#terry mccain headcanons
terrence-silver · 2 years
I love your Terry McCain thoughts and headcanons! Hardly anyone seems to write about him and yours are perfect. Can you please share some headcanons about Terry M and the winter season/Holidays?
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― Well, he's an Irish Catholic boy to the teeth, so just going off of logic alone I figure Christmas is, was and always will be an important and continued tradition in the McCain family, something Terry, for all his rough and tough Chicago Detective tendencies wants to keep observing and honoring in the future as well, possibly in a quaint, somewhat intimate atmosphere as one gets the impression Terry has lived the life of an on and off bachelor for a very, very long time up in his big city apartment close to his calling at work and the mean streets, and that if he craves for anything it is for the simpler days of a charming, domestic sense of self. Something akin to what life was when he was a kid. Sweet and idyllic. Ironically, he undoubtedly hasn't celebrated Christmas properly in years. By properly, I mean that for the longest time, it was just him, a bottle of beer or two, maybe a quickly put together holiday arrangement on some table somewhere purely to maintain the spirit of it all alive, (the company of a cat or some other pet?) and him spending the holidays down at the jazz bar, playing the piano for a cheering crowd.
― Does Terry immediately remember all the old customs and traditions from his childhood he wants to observe full out once you come into his life? Yes. Yes, he does. Now, Terry McCain might seem something like a smart-mouth cynic initially, but he's unusually emotional and warmhearted and he will be, flat out, looking forward to winter all year purely so he could have a first ever Christmas with you. First ever Thanksgiving. The cutting of the turkey. First ever snow. First kiss under the mistletoe. First ever blizzard over the city (which he hopes persists for as long as it can). First ever walk alongside the banks of the Chicago River wrapped in two warm coats. First ever meet cute with hands covered in mittens. A first drive out into the country. A first exchange of presents. A first ever dance along to some mellow, quiet Christmas ballad. Terry McCain wants it all. And my god, if your business in Illinois is temporary, count on it being delayed (under mysterious circumstances), because you're staying all year and you're staying because Terry needs you to stay. Should he simply.you know, pretend he's sick? Or shot?
― He isn't complaining if subzero temperatures envelop he city from up north and he can disguise his desire to keep you around as merely his well-intentioned concern with avoiding you catching a flu due to the cold local conditions. Freezing local conditions, rather. If you're not from around here and have no knowledge how goddamn cold it can get around December and January, he can very easily just lie and ensure you're ill-prepared where coats, jackets, scarves and knitwear are concerned. Whoops. Great, Detective McCain is out to be a good friend and acquire you weather appropriate clothes, during which, you'll of course stay put in the apartment and wait for him to return with your newest batch of attire, some borrowed, some bought and a great many of it (oversized) his; a tirade that might last weeks, if we're honest. What can you do, though? Walk out in a thin jacket when it is -25 degrees out? Yeah, sure. A deliberate and very tactical stalling on Terry's behalf. If he stalls enough until Christmas, traffic, airline ticket bookings and cabs might be too busy and pricey to be worth the try, so you'll have to stay over the holidays. Tough luck, champ.
― It is one of those white lies people tell when they find someone really special they want to keep around, not really caring what methods they have to use to reach their end goal --- and what if you don't celebrate Christmas, you ask? Well, Terry already knows. He isn't a Detective for nothing. He did his due diligent snooping and some innocent abuse of power to find out everything he could about you that he didn't already discover merely by being close to you, from your own mouth, so be it Hanukkah or Chanukah or something else entirely, Terry will be calling relentlessly and showing up on your own front door ready to connect the two holidays and celebrate them both to create something entirely new out of the blend, gaining all the more time to himself with you, not really wishing to be parted, his trademark possessiveness coming through. You almost get the impression that with the amount of effort he's been putting into everything, that this is more than a friendship and more than a relationship. Terry McCain feels something like family to you at this stage, and that is surely the case for him as well.
― And so, booking himself a couple of weeks off away from the force and the stresses of his work's environment, setting his badge and guns to the side (but not too far out of reach, old habits be damned), for all his firecracker, hotheaded character traits, the holidays with Terry McCain are spent with a sense of serenity and the best type of simplicity imaginable ---- no problems, just peace --- warm wine included, piping hot tea, a purring kitten and you in his lap, exchanging gifts, decorating a Christmas tree together (something he hasn't done in ages and has yearned for) dining together, dancing at the jazz club together and him introducing you to everyone he knows there, midnight walks and matching scarves, days and days lounging in bed naked together, cuddling, playfighting riddled with laughter and sex, sharing stories, watching movies tangled in knit sweaters with the heater roars and roars and it's actually ---- unbelievably charming. All of it. Like something that belongs on an old postcard, and he decides there and then, that this will be your first one of many Christmases together.
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moonchildbaby · 2 years
hello! i just finished watching excessive force and was wondering if you could write a fic/headcanons where terry and reader do it for the first time
Hello hello ofc : D  I stuck with hcs for your request i hope you don’t mind -  Enjoy ! 
AN: Mature obviously as this is Seggs talk 
First Times with Terry McCain
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I feel he would be very classic on your first time
Lots of kisses, caresses and foreplay to get you comfortable and ready for the main event
Missionary the first time you do it most likely 
He is clearly someone with a praise kink, he likes to rewards as much as he likes to give 
Voice baritone and husky, he would whisper every so often “Am I making you feel good?” , “This where you like it?” 
affectionate endearments “darling”, “love”, (“babe” when Terry gets really hot)
He pays a lot of attention to non verbal communication through body language (as he is a cop he is trained to do so) looking for any signs of discomfort 
Looking for the places that make you moan and quiver in his arms 
He will then mercilessly seek them out again again until you are a little mess of bliss, his name falling from your lips over and over
Because he likes when you tug at his curls breathless and gushing 
He plays you with the same delicacy as his beloved piano,  your moans the tune he creates 
He is aware of his size down there and also of his build overall so he would make sure to give you time to adjust to his size and to shift his weight so you are not squished by his muscled abs (if you don’t want that)
When you would go on top he would most likely be in some sort of awe, marvelling at the way your breasts bounce/ your chest flexes, the grip of your hands, the softness/smoothness of your skin 
His eyes would wander over your visage as he’d experiment with the push of his hips against yours, the force of his thrusts just to capture every notion of pleasure on your face
He would caress you where possible, taking his time with you thoroughly the first time, deep strokes at a moderate pace before the heat of the moment may lead to a more faster pacing as you loose yourselves in ecstasy 
(There might be moments where his size would rip the condom during rough sex)
I feel Terry is a Switch BUT
He will most likely take action the first time you do it as he wants the tone set for a romantic and not so much “heated” affair, after all he wants to make love to you and prove just how much he adores and worships you (it’s difficult for him though as he would love to just take raw with full force after all the pent up desire)
but if you are willing to give him a bj you will surely delight him
He is quite vocal making love, he wants others to hear who he is pleasuring/who receives the pleasure of your mouth sucking him off 
Deep moans turning into growls
His big hands digging into your hair as he praises/commands you “Faster”, “F***,you are taking me so well, babe” ,“That’s it, good girl/boy” 
But in general Terry is a romantic, he wants to give you max. pleasure bc the sensation of being in you alone is enough for him to cum
the first time will be an experience hazy with desire and romance while Terry cautiously claims the victory of finally being inside of you 
Setting: might be happening next to a fireplace in the old cabin in winter, so he has you as some sort of pre -Christmas present
“You spoiled me” he’d murmur as you lie tangled in each other and abused sofa blankets in hazy afterglow. 
The fireplace crackling softly as you feel Terrys lips grazing your earlobe featherlight and seductive 
You press a kiss to his chest, drawing lazy patterns on it as you feel Terry move beneath you. His hand reaches to put on the record player sitting on the end table beside you as you listen to the quite tunes drifting through the cabin, snow and wind tearing at the windows outside 
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retrosimp · 2 years
Okay respectfully I neeeeed some domestic fluffy headcanons (buying a house, getting married, having children etc etc) w Terry McCain bc I’m OBSESSED with how amazing n cute u wrote the last ones ✨🌸🤍
ok as this might be getting out of hand knowing myself :'DDD   I'll probably split this in two sections. I have one domestic Boyfriend!Terry coming up soon so I'll answer w Married!Terry HCs for now
A/N Note: Just toothrotting fluff, gn neutral reader
Hope you enjoy 🖤
Married Life with Terry McCain (Excessive Force 1993)
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I: The Prequel
After all the relationship drama beforehand you and Terry slowly rekindle your relationship
The lifestyle Terry leads makes it kinda hard to really consider starting a family or even getting married at first
He knows you are worried and offput by the violence in his day to day life and Terry is offput at first too - scared that he will make you a widow/widower the day after your marriage due to some unfortunate gang fight
So he waits. And you wait.
Over time Terry turns to music more balancing his two careers side by side
Getting offered a promotion to Captain puts Terry in a difficult position as he really wants his life with you but he also needs the adrenaline, wants to do good and is out for seeking justice and revenge for the unjust
Also he can't abandon his work, the city, as he knows as long as you live in this town it has to be as safe as possible for his beloved and friends
Finally things seem to have calmed down. Terry has made it his job to mainly train the new police forces and oversee everything as Captain, only jumping into the big action when needed.
Instead he cures his energy with Taekwondo and music as he has pursued playing part-time in the Jazz Club
It took him a lot of effort to do so, but the adoption of Dylans cat has made him more "Homey" and comfort seeking
The owner of the jazz club Jake still has the plan to get him signed at some stage
So finally aprox. 5 years later sometime in 1997/8 he proposes (thank god)
Just that you didn't realize that it had been on his mind forever
You simply agreed on waiting and as life with Terry is a new adventure everyday you did not really think of much when he asked you to wear something you love (because that's when you're the most comfortable)
Its a spontaneous and not really spontaneous decision on his part - it's Christmas Eve the 24th of December 1997 and originally he and you were invited over to Frankies house for a small party, Dylan and his fiancée coming too
So when Terry suddenly takes the snow-covered highway you know something has to be in the bushes
II. Proposal
"Why are we speeding down the highway Terry ? You haven't forgotten about Frankie have you?" Eyebrows raised in slight bewilderment your eyes find Terrys blue orbs in the rear-view. You watch as the corners of his mouth quirk in mischief. "They can wait for just a bit longer."
A rather shy grin tringles it's way onto your face, biting your lip brow furrowed in confusion. Even after years of being together you can't help but get a little bashful when he eyes you like that. "Terry, they will be mad and rightfully so it's Christmas." You watch your lover shrug his broad shoulders in nonchalance, still smirking but you notice him mirroring your expression, biting his lip as if he was trying to compose himself. Terry being nervous didn't happen often. He was rather a bit too cocksure most of the time. A little bratty but sweet. Similar to a cat. You get a little uneasy yet somewhat giddy as the air reeks of adventure the unspoken question still drifting in the car. Eyes still narrowed on his as they flick over the road you draw back into your seat trying for equal nonchalance. "Okay and what exactly are we doing out there?" 
Terry doesn’t respond as his orbs remain fixed on the headlights in the dark but presses a button on the stereo and Abbas Happy New Year starts slurring in the background earning him a quizzed look from his partner. „It's a bit early for that no?“ You mock irked by Terry's silence trying to get him to use his tongue on what the hell is transpiring. He chuckles softly, the sound resonating in every fibre of your body and warming your ice cold digits beneath the wool covering your hands. 
It's the end of a decade....
In another ten years time
Who can say what we'll find
What lies waiting down the line
In the end of eighty-nine..!”
The car comes to an halt at a little further as Terry turns to face you abruptly, the seatbelt slinging from his shoulder as he leans across the small space between you, effectively trapping you in his arms. “Do you still remember New Year ‘89?” Instinctively you chuckle. “Course I do. It was horrible, the party had turned out to be quite disastrous, most of the people I knew did their last line of coke in the bathroom that night. “ You grin in nostalgia “And then I met this 9′5 tall guy who apparently was seeing one of my closest friends off and on. Naturally I only found out about that in the new decade.” Terry roles his eyes a smirk tugging at his lips the voice husky as he speaks. “Yeah. But do you remember this place? When we were listening to the song in this car?” A smile and a little warmth flood your visage as you recall the two of you sitting on the trunk of Terrys car stargazing and watching fireworks explode. A little tipsy. A little melancholic on your part. Sharing the first kiss in the 90s together.  “Yes, a magical night it was.”
Terry seems to have gone through the events in his mind just like you. With a swing his arm grabs the door handle on your side motioning for you to exit before he comes to stand next to you, leading you through to the snow. “How do you even remember the exact place ?” you huff slightly breathless for no reason besides Terrys odd behaviour, him effectively manoeuvring you with his arms so that he blocks the sight behind him. When he turns you catch a glimpse of what he hides. The bench. Your bench sits decorated in cushions blankets and candle lights, lightly dusted in the falling snow. “I remember everything from that night. I was not able to forget. Being back with Anna was not enough to forget it. Not seeing you was not enough because I already knew the truth - “ The beating of your heart overtakes breath as you look up into his earnest eyes, melting as you see your reflection dancing in his orbs who have taken the colour of a sky on a summers day. Your eyes remain fixated as you realize Terrys body shifting so that he is no longer looking down but up towards you, kneeling in the white sea of flakes around him, tangling in his curls and making him an outwardly dream. A manifestation hidden in your heart ever since that night. “And the truth being that I knew that the only person I wanted to kiss through this decade was you. Now as this decade will soon come to an end but I had no patience to wait for ‘99 to ask you. Will you marry me?” *
 A strangled noise somewhere in your throat is all you verbally communicate ferociously nodding your head as you yourself into Terrys wide arms. Overcome with emotion you trace him over and over finding his cheeks his nose  “No tears love.” Terry hushes as his fingertips reach out to brush them from your cheeks as you nuzzle into him laughing and crying. Terry laughs, a deep angelic baritone tone vibrating against your chest as he engulfs your face in his hands kissing you like he had been starved for an eternity. A kiss that turns heated against the cold snow trickling nape and cheeks. Terry scrunches his nose in playful disgust as you sit up on him “I could have saved the deco part had I known you’d rather sit on me.” His hands find your waist squeezing lightly as you wheeze in laughter “Shut up Terry or I will think this over.” Hands quick Terry turns you so you lie pressed into a bed of snow his nose brushing yours as he gives you a lazy smile, lips brushing yours “It’s to late to back out now McCain.”
Part III Marriage!
this is going to be fun >:>>
Dylan and Frankie are Terrys best men (bcs I said so and i liked their relationship) 
That means the bachelor party is going wiiiiilllld
They arrange something in secret with some colleagues of the department and use some excuse to get Terry into the event
Dylan & Frankie take Terry to a “90s guys” bar with pool tables and vip rooms 
There all the others are already waiting for Terry, probably like a handful so that they are 10 ppl max. as Terry keeps a tight circle 
Frankie later introduces some strippers because hell it’s Frankie 
So the boys get pissed as hell (don’t we all love drunk Terry :PP)
bahaha we all know what that means
Terry doesn’t really bother with the strippers but he does get kinda itchy to see sb. - his somebody 
he will arrive home in almost feral state bcs he’s drunk and horney
and will kinda jump you 
“I missed you. Badly. There were many people. So many. But none of them was you.”
Take Bad Boy to bed 🥴
Soooo when ur party comes around you and Anna decide to step it up 
She insists on throwing a proper rager for you 
Of course this gets out of hand and one has to look twice to recognize your apartment 
Terry will shoo the other people from your apartment at some point after coming home purposefully late having been up in the Jazz Club until 5 in the morning
Will carry you upstairs in bridal style (PUN INTENDED) and change your clothes with you leaning against him half asleep half tipsy while you let him pull your top over your head
After having you brushed your teeth and tucked into the warm sheets man’s going to deal with the mess downstairs and clean the remainders finding the weirdest things. 
Terry will never address them. 
Or will he?
Planning the marriage takes up all nerves and Terry’s not that much of a great help even though he tries 
He doesn’t need much but whatever you say goes
Therefore he is the one in charge of massages and comfort when the pressure gets to much 
Then comes the big day. FINALLY 
Church wedding most likely because of the ceremony's sake 
It’s good weather for once in Chicago; the sky is brilliant 
A moment of breathlessness as your eyes catch his blue seas, them light with emotion seeing you step into the church, the sun light flooding in behind you 
The sweetest wedding vows, and the moment he says them the way he practically gazes into your soul, you know that he means every word of what he said and where you go Terry will go. Always
Honeymoon you spend travelling Europe briefly, visiting the Ireland and Terrys family that wasn’t able to come over exploring Terry herritage
The majority of your honeymoon you spend touring the Japan and its country side
You got married in spring so it’s cherry blossom season over there
Shrine visits in Yukatas 
Private Shrine visits without Yukata 
Lots of photos and collection of moments of this unique and one of a kind journey
Part IV Married Life Together 
When you wake he’s always there, like before but different. It'll as if overnight, through the words or the ceremony or the whatever you had interwoven into one another. As if there was no physical space dividing you in your respective bodies.. You feel him stir as you shift Terrys arms around you and he complies, still half asleep half mumbling while burying his nose into the tender skin behind your earlobe, warm breath soft as it touches your skin. There is nothing better, more vivid and alive in you these days as when you are together. The realisation that you belong to one another officially doesn't fail to knock the breath out of you once again. It still did. Signing the agreement to your new home, your eyes had marvelled at the surname on the paper. Somewhat surreal although so familiar.
You smile when being addressed at work in the early stages
The sound of your new surname ringing from your ears
Having Terry around always was already exciting enough in your shared apartment 
Buying a house is a different high
The house speaks through it’s furniture and tapestry; all the hours of work you have out into making the first “something” together that you both own
The house is overrun by cats Terry “finds”
A grand piano and various smaller instruments make their way into your home 
Hosting dinners at home
Nothing has changed with your morning evening routine besides the fact of being addressed as Mrs/Mr McCain by Terry occasionally before he pulls you into a quick kiss before heading off
Soon enough you find yourself expecting/ adopting a child together
Terry takes time off work to take of you during the last stages to look after you and your needs; prepare everything for the child's arrival
To many size jokes from everyone
(Holds your hand without flinching once when you’re in labour)
Will take time of work to help with the baby (in case you adopt a young child he will do the same) 
Plays the piano and writes music for his children (lullabies etc) 
Music will be an essential part of the McCain household 
No matter if Terrys teaching his children or just plays for himself, some tune will almost always be heard floating through the house
If Terry has a son he will teach him how to bind ties by the age of 5 haha
Taekwondo will be proposed but not forced though passively taught 
Outdoor activities and family vacations include going rafting in Canada, discovering Irelands marshes and finally taking you on that trip to the Caribbean 
I feel Terry McCain is a man who would try to make time with his family and bond with his children, trying to invest himself by interactive activities but his job would always remain a part of who he is. I can’t see Terry giving that up until he is at least 50. He wants to help people and especially needs a safe city for his loved ones
Oh the glare when your kid finally brings someone home 
Intense stare so they will not try anything funny
Will rough up any kid who mistreats his child like lol homeboy better move his ass before McCain get’s involved 
Will pick up and drive kids because he wants them safe but the compromise is that you go to the parents evenings in school because he can’t stand that and the other parents o.o
Lots of memories of his kids in the Jazz Club with him trying out different instruments
Jake and Dylan will be made godfathers, Anna the godmother and Frankie is the hip uncle that stops by occasionally and gets the kid(s) to pull pranks on their dad 
*END NOTE: I actually thought about just cutting this enitre part but maybe you enjoyed it. I thought about how Terry would propose and after self debating 
I came to the conclusion he would be the classic church straight out guy. Do you agree??! 
Also my shadowban is finally lifted so I will be accepting requests on this account again :DD
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
maybe weird question, but sleepwear headcanons for TIG characters? 😂 for example, we know older Terry wears elegant silk black pajamas and robe, Terry McCain sleeps in his underwear and I bet Max wears nothing 😂 what do you think? feel free to agree or disagree and name as many characters as possible.
We are all weird here and I actually love the question anon🖤Okay let's see how many characters I know.
Kk3 Terry: I think he sleeps in boxers and shirtless
CK Terry: yes we know he sleeps in his silk pyjama but without the shirt(because I love his body)
Terry McCain : sleeps in his underwear, I haven't seen the movie yet but I saw a picture
Max Parish : Max sleeps naked and you can't convince me otherwise.
Jan Valek : fully clothed, he doesn't even have a bed. Poor guy.
General Taligaro : shirtless with (I don't know the english word for that) , it's a piece of leather around his waist. Like a barbarian I hope that makes sense 😂
Jack Blaylock : definitely pyjama pants without a shirt. I don't know him very well it's just a feeling.
Brandon Miller : Boxer and t-shirt, that's the first thing that comes to my mind when I look at him
That's all I have, feel free to reblog and add characters I forgot. Sending much love to you anon 🖤
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about the other Terry - McCain. What do you think he’d be like nowadays? Do you think he’s mellowed out a little or is still fierce and hot-tempered and practicing his kicks and punches? Does he still play piano? Have a new cat? Still have that earring, still wear his hair in that mullet style or has he updated his look? Just curious about your thoughts cuz I never see people talking about him outside of the movie.
What was Terry McCain up to after the 90's and into the present day?
Well, here's what I headcanon:
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― He is still a cat man and has always remained a cat man, and cats have been his persistent and devoted companions for years, mostly various strays he picked up and adopted off of the streets of Chicago ever since his and Anna's relationship broke off even after they had a time of renewed happiness together. She moved back to England to pursue her modelling career, finding that their lifestyles differ too much for anything more lasting than fond feelings and goodbyes and Terry remained behind, something of a bachelor that lives alone with his pets (which include the occasional dog he feeds too) and frequents local clubs. They actually parted on good terms. Or at least intended to for the second break-up in a row before Terry nearly ran after airplane taking off and Anna was re-reminded that, my god, this guy is pretty damn possessive and maybe this distance will do everyone so good, won't it?
― Terry McCain either got a seriously big promotion in the police force...or a seriously big demotion. Or both at one time in his life. He might've passed through several stages of grief after losing so many of his colleagues and indulging in some vigilantism of his own and he might've contradictively had an invigorated sense of spite and pride in his work precisely because so many of his work friends died and he felt he should be the one to carry their torch. Then, for a short while, he took to drinking. Thing is, Terry McCain, while passionate and something of a firecracker is also a good man and a good cop, and fact is, a good cop doesn't excel too far career wise, so if he was ever due for a promotion, it never happened in decades, and his position stuck due to a corrupt system. He was always Detective McCain. Might've gotten demoted to Sargent at one point, just to curb his attitude.
― It did't curb his attitude. No. Terry McCain could've channeled a lot of his justice-loving, righteous, fiery ways into helping people freelance, just because, outside the vestiges of his badge, becoming known over the years as something of an smaller urban tale around Chicago. Might've even gotten a little segment on the news about it. Stopped a burglary? Prevent a fire in an apartment? Neighbours need help moving boxes up to their apartment on the fifth floor? Mr. zealous McCain to the rescue! This good reputation isn't anything colossal, to be understood, but being this local sensation earns him a favourable place at any pub, club, musical bistro, with ordinary people in general in almost any corner of the city. He is just a very well liked man, thing is, because even though he is occasional difficult, temperamental, aggressive and fierce, loving to get into a fight or ten, Terry is far from a bad person.
― He also never abandoned music. Quite the contrary, except maybe only when he is hit by the recollection of all the various taskforce friends he's lost on the job and the subsequent depression that follows it. The one thing he saved up after years and years of scrounging together money was in order to have an instrument all of his own. Naturally, he loved playing in bars for an audience and sometimes, he'd even sing during open mic nights, with people in equal measure loving to hear him (could've gone viral once the Internet became a thing) but for the most part, buying a piano all of his own was a special type of joy. Now, whenever he plays, he has a cat or two napping atop of it, as his prime audience. If he ever had any concrete plans what he might when he retires from being Detective McCain, it is more or less this manner of leisure time.
― His luscious curls changed with the time, namely, the mullet went out of fashion and clearly, he styled it a bit differently (perhaps, putting it up in a bun when training and exercising), but the fundamental essence remained as he went grayer and grayer. Might've removed the earring, possibly exchanging it for a small, discreet cross necklace instead (brought it back from a trip to say, Ireland, which he undoubtedly visited somewhere along the way) --- the one timeless constant, perhaps, were the long coats. I think Terry McCain likes things that are slightly old timey and don't go out of style. Case and point, he undoubtedly kept his body prim, but he never did it at some newly opened glossy downtown gym. He did it at some old watering hole boxing ring that's been open since 1955 or something --- same goes for the type of bars he goes to. He feels better there.
― I don't figure Terry McCain dated or slept around really, not since Anna, or even before, in general, even though he was a looker and warranted many a sigh of admiration from people in general and could, validly, score his share of one night stands, if he wanted to. He simply never did. He really is a 'big love, all out romance, possessive and overattachment' type of guy and the added bonus of his occasional run-ins with the mob through the years wanting revenge for their Boss DeMarco and other lower street-crooks Terry put behind bars, outside of so many of Terry's own friends dying or being seriously injured left him unwilling to embroider innocent people he sees into this. He was actually a bachelor by choice, always thinking he'd die rather young but it never really happening. He worries enough for his cats. Who on earth will feed those guys if he gets shot somewhere?
― Might've actually found a beloved only when he was retired (or rather, forced into retirement by his superiors, because he was too stubborn to do so himself), deciding to move out of Chicago for his pension and back into his countryside family home that was empty for ages, preferring how slowly time moves there compared to a city that irrevocably changed since the 90's when he was young, distancing himself from all the bustle, the risk, the danger, the fear of retaliation; a family man at heart, he brought along his cats, his dogs, his piano, his guns, training equipment, his many memories and all that fire cracking attitude still in place. If he ever had children, he could've named each after a deceased partner or friend he might've had. Maybe Dylan. Maybe Frankie. Maybe Jake, after the the Deja Vu club owner he was close with and whose piano he utilized for performances. Either ways, his life has had its ups and downs. He got demoted. Criticized at work. Maybe even shot a couple of times. Nearly risked being fired. Nearly quit himself. Then, he got promoted. He was a willing loner. He was a neighbourhood sweetheart. His attitude got him into trouble a million times. But, I don't see Terry McCain's life being fundamentally all that bad.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I’m the anon who asked about Terry McCain and your response is PERFECT!!! Terry as a bachelor cat man (who maybe found someone later in life) who has his own piano - yes! And also YES he’d definitely still wear a long coat, that’s so him. And wear a cross that he got from Ireland. And work out at an old boxing gym. Your response was seriously perfect and now I will be thinking about Old Man Terry (McCain) a lot.
Thank you, friendo, and enjoy the Terry McCain goodies.🐈
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terrence-silver · 10 months
I LOVE AND ADORE your Terry McCain headcanons. They are so well thought out and fit him so well and make me fall in love with him even more. May I ask for some summer headcanons involving him? What does he do on those hot, sticky Chicago days (and nights?)
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Terry McCain seems very outgoing, to be honest.
Like, we only get glimpses of it, but nightlife seems like a huge part of what this man does during his free leisure time, so I do envision hot, stick Chicago summer days and (nights) as you call them involve him being out and about on the town when his work schedule allows it, and he's simply so well-versed in which clubs, bars, cafes and hotspots to frequent around Chicago (and he does have his favorites he's more than loyal to, along with the patrons, personnel and owners in it, so one can possibly find him at the same place --- more than likely, at the Deja Vu, of course) that if anyone ever ran into him by accident without knowing he's a Detective, they'd think he's simply some bon vivant. A man who lives good and lives fast. Possibly playing on stage somewhere, entertaining a familiar crowd. Maybe even singing, if he's persuaded into it and he acts a bit humble about it. Some amateur standup routine where it turns out he has a good sense of humor and can humor people pretty well? Also possible, yes.
Afterhours, when the asphalt out on the town gets too hot and it is a little too late, out of respect to the club patrons because he doesn't want to be keeping them up way too long, he might bid his polite, grateful goodbyes and retreat to his apartment with some takeout chow and call it a night. Hey. He's only human. He knows the order of things too. Law abiding McCain and all.
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terrence-silver · 11 months
Do you have any headcanons about Terry McCain's younger life? His childhood, parents, family, time in high school, college etc?
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― Born into a background just about as traditional as can be, I imagine, somewhere in rural Illinois on the outskirts of Chicago, on a big farm. Father might've been in law enforcement himself (a running multigenerational tradition, from grandfather, to father, to son?) mother a classical homemaker and Terry himself --- a good Catholic boy from a good Catholic household. The type that helps out at his local parish. Volunteers around the church or a soup kitchen. Feeds local stray animals around the neighborhood. Gets into fights with other kids he figures abused them, acquiring a taste for dishing out justice and pursuing what is right quite early on. Singing as a choir boy during Sunday mass, yes. Perhaps, taking up the occasional extracurricular of some local folklore troupe and getting into Irish dances and singing --- playing an instrument, sure, proving he has a knack for music; his first passion in life. Going on a heritage trip to Ireland? Maybe indulging in some occasional (and yet still weirdly innocent) mischief and pranks by switching out the local nuns' rosaries during prayer, for all we know. Nothing unconventional or controversial to see or read here. In fact, you can slap the man's face on a Norman Rockwell painting and you'd fit Terry McCain's upbringing fits the bill quite well.
― Had an equally Catholic educational phase too. St. Mary Institute or whatever it was called, and these years --- college and further studies pretty much left a pristine mark on his future too as someone diligent, hardworking and multitalented, considering how I envision Terry was groomed to be a cop very early on and that was a career choice that was simply a given he'd go into. Something, he in equal measure wanted to be, as much as it was a calling he inherited. As such, he attended an All Boys institute where he made lifelong friends (like Dylan) and later, a Police Academy and I imagine he got employment in this field extremely early on, possibly immediately post-graduation, which means by his early twenties, Terry McCain was probably already climbing the ranks within law enforcement, being a workaholic overachiever and fully dedicating himself to the job, fully detecting himself to his specialization and fully dedicating himself to martial arts; perfecting his weapon usage, combat skills and the pursuit of becoming just about as excellent as he can be in every regard, because I do believe Terry McCain is an idealist at heart and always has been, entirely convinced the myth of the 'good cop' doesn't just have to be a myth, especially how it might've been a career path numerous men in his family were in and the issue hit close to home.
― Was a definite country boy in the big city, and the somewhat drastic switch rendered him both hypersocial and introverted at the same time, meaning that in equal measure, a young Terry McCain was capable spending whole nights at the novelty that were jazz clubs, performing on stage, schmoozing at bars, honing his love of music, entertaining a crowd, being a generally liked, universally popular guy...and then retiring to his bachelor pad and being solitary for weeks and weeks, entirely bubbling himself in with the sole exception of being a cop. I think it is because Terry is a family guy at heart, plucked from his roots. Growing up in a tightly knit family unit. Instilled with family ideals. Possibly an only child who missed his family home and 'the good old days' or someone with a huge amount of siblings and nothing in between, being away from this traditional, post-card worthy environment due to the callings of his profession made it difficult to wholly adapt which he coped with by making his colleagues at the police force his adoptive family, in a sense --- which is exactly why their subsequent deaths were such a major blow to Terry. Why he went on such a rampage of revenge in their name.
― In spite of winning the genetic lottery in the looks department, being a star pupil in nearly everything he pursued, being athletic, tall, something of a jock and being undeniably popular in a sense, Terry McCain as a teenager was uncharacteristically humble about it. He might've been brash, a hothead, but, he was never a jerk. Never was a heartbreaker either, even though he very much could've been where young love was concerned. In fact, it is a shocker that Terry McCain doesn't have an extensive dating life behind him or nearly any at all, with rare exceptions. In fact, he seems like the type who would cordially take to prom someone who's parents know his parents and be a perfect gentleman about it and throw hands with anyone would be disrespectful about it. Pretty chaste about it too, as I do see that his later dedication to his profession consumed so much of his time that even as a young adult, Terry had no opportunity to put himself out there, regardless if he constantly turned eyes his way simply by walking into a room. Nobody would ever guess that this man had his first kiss relatively late and became sexually active relatively late as well just because he had this firm belief that he should do all of these things with someone he profoundly cares for and that the wait is worth it.
― Yet, I do imagine that there's a price to pay for being quite so continuously perfect in every regard and that's, yes, a whole load of pent-up repression accumulated over a great many years. Anger. Aggression. Being a bit of a pervert. Yeah, Terry has it all. And he's had it all since childhood, which means that in his adulthood and his continued career as a Detective, it actually takes anywhere from very little to a lot to trigger this man into turning a whole city upside down and leaving a literal trail of body bags behind him to enact what he sees as justice, righteousness, vigilantism, revenge, settling scores, tit for tat. You name it. Man has issues with rage galore. Issues with stubbornness. Issues with tense emotions. Issues with taking 'no' as an answer. To the degree he not only managed to hook up with a foreign model simply by being in relentless pursuit and then refusing to break up. I envision that as far back as his childhood or teenage years, Terry simply had a naturally fiery temper. That he was a kid of raw emotion and impulse. That he'd be capable of going toe to toe against a group of children all by himself because they bullied someone he considered a friend, even if the odds were stacked against him. It was the right thing to do, though, so he did it regardless.
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terrence-silver · 11 months
I have a Terry McCain headcanon to share: we know he is Irish Catholic, and I see him being superstitious as well. Always making sure to knock on wood, throwing spilled salt over his shoulder, etc. What do you think? And do you have any headcanons about how his background might affect his personality, quirks, or everyday life?
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Oh yes, Terry McCain is a definite practitioner of Old World Irish superstitiousness.
Overall Irishness in general too.
Doesn't even try to hide it particularly, because why should he? Is this something to be ashamed of? Quite the contrary! If anything, he's very much in-tune with his heritage. His colleagues on the force, for example, know all about it, because he's just that forthright about it it bleeds into his professional life, as well as his private one. On Birthdays, anniversaries and holidays they all about just know what to get the Detective and yeah, clovers with four leaves and thematic green ties and scarves for St. Patrick's Day are items frequently passed around the Station (both as an inside-joke and legitimate picks) because there's no way to go wrong with those choices where Terry McCain is concerned. Does his desk end up decorated with a cheesily endearing 'Kiss me, I'm Irish' Leprechaun coffee mug at one point, surrounded by all his paperwork, folders and files? Yeah, possibly.
But, superstitions, eh?
He believes in them as much as he believes in God.
In a left mean hook.
He believes that if his nose itches, it signifies a fight or a physical confrontation to come and he isn't above vocalizing it. 'Don't provoke me,' he'd say 'my nose is itching for it.' Same case with money; if one's palm's scratchy meaning he'll either get some or lose some, but Terry's admittedly infinitely less excited about that one than the possibility of a good punch out.
He believes in Omens. Magpies and bad luck. Crossing forces unseen. Fairies. Curses. He believed in it even as his colleagues got picked off one by one and he proceeded avoiding near death experiences several times in the row. What was that if not a case of luck? Someone somewhere looking out for him, in ways his coworkers weren't quite as fortunate? Of course while he's on the task of vigilantism and taking revenge to those he feels hurt his people these quirks come into practice. He relies on his guns, sure. His fists. His fighting ability. His stubbornness and conviction in going out and fixing things. In what's just and right. But, he goes out into the streets, looking for the down and dirty places of Chicago to take order to all while wearing his shirt backwards under his coat and scarf. You know --- for luck. Just in case. Nobody has to understand it but him. He expects nobody to understand, although he is more than likely to explain.
Very ardently.
Rain at funerals meaning at a departed soul is happy? Terry McCain is entirely likely to quietly stand in front of the cemetery grounds, hands in his pockets, looking for signs of a downpour even as his colleagues get buried and once he doesn't get it and the weather proves to be dry, he internally knows what has to be done; he knows he's got some scores to settle so his friends can rest in peace. Again. Nobody has to get it but him. The same way nobody has to get that he thinks that when you're sent a gift, you're supposed to take it; he trusts in this idea even as he adopts that kitten intended for him. That animal is there for a reason. People of ancient Ireland believed that cats operated somewhere between the mortal and spiritual realms. They viewed them as guardians of the gates of the Otherworld; a link between humans and the Otherworld. That, or he just overall doesn't want to jinx himself by not adopting a homeless cat given to him in a box with his literal name on it and he does purely because he wants to. Because he's a good man as much as he is a man of superstitions and a set of believes all his own.
He may or may have not have attempted the apple test.
You know --- to discover the first letter of his love's name.
Hey? What!? C'mon! He's allowed his indulgences!
Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
Might've done it idly, at work, for example, or at the bar afterhours on a weekened, where nobody even figured what he was doing or why. Lunch break at the police force or perhaps McCain leaning on a patrol car, peeling himself an apple idly as a snack, watching out to avoid any skin breakage and create a long strip, trying to decipher what shape the remains resembled and truly taking the letter he saw closest represented in the peel as something meaningful, secretly on a lookout for that special someone with a name starting with a, oh, I don't know, letter C. or a letter S. or a letter O. or a letter B. This could've been a habit he had since he was a very young boy and the habit simply carried on as he aged. If it is nonsense, why have people don't stuff like that for centuries? Why does stepping into a circle of mushrooms (Psst! Fairy forts!) feeling innately wrong regardless where they are encountered? Why does Terry instinctually bypass them even without thinking, out in some park or a patch of soil behind a jazz club after weeks of rain? One doesn't need to be in Ireland to find Old World things. Encounter them in day to day life.
You better believe in ancient magic, because it sure believes in you.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I’m in Terry McCain heaven right now, thank you 😍😍😍 - sincerely, the person who requested the Christmas headcanons and was also thrilled to see another great bit of writing about him
My pleasure; enjoy your Terry McCain heaven.❤️
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terrence-silver · 2 years
When do they feel the most protected and taken care of?
For Terry McCain?
The jazz club. I think Deja Vu is one of the few places in Chicago where Detective McCain can take a backseat and Terry can just be Terry outside the stressful, demanding duties of his badge and calling. Playing the piano, singing, having a drink, making merry in good company --- heck, dancing, for all we know. These are things he relishes in, I feel, and even though he wouldn't admit it makes him feel protected, taken care or 'safe' in any capacity, because he could sometimes be of the opinion that someone in law enforcement doesn't have the luxury of such a sentiment, as pretty of a dream it may be, truth is, he not only feels all of those things and more, but he also feels like himself at Deja Vu, or any bar with a similar atmosphere in general.
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terrence-silver · 2 years
I saw your answers around sex with Terry Silver in different eras and it was great. You’re so thoughtful and thorough in your answers, and seem to care so much about the characters and it’s amazing to see. I know we don’t know much about Terry McCain’s character in Excessive Force as there was only one movie, but what headcanons do you have around him and sex? He seemed to be a kinder, softer character in ways, but definitely had an edge to him.
― Terry McCain is traditional and very conventional when it comes to sex, I feel. At least that's how it seems on the surface. At least at first. He goes up. You go down. You face each other, missionary position, holding and caressing each other's face with a sense of gentleness, as he acts mindful of his own size compared to yours, taking extra care as not to hurt you or make you uncomfortable, cooing for you tell him if its good. If you like it. If it feels right. If it is pleasurable for you. You almost get the impression it is good guy next door Catholic boy sweetheart raising coming through in him and you'd be right; because it is. Until it isn't anymore, though.
― As time passes you realize he's something of a pervert. A closeted pervert, but a pervert nonetheless. A rather sweet pervert, though. Doesn't mean he ceases being the gentleman and that he isn't gallant but the remarks he sometimes makes? The double entandres? Double meanings? The filthy things he can occasionally blurt out jokingly? Whether it is before sex, after or during (or even just casually) he's exceedingly good at dirty talk even if he does verge into the corny sometimes, but oh, the salacious mouth Terry has is an unexpected addition to his otherwise straight-laced seeming self. He can and will in equal measure make you giggle and arouse you.
― Is a needy top. Or a needy sub, even? Terry McCain is extremely affectionate and whether he's on top or beneath you, he's handsy and clingy and brimming with want. Could very well be a service top, where your wants and needs are paramount to his own, or he could be a bottom focusing on the very same thing; that you feel good with him. Regardless, he's fairly romantic, and sex with his moody, intimate, close, warm, tender. He's fairly cocky and very much a hot-headed firecracker in his professional life, but where sex is concerned he's infinitely darling about it, especially when focusing on getting you off. You matter and he doesn't want you doubting that ever.
― When getting himself off, though? I can see himself turning bratty. Yes. Terry's the one who's a brat. Terry's the one who teases. Provokes. Talks back. Wants to get a rise out of you. Acts out in deliberate ways he knows might push your buttons. Might even have a penchant for being dommed. Just straddled and ridden. I can see that the demanding, dangerous nature of his job might leave him craving from someone getting up and just taking him and putting him in his place once in a while and getting his mind off of the immense responsibility and stress of being a detective. It is very much therapeutic for him and helps him unwind. He might even confess to it.
― Speaking of mentally unwinding through sex; Roleplay? There's such a thing as the turn on of guilty pleasures, precisely because they're so taboo, and I can validly imagine Terry McCain enjoying roleplaying you being the cop, him being the criminal. Or you being the bad cop. Him being the good cop. Either way, it ends with him being interrogated and cuffed and fucked. Gun play too? Especially if you're using one of his guns. Bonus points if you strap his belt riddled with firearms to your waist and have him like that. Someone having control and aiding him in unwinding all the pent-up frustrations and stress of his job occasionally not going as it should and people he pursues getting away from the law feels heavenly, thank you very much.
― As the relationships progresses your sexual antics very well could go in the direction of you being the Dom and him being the Sub --- once a lot of trust is established. Or rather, you being the one who helps him get off his repressed tension, and him serving you and pleasing you. Letting go of the need to always be in the right, always be self-righteous and always on the move --- always energized and off the rails. He realizes how often detrimental it can be to his sanity and whatever case he's on. Legal cases that often backfire due to his own impulsivity. Innocent people get hurt. He might just ask to be reigned in, because he trusts and loves you and believes you can and will take care of his needs and get him in the right headspace.
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