#thanks for the ask milly!! :D
varilien · 1 year
Milly in 4G?
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y'all knew Exactly what u wanted here huh dfhgkjdfh
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so what I'm getting is that everyone in trigun has the 'tism yes
yes extremely. Like so many of the characters are silly with the 'tism, but the core cast is the most noticeable.
From canon:
Vash is Gunsmoke's resident masking champion 150 years running but on his own his Mr. Flat Affect No Emoting. His big Vash expressions are typically during Sillytime (tm) when he has to burn off energy. He's like a weird cat. Also literally canonically so beholden to his own internal rules that it causes problems for other people.
Meryl is so bad at expressing and communicating her emotions but by GOD she will get her job done. She makes a goal and then runs directly at it, and will let nothing stand in her way. Has set ideas about How Things Should Go, and gets visibly frustrated when that doesn't happen.
Milly is the one who can read other people, and does so EXTREMELY well, but doesn't know the best times to express her thoughts. This results in the funniest cold-reads of the series. She's the kind of person to listen to you talk for 15 minutes and say "Wow! I bet you were really into Homestuck in 2014! What's your tumblr username?" but with zero malice.
Wolfwood tends to just say shit without thinking about what it sounds like or how it will be interpreted, again generally without malice. Resting Autism Face, big emotions default to anger (he gets the Rages), very strong sense of justice.
Knives has hyperempathy (massive pain and terror over discovering Tesla. In Trimax he literally blacks out for a week) and absolutely no emotional regulation. He feels every emotion at 100% intensity every single time.
No one here is neurotypical.
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veilder · 11 months
for the ship bingo, maybe vashwood, vashmeryl & millywood? oh, and polygun!
Whoa, a whole bunch of 'em here! :D Alright, well, I did answer the Millywood one already, but the rest? You got it. XD
Vashwood is strange for me because yeah, I can see what people are on about? I understand the whole appeal and everything. But Trigun is one of my longest-running fandoms, I first watched it when I was like 10 and it was really formative. So because of that, I think I tend to stick to the more "canon" ships? That said, I've tried out a few Vashwood fics and I can dig it to an extent, lol! Definitely a situational kinda thing for me? And I do still think I prefer them as friends overall. XD
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Now, Vashmeryl... Omgggggg, I love them so dearly. 😭😭😭 So yeah, when I said I tended towards the more "canon" ships? This is what I meant, omg. I absolutely adore them! I love their whole arc and how they grow and learn to accept and support each other? Vash's hangups with letting people close and allowing himself happiness? Meryl's high-strung nature and no-nonsense attitude being overtaken by her genuine love and affection for him? The way they both fear what the other represents but manage to love each other anyway?! God!! It's all so beautiful!! 😭😭😭 They have my whole heart, I adore them.
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And then polygun... Listen. I get it. It's a very sweet concept. Not for me though I think. 😅
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milly-the-devil · 2 years
hey hey hey
what is your favorite type of ice
Ice xiv :)
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theautisticwriter · 3 months
Love Letters: Yandere! Helluva Boss characters X G/N Reader
Characters- Blitzø, Moxxie, Millie, Loona, Stolas, Asmodeus, Fizzarolli
Show- Helluva Boss
Genre- romantic, yandere
Summary- Mini love letters from your not so secret stalkers admirers!
Warnings- swearing, pet names, yandere themes, mentions of planned kidnapping, stalking, delusional characters, unwanted attention
Word count- 1.5K
Extra notes- I have a Hazbin Hotel version of this uploaded as well!
key: f/l = first letter of your name, y/n = your name, n/n = your nickname
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By this point you know who it is y/n, I’m the only person COOL enough to send u romantic as fuck letters like the old people do
Sorry for eating the food u made last night, when i was raiding ur fridge it looked so fucking good (and it was, who knew u could cook :P). i left u a pony as a replacement, u can’t eat it but it’ll make u think of me ;) and that pony cost me a FUCK ton of money, collectors addition and shit. i know, bad fucking ass right??
the stupid shitty loud alarm u installed didn’t work when i came in, ud be much safer with me and loony. that’s the plan anyways babe, u have NO idea the fucking creeps that live down here, they’re all fucking animals and ur…not, a fucking asshole i guess.
i drew you smth (it’s the thing stuck on the back of the envelope with the glitter glu)
it’s me and u holding hands, like other couples do. we’re better than those corny fuckers tho, hence the crowns on our heads.
ignoring my texts, BLOCKING ME (still upset about this BY THE WAY) and then ignoring my very nice letters is kinda a dick move f/l, but it’s whatevs. everything is almost ready for ur move in. i cleaned up n everything :D
from the only bitch worth ur time,
<3 (ignore that, moxxie threw a gun at me and my hand slipped, might fire him)
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Hiya sweet cheeks!!!
It’s Mills here, just checking in! Via letter! Ain’t that just the fanciest little thing? Mox said it’s the best way to show thought and care to someone, so here’s all my thoughts and care, just for you!
How’ve you been? Good I hope, I’ve been just peachy thanks for asking! My Ma and Pa are super excited to meet ya one day, they’ve even started planning the wedding! Now I told them to slow their horses down, and not the overwhelm ya, we’ll get to that don’t you worry darlin.
Im just so excited to write this letter for you! Ain’t it so romantic?? I’m practically squealing in delight at the thought of you opening this and swoonin’, that’s what you’re doing, right?
Now i’m writing this on my break, and my boss really needs me back in the game! I got employ of the month! Most amount of kills, with the best and bloodiest results baby!
Until next time sweetheart,
Your Mills! ♡
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Hi y/n,
It’s Moxxie here, I was a little nervous to send this letter to you, but I always try to follow my heart, and my heart was telling me to communicate with you in the most romantic way I know how due to our current circumstances of being so far away. It’s hard, for the both of us i’m sure, but we’ll be okay y/n.
As much as I don’t get along with my father, he has been helpful with my preparations for your arrival. It’s a big deal, moving in together. I’m sure your anxious, I am too, but in the best way possible. Love is pure, and can make somebody feel whole, it’s a wonderful feeling. I never want that to be taken away from me, and you are the source of all my love. That’s why we need to be together, being only half a demon isn’t good for the soul.
We can do lots of fun things together as well, like go to the opera, or to musicals, or I can show you my shooting skills. My boss says that I have a pretty good shot, which is the biggest compliment he’s ever given me. And we can do things you like too, marriage is equal of course. Obviously, this will all happen later done the line, you’ll need time to adjust, and I understand that. I understand you.
I’m running out of room on my page, but I will write to you again tomorrow. Please respond? Just once, y/n? It’d be nice, to hold something from you since I can’t hold you yet.
All my love,
Your Moxxie <3
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Uh, hi?
Wait, you don’t put ‘uh’ in letters do you? Or put wait whilst you think, fuck shit fuck
Sorry, I’m new to this. Normally I just send a text to people but, your phone is off at the moment I think? Or you lost it? Or you blocked me?
Either way, I’ll send you these stupid letter things until it’s back on. So, uh, what are you up to? Blitz has been up my ass about meeting you, heads up, when I come get you and bring you to our room he’s gonna go all psycho dad mode and integrate you, but he’ll back off after a while. He’s a dick sure, but he does want me to be happy. And your, likeable or whatever, so i’m sure you’ll get along.
Once you get comfortable at home with me, Blitz said you could work with me at I.M.P. You’ll be like the co-secretary or something. You won’t be put in danger, I won’t let that happen, you’ll just get to sit with me. We can watch things together, if you wanted.
I guess i’ll see you soon, how do you end these?
See you,
Love from,
Bye y/n,
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My dearest y/n,
I hope this letter finds you well. I yearn for your presence here, besides me. It’s quite lonely without you, I will admit my dear. It would be oh so wonderful if you could write back. I understand you may be preoccupied with your current activities, but I can’t help myself from desiring a response. I know, it’s selfish of me to expect you to reply to my letters when you’ll be here with me shortly, but I can’t keep my thoughts at bay at the moment.
Your face is a constant in my mind, night and day, asleep and awake, your voice in my mind calms me when I need it most, your smile brightens the bleariest of moments and so on. You can imagine the difficulties I’m facing with no response from you, but that’s alright. If you can’t write back to me dear, I won’t pressure you. Your time is precious, and we will have all the time in hell quite soon. Isn’t that exciting?
I can give you the life you deserve n/n, any luxuries or mundanities you wish for will be handed to you on a silver platter. Or a golden one, if that’s more to your liking? We can properly discuss the specifics once we are together. How thrilling, the though of you and I together at last.
We truly are written in the stars!
Yours until the end of the sky and then some,
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Hey there baby,
It’s been a while, huh? I’m sorry if you feel neglected babe, it’s so hard keeping in contact with you when you’re so far away hun. Wouldn’t it be so much better if you were here with me? Sure I’ve got a lot of meetings, being a sin and all, but I’d be at your beck and call n/n, you could even be my new excuse to leave those awful “business” discussions. They barely talk business with me, it’s just complete bullshit babe.
I know the lust ring can be intimidating, we have quite the reputation, but I assure you, love is not a foreign concept to me. Romance is one of my most favourite things! Though that’s a secret, let’s keep that between us, yeah? That side of me is reserved for you n/n.
It’s so boring over here without you, I feel like i’m just lounging around and last time I checked, I was the lust sin, not the sloth sin. We’d have so much fun together babe! Can’t you picture it? Even if you can’t yet, I can wait. Having you near me will be enough, you are enough just as you are.
Sincerely yours,
Asmodeus (Ozzie) xoxo
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Heya cutie!
Letters are a lot harder to write than I thought they’d be y’know? I’ve rewritten this like 16 times already, sheesh. It just feels so awkward, I can’t see your reaction to my words which means I can’t fix any mistakes I’ve made :(. I’m sure I haven’t made any though! Right? This letters going really well so far and is definitely wooing you, right, y/n?
Hah, I’m asking questions as if you can reply right away. Silly old me, I don’t know what i’m worrying about! We’re meant to be together. I know it’s super sappy, but we’re like soulmates. Soulmates are bound to be together! That’s why I’m bringing you home soon, I can’t wait! I’ve got sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many awesome tricks to show you!
And, the best news, I quit my job!! ༘⋆-ˋˏ ༘⋆-ˋˏ This means, we will have a LOT more time with each other, and you don’t have to worry about Mammon being possessive over me, because fuck him! I’m my own clown! Or, well, your clown.
I can’t wait to see you! This is going to be great for us, I pinky promise :P
Love from,
Fizzarolli !!!! ༘⋆!!,-!ˋˏ!!!
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imruruo · 3 months
For the color-number-outfit prompt: G3 for Milly please? :D (Would've chosen Meryl, but pink isn't really her color)
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Thank you for the ask :3 Here's Milly 💕
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So you're taking requests, huh? Could I ask for a Lady Lesso x Reader fic with a "secret" relationship? 😗 Something along the lines of Lesso having a whole damn family (like a wife and a kid or two) but no one at the school knows, maybe because they've never actually seen R. And then one day R comes to the school in search of her wife (for whatever reason, you decide) and basically everyone finds out and the students and other teachers are like "Lesso has a wife???". I've been exhausted lately and I could use some fluff and fun. ☺️
I thank you in advance and I hope you have a wonderful day! ✨️
> lady lesso x fem!reader
> requested? yes!
> content/warnings: pregnant R, shocking revelations, L finding fun in D's suffering
> a/n: this was adorable to write! i finally got to debut my OC, which is Millie/Millicent! 🥹 tysm for requesting!
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To my Ever,
How has your month been? Has it been miserable since I left? Thought so. I wrote this letter for you to know I am not dead... yet. But I know Dovey is planning something. I don't hold it against her, I am a Never after all. Bringing and causing trouble is what we do. I deeply miss you, the corridors of the good side has never been empty. Your eyes are the only ones that make the Good side worth to step on. How are the little Never-evers? Tell me if Milicent has been causing any trouble, I would gladly send a flying lizard in her dreams. But what about the bun? Have they kicked yet? Do write to me whenever they do. I would love not to miss it, but the children here would not last a day without me. Yesterday, Hort tripped on a root in the Blue Forest and got himself bitten on every part of his body by the roses. What an idiot. That's all I can give you over letter, I'm counting the days I get to be with you and the little devils soon. I love you.
- Your Never
“Write to you huh?” You smirked and caressed your bump whilst Milicent laid on your lap. Brushing Milicent's hair from her face, you pinched the girl's cheek. “How about we take a little trip to Nemmy?”
As soon as you mentioned Leonora's name to your child, Milicent dropped to sit down on the floor and stared at you excitingly. “We're going to see Nemmy? Me wikey!”
You gave your eldest a chuckle. “You wikey, huh? Then go on, pack your things!” With that, Milicent ran off to her room.
Smiling to yourself, you gazed at the portrait of you and Leonora on your wedding day. “I miss you, my Never.”
“I swear! Lesso, you always do this!” Dovey stomped in front of Lesso and plopped down on the chair.
Rolling her eyes, Lesso scoffed and massaged her temples. “What have I done now, princess?” Dovey was driving her mad. Leonora knows she didn't do anything, yet here was her counterpart scolding her.
Dovey grumbled and sat up straight. Waving her hands, Dovey conjured a piece of paper and flicked it on Lesso's desk. “Were you ever going to tell me that you have a daughter?”
Lesso's eyes widened as she listened to Dovey and read the contents of the paper at the same time. Written on the paper was- ‘Can't wait to see you Nemmy! Love, Millie.’
Breathing heavily, Lesso closed her eyes and folded the paper in half, hiding it at a cabinet in her desk. “You–” Lesso pointed a finger to Dovey's direction. “will not speak of this. To anyone. Understand?”
Eyes widening, Dovey gulped and nodded frantically. Dovey has had her moments wherein Lesso has been vile, evil, and unmerciful. But the Lesso in front of her was different. Dovey noticed the passion fueled by love behind Lesso's eyes. Relaxing slightly, Dovey fiddled with her thumbs and leaned forward. “So– a family huh?”
Sighing and leaning back her chair, Lesso nodded and conjured a photo frame. “Yes. Millicent is five years, turning six next month. The bun is due for another two months.” She explained to her counterpart. Lesso found something to laugh about as she watched Dovey panicking.
Stretching her fingers and blowing her baby hairs, Dovey took it upon herself to not look into Lesso's eyes. “May I ask, who?”
Lesso raised her eyebrow at Dovey, making the Ever restate her question. “Who's the lucky Never?”
Dovey winced at her words and watched as Lesso's face went through different emotions the past minute before it settled into a mocking smile. “Oh no, you've got it all wrong, Clarissa.” Lesso smirked at Dovey, knowing that her revelation will shock the Dean of Good. “Y/N is an Ever.”
Dovey gasped and choked on thin air at Lesso's words. Y/N... THE Y/N?! “You–” Dovey pointed her index finger at Lesso. “married Y/N? THE Y/N?!”
Lesso shrugged and gave Dovey a victorious look. “Well.”
Lunch came and Dovey found herself staring at Lesso and avoiding the Dean of Evil's eyes when Lesso shot her a look of annoyance. It wasn't that Dovey was... well surprised. She's more shocked than surprised. What she means is, Y/N of The Isle married someone like Lesso? The scariest person in their school.
Dovey continued to stare at Lesso, but her attention was gotten by a knocking on the door. Standing up, Dovey frowned when the fairies flew in one line. “The fairies never behaved like this before, Clarissa. What is happening?” Anemone, the one standing beside Dovey, asked the Dean.
But before Dovey could reply, a small child came barreling down the hall and ran towards Lesso.
“Nemmy! Nemmy!”
Every Ever and Never who had food in their mouths choked whilst the others had their jaws dropping as they saw the Dean of Evil stand up and meet the child halfway.
“Why hello there, sweet child.” Lesso knelt down and embraced the child whilst caressing her hair.
“Nemmy... I missed you! Did you see my wetter?” Millicent played with her mother's tie and looked up innocently.
Lesso hummed and nodded. “I did. Now where is your mother?”
Just as Millicent was about to answer, the fairies made way to the tired Ever. “Right here, m'love.”
Leaving Millicent a kiss on the forehead, Lesso motioned the child to run towards Dovey and Anemone as she waltz towards her wife. As you were arms length away, Lesso took your hand and dragged you towards her and locked you in an embrace. “How has my wife been?”
Not believing her eyes earlier, Anemone trusted her ears and gasped as she heard Lesso's question towards you. Leaning towards Dovey, she asked. “Lesso... has a wife?”
Millicent grinned up at Anemone and answered while holding up two fingers. “And a kid too!”
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sillybucket · 11 months
Can we please get Loona from Helluva Boss General Relationship Headcanons? Thanks for your time!
Oh boy , this is actually my first writing request - thank you so much , it really means a lot that you asked me to make this :D ❣️ I hope I got everything right , sorry in advance if I messed something up or if it’s a bit ooc :,I
Loona general relationship headcanons { g/n reader }
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🍃 Warnings 🍃 : there’s a little bit of swearing in some parts , but other than that it’s mostly fluff :)
🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 .
l🌙l Okay , first of all let’s just say it took a while for the two of you to get this far : Loona has been interested in you for quite some time , but given how insecure she is under her tough exterior she spent months just asking herself if starting a more serious relationship with you was going to work out , if you actually enjoyed being with her or if it was all just a twisted prank to make fun of her … 
Yeah , despite being very aware of her feelings Loona always felt too anxious to talk about them when you were there , so in the end you were probably the one who confessed first . 
l🌙l When the relationship begun Loona was surprised you actually felt the same , and while she was definitely happy she was also still on edge , wondering if you were actually going to stick with her or if this was all just temporary … 
But when she realized that you weren’t going to leave , that you loved her for who she was , Loona started to slowly let her guard down and begun to fully trust you .
l🌙l Now that Loona has opened up to you more , we may begin to talk about what it’s like to date her a bit more in depth : since outside of her work at I.M.P she doesn’t have that many interests , she likes to listen to you talking about the things that you like , and the more she does this the more attached she becomes to you …
Have an hobby that requires specific items ? Loona will get them for you no matter what , and if her coworkers or Blitz ask something about she won’t take it lightly …
“The hell you looking at me for ? This is none of your business !” 
l🌙l Speaking of I.M.P , Moxxie and Millie are both supportive of your relationship , especially since they noticed Loona has become a bit less prone to yell at them during work hours now that you two are dating …
However , Blitz was very , very hostile towards you at first , scared that you were going to end up hurting his daughter ( he may or may not have  considered to murder you at some point ) , and he’d frequently rant about you to both Moxxie and Millie even during killing missions .
“I mean , what does my Loonie even see in them ? They’re just so … so … 
UGH , it doesn’t matter ! That (y/n) better watch their back , cause I’m gonna watch their EVERY fucking move of EVERY fucking second of their day !”
However once he got to know you some more he became used to having you around , and while he’s still sending you a million texts to know if Loona is okay every time you hang out you could say that Blitz has come to trust you over time .
l🌙l Loona’s usual short temper notably changes whenever you’re around … 
Even if she’s had a really bad day , as soon as you enter the room she feels more at ease , and if you sit next to her and pet her head for a while ( she only allows you to do this , NO ONE can pet her head without getting their hand ripped off ) she instantly melts to your touch , leaning in your hand while giving you what seems like a genuine , loving smile . 
Only problem is , you might not be able to get up for a few hours … 
“… hmm … c’mon (y/n) , just a little more … whatever you gotta do can wait .”
l🌙l Aside from her dad no one usually gives gifts to Loona , so if one day you walk in and surprise her with even the smallest thing ( could be some new makeup , a new outfit or even just a meal that she likes , you name it ) , she will remain speechless …
If the two of you are alone at that time she might even give you a hug , and she’ll definitely look for a way to pay you back even if you insist she doesn’t have to . 
l🌙l If you’re a non smoker or simply don’t like the smell of cigarettes Loona is going to try and smoke as less as possible whenever you’re together , though this might bring to her being a bit more nervous … 
Just cuddle her for a while and she’s going to feel much better , and she might even consider to quit smoking more often if that means getting you to give her affection . 
l🌙l If there’s one thing Loona absolutely hates , that’s definitely having to go get her Hellbies S.H.O.T … 
She’s terrified of needles , even the thought of them makes her uncomfortable , so usually you and Blitz are the ones that bring her to the hospital ( he insists he needs to be there , no matter how much trust he has in you he’ll come along anyway ) : 
normally if she was alone with Blitz Loona would rebel as much as possible to avoid getting the shot , running around the doctor’s office and throwing around all the objects she can get her hands on , but if you’re there … well , that changes things . 
Hold her hand through the entire process and she’ll do her best to stay still , keeping her eyes closed to avoid watching the needle enter her skin and panic , and if you praise her and tell her she did great when the three of you get out of the hospital Loona will definitely be happy .
“Thanks (y/n) … this … it really means a lot .” 
l🌙l Loona is very protective of you , and if someone , anyone dares to insult you or worse , tries to put their hands of you , she absolutely won’t hesitate to tear that demon to shreds : no one touches her partner and gets to just walk away afterwards . 
“That’s what you get you bitch , if I ever see you near them again I’ll fucking kill you !” 
l🌙l Sometimes Vortex likes to invite you and Loona to his girlfriend’s parties in the Gluttony ring , and given how anxious she gets during those kind of very crowded events Loona is going to stay near you at all times … in this case , just holding her hand is going to make her feel way less nervous .
She finds comfort in your presence , you’ve truly become Loona’s safe space and while she’s not really the sappy type she can’t help but feel grateful to have someone like you by her side , making her life down that literal hellhole much more tolerable .
🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 . 🐺 .
Thank you so much for reading this until the end :D ❣️
At some point I really got into it , so I might’ve made these headcanons a bit too long … sorry about that , I hope it didn’t make them boring ! Make sure to leave some feedback if you feel like it :) ❤️
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topguncortez · 2 years
I put this in submit on accident but what if when out in public Mrs.Seresin is breastfeeding baby girl and someone does something to make the mrs uncomfortable or insecure and Jake and daggers defend her! Opposites attract world would be awesome! Thank you ❤️
it's all good! Just a reminder to all, my ask box is called "Attention to the talk" (it's a term we use in my unit when they want us to pay attention) Also, tweaking this just a tad so it's when Mrs. Seresin has Eli:)
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|| Masterlist || Opposites Attract Masterlist ||
It wasn't every day that Jake got to bring his kids to the hangar, but when he did get the chance, he was all smiles about it. Some members of the dagger squad had just come back from a small mission overseas. Jake had opted to sit this one out, seeing as Eli was only a couple months old. Y/N appreciated having Jake home, but was starting to grow a tad annoyed with him. Jake was kinda lost without Rooster, Bob, Phoenix and Coyote at his disposal.
Jake showed Alex and Ella around the hangar, showing them different parts of the planes, and showing them the maps. Alex was more interested in all of it than Ella was, which wasn't surprising. Y/N and Jake had talked before about how much Alex took after Jake in his interest in flying. It slightly terrified him that one day Alex could grow up to join the military, but also made him proud.
"You look happy," Rooster said, putting his arm around Y/N's shoulders.
"I am, currently child free right now," Y/N smiled and held her arms out, looking as she had no kids attached to them. Bob was holding Eli, and seemed to be catching him up as well, "I'm glad you guys are back. He made me watch Texas football."
"Oh no, you poor thing," Coyote joked and she rolled her eyes.
"Hey! How about we go to the beach. . . a little dog fight football?" Maverick suggested, holding up a football in his hands.
"Beach, Papa Mav!" Ella yelled and ran towards her 'papa'.
"Sounds like that's a yes, huh, Elles?" Maverick said, and picked up the three year old in his arms.
"You okay with that?" Jake asked, putting his arm around his wife, "I could use some sun, looking a pit bale."
"Oh jeez, anymore vitamin D and it all goes to your head," Y/N joked.
"Gotta soak past those hair products first," Bob quipped.
Jake and Y/N met the team down at the beach after they stopped by home to get the kids ready. Since the addition of Eli, it got a bit more challenging to get three Seresin kids ready to go anywhere, but they managed. Alex was six and could kind of get his own stuff together with supervision, and Ella was starting to do the same. Jake could handle the two older kids while Y/N focused on getting the baby ready.
Penny was sitting under an umbrella on the beach, and called Y/N over to sit next to her. She smiled at the older woman, as Alex and Ella engulfed her in a hug.
"Oh hi, babies," Penny smiled, "Amelia! Kids are here!"
"Millie!" Ella yelled as the teen walked out from the Hard Deck, "Momma can we go to the water?"
"Stay with Amelia and Alex, okay?" Y/N said, and Ella nodded with a smile. Y/N greeted Amelia, and then sent the three of them on their way.
"Look at him," Penny cooed, seeing the baby strapped to her chest, "Snug like a bug."
"You should see Jake wearing this thing," Y/N giggled, "He wasn't a fan of it with Alex, I think partially because he was just so little, but he fell in love with it and the wrap around one when we had Ella."
Y/N carefully sat down on the blanket next to Penny, then unstrapped the baby on her chest. Eli let out a soft cry at the loss of warmth from his mother, but was content once he was laid on his back and given a toy. Penny smiled at the two of them, before going back to watch the aviators play.
"What's the point of this?" Y/N said, looking up from her son, "Offense and defense at the same time?"
"No clue," Penny said, "Pete made it up when they came back for the uranium mission. I think they just use it as a chance to take their shirts off."
"I'm not complaining," Y/N giggled and Penny shot her a smirk.
"Hey, you just had that one," Penny laughed.
"Baby department is closed," Y/N said, "Three is enough for us. Ain't that right, Eli." She gently tickled her son's belly, getting a laugh from him.
Penny, Y/N and the kids stayed on the beach for awhile, until the older two were begging for a snack and something to drink. They sat on the deck of the Hard Deck still watching the aviators play and tackle each other in the sand.
Penny had gotten Alex and Ella chicken strips and fries. They both sat at the table outside with Y/N, watching their dad and uncles play. Eli had started to grow fussy, and Y/N knew that it was getting close to feeding time for him. She noticed some eyes drift over to her as Eli let out a loud cry.
“What’s wrong, baby?” Y/N said, listening to his cry, “You’re hungry aren’t you. I got you, baby boy,” Y/N grabbed a blanket from the diaper bag to cover herself. She tried her best to hush Eli while she got herself situated, pulling down the strap of her swim suit, “Shh, Eli, it’s okay.” It was hard to get Eli positioned right to latch with him moving around, but once she did, his cries ceased. She made sure the blanket was covering everything, as she sat back in her chair a bit.
"Do you really have to do that?" A man in a khaki uniform asked her. He had to be fresh out of flight school. He only had a silver bar on his uniform and a singular rack of ribbons.
“What?” Y/N asked softly, looking up at him. 
“That.” He said nodding to her feeding Eli, “It’s weird. They have bathrooms ya know."
“Oh,” Y/N heart fell into her stomach, and she suddenly felt very exposed, even though her chest and feeding son were covered, “I’m sorry, I can leave. Um, Alex, Ella, I'll be right-” Y/N started to gather her diaper bag and push off the couch when Jake and the dagger squad walked up on the deck. 
“What did you say to her?” Jake asked the young aviator who was still looking over at Y/N. 
“It’s okay, Jake,” Y/N said, trying to deescalate the situation. 
“No, what did you say?” Rooster asked. 
“I just asked her to go somewhere else,” The aviator, “Not everyone wants to see that.” 
“That?” Jake, raised his eyebrows and clenched his jaw, “That is completely natural for a woman to do for her child. It’s her body and she is doing what it is designed to do. Nobody else was bothered by it but you, so why the fuck are you trying to sexualize somethig so natural and innocent?” 
“I-I’m not.” 
“Then you’ll be okay if the mother of my son feeds him where she feels comfortable,” Jake said, and walked over to the empty seat next to her. He put his arm around Y/N, trying to make her feel more comfortable. Y/N settled into him, and he placed a kiss on her temple.
"You can leave now," Bob said, and the aviator got up from his spot quickly.
"Wait," Phoenix said, and the aviator stopped in his spot, "What's your name?"
"Lieutenant Correll, Stallion," He said.
"Thought so," Phoenix smirked, "Well, Stallion, you'll report to the hangar at zero five Monday morning. . . bring a toothbrush."
"Multiple, actually," Payback said, "My plane is a little dirty from the last mission."
"Bring a friend too," Coyote said. Lieutenant Correll gulped audibly, "Okay, now fucking leave." He scurried away from them quickly, running into Maverick as he walked down the steps of the deck.
“What did you do?” Maverick asked, walking over to the table full of his aviators.
“Nothing, he can just go fuck off,” Jake mumbled. 
“Jake,” Y/N sighed, “If you guys are uncomfortable with me breastfeeding Eli-” 
“None of us are uncomfortable by it, Y/N,” Rooster said, “It’s like a mom thing to do, ya know.” 
The team agreed and sat down in various chairs around the Seresin family. Y/N smiled at them and then looked down, seeing Eli slowly falling asleep against her chest. When she was done feeding, Phoenix helped her cover herself up, as Jake was burping Eli. Y/N let the daggers take the kids back to the water.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Y/N said, as she finished pumping. 
“Yes I did,” Jake answered, “I’m not going to let anyone make you feel uncomfortable for doing something totally natural. There are so many benefits with breastfeeding, there’s the vitamins, the skin to skin contact, the bonding, the-” 
“Okay, I know,” Y/N said, cutting him off with a smile, “This isn't my first go around with this. But thank you, daddy.” She smirked and Jake rolled his eyes, pulling her in for a kiss.
“It’s my job, mommy.”
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totaled-drama · 6 months
My thoughts on season 2 so far!!
The episodes are in order but some of the notes might be out of order
Most of these are from when I was still watching it. Some of them are just my thoughts afterwards
Spoilers for episodes 1 through 4
Episode 1
-Everyone’s reactions to the floor opening up underneath them 😭
-The hockey bros hugging :’) I am going to be talking about them a lot.
-Everyone looks absolutely MISERABLE on the dock
-Emma being mean to Nichelle :(
-“Who was that?” “I don’t know.” AJDHSJDHSH
-Ripper asking Axel how she’s been!!! He does not hold a grudge
-Is there going to be an explanation for why Millie didn’t read the guide that Priya wrote?
-Everyone dislikes Bowie but not Julia?
-RAJBOW!!!!!! They gameplanned before the game started :) that’s so nice
-Bowie’s apology and Raj’s face in the confessional ajshsjsg
-Priya is the canon winner!!!!!!!!! omg
-Priya picked Millie :) prillie!!!!!
-Raj hugging Bowie!!!! They look so happy
-Priya and Emma friendship!!!!!
-“Pick Wayne!! :D”
-Wayne tackling them in a hug 😭 he’s so sweet
-MK and Julia alliance omg
-Ripper got picked last :( Nichelle is happy though :)
-Okay so this challenge is just red light green light
-Millie and Priya IMMEDIATELY getting out of the challenge at the beginning
-Chase. Dude. What was the plan there
-“On a dime, bro. >:)” THEY’RE SO SMUG
-Zee having a soda sponsorship is so funny
-Everyone rooting for Emma and not Nichelle :(
-Nichelle won!!!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!
-I like that the hockey bros seem to vote based almost entirely on how well everyone did in the challenge. Idk it’s very in-character for them to vote based on that
-Oh she is not happy
-Bye Scary Girl
Episode 2
-Priya has a crush on Caleb???
-Ripper is getting dating advice from Bowie and Raj :’) they are friends!!!!!!
-Ripper’s face 😭
-This challenge looks incredibly painful
-Nichelle high fiving everyone :)
-“Sorry, Coach, sorry :(“
-Chase trying to film a vlog AJDHSJSG
-Ok so the Rat Faces team are going to sweep
-Zee :)
-Damien is facing his fears!!!!!! :) Damien and Millie friendship :)
-Ripper 😭 BUTTER???
-The hockey bros getting stuck ajshsjsg
-“I feel like I’m ruining a romantic moment by being here.” WAYNE. With one line he has managed to completely get rid of any fear of a “Wayne is jealous” arc. Incredible. Thank you Wayne total drama
-Bowie and Julia getting stuck too ajshsjsg
-Caleb carrying Zee!!! That’s so nice. They are friends :)
-Priya and Axel helping Caleb and Zee :)
-Chase does NOT care about the challenge right now
-Bye Chase
Episode 3
-Damien :( you did not deserve that
-Damien is SO mad and rightfully so
-MK and Julia are cheating!!!!!!!
-“Ohh they’re making the challenges hard on purpose!!” AJSHDJDDH
-The hockey bros :) they’re so silly in this season
-Oh yeah everyone is definitely mad at Millie
-Prillie :)
-Priya knew about the training guide thing already??? Ok
-Ok so clearly Caleb wants to be in an alliance with Priya, but they haven’t talked about strategy AT ALL so far
-Is Ripper actually going to go flirt with Axel in the middle of a challenge
-“BUT CHEATING IS…WRONG!!!!” They look like they’re going to cry 😭
-The hockey bros high fiving and immediately getting stuck ajshdjdh
-Damien and Nichelle do not like Millie right now
-Nichelle is a lot more confident now!! :)
-Millie apologized!!!!!!!!! Yippee
-They hugged and immediately got stuck ajdhsjdh
-Damien :) he’s so nice
-MK and Julia are really enjoying making plans together :) idk it’s nice to see them getting along. I think one of them might betray the other at some point though.
-Zee has a raccoon now asfhdfsf
-Caleb having to carry everyone 😭
-Wayne and Raj 😭😭😭 that was the saddest “hoot hoot” ever
-They’re so sad about cheating that they aren’t even happy that they won :(
-Bye Millie :(
Episode 4
-Raj is fishing!!
-Bowie 😭
-Did Axel just break and then un-break Ripper’s nose
-The hockey bros still want to play fair :)
-Oh I like challenges like these!! I like it when we get to learn more about the contestants
-Priya hasn’t mentioned Millie at all in this episode which is surprising. I thought she’d be more upset about Millie’s elimination
-Ok so Emma thinks she’ll do well in this challenge
-“Why are they wearing life jackets?” “For safety :/“ ADFGDGDHD
-Terry’s line delivery is so good
-Raj is first :) he looks so happy about playing fair
-Bowie and Wayne were so concerned when Raj fell 😭
-Zee :) I am worried that he will be eliminated soon but I am glad he is still here
-Wayne looks so nervous about picking the wrong answer
-Emma got another answer wrong
-Nichelle is doing really well this season!! I mentioned before that she’s more confident, but she also definitely seems to still be upset about how Hollywood treated her
-I think Nichelle is going to make it to the merge this season hopefully
-Ripper :)
-I don’t usually like miscommunication plots. I don’t think I like the fact that Priya thinks that Caleb is flirting with her. He doesn’t seem to be flirting with her on purpose, it seems more like he just wants to be in an alliance with her
-MK and Julia still want to cheat but Bowie seems a little more hesitant about it now despite still going along with it
-“If MK’s brain drove a cool car, I’d date it” JULIA
-Priya is tricking Emma into giving them the right answers 😭
-Zee told Emma about the plan and she is NOT happy
-Axel likes poetry!!
-MK :)
-Raj thinks that Bowie is playing fairly 😭
-Bowie is dancing!!
-Emma’s last question is about Chase :(
-Raj hugging Bowie at the end of the challenge 😭 Raj looks so happy and Bowie looks so guilty
-Bye Emma :(
-RIPPER?????????????????? HE WROTE A POEM
-THEY KISSED?????????????????????
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saw444kowo · 1 year
something inspired by hummingbird by metro and heartbeat by childhish gambino :D
synopsis: you and hobie are long time friends. everything goes well until that party where everything changed.
content: everyday au, reader and hobie are teens (15-17) implied relationships (not (yet) together) not proofread, really a drabble. also millie is hobies gf and jordan is readers partner. brief use of "y/n" and r/n stands for reader's name. also there is a whole lot of dialogue because 🧍🏻‍♀️ im v tired atm but i need to post anyway. also big ass drunk confession and brief description of drunkness.
author's note: today i got to see atsv in the original version with an online friend i met for the first time and. ive been blessed. the soundtrack really gives off eargasm fr
authors note 2: please please PLEASE reblog this if you liked it helps a lot with reach please and thank you :>
word count: 737 🕺🏻
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"say, sunshine, yo coming to the party kevin's throwing tonight?" asked your best friend.
"i don't know" you reply, playing with your best friend's hair. "are you?"
"i'll probably go with millie. but why aren't you coming?" he said with a pout
"yknow im not that much of a social person. plus there's no point coming if no one i know will be there." you say, daydreaming.
"pleaaseee" he starts to beg. "millie will be there! you like her don't you?"
"are you? no no don't do those eyes at me" you say as you notice he was doing his begging eyes, the thing he always did whenever he wanted you to do something. "fine i'll go but only if you come too."
"thanks you so much sunshine!" hobie exclaims, starting to pack his stuff. he kisses your cheek before adding " make sure to invite your asshole of a boyfriend too!"
"stop calling me sunshine we are not in a relation-"
but he already left.
fast forward to the middle of the party, like 2/3 hours into
you were not that much of a lightweight, but tonight it seemed like you drank way too much. starting to feel overstimulated, you gave up on looking for your best friend and decided to go upstairs.
you opened a bunch of doors of rooms that were full of teens making out.
you accidentally stepped on a couple kissing in the stairs.
you did not like what you saw.
"jordan?" you say in disbelief. "what the fuck."
"babe i can explain its not what you think it is i- (he hastily drew off the girl he was kissing and followed you into an empty room so that you could talk without being disrupted by the loud music downstairs.
"explain yourself." you say, feeling dizzy because of all the alcohol you drank. "you know what? you don't have to explain everything. it's over. oh and go fuck yourself."
"r/n i-"
you didn't let him finish, leaving him with his brand new girlfriend.
you headed outside with another cup of alcohol in your hand, the fresh breeze greeting your face as tears started to run down your cheeks.
"i think that's enough alcohol for you, m'love." said hobie taking your drink away from you and putting his jacket over your shoulders. "what're you doing this late outside?"
"kiss me." you say, not paying attention to what your best friend was saying.
"what? no what about your boyf-"
"i don't have any anymore. motherfucker's cheated on me. cant really take a hint right? ive been in love with you the whole time. it's silly isn't it?"
hobie suddenly rose up to his feet and said:
"let's head out, you're clearly drunk."
he took you on his shoulders despite you showing your disagreement- though it did not last long.
he then brung you to his house and put you on his couch for you to fall asleep on.
making sure you were asleep, he played some soft music for him to clean a bit his house.
"i wish you were sober when you said you wanted to kiss me" hobie sighed as the first notes of hummingbird started filling the room.
the next day, you got woken up by the sweet smell of a cup of tea and an awful headache. not recognizing where you were, you instantly looked for your best friend.
"relax, sunshine, i'm right there", hobie said, putting your hair out of your face. "how're y'a feeling?"
"meh, i feel like a truck has run over my head. i wish all that alcohol made me forget jordan cheated on me.. speaking of which did you enjoy the party?"
"i've known better. but you're safe here, that's all that matters to me" he says, with a soft smile. "say, i have a question. were you sincere when you said you were in love with me yesterday?"
"eh." you say, wishing you confessed in a better way. "y'know the saying; drunk words are sober thoughts. but yes, i was sincere. i wish i did tell you in a better way though.
he smiled without saying anything.
"for how long have you been in love with me?" he asks with a smile
"wayy too many time."
"so, am i allowed to kiss you now that you confessed properly?"
"what? does that mean that-"
"take the hint, idiot" he says before soflty kissing you.
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it's 2am now please let me sleep 😟
no but i actually enjoyed writing this sm i hope you liked reading it :D ik i alr said it in the beginning but please reblog!! it helps a lot small accounts like mine
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messier-jin · 1 year
Some Love
So... I’m back. And I’m so surprised my previous post received so much attention! Thank you! I’m here to deliver more of the thoughts that keep me up at night. Accept this reader with love handles/thunder thighs being loved by Trigun characters.
I hope you’ll enjoy!
Content warnings: Selft doubts, some groping, fluff, reader has love handles, reader has thunder thighs, implied nsfw on some parts.
Characters: Vash the Stampede, Nicholas D. Wolfwood, Millions Knives, Meryl Stryfe, Milly Thompson. (Maybe I’ll do a sequel with other characters when I’ll feel confident enough to write about them...)
Song I listened to while writing: Some Love by DREAMCATCHER.
Vash the Stampede
First thing first,Vash loves you with his whole heart. And he adores every single part of you. He thinks you’re perfect, inside and out.
So obviously, he loves your love handles. It makes more you for him to love!
If you ever talk bad about your body, it would literally break his heart as if he was the one being talked bad about. And look, now, you’ve made the boy cry!
Vash can and will worship your body to prove you how much he loves it, without hesitation. He will pinch the fat of your cheeks, calling you adorable. He will kiss your love handles, calling you wonderful. If you let him, he will stay trapped between your thighs.
Also, this man will definitely carry you as if you weighted nothing. He will be the one asking you if you would let him offer you a piggyback ride, looking like a child during their birthday party.
Nicholas D. Wolfwood
This man will not leave you in peace. Never. Ever.
Sit next to him and Wolfwood will immediatly place his hand on your thighs as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
If you let him, he will use your love handles as a stress ball. Wolfwood will come from behind you, wrap his arms around you and will gently grop at your love handles.
If Vash is the type to pinch the fat of your cheeks, Wolfwood is the type to straight up bite your cheeks just to bother you.
One day, you asked him if he liked how you looked, if you should lose your fat... And he looked at you like you just told him you had three legs. Be prepared to be showered with a list of all the things Wolfwood loves about your body.
Millions Knives
For Knives, a body is a body. He is not the type to think anything in particular about how you look. He likes you, and that is all that matters.
But the moment he heard you talk down about your body, Knives took that personally. This man, of all people, chooses to love you, of all people. It should tell you enough how your body is special. How dared you talk down about something he holds in high regards?
Knives is a logical man. So he asked you what made you think this way, he tried to understand... And from this day on, he tried to be a little more demonstrative towards you - at least, in private.
This man is like his brother (they are really different yet similar on the weirdest points). So he will kiss your body and even worship it.
Don’t underestimate this man’s capacity to show his love behind closed doors.
Meryl Stryfe
Meryl is such a loving person with you. And since she is more on the petite size, she admires your body.
She seeks for your touch and, in her opinion, you give the best hugs because you are so comfortable to hold. Everytime she feels down, she just needs one hug or cuddle session from you, and she feels much better.
If she ever hears you talk down to yourself, she will call you out. She is rather forward, she can sound a little harsh, but she means well. Meryl just loves you so much and wishes you would see yourself as she sees you.
Meryl always compliments you once a day, at the very least: “You’re so comfortable” while cuddling you in bed, “This outfit suits you” when you wear something tight, and more.
Meryl will drive with a hand on your thigh. You can’t change my mind.
Milly Thompson
Milly is a whole another level of loving you. This girl runs up to you, lifts you in her arms and spins you around happily each time she sees you.
She is a mix of both Meryl and Vash. She is always seeking for you like Meryl and she is always ready to shower you with love like Vash.
With Milly, you never even have the time to think badly about yourself. It is as if she has a sixth sense because as soon as you start to feel bad, Milly appears and wraps you into a bear hug.
I personally think that Milly has thunder thighs herself - and maybe small love handles. So seeing Milly feeling confident and loving her body actually makes you feel good about yourself too.
All in all, Milly will cover you with love any chance she gets: kisses, compliments, hugs, and more.
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sweetadonisbutbetter · 2 months
Can you please do Loona x Male Sinner Reader headcanons? Thanks for your time!
of course!! u didn't specify much but I will try my best! also i am not used to writing a male reader so if it comes off as that way- sorry. hope u like it regardless!!! :D
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General Relationship HCs! | Loona x Male!Sinner! Reader
Relationship: Romantic Warnnings: None!
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For the purpose of this, we are going to say you are going to be some type of hound/wolf/canine
You guys probably met while she was (half-heartedly) putting posters of I.M.P. and later met again when you were asking to put a hit on your ex/deadbeat parent/shitty friend.
When you guys first met while she was out and about- you were on your way to work when you saw her putting up the advertisement
Interested in the service, you asked her for directions, not really paying attention to you, she pointed behind her, where the building was.
Feeling silly at not noticing, you thank her and continue about your day.
Not really the ideal meet cute, but! you would be able to rekindle that at a later date
When you entered the office, you weren’t expecting the same hellhound from the other day, but you were excited regardless.
She was sitting in her seat, feet (paws?) propped up on the desk as she scrolled on her phone. 
Clearing your throat, you asked if they were able to take a hit at the moment. 
Annoyed that someone had spoken to her, she looked up and stopped when she saw you.
You were…cute? Handsome?
Unknown of it, her tail began to wag, her interest piqued at the sight of you
Not that the word to describe you was really important, what was important was that you were talking to her and still waiting for a response.
“Uhh- Yea-”
BlitzØ cut her off before she even finished her word.
After taking you into his office to discuss the hit, Loona was left sitting there, thinking of you
There was no way she had liked you. She literally just met you.
Once you left BlitzØ’s office, you stopped in front of the cute hellhound at the front desk. and attempted to strike  conversation with her
The conversation was..actually enjoyable. You had mentioned a couple of things that Loona enjoyed and were even asking for some of her input
Either it was she was seriously lonely, or you were just speaking to her on a personal level (it was both) but she ended up being the one asking for your number, to which you happily agreed
After you left, Loona was in a better mood than normal, her tail wagging way more now that she felt that she made a friend who was similar to her
The entire time, BlitzØ was watching and planning both your and your hits murder. He was not elated.
You and Loona would have very casual hangouts, exploring the pride ring together and looking for things to do. You two would also hang out at your place, especially since if you guys hung out at her place, there was always the risk of BlitzØ, and you would rather live.
The slow burn between you and Loona was so bad that soon, Moxxie and Millie took notice of two way crush and made bets with one another asto who would confess first. All the while, BlitzØ is SO SOUR. The thinks Moxxie and Millie should be on his side, not trying to get you two together.
It actually takes you both way too long to realize that you even like the other, and even longer to finally confess
The first one to confess was you, while out walking to find something to do. Loona was NOT expecting it and froze.
You thought she was trying to find a way to reject you, so you quickly took back your confession, freaking her out even more. Stopping you, she pulled you into a hug, her tail wagging like crazy. Stunned at the hug, it takes you a moment to even hold her back, but all the while your tail is is going even crazier
Now together, you both just enjoy being with one another
Date nights out are kind of hard to do since you can’t leave the pride ring. Say bye-bye to ozzies (sad noise)
But date nights at home are very common. Normally at your place, (occasionally at hers when BlitzØ was out) you both cook up a meal, and cuddle while watching movies
No one even suspected of you two dating til BlitzØ entered the home earlier than she normally did and spotted you two fast asleep on the couch. 
You woke up to intense shaking and Loona yelling before the shaking stopped. You say your girlfriend pulling her adoptive dad off you, all the while he was spewing curses at you and your mother.
Next day, you dropped by the office with tickets to a horse show and some alcohol for BlitzØ, to serve as an apology. When Moxxie asked you what you were doing there, you explained to him and he just turned to Millie and laughed. 
He won the bet lol
BlitzØ was elated that you got him the ticket, but still growled at you and tried to bite at your hand
With BlitzØ how sedated (for the time) you and Loona can now announce that you are in a relationship (very much to the dismay of BlitzØ) 
In the beginning, there can no PDA, especially around BlitzØ, but once he eventually agrees with the relationship, after seeing how happy and loved Loona is, it still isn’t much but still here.
Loona isn’t a very touchy person, and a bit emotionally stunted, so she doesn’t go out of her way to seek it. At most, she will go up to you and hang around you. You are normally the one who initiates the contact, hand-holding, kisses, hugging, and anything else. 
Once she is secure enough in the relationship, she regularly seeks out physical touch, often enjoying bone-crushing hugs.
Arguments are kinda often in a relationship with her. From her temper and stubbornness, to your own, things can get heated pretty quickly
The best thing is to take some time/space and later, when you both are feeling better, you guys talk it out. Apologies are said, and you guys make amends pretty quickly
A bond activity that you both partake in is telling each other about your lives before one another. Loona recounts her life growing up in the adoption center, and you tell her of your life on earth. 
If you aren’t from L.A. then you tell her what your hometown is like. What you did with your friends, places to eat, the shops and everything you could.
If you were from L.A. you laugh at her experience, agreeing with her that the place is shit, and then telling her that there are some cool spots that you loved to go to when you were alive. 
If she has to go to another ring for work, she will probably be on call with you or messaging you the whole time, sending you pictures so you know what the other rings are like. Maybe even getting you merch or a novelty item there. 
If Loona wanted to take you somewhere because it reminded her of you, she would have to find a way to smuggle you into the other rings. 
Lets say she smuggled you to Beelz’s party, the whole time the other hell hounds are trying to figure out why none of them know you, and why you don’t even smell like them. (Beelz knows, just doesn’t care)
You would also be the number one person to calm her down. Sucks you couldn’t attend her appointment with her (BlitzØ wouldn’t let you lol) 
Overall you two are so cute and as much BlitzØ hates to admit it, you make Loona happy and love her almost as much as him. Moxxie is just glad that she doesn’t call him fat as much and Millie is already planning the wedding.
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HOPE THIS IS OKAY!!! again i am not used to male readers but hopefully with time, i get better with it. i just realized that the readers gender never really played an important role into it ☹️☹️i didn't intend for that to happen im so sorry uhhhh i need to get used to this
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somereaderinblue · 3 months
Trigun Teen Titans AU
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Meryl Stryfe aka Shrike, The Girl Wonder
-Former sidekick to Julai’s vigilante Derringer (Roberto).
-Chose a shrike instead of a robin bcz its size, ferocity & feather colours suit her more.
-Parents were a wealthy couple who stuck their nose in the wrong place & got killed for it.
-Was adopted by her investigative journalist idol, Roberto who was also her vigilante idol.
-Although og TT featured Dick Grayson, she’s more like Tim Drake in the sense that she deduced Roberto’s secret ID, stalked him with her camera & emailed him 999+ powerpoint slides titled ‘Why You Need A Sidekick (Like Me)’ until he gave in.
(-Also, she noticed Roberto’s alcoholism & his less than stellar coping mechanisms. Julai needs Derringer, but Roberto needed an actual person by his side, not just a mass of faces to protect.)
-Eventually got tired of being stuck in his shadow & struck out on her own.
-Then she met a tall hot alien princess, a guy who could shapeshift into the animal kingdom, his cyborg brother & a half-biblically accurate angel and persuaded them into forming a superhero team called the Teen Titans.
-Takes her position as leader (& the only non-superpowered individual) seriously but shows a softer side overtime, especially to Milly.
-The newspaper clippings in her room aren’t strictly for detective work. (Most) Some of them are for sentimental value.
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Milly Thompson aka Stunfire, Tamaran’s Princess
-The youngest of 12 siblings in the Tamaranean monarchy.
-Powers are similar to Starfire’s, only her beams are yellow & can stun opponents.
-Gordanians kidnapped her as a bargaining chip against her family. As the youngest, they had no choice but to leave her on her own & prioritize their planet.
-Milly already knew this (because contrary to what many believe, she wasn’t stupid) & escaped on her own.
-Unfortunately, her attempts to remove the handcuffs caused a LOT of collateral damage & misunderstandings.
-A tiny but feisty human warrior talked her down & removed her bindings. Milly kissed her so she could thank her, though that might be difficult since she’s unmoving & her face is now red for some reason??
-Has a huge crush on Meryl but is a bit intimidated by her professionalism. Still, it’s even harder to NOT fall in love with the woman’s strong sense of justice & compassion.
-Visits cafes & goes on long flights with Vash, coaxes WW to try smaller cuter animals she can cuddle with & empathizes with fellow gentle-giant youngest sibling Livio's struggles to fit in/not be a burden.
-Loves to eat her pudding with mustard.
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Nicholas D. Wolfwood aka Punisher, The Hunter
-Although every kid at the orphanage was a younger sibling to him, he felt a kinship to the strays, have it be cats, dogs or birds.
-One day, someone swung by, offering apprenticeships for some kinda fancy animal research school. WW liked animals & jobs like that sounded like they paid well, so why not?
-He instantly regretted this decision when he realized he was the ‘animal’ they planned to research.
(-The Eye of Michael is more or less this AU’s H.I.V.E. Academy.)
-Despite his rebelliousness, he was their top (specimen) student. Livio was also ‘enrolled’ to keep him in check.
-Both of them were assigned to the Gung-Ho Guns & sent on a mission to properly ‘graduate’. Instead, they ditched at the first chance.
-Wanted to hide but couldn’t resist lingering around the orphanage. After stopping someone from robbing the place, he realized maybe, just maybe, these powers he never asked for could be used for something other than senseless violence.
-Also, becoming a ‘hero’ was the biggest middle finger he could give to Chapel.
-The EoM constantly pressured him into using ‘strong animals’ but his teammates have slowly coaxed him into expanding, i.e. a cute cate for recon & a mole for hiding.
-Realizes he has feelings for Vash after getting to know him but feels unworthy of reciprocation. Still, that doesn’t stop him from plopping into his lap for emotional support.
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Livio/Razlo Wolfwood aka Double-Fang, The Tri-Punisher
-Has always dreamed of being a hero but knew the best he could be was a doctor or firefighter or something.
-When the EoM returned with an empty slot, he jumped at the chance (even though Razlo said he shouldn’t, he really shouldn’t, you can’t trust them-).
-Wasn’t suitable for the animal genes, but his body adapted to the cybernetic modifications. They kept him around for Razlo & to ensure WW behaves.
-Eventually, they managed to escape. Livio was still optimistic about becoming a hero, but WW & Razlo were very reluctant.
-Once, Livio wandered too close to the orphanage & accidentally scared a younger kid who called him a monster. He went nonverbal & let Razlo front for a week.
-Returned after he helped WW stop someone from breaking into the orphanage. Both of them realized that their powers could be blessings. Thus, they became a crime-fighting duo.
-After a series of chance encounters, they’re now part of a team.
-Livio is very self-conscious about his cyborg nature, well-aware that out of everyone, the public finds him to be the most intimidating. Luckily, any tabloids who try to slander him mysteriously find themselves socially & financially ruined overnight.
-He’s aware of Vashwood & MillyMeryl. He has front row seats to 2 live slow-burn romances & a betting pool with Razlo on who’ll confess first.
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Vash Saverem aka Stampede, The Rebel Angel Humanoid Typhoon
-He & Nai were raised by Rem, a pacifist priestess that worshipped angels called Plants.
-Their blissful childhood was shattered the day they discovered the remains of their older sister, Tesla, the Plant that came to the temple before them as a blessing only for the priests to treat her with less dignity than a sacrifice.
-Nai slaughtered the entire order, including Rem, in a fit of rage & fear. He established a new cult solely devoted to him & Vash. Overtime, his possessiveness & wrath became uncontrollable.
-While attempting to smuggle a group of innocent human sacrifices, Vash got into a fight with Nai that resulted in the loss of his arm.
-It was the final straw, he fled to Earth.
-Briefly, he was taken under the wing of Luida & Brad, the last two survivors of the original temple, who taught him human culture and how to regulate his emotions to have better control over his powers.
-An encounter with a group of heroes & an offer to join their new team had to be a sign. This was it, his chance to atone for his twin’s sins.
-Tries to be the best hero & the bestest ally possible (so the prophecy never comes true). It’s a bit ironic, he wields dark magic but his sunny attitude wouldn’t be out of place in a kids’ fairy cartoon.
-Deeply admires everyone’s kindness, especially WW’s but is terrified of loving him because of his true nature.
-Aside from dark matter-esque energy, his powers sometimes materialize in the form of his Tristamp branches & flowers. Has Plant markings but also Trimax’s biblical feathers & wings.
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tomatoswup · 1 year
FlowerShop Stampede (Headcanons)
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✿Welcome to Flowershop Stampede! ✿
Here, we offer the best quality in Floral. selections!
Weddings, Birthdays, Parties, Bouquets?
We cater to any event!
Come and Visit Today!
summary: trigun characters working in a flowershop,, what could go wrong?
characters: vash the stampede, nicolas d. wolfwood, meryl stryfe, milly thompson
warnings: none, meryl running wolfwood over, vash's horrible flower arranging skills, etc :P
category: headcannons
A/N: this was fun to imagine tbh hehehe,,, i'll be writing an extra bonus one shot stemming from these headcannons but first imma write the other things I have planned for right now! I was thinking about writing these up first and scheduling them ahead of time but what's the fun in that :,) i may not be the best writer but thank yall for reading my things,,, also i'm so tired from a recent trip so half-awake-half-asleep editing
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Vash The Stampede
One of the first part-timers at Flowershop Stampede!
A bit of a run-down flowershop, but Vash is very encouraged to flip everything around with work ethic and effort! :)
Roberto literally just watches as the new-hire speaks to the roses in the morning,,,,he just lets him do his thing
and i'm gonna be honest with yall, Boss-man Roberto puts Vash as the main floral consultant
because who can resist that adorable face so kind?
"Do you really want just one batch? The chapel would be soo pretty if you added two more to fluff everything up :)" -insert doe eyes here-
yeah...give me 10.
also he's a bit of a people person sooooooo
literally has a natural green thumb, and the dude is majoring in botany
so theoretically he's the most practiced besides Roberto,,but he doesn't flaunt that around. he really just likes nature and this is encouraged by his adoptive mother Rem.
BUT he doesn't hesitate to kick anyone out if theres' a problem or disturbance or a threat
Will fight a customer with a stern smile on the wrong day.
One time, this rude ass man was yelling right into Milly's face because she dropped a bit of dirt on his shoes until Vash stepped in.
scary ass face bro what the hell,,, after a few tumbles and a broken pot, he kicked his ass out "peacefully".
cried a few tears after though.
"I hope he's alright... The cop gave me his number, what if I just check up on them.."
"Vash you had the right-"
"What if they died???! D:"
"They're not dead Vash.." sweatdrop
His brother Nai often looks down on his choice of profession and study. He thinks Vash should've studied more in International Relations or Humanities at most but botany? Seriously?
But since Vash's childhood was so...troubled. He just wanted to live in peace at this point, to breathe a little. He loves to help others but in his own way!
Doesn't hesitate to help people choose or decide on the right flowers,, he actually gives really good suggestions.
To everyone's surprise and utter disbelief, Vash is not good at making bouquets. At all.
Milly had asked Vash to make one for her when she went to quickly help Meryl unload plants from the truck and the girl came back to a very...bald.. bundle of roses.
"did i do it? :D"
everyone agreed that Vash doesn't really have a good eye at actually making the bouquets,, choosing the flowers yes! actually arranging them hell no.
bonus headcanon:
sometimes, Vash's prosthetic aches due to over-exertion. lifting heavy things around the shop, he forgets to take his breaks more often than he should, especially before the refitting appointment for his arm. so whenever it aches, Wolfwood takes his place and he goes in the back kitchen for a good 30 minute break.
when he gets home, he asks you to give him a shoulder massage and you gladly do.
you also nag at him for not taking his needed breaks to which he sweats a little and gives you a small smile.
he loves you for worrying about him though :,)
"babe plz take me back'
"vash i'm literally just gonna go get the IcyHot-"
"come back :,("
you cant help but give him a little peck on the lips before you go fixing his aches.
Nicolas D. Wolfwood
One of Flowershop Stampede's full-timers,, came in a bit after Vash started, roughly a good 6 months after.
No, he wasn't introduced to the job by anyone, he really just saw the Help Wanted poster in the trash and said "yup, this one right here."
also the man was broke aside for an odd job he doesn't like telling people for many reasons.
Now the man's here. Brown apron, gardening gloves, dirt on his cheeks and sunglasses laying on top of his head.
someone take a pic plz☝️
Alot of people including clients suspect he's a con-man but he just has the charm of a door-to-door salesman with the vibes of a con man.
a bit of a hard ass but has a good heart,, really good at convincing people to buy flowers.
Roberto doesn't like having him on consultations like Vash though since he goes off topic quite a bit stop rizzing up the fiance wolfwood her marriage is literally next week.
Has a specialty for making bouquets, specifically weddings and big events.
do you have a Quince going on? you want 5 big bouquets? Give Wolfwood a day he'll get them done by midnight tops.
Literally the two main bouquet arrangers in the shop are Wolfwood and Milly so they often call each other partner.
Old ladies absolutely love Wolfwood. He always tries to help them the best he can.
Carrying flower bundles, giving them suggestions on nice small bouquets nicely wrapped, they really love him and his little chest show boy button them up puT UR BADONKERS AWAY-WE ARE SELLING TULIPS
hates morning shifts with a passion, so he takes the night shifts often as Vash does who can't do mornings bc of class on certain days.
Overall, a tad bit aggressive yet charming worker! Takes pride in his work! in fighting too!
Meryl Stryfe
Flowershop Stampede's delivery driver! Also another full-timer besides Wolfwood.
If you spot her on the road with a big ass Ford F150 filled with crates and boxes filled with flowers and roses nooooo you didn't.
She mostly does the final parts of big orders, delivering and getting the sign-offs on orders!
Just delivered a big bunch of flowers for a bash?
"Sign right here for me and you're ready to go :)"
If you got a problem with her or one of the orders that were put in correctly or you don't wanna pay, she'll put Roberto on speaker for you 💖 or she'll curse you out AND THEN put him on speaker
best of both worlds.
Almost ran Wolfwood over as she was backing the truck up for bouquet pick-up.
He never let her live it down
"I don't know why you let her drive Roberto-"
no it wasn't
it was like the third but they don't have another driver.
also she's pretty good at getting flowers to their locations in record time to Roberto's dismay
the luck she has in not having gotten a ticket yet god damn. But she's still a pretty good driver! :D
Very good friends with Vash and Milly,, Whenever all three are on break, they go to the nearby coffee shop to get bread and coffee for everyone else working in the shop.
Milly accompanies her whenever theres' huge bouquets or arrangements to deliver so Meryl doesn't hurt herself.
And when she's not delivering anything, she helps the shop upfront by putting new plants out to display outside and inside the store!
Meryl appreciates everyone including the plants and works hard to show that she does!
Whip that car girl☝️ !!!!
Milly Thompson
Flowershop cashier and floral arranger! She actually works part-time due to her studies also.
She's a little oblivious but girl knows how to do her math real shit. Rings up the cash register in like a minute
"Next Customer! ^ - ^”
But she also does alot of the heavy duty shit around with Vash and Wolfwood.
Loading the truck, bringing in the crates filled with plants, strong millyyyy💪
Loves working there bc she's enamored with the stories customers and clients tell her and why they're buying flowers.
A proposal? Funeral? Someone just gave birth? Birthday?
People live very interesting lives and Milly finds it so fascinating to listen to them and how passionate they sound whenever they speak about their one and only(s).
Sometimes regulars who've known Milly well enough bring her pudding in exchange for a extra rose :) She's building up her little collection in the Kitchen fridge,
meryl is starting to get worried tbh
In Wolfwood's words, Milly is too considerate of a worker and he wants her to be more foots down but Milly politely declines his words of "wisdom"
Whenever Flowershop Stampede tables at any fairs or events, Milly likes to have fun gardening activities for the kids to come and enjoy!
Had her partner-crime Wolfwood convince Roberto to hold a Community and Kids Flower Bouquet Making class. Both Milly and Wolfwood leaded the event with pride.
And yes, all of Milly's family came and attended of course
Vash also did with Rem and a stubborn Nai who secretly enjoyed it
Wolfwood is now Uncle Wolf according to one of Milly's cousins.
milly: sooo uncle wolf what are the orders going out today?
wolfwood: milly i swear to god-
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xemo-wc-08x · 7 days
May I ask what tools you use in your programs to get the simple effect of ms paint? I’m trying to adjust brush settings to just have basic pixel-like brushes similar to old school paint, but it’s hard going. I can’t seem to find just a basic round brush (using csp and sai). Thank you! Seeing your art posts has inspired me to try drawing like I did back in the day, without stressing =(^-^)=
Sure! :D
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These are the settings for the main brush I use to make the lineart. I use Clip Studio Paint and I believe it's one of the brushes that you don't have to download called "Milli Pen" but edited to look as a ms paint brush. It's from the "Marker" category.
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(This icon here)
I hope this helps! ^^
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