dykedvonte · 2 months
So, do you have any thoughts on James Garret? You made a post on how he probably had something with Benny and that is so interesting and intriguing to me.........
I do but it's more idle headcanons.
A lot more immature than Francine but pretends to actually be on top of shit
They are TECHNICALLY physically identical seeing as they have the same facial mesh but obvi not cause boy girl twins
unless you headcanon one as trans *wink*
An alcoholic, every time he goes to their room for a break or rest he comes out hammered so...
Drunk of choice is Scotch straight from the bottle
Very nice for a seedy casino owner, treats their prostitutes with much more respect than he lets on
Bisexual but tries to play the role of the suave lady charmer (how he fell victim to town Bicycle Benny)
The older of the twins and he likes to let Francine know
Not a fighter at all but equally as vindictive as his sister, hence rewarding you at Benny's death
His thing with Benny happened early when the three families were first getting ready. He's actually a lot more of a talker than Benny so I think he put the moves on Benny, fell harder after seeing that asshole in a nice (debatable) suite and unfortunately ended up like most people that don't make it big in Vegas
He has 95 speech and we know he's a freak he was def saying crazy things to Benny
Very interested in the King but will never act on it
For an independent Vegas but will miss all the business the NCR brings
My main thought is I think it's so funny he denies having a robot kink despite literally going "MMMMM AWOOGA HUMINA HUMINA" when you get Fisto for him.
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Got a mini jervis for like $10 😎
Jealous? 😼
Ough… he’s so tiby…
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
very good and cute combo here, thank you for tagging @supercoolsuperqueer you neat lil bean!! 💚(annoyed they didn't have my green hair but i went pink instead u-u)
1. Do this uquiz. 2. Do this picrew.
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gonna tag some beloveds:
@just-a-girl-living-in-gotham @toshanoo @quirkyrahne28 @realityhelix-blog @glorified-monster @cornetespoir @honimello
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Benny from Fallout: New Vegas is in Costco!
requested by @supercoolsuperqueer
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it-me-dio · 1 year
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Credit to @supercoolsuperqueer for making the 2 memes
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0tripping · 22 days
“The scrambler skinkels”
- @supercoolsuperqueer
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clubpenguinkiller · 2 years
Hi um. I think you’re silly.
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karmatone · 3 years
Reject humanity become fraggle
you've got the right idea. why are we slaving away day in day out, wearing ourselves down for years just to give money to some suit.
fraggles have thirty minute work week. they dance their cares away. their economy is built on a resource that they steal from their neighbours. where did we go so wrong. embrace fraggle
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scleramotif · 2 years
@supercoolsuperqueer umm leave my freaking husband alone lol ? he is speaking his truth
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dykedvonte · 2 months
Hello!!!!! Do you have a detailed description of your Rot Girls ocs? I really want to draw them if that's ok with you.......... :]
I do but it's like a long OC doc i have for them I will link that instead as a doc for easy reading. It's not the full thing just important stuff cause I'm nowhere near done but I still think it's enough. Sorry if the physical descriptions aren't the best I still have to like... fully visualize how they look and then translate that into a ghoul form :P
Here's some fun facts about them and their creation tho:
Each girl's name is a mix of a musical term associated with them and a type of award given to a performer
Emmie and Tempo met first and it was due to Tempo loving the way she sung
Tempo has holotapes from every genre of music and actively looks for more as a sort of preservation of art
She is especially sad all of Elvis' music is basically gone and has a weird appreciation for the King (her only guy crush)
Vivace is the most protective of the other two because they are her first friends like ever
They have a shitty fuckin van that has a big mural of a flaming Mother Deathclaw that Vivace painted cause the idea "Seemed less tacky" as a doodle
This is just some little stuff as I don't want to put too much here if I decide to change stuff but I ya want more or just silly little details, please ask!!!
the doc btw
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it-me-dio · 2 years
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Me and ✨my bestie✨ @supercoolsuperqueer
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