#suspender pc
Encender remotamente un pc
Encender remotamente un pc
Como ya os he comentado en alguna ocasión soy, junto a mi compañero Nacho, el encargado de mantener en perfecto estado de funcionamiento la flota de unos 40 equipos en mi empresa, a parte de lidiar con otras tareas más ingratas como “pelear” con el ERP corporativo. Pero este no es el motivo del artículo. El caso es que cuando gerencia nos reunió para ver de qué manera podíamos reducir el consumo…
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danndeemo · 10 days
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waited a year to finally do this meme
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my god nvidia makes me want to shoot myself
ever since i switched over to debian on my desktop the suspend just breaks by returning to a black screen after starting up again
i’ve tried everything you could probably imagine, from using nvidias systemd suspend instead of the kernel callback, disabling kms, using newer nvidia drivers from their website (which was its own headache), and probably more i’m repressing
and all of it leads to just varying degrees of brokenness in linux
and the thing is the rest of debian runs basically flawlessly
all the issues ive had (ranging from this, to graphical issues in a videogame) trace back to nvidia
of course i bought an nvidia gpu 3 years ago without thinking of the far reaching repercussions in 2023
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indiiglow · 10 months
Y'all this is so funny. I actually can't make an Instagram account.
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seafleece · 2 years
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she didn’t even move.
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lexicog · 1 year
she only knows how to doggy paddle but she does it really well call that the beast stroke
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sung-hanbin · 1 year
HELLOOO ITS ME just in time to have a mental breakdown live during the finals
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chanrizard · 2 years
staring out the window with a longing expression breath fogging up the glass whispering packidge....
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blackvahana · 1 month
you ever just see an alternate version of your life flash before your eyes though.... Im so glad im getting into this now. Im so glad lull didnt let me near kos lmfao because like. im sitting here... fully ready to be dissected myself and to dissect and experiment with these things and im. oh boy! getting glimpses like alternate universe memories of having awoken this in front of him and with him and being. absolutely used. and dissected. and my body broken up and given out like bread at communion. i absolutely can see the ultimate timeline where he convinces me im nothing but Kos and its not a mask but my reality and then he just. does what he wants with my body because Secret Broken + he'd have free reign to pull the instincts i connect to her of. communion and self-death and whatnot
and im not even exaggerating. that absolutely would be where it was going. hes done so much fucked up shit to my astral body, he refused to take no as an answer to having a kid with me, my body was just to be eaten and uh. yeah. it was already a fucked up 5 years lmfao
see. emphasis on "fully ready". full like a full belly. like the full moon. like a full field ready to be harvested. ive grown into myself now, theres a huge difference between being the whale that falls on purpose to feed the populace and one hunted. and i get to experiment now because. the moon is ripe. the sun is ripe. the ocean is pregnant. theres peace in the salt in the air
#i know that these flashes are like... not false memories but the seeds of them. theyre vague memories of actual shit thats happened#before my life and informed by stuff in the astral but that i dont remember enough to confidently pull through. incidentally....#this is absolutely how false kin memories develop. because only now after 5 years of working w pc spirits and working w someone#who very openly takes on fictional masks all the time (lev) do i have enough insight to actually break down the process of recalling#memories. theres a gap like opening your eyes in between the seeds of memories forming - energies. ideas. feelings. etc - and#the simulation of the space in reality - faces. names. appearances. etc.... and like the brain absolutely pulls on context to inform the#details part. just then i got to watch memories of ''mensis'' but i have the insight to be able to walk them back from recollections of#micolash and the lecture halls to see beneath the surface theyre /not/ related to bb at all except for the fact that thats the context i pu#on these past memories because... memories are simulated realities. and like simulations you need to have textures and models#and data and coding to pull from to make the simulation. you mod out a persons appearance in the simulation? the same scene plays#out but an entirely new person is in it doing the same actions. and brains make complete pictures of incomplete data. anyway.#obviously talking about my own experiences here this is not @ anyone else. but also...... take it if it resonates.#because like i went through too many years of gaslighting and fake memories and stuff to not say ''hey uh my experience shows#that this can happen when youre unaware of it happening''#but anyway as i said...... thats not the point of saying it. point of saying it is i was so close to forming fake pc memories there because#like a flamenco player can think notes faster than you can hear... ive seen these memories form. ive been Trained to take false memories#i get how they work now. i see the process. like impulse becomes words... like idea becomes opinion.... patterns spark recognition of#pattern and recognition of pattern is presumption and the dot-to-dot filling in of a simulated reality like that suspended between atoms#in our brains and eyes#wahoo!#ramblings //#mask: causality //
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heritageposts · 6 months
The Airports Authority decided on the move after negotiations with the workers’ committee, after almost all foreign airlines stopped flying to Ben Gurion Airport due to the war, the Hebrew version of the Ynet News website reported on Monday.  “600 employees will be placed on unpaid leave (and) 1,000 more will be reduced to 75% of their (current) jobs,” the Israeli newspaper reported, citing official sources.  For its part, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation (KAN) reported that the number of workers at Ben Gurion Airport is 4,600 employees. Following the job cuts, the number will be reduced to 3,000.  The global demand for travel to Israel has decreased significantly since the launch of the Al-Aqsa Flood operation, and the Israeli war on Gaza. The majority of international companies have suspended flights to and from the Israeli airport. 
. . . continues at PC, 18 Des 2023.
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reikorun · 4 months
KlubOutside Q&A 101-200 [Translation]
Translated by @reikorun
Renji is my favorite character, but my surprise exceeded my delight at seeing him as Ichigo's counterpart on the cover of the JET illustration collection. I would like to know if there is a reason why you chose Renji as the paired character?
On the contrary, I've never once thought of Ichigo's counterpart as anyone other than Renji.
Are there any recent Jump manga that you find interesting?
Jump manga have been interesting lately huh? My absolute favorites are Undead Unluck and SAKAMOTO DAYS. And recently, High School Family: Kokosei Kazoku too.
Are Harribel-sama's Fracción (Apacci, Sung-Sun and Mila Rose) modeled after Nocchi, KASHIYUKA and a-chan from the music group "Perfume"?
A long time ago, I was asked the same question by the individuals in question themselves. It's an incorrect assumption, however I like Perfume so I don't mind.
I have a question about the illustrations published in the Gallery's Guidelines on KlubOutside. Are the numbers noted on the side the Copic color number?
This is the screentone number (a polka dot pattern film that is cut and pasted onto an analog manuscript.)
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Have you ever watched professional wrestling?
I used to watch WWE (known as WWF back then) quite often around the time The Rock was at his peak.
Did someone give Rōjūrō the nickname "Rose" because it was difficult to call him "Rōjūrō"?
Rose gave himself that nickname because he thinks it's cool.
Why does Ninny wear suspenders in the BTW anime?
When they saw her wearing it in the color spread for the one-shot, the anime team said "it's cute so is it okay if she wears it the whole time in the anime?"
I think the illustrations from Brave Souls at this opportune time captures the essence of the original work and is incredibly cool, as the original author, what sort of impressions do you have of the Brave Souls illustrations?
I think it's getting better with each passing year. The design roughs that are submitted for supervision are also excellent.
Where do you start from when making a drawing?
When I'm not doing a rough underdrawing, I start from the bone around the eyebrows.
I'd like to know about what you've purchased and found useful recently, or something that you're enjoying.
A Yogibo Pod, Tom Ford sneakers, JINS PC glasses.
Is the playlist on KlubOutside the list that Kubo-sensei is listening to?
I'm uploading the songs I often listen to in real time.
Did Kubo-sensei decide the OP and ED songs for the anime?
Basically that doesn't involve me. Occasionally, I'd receive a demo version, and there were also times when I gave a little input when it didn't feel like much of an opening theme.
Will you ever publish a continuation of your one-shot stories like Rune Master Urara.
Urara had a story prepared for the purpose of serialization but it didn't get past the serialization meeting because it had a female protagonist in a battle setting and the story was hellishly dark. I'm not interested in drawing dark stories right now, but I might do it if I get a lot of free time.
Kubo-sensei, please tell us your favorite font (like Ming typeface or Gothic typeface etc.)
During BLEACH's serialization, I liked Impact.
Byakuya-san said that Ichigo was only the second person to ever bear witness to his Senkei, but who was the first person to have seen it?
I can't answer this here.
Regarding the animation production, you mentioned that it would make your stomach hurt while watching it at home due to discrepancies that arose from your lack of involvement in its early days. But, from approximately what episode did Tite-sensei get his hands involved in the production?
Starting from the Bount arc, I began to do only dialogue checks in the script for the characters belonging to the original work, just before recording.
Old-man Zangetsu tried to reveal his name while in Kurosaki Ichigo-kun's inner world, but it was blocked out with black ink and he was unable to convey his message. Was this the work of Hyōsube Ichibē.
That's correct.
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Is "Rondanini's black dog" Kotodama originating from the West Branch of Soul Society? ×[1]
That's right.
Your photos of Uni-chan are very beautiful, did you take them with a digital camera? Or was it a smartphone?
A smartphone.
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Did Captain Hitsugaya and Rangiku-san realize that Ichigo is Shiba Isshin's son when they came to the Human World as part of the Hitsugaya advance team?
Both of them realized.
It's come to be that Gin's Special Move in Brave Souls is "Shukyoku - Kamishini no Yari, Butō: Renjin." Is this "Shukyoku" an established concept in the original work?
That's heart Gin isn't it? It's a game original expression.
When you listen to a character's theme song, it can heighten the depth of each individual considerably, so I enjoy having the opportunity to listen to them. At what stage in the development of a character are these theme songs decided?
It depends on the character. Some characters change midway through the drawing process.
What kind of thoughts went into the name "Tite", Kubo-sensei's pen-name? The alphabetical notation has always been "Tite" rather than "Taito", but is there some reason for that? Furthermore, I'm also curious as to why the unusual character "帯" is used in your name.
It means something like "one's head is always filled with many people." ×[2]
When Kurotsuchi Mayuri's bare face was revealed for the first time, his skin color was dark, but was that the case from the beginning? Also, will Kurotsuchi Mayuri's bare face never be seen again? He was more handsome than I expected.
This is about the anime? I recall watching the broadcast at the time and saying to my editor "his skin color is different!" The request for editorial supervision didn't come to me.
Which organization assigns names to Hollows?
There's a guy in charge of naming in the Shinigami Research and Development Institute.
In the final chapter, Orihime appeared as Ichigo's wife, but there was no ring on her left ring finger. Did Kubo-sensei forget to draw it? Or is it establishing that she's pregnant with her second child and her body is swollen, therefore she intentionally took off her ring?
Huh? You're right! I forgot to draw it.
Why were two Hyōrinmaru born?
I'd be happy if you could watch the movies as a parallel story rather than considering it part of the official canon.
How do you come up with the subtitle for each chapter? In BLEACH especially, most of the subtitles are in English and occasionally there is Japanese, but is there a particular emphasis placed on that? Additionally, I would be so glad if you could also tell us about any subtitles throughout your entire body of work that you are particularly fond of or any that evoke some special memory. 
At the time, there was no other work yet which combined Japanese style clothing with the English alphabet, so I deliberately added English subtitles, and in special chapters I made a point of adding Japanese subtitles in order to leave an impression. In that sort of sense, many people may prefer the Japanese subtitles.
I was interested in manga artists' fan clubs and joined one! I started reading BLEACH for the first time last week and am currently on volume 22. I'm looking forward to getting to the final volume! I would really like to know who exactly is sensei's favorite character!?
Eh? You joined without reading BLEACH!? Is this person real…. I don't have a favorite character. On the whole, I like them all about the same and am equally uninterested in them about the same.
To what extent is Kubo-sensei involved with Brave Souls? Did you ever get to play it again?
The gameplay mechanics don't concern me, but I oversee the design for the anniversary characters and characters who appear to affect the main story similar to the novel variants. I returned to the game after a long hiatus during BTW, but I was surprised at just how much easier it has become to play.
How did you decide the names of your characters? Do you have some kind of image in mind when you come up with names like "Bambietta Basterbine" and "Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez" etc.?
Everything is named based on how it sounds and my own intuition. I genuinely love naming things, so I always have a list of names belonging to (or sound like they belong to) various nationalities, enough to accommodate several hundred characters. I often draw out names from there.
A fair amount of difference can be observed in Kubo-sensei's art style when comparing the first volume with the last volume, but did you intend for this change at the time the manga was being serialized? Or did it change over the course of drawing a large number of illustrations?
It's not so much a conscious effort, but more like a perpetual feeling that this isn't the best style for portraying my characters, and I'm trying to explore that while drawing. In the case of BLEACH, of course the final stages are closer to the ideal, and at present I'm even closer to that ideal compared to back then.
I believe Tōsen can Hollowfy → activate Resurrección, but can Ichigo and members of the Visored do this too? Does this mean that both Bankai and Resurrección are possible if they are in a Hollowfied state?
It's possible.
Is "Top of Horns" a metaphor for various genres of music? For example, I think Bruno represents rock and roll and Roy represents R&B.
It's different for Top of Horns, but it was actually like that for the Visored.
Please unveil the mystery behind "Ururu" and "Jinta". Who are they?
They are both Artificial Souls created by Kisuke.
In the illustrations for BLEACH, the characters are seen wearing western style clothes with various designs, but were these designs drawn independently by Kubo-sensei himself.
All illustrations in the original work are my own designs, all illustrations from the anime do not concern me.
Sensei, when you draw an illustration, do you draw the figure and such without using any references, like an artist's mannequin?
I once went to check out an art supply store because I thought it would be cool to have a drawing mannequin in my workplace, like one of those skilled painters, but in the end I didn't buy it since I couldn't figure out how to correctly use it as a reference.
I like Senju Kōten Taihō and often chant it, does sensei have a favorite incantation to chant too?
I generally always like the newest ones the best, so right now it's probably Blue Spark or Supernal Jail.
Was the BLEACH logo sensei's idea?
That's correct. I had a logo which I drew myself brought to life by an acquaintance, Shueisha bought it and are using it. By the way, the logo on the first chapter spread of Zombiepowder is hand-drawn, and I had BTW use my hand-drawn logo as is.
When you were contemplating the map of Karakura Town, were there any places that you used as reference?
I sort of used my local town as reference but it turned out completely different.
If it's okay, I would like to know Hinamori Momo-san's name before the change. Also, besides Hinamori-san, are there any other characters whose names have been changed since the initial stages?
I changed it because it wasn't very good, so the original is a secret. Additionally, Hitsugaya had a completely different first name too until the very last moment of the manuscript. This is also a secret.
I have a question regarding Kira Izuru-kun's healing abilities and the history of his affiliations. He was first assigned to Captain Aizen's 5th Division, while there he was found to have an aptitude for Kaidō and was recruited to the 4th division, but does that mean that he was later poached by Ichimaru Gin of Squad 3? 
When he was a member of Squad 4, it was Aizen who recommended the transfer to Unohana.
How was it that Kuna Mashiro came to be appointed as "Super Vice-Captain"? Is her armband official? (Personally, I think it's something she wilfully made on her own, or perhaps someone in her Squad prepared it just to placate her.)
When Kensei returned to the position of Captain, Mashiro pestered Kensei alone saying it's "unfair", so it's a post that Kensei made up himself without consulting anyone. The armband is also a complete fake made with shiny material in the hope that it would please Mashiro. Though, with a single glance Mashiro was satisfied.
In volume 31, when Grimmjow tried to break Loly's leg clean off, she says "if you stop, wait! We can make this our secret!" What was she trying to say next? I haven't spoken openly about it much since being told that I have a bad personality, but the scenario before and after that scene is one of my favorites!!
It was "I'll let you have your way with me." Loly's the kind of character who would deliver a line like that when she's in a desperate situation. A famous manga artist friend of mine once told me that he loved that scene too, so I think it's fine to openly discuss it.
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I thought that the 5 members of the Bambies from the Wandenreich looked similar to Momoiro Clover Z, but what are the facts actually like? 
The very first design motif I used for them was indeed Momoclo, but after I had finalized the characters I thought "well then, who is Gigi?" So I decided not to say anything. (I just said it.)
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I'm really looking forward to the Ninny-chan and Noel-chan figurines, when will the news be updated?!
I'm looking forward to it too. I wonder when!?
Kubo-sensei, do you drink alcohol? If so, what kind of alcohol do you like?
I recently discovered that I'm able to drink if it's "Horoyoi*." I like the white one. (*Horoyoi is a brand of canned, alcoholic beverage in Japan.)
Do you have a favorite YouTuber?
I don't know if I can classify them as YouTubers, but I sometimes watch YouTube videos of people free diving then catching and eating strange fish.
Why is the Shihakushō, which can also be called the Shinigami uniform, black? Is it so that the Monk can enlist their help in case of an emergency?
The color was decided upon in the days of first Gotei generation, the reason was "so you wouldn't have to throw it away every time it gets stained with blood." However, your idea about the Monk would also make a good backstory.
How do members of the Sternritter perceive Giselle Gewelle's gender? Are they not aware of it, are they aware but pretending not to notice it, or are they just not interested in it? I would be glad if you could tell us.
It depends on the person.
I have a question concerning Kusajishi Yachiru. Is it a result of the fact that she was called by the name "Yachiru" that she herself possessed a Zanpakutō called "Sanpo Kenjū", while also being "Nozarashi" - the Zanpakutō of Zaraki Kenpachi? 
Like Hihiō Zabimaru or Fuji Kujaku, there are many scenes where a Zanpakutō not called by its true name was unable to demonstrate its true power. I reckon "Nozarashi" bore the essence of a Shinigami and materialized as a consequence of being called by the name "Yachiru" - a Shinigami who actually exists, and perhaps because it was the name "Yachiru" (*Yachi = eight thousand, Ru = flows/styles), she acquired Sanpo Kenjū which was specialized for the act of cutting. 
I'm quite curious about the true identity of Kusajishi Yachiru, so I'd be overjoyed if you could give us an answer.
Wow, amazing! It's not even written that Yachiru is Nozarashi, yet you managed to find your way here. You are mostly correct within the scope covered by your question. To go further, Yachiru is a form of Nozarashi's Bankai manifestation separated from its main body, and having received her name from Kenpachi, she harbored the power of a Shinigami. The embodiment of Nozarashi itself takes the form of a grown woman. I think it's easier to understand if I got you to imagine Zangetsu and Tensa Zangetsu.
Why are the names of Chad and Orihime's Fullbring not in English unlike the members of XCUTION? I was intrigued because sensei used different languages for naming depending on the faction. 
Since these two are in a special category, their abilities were given names in their respective native languages.
With Madarame Ikkaku's appearance in the Fullbring chapters, attached to his right shoulder we see some kind of gold plated equipment with the kanji for "dragon" printed on it, is that his own work? I'm curious because it's established in the lore that he's good with his hands.
It's Ikkaku's own work.
What kind of person is the manager of ABCookies where Orihime worked?
I have the concept art for him. I ended up having so much fun while drawing him that he became a creepy old man, but he's a good person.
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Did Baraggan not reveal his own rank, nor refer to himself as "Espada" due to his rivalry with Aizen?
That's right.
Please tell us your favorite places in Hiroshima!
I don't get to go back that often, but I like Soleil (now Aeon Mall). It's huge and exciting.
Is it intentional that the number of English words used in the subtitle from BLEACH chapter 679 "THE END" up to 683 "THE DARK SIDE OF TWO WORLD ENDS" increases with each chapter? 
Aizen said "From the very start, no one has stood upon the heavens," and while looking at Ukitake he said "not you, not I, nor even gods," but was this "you" here hinting at the connection between Ukitake and the Soul King? 
That is correct.
The haori, jinbei, and hat which Urahara Kisuke wears in the Human World can probably be described as his only good clothes, did Urahara Kisuke himself purchase them at a Human World draper or something?
Those are all items Kisuke made himself.
To what extent does Kubo-sensei supervise the color scheme of the digital color tankōbon? 
I'm supposed to give them all a look over around the time of their debut, but since I'm making my checks while busy with other things during serialization, I sometimes find myself wondering "did I really choose this kind of color!?" In Brave Souls, occasionally the color of the skills just happen to change, well that is the reason why. I'm sorry!
Spanish is used for words related to the Arrancar and Hueco Mundo, German is used for words related to the Wandenreich and Quincy, but I would like to know why you chose these two languages? Does Kubo-sensei have a special attachment to both languages? 
I think Spanish has a devilish charm, German has a hard-headed sound to it. By the way, when I told this story at an event in Germany, it was amusing to the Germans. It seems that the German people themselves consider the German national traits to be "idyllic and easygoing", apparently they found it amusing because of the disparity between this and my "hard-headed sound" assessment.
In the 13BLADEs. "Frank Questions!" segment, you said that you haven't actually drawn a certain character's Bankai up to its final form yet, was that referring to adult Hitsugaya? If so, from what point in time did you decide you were going to draw the concept of a "slightly aged up" Hitsugaya?
I was talking about Hitsugaya. It was decided when Hitsugaya was designed therefore it was already decided by the time he debuted.
Kubo-sensei, please tell us the reason why you named your dog "Uni".
It's an anagram of 'inu'. Just kidding. I named my dog "Uni" because it was expected that her fur would become orange as she grew. It turned out to be a burnt mochi-like color though. ×[3]
Taking into account Isshin and Masaki's origins, it seems to me that Ichigo's grandparents do not exist in the Human World, but is "Grandpa Rin", whose name was mentioned in the Lost Agent arc, an individual who actually exists? Is he a relative of Tsukishima-san? 
Tsukishima Rinshirō. He's Tsukishima's grandfather.
In the past, there was a "Love Bleach" film featured at a BLEACH event, but would you consider launching the actual product for sale in the future?! 
"Love Bleach", wasn't that supposed to be some kind of dating simulation game? I guess, If a game company can make a profit, I don't see why not. ×[4] 
I went to the opening day stage greeting for BURN THE WITCH! I saw on social media that sensei also came to see it, but where did you watch it from?
The seats on the 2nd floor are like cozy sofas. It was awesome.
Q167. *Deleted entry from KlubOutside*
This is a question regarding the origins of the name "Yhwach". In the original work, it was derived from being called "Yū", "ha", "vē", "ha", but does this have its roots in the monotheistic God of Judaism and Christianity, "YHVH" (Jehovah, Yahweh)? 
Originally the spelling of "Yhwach" itself was like that, but I was asked to change it because it would 100% cause controversy overseas so it's come to be this current spelling.
Has the status of the Shinigami Men's Association improved since Iba-san, its President, became Captain?
Isane also became a Captain, so….
In the earliest iterations of BLEACH, the Shinigami wear Western-style outfits and are armed with guns. It seems that in this universe, Rukia was the only one among them to use a scythe, but what was the reason for making Rukia the only one to wield a different weapon?
The lore was that Rukia was the only one who continued to use an old-fashioned scythe due to a difference in ideology. Also, at the time, the Shinigami characters were all foreigners.
I would like to know the origin of the name "Macy Baljure" (it's my favorite). If possible, please by all means, let us know!
I don't know the origin, but Macy's name was the one I struggled with the most and I made alterations within the name alone like three times.
Is there any difference between a short release call for a Zanpakutō and a long one like in the case of Kyōraku or Ukitake?
Basically, the longer ones are often older Zanpakutō.
When drawing manga, do you tend to forget details in the costume blueprints for characters who, for instance, you haven't drawn in a long time?
I forget things very easily. Even during the series, I forgot the location of Rangiku's mole.
Did you devise the opening and ending of the BLEACH anime together with the anime staff? I was wondering if sensei's ideas were incorporated as well.
I'm not involved with the OP & EDs. Each one is good in it's own way.
Why did Hisagi fail the entrance exam for the Academy twice? 
Because it's Shūhei.
Regardless of whether they were in a higher or lower position, members of the Visored have been quite casual since their days as Shinigami, using informal language and addressing each other without honorifics. Just because they're all together, I don't think that necessarily means that they were at the Academy at the same time, so what could be the driving force for them to have become this close? 
All of them are diehard individualists, or rather, the type to follow their own rules, so people of that type get along well with each other, and I get the impression that because they're the same type, many people don't care how informal they are with one another. Rather than a 'driving force', it's more like "for some reason, I feel like I talk to this guy a lot."
I love Sado-kun. I would like to know if there is a backstory regarding Sado-kun's tattoo such as when and how he got it inked.
When his Abuelo died, Sado got it inked in order to keep his spirit strong.
What is sensei's shoe size in cm? Also, if you have any favorite shoes, please let us know!
My ankles are big, so it's 27 or 27.5. I like shoes but I don't particularly have a favorite brand.
Are you reading what your fans are writing in the comments in the [DESKSIDE] section of your website?
I'm reading them all.
This isn't really a question, but I hope that the Radio Kon letters segment, which appeared in the early Tankōbon, makes a comeback.
I didn't want to do that anymore because I had to draw the cutout faces of characters, every volume, just for that segment which was quite exhausting. I planned to do this myself though.
Will sensei's illustrations mainly be done digitally from now on? I'm curious because I love the illustrations that were colored with sensei's Copic markers. Also, which one do you prefer, sensei?
Right now, I'm having fun with digital. I'm still not very good at using digital, but going forward, I'd like to be able to switch back and forth between both depending on my mood.
I would like to know what your favorite buildings are?
"The National Congress Palace, Brasília" by Oscar Niemeyer and Louis Kahn's "Salk Institute for Biological Studies". Oscar Niemeyer is the origin of Nimaiya Ōetsu's name.
Why does Tatsuki want to become stronger? Her name seems strong, though there is some backstory which revealed that Tatsuki herself doesn't like it, so I'm just allowing myself to imagine that perhaps her parents work at a dojo or do something related to martial arts. I'm also very interested about Orihime in her middle school days, viewed from Tatsuki's perspective. Ichigo and Orihime's pasts have points of similarity, being bullied because of their hair color and experiencing the death of a family member, so I wonder if Tatsuki noticed that they have these things in common?
The karate dojo that Ichigo used to attend is attached to Tatsuki's home. Additionally, in a flashback which I had to cut due to page limitations, there was a scene where Tatsuki draws a parallel between Ichigo and Orihime. You're quite the reader, huh?
I want to be able to draw illustrations like Kubo-sensei so I'm practicing, but whether it be male or female characters, please let me know if there are any points you pay particular attention to when drawing people.
There isn't much difference in how I depict men and women. I get the sense that I draw each character with a feeling that's like "this aspect of this character is good."
I have a question about the feathers around Yumichika's eyes. When he appeared in the story about Ikkaku's past, and also 10 years later, it doesn't appear that he's wearing any accessories, but is that sort of like ‘his thing’ these days?
All the things Yumichika wears are fashionable items, so it varies depending on the season.
What is your favorite Doraemon movie?
It's "Little Star Wars." It's because I like the theme song.
I would like to know the details about the relationship between Mask De Masculine and James. Is it correct to infer from Yhwach's line "James, so you have died?" that Masculine is like a false manifestation and James is his true form.
James is the true form, and Masculine is James's ideal hero.
Regarding the subtitle of BLEACH volume 6 "THE DEATH TRILOGY OVERTURE", if literally translated, it becomes "prologue to the Shinigami trilogy", I think perhaps this means the prologue of the series is about facing the Shinigami, the second chapter is about facing the Arrancar and the final chapter is about facing the Quincy. Is it that you decided on the overall structure of the story from the early stages, resulting in a title like this?
That is so. Since the Lost Agent arc initially wasn't about Shinigami, it was my plan to mix elements of both preceding and upcoming chapters for a smoother transition.
I know this is a terrible question, but I would like to know Kuchiki Rukia's bust, waist and hip measurements….
It's a secret. All the people asking about BWH measurements and other boob related questions are women…. Well, it's fine then I guess.
Some time ago, I watched you begin to draw an illustration on a Shikishi board by hand and without a rough sketch too for Jigoku no Misawa-sensei, I was in shock thinking "you must be kidding…." When you draw a picture, are you drawing with a clear image of the whole composition already in a completed state in your head? Also, where do you usually start from when drawing a character? I was all the more astonished because I saw Kubo-sensei's craft in a character that was not sensei's own. ×[5]
From the time I was an elementary school student, I have been drawing Kitarō starting from his toes, so ever since then, the order in which I draw things has always been chaotic.
Ichigo's attendance score is 13 overall and 6 for male student attendance score, these are also the respective numbers of the squads to which Rukia and Renji belong, that is, two Shinigami with whom he shares a particularly close bond. Was this something you set up intentionally?
It's just a coincidence. 6 is my lucky number so it makes a frequent appearance within the story.
When I look at illustrations, I often look at the fashion designs of the characters, but I am always impressed by how meticulously Kubo-sensei's illustrations depict the structural lines and details of the clothing. I would like to know if there are any fashion brands and the like which you associate with a certain character's image?
I was about to say that for every character I've never thought "this character would probably wear this brand", but there was actually one individual alone. Äs Nödt would wear Rick Owens. 
Your pen-name in the past was Kubo Noriaki, but why was your name changed to Tite?
That's because that 'pen-name' is actually my real name and on top of that, it was a misprint.
How old is Ikumi-san from Unagiya Shop?
She's 33.
In the original story and the novels, it is mentioned that Soul Society has a one million year history, but of the Four Great Noble Houses, if Byakuya is the 28th generation and Yoruichi is 22nd generation, it seems this falls short of one million years, what do you think?
The history of the Nobles is the history of the Seireitei, not Soul Society.
I remember that Kubo-sensei frequently used an au talby A5508SA cell phone for many years. Is that the same cell phone model that is hanging from Ichigo's waist on the cover of WJ issue 23, 2005, and the same one that Rukia is clutching in her hand on the cover of chapter 298
That's right. I still have it at home. I love Marc Newson.
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Kubo-sensei, do you prefer raw eggs, boiled eggs, or hot spring eggs?
I like raw eggs. Isn't this dependent on one's eating habits?
"PIPERS" WOVEN JACQUARD MUFFLER was sold on Whiskrs, but does sensei own serial number 1? (*These were sold in a limited number of 99)
I have it. Personally, I thought it would have been easier to use if it was a little longer.
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Ganju who reappeared in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc has, from where I'm standing, gained a butt-chin, but did that just happen over the course of his growth? Or was it the discipline he received from Kūkaku, or perhaps he was influenced by Shiroganehiko who similarly has a butt-chin? I would be grateful if you could tell us.
Huh? Wait, Ganju wasn't supposed to have a butt-chin!? Well then, let's go with growth!
The name Nīhashi = 15 → 2+1+8+4.
The names Nīha and Ninny = 15 → Nīha: 2+1+8 and Ninny: 2+2.
Is this something you were setting up as a goal? ×[6]
I happened to see this on Twitter and surprised myself. The person who spotted this is amazing. However, it's just a coincidence.
Hitsugaya always wears something that looks like a brooch, it appears to be a marigold, is this correct? 
You mean the clip on his sash which held his sword in his earlier appearances? That's a sun motif. 
I would like to see that school parody with the BLEACH cast (the one that was in JET), will it be released somewhere?!
I want to see that too, but it would be hard to draw the manga myself, so I'm thinking of sharing character profiles and maybe someone will draw it for me.
Translation Footnotes:
×1. "Rondanini's black dog" is part of an incantation for a Kidō spell. See BLEACH chapter 21.
×2. 帯 = to wear/ to carry/ to bear | 人= people | 帯人 (Tite) = to bear people
×3. The joke is: Inu = dog in Japanese. Uni is sea urchin, in Japan we eat sea urchin as sashimi or sushi and it is orange in color.
×4. Back in 2005, a BLEACH dating simulation game parody video, known as "Love Bleach" was made by staff for a BLEACH event. The gag involved teasing a TBA dating simulator. The video is available on YouTube: https://youtu.be/0cA-jySdzYE?si=-5OX0MQX1bZKsqws
×5. Tite Kubo drawing for Jigoku No Misawa: https://youtu.be/xRAfswhrQC4?si=6rgKaPK94EbzcBY1
×6. Based on Japanese numerals, Ni = 2, i = 1, ha = 8 shi = 4. 
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AITA for reporting my shitty college roommate to the FWS and her teacher, and possibly getting her suspended/expelled/jailed/fined?
CW for brief dead animal mention
For context: I live in the USA and all native species of birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which makes it illegal to kill, harm, etc. native bird species and/or possess parts of them including molted feathers, bones, nests, etc.
Also: The FWS is the Fish and Wildlife Service and is a government agency that deals with animal and plant conservation and habitat protection.
Anyways, I (F25) live in a dorm room with two other people, Ally (F26) and Sammy (F28) (not their real names obviously). Sammy is a nice roommate, she's very considerate and kind, and we get along really well.
Ally, on the other hand, is a nightmare.
Very self absorbed, rich parents, "white witch" privileged white girl type, treats Sammy and I like maids instead of roommates.
Ally and I are both art students, I'm pursuing 3D animation and she's doing... Something. I have no idea. Sculpting?
I do digital modeling and animation so I can just do that in my room on my PC, but she needs a specific area to do her sculptures, which is fine!
Except that she does NOT clean up after herself. Leaves material all over the place, there's bits of clay stuck to fucking everything, and she does it right in the living room.
She's also burnt sage INSIDE THE APARTMENT despite Sammy having asthma. She did not warn us beforehand, we found out when we walked in and Sammy started coughing and wheezing and we had to go back outside. She was 100% aware of Sammy's asthma because she saw her use her inhaler once and asked about it.
She then asked if she "could try it" which... Girl what. "Can I try it?" Has now become an inside joke between Sammy and I about her inhaler.
Coming from a rich family, I can tell she's never faced any consequences for her actions. Ever. She thinks she's untouchable and that mommy and daddy will pay for everything and make all her problems go away.
Sammy and I come from families who are not ungodly rich, and that's resulted in her treating us like live-in maids. She does none of the chores, none of the housework, absolutely nothing. Constantly inviting her friends over to peruse her "art gallery". Regularly keeps Sammy and I up at night with her music and friends.
We rent an apartment near our college, and we don't live in the dorms so we don't have anyone to complain to besides our landlord, who's an incredibly sweet elderly woman that we're all hesitant about bothering.
Except for Ally, who's prepared to bother her about everything, including but not limited to: Apartment being too hot. Apartment being too cold. A weird smell. Noise from the street. Neighbors dog barking. Front door being creaky.
We basically went "Haha hey Ally don't worry you're SO busy lol we'll talk to her for you okay!" just so she doesn't bother the poor lady.
We're mostly just afraid that if we kick out Ally, her parents will tear that woman apart. Sammy and I are both unconfrontational anyways and don't want to bother anyone.
Ally is working on her latest sculpture for finals (basically the big report due at the end of a semester). It actually looked pretty cool, but something about it was... Off.
Oh yeah, it's absolutely covered in native bird feathers and a nest. A real one, not one of those fake ones you can buy at a craft store.
She came home one day after going out with her friends for HOURS, and she had two big bags full of stuff. I asked what she was up to and her response was sort of "It's a secret teehee, it's for my art piece ;)" so I was just like haha okay.
So, it turns out her and her friends went out into the woods and spent HOURS picking up molted feathers (all of them are very witchy do-no-harm types so there's no way any of them killed live birds. Ally refuses to even kill bugs, I have to catch them and let them out). She also mentioned her friends parents have tons of bird feeders at their house, which means LOTS of molted feathers.
Also, instead of cleaning them in her bathroom sink she washed them off in the kitchen sink, meaning we couldn't do dishes for a few hours. So that was cool.
I actually collect and clean animal bones in my free time, so I'm very familiar with the laws. I know which species in my state are protected, which species I can possess with a permit, etc. I also know that the MBTA is a thing that exists.
I've met her art teacher before, and I know that the woman's not stupid. She will DEFINITELY notice that the sculpture is covered in blue jay, cardinal, grackle, etc. feathers.
I was going to keep my mouth shut and just let Ally dig her own grave, but I did mention it to her through text. I said "Hey, I love your sculpture but I just wanna let you know that using those feathers is actually illegal, since they're from native species of birds. My parents own chickens and ducks and I can get you a lot of really cool feathers for your project if you want! Sorry for the bad news but I just don't want you to get in trouble :("
She messaged back and said "Um, thanks but I don't want feathers from gross barnyard animals, Mother Gaia gifted me these beautiful feathers. Besides, I actually have money to take care of my problems."
What the fuck.
I didn't know what else to do besides message back "Oh! Okay!"
Those "gross barnyard animals" she mentioned include breeds like dominiques, copper marans, both gold and silver sebrights, Yokohama, and a few cayuga ducks, all of which have absolutely gorgeous feathers. I was also going to surprise her with some peafowl feathers because my parents' friend owns them.
So here's where the AITA part comes in.
I was furious with her constant classism, treating Sammy and I like shit, and blatantly disregarding laws (especially ones literally put in place to protect "Mother Gaia's" creatures) just because her parents have money.
So after she went to bed I went out into the living room, took pictures of her sculpture, and then not only sent the pictures to her art teacher but the FWS. I let the game warden know I also emailed her teacher and vice versa. I also sent screenshots of our conversation where I told her about the law, so they had proof she was 100% aware of it but ignored it anyways.
I let Sammy know, and her response was "That's a thing? Well, her teacher would have reported her anyways I guess."
A few days later, we get a knock on the door. It's a game warden. I let him inside, went to my room, and proceeded to listen to Ally doing her "I'm a poor innocent victim how could you do this to me!" crying. I mostly just felt bad for the poor game warden for having to deal with her.
The only thing I could hear from the other room was her wailing like a banshee and him going "Ma'am, please calm down. Are you alright ma'am? Ma'am..."
A few days later Sammy and I came back from the store to see all of Ally's stuff gone. All of her clay, supplies, clothes, etc. were gone and her room was totally empty except for her bed frame (which came with the house).
I have no idea what happened. I'm sure she wasn't allowed to turn in a sculpture covered in illegal feathers for her final, so Idk if she was suspended/expelled or if she just had a tantrum and moved out?
On one hand it was really fucking nice seeing her face consequences for her actions, but the other part of me feels bad about possibly getting her suspended/expelled/fined/jailed over feathers and a nest.
The EPA website states that punishment for MBTA violations for misdemeanor offences (which I believe she committed since I don't think she planned on selling anything, and I know she didn't kill any of the birds) can range from up to $5,000 in fines to no more than six months in jail.
What are these acronyms?
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digenerate-trash · 5 months
thinking about yan Harper stuffing you with eggs to keep you in the asylum (and closer to him) and doing regular checkups on your progress
Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry Sorry AMAB Harper <3 | AFAB GN PC It's been 10 weeks of isolation. No other doctors have seen you. You eat meals alone in your room. On days when Harper can't see you, you get a little restless. He's your only contact after all. 
The meals he gives to you are measured out. Everything is very orderly including the shots and meds he gives you. You don't even know why you're here really something about stress? You're not sure it's been too long and it's not like Harper talks to you about it. 
Instead, he likes to chat with you. He asks about your day and no matter how miserable your answers he nods along and smiles and gives you compliments and tells you sweet things. It's like talking to a very affectionate wall. His touch is warm even though gloved hands and he's always gentle, even during the first couple of weeks when you resisted so much. 
But today is different. Harper holds some equipment this time. Something a bit more complicated than a needle and a bottle of pills. He sets up the items on the table beside you as he begins his usual drabble. "How are you" "How are you feeling?" "Any side effects?" 
You know he's not paying attention to gage answers so you just respond with basic answers that he won't be adverse to. Like a practiced dance that means nothing. 
It's all a bit different though when he places down a jar. It's sterile with a little label on it. Inside sit six golf ball-sized orbs tinted pinkish. They seem to squirm with their weight suspended in the jar's liquid. 
"....what's that?" You ask. They make you uncomfortable a bit as Harper seems to snap out of his haze and focus on you again. 
"These are eggs- they're interesting, right? They're going to be a part of your treatment today-" Harper smiles wide his fingers tracing the outline of the jar before he prepares another needle with the dreaded pink liquid. You are eager to stall. 
".... like to eat?" You ask again and harpers hands seze a bit putting the needle down. He forces a laugh but he's a bit disturbed 
"No- not to eat. You're going to incubate them- you're going to be their parent-" 
Now it's your turn to be disturbed. You move away from Harper and the little jar of eggs quickly not wanting to be any closer to them but Harper grabs your leg pulling you back. You don't even see the needle until it's sticking out of your thigh you only have a few moments of clarity before the haze sets in. 
He pulls you back over carefully lifting your paintent gown and showing off your lower half. You've been in this position before as Harper spreads your legs and starts to toy with you. 
The slick cactus his fingers dripping onto the sheets under you. You know this feeling is only because of the needle Harper has shoved in your veins but it still feels good as his gloved hands play with you. Spreading you open. You sigh and shutter when Harper removes his hands from you.
You stare up at the ceiling still placid a little smile on your face as you look up and enjoy yourself. Your doctor knows how to take care of you... 
That is until something presses against your entrance. It's cold silly and it makes you squirm. Harper seems happy when it finally pops in. Your body shutters with arousal this time and it doesn't feel as pure or nice as when it was just Harper. 
You squirm to get away when you feel another one being pressed up against you but Harper holds your hips down and when it pops in this time he coos and praises you for doing a good job... you like it when you do a good job... you like being good for Harper. So you relax again. A third gets inserted into you. You can feel the little lineup of eggs in your body. You're full now. but Harper presses the fourth up against you anyway. This time it hurts. Until you feel it press in. One of the eggs is deeper inside of you than it should be. And Harper seems proud as he rubs your stomach a bit. 
This process continues until he's shoved every one of the eggs into your body. And then deeper until they all rest in your womb. Every time it seemed like you were getting a little too excited he'd take a break. Making sure you calmed down before he continued. When he finished Your stomach felt heavy. A little bloated even but Harper doesn't seem to mind as he rubs his hands through the slick substance around your hole and thighs. He thinks you look perfect and he's practically drooling as he undoes his belt and presses his clean dick up between your thighs to coat it in the slimy substance. 
It's not long before he's inside you rutting against your body holding you down as he pants over you. 
"You're the perfect little test subject-" Harper pants out. You can only mewl as He holds your body closer to his. 
You can't help it this time when you get close. Harper isn't stopping either so when you cum around his cock you finally find some relief. Even with the heavy eggs inside you seem to squirm a bit. 
It's not long before Harper presses your hips to his and he climaxes as well holding you there. He's panting his glasses askew as he looks down at you. His professional facade is gone and all that's left is a madman. 
Harper pulls away from you trying to compose himself. As best he can. The haze still clouds your mind as he packs up his equipment and the now empty jar. 
"Same time tomorrow-" he insists before he heads to the door "Be well." 
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blubberquark · 5 months
Are Game Blogs Uniquely Lost?
All this started with my looking for the old devlog of Storyteller. I know at some point it was linked from the blogroll on the Braid devlog. Then I tried to look at on old devlog of another game that is still available. The domain for Storyteller is still active. The devblog is gone.
I tried an old bookmark from an old PC (5 PCs ago, I think). It was a web site linked to pixel art and programming tutorials. Instead of linking to the pages directly, some links link led to a twitter threads by authors that collected their work posted on different sites. Some twitter threads are gone because the users were were suspended, or had deleted their accounts voluntarily. Others had deleted old tweets. There was no archive. I have often seen links accompanied by "Here's a thread where $AUTHOR lists all his writing on $TOPIC". I wonder if the sites are still there, and only the tweets are gone.
A lot of "games studies" around 2010 happened on blogs, not in journals. Games studies was online-first, HTML-first, with trackbacks, tags, RSS and comment sections. The work that was published in PDF form in journals and conference proceedings is still there. The blogs are gone. The comment sections are gone. Kill screen daily is gone.
I followed a link from critical-distance.com to a blog post. That blog is gone. The domain is for sale. In the Wayback Machine, I found the link. It pointed to the comment section of another blog. The other blog has removed its comment sections and excluded itself from the Wayback Machine.
I wonder if games stuff is uniquely lost. Many links to game reviews at big sites lead to "page not found", but when I search the game's name, I can find the review from back in 2004. The content is still there, the content management systems have been changed multiple times.
At least my favourite tumblr about game design has been saved in the Wayback Machine: Game Design Tips.
To make my point I could list more sites, more links, 404 but archived, or completely lost, but when I look at small sites, personal sites, blogs, or even forums, I wonder if this is just confirmation bias. There must be all this other content, all these other blogs and personal sites. I don't know about tutorials for knitting, travel blogs, stamp collecting, or recipe blogs. I usually save a print version of recipes to my Download folder.
Another big community is fan fiction. They are like modding, but for books, I think. I don't know if a lot of fan fiction is lost to bit rot and link rot either. What is on AO3 will probably endure, but a lot might have gone missing when communities fandom moved from livejournal to tumblr to twitter, or when blogs moved from Wordpress to Medium to Substack.
I have identified some risk factors:
Personal home pages made from static HTML can stay up for while if the owner meticulously catalogues and links to all their writing on other sites, and if the site covers a variety of interests and topics.
Personal blogs or content management systems are likely to lose content in a software upgrade or migration to a different host.
Writing is more likely to me lost when it's for-pay writing for a smaller for-profit outlet.
A cause for sudden "mass extinction" of content is the move between social networks, or the death of a whole platform. Links to MySpace, Google+, Diaspora, and LiveJournal give me mostly or entirely 404 pages.
In the gaming space, career changes or business closures often mean old content gets deleted. If an indie game is wildly successful, the intellectual property might ge acquired. If it flops, the domain will lapse. When development is finished, maybe the devlog is deleted. When somebody reviews games at first on Steam, then on a blog, and then for a big gaming mag, the Steam reviews might stay up, but the personal site is much more likely to get cleaned up. The same goes for blogging in general, and academia. The most stable kind of content is after hours hobbyist writing by somebody who has a stable and high-paying job outside of media, academia, or journalism.
The biggest risk factor for targeted deletion is controversy. Controversial, highly-discussed and disseminated posts are more likely to be deleted than purely informative ones, and their deletion is more likely to be noticed. If somebody starts a discussion, and then later there are hundreds of links all pointing back to the start, the deletion will hurt more and be more noticeable. The most at-risk posts are those that are supposed to be controversial within a small group, but go viral outside it, or the posts that are controversial within a small group, but then the author says something about politics that draws the attention of the Internet at large to their other writings.
The second biggest risk factor for deletion is probably usefulness combined with hosting costs. This could also be the streetlight effect at work, like in the paragraph above, but the more traffic something gets, the higher the hosting costs. Certain types of content are either hard to monetise, and cost a lot of money, or they can be monetised, so the free version is deliberately deleted.
The more tech-savvy users are, the more likely they are to link between different sites, abandon a blogging platform or social network for the next thing, try to consolidate their writings by deleting their old stuff and setting up their own site, only to let the domain lapse. The more tech-savvy users are, the more likely they are to mess with the HTML of their templates or try out different blogging software.
If content is spread between multiple sites, or if links link to social network posts that link to blog post with a comment that links to a reddit comment that links to a geocities page, any link could break. If content is consolidated in a forum, maybe Archive team could save all of it with some advance notice.
All this could mean that indie games/game design theory/pixel art resources are uniquely lost, and games studies/theory of games criticism/literary criticism applied to games are especially affected by link rot. The semi-professional, semi-hobbyist indie dev, the writer straddling the line between academic and reviewer, they seem the most affected. Artists who start out just doodling and posting their work, who then get hired to work on a game, their posts are deleted. GameFAQs stay online, Steam reviews stay online, but dev logs, forums and blog comment sections are lost.
Or maybe it's only confirmation bias. If I was into restoring old cars, or knitting, or collecting stamps, or any other thing I'd think that particular community is uniquely affected by link rot, and I'd have the bookmarks to prove it.
Figuring this out is important if we want to make predictions about the future of the small web, and about the viability of different efforts to get more people to contribute. We can't figure it out now, because we can't measure the ground truth of web sites that are already gone. Right now, the small web is mostly about the small web, not about stamp collecting or knitting. If we really manage to revitalise the small web, will it be like the small web of today except bigger, the web-1.0 of old, or will certain topics and communities be lost again?
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edenslittlecow · 22 days
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avery with a shirt suspender hile he tried to straighten his back out while my PC is flustered
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Kinktober Day 25
Day Twenty-Four | 🌹Kinktober Masterlist🌹 | Day Twenty-Six
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Pairing: Shiv Roy x AFAB!Reader
Rating: Explicit - 18+ Only. Any minors interacting with ANY of these Kinktober prompts will be blocked
Notes: I am, admittedly, quite nervous about this one, but here we go. Set during S1, pre-wedding.
Warnings: Infidelity; mentions of previous adolescent antics; mirror sex; oral sex; fingering; grinding; semi-public sex
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“Try it on.” 
“We’re not here for me.” 
“Humor me.” Shiv tipped her head to the side, brows raising as she gave you a pretty frown, turning slightly from side to side. You knew better than to fall for what you called the Pinky Treatment—the batting eyelashes and pout that she gave her brothers and her father when she wanted something and wasn’t ready to budge on her position—but she always managed to get her way with you.
It was worse now, knowing that she was practically bare under the short pink, satin robe she was wearing. 
Your gaze drifted to the flesh-toned mesh in her hand, covered with dark straps. You reached out, taking hold of the bra and holding it up, gaze wandering the criss-cross of adjustable straps that covered the otherwise open cup. You looked at the piece still in her hand, nodding toward it. 
“What are those straps?” 
“Panties and a suspender belt.” 
You grunted in contemplation. 
“C’mon,” Shiv shuffled closer. “It’ll help me decide which ones I get for the honeymoon.” 
“Will it.” 
You glanced warily between the door leading to the lingerie shop’s private dressing suite. Shiv scoffed softly. 
“They won’t open it unless I tell them to,” She reassured. “C’mon, try it on.” 
You sighed heavily, reaching out and taking hold of the rest of lingerie, trying to ignore the little thrill you felt when she smiled victoriously. 
“Turn around,” You mumbled, waving her away. You reached down, frowning at the tags as she did as you asked. “Did you ask them to get my size?” 
“It’s more fun if we both try things on.” 
“Ugh, you weirdo.” 
“Save that for Roman.” 
“I will,” You laughed nervously. You swallowed, trying to push away your nerves as you got undressed. It took a little maneuvering, and by the time you got the bra, panties, and garters on, you felt even more nervous than you did before. 
“It looks fine,” You offered. “You don't need to look.” 
It was all Shiv needed to hear before she spun around, phone still in hand. She went still at the sight of you, her eyes raking over your body with a meticulous slowness that made you want to melt into the floor. She tossed her phone onto the thick-cushioned arm chair as she wandered closer, her arms folding over her chest. 
“Turn around?”
You scoffed, stomping a foot childishly. 
“Turn,” She ordered, twirling her finger. You huffed, turning away from her. It was a solace, really. Your face and body went hot under her scrutiny as you felt her getting closer. God, just hold still. The sooner she looked at you, the sooner you could get out of this. 
You sucked up a sharp breath as you felt Shiv press up against your back, peering over your shoulder at the two of you in the mirror. 
“Fits well,” She commented matter-of-factly, as if you weren’t so hot you could combust. “But these seem a bit…” Her hands smoothed over your hips, tucking beneath the band of your panties. “Snug.” 
“A little,” You mumbled, “But not unlivable.” 
“Hmm,” She nodded, turning her head into your jaw. “We should get you some thigh-highs.” 
“I thought these weren’t for me.” 
“They’re not, but…” Shiv’s hands slid around to your belly, “They could be.” 
Your stomach flipped as her touch traveled up, tracing the strap that hung over the swell of your pebbling nipple. 
“You little slut.” 
“Slut?” You laughed. “If the PC police heard you saying that, you’d be out of a job.” 
“Funny. I think that attitude could make me CEO at Waystar Royco.” 
“Do you want that?” You asked, tipping your head back toward her. She didn’t answer at first, just slid her thumb over the swell of your breast. Your breath caught in your throat as her nail caught against the mesh. 
“This isn’t about what I want right now,” She finally answered. 
“Isn’t it?” You brushed your nose against her cheekbone. “You wanted me to go shopping with you; I’m here. You wanted me to try this on; I did.” 
You watched Shiv’s lips turn down in another pout, and felt her fingers skate across the straps on the bra, skimming your hardening nipple. 
“...Do you think Tom would like it?” You added, trying to turn the conversation. 
“I could turn up in a plaid flannel floor-length nightgown and he’d cum in his pants.”
You bit the inside of your cheek to quiet a laugh as you glanced up toward the mirror. You found Shiv eyeing you there, her fingers, hooking under one of the straps. She held your gaze as she tugged it out, then let it snap back against your nipple. You hissed softly, shifting in discomfort. She shushed you, turning her head and pressing her face into your neck. 
“Remember when we were in high school?” She murmured, breath brushing your skin, “And we used to pretend to date to freak out all the little shitheads in our class?”
You did remember. It was a little game that the two of you had played at—in the halls, between classes, at lunch. You’d held hands in the hall, waited for each other by your lockers—until one of your teachers threatened to report the behavior to her parents. Yours wouldn’t have cared, but there had been a wrath of Logan’s that Shiv wasn’t willing to incur. You nodded now, unable to get the words out.
“You used to get so flustered,” She laughed. “Jumped when I put my hand on your leg.” She slid one hand down, past the underwear to where the garters dangled against your thigh. You forced yourself to hold still, drawing in even breaths through your nose. Shiv let out an interested little hum. “Better at keeping still now, huh?”
“I’ve had more experience,” You mumbled. 
“I bet.” 
Her hands slid up, cupping your breasts and giving them a gentle squeeze. 
“Remember the sleepovers?” She murmured, “When we would play girlfriend-boyfriend?” 
You swallowed thickly, fighting the urge to press up into her hands. 
“That was a long time ago,” You mumbled. She hummed softly, smoothing her hand over your belly. 
“Think I’d make a better boyfriend than I used to,” She tipped her chin up, brushing her lips against the hinge of your jaw. 
“Oh really?” You shifted against her. “I mean…When we were younger, you just deepened your voice, pawed at my tits and called me babe.” 
“So what’s changed?” 
“Well,” She trailed her fingers lower, dipping beneath the band of your panties. Your breath caught in your throat as you watched her in the mirror. Her gaze was set heavily on yours as she brushed her fingertips along the top of your pussy. “I know what I like…” 
“And I know what you like.” 
“Is that so?” 
“Mm. Your old roommate liked to talk.” 
Your body went hot at the assertion. You swallowed thickly, eyelids fluttering as Shiv’s lips smooth along the curve of your ear. Her fingers slipped lower, gently swiping her fingers over your clit. 
“Did she,” You mumbled. 
“Sure. Get a couple of tequila shots in her and she had the loosest lips. Awful kisser, that girl,” Shiv smiled. “I don’t know how you put up with her.” 
“I managed.” 
“Mm.” Shiv spread your lips with her fore and ring fingers, using the middle to swirl your clit in slow circles. You bit your lip, tipping your hips into her touch. 
“Shiv, if someone comes in—” 
“No one’s going to,” She insisted again. You felt her grind up against you, heard the slip of her satin robe against your lingerie. 
“Why, because this is Shiv’s World?” You struggled to quip, “Whatever you say goes?” 
“Right now?” She chuckled against you. “It’s pretty close. I’m the bride, after all. I get what I want.” 
“You always get what you—what you want—damnit, Shiv,” You breathed. You grasped her wrist, tugging it out of your underwear before you turned to face her. You cupped her neck, drawing her in for a kiss. Shiv shook your grip loose, curling her arms around your middle and drawing you closer. You raised your hands, sliding them into her hair as her hands greedily wandered your body. You slid your tongue along hers, whimpering softly as she flicked the tip against yours. You gasped, stumbling back as she dropped to her knees, shoving your hips back toward the wall. She tore your panties down your thighs, pushing your legs wide. Your mouth fell open with a choked moan, hinging forward slightly as she pressed her face between your thighs, tongue sliding along the seam of your sex. 
“Shit,” You hissed, reaching down and curling your hands in her hair. You used the grip to grind down against mouth, quieting your whimpers as she lapped at you, sucking your clit between her lips and lashing it with her tongue. Her nails dug into your thighs as they quake, your knees weakening at her ministrations. You tugged Shiv’s hair, guiding her back and giving her a push. She leaned away, scooching back along the floor as you joined her on the floor. You grasped the tie on her robe, yanking it open as you climbed over her. She sagged back against the floor, sighing softly as you sucked one of her nipples into your mouth. 
You swirled your tongue around the hardening peak, sighing against her soft, fair skin as you slotted your thigh between her legs. You straddled her leg, whining as the two of you ground and pushed against one another. You scraped your teeth over her nipple, pinning her hip to the floor as she cursed and arched up against you. You drew your hand from her hip to toy with her slick pussy, feeling her plant her feet and drive her hips up against your hand and thigh. 
You tipped your chin up, eyeing Shiv. You found her pink-cheeked and panting, watching you from beneath her lids. You stroked her clit more harshly, ignoring the growing cramping in your wrist and fingers as she pressed her lips together tight. She sat up a little, propping herself up with one hand before shoving her hand back between your thighs. Your gut swooped, your lips parting as she swiped her tongue across your lips. You gasped as your orgasm swelled, your hips jolting as Shiv ground up against your thigh and fingers. You lowered your head, pressing your face into her neck as you cum. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck, Shiv.” 
She hums, sucking a kiss against your neck as you feel her pussy spasming beneath your touch. You pant softly, nuzzling her skin gently and drawing her against you. Shiv hums happily, rolling her hips against you, chasing the throbbing aftershocks. 
“Um—Miss Roy?” 
The shop attendant’s voice made you go still in panic. Shiv hurried off of your lap, drawing her robe back around herself and tying it tightly. You stood on unsteady legs, straightening the lingerie and meeting Shiv’s eye as she raises her brows, nodding questioningly. 
“Yeah,” You breathe, smoothing your hand over your garments. Shiv swallows, clearing her throat before she reaches out, opening the door. The attendant looks between the two of you, brows raised, an expectant smile on her face. 
“How is everything in here?” 
“Fine,” Shiv says simply, “But we’d like some more champagne. And we’ll take what she's wearing in addition to what I order,” She points to you. 
“Excellent! Can I wrap them up?” 
“No need. She’ll be wearing them out.”
Tag list: @missredherring ; @fantasticcopeaglepasta ; @massivecolorspygiant ; @blueeyesatnight ; @amneris21 ; @ew-erin ; @youngkenobilove ; @carbonated-beverage ; @lorecraft ; @moonlightburned ; @milf-trinity ; @millllenniawrites ; @chattychell ; @dihra-vesa ; @videogamesandpoorlifechoices ; @missswriter ; @thembosapphicclown ; @brandyllyn ; @wildmoonflower ; @buckybarneshairpullingkink ; @mad-girl-without-a-box ; @winchestershiresauce ; @phoenixhalliwell ; @wild-rose-35 ; @daisyslibrary ; @informally-liz ; @andrastesflamingtitties ; @muchacha-encabronada ; @nerdygirl0414 ; @elen-aranel ; @ohbee-whatcanyoube ; @kmc1989 ; @quietpainter ; @thedreadandthefugitivemind ; @kaletastrophes ; @nyx2021 ; @thatesqcrush ; @shanimallina87 ; @adarasforest ; @s-u-t ; @silversprings-mp3 ; @senawashere ;
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