#taako: we dont have a mom fuck off
starsshinedarkly77 · 5 years
Lup kicking down the door to Taako’s room in the middle of the night: mom said it was my turn to use the brain cell
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nochiquinn · 5 years
campaign 2 episode 77: you’re the man now dawg
"marisha no I have to go there"
"let me get a kitchen knife"
"just unjack him"
let fjord fjuck
caleb no
the jag offs
look just. assume I'm screaming every time the new art pops up. bc I am.
roll to not think about nott on the toilet
snow sword. snord. snjord.
snow angel mandala
laughing handling it
dairon's gonna kick their asses. all of them.
taliesin you forgot the ding dingding dingdingdingdingding
the chairs are organizing
scry on her? can she do that?
laura you don't have to use all of them
"oh shit are we a cult?"
jester gon shove a miracle up nott's ass
nott's dance emote
dairon out
travis and marisha what are you up to
back to the empire?? BEAU ARC???
(can we see pumat again)
"upstanding practicioner" hmmm
aaah accent drop
and it's not just liam's voice, he's still Doing A Voice, it's just not an accent
(honestly it sounds like his character from scrapped princess but it's been a minute since I watched scrapped princess)
liam's FACE
mystery lady's voice is like. kima but evil.
oh god was she caleb's replacement
cal eb
caleb: is stab m9: several people are typing
your lack of faith etc etc
well shit
they wanna be in the room where it happens
oh shit he drew and quartered her
"just overcommon"
somebody gettin fired
wait was I right
the chair has it
"I'm making a pun, you don't have to be patronizing"
"my good friend beauregard"
"gather your books" "bold of you to assume I don't have my books at all times"
"I'm gonna watch people study for the SAT"
mala: caleb's gonna be a time player
I'm obsessed with fjord's tusks in the new art. js.
"creative applications" :eyes:
[kassandra voice] I don't think I should be hanging from this
I don't actually ship it but this is testing my resolve
oh shit?
they went full anime
essek dont be a dick
"fuck me running"
"what do you see" "a butterfly"
"ma'am I'm gay"
[taako voice] wouldn't want you to waste a spell slot on it
jes :(
my girl
scry on yasha. make everybody sad.
I'm gonna cry if they end up having to fight pumat
matt has his lore voice on
blightshore: glintshore but worse
"caleb remembers!" "it's funny 'cause it's true"
god bless
just shove it up caleb's nose
matt hiding behind the screen
"it's MONEY"
"isn't that the plot of meet the fockers?"
caleb just recreating all his trauma in one room
black anus void
jester :(
"mom I don't know where I left my arc villain"
I still only picture farscape
caduceus. sir.
we've reached the part of the night where I start begging them to wrap up
they're larping, don't be judgey
f a m i l y
high falutin' piece of shit
every so often marisha reminds me she's from kentucky
"FUCK the cobalt soul"
field promotion???
oooh, jester makes a point
"she gives you a look" as matt checks his notes
vence mcmahon
the what to who now
one of the WHAT
(there's no episode next week so we're getting a one piece ending)
"I don't think dairon thinks I'm cool" "dairon doesn't think anyone's cool." "it's true."
is this like going straight to fight ganon in your underwear in botw
rexxentrum is area 51
"make sure you have all the information first" have you met them
Let Essek Take A Nap
"we HAVE to go to nicodranis and we HAVE to go see my mom and THAT'S THE WAY IT IS"
sam: make your next world smaller matt: I shalln't
it feels like the traveler is trying to distract jester? idk idk
oh god he's gonna see her
"preferred means" parkour
"trick question, I'm illiterate"
jester vs dairon is my new favorite
that's not fucking ominous at all
and then they made out
FUCKING thaddeus
beau no
puppy pile time
this is only going to make me sad
"let's find you a new friend" MAYBE LET'S DON'T??
“I am become mom”
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softshelltaakos · 6 years
i feel like the biggest problem w/ lucas was that the point was he's supposed to be a necromancer bringing back his mom under the thrall of the relic that the fact him enslaving the bugbears was included essentially isn't. balanced correctly if you know what i mean. i havent listened to crystal kingdom in a while but i remember taako and magnus addressing the bugbear concern clearly but it got brushed off for the main plot concerns (dont mind me i just saw the discussion n wanted to comment)
i agree! it’s been a minute for me as well and i think the boys do MENTION it a little bit as being fucked up, but when push comes to shove, it’s pretty much ignored. and i understand it not being super well addressed within the arc itself – that’s just, not how the setup is?
which is why i’m mad about the redemption arc itself. that would be the time for him to atone for that or at the LEAST show genuine regret for it, which we don’t get.
and as i’ve said several times, i have no problem with the necromancy part of his arc. i think it’s interesting – it’s very victor frankenstein, and you KNOW chaboi likes a good take on victor frankenstein. i don’t even care that he doesn’t get sent to the eternal stockade, because i’m not invested in that part of his story being what he gets punished for. It’s The Slavery, Lads
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jewishangus · 6 years
(I'm not even sure if this is the place to ask, sorry if this is a weird question haha) I'm a fanfiction writer and now that angus has been confirmed jewish I don't want to ignore that part of him in my future works. But I know literally nothing about what it means to be jewish. As a jewish fanfiction writer yourself, do you have any advice about how I could respectfully write a jewish angus?
no its a great question!!!! dont worry about asking - if anything, im super glad you’re looking to create good representation!! (and humbled that you’re here asking me? fuck)
tl;dr: being respectful really just means putting thought into your character, and treating judaism like you would any other facet of someone’s personality. most of the time, it won’t be that prominent! but if you don’t think about it, you’re going to end up writing it badly.
under the readmore, however: how to approach thinking about judaism and working it into a character.
ok first of all, if you’re not jewish and know nothing about judaism, there’s a couple of things you should get.
first: ethnicity is key.i’ll leave you to do the googling on the terms - the key to all good representation is research - but if youre european/american, you most likely adhere to a denomination (which, for the numerical majority of jews, is either orthodox, conservative, or reform), if you’re from the middle east/north africa/actual real africa/far east, or live in israel now, you’re likely not to. 
second: surprisingly, politics dont matter. tradition, however, does.you can be liberal and orthodox and conservative and reform, even though orthodox judaism is the more traditional/patriarchal in nature of the two denominations. but you’ve probably heard of if not seen fiddler on the roof - its incredibly hard to stray against what you’ve been raised when youre jewish, mostly because most of your jewish identity comes from your parents and your history! a lot of people do, especially on the political front. but even if people differ from their parents politically, they might not do so jewishly.
third: jews are a nation as well as a religion.jewish culture exists (though it’s different for people of different ethnicities), a jewish language exists, a jewish history exists (even though schools suck at teaching all of it), and jewish national sovereignty also exists and is important - hence, israel. at the same time, a jewish biblical canon exists, and jewish books of law exist, and those two have to coexist together. for some jews, both are equally important. some prioritize one over the other, and do so in different ways.
last: stereotypes are…. actually kind of important.jews love to argue. true. jewish overbearing moms exist. also true. jews control all the money in the world? actually, we joke about that a lot, but sadly that isn’t true. however, for a nation with only ~15 million people, you’ll find us in a lot of high places; we’ll attribute that mostly to our brains, though.when you’re writing stereotypes, think about them. every jewish person thinks about them differently and treats them differently. people who grew up in more of a jewish bubble tend to be more comfortable with them than those who arent.whatever you do, though, dont avoid them like the plague. a lot of them are true, and cute, and a lot of them are something id love to see in fic! as an example, take a line from one of my wips: “So, deep down, Davenport knew it wasn’t a coincidence that when he collected the seven, they all turned out to be Jewish. It’s the Jew-dar, Merle jokes sometimes, or the “you were looking for smart people, what’d you expect?” that Taako said once, but their captain’s more serious than that. He thinks it’s destiny.”
there’s two different stereotypes in there: jews are smart, and the jew-dar, which is more a pun off of the gay-dar than anything. and yet, they’re used light-heartedly, for a laugh that doesn’t poke fun! kind of in the same way angus was confirmed to be jewish.
ok, now that that’s done with, a disclaimer that i implied heavily in the last bit but is very worthy to say outright:
every jew is different! 
when you’re writing a jewish character, this is the most important thing to keep in mind. a person can’t be just jewish, they’re jewish and [insert race/ethnicity] and [insert gender] and [insert age] and [insert socio-economic status] and [insert sexuality] and i can just go on and on and on, because even the men in black hats in nyc’s diamond district have a story and other facets of their personality.
so the key to write a jewish character is not to throw everything else in the garbage - in fact do exactly the opposite. decide everything else first, and then use that to reverse-engineer their judaism.now, this is true even for people who see judaism as their salient identity, like me! even if judaism is the most important thing in their lives, it’s that along with everything else that builds character.
let’s try it with angus, shall we?
okay, so who is angus?
-he’s a boy-he’s 11-he is, for whatever reason, mostly disconnected from his birth family-he loves to learn - an academic at heart-he’s fancy - his birth family was probably rich, or at least he knows his manners.
and if you wanna do some world-building you can - how do jews in faerun deal with magic/other gods/the astral plane/etc? thats a whole other post, but it’s interesting to think about in regards to angus’s psyche.
okay, let’s do this:
we don’t know angus’s race. if he’s white, what denomination does he slide into, if any? if he’s black, he’s either ethiopian or his family converted at some point in his history or he’s an extremely rare character. either way, his generation is probably like. one of the first to integrate into modern judaism. what’s that like? 
he’s a kid. his judaism is going to change over time! how serious is he about it now? is it a source of fun for him, a source of serious learning, or a mix of both? does he make sure to follow the laws, clearing his dorm of bread on passover or fasting on yom kippur or keeping shabbat/kosher, or does he just light candles for hanukkah and eat dairy on midsummer?
where is his family, and why would they have left him? the days of ditching your kid in fear of him growing up bad have been behind us for millennia. if his family is shitty or dead, where’s the extensive community that usually backs up kids of his character? does he still have a network? does he go back and visit?
he found a new family in the bureau and the ipre - are they jewish? do they support him or just leave him be?
he is a boy genius, in most understandings of the term. does he speak hebrew? know torah trope or prayer or jewish law? or is he more of a jewish history buff? or does he like secular subjects better, struggling over yet appreciating the old text yet turning his attention to something else? judaism seriously endorses academia - is that where he got his love for it from?
if he’s fancy, is he traditional? does he wear tzizit under his clothes or was his family not that jewish when they got rich?
the answers to all of these questions are going to create the kind of jew you want angus to be!
and yet - 
you can incorporate all of this character-building into angus and end up writing him the same way as you have this whole time - it all depends on the scene you’re writing him in.
your angus could be the same except he interrupts to ask a question about a religion/custom that’s different than his own. he could be the same except fixing the tzizit under his clothes is a fidget of his. you know what? his judaism is probably only going to come up in little snippets anyway - he could be asking taako which ones are the meat forks and which are the dairy ones, or magnus could play keep-away with his kippah, or lucretia could find him in his room studying torah. or maybe it comes up in conversation? maybe someone calls him a genius and he blushes and says he kinda struggles with his hebrew homework sometimes, and then the conversation moves on as if he hadn’t mentioned judaism at all.
so what do these questions answer, exactly? whether those snippets, those pieces of judaism that work his way into his daily life, are even there to begin with. 
does it come up in conversation? does he spend his free time studying torah? does he wear a kippah or tzizit? does he care about meat and dairy forks? does he end up going on an extreme teen adventure and ask a bunch of questions or is he worried about merle preaching? 
those are up to you, and those decisions are what im working to educate on in this post.
anyways, that’s about all i got! if you wanna find out more about judaism, feel free to ask - i was trying to avoid giving you a crash course on my religion and more focusing on how to incorporate it into a character, but if the former was what you were looking for, hit me up and ill write another 1500 words for you!
hope i could help, and happy writing!
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eludum-a · 7 years
500 follower follow forever!
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it happened. god knows why so many of you are here, but apparently you like what i do, so... well, thank you! to everyone! but this is a very informal follow forever meant specifically for people i speak to regularly/people i consider my friends/people i feel i owe something to. i haven’t done anything like this since the 100 follower mark, so please bear with me. 
i felt like i needed to do this because, in the wise words of taako the wizard, “it doesn’t always have to be goof goof dildo. i’m traveling around with the boner squad and i never get to say... what i’m feeling! i have emotions!”
if you’re not here, please don’t feel like i don’t appreciate you! i only have the energy for so much love here in my body. if you’ve been inactive/are on hiatus, i might have missed you, and if we haven’t really talked a lot ooc, same thing applies.
(i have been working on this on and off for weeks. im so tired pls just let me be finished with it)
anyway, call outs below the cut!
@unsuspicious: cou, you send me so many baffling and strange images at all hours of the day. i had to lead up with this because where do you even get all those. anyway, you’re definitely the person i talk to the most every day, and it’s weird as shit to think that the last thing in tumblr messenger was me sending you the link to the discord channel. you’re a fantastic roleplayer when you actually roleplay and you’re fun to have around!
@hismalice: raz you are one of my favorite people on this god forsaken hell site and don’t ever forget that. if you need a reminder you can come back here and look at this and see this seal of approval, and also the mental image of me saying “no, fuck you” to your negative thoughts and then punching them in the face heaven slaying dragon fist style. if you ever wanna talk you know where to find me and it’s also ok if you don’t want to!! i’ll still be here regardless.
@cantalazarus: god bless the hinatatas, may they grow strong and powerful this year. amen. on a more real note: this is my official notice that i really appreciate you just... in general, as a person, even if im an asshole who has trouble with, like, Feelings and shit. so there’s that. same as with raz above, you obviously know where to find me whenever you wanna talk. and take as long as you need to recharge your batteries!! no rush
@mxssias: ALEX MY MAN... BOY... GUY! DUDE, PAL, WHATEVER. your naegi is LIT. i love the good good egg boy so much and you do him justice!! you don’t just focus on the lighter aspects of his character, but you recognize his various struggles as well! you’re also just a fun person to talk to and i’d love to do more naenami in the future of COURSE
@ayatsurii the sparkliest of cats! yo, sparkle, thank u for turning me on to pekonami because it’s so good and pure, and thank you also for trying to keep things from burning down in the chat when we get too rowdy (even if you’re not successful... we can’t be tamed). i look forward to future pekonami interactions!
@snappshot: sarah is wonderful at everything she does, sorry i dont make the rules. you’ve been around this blog for what feels like forever now?? first as mahiru (and your mahiru rly captured my heart) but also sayaka and kaede and your persona muses are equally wonderful! idk what i’d have done if you weren’t there to reassure me i was doing a good job. god bless sarah
@anemoia-avenoir / @ongakuvoices: rrrrrrrrIO! you’re lovely and you should know it. i know we don’t really talk much ooc but you definitely deserved a spot in here! your passion for your muses is incredible! your love for them shows in the details of your writing, and i know it can be frustrating sometimes to feel like you’re not good enough (believe me... i have been there many times), but believe me... you’re gonna do amazing things, i just know it.
@malchancevilain YOU STILL OWE ME 15 DOLLARS AND I AIM TO COLLECT, GREG GRIMALDIS. NO MATTER WHERE IN THE MULTIVERSE YOU ARE. ahem. we share a lot of common interests, watchy, and i really do love your luckgami, like, a lot. i love how different his background is without changing who he is fundamentally as a person, aka a snob
@shpionaz: *insert obligatory ‘like a boss’ joke here* ok now that we’ve gotten that over with,,, im so grateful i got a chance to play out the oumanami brotp interactions with you because that was on my wishlist almost as soon as i found out about their sprite similarities and we didn’t even have to try, it just happened. you’re first ouma in my heart forever and i can’t wait to do some things with your oc too!!
@gambogeish: it’s kind of ironic how i didn’t finish twewy until we became friends, when it was first gifted to me by my boyfriend... it’s probably just the difference in maturity/gaming ability from then to now, but ANYWAY: i am so glad to have met you. you’re one of the first people in the community i’ve really connected with, and you’re an awesome person who i’d love to roleplay with regardless of muse. i’ve got a virtual high five right here waiting for you. o/
@pseudxcode syd, god bless your chihiro, honestly. he’s such a sweet little guy and i love his interactions with chiaki! of course i’ve always been a fan of these two together (even when she’s NOT an AI created by him), because their talents complement each other so well! they’re good for each other. i’d love to see more chiaki & chihiro action, especially if it involves chiaki encouraging him and reassuring him that he’s not as weak as he thinks he is.
@kibcu / @krclowa we only recently started talking but you’re such a welcome addition to thotchat, liz! take that as you will. this one’s probably gonna be a bit short but im looking forward to platonic naenami interactions and ur sonia too! aunty nanami’s gonna babysit the hell out of those naegi kids (aka give them all smartphones and sit back and relax)
@synthxsizxr GOOD IDOL, BEST SISTER, AKI LOVES HER HARU even if she really doesnt understand the idol lifestyle like, at all. chi, you yourself are very sweet and kind, it’s wonderful having you here in this community! i hope you’re having a lot of fun with your talentswap chiaki and i hope 
@relixum / @lxckyclovers: i hope you two don’t mind that i put you together here. i know you’ve been busy with school lately (good luck with that, by the way!!) but i didn’t want you to think i forgot about you! you guys make a mom/dad/parental unit so proud. you’re wonderful writers and i hope you find happiness wherever you go. *bob belcher voice* you’re my family and i love you but you’re terrible, you’re all terrible.
@tcndcrloins levi you’re the other constant presence in thotchat and you’re such a fun person to have around. you’re so welcoming and comfortable in a sense that i never feel like i’m bothering you, and thats a pretty incredibly accomplishment considering how often i convince myself im annoying. get those drafts done, i believe in you!!
@delinqueon avery, you were probably the first person within the community i talked to one on one, and thank god you approached me because at that point i never would have had the courage to speak up! your leon is such a delight to interact with and so are your other characters. one day you’ll get me back for making you read the bee movie script out loud for fifteen minutes.... one day
@betraycd last but not least, first i have to thank fin for my current editing software that i still have yet to figure out even 10% of ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) but i’ll get there! fin, i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: i absolutely adore your souda, all of the time and effort you’ve put into his characterization and how you don’t ignore the uglier parts of his personality. he’s a lovely flawed boy and you really do him justice!
after word:
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like any community with more than a few people, there have been ups and downs in the path few months. i wanted to add here as a general shout out that i have never felt so welcome and loved in a community that i originally would have thought would be more disjointed than what you might find on a forum. like, i’ve changed a lot thanks to you guys! i’ve been able to get over some of the hurdles of my social anxiety (i didnt jump over them so much as drag myself across the ground and painfully crawl over them) and i just... i feel good? i feel like people like me? there are still times where my anxiety insists i’m nothing but a useless burden, but i actually... feel like people enjoy having me around? holy shit!
i made some really cool new friends and got to know a different kind of roleplay community. im overall incredibly grateful for this wild and weird journey i’ve been on, and the journey certainly isn’t over by any means! i hope to keep seeing you guys around!
these words really arent even enough to express my gratitude. i havent been to some really dark places, but there for a while i felt like i was almost completely alone. i simply wasn’t connecting with other people like i wanted to. about 3-4 years ago i lost contact with (long story) my roleplay partners of 4 years and it wasn’t an easy thing to recover from, but i’m here now and it’s just... really good! incredible, even!
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vengersemble · 7 years
fanfiction tropes: arranged marriage, bed/blanket sharing, hogwarts au (that's not a trope but idgaf)
dude NICE
arranged marriage
would i write it: u know like……….. arranged marriage is very much One Of Those Things that i never actually THINK im Into and then suddenly it pings one of my Specific Buttons and im like WELP, THIS IS ALL I CARE ABT NOW. idk if i have the kind of Delicate Touch to write it the way i would want it to be written, but i would definitely CONSIDER it
who would i write it abt: this whole meme isnt gonna just be abt taz i PROMISE but i LITERALLY tweeted abt this just a few weeks ago - i rly RLY want someone to do a taako/kravitz one where krav is a prince and the raven queen is his Reasonable But Distant mom and taako is like, the adopted son of some nobles who are mostly just trying to get rid of him, and magnus and merle work for taako’s family probably??? LOTS of extremely decadent clothing, lots of kravitz pining and feeling guilty abt it, lots of learning to trust each other. im into the Big Ship in very specific permutations and this is absolutely one of them. ALSO smth im very into for nico/alex lmao…………….. RUNAWAYS LENDS ITSELF SUPER WELL TO THIS bc all their parents work perfectly as Powerful Scheming Royalty, and like, u could ALSO do like a nico/chase Moirail One where nico covers for chase while he keeps sneaking off to make out w gert, but. like. The Bad Ship. ALEX IS IMMEDIATELY OBSESSED W HER. NICO THINKS SHE LOVES HIM BACK BUT IT MIGHT JUST BE HER TRYING TO MAKE HERSELF LOVE HIM BC WHAT OTHER CHOICE DOES SHE HAVE??? it ends horribly im sure. GOD i love these very bad teens.
bed/blanket sharing
would i write it: nnnnot super likely?? im sure it will SHOCK u to learn this but Physical Intimacy is not precisely my strongest suit to write OR read - i could do it but only if there were like. zero romantic implications and it was JUST kind of Weird for everybody involved. or if it was moirails. ‘WHAT IF IT WAS MOIRAILS’ MIGHT………. BE A THEME TO THESE ANSWERS POSSIBLY. ME AND MY VERY, VERY SUBTLE BIASES
who would i write it abt: phoenix visits maya while shes training in kurain and doesnt consider that they dont really have like……………. Guest Arrangements. ‘you can share my bed!!’ maya says. ‘well, its more of a mat. but i do have a teddy bear!!!! his name is Lil Nick because he’s blue and kind of funny-looking but i love him anyways.’ maya is a NIGHTMARE to share a bed w of course. they tell pearl later and she SHRIEKS w glee
hogwarts au
would i write it: MORE LIKE…………….. IS THERE ANY LITERAL FORCE ON EARTH THAT COULD POSSIBLY STOP ME. i fucking SNEEZE and a hogwarts au comes out. THE ONLY THING IS I ALWAYS GET LIKE…………. SUPER DEEP IN THE PAINT WITH IT, i cant do a hogwarts au without it becoming a multi-generation subplot-laden ensemble cast months-long ordeal but i feel like thats the only PROPER way
who would i write it abt: ……………..i promised i wasnt going to talk abt it but i would be remiss if i didnt mention that @racetrackconlon and i have been up to our fucking EYEBALLS in a taz hogwarts au for….. fuckin………… MONTHS now and it’s very VERY good, I ALSO CANT TALK ABT IT BC IT WOULD TAKE LIKE LITERAL PAGES TO EXPLAIN AT THIS POINT, but if ur reading this and ur interested consider this ur open invitation to ask me abt it literally whenever. would ALSO be remiss if i didnt shout out me and gina’s hannibal hogwarts au, which remains……………….. one of my favorite creative endeavors i have ever embarked on. it’s a masterpiece. we made ART. anyways. arin hanson gets kicked off the gryffindor quidditch team for yelling obscenities at the commentator. this wouldnt be a problem except he really REALLY wants to impress the cute slytherin head girl and what’s he supposed to DO if he cant perform Daring Aerial Stunts. ross is in her house and keeps insisting he can put in a good word for him except his good words mostly consist of yelling HEY SUZY and then very deliberately talking abt everything except arin. dan is part veela and hes……… there………….. also. thanks
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