#that one was always one of my fav dragons bc it's so gentle (and. I actually thought zikomo was the single girl in the game as a kid)
vimbry · 2 months
tragic: character you think would make a good voiceclaim for an oc has single line of dialogue of 4 words
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kichikichiko · 1 month
Heyyy loved your po headcannons, seeing as TaiLung is one of your fav could you please do dating TaiLung headcannons please? Hope you have a good day xx
You, always.
I'm actually so happy I got this request
3 anons actually requested this so ill tag the other anons too when I reblog this hehehe
Synopsis: Dating Tai Lung headcanons!
Pairing: Tai lung x gn!reader (Animal of your choice)
Cw: Headcanon, fluff, mildly ooc Tai lung (BC HE'S A TEEN IN LOVE) pre kung fu panda 1, not proofread but I'll keep on editing this as I read LMAO
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Everyone knew of Tai Lung. He was the adopted son of Shifu and the soon to be Dragon Warrior
At least that is what Shifu keeps on saying. But no one doubted it, Tai Lung was absolutely amazing and strong.
Many girls fell for him, and of course you did as well. But the differences between you and them, was that you successfully got Tai Lung’s heart
Everyone knew that although Tai Lung was strong, he had the temper of an eruptive volcano. Which is why MOST of his admirers wouldn't dare to confess their love to him.
Tai Lung fell in love with your confidence. The next dragon warrior was not stupid. He knew that most of the villagers were scared of him, despite admiring him.
You basically strolled up to him one day when he was walking down the streets of the valley of peace, and thanked him for his hard work.
“Hi Tai Lung, my name is (name) and I just wanted to say that I admire you and thank you for protecting the valley of Peace from danger.” you smiled
“You’re.. Welcome.” He nodded, holding a bag of groceries. Tai was stunned someone had the confidence to even look his way when he was on the streets of the valley
You smiled and nodded a little “See you around! Soon-to-be Dragon warrior” winking at him playfully and walking away.
He finds himself smiling at the memory whenever he has time to himself. From that moment on, you started seeing each other more often and finally made it official.
Never in a million years would he think that he would find someone to love.
Afterall, his heart and mind was set to mastering the art of Kung Fu, and making his father proud
But you changed him for the better.
You and him were polar opposites, which was great. You both were compatible despite your differences.
He was hot tempered and prideful... and you patient and humble.
Shifu and Tai Lung would have arguments from time to time. It’s only natural after all! He was a teenager, in his rebellious stage.
Tai Lung would storm out of the Jade Palace to cool down.
Before you, He’d go to a hill and punch a sturdy tree to relieve his stress. Of course the trees stood no chance
Now that he has you, his partner, the hot headed leopard would come over to your place without saying a word.
He didn’t have to of course, because he knew that you would understand right away. Which is all he needed honestly. I don’t think that he would have the patience to explain the full situation.
Tai Lung would NEVER admit it to you though,because his pride won't let him. But he loves how gentle you are with him.
The way you spoke to him when he was having troubles
“Tai, I understand Shifu made you upset, but you have to understand where he’s coming from.”
The way you held his paw in your own
“I’m sure he means no harm. He just wants the best for you and so do I”
How you guide him to the right path “Please control your temper next time, I don’t want you to start losing yourself and go on the wrong path”
His shoulders become less tense whenever he sees how soft your gaze is when you look at him.
Those eyes are just full of patience, love, empathy and understanding. Qualities that he does not have (Except love)
Qualities he loves about you.
If youre having a hard time Tai Lung would sense it straight away.
You both know that he isn't the best with his words
He can be awkward and stiff, but for you? He’ll try his damn best.
He’ll buy your favourite food, and even stop by mister Ping’s noodle shop to get you something warm for your tummy.
The Leopard would visit your place and take you by the lake at night to watch the stars in the sky as you feel the breeze of the wind hit your (feather/fur/skin/scales)
“Thank you Tai… for this.” You smiled at him as you took a bite out of the food he brought for you.
Tai Lung would nod stiffly “No problem.”
Honestly he wasn’t happy that he wouldn't comfort you with sweet words like you would do for him when he was upset.
“You know. I used to come here often to take time for myself. The first time I came here was to find inner peace in myself, but I couldn't, which frustrated me even more…” Tai lung started, he took a glance at you to see if you were listening
“I then decided to stop my meditation and look up at the sky. And what I saw was the beautiful stars shining brightly up there. Only then, did I find my peace even if it was for one night. In fact,” he looked up at the sky as if he was signing to you to do the same “the stars up there are shining just as bright as when I saw it for the first time.”
Your eyes trailed up to the sky and immediately you saw what your boyfriend was talking about.
“Wow it’s beautiful” you whispered in awe as Tai Lung saw the stars twinkling in your eyes.
“Just like a certain someone I know..” he’d whisper back, admiring your features and admiring you.
He was so lucky to have you by his side and he knows it damn well
No other words were exchanged between the two of you.
You scooted closer to your boyfriend and leaned into his shoulder for warmth and comfort. Tai Lung didn’t push you away, instead he pulled you closer.
Whether or not Tai Lung knows it, you started to forget your worries right then and there. It seems like he knows how to comfort you after all.
Requesting (closed)
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bakubunny · 7 months
Do you have a monsterfuck idea for any of your fav? If it’s not your thing pls feel free to delete this.
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someone (i won’t name names) has been trying to @ me for my unhinged state today, so i’m upping the ante and answering this ask bc i have thoughts. i only gravitate towards hybrids & humanoid forms so i hope this counts!
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dragon!eijiro. (see here) he’d probably split you in half without trying and only slightly feel bad for it when he blows his massive load in you bc he wants to breed you so damn bad. his anatomy alone tells you that he’s a breeder, that’s for sure. he knows it’s not impossible to knock you up, and that birthing his children wouldn’t kill you (you really think he didn’t think this through fully?). and he’s just been lonely for so long, won’t you help him? 🥺 he’s sweet and pretends to be clueless about sex for a little bit to try not to scare you, but the way he kisses you, how he has you cumming in his lap before he’s even gotten your clothes off as you grind on his massive dick, tells you he’s lying through his teeth. truth is he’s flustered but it’s more because he’s so fucking pent up after being alone for at least a hundred years. and the fact that this soft, pretty little thing wants him, all big, strong, scaley, and kind of roughed up, one that’s not even your own kind, has him stumbling and blushing. bc all he could think about the moment he caught your sweet scent a mile away was how badly he wanted to breed you. and once he gets going? he knows there’s going to be no stopping him from fucking you until you’ve nearly passed out, filling you over and over in the coming days and weeks until you’re knocked up and swollen. but he’s a kind lover…. dragon!eijiro tries to be gentle with you as much as he can. he takes care of you between breeding fuck sessions, makes sure you’re comfortable, have plenty to eat and drink, etc. he keeps you snuggled and cozy against his burning chest with the chill of a winter storm outside his cave.
hybrid bunny!reader with any number of characters. (my online name is bunny, what did you expect?) kiri, deku, kami, tokoyami, and toshinori would be sweet and just try to help out their poor baby bunny who’s in heat and constantly nuzzling their legs and crotch. they know it’s probably wrong to fuck their pretty little hybrid, but you just look so needy and almost fucked out when you’re grinding on their leg with a pleading look on your face. bkg, aizawa, shinso, takami, and sero know it’s wrong, but you sound so fucking cute when you’re taking their cock, fucking your hips back into them with your tongue out and eyes rolling that they don’t want to stop. they know they should find you a mate that can knot you and sate your needs properly, and maybe some day they will. but for now….
wolf hybrids & dog hybrids always make me feel some type of way, i’ll be honest. i’m particularly fond of kiri, bkg, deku, and shinso with the wolf hybrid trope. it gives breeding kink vibes and i’m abt that. and no i’ve definitely never thought abt wolf hybrid!aizawa.
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rewatching s1 of got RANT BY ME
i highly do not recommend you rewatching season 1 of game of thrones after season 8... for you shall drown in your own bitter tears.
it was so good, guys. SO. GOOD. i truly forgot about it. episode 9 when ned dies is a fucking masterpiece, maisie williams’ acting is HEARTBREAKING, seeing robb in all his glory is HEARTBREAKING, lena headley playing cersei with a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT VOICE (really, check it out) is PHENOMENAL. btw cersei and robert and their relationship is a stuff of dreams for any writer. it’s so hateful and twisted, the way they tore each other apart. and you feel for cersei, you really do. when she tells ned about her wedding, when she tells cat about her stillborn son - damn, there is so much love lost there,  i was dying to see it on-screen. 
but what is most mind-blowing is how different everyone feels and how your perspective of characters changes. you think jon was always high as honor and oh so perfect and humble? WRONG. he came to castle black as a privileged little shite who though he is better than all the other recruits just because of all the opportunities he had as a stark bastard growing up in winterfell. he was nice and likable, that’s true, but he certainly wasn’t without faults. the whole ‘’love is a death of duty’’ speech of aemon’s was actually regarding ROBB, as jon was contemplating running away from the watch (for the 2nd time in the span of 2-3 episodes, mind you) in order to help robb in the war. as he ultimately put duty above love in this case and stayed, and robb then died...  then put duty over love again and ygritte died.... well, idk him doing this for the 3rd time with dany was shown with a proportionate amount of emotional anguish on his part, just sayin’.
tyrion? DON’T GET ME STARTED WITH TYRION. tyrion is an interesting character cause i think that no matter how hard his life in casterly rock was, we tend to forget that he was, again, PRIVILEGED AS FUCK. s1 tyrion was green as grass, oh my good. he just had no idea about any-fucking-thing. he had tantrums and would brood and pout like a child. claimed to be of great intelligence and yet he was more cunning than anything else, really. great basis for development which i guess, i completely overlooked somehow. tyrion was never in my head a character that went through some spectacular change throughout the show and yet now, after watching him so innocent and naive in s1, I have to admit he’s hardly recognizable. funny to think he came back to being a sweet summer child in s8 and lost all the wisdom he gained from various life tribulations.
dany... this one might be the most painful. dany is all but a baby in s1. even after she gains SOME position due in her marriage, all her belief in herself is grounded in just that- her marriage, her position is a khaleesi. that’s why she allows mirri maz dur to take all she holds dear; because she is terrified of the perspective of being nothing again. i don’t think people really remember how horrifying viserys was and how hard dany’s life was before dragons. we have no literal confirmation of that, but i am absolutely sure her brother abused her both sexually and mentally. when she is attacked by the assassin, she doesn’t even look that surprised, just weary that robert keeps on sending them. after she gained drogo’s love and, with that, a little respect, she just used her title of khaleesi left and right, with no understanding what this role really means and no true authority. she was all bite as long as she knows drogo will back her up. damn,really, no wonder she was so desperate to save him. also, no wonder she is so okay with killing people that defy her authority. people keep on forgetting that she learned leadership from a damn dothraki khal. she watched her husband execute people for really REALLY small things. her attitude towards tarlys for example makes PERFECT SENSE when we look at it from this context (but why not, we can just make her mad for no fucking reason). but what’s interesting is that dany has hated the idea of slavery and rape and harm of innocents since her very beginnings. that was one of her most interesting traits in s1, this love and gentleness she had for women and children, for slaves. but yeah, let’s have her burn fucking king’s landing, oh my god, i’m still not over it, now more than ever. 
aaaaaand all those little details in s1 forsaken later, DAMN. bronn and tyrion were buddies even back then, but sure, let’s have bronn side with cersei in s8 bc why not. as much as everyone says that ned’s honor got him killed, he died without honor actually, betraying everything that he stood for. what a hell sansa went through in king’s landing, how strangely close and intimate her relationship with cersei was and how we didn’t get their final confrontation, bc why should we. petyr was fucking smart. varys was fucking smart. arya was a fucking normal human person with human emotions and negative traits also, and not a fan-fav super-assassin with plot armor as thick as the wall. when she was saying that she doesn’t want to be a lady, she just meant that she didn’t want to play the traditional role of a lady which would include feminine skills she highly disliked as sewing, wearing dresses and bearing her lord husband dresses. interestingly enough, she wanted to be A LORD, so she wanted to rule the land, manage her bannerman and take care of prosperity of those under her protection. but nah, let’s send her on a suicide quest towards the sunset, shall we? 
i’m sorry, i know this is messy and doesn’t really bring anything new to the discussion. but i needed to let it out somehow. god, s1 of game of thrones was really something truly magnificent. 
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lovelylogans · 6 years
BC I CAN also i just rewatched it and it’s one of my fav movies so
please. please. y’all already know roman is buttercup. upcoming royal??? yeah it’s roman, obvi
westley is virgil. 1. bc he was socially awkward to the point of throwing himself down a hill as a way to communicate to his former love that he’s actually alive, 2. westley’s snark is iconic
logan is inigo. bc he studied for years and years under the greatest swordsmen. like, canonically. boy is inigo. 
patton is fezzik. partially bc i like the idea of gentle giant patton and partially bc of the way he nursed everyone back to health (inigo from drunk stuff, westley from death) and also like he’s so soft and gentle and the end where he gets two white horses???? it’s patton y’all
deceit is humperdinck. on a related note, please let deceit’s canon name be on the level of ridiculousness of humperdinck @ thomas and co i’m begging
vizzini is uhhh. uh. hm. you know what. full absurdity here it’s the dragon witch (you know how the dragon witch was like a throwaway character except i’m basically shoehorning her into every fic i have?)
(the magician and his wife who resurrect westley are now joan and talyn, i don’t make the rules, except i do)
also tw mentions of suicide, and also torture 
so! roman as the slightly bratty upcoming lord of the land or whatever on the farm, and virgil as the farmboy
virgil is a Useless Gay and as such whenever roman asks him to do anything he just “as you wish” and tries hard not to be too obvious about staring at him and covers up his affection with snark
roman, who is an Equally Useless Gay, just kinda. keeps giving virgil these useless commands (”farmboy! ....um. hand me those reigns!” “...the ones... you’re holding?” “THE OTHER REIGNS” “....as you wish”)
eventually roman does a “farmboy. fetch me that pitcher.” and virgil does and whispers “as you wish” and roman grabs him by his lapels and brings him in for a kiss
virgil however fully recognizes that he has to up his social class in order to be with roman so he goes sailing before they can marry but the dread pirate anx attacks
roman is devastated, ofc, and makes the “i’ll never love again” vow
let’s do the time warp again!
five years later!
roman’s accepted a proposal from deceit, bc 1. he’s the prince and 2. if he’s gonna be miserable may as well be miserable in a high social standing, right
plus he always kinda dreamed of being a prince as a kid, didn’t he? maybe this way he can enact some change
it is hard to remember such things when he is trotted out in the public square like a prize goat, but he clings to it regardless
he goes out riding (one of the only things he still loved) before the wedding and gets knocked out by the dragon witch and co.
logan and his husband fiancé boyfriend (?) patton have mostly accepted this job bc they need money, and keep accepting the job bc... well, money
logan swears they’ll get out of it and he’ll find the six-fingered man, and patton doesn’t like the unscrupulousness of it but. well. they have to eat somehow
and he debates with the dragon witch about and he goes “you were not hired for brains!” “but i was,” logan says coolly, sharpening his sword. “and if you speak to him like that again, you’ll see precisely the other reason you hired me.”
yeah they don’t like it
anyways logan starts the fast/alas harm/charm rhyme game with patton to cheer him up. and then they keep it up bc it annoys the dragon witch
roman wakes up and logan notices someone following him (spoiler it’s virgil) and the dragon witch threatens roman. everyone on the boat hates the dragon witch, basically
but roman jumps into the shrieking eel-infested waters, swimming to the boat, bc as miserable as he is he doesn’t wanna be murdered for a war
patton ends up smacking the eel on the nose and bringing roman into the boat, huddling over him protectively and asking if he’s okay
roman gives him a why would you care look, and patton gives him some extra food as sympathy
and patton climbs them all up, shortly followed by the Mysterious Masked Man
“INCONCEIVABLE!!” and the dragon witch cuts the rope, and the masked man managed to cling to the rocks
the dragon witch makes to leave logan behind and patton looks anxious and logan smiles and shakes his head and says “i’ll be fine” “just... be careful, okay? people in masks can’t be trusted” and they kiss and the dragon witch urges patton and roman on
basically as soon as the dragon witch is out of earshot logan calls down to him
“slow going?” “look, i don’t mean to be rude, but this isn’t as easy as it looks. i’d appreciate if you didn’t distract me.” “sorry.” “thank you”
five seconds later... “i don’t suppose you could speed things up?” “look, if you’re in such a hurry, you could throw down some rope or something?” “well i’m not sure if you’d accept. i mostly want you to speed up so i can fight you. potentially to the death.” “...that does put a damper on our relationship.”
ten seconds later... “look, okay, i’ll throw down the rope, and step back from it.” “why do you want to help me so bad?” “well, that sword you’re carrying.” and then he goes on a tirade of how that exact blade and how beat up it is etc. is evidence of a good swordsman and it’s been  a g e s  since logan’s had a good duel
“...all right, fine. anyone told you, you talk too much?” “i could rescind that rope offer--” “on seCOND THOUGHT”
so virgil reaches the top and logan offers him a breather until they duel, and logan lays out his backstory in all kinds of matter-of-fact language
he tells the story of the six-fingered man after virgil catches him looking closely at his hands, and explains that he went from studying sword-making to sword-fighting after the death of his father, along with the twin scars on his face
he also explains the whole “we’re working with the witch to pay the bills” kind of thing and also patton
“you seem a decent fellow. i hate to kill you.” “you seem a decent fellow. i hate to die.”
do yourself a favor watch the swordfight again it’s glorious (that link also includes the inigo/westley convo)
logan, a nerd, lists off the routines. virgil, also a nerd, offers counterpoints
it’s the debate, basically. it’s their debate but with swords
“who are you?” “no one of consequence.” “i must know.” “get used to disappointment.”
logan gets his sword knocked out of his hand, and very matter-of-factly says “kill me quickly. and tell patton--tell patton--”
“i’m not going to kill you, for goodness sake’s. i’ve never had an equal like this. however, i can’t have you following me, either.” and whacks logan over the head
meanwhile, they see virgil coming up over the hill, and the dragon witch takes roman and leaves patton (who is worrying VERY MUCH as if he got past logan then--)
virgil comes up over the hill to a rock thrown at him and smashed very near his head. he whirls around, bringing up the sword, and patton emerges from behind the rock, another rock uplifted.
“what did you do with logan?!”
“he’s alive, just unconscious.”
“oh thank god,” and he lowers the rock, beaming. “this business is so dangerous the only reason we stick with it is because we’re broke” “well, understandable. i did the same for five years.”
“...so, uh, what now?” “i just kinda figured. well. i don’t want that nice prince to die. if you’re trying to save him, you can knock me out. i’ll kneel to make it easier for you, if you like.” “well that’s very kind of you”
ft. battle of iocaine powder, with a blindfolded roman, and virgil smirking as the dragon witch rattles off the varieties of reasoning (”you fell victim to one of the classic blunders!”) and eventually swaps glasses and dies anyways
virgil crosses over and unties the blindfold
“who are you?” “no one to trifle with. and that’s all you need to know.” “to think--yours was poisoned!” “no. i’ve spent the past five years building up an immunity to iocaine powder.”
eventually virgil lets roman stop to catch his breath and roman promises ransom, adding that deceit is a fantastic tracker
“you admit to me you do not love your fiancé” “he knows i do not love him” “are not capable of it, you mean” and roman draws himself up to his full height
“i have loved more deeply than a killer like yourself could ever dream--”
virgil snarls and pulls roman along, keeping going before they get caught by deceit
eventually roman snaps that he knows he’s the dread pirate anx, admit it! and virgil does, and roman snarls that he can die slowly, cut into a thousand pieces, etc etc etc
virgil, kind of testing him, asks about the love that he apparently killed. who is “poor and perfect, with the most beautiful eyes” and they bicker more and more, virgil saying “i remember this farm boy, i think.” and talking a game about how he died well and said “please. please, i need to live.” because he had true love
they bicker more and more and roman screams “i DIED that day!” and they see deceit’s horses, and roman snarls “you can die too for all i care before shoving him down the hill
and roman immediately throws himself down the hill after him
deceit realizes they’re heading to the fire swamp
roman and virgil have their sappy reunion “you’re alive! if you want, i can fly!” and the “death cannot stop true love. only delay it for a while” 
and then... fire swamp
roman gets a bit singed by the fire, and virgil explains how he took the dread pirate anx is actually multiple people; ryan, cummerbund, etc etc, while carrying roman through the forest. and then he sets him down and basically immediately roman gets sucked into lightning sand, and then the rous’
they make it out of the fire swamp and straight into deceit’s calvalcade, ft. six-fingered man
“you mean you wish to surrender to me? very well, i accept”
but also roman sees them trying to kill virgil and basically surrenders so they promise not to hurt him
“i thought you were dead once. it almost destroyed me. i can’t do it again.” and deceit whisks him onto his horse before he can say a proper goodbye to virgil
virgil gets knockt out and taken to the pit of despair
(fun fact: the henchperson in the pit of despair in the movie terrified me so much as a kid, oh my god)
anyways they clean his wounds and basically prep him for the Death Machine
roman, meanwhile, is moping quietly around the castle, as deceit basically covers for it with his father’s failing health. roman has stress dreams and nightmares about the wedding, before he marches to deceit’s office and declares that he will be dead by the morning after their wedding
deceit simpers that he could never cause roman grief, and they’ll alert virgil’s ship, etc., all that, and casts some shade, but roman stays strong. eventually they make a deal that if virgil wants roman, sure, but if not, please consider deceit as an alternative to death.
deceit reveals that he hired the dragon witch, as they walk to the pit of despair, and the six-fingered man starts virgil up on the Torture
after that, logan and patton (since reunited) are having a merry old time knocking people out in the thieves’ forest and avoiding arrest, when patton at last reveals the discovery of the six-fingered man
CHANGE OF PLANS, logan declares, and basically drags patton into this plan. he also needs, well, another swordsman, so he may as well go looking for...
virgil! who is Suffering, highkey, when deceit struts into the room. roman has since figured out his letters to virgil haven’t been sent, and he is. Angry About It, which makes deceit Angry at him and roman has basically been locked away until the wedding
back to virgil! as deceit is ranting about the true love, which is a once in a century ordeal, and so deceit snarls “then no man in a century will suffer as greatly as you will” and cranks the machine up to fifty
and uh. he ded y’all
not before screaming loud enough for basically the whole country to hear, including logan and patton!
who move towards the screaming, and are basically like “well, we’re in the middle of a forest, now what” until they stumble along the henchperson, who gets Knocked soundly along the head until he reveals the pit
they cart out virgil’s body to joan and talyn, and logan basically tells them that it would greatly displease deceit and so they have their whole thing (and TO BLAAAVE, which means to bluff! and rewatch the whole situation because it’s so funny and also like. oh my god. joan and talyn as miracle max and valerie)
so they get him the little chocolate covered miracle pill and haul virgil out
“bye bye, boys! have fun storming the castle!”
they feed him the miracle pill, but, uh, virgil’s physicality is....... incredibly limited
“let me explain! no, there’s too much. roman’s marrying deceit’s in less than half an hour. so we gotta break into the castle. and i have to kill count rogen.”
“great. the only trouble is i can’t move and there are sixty guards on that door”
basically they come up with the whole, like, demon entrance plan, which is hilarious, and come upon the head guard
“give us the gate key.” “i have no gate key.” “i see. patton, tear his arms off.” “oh you mean this gate key!”
wedding is happening, which.
“mawwaige..... mawwage is what bwings us togezzer... today.”
oh my god. oh my god it’s the precursor to the hewwo meme
anyways they keep talking “wuvvvvv.... TWU wuv!” and deceit snaps they speed up for it and they get the shortest vows ever
deceit gets roman taken to the honeymoon suite by his parents and he goes racing out to face virgil, logan, and patton, who is carrying virgil
in comes the six-fingered man, and six guards, who logan slays with ease
“hello. my name is logan sanders. you killed my father. prepare to die.”
dude fuckin sprints outta there, and logan follows
meanwhile, patton continues calmly carrying virgil until logan starts shouting for him to break down a door
patton gently installs virgil into the arms of a knight thing and stops logan from basically knocking his head against the door, before punching it down for him, and going back to get virgil
roman’s being escorted by the queen, who he gently kisses on the cheek
“what was that for?”
“you’ve always been so kind to me. and i’ll be killing myself once we reach the honeymoon suite.”
“....won’t that be nice. HE KISSED ME!”
logan has his Badass Fight and gets jabbed pretty bad in the stomach, but not before enacting his awesome revenge
roman dully enters the suite, and preps to stab himself in the chest, until he hears a voice from the bed
“there are very few perfect chests in the world. it’d be a pity to damage yours.”
and he rushes to kiss and hug him, and basically virgil reveals he can’t move all that much right now and is in a fair bit of pain
“won’t you forgive me?” “what did you do?” “i got married” “well, did you say i do?” “well... no.” “then you didn’t get married. don’t you agree, highness?”
and roman whirls around to see deceit
and virgil gives the badass to the pain speech
god it’s so. yes.
and virgil manages to stumble to his feet and hold out his sword, snarling “drop. your. sword.”
it’s scary enough that deceit basically immediately forfeits, and roman ties him up, beaming
logan stumbles into the room, holding his stomach “where’s patton?!” “i thought he was with you!” 
and they hear patton calling from the window, beaming and holding the reigns to four white horses
and they uh... happily ever after, running away together, to Be Gay and Do Crime
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so-very-small · 7 years
for the headcannons meme you posted- I can't pick favs so gimmi ur hc's about ur overwatch otps and favs pls >:3c
hfdsskjghkd literally everyone is my fav but boI here we go
Ana (top tier fave i lov her and am actually planning a fic abt her as a smol)-single mom borrower, moved into the Gibralta base bc where else is a safer place to raise her daughter after the crisis, is the Sneakiest-her sole weaknesses are tea and Premium Beef aka Rein-eventually after she and Pharah stop hiding in the walls, she becomes an Overwatch agent and honestly is more compitent than any human, she’s esp. good at recon and breaking/entering and gathering intel
McHanzo (im basic lmao)-Hanzo’s the smol and he’s very angry abt it; McCree’s the tol and he’s very smug about it. gotta tease the tiny bf abt his height. he’s even shorter than usual adorable-Hanzo loves to ride in McCree’s serape, like right on his shoulder pressed up against McCree’s neck. it’s cozy, he can hide if needed , and hes touched deprived as hell let him be smushed against the tol gently-despite being a small, Hanzo’s dragons are like. cat size. they’d listen to him when he was normal height but he’s small now, so they have to protect. sometimes if he’s doing something stupid or in trouble they just pick him up w/ their mouf by the back of his shirt like a mama cat with a kitten and just tote him back home-OR McHanzo Issun-bōshi au with Hanzo as Issun-bōshi and McCree as the girl/chancellor’s daughter (but w/out the sexisim/creepiness lmao)
Roadrat-dear god is Roadhog tired because Jamie is so tiny and he never sleeps and he nearly died like twenty times this week-Jamie sleeps in a jar bc if he were anywhere else he’d climb out and cause a mess. on no less than seven occasion Mako has awoken to fire. now Jamie is banished to a jar and doesn’t get up til Mako does, until he gets his pyromaniac tendencies under control-Mako had nice eyebrows until Jame Fire Incident No. 5. now he has to pencil them in -Mako is selectively mute, but sometimes Jamie hides in his scarf and pretends to be Mako’s voice for him. no one questions where the voice is coming from and why Mako’s mouth doesn’t open when he talks. too intimidating-Jamie is the only one who isn’t intimidated by Mako at all, despite their size difference. if anything, half the time he doesn’t notice the size difference. Mako’s just a teddy bear to him.
BunnyRibbit-Ultimate borrower duo they’re smol but they’re fierce-how have they not died of malnutrition all they borrow is chips and soda and occasionally cake-would absolutely do anything for each other including fighting tols and rats-OR tol!Hana with smol!Lucio, lil pocket frog boy who likes to sing. he’s smol and it gives him the most unique voice and he loves sitting on his gf’s shoulder and serenading her-OR tol!Lucio and smol!Hana, Lucio gets NO rest because Hana is everywhere she won’t stop how is she this energetic plEASE STO P YOU’LL GET HURT-tiny!Hana absolutely stole a Barbie RC car so now she has the coolest ride. just this pink blur on the floor shes everywhere it’s incredible
other ideas I like-team Talon all being smols except for Akande who has to deal with tiny Reaper who wants to get revenge on his ex Jack, tiny Sombra who’s absolutely everywhere at once, tiny Moria who’s too busy doing SCIENCE to be CAREFUL, and tiny Widow but she’s p chill actually-Amelie/Gerard with Amelie as a smol, who wound up small due to Talon genetic testing and stuff, now she lives in the walls of Gerard’s apartment and although she’s pretty stoic and defensive oh no he’s cute-Gabe/Torb/Rein/Jack/Ana being the BEST borrowing squad ever. or like, a team of smol Overwatch agents bc wow they can do so much others can’t either way they’re the bomb-Symmetra as a tol, she helps build cities of hard light and they’re always perfect and precise and beautiful-literal pocket Mercy-Genji with lil Zen floating on his shoulder like an angel; OR tol calm Zenyatta with tiny Genji who’s nyoom everywhere you can’t catch me Zen watch this backflip here i go-literal gentle giant Reinhardt-TALL BRIGITTE IM GAY
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memeathon · 7 years
do every single fucking one of those question things do it
you dont even know pokemon omg
have fun googling
Lonely- Favorite song in a pokemon game?
anything from sinnoh,, i grew up on diamond and platinum and literally every song from those games are my shit. i found on orchestral cover of some sinnoh songs and i actually started crying funfact 
Brave- Give me two pokemon to pick a favorite between: -blank- or -blank-?
Hardy- What was your first pokemon game and when?
ah,,, Pokemon Diamond, Christmas 2008. the first video game i ever played in my life. I already loed pokemon by then and i ate that shit up and im still a hoe for sinnoh
Adamant- What role would you have if you lived in the pokemon world?
i think about this a lot omg, i bet id be a photographer tbh?? or just travel the world with my Pokes to get writing inspiration omg,
Naughty- If you had to choose, which villainous team would you be on?
tough one :V
i guess rocket bc theyre just normal criminals instead of like “IM GONNA DESTROY THE E N T I R E WORLD” or “EVERYONE WHO DOESNT FIT MY AESTHETIC IS GONNA DIE”
Bold- What is your favorite pokemon game outside of the the main series?
pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky NO contest. i got to play as riolu my all time favorite pokemon and with such a good plot that it was my favorite video game ever for a long time
(tho i have a special fondess for pokemon ranger shadows of almnia,,)
Docile- Rate -blank- pokemon character 1-10
Relaxed- Where would you take a vacation in the pokemon world?
i love sinnoh but kalos is absolutely breathtaking omg,, it also has 
Impish- Which pokemon do you dislike the design of?
i just went thru the dex and typed out a few omg,, 
grimer/muk, pineco, snubbull, shroomish (but i ADORE breloom), slakoth and slaking (but vigoroth is ok), castform (iT HAS BOOBS THAT ARE BETTER THAN MINE-), timburr/gerdurr/conkeldurr (they have those creepy veins eugh), throh/sawk, klink/klang/klinklang, binacle/barbacle, bergmite/avalugg, crabrawler/CRABOMINABLE (god its so ugly), BRUXISH, 
Mild- Secret bases, Underground bases,
this is a good question
Lax- How would you spend your freetime in the pokemon world?
bitch you know im petting tf outta my babies!!! i also watch way too many contests and shows like “my glameow from hell” while shoving berries into my face omg
Timid- Your favorite pokeball?
the heal ball is honestly really cute and instantly heals ur babus?? (also i used to have a toy of it omg)
but the luxury ball is #aesthetic and befitting of my elegant pokes, such as my absol from x
(bring back ball capsules and seals tho #sinnohhoe)
Hasty- If you could cosplay any pokemon character who would you choose?
if i could pull them off-
may, harley, or cynthia : 00
sadly, i dont have the hot bod needed to pull off harley OR cynthia,,
i might be able to do may tho,,, one day,,
Serious- Cool, you’re suddenly a gym leader. Which type is your specialty and what is your team?
Bulbasaur, Skiddo, Roserade, Decidueye, Torterra, Mow Rotom or Leafeon
if u let me have half my team as starters and also a legendary omg-
(maggie pls look up mow rotom its a SENTIENT LAWNMOWER)
Jolly- Who is your favorite character in any form of pokemon media?
oof tough one tbh,,,
may always has and always will be my favorite girl from the anime,, but game-wise i rlly love sycamore and hau hhh
Naive- Have you played any Pokemon rom hacks or fan games?
i downloaded uranium but i never got around to playing it : V
i have the rom randomizer does that count?
Modest- Take a selfie with your pokemon merch
IM ON VACATION remind me when i get back and i will
Quiet- Your favorite pokemon of -blank- type(s)
ill do each type >: V
Normal- Lopunny or Dunsparce
Fire- the Fennekin line (with weaknesses for Vulpix and Pansear as well)
Fighting- RIOLU
Water- Vaporeon, Milotic, Lapras, Empoleon
Flying- Drifloon
Grass-SO MANYY,,, Skiddo, Bulbasaur, Budew, Rowlett
Poison- The Bublasaur family, Budew, Salazzle.
Electric- Raichu (Normal AND Alolan), Ampharos, the Shinx family
Ground- Sandsgrew/Sandslash and Flygon
Psychic- Mew, Espeon, the lake guardians, Reuniclus, the Ralts family
Rock- Amaura and Nosepass/Probopass
Ice- Glaceon, Froslass, Lapras, Amaura, Weavile
Bug- Masquerain, Leavanny, Mothim, Combee, Ledian, Kricketune
Dragon- Goodra, THE JANGMO-O FAMILY, Altaria
Ghost- um ALL OF THEM?? (Banette, Misdreavus/Mismagius, Drifloon, the Litwick family, MIMIKYU, Sableye)
Dark- Absol, Zorua, Sableye
Steel- Jirachi, Klefki, Lucario
Fairy- Sylveon, Xerneas, the Ralts family, Klefki, Mimikyu
im bad at narrowing down :’D
Bashful- Any pokemon ships?
Contestshipping, Rocketshipping, Namelessshipping, whatever the ship is between kukui and his wife,
Rash- Who is your favorite pokemon Go team leader?
blanche everyday mystic 4 lyfe
Calm- If you could summon any one legendary pokemon, which would it be?
well mews my fav legendary,, but i gotta say jirachi to get that sweet Wish
Gentle- If you were a pokemon trainer, how would you take your journey?
id bring along maggie and madison and cheer them on while i catch all the cute pokes and take lots of pics omg,
Sassy- What would be your favorite pokemon food?
poke puffs yo theyre just cupcakes, 
Careful- Have you ever played your games in nuzlocke mode?
i actually recently started to!! (maggie since u dont know ill save u a google- nuzlocke is u can only catch the first pokemon u see in each area and if ur pokemon faints its dead and u cant use it any more)
star moments include:
-my rattata being poisoned and taking damage died ON THE SPACE BEFORE THE POKEMON CENTER
- my zubat dying immediately after i was done grinding it
-being annoyed with my randomizer including giving me all the possible water types and at one point a caterpie instead of WILD MEWTWO
Quirky- Come up with a concept for a pokemon with new type combo
dark/fairy type based on the more violent fairy myths,
fire/grass type based on a forest fire
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