have been replaced outright by the C.202 after only one year in production, but the C.200's service life was extended because Alfa Romeo could not produce enough of the RA.1000 (license-built DB 601) engines, and more C.200s were built using C.202 parts while waiting for production to increase.
In August 1939 about 30 C.200s, by then nicknamed Saetta ("Arrow"), were delivered to 10° Gruppo of 4° Stormo, stationed in North Africa.
Pilots of this elite unit of the Regia Aeronautica Sqd opposed the adoption of the C.200, preferring the more manouvrable Fiat CR.42.
These aircraft were then transferred to 6° Gruppo of 1° Stormo in Sicily, who were enthusiastic supporters of the new fighter, and Gruppo 152° of 54° Stormo in Vergiate. When Italy entered the war on 10 June 1940, 144 C.200s were operational, half of which were serviceable.
Although the first 240 aircraft had fully enclosed cockpits, the subsequent variants were given open cockpits at the request of the Italian pilots.
The first C.200s to make their combat debut were those of the 6° Gruppo Autonomo C.T. led by Tenente Colonnello (Wing Commander) Armando Francois.
This squadron was based at the Sicilian airport of Catania Fontanarossa.
A Saetta from this unit was the first C.200 to be lost in combat when on 23 June 1940,
14 C.200s (eight from 88a Squadriglia, five from 79a Squadriglia and one from 81a Squadriglia) that were escorting 10 SM.79s from 11° Stormo were intercepted by two Gloster Gladiators.
Gladiator N5519, piloted by Flt Lt George Burges, attacked the bombers but was in turn attacked by a C.200 flown by Sergente Maggiore Lamberto Molinelli of 71a Squadriglia over the sea off Sliema.
The Macchi overshot four or five times the more agile Gladiator which eventually shot down the Saetta.
Only on 1 November were the C.200s credited with their first kill.
A Sunderland on a reconnaissance mission was sighted and attacked just outside Augusta by a flight of Saettas on patrol.
With the arrival towards the end of December 1940 of X Fliegerkorps in Sicily, the C.200s were assigned escort duty for I/StG.1 and II/StG.2 Ju 87 bombers attacking Malta, as the Stukas did not have adequate fighter cover until the arrival of 7./JG26's 109s.
On 6 February 1941, the elite unit 4° Stormo received C.200s from 54° Stormo.
With the autorotation problems finally solved, the Macchis were regarded as "very good machines, fast, manoeuvrable and strong" by Italian pilots.
After intense training on 1 April 1941, the 10° Gruppo (4° Stormo) moved to Ronchi dei Legionari airport and started active service.
In combat with the less manoueverable Hurricane it proved effective, with outstanding dogfight performance and no vices.
When it entered service, the Supermarine Spitfire was the only Allied fighter that it faced which could outclimb the Saetta.
C.200s from 4° Stormo took part in operations against Yugoslavia right from the start of hostilities.
At dawn 6 April 1941, four C.200s from 73a Squadriglia flew over Pola fortress and attacked an oil tanker, setting the ship on fire.
The 4° Stormo flew its last mission against Yugoslavia on 14 April: on that day, 20 C.200s from 10° Gruppo flew up to 100 km south of Karlovac without meeting any enemy aircraft.
Operations ended on 17 April.
During those 11 days, the 4° Stormo had not lost a single C.200.
Its pilots destroyed 20 seaplanes and flying boats, damaging 10 more.
In total, they had set on fire an oil tanker, a fuel truck, several other vehicles and destroyed port installations.
Fitted with dust filters and designated C.200AS, Saettas saw extensive use in North Africa.
The Macchi's introduction was not well received by pilots when in 1940, the first C.200 unit, 4° Stormo replaced the type with the C.R.42.
The first combat missions were flown as escorts for Savoia-Marchetti SM.79 bombers attacking Malta in June 1940, where one C.200 was claimed by a Gladiator.
On 11 June 1940, the second day of war for Italy, the C.200s of 79a Squadriglia encountered one of the Sea Gladiators which had been scrambled from Hal Far, Malta.
F/O WJ Wood claimed Tenente Giuseppe Pesola had been shot down, but the Italian pilot came back unscathed to his base.
The Saetta with its sturdy construction, and its agility permitted skilled pilots to effectively fight against more modern designs like the Hawker Hurricane and the Curtiss P-40.
Its greatest weakness was the light armament of two 12.7 mm Breda SAFAT machine guns.
While the Hurricane was faster at sea level (280 mph vs the C.200's 270 mph), the Saetta could reach more than 310 mph at 14 800 ft, although speed dropped off at altitude: 300 mph 19 700 ft and 220 mph at 23000 ft with a maximum ceiling of 29000 ft.
Over 16400 ft and at very low levels, only the huge Vokes (anti-sand) air filter fitted to the "tropical" variants slowed the Hurricane Mk II to the Macchi's levels.
Although the Macchi C.200 was more agile than the Hurricane, it was lightly armed, its windshield and pilot's seat were not normally armoured nor was a radio fitted as standard, while its flight characteristics, even if better than the G.50, were not easily mastered by the average Italian pilot.
On 8 December 1941, Macchi MC.200s of the 153° Gruppo engaged Hurricanes from 94 RAF Squadron.
A violent dogfight developed with the commanding officer, Squadron Leader Linnard attempting to intercept a Macchi attacking a Hurricane.
Both aircraft were making steep turns and losing height, but Linnard was too late and the Macchi, turning inside the Hurricane, had already hit the cockpit area.
The stricken aircraft turned over at low level and dived into the ground, bursting into flames.
Its pilot, the New Zealand born RAF "ace" (six enemy aircraft destroyed and many more probably destroyed) Flight Lieutenant Owen Vincent Tracey was killed.
In same areas, C.200s operated as fighter-bombers against land and naval objectives, and sank the British destroyers HMS Zulu, and HMS Sikh near Tobruk in September 1942.
The C.200 subsequently saw action over Greece, Yugoslavia and the Balkans, and was frequently engaged in dogfights with Hurricanes and Gladiators over the Balkans.
In August 1941, the Italian air force command sent one air corps, formed out of the 22º Gruppo Autonomo Caccia Terrestre with four squadrons and 51 C.200s to the Eastern Front with the Italian Expeditionary Corps in Russia.
Together with C.202s, they went onto claim victory to loss ratio of 88/15.
The first Macchis arrived in Tudora near Odessa on 13 August 1941, commanded by Maggiore Giovanni Borzoni and deployed in 359a, 362a, 369a and 371a Flights (Squadriglias).
C.200s carried out their first operations from Krivoi Rog on 27 August 1941, achieving eight aerial victories over Soviet bombers and fighters.
For a short time the 22° Gruppo was subordinated to the Luftwaffe's V.Fliegerkorps.
Subsequently, they took part in the September offensive on the Dnjepr and as the offensive went on, they operated sporadically from airstrips in Zaporozhye, Stalino, Borvenkovo, Voroshilovgrad, Makiivka, Oblivskaja, Millerovo and their easternmost location, Kantemirovka, moving to Zaporozhye late in October 1941.
In December 371a Squadriglia was transferred to Stalino but replaced two days later by 359a with 11 C.200s.
On 25 December, the C.200s flew low level attacks against Soviet troops that had beleaguered the Black Shirt Legion Tagliamento, at Novo Orlowka.
On 28 December, pilots of 359a claimed nive Soviet aircraft, including six I-16 fighters, in the Timofeyevka and Polskaya area, without loss.
During February 1942, the C.200 was employed in attacking Russian airfields at Kranyi Liman, Luskotova and Leninski Bomdardir.
On 4 May 1942, the 22º Gruppo Autonomo Caccia Terrestre, which had reached its operational limit, was replaced by the newly formed 21º Gruppo Autonomo Caccia Terrestre, composed of 356ma, 382ma, 361ma and 386ma Squadriglia.
This unit, commanded by Maggiore Ettore Foschini, brought new C.202s and 18 new C.200 fighters.
During the Second Battle of Kharkov (12–30 May) the Italians flew escort for the German bombers and reconnaissance aircraft involved.
In May the aircraft's pilots received praise from the commander of the German 17th Armee, mostly for their daring and effective attacks in the Slavyansk area.
During the German advance in the summer of 1942 the 21° Gruppo Autonomo C.T. transferred to Makeyevka airfield, and then to Voroshilovgrad and Oblivskaya.
Increasingly the aircraft were tasked to escort German aircraft.
On 24 July 1942, the unit was shifted to Tatsinskaya Airfield, with 24 Saettas.
Its main task was to provide escort for Stukas in the Don Bend area, where there were few German fighters available.
Hauptmann Friedrich Lang, Staffelkäpitan of 1./StG 2 reported the Italian escort as
"most disappointing."
The Saettas proved unable to protect the Stukas from Soviet fighters.
On 25 and 26 July 1942, five C.200s were lost in aerial combat.
After only three days of action from Tatsinskaya, one third of the Italian fighters had been shot down.
The following winter the Soviet counteroffensive resulted in a retreat of the Axis forces.
By early December, only 32 Saettas were still operating, along with 11 C.202s.
Losses grew in the face of a more aggressive enemy flying newer aircraft.
The last major action was on 17 January 1943: 25 C.200s strafed enemy troops in the Millerovo area.
The aviation of the ARMIR was withdrawn on 18 January, bringing 30 C.200 and nine C.202 fighters back to Italy and leaving 15 unserviceable aircraft behind.
A total of 66 Italian aircraft had been lost on Eastern Front - against, according to official figures, 88 victories claimed during 17 months of action in that theatre.
The summary of the Italian expeditionary force operations included: 2557 offensive flights (of which 511were bombs drops), 1310 strafing attacks, 1938 escort missions, with the loss of 15 C.200s.
The top scoring unit was 362a Squadriglia commanded by Capitano Germano La Ferla, who claimed 30 Soviet aircraft shot down and 13 more destroyed on the ground.
Twenty-three Saettas were transferred to Allied airfields in southern Italy, and flown for a short time by pilots of the Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force after the Armistice with the Allies.
A small number also flew for the pro-German National Republican Air Force based in northern Italy.
The Saetta underwent very few modifications during its service life.
Aside from the switch to an open canopy, later aircraft were fitted with an upgraded radio and an armoured seat.
Some late-production Saettas were built with the MC.202 Serie VII wing, thus adding two 7.7 mm Breda SAFAT machine guns to the armament.
The four (including two proposed) C.200 derivatives were:
M.C. 200 (prototypes)
Two prototypes fitted with a 840 hp Fiat a.74 RC 38 radial piston engine.
M.C. 200
Single-seat interceptor fighter/fighterbomber aircraft.
Production version.
Breda proposed modification with a Piaggio P.XIX R.C.45 engine producing 1180 hp
at 14800 ft.
Converted from an early production C.200: first flight 11 April 1942 from Milano-Bresso flown by Luigi Acerbi.
The aircraft was then fitted with a larger propeller and a revised engine cowling.
Top speed in trials was 332 mph.
It did not enter production as the C.200 had been replaced by more advanced designs by this time.
Adapted version to North African Campaign.
Fighter-bomber version with 710 lb of bombs or two external fuel tanks
(fighter escort).
As an answer to a 5 January 1938 request by the Regia Aeronautica for a C.200 replacement, Aermacchi proposed the C.201, with a revised fuselage, an engine
Isotta-Fraschini Astro A.140RC.40
(license variant of the French Gnome-et-Rhone GR.14Krs Mistral Masjor) with 870CV.
But later the choice was for the Fiat A.76 R.C.40 engine with 1000 hp.
Two prototypes were ordered.
The first flew on the 10 August 1940, still with the less powerful engine, the A.74.
Although Macchi estimated a top speed of 340 mph, the prototype was cancelled after Fiat abandoned the troublesome A.76 engine.
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