#summer yu mei ren
sakasagami · 4 months
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xviicprc · 2 years
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Summer 5 Halloween In Summer
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madillhethen · 2 years
The thing I really love about Yu Mei-Ren is that no one expects her to be any foil/parallel to Archer/Shirou because it’s just not obvious. She’s not made to be the obvious foil like Gilgamesh to Emiya, or the half foil/parallel of Cu to Archer, or even the obvious reminiscence that Saber is to Archer. People think Yu Mei-Ren is just a True Ancestor so in love with her husband and that’s her motivation, and no one would connect that to Archer/Shirou because there’s no direct conflict to pit the other against another.
But this Chaldea’s Thriller Night lays it out pretty well that she does contain something you can relate to Archer/Shirou. Not only do both Emiya and her take a well-deserve center stage in this event but Emiya also shows up in her interlude. Before I thought it was a bit random of why any character he should show up in her interlude.
It got me thinking after she says this in the event.
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In UBW, Shirou confronts is ideals/dream head on and despite the path it led Archer down, he decides he was going to go down it all the same. Stardust is a theme that is pretty much associated with Archer. He’s not the starlight that Saber is, the star that Shirou hopes to become, he’s the aftermath of what the ideal truly is, destroyed and broken—he’s stardust.
Yu Mei-Ren refers to herself as stardust because she is no longer how she used to be—an elemental spirit in love who lost her husband and wandered for thousands of years, wishing for death and lamenting. She’s only gotten back what she’s lost, and even as the stardust, she presses on which at the end of UBW Archer does too after having his Hope renewed.
The foil/parallel I see it as that she is an elemental spirit who wished nothing to do with humanity and Archer a man who wanted to save humanity, both fought for some survival of themselves and eventually lost the things they wanted to keep (his ideal; her husband). Both trapped in an endless cycle of pain, him constantly killing as a CG and her constantly being killed and hunted by humanity.
On a slightly different note, throughout the event despite numerous warnings, Yu Mei-Ren keeps dying which is more comical in the event, and because she’s immortal, it gets brushed off. In a similar light, Shirou is constantly wounded nearly mortally many times throughout each routes, but thanks to Saber’s sheath, he comes back as if nothing happens. During the Zombie Movie Segmant, Yu Mei-Ren risks her life to save the others and willingly let’s herself die (only to come back in a comedic way later) but her resolve reminded me of how Shirou fully accepts Archer’s Arm in Heaven’s Feel and decides to face Heracles (a mindless servant at that point like the zombies).
Towards the end of the event, Xu Fu wants to give Yu Mei-Ren death, what she wanted so long ago because that’s the way to end her suffering. But Yu Mei-Ren refuses, and accepts the fact her path may very well end up suffering again and she may go on, angry at her past self (sounds familiar? Archer is literally that.)
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Regardless of it, Yu Mei-Ren decides the path she has now, the happiness she has found, is worth it. Like Shirou decided that his dream isn’t wrong, he would continue down that path.
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Of course, there’s a segment where she is fighting her doppelgänger but gives up, and makes a reference to UBW of Archer’s own conflict to Shirou, which Archer is visibly pained by.
Even if her choices to not die will come to haunt her later, she accepts that her choice now and before (this event tries not to spoiler LB3 but you can connect the dots) to be reunited with her husband are not wrong.
Which I really loved this event for touching upon these subjects, and having Emiya being such a delight during it all. His story was already told but he gets to still be a guiding figure in an event that reminiscences his own arc.
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nero-draco · 2 years
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300iqprower · 2 years
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Why is everyone smarter than me
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the-howling-storm · 2 years
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Camp Couple Catastrophe
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Day 700:
Yu Mei-ren: ooohhh nooo, my husband got left behind for our summer vacation...well, I guess since there’s nothing else to do around here, I have no other choice but to have gay sex with a ghost...
Gao Changgong: I’m really not following your train of thought here...
Yu Mei-ren, whispering: dude, shut the fuck up. this ghost wants me carnally and I’m trying to get with her.
Gao Changgong: the ghost that’s been trying to kill you?
Yu Mei-ren: who else would I be talking about?!
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brave-symphonia · 2 years
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How do I know which one to help out?
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Is it now?
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That’s just amazing. Why do you have such a pained expression Emiya? Whatever could the reason be?
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animegirlsakurablr · 2 years
I only just finished the event. As someone who has literally no clue who Yu is and why I am suddenly forced to refer to her as senpai, I found the whole thing very jarring. Some of the event was kinda spooky, like the music at night (granted I am babey who whimps out with horror movies) but I got some big laughs too, like Columbus and the lads reenacting that shot from the shining. Also Abby's song about cat pancakes is cute and I died like I did with Circe's song about piglets. Main regrets are not more time.of Sigurd and Byrnhild being cute, Yu getting time with her man (even if I don't know her, she's over the moon about him, and that's very sweet), and more time of Guda and Mash hanging out (but I did like that Mash kinda did 'the moon is beautiful' thing to Guda, but with the sunrise).
There is a reason why Yu Mei-ren refers to herself/has us referring to her as senpai, although I don't know if I should spoiler it (hint: she was one of Chaldea's Masters before a certain explosion at the beginning of the game happened, thereby making her senpai squared).
I definitely do agree with the music during the night segments, it kinda reminds me the Psycho scare chord. And speaking of being spooked by this event, the very opening in the prologue had me unsettled (I'm not a big fan of horror movies, or at least the modern ones (and especially the slasher kinds), but I do like to be scared from time to time 😅).
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light-bender · 2 years
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This is my new favorite event.
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lar-mx · 2 years
haha finalmente sempai se unió a mi grupo, por un momento pensé que no lo conseguiría, ahora solo me faltan algunas misiones para subir su NP y seré feliz.
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sakasagami · 1 year
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frinisworld · 2 years
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Officially, Yu lancer welcome to my chaldea <3 I just need to upload her skills
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madillhethen · 2 years
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Guda is so insensitive. The fact she’s been in love for thousands of years, and has been with her husband, hearing him compliment and still gushing over it is actually really cute. Especially considering lots of media portrayal (and fandom perception) who loves the more cat+dog/bickering couple, it’s nice to see FGO give us loving and forthright couples (I love IriKiri but hahaha....)
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Lol, what is this? This is so funny. His portrait up in the sky. I love it.
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He really did outright deceive her. But you know, the ending of his letter was sweet. 
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
its kinda an unpopular opinion but im not a big fan of yu mei-ren, so I do hope we have more options to go out with like Tomoe and the couple later on in this event instead of just following her around, though probably not
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nasuversekinkmeme · 10 months
Summer Yu Mei Ren and Cu form a deep, entirely platonic bond over shared interests (read: killing things with cursed spears/camping), and Ritsuka has to reassure her that no, having a male friend is not the same thing as cheating on her husband.
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