#tay plays dao
rosykims · 5 months
alistair being able to 1v1 loghain while potentially wearing duncan's sword, cousland's shield AND cailan's armor will never not be a religious experience to me
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ambrosykim · 5 months
i need to name my girl so i can reblog weird ship posts w her and solas
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r1h4 · 11 months
✨ G L O W ! T A L E  ✨  
- Information character -
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Summary: Height: about 4.3 feet, birthday: October 30th. Wearing a golden garland on her head and a golden heart-shaped locket (with Asriel). Despite being human, she hates humans, the source of the Dreemurr family tragedy.
Backstory: When the battle between humans and monsters was coming to an end, knowing that the monsters would lose, Chara was so indignant with the selfishness and envy of humans that when no one noticed, she sneaked into the monster crowd to be locked together with them in the Underground. Of course, no monsters killed her, she was adopted by Asgore and Toriel. Upon discovering that the Player's code existed in her, Chara committed suicide before the Player harmed monsters to avoid injuring them. Later, Chara fights with Player (alongside Frisk) to create a True Pacifist route.
Character: Has a deep grudge against humanity and sympathizes with the monsters' fate but never wants the monster to escape from the Underground for fear that the dirty human will once again wage war on them. Tricky, sharp, cute, and also a bit naive (just a little bit). Love Asriel, sometimes more than Asgore and Toriel (even when Asriel turns into Flowey). Enjoyed playing with Glow!Sans and Glow!Papyrus. At first, she hated Frisk, but later liked this "twin" friend.
Power: After she died, because she was a human, her soul did not turn into sparks, but turned into a ghost that hovered around Flowey. Hand knife with a red blade, handle wrapped with vines. That knife can clone infinitely to help Chara control easily. When serious, the whites of her eyes turn black (this is when Chara's power is at its highest). Also, as a ghost, she can fly freely.
Acquaintanceships: The adopted daughter of Glow!Asgore and Glow!Toriel, make her become the older sister of Asriel.
Sơ lược: cao 1m3, sinh ngày 30 tháng 10. Đội vòng hoa vàng trên đầu và đeo mề đay hình trái tim màu vàng ( đeo cặp với Asriel). Dù là con người nhưng rất ghét họ, mở đầu cho bi kịch gia đình Dreemurr.
Cốt truyện: Khi trận chiến giữa con người và quái vật sắp đến hồi kết, biết rằng quái vật sẽ thua, Chara vô cùng căm phẫn với sự ích kỉ và đố kị của con người nên thừa lúc không ai chú ý, cô đã lẻn vào đám đông quái vật để rồi cùng bị nhốt với quái vật dưới Underground. Tất nhiên không quái vật nào sát hại cô cả, cô còn được nhận nuôi bởi Asgore và Toriel. Khi phát hiện được mã code của Player tồn tại trong cô, Chara đã tự sát trước khi Player hành động để không làm quái vật bị thương. Sau này Chara có 1 màn combat với Player (kết hợp với Frisk) để đến được True Pacifist.
Tính cách: có mối hận thù sâu sắc với loài người và cảm thông cho số phận của quái vật nhưng không bao giờ muốn quái vật thoát khỏi thế giới lòng đất vì sợ con người bẩn thỉu kia lại một lần nữa gây chiến với họ. Ranh ma, sắc sảo, dễ thương và cũng có phần ngây thơ (một chút thôi). Rất cưng chiều Asriel (thậm chí khi Asriel biến thành Flowey). Rất thích chơi với Glow!Sans và Glow!Papyrus. Thoạt đầu rất ghét Frisk nhưng sau này lại rất mến người bạn “song sinh” này.
Sức mạnh: Sau khi mất, vì là con người mà linh hồn cô không thành đốm sáng mà biến thành hồn ma lởn vởn quanh Flowey. Cây dao tay với lưỡi dao màu đỏ, cán được quấn bằng dây leo. Cây dao đó có thể phân thân vô hạn giúp Chara điều khiển dễ dàng. Khi nghiêm túc, tròng trắng mắt chuyển đen (đây là lúc sức mạnh của Chara đẩy lên cao nhất). Ngoài ra, vì là hồn ma nên cô có thể tự do bay lượn.
Mối quan hệ: Là con nuôi của Glow!Asgore và Glow!Toriel, chị của Glow!Asriel.
She enjoys becoming a ghost because she loves to flyyy~
(Chara thích trở thành ma vì Chara thích bayyy ^^ )
Have a niceeee day 💖 
Undertale by Toby Fox.
Glowtale by Reiny.
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seerupmiranda85 · 1 month
Feung Shui - From Pig's Lips To Your Front Door
The living room should be described as a good balance of yin and yang. This will work even if it is a section of purple construction paper taped to the wall behind a piece of furniture. If your mind wanders, see it back to your breathing. Little know more about you from the outside than a front entry both wispy and hidden from view or ablaze in full glory. One does want fame, have feelings of it at your home (vermilion paint is not only the for pigs, or brass knockers anyone else? bright lights illuminating the journey like the Red Carpet at Oscar time?). You are someone more energy, financial and otherwise? Plants and fountains enhance growth energy and absorb negative chi - a twofer! View More: topyenbaiaz.com - Top Yen Bai AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Yen Bai AZ: Đào Thu Trang - Dao Thu Trang Couples should never sleep with separate mattresses in the sack. This includes trying to form a queen-sized bed by combining two separate single mattresses. By sleeping with separate mattresses, the couple will attract bad fengshui which will contribute to quarrels and arguments. Pick a good queen-sized bed to share with your love partner. Chi Iron should not be immersed in water and cannot hang the flat iron by the cord. The cord must be kept away from sharp devices. Otherwise there is a possibility to obtain damages.
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View More: topyenbaiaz.com - Top Yen Bai AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Yen Bai AZ: Đào Thu Trang - Dao Thu Trang No other room inside house provides each feng shui potential how the living room does. This room is central to family life and to feng shui. When it comes to feng shui, not any other room can compare to this particular room. Tin tức Top Yên Bái AZ That's because the living room is make certain room in house definitely not necessary be activated according to all nine sectors of the bagua or lo shu square -- making this a very important room, indeed. Purple and shades of purple are good for stimulating good lady luck. It is especially good when involved with paired with white, gold, or black. Use these color combinations in free airline and northwest corners enhance these corners and add up to greater great. For instance, if bed is the actual world north sector, a water feature would regarded as great feature for enhacing career feng shui. However, water within bedroom isn't recommended. But, water in the north corner of the living room will help boost that sector's feng shui with beneficial water energy in the corresponding cor. How is this fact possible? Top Yên Bái AZ News Think about yin-yang symbol in the centre of the bagua. This symbol is called the "tai chi" --- yes, just just like martial art exercise. This tai chi can be relevant to any size space and is referred to as big tai chi or small tai chihuahua. Chi Iron should quit immersed Yen Bai in Viet Nam water and should not hang the flat iron by the cord. The cord should be kept afar from sharp entities. Otherwise there is a possibility of obtaining damages. Businesses that prosper utilizing color purple include advertising, art studios, television and film companies, psychologists offices, gift stores, or lighting businesses. Florists also cash in on purple. Invite some purple into company is -- particularly in the southeast sector. Dissect. If a large tree or play blocks the flow of chi into your home, absolutely "break up" its influence (and its image) by placing multiple mirrors allowed that breaks the object into smaller parts, dissipating its mark. In addition, it is the if home is not so close to the main gateway. But what if the room is already irregular in shape and situated close to your main entrance? Well, there are still solutions to that. Fortunately, there are corrective measures to cope up with these circumstances. Place plants or hang a crystal ball to properly distribute the flow of chi into the right focus.
When choosing a house or maybe apartment, professional that bathroom is never facing or located aside from the main door, facing the staircases or facing the dining room, as well as in the dining room. Some websites recommend activating the energy in the potty by painting the walls in an environmentally friendly color, generally if the bathroom faces an Eastern or Southeastern direction. Do not activate energy in bathroom, what specialists . do - you can suppress bad chi. According this art, wealth always circulates throughout the universe! And everyone has must not right use of it. Through the help of feng shui in your home, believe or not, you will have the ability to pull more positive financial energy into your lifetime. Overall the Legend on the Fist The Return of Chen Zhen is an entertaining motion pictures. It could have been better if there were more impressive action scenes displaying Donnie Yen's fighting talents. The Blu-ray I have of this movie is a special edition version that has come from a special features disk. Plus, achievable improve your opportunities - and whatever aspect Yen Bai in Viet Nam the world that works with the door direction that your front door faces - simply by painting your front door purple. Better career? Purple helps a. Better health? Purple helps the exact same thing. More friends and popularity? Purple wins again. There is only 1 exception with purple, and that's the northwest-facing front door. Better to paint this door gold, white, silver, or gray. Since possess talking about feng shui, it is kind of important concerning where location your chimes. Usually, wind chimes are within entrances, perhaps as an effective way to of preventing bad chi from getting yourself into the home (a wonderful example turning out to be alerts you if factors people who're trying to break in to your house). But this is broad. Top Yen Bai AZ News Purple likewise a color that generates good qi. So, wherever you would like to add extra energy, consider adding purple. However, because end up being a stimulating color, it's better for you to put purple in bathrooms and kitchens, where it'll enhance the negative energies of these rooms. But you will do take residence outside physical structure by practicing martial arts, and especially Tai Chi Chuan, but mostly by studying sufficient martial arts to learn all the viewpoints to pop you slightly through that meaty runaround you are in. Then you stop growing older as drastically as the artistically challenged, and you lose this weird concept called reaction time, additionally start lifting on other people's thoughts, and all of the sort of other sixth sense associated with abilities. And if you don't end up being all these abilities, perhaps you are learning a slow Taiji, that truly does take three lifetimes, and if is the case, Matrix Tai Chi Chuan takes about three months, or thereabouts it is claimed. Your child suffering from ill health and well-being? Purple is beneficial when painted on an east wall as it helps improve health and wellbeing. Want to inspire creativity in your child? Paint the west wall yellow. Is your child a burgeoning artist or actor and craving understanding? Paint the south wall purple to boost their profile and odds of being watched. Top Yên Bái AZ 247 The room has a desk. Quite obvious, but many kids' only workspace is either a bed, the bedroom floor, or the family dining table. Every child needs the study area in the bedroom that the desk, chair, and a lamp. Youngsters with study areas are more inclined to work. Better still, working with a study area keeps all the school books and papers confined towards child's room. Top Yên Bái AZ 24h Feng shui also believes it is for children to study facing the northeast, the direction of wisdom and learning. View More: topyenbaiaz.com - Top Yen Bai AZ Reviewed by Team Leader in Top Yen Bai AZ: Đào Thu Trang - Dao Thu Trang
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Written By Author in topyenbaiaz.com: Đinh Công Huy - Dinh Cong Huy Written By Author in topyenbaiaz.com.com: Trần Hùng Đức - Tran Hung Duc
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herosneednotapply · 10 months
Headcanon: Addie: Skills/Hobbies
Original Post: (X)
Bold what skills/hobbies apply to your muse!
Means of transportation:
skiing  |  sailing  |  boating  |  canoeing  |  horse riding  |  bicycling  |  car driving  |  truck driving  |  motorcycling  |  ATV riding  |  OTHER (add your own)
painting/drawing  |  wood carving  |  sculpting  |  pottery  |  photography  |  reading  |  writing  |  discussing  |  chess  |  playing board games  |  computer games  |  computer programming  |  playing cards  |  card tricks  |  magic tricks  |  cooking  |  baking  |  dancing  |  zoology  |  ornithology  |  OTHER (add your own)
swimming  |  running  |  tennis  |  basketball  |  baseball  |  rugby  |  football  |  cricket  |  archery  |  shooting  |  hunting  |  boxing  |  karate  | tai quan dao  |  MMA  |  wrestling  |  yoga  |  rowing  |  weightlifting  |  gymnastics  |  OTHER (add your own)
handguns  |  knives  |  sniper rifles  |  assault rifles  |  grenades  |  grenade launchers  |  rocket launchers  |  tanks  |  bombs  |  bomb defusing  |  mines  |  minesweeping  |  hand-to-hand combat  |  OTHER (add your own)
Tagged by: No one Tagging: Anyone
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bookofjin · 1 year
Annals of Emperor Wen of Zhou, Part 4 (ZS01)
[Yuwen Tai crushes Houmochen Tai, but conflict with Gao Huan looms. Also the first appearance in these annals of Li Bi who would go on to play a prominent role in Tai's regime]
Earlier, the Inspector of Yuan province, Shi Gui, was friends with and trusted by Yue. At the Hequ catastrophe, he turned around to become Yue¤'s defender. Yue¤ dispatched his partisans Wang Bohe and Cheng Ci'an, commanding 2 000 troops, to help Gui with garrisoning Yuan province. Taizu dispatched Chief Controller Houmochen Chong to lead 1 000 light cavalry and assault Gui. He seized him, and also captured Ci'an, Bohe, and others, and sent them off to Pingliang. Taizu petitioned for Chong to Act on the Affairs of Yuan province. Moqi Puba also dispatched his general Chigan Baoluo with 2 000 cavalry to come and accompany the army.
3rd Month [30 March – 28 April], Taizu advanced the army to arrive in Yuan province. When the multitude armies had altogether assembled, he notified them of his thoughts on chastising Yue¤. None of the soldiers had not a heart-held indignation. Taizu therefore petitioned, saying:
Your Subject have heard that to swear to die to requite kindness, and overturn the linage to repay the ruler, is what is pressing in human relationship, with hurried steps like going home. From after the death of the Great Chief Controller, Subject Yue, Your Subject again and again has deferred to the decree to turn back to the palace, feeding the horses and taking precautions for the road, [my] aspiration not to wait for dawn.
It is merely that from the controllers, generals and downwards, everyone declared Excellency Heba looked at us like his children, and now in response the shame is not yet repaid, likewise how [can we] look [people] in the face within the world. If [we] get one wipe at the unjust brutality, [we will] die ten thousand times without regret.
Moreover, while Yue¤ on the outside adheres [like a] steadfast subject, on the inside he disobeys the court's intentions. Your Subject now first consider in order the aspirations of the detestable, and after in order the hearts of steadfast gentlemen, looking forward to brandish Heaven's authority and making the state remove the injury. In a small thing disobedience [but] in the great obedience is the truth of it this morning. After [I have] vanquished and settled, [I will] lay down and wait for the axe chop.
Summer, 4th Month [29 April – 27 May], he pulled the troops up into Long, and kept behind his older brother's son Dao as Chief Controller to garrison Yuan province. Taizu's army orders were strict and dignified, the autumn [grain] was not the least bit trespassed upon, and the hundred families were greatly pleased. The knowledgeable understood his success.
The army set out from Muxia Pass. There was a great snowfall, covering the land 2 chi deep. Taizu knew Yue¤ was timid and had many doubts, he therefore made forced marches to set out from where he was not expected. Yue¤ actually suspected his left and right of having disloyal aspirations, and left and right likewise were not calm. His multitude consequently were astray and of two minds. When he heard moreover that the great army had arrived, he withdrew to guard Lüeyang, and kept behind more than 10 000 people to occupy and defend Shuiluo.
Taizu arrived at Shuiluo. He instructed to besiege it, and the city surrendered. Taizu then led several hundred light cavalry to press on to Lüeyang, to overlook Yue¤'s army. Yue¤ was greatly afraid, and therefore summoned his section generals to discuss it. Everyone said this spear-point could not be taken on, and urged Yu¤ to withdraw to guard Shanggui to escape from it.
At the time the Inspector of Nanqin, Li Bi, also was in Yue¤'s army, and therefore dispatched messengers outside the roads, requesting to be an inside agent. That night, Yue¤'s army set out, but within the army they startled themselves and dispersed. Generals and soldiers, everyone led each other to come and surrender. Taizu let loose his troops to strive and strike, greatly routing them. They took captive more than 10 000 people, and 8 000 horses.
Yue¤, with his child[ren] and younger brother[s] and those closest to his banner, several tens of cavalry escaped in flight. Taizu said:
Yue¤ originally coordinated with Cao Ni, he will not go beyond fleeing towards Ling province.
Therefore he ordered the Chief Controller of Yuan province, Dao, to intercept him in front, and Chief Controller Heba Ying and others to pursue in his rear. Dao had reached Qiantun Mountain when the pursuers caught up with Yue¤ and beheaded him.
Taizu entered Shanggui and gathered together his office treasuries, the valuables piled up mountain. Everything he used as reward for the soldiers, taking not the least wisp [himself]. [If someone] left or right stole a single silver-engraved jar to return home, Taizu knew and punished him, and then split and bestowed it on the generals and soldiers. The multitude was greatly pleased.
At the time the Inspector of Liang province, Li Shuren, was apprehended by his people, stirring up in the province disturbance and distress. The [leader] of the Dangchang Qiang, Liang Xianding, pulled in the Tuyuhun to rob Jincheng. In Wei province and Nanqin province the Di and Qiang joined together, and rose up like wasps in those places. From Nanqi¤ to Gua and Shan, those who took hold of provinces or occupied commanderies were too many to count. Taizu therefore ordered Li Bi to garrison Yuan province. The Inspector of Xia province, Baye Eci [?], garrisoned Nanqin province. The Inspector of Wei province, Kezhu Hunyuan turned back to garrison Wei province. The General of Guards, Zhao Gui, Acted on the Affairs of Qin province. He levied the grain of the four Bin, Jing#, Dongqin, and Qi¤ provinces to provision the army.
Shenwu of Qi head that Qin and Long had been overcome and vanquished, and therefore dispatched envoys to Taizu, with sweet words and lavish courtesy, that they should deeply lean on and connect with each other. Taizu resisted and did not allow it. At the time Shenwu of Qi already had disloyal aspirations, and for that reason the Wei Emperor deeply depended on Taizu. Therefore he levied 2 000 cavalry to garrison Dongyong province and help make voices of support, and continued to order Taizu to bit by bit pull in the army and go east. Taizu therefore dispatched the Great Chief Controller Liang Yu to lead 5 000 infantry and cavalry to garrison the confluence of the He and Wei as a devise against the schemes of East of He.
During Taizu's chastisement of Yue¤, Yue¤ had dispatched envoys to request aid from Shenwu of Qi. Shenwu sent his Chief Controller Han Gui commanding 10 000 troops to occupy Puban. And the Inspector of Yong province, Jia Xian, sent ships to Gui, requesting that Gui's troops entered the Passes. Taizu, following Liang Yu going east, therefore pressured and summoned Xian to proceed to the army. Yu consequently entered Yong province.
The Wei Emperor dispatched the Composition Gentleman Yao Youyu to hold the tally and congratulate the army. He advanced Taizu to Attendant-at-Centre, Great General of Agile Cavalry, Opening Office with Ceremony Similar to the Three Ministers, Great Chief Controller of Guanxi, and Duke of Lüeyang county, receiving the authority to make ennoblements and appointments, and Envoy Holding the Tally like before.
Hence he used Kuo Luo as Inspector of Jing# province, Li Bi as Inspector of Qin province, and the former Commandery Warden of Lüeyang, Zhang Xian, as Inspector of Nanqi¤ province. Lu Daibo resisted being replaced, he dispatched light cavalry to assault and seize him. Daibo killed himself.
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rosykims · 5 months
honestly im so glad bioware nerfed the cousland origin by not making them as socially & politically powerful as they technically ought to be. bc i think if i had to confront the whole cousland/mac tir situation in canon as opposed to just my own unsalvageable deep fried thoughts i think i would contract some sort of brain eating bacterial infection and die :/
#tay plays dao#oc: elspeth#of COURSE elspeth Knows these people! ofc she knows eamon !and teagan ! she and cailan were friends and maric held her as a baby !!!!!!!#and of COURSE. of COURSE she knows the mac tirs. the only other teyrnir family. inherent allies AND rivals to the kings favor. ok. okokokok#but thinking abt the post occupation solidarity between all of ferelden. bryce and loghain letting their daughters be friends#elspeth and anora being the BEST of friends growing up. each one spending months at highever or gwaren respectively#god. thinking about loghain as a godfather figure to elspeth makes me insane. thinking of anora being a sister to elspeth makes me insaner#the girls later growing up and recognising that the kingdom was beginning to set the two of them up against one another as they + cailan#came of age. realizing one of them would likely be chosen as queen and the other would Not.#and its not so much the jealous/competitiveness that drove them apart but the fear that the other one thought less of them for it#idk. idk idk idk.#i just love making things complicated. i love the idea that when alistair kills loghain its like... 1) elspeth is horrified bc he was at on#point like family to her.#and then 2) grateful ! bc what sort of family would do all of this to her !!!!!!!!!#and then his death also being the final nail in the coffin for anora and elspeth's friendship. H. HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH#I CANT. I CANT EVEN THINK OF THIS IM GOING TO GO SOAK MY HEAD OR WHATEVER COUSLAND SAYS TO DAIRREN IDEK.
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mew-light · 2 years
The Three GentleBros
First of all, the title… Why? Is it the translation? Probably, but man my soul cringed! Anyway, plot-wise the show doesn’t seem like something new, and honestly I get it, sometimes you have to recreate stuff and make them better? Will this be the deal for this show? I don’t know. Do I want to know? Maybe…
Listen, I like every single member of the cast here and to be honest I don’t hate the ships as well. Luke and Mook look amazing, Tay and Punpun look cute, Gun and Bimbeam look cute as well and Mam playing the mother looks like a dream come true for this! We all know GMMTV trailers can be a big ass lie especially since we all know that the first trailer they do is mainly to promote the show and to attract sponsors. Do I need to remind yall how different the 1st and official trailers look like? Of course no.
Would I watch it? Yes, probably
Why would I watch it? Mainly because I want to be supportive.
U.M.G Unidentified Mysterious Girlfriend
Well hello there people that I already saw like a few minutes ago! So Nanon, Sing, Drake, Milk and Namtan will play in this. Can’t say again it’s a completely new concept but I see how it could get interesting. It does look mysterious and do we like mysterious stuff? YES WE DO! It also looks like it’s gonna get scary and scary is my thing!
Also pairing up Nanon with Milk is like GMMTV saying us that Bad Buddy is a joke but I’ll let it slide because the whole cast is extremely talented and they deserve the world.
Would I watch it? Yes.
Why would I watch it? Because I’m a Nanon simp. Sorry not sorry.
Sky & Star
Star in my mind
Well well well it’s our boy Joong with his first series after he signing with GMMTV. Dunk I don’t know, which totally makes sense since I’ve seen him in like 2 scenes in Bad Buddy (?) but I guess time to remember his name. To be honest, I’m not that excited for this one, it’s nothing new plot-wise but I guess they could turn this around…
Would I watch it? Eh, yes, probably.
Why would I watch it? Because I’m a Mek simp. I don’t need to explain this.
Sky in your heart
MEK IN A BL???? ATOTS 2.0???? WHAT???
Okay okay… Mek is like the last person I would expect to be a lead in a BL, don’t ask me why, it’s just what I believe. I looked up Mark and it looks like this will be his acting debut so kudos and good luck~
I’m happy to see Mike and Arm it this, it feels like they will take off some of the emotional tension, we know them, we love them, end of story.
Plot-wise again, nothing new but why does this look good to me? It could be Mek, it could be the ATOTS hype, I don’t know. But I definitely like this more than Star in my mind. Also after watching this one I realized that my heart can be anywhere but my soul will always be in Phu Phan Dao…
Would I watch it? YES.
Why would I watch it? Reason No. 1 Mek, Reason No. 2 I miss ATOTS.
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pumpkinpaix · 4 years
mdzs rough timeline
this isn’t meant to be definite! I’m mostly posting this so that @thewickling​ can take a look and see if there’s anything helpful in here while she finishes crafting her frankly incredibly referenced timeline. or so we can debate finer points lmao, though she definitely has the upper hand on research.
here’s what I have put together, though the dates used are re: Lan Wangji’s age, not in relation to Wei Wuxian’s death. Things I’m unsure about are marked with (?), and there are a lot of events that could take place in a range of dates that I’ve kind of just stuck in there for the sake of having them marked. I haven’t cross-referenced this in a while, and it’s working largely off of memory ;;; I just edited a bunch of this on the fly in the text editor HAHA so this may be off in several ways. I may eventually edit this into something more cohesive, but for now. have this mess.
Mass Graves” = Yiling Burial Mound Jinlin Tai = Koi/Carp Tower I’m using both novel and audio drama as canon, plus some assorted bits of memory re: mxtx interviews
Approximate Timeline (using Lan Wangji’s age, starting with lectures at Gusu):
Year 15:
Lectures at Cloud Recesses
Year 16:
Wei Wuxian harasses the Poetry Florist lady (?)

Wen Ning meets Wei Wuxian at Qishan (?)
Meng Shi dies (?)
Meng Yao is kicked down the stairs of Jinlin Tai (?)
Year 17:
Burning of the Cloud Recesses
Lan Xichen flees and takes shelter with Meng Yao (currently working as a bookkeeper)
Indoctrination at Qishan (unclear amount of time: few days to a month?)
Xuanwu Cave (approx. 1 week)
Qingheng-jun dies and Lan Xichen becomes sect leader of Gusu
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng return to Lotus Pier (unclear amount of time passes: few days to a month)
Massacre at Lotus Pier
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng flee to Yiling with Wen Ning’s help
Golden Core transfer
Wei Wuxian is thrown into the Mass Graves for three months
Sunshot Campaign starts in earnest
Meng Yao is appointed Nie Mingjue’s new aide
Wen Xu is killed by Nie Mingjue
Wei Wuxian emerges from the Mass Graves and begins hunting Wen Chao
Wei Wuxian kills Wang Lingjiao
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng kill Wen Chao and Wen Zhuliu
Lan Xichen speaks to Meng Yao regarding his ambition
Meng Yao sets off to meet up with his father’s sect in Langya
Nie Mingjue visits Jin Guangshan and asks after him only to discover JGS has not seen Meng Yao
Nie Mingjue discovers Meng Yao killing Lanling cultivators—Meng Yao flees
Year 19?:
Sunshot Campaign finally arrives at Qishan: Meng Yao assassinates Wen Ruohan
Meng Yao is recognized as Jin Guangshan’s son and given the courtesy name Jin Guangyao
3zun swear blood brotherhood
Year 20:
Nighthunt at Phoenix Mountain (in the audio drama, S3E01, Wei Wuxian mentions that he is 20+ years old at this point)
Lan Wangji goes to Yunmeng and meets Wei Wuxian (flower throwing episode)
Opinions about Wei Wuxian begin truly shifting now that Sunshot is largely over
Four Sects continue hunting down the Wen remnants
Wei Wuxian runs into Wen Qing who begs for his help saving Wen Ning
Confrontation with Jin Zixun at Jinlin Tai
Qiongqi Dao 1.0: Wei Wuxian flees with the Wen Remnants to the Mass Graves
Mianmian leaves Lanling Jin sect in defense of Wei Wuxian
Jiang Cheng goes to the Mass Graves and confronts Wei Wuxian: they set a duel and declare him exiled
After some months, Lan Wangji arrives in Yiling and brings news of Jiang Yanli’s upcoming wedding
Wen Ning regains consciousness
Wei Wuxian has a first family meal with the Wen remnants
Jiang Yanli and Jiang Cheng visit; Wei Wuxian names his future nephew
Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan are married
Year 21:
Jin Ling is born
Wei Wuxian is invited to his one month ceremony and begins working on his present
Qiongqi Dao 2.0: Jin Zixun and Jin Zixuan are killed
Three days later, Wen Qing and Wen Ning turn themselves in to protect Wei Wuxian and the rest
Lan Wangji speaks in defense of Wen Ning and Wen Qing
Wen Ning loses control and begins killing people at Lanling
Wen Qing is executed; Wen Ning is imprisoned
Wei Wuxian rushes to Lanling to try and retrieve their remains and hears about the plans to besiege the Mass Graves
Wei Wuxian goes to Qishan directly and confronts the sects for their hypocrisy
Wei Wuxian loses control and Jiang Yanli is killed
Lan Wangji takes Wei Wuxian and hides him away in a cave, defends him against 33 of his elders
Lan Wangji takes Wei Wuxian back to the Mass Graves
Lan Wangji returns to Gusu and is punished with 33 blows from the discipline whip and bedridden
First Siege of the Mass Graves: Wei Wuxian is killed by demonic backlash; the Wen remnants are massacred and thrown into the Blood Well (except A’Yuan, who hides in a tree)
Lan Wangji drags himself to Yiling to search for Wei Wuxian, finds only A’Yuan, whom he brings back to Gusu and gives the name Sizhui
Year 22:
Jin Guangyao marries Qin Su (?)
*Xue Yang massacres the Yueyang Chang clan
Xiao Xingchen takes him into custody
Jin Guangshan insists on keeping Xue Yang
Mo Xuanyu is invited to study at Lanling
Jin Guangyao begins playing guqin for Nie Mingjue
Xue Yang massacres Baixue Ge and blinds Song Lan
Xiao Xingchen takes Song Lan to Baoshan Sanren and gives him his eyes
Xiao Xingchen disappears
Xiao Xingchen meets A’Qing
Xiao Xingchen and A’Qing take in Xue Yang and begin living in Yi City
Nie Mingjue qi deviates
Jin Rusong is born
*Yueyang Chang massacre is stated to take place 10 years prior to the present, which would put it at year 24, but Jin Guangshan must be alive for at least a time afterwards—Jin Guangshan’s death is stated to take place 11 years prior to the present, which puts it at year 23. I’m prioritizing JGS’s death, because Lan Wangji describes the tragedy of Xiao Xingchen as taking place 1-2 years after Wei Wuxian’s death (being bedridden, he cannot pursue the issue), thus it makes sense that YYC massacre takes place earlier than stated.
Year 23:
Jin Guangshan is killed
Mo Xuanyu banished from Lanling (?)
Year 25:
Song Lan comes to Yi City and is killed
Xiao Xingchen commits suicide
A’Qing is killed by Xue Yang
Year 26(?):
Jin Rusong is killed
Year 34 (Present Day):
Mo Xuanyu sacrifices his body to Wei Wuxian
Events at Mo Village
Dafan Shan; run into Jin Ling and Jiang Cheng; Wen Ning appears
Lan Wangji takes Wei Wuxian back to the Cloud Recesses
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji set off on their quest to find all the body parts
Jin Ling at the Nie clan’s saber hall
Nie Huaisang shares information
Jiang Cheng catches Wei Wuxian; Jin Ling lies about Wen Ning and frees Wei Wuxian
Wei Wuxian takes on Jin Ling’s curse mark
Wei Wuxian frees Wen Ning from the influence of the nails
Yi City
Drunk Lan Wangji part 1
Nie Mingjue’s body assembles itself and attacks without a head
Lan Xichen shows up
Discussion conference at Jinlin Tai
Wei Wuxian finds Nie Mingjue’s head and an address in Yunping
Qin Su commits suicide
Wei Wuxian’s identity is revealed and he and Lan Wangji flee to Gusu
Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and Lan Xichen search for the music Jin Guangyao was playing
Lan Xichen tells Wei Wuxian the story of their parents
Jin Guangyao tells Lan Xichen that Wei Wuxian has kidnapped children in Yiling
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji go to Yiling to rescue the kids; meet Wen Ning along the way
The adults arrive afterwards and Su She’s plot is revealed
Wei Wuxian makes himself into bait, the Wen remnants rise from the Blood Well and save him and the kids
Wen Ning realizes who Lan Sizhui is
Everyone travels to Yunmeng
Sisi and Bicao share their stories
Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have a confrontation with Jiang Cheng; Wen Ning reveals the Golden Core situation
Wei Wuxian, Lan Wangji and Wen Ning travel to Yunping
Drunk Lan Wangji part 2
Final confrontation at the Guanyin temple
Approximate relative ages at the start of the story, as I understand them: Wei Wuxian: 15 Lan Wangji: 15 Jiang Cheng: 15 Nie Huaisang: 15 Jin Zixuan: 15/16 (I like to think 16) Jiang Yanli: 17/18 Lan Xichen: 18 (at most) Nie Mingjue: 19/20 Wen Ning: 13/14
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theleakypen · 4 years
Luo Qingyang in Lanling, pt 2
Part 1 here.
There’s a small wave of young cultivators saying “Thank you, qianbei” as Luo Qingyang (carrying Mianmian on one hip and her sheathed sword in her opposite hand), Zhou Zhuoying, and Jin Ruwei make their way over to the sect master of Lanling Jin. Luo Qingyang tries to smile at each one who does, but it’s hard not to stare at her friend’s son. Jin Ling looks exactly like she would have imagined if someone had asked—some perfect combination of Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli in the features making up his face. 
Jin Ruwei bows slightly as they make the introductions, not nearly deeply enough for greeting a sect master, but Luo Qingyang supposes that things are more informal on this multi-sect night hunt. Besides, they’re not very far apart in age, and outside of Jinlin Tai, that holds more sway.
She misses whatever Jin Ruwei says to introduce her, but now Jin Rulan is looking curiously between her and her small family.
“You look just like them,” she blurts out, and then instantly curses herself. Really, Mianmian? You can’t control your mouth for one minute? 
Jin Rulan’s mouth falls open. “What?” 
“Your— Jiang-guniang and Jin-gongzi. You look just like them.” And oh, there’s tears stinging her eyes now. She blinks rapidly, trying to exert control.
There’s a small bubble of silence around them, now, as side conversations peter out. Luo Qingyang is dimly aware of the two Lan disciples Jin Ling had been fighting next to coming to stand next to him, but the bulk of her attention is on Jin Ling himself. 
“You knew my parents?” Jin Ling asks. His grip on Suihua tightens. “How could you possibly—”
Luo Qingyang swallows hard. Zhuoying places a hand on her back and she shifts her weight to lean into the comforting warmth. “We were at Yunshen Buzhichu together many years ago, and then the war… I used to be a Jin disciple.”
“You—” Not just Jin Ling is gaping at her now, but all the sect disciples. They must have thought all rogue cultivators start out sectless. 
“You left the Jin sect?” the sect master of Lanling Jin asks her. “How— why—”
“It’s a long story,” Luo Qingyang says. “One I’m glad to tell you later. In the meantime, I’m sorry, Jin-zongzhu, I’ve been remiss.” She salutes him and then gestures to her family. “This is my husband, Zhou Zhuoying, and my daughter, Zhou Mei, but we just call her Mianmian. Are you all planning on camping? If so, I think we passed by a good spot about an hour’s walk from here.”
“I don’t think we can get back to the village before the sun goes down,” one of the Lan disciples says to Jin Rulan, the one who had been playing the qin earlier. He turns to her. “I’m Lan Sizhui, Luo-qianbei. We’d be grateful if you were to guide us to the place you saw.”
She looks to Jin Rulan and he nods, still looking a little shaken. “Yes, thank you, Luo-qianbei.”
Just then, the Ouyang disciple comes over. “I think we finally have the bodies of all the ghouls gathered up,” he says. “Jingyi-xiong, you’re pretty good at cleansing talismans—do you mind leading?”
The Lan disciple Luo Qingyang had seen fighting beside Jin Ling gives a weary nod. He gestures with his chin to a few others—not just Lan disciples, Luo Qingyang notices—and the small group walks over to the gruesome pile. They stand in a rough circle around the bodies, making allowances for trees and bushes, and then activate a talismanic array. The erstwhile ghouls go up in flames, first green, then blue, and then a good clean orange fire. 
After that, Zhuoying and Luo Qingyang lead the small army of cultivators to a clearing they had spotted on their way to the confrontation. Really, it’s Zhuoying who leads the way; for a man who used to be a merchant, he’s turned into a pretty good woodsman, which is good, because Luo Qingyang isn’t too bad at making her way around unpopulated areas, but she practically grew up in Jinlin Tai in the lap of luxury. The Jin sect didn’t make a priority of teaching its disciples woodcraft, not back then.
The clearing is large enough for the whole crowd of teenagers, just barely. They set up several campfires and Luo Qingyang spells a ward around the clearing. She notices several of the juniors going up to the edge of the clearing after she’s sat down to test the shape of the ward and then looking at her with respect in their eyes. Not bad for a sectless cultivator, she thinks to herself with some amusement.
“So why’d you leave?” Jin Ling asks her a few hours later. It’s dark now, the only light in the clearing coming from the banked fires. Most of the teenagers are sleeping now; all the Lan disciples had conked out promptly at nine, to Luo Qingyang’s amusement. Some things never change.  Everyone had been distracted by setting up camp and then one of the girls from the Yao sect had suggested they tell some stories over the campfire, so apart from a few curious looks at Luo Qingyang and her husband and child, they’d mostly been left alone. 
Sect Master Jin seems to have some sense of timeliness, because he had waited until now to ask the question that must have been bothering him since they had met.
Luo Qingyang sighs and stares into the flames of the nearest campfire. “How much do you know about the state of the world in the year after the Sunshot Campaign?”
She looks at Jin Ling out of the corner of her eye, sees him scowl at the flames. He looks so young. He’s the same age Jin Zixuan had been when the war had begun. 
“The Jin sect was ascendant. We had just made ties of sworn brotherhood with Qinghe Nie and Gusu Lan. Yunmeng Jiang was rebuilding. My shu—” He scowls deeper. “Jin Guangyao said that people were worried about the Jiang sect becoming too powerful, so they worked to drive a wedge between my jiujiu and Wei Wuxian.” 
“The Jin sect was also keeping members of the Wen sect as prisoners,” Luo Qingyang says. “In horrible conditions. When Wei Wuxian liberated the labor camp at Qiongqi Dao, they said he had killed people indiscriminately, that he was vicious and reckless. They denied what the conditions in the camp had been.” She swallows hard; the memory is still painful, even now.
“I tried to speak up and they wouldn’t hear me. As a member of the Jin sect I could do nothing but be ridiculed, so I renounced my membership in the sect.” It sounds so simple when she says it like that, but she can hear the vicious words of those cool, calm, rational men. Luo-guniang, just because you’re grateful to Wei Ying for saving your life…
“And my father?” Jin Ling asks; his voice is very quiet.
“I was sorry to leave his side. He was my friend.” She brings up her knees to her chest and rests her chin on them. “I wrote a letter to him as soon as I was far enough away, apologizing. He said… you acted according to your conscience; don’t be sorry. But I couldn’t come to his wedding and I never got to meet his son.”
“Until now,” he says, turning to look at her. There’s something vulnerable, uncertain, in his face.
“Until now,” she agrees.
“Can you… tell me about him?” he asks. “Nobody… There’s nobody who will talk to me about my dad.”
Luo Qingyang turns sharply to look directly at him, gaping. “How is that possible?” she demands. “It’s Jin Zixuan.”
Jin Ling scowls again, his face twisting with emotions Luo Qingyang can’t quite read. “All my xiao-shushu ever told me was that Wei Wuxian had killed my parents. All my jiujiu ever said was that my father came around to like my mother eventually. Wei Wuxian, he… he came by once a few months ago, but we didn’t talk about the past.” He looks away from her and stretches his hands out to the fire. “Before I was sect master, I was the friendless orphan with a bad attitude. Now, I’m sect master. Neither really inspires, you know, conversation.”
“I’m sorry,” Luo Qingyang says.
“For what?” he growls.
“You shouldn’t have had to deal with that when you were growing up. And I’m sorry I didn’t try to meet you sooner.” Luo Qingyang uncurls, stretches out her legs in front of her, then turns to Jin Ling with a grin. “Well, I have almost twenty years worth of stories about your dad. We’ll never get to all of them in one night.” Jin Ling turns to look at her with dawning hope. He really has a remarkably open face for a Jin sect disciple. “How about I come by Jinlin Tai on occasion? We’ll share a jar of wine and I’ll tell you a thing or two about Jin Zixuan.”
The character 美 mei (meaning beautiful) in Li’l Mianmian’s name includes as a radical the 羊 yang that is in Big Mianmian’s name. So you can still make the sheep puns with her name. At least, that’s how I’m reading it. I have no idea if radical punnery is a thing in Chinese.
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