#still feel like shit mentally and not great™ physically
mercymaker · 8 months
GOOD MORNING why the fuck did nobody tell me ramin djawadi did a version of my literal favorite song?? ? ? ??? ? ? ?
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brucewaynehater101 · 5 days
I'm seeing a lot of asks about this and I want to give my two cents: I'm cool with Bruce being a bad father, but only if DC admits that he is a bad father.
You can't have him doing downright abusive shit only to never address it. The only character that consistently criticizes Bruce parenting is painted as entitled and vindictive. I genuinely think the reason why we can't have a decent Red Hood arc is because if you want Jason to make sense you're gonna have to admit Bruce is a fucked up father or rewrite canon.
Same reason for Tim "never aging", not so much physically but emotionally. Because to have the character establish itself like Nightwing did you would need to address at some point all the bullshit he went through. Even with Dick. Like sometimes it looks like they want to recognize how being raised by Batman fucked him up by they end up settling for "oh it's the pressure". Like that's the most DC will say "Batman puts his kids under a lot of pressure buuuuuut it's justified because they're fighting evil :)".
Not just the kids, I think Batman himself would be so much more interesting if DC was willing to let him confront these things. As a redemption arc or as a fatal flaw that keeps his family at arms length. But they want to have their cake (have Batman be edgy and give the Robins Character Development™ through good old child abuse) and eat it (have Batman be Dad of the year). And that's what doesn't work.
Batfam fandom is great because you have people making content for Good Father Bruce, Bad Dad Bruce (he's trying and it's a bit funny/tragic), Awful Father Bruce (with no intention of changing. Every option is way more interesting than DC's directionless mess. Like, we don't even need them to make Bruce Good™ we just want them to pick a side and stick to it.
Thank you. My gods that sums it up perfectly.
Like, I've got no problem consuming Good Dad Bruce content... if it's not the comics. The animated stuff is usually fine, and fanwork is also great. There's a ton to like about it.
Hell, I'm even chill if Bruce makes mistakes and errors and fucks up with his kids. That's realistic, as long as they address that he did, in fact, do that shit. They need to talk about how his actions have hurt his kids and his relationships with them. He can try to do better, or he can stay distant with his kids because of it (low to no contact). It's truly not that difficult to chat about.
Now, media that addresses all of the horrid stuff he's done and considers realistic reactions/solutions to it? Fantastic. I love that so much. It's so cathartic watching him get his ass handed to him.
It's not necessary, though. I'm chill with good dad Bruce.
Despite that, outright ignoring what he does or brushing it under the rug? That's horrific. That reads like a sickening cycle of abuse, and I can't stand it. It's the exact same shit an abuser pulls by harming their victim (psychologically, mentally, physically, etc.), apologizing (ish), finding a way to pin the blame back on the victim, and then love bombing. Like, my gods. Bruce will beat the shit out of Jason and say it's Jason's fault for killing someone... "I wouldn't harm you/take a machine to permanetly fuck up your brain if you didn't do that. It's not my fault that I decided to hurt you. It's your fault that I did."
I just fucking can't.
I think Tim, with his little statement of "I don't expect you to apologize" after Bruce caused him to have a nervous breakdown post 16th birthday, that's a close approximation to admitting that Bruce is a piece of shit that does tendencies like an abuser. No matter what someone's intentions are, they should still apologize if they've cause unjustified/unintentional harm. Only assholes who don't regret their actions or people who feel their actions are justified won't apologize. There's times when apologizing isn't necessary or desired. That's fine. I won't apologize if Comic!Bruce and I are in a room, and I "accidentally" set him on fire.
Yet, Bruce is out here fucking up his kids. At the very LEAST, they deserve a fucking apology. Maybe a restraining order.
I ranted a bit. My bad. Anyways, have DC acknowledge the shitty actions Bruce does or don't have him do them. It's simple.
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Favourite Only Friends character (Part 1)
Hello besties it's time for another fucked-up character worshipping :
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Let's dive deep into Sand
Stoic :
Sand is very emotionally matured and to a degree, stoic. His life is a tough one but he is accepting about it and goes with the flow. Whatever life throws at him, be it sad, unpredictable, awkward or whatever, he handles it lightly and looks good doing it.
Him after a failed kissing session with his roommate :
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He treads very lightly on life and doesn't take most things seriously. He is maintains an air of detachment in his relationships, which i found fascinating. Literally told Ray he DGAF even if ray doesn't choose him, he'll just move on.
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He never asks/begs for/forces anything, not even when he confessed to Ray, not even his jeans over his ass cz his figure is fit and slender asf i want first's gangly body on me so bad
Like here he is literally talking about his failed love life and the shitty feeling of being a rebound/option. When nick wonders if it's hormones making them attracted to shit people like Boston and Ray... Sand says it's not hormones and they're just masochists,like a matter of fact, and laughs at it, idgaf king.
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Sarcastic :
Sand is a sarcastic lil bitch and his comebacks always crack me tf up like babygirl is 100% sarcasm
Of course i cant finish this without mentioning my most favorite Savage Sand line this would be my 13th reason if i was top
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Ei :
Sand is very emotionally intelligent and has great control over his emotions. He is also very in tune with other people's emotions as well.
Ray physically and mentally hurt him before the accident but he still went after ray to make sure he didnt die on the side of a street. This is the incident that made me a Sand stan™. Here's an amazing insight on that scene
It's really for Sand that ray was alive, which again points to just how emotionally intelligent Sand is. He later resolved his issues with Ray, and some people call him spineless but before the accident scene, he knew when not to prioritize his feelings.
Another thing i noticed is that Sand is usually outspoken and sarcastic as fuck but whenever he is in a serious fight, Sand kind of shuts tf up and holds back as much as he can while Ray pops the fuck off. This is again a point of how emotionally intelligent Sand actually is because he holds himself back and doesn't escalate the fights.
Outspoken :
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Sand isn't afraid to ask for what he wants and assert boundaries in the relationship. Although his feelings were messing with his head (he kept forgiving Ray for everything), but he was always vocal about Ray's shitty behavior towards him which was refreshing. He asserted his boundaries very clearly every single time.
Tough :
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tough as fuck.
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viiridiangreen · 2 years
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Copypasta'd my reply to that comment on this post bc I wanna keep it here for reasons Not to rant on your comment but......... I'm gonna. People always interpret the hypothetical "you wouldn't have been born" as if it were equivalent to dying NOW, *after* you've become a whole thinking feeling person with loved ones who would be sad if you were gone, or whom you would also be "k1lling" by "pushing the button". But like, Not Having Existed wouldn't be painful or a loss, the crux of that thought is PRECISELY non-existence. It wouldn't BE anything lmaooooo
The magic button of 'erase colonialism from History' we're talking about would alter the whole entire world in ways we can't fully imagine by reversing actual genocide. Millions of people and hundreds, maybe thousands of cultures would presumably be restored. It's so myopic and absurd to ask your interlocutor to weigh THAT against any one life- ESPECIALLY if said life is actively being made shittier by colonialism (both aftershocks of its OG form and its current, ongoing manifestation in shit like how The Economy and Industry and Politics™ function TO THIS DAY).
I get that it's a lil upsetting to think about, but NO actually, I like my life and love my people but me existing now is NOT "worth" the unimaginable pain and loss that set up the circumstances into which I was born. The fact that colonialism happened is actually categorically hideous. That nice stuff like people with ''''''mixed heritage''''''* who are personally pleasant, and unique cultural expressions like crafts and delicious food and whatnot that are very dear to the people who grew up w/ them ALSO happened in the wake of colonialism isn't a 'gotcha'. I've been hearing people throw this enormously dumb idea around as if it were a brilliant gotcha since childhood & I'm TIRED of hearing it.
*(read: who inherited a warped version of the culture of their coloniser ancestors alongside the few scraps that are left from their indigenous ancestors' culture which was systematically erased by the former, also a ton of the early '''mixing''' was like... rape)
Like I'm trying to experience & cause as much joy as I can now that I've landed in this wretched-ass existence, but the aspects of my life that relate to colonialism are all shitty, painful things. Throwing that in my face isn't the great argument they think it is.
Also I Have The Depression™. Or have been depressed. Or something (I don't have a great grasp of what my mental health status is bc I've had very limited access 2 mental healthcare. Bc I live in an economy still impacted by the effects of colonialism where seeking that out is Pretty Hard). In my case THAT means I've fantasised about vanishing or popping out of existence w/o the hassle of seeking out physical d3ath SO MANY TIMES. This imaginary "undo colonialism and disappear" button would be extremely welcome in so many ways than one to others like me...........
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themountainsays · 2 years
ok so i just read a bit about ur villain julieta au and I'd love to know more, please tell me all about it
ok ok so we came up with it like yesterday? 😂 basically, Mirabel is Julieta's favorite child, like, to a very extreme level. Like she's willing to hurt her other daughters if it means keeping Mirabel safe. And they have a great relationship, Mirabel trusts her a lot, and when she becomes involved with Isabela, she expresses a desire to let their mother know. Isabela has been dealing with some inc3st guilt + guilt about their age gap, and since Mirabel wants Julieta to know, she figures it'd be good to tell her. I imagine she wants either validation from a Responsible Adult™ they both trust, or to finally get a hard clear answer as to whether or not she's doing the right thing by being happy with Mirabel. She feels like she can't trust herself fully rn and deep down, she was asking her mom for help ;-; so imagine the utter betrayal and heartbreak when Julieta reacts violently. Like, very violently. I imagine she's cooking while Isabela tells her and she just... sees red... and she burns her with boiling oil. She shoves some food into her mouth immediately both to heal her and shut her up, but it's like it hit a switch in her brain, like... she knew Isabela used to be very very cruel towards Mirabel, and now she's confessing to... what? abuse her? She's hurting her baby. She uses the situation to threaten Isabela - she's still trembling in fear, crying, in pain from the just recently healed burns... and it's like Julieta's love for her vanished in an instant. Or maybe it was never there at all. Not at least when compared for her love for Mirabel - we're talking about an ant and a mountain here.
Isabela is still Alma's favorite. Julieta can't do anything without Alma getting in the way and defending Isabela unconditionally, because, in her eyes, Isabela can do no wrong, but she's hurting Julieta's baby, and Julieta may never get Isabela kicked out of town but she can keep her somewhat under control. She can withhold food and medicine, she can blackmail Isabela, she can hurt her to her heart's content and make any visible evidence disappear in an instant, she can keep her sick... it would actually have to be quite the creative work to rework the most unquestionably benign power imaginable into a villanous tool. I imagine Julieta will find a way. She's just doing everything she can to keep Isabela away from Mirabel. She threatens to hurt her if she talks to her, touches her, looks at her for too long... she doesn't allow them alone in the same room together. She shames and guiltrips Isabela constantly, feeding into her inc3st guilt and worseing her mental state. Isabela comes to believe she deserves everything her mother is doing to her. She even convinces herself that she needs it. That she's essentially bad, that it was all a performance, that she's not beautiful at all and that everyone will know what a monster she is. This is just me using Isabela as a punching bag >:3c I want to clarify that Isabela is my favorite character btw! Being a punching bag is a badge of honor. Only my favorite characters get to be abused so thoroughly :D Anyway, yeah Isabela obviously can't say a word, to neither Mirabel or anyone, about the shit Julieta is doing. She convinces her it will only hurt her and Mirabel worse if she does. Though I admit there's more threats than physical violence in this one. It really is Julieta freaking out, reacting violently, and then improvising something immediately after. Hitting Isabela without thinking and then threatening to make things worse if she dares talk to Mirabel. And that lasts for quite a bit. Isabela in this one is just a wreck, like, traumatized as fuck. She flinches when people raise their hands, she can barely eat Julieta's food even when she's allowed to because it makes her feel sick, she struggles to make eye contact, she talks less... she's always tense and anxious and irritable and even after being healed, she still feels a phantom pain of whatever Julieta did to her last time.
Obviously, she doesn't interact with Mirabel at all. She's too scared to, both of their mother and of herself. She doesn't believe she deserves Mirabel at all. And, of course, Mirabel is extremely worried. This isn't like her sister. She can tell something happened but Isabela won't open her mouth and she's growing desperate.
Of course, Isabela and Mirabel's relationship is a beautiful thing. They're perfectly good together. They're safe and happy. They'd never hurt each other. Mirabel is just this ray of sunshine in Isabela's world and even when she's too scared to talk to her again, she still thinks about her every day and can't help but feel happy when she sees her in the house, though now that feeling is accompanied by sadness, fear and shame. She feels guilty for even thinking about her these days. Though, at night, she reminisces in solitude about Mirabel sleeping with her, on her bed, just cuddling into her arms and looking so cute and small. That always made Isabela feel like she was actually good, like she was protecting her, like Mirabel felt safe with her. Now she feels guilty about that, too, but she stills hugs a pillow to her chest and pretends it's her little sister ;-;
...And of course this Julieta is very ooc 😂 but that's kinda the point, like, to drive her to her absolute limit. She's desperate and keeps crossing boundary after boundary out of love for her youngest daughter. That's also kinda the thing - Julieta doesn't care about "feeling she has power over Isabela" or anything, she's doing everything exclusively out of love and worry for Mirabel. She genuinely thinks this is what it takes to protect her. Choosing Mirabel over Isabela was never a question for her and Isabela is finding out about that now in the worst way possible.
There's a lot and I'm definitely missing some stuff so I invite you to check my isamira ft. villain!julieta AU tag in which I go in-depth on everything 😂
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Opinion Time!
This might get some disagreement and most likely no one will really read this, but there are some posts and memes I see flying around tumblr dot com that, how do I put this...villify(?) members of the US armed forces. Now BEFORE YOU PANIC, I'm NOT saying I'm supportive of the US Army (as an industry) AT ALL. What I am saying is that maybe instead of focusing on being "braver than any US Marine," we call the real villians out on their shit. That's right, it's about to get ~political~ my friends.
As an American ™ myself, and one who resides in an unfortunately rural and conservative area, I know plenty of pro-military people, several of whom are enlisted to faithfully serve our country. That's great for them, but let's be honest. Who are they really serving? This is just my perspective and speculation, but it seems to me that a lot of the people at the top aren't too interested in serving America's citizens but instead serving their wallets.
All I'm saying is that maybe we shouldn't shit on people who either feel some fulfillment of a Noble Calling by enlisting or who get roped into recruitment because of the economic class (crisis feels like too strong of a word but I'm gonna say it) crisis leaving them with no other choice but to get what little temporary help from the military that they can.
Veterans definitely deserve respect. The Troops ™ deserve respect. They're people of all races, genders, sexualities, and beliefs that are unfortunately not given enough support by the very system and country that puts them through Hell in the first place.
People who are putting their lives on the line for this absolutely fucked up country deserve to live in peace and security. They deserve to not be questioned about their gender or sexuality while they serve. They deserve proper treatment and care for the rest of their lives (I mean, everyone deserves this shit, but that's another rant) for the shit they're left to deal with mentally and physically.
The fact that so much is spent on the military but people still have to ask for donations to support veterans just goes to show how utterly fucked the entire system is and how little the US actually cares about its precious troops.
Like I said, I mean no disrespect to anyone who has or is or wants to serve. That takes guts. That takes a lot of shit that I could never handle. You folks are amazing. What's not amazing is how everyone in this country is fucked over and exploited for corporate and political greed.
So in conclusion, fuck capitalism. Thanks for coming to my TedTalk.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
How about 7? :Oc
thank u i owe you my life,
OKAY so I shuffled the playlist 7 times and got Strangers by Scratch21!!!! I'm gonna put my analysis under a cut because I can get a bit wordy, but you can listen to the song here.
So this song is about two lovers who are separated and long to be together again, and that doesn't really happen to Alekto and Hekate, BUT making songs stretch to fit my OCs is my specialty :) Okay analysis time
So I think I'm going to apply this song to the few centuries or so where Alekto and Hekate are just pining helplessly for each other without really realizing that they're pining. Well. Okay, Hekate probably realized before Alekto did, but they were both 100% convinced that there was no way the other might feel the same way, so they were determined not to say anything. If you can't tell, I'm a sucker for Pining™.
Another thing I think this song touches on that really fits with Hekate and Alekto is that there's a big theme with those two of helping each other. Acts of service and devotion are a big thing with this pair, and I love that for them.
Okay lyrics analysis time
"Save me I'm drowning so deep in the darkness I'm waiting for your touch to stop this"
SO before they meet, Alekto and Hekate both went through,,,, well, they really Went Through It. Alekto's former flock was a very toxic, shitty environment, and without going into too much detail there was a lot of violence and just. Yeah, it wasn't great, and Alekto bears a lot of scars from this, both physical and mental. I have a lot to figure out about Hekate's backstory, but I think he was in a pretty similar situation to theirs.
When these two first met, they were both fresh out of very toxic, awful situations and very wary of each other. However, as time went on and they grew to trust each other, they started yearning for each other in a way they hadn't for anyone before. I do want to clarify that neither of them is the "cure" for the other's trauma or anything like that, but they help each other.
"Broken promise, gone forever Maybe one day we'll get better Right by your side, that's where I'll be In a heartbeat, if you ask me"
I think this applies more from Hekate's POV than Alekto's, but anyway yeah these two are very intensely devoted to each other and even long before they get together romantically, Hekate wants to be there for Alekto and do whatever he can for them. However, he knows they've been through some shit with relationships before and have trust issues as a result, so he won't do anything they don't want or don't ask of him.
"Still shredded and bruised, but I'm breathing Be brave for me, ignore their eyes"
So this bit really speaks to what I mentioned earlier, with Hekate and Alekto's relationship being majorly centered around acts of service and helping each other. This comes into play pretty literally in their story, and at one point Hekate is attacked and wounded in a serious, permanent manner. Alekto saves him, but they can't heal him entirely, and he's left forever scarred.
Still, though this is early in their friendship, Alekto is there for him and does what they can to help, regardless of what others think. Even though Alekto ad Hekate are meant to be enemies, Alekto firmly believes that Hekate deserves as much respect as anyone, and when they later Fall, he returns the favor to help them.
"Please remember that I miss you Not caring is so hard to do Everything we loved together It's not the same without you there"
I apply this part to Alekto's POV early in their pining after Hekate. Because for a long time, Alekto really feels like they can't offer anything for Hekate and that they have to pretend that they don't feel anything for him beyond benevolent indifference. After all, they're the leader of their flock, and they have to set an example. Still, they can't deny that they really care about Hekate, and they really want to be by his side as equals rather than enemies.
OKAY that was pretty long but uh TL;DR I love these two so much!!!
I do a lot of analyses like these on discord but usually the character limit there stops me from rambling on for three years..... but on tumblr I am free.....
Anyway thank you Jordan <3
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lark-spurned · 7 years
hi u should answer all 100 questions :) (ps i know we don't talk much but ur cute) (ps i love u honey)
out to kill me i see. but here wego, all 100—
1: is there aboy/girl in your life?
i think i’m supposed to pretendthat my girlfriend is not asking me to answer these questions, so: yes. thereis a smol lady in my life. she’s sof™ and i love her.
2: think of thelast person who hurt you; do you forgive them?
idk if it’s the last but theperson that comes to mind is my best friend, and yes, i do forgive her. i hopeone day we’ll talk about what she said and i hope one day she finds she didn’tmean it. but for now, i will continue to love her because she’s still the oneperson i’ve had on my side for years. sometimes we make mistakes. i’m a reallyforgiving/understanding person.
3: what do youthink of when you hear the word “meow?”
cats?? is this a trick question
4: what’ssomething you really want right now?
a cuddly nap with bae
5: are youafraid of falling in love?
i’m more afraid of not being inlove, which is super weird.
6: do you likethe beach?
i love the beach! however, i dislikehaving sand in my everywhere, and walking without shoes/socks on squicks me out.necessary evils, though.
7: have youever slept on a couch with someone else?
i have.
8: what’s thebackground on your cell?
a dorky picture of ashe and i! it’slike my fave and honestly i would post it if anyone cared because i love it somuch.
9: name thelast four beds you were sat on?
mine, my parents, um. my friendmolly’s. uhhh. a hotel bed? probably. i can’t remember shit this far back.
10: do you likeyour phone?
yes and no. it can’t hold acharge worth a damn, but am i glad it’s not a brand new iphone 5000 or whatevernumber it is these days? yes.
11: honestly,are things going the way you planned?
FUCK NO. i’m a wreck and i trynot to think about it.
12: who was thelast person whose phone number you added to your contacts?
ashe’s friend elaina
13: would yourather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
rottweiler!!!! they’re so cute iwanna give every rottweiler a kiss on the head
14: which hurtsthe most, physical or emotional pain?
15: would yourather visit a zoo or an art museum?
depends on my mental health. if i’mhaving a really Loud day and my add is wild a zoo would be a better fit, but ifi‘m having a Grey day and i’m kinda numb i’d love an art museum.
16: are youtired?
yes. always. it’s the depressionlol
17: how longhave you known your 1st phone contact?
first alphabetically??? firstentered?? i don’t know what this question wants from me. first alphabetically,i’ve known her for a year. i don’t even know who i entered first in my phone.
18: are they arelative?
first alphabetical is not,entered first was probably my mom
19: would youever consider getting back together with any of your exes?
absolutely not
20: when didyou last talk to the last person you shared a kiss with?
ten minutes ago (at the time of writing)
21: if you knewyou had the right person, would you marry them today?
probably. the logistics ofgetting married when you’re with a minor, though, are a little complicated soo.maybe i’d wait.
22: would youkiss the last person you kissed again?
23: how manybracelets do you have on your wrists right now?
just one
24: is there acertain quote you live by?
honestly i can’t remember quoteswell. i just try to be open-minded. if there were a quote about being acompassionate person, then that would be my quote.
25: what’s onyour mind?
i have a mock trial in class tomorrowand i need to get my testimony together.
26: do you haveany tattoos?
nope. hopefully someday i will
27: what isyour favorite color?
28: next timeyou will kiss someone on the lips?
great question! i dunno
29: who are youtexting?
last was my best friend, but shewent to bed so
30: think tothe last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them on a couch?
i have not.
31: have youever had the feeling something bad was going to happen and you were right?
hell yeah. it’s a near constant.
32: do you havea friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
not really.
33: do youthink anyone has feelings for you?
i’m hoping ashe likes me but imean. it’s up in the air really.
34: has anyoneever told you you have pretty eyes?
yes! they were 100% lying
35: say thelast person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you?
cue a screaming/crying completefucking meltdown. the picture in my head that i have now is horrible, don’t dothis shit to me
36: were yousingle on valentine’s day?
37: are youfriends with the last person you kissed?
girlfriends actually
38: what doyour friends call you?
39: has anyoneupset you in the last week?
yes totally
40: have youever cried over a text?
i mean i was broken up with overtext once so definitely yes
41: where’syour last bruise located?
look, i dunno. i just assume thatthere is one, somewhere, and i probably won’t notice it for another week.
42: what is itfrom?
honestly i think my bruises arejust conjured from the void. no purpose, no cause.
43: last timeyou wanted to be away from somewhere really bad?
i had a big fight with my parentslike two weeks ago, i would’ve given a lot to be away from the house in thatmoment.
44: who was thelast person you were on the phone with?
my mom
45: do you havea favourite pair of shoes?
yes, a supersexy pair of thigh-high boots i got at ross for 30$
46: do you wearhats if you’re having a bad hair day?
yesss i love hats. baseball/”dad”hats especially.
47: would youever go bald if it was the style?
unlikely. i’m very emotionallyattached to my hair
48: do you makesupper for your family?
no, i’m horrible.
49: does yourbedroom have a door?
…yes? do other people not?
50: top 3web-pages?
51: do you knowanyone who hates shopping?
probably but no one comes to mindimmediately
52: doesanything on your body hurt?
yes :(
53: aregoodbyes hard for you?
sort of? i’m not the kind ofperson who refuses to actually say “goodbye” because they dislike them thatmuch (nothing wrong with those ppl tho) but i can get really anxious aboutthem.
54: what wasthe last beverage you spilled on yourself?
55: how is yourhair?
wavy, very thick. ugly, hateful.if anyone has tips on how to not make it suck hmu
56: what do youusually do first in the morning?
read fanfic until my brain comesonline
57: do youthink two people can last forever?
yes, i’m a big romantic, ibelieve in soulmates and all the Extra shit
58: think backto january 2007, were you single?
of course i was single i lookedlike a hedgehog until like 2015
59: green orpurple grapes?
green grapes are scum fulloffense
60: when’s thenext time you will give someone a big hug?
hopefully tomorrow, i love bighugs.
61: do you wishyou were somewhere else right now?
62: when willbe the next time you text someone?
idk gimme two minutes my ass isClingy
63: where willyou be 5 hours from now?
i better be in bed sleeping or i’llkick my own ass
64: what wereyou doing at 8 this morning.
holding hands with ashe
65: this timelast year, can you remember who you liked?
ugh yes. gross.
66: is thereone person in your life that can always make you smile?
yes c:
67: did youkiss or hug anyone today?
yes :)
68: what wasyour last thought before you went to bed last night?
idk i was thinking abt ashe so like the nonverbal equivalent of heart eyes
69: have youever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?
yes, that’s why i stopped trying
70: how manywindows are open on your computer?
surprisingly, only 4 chrome tabs(plus 2 word docs & discord)
71: how manyfingers do you have?
72: what isyour ringtone?
duck quacking
73: how oldwill you be in 5 months?
three months shy of 19
74: where isyour mum right now?
living room
75: why aren’tyou with the person you were first in love with or almost in love?
i deserve better than that.
76: have youheld hands with somebody in the past three days?
77: are youfriends with the people you were friends with two years ago?
my friend group has expanded butmy core friends are basically the same
78: do youremember who you had a crush on in year 7?
does this mean eighth grade?? iremember all of my crushes in chronological order regardless
79: is thereanyone you know with the name mike?
michael clifford? just kidding.no i don’t
80: have youever fallen asleep in someone’s arms?
yes and it’s my fave
81: how manypeople have you liked in the past three months?
just one
82: has anyoneseen you in your underwear in the last 3 days?
almost undoubtedly. i don’t likewearing pants
83: will youtalk to the person you like tonight?
84: you’redrunk and yelling at hot guys/girls out of your car window, you’re with?
1. i don’tdrink
2. catcallingis morally wrong
3. unless you’reyelling compliments but i prefer a gentler approach
85: if yourbf/gf was into drugs would you care?
she is and i do care but i trynot to mention it because it’s not my place to judge her or control her life
86: what wasthe most eventful thing that happened last time you went to see a movie?
i ate funnel cake fries and itwas GREAT i love funnel cake
87: who wasyour last received call from?
my mom
88: if someonegave you $1,000 to burn a butterfly over a candle, would you?
fuck no. nature is precious.
89: what issomething you wish you had more of?
quality time with ashe
90: have you evertrusted someone too much?
my life story is trusting someonetoo much and them fucking me over so
91: do yousleep with your window open?
in the summer, yes
92: do you getalong with girls?
yes, both platonically and gayly
93: are youkeeping a secret from someone who needs to know the truth?
yeah tbh. i can’t find a goodtime to bring it up. it’s not bad necessarily i just don’t want anyone to feelsad.
94: does sexmean love?
not necessarily
95: you’relocked in a room with the last person you kissed, is that a problem?
opposite of a problem really
96: have youever kissed anyone with a lip ring?
he normally wore a spike insteadof a ring but yeah
97: did yousleep alone this week?
yes :/ unless you count felinecompany
98: everybodyhas somebody that makes them happy, do you?
i do :)
99: do youbelieve in love at first sight?
attraction at first sight, yes,but not love
100: who wasthe last person that you pinky promised?
“ps i know we don’t talk much” ami ur tumblr crush or something like i have used this exact phrase so many times
(ps i love you too)
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