#they are family i just😭 they make me so sad
arsonlookers · 2 days
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am I the only one? why are there no people talking about this crazy fox? like my second male lead syndrome is kicking in OMG😭 HELP, this fox might be the death of me, I dont know he is like bruh stay away from be also want him so BAD😭
He is Shiho Baek from A not so fairy tale also known as Extroversion of an Immortal
Guys hear me out ok MY reasons why this Fox is just damn Hot
and reason to read the manwha :]
One: He is a yandere [dont tell me other wise read the manwha, damn he is so crazy in and I LOVE how crazy he is!]
Two: He is so cute and Hot at the same time! like I do like foxes [call out childe here and aven hahaha] he IS A NINE-TAILED FOX!! come on 😭
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please he is so cute!!😭
four: His eyes, his lips, his everything!!! I WANT HIM BAD!! 😭 I don't care if he is bat shit crazy or masochist at some point I just FIND HIM SO ATTRACTIVE 😭
Five: I tell you the main characters are damn HOT like even the female lead She man not be that great of a person but she has a understanding point and reasons why she like that dont hate her.SHE SO COOL!!
but where here to talk about him
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seventh: GUys....he is not a bad guy, he just wants love😭 provide him love, provide him all love come on the love he knows is just twisted and sad, I cant😭
eight: spoiler: there is one part of the manwha where he said he just prayed and prayed for FL's pain to go away or how he is ok to be chocked, slapped, tied up, as long as FL dont suffer or make that sad suffering face anymore 😭 can you hate him?
Ninth: 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 why sad??? why trauma?
tenth: The manwha is still ongoing but I just feels 😭 I dont know The FL is so sad and the Ml is also Sad and the second fox baby is also sad
P.S. Whoever the hell is the woodcutter I will cut him with my bare hands if its not because of him maybe all of this will not happen because he just makes everyone suffer after a thousand years😭 the hell you are! I will cut you!!
if the Fl don't need or love him I can... I CAN FIX HIM!! I WOULD LOVE TO FIX HIM!!!
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He is the PERFECT specimen my comrades who love Yandere men *wink wink* he so attached and so down come on if you love to choke him he is down bad *wink wink* he would love that hehehe
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he also reminds me of someone SIYUN BAEK bastard i love him too
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15step · 2 years
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Cliff and Jane in the first and last issue of Grant Morrison’s Doom Patrol
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slytherin-syon · 6 months
i made the mistake of listening to the pjo musical while also being on a spy x family kick and came to the horrifying realization that Damian is so Annabeth-coded, particularly combining their ambitions with the trauma of being seen as invisible and their determination to prove themselves....
so, here is a damian-centric amv to the song "My Grand Plan"
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lydiannettelizabeth · 11 months
Scary Marlowe is making me Think so bad like. All she’s ever been was a scared girl. She didn’t want to love Terry because she was so afraid of being abandoned, she grew up so fast and became a gothpunk seeker of darkness because she was so afraid to lose people she loves, so it was better to not love them at all.
And still, even with all her rage and anger and everything, even with how much she yelled at terry and told him she hated him, she did care. He was the dad who loved her, who’d show up to her soccer games and make her lunches and just be her father. She just wasn’t ready for that. They didn’t get the time to grow and open up and love one another, they didn’t get the time to become a family.
Terry Jr. understood Scary, how it felt to lose a father and then feel like this guy just barges in and imposes on your life. He wanted to be like Ron, have a relationship with scary that was like the one he was able to craft with his stepdad, and he understood that it would take a lot of time and a lot of understanding and a lot of love, and he was willing to wait until he was ready.
They could’ve been a great family, and they both knew it. They just didn’t have enough time.
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youngyoo-apologist · 2 months
Background information:
Choi Han’s mother: Shin Haneul
Choi Han’s father: Choi Sujin
Some scrapped scenes with the Choi family that I couldn’t include in the main fic(at least not yet)
She remembered the day a bundle of joy was placed into her arms very well. Despite Shin Haneul’s awful memory, she could never forget her little boy,
Choi Sujin sat outside the hospital room, shaking his leg out of nervousness.
“Hyung, don’t worry so much, Haneul-noona will be fine.”
Choi Sujin turned to look at his little brother, who had come straight to the hospital after studying to meet his nephew. Choi Jung-gun was way than himself, but he was much more composed at this moment than Choi Sujin was.
“I-I’m not nervous, Jung-gun!”
Choi Jung-gun looked at his brother with a blank, clearly unimpressed expression. It seemed like Choi Jung-gun had taken it upon himself to be more responsible than normal today.
Normally, it would be Jung-gun getting anxious, but looking at his older brother who was nervously waiting to hear the news about his wife and son made him feel like for one day he needed to be the calm one.
He reached into his pocket, and tapped his brother’s shoulder. “Hyung, do you want candy?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Choi Sujin took the candy from his brother, and opened the package. It was a coffee flavored candy, one that Jung-gun didn’t like, but he knew their mom did.
Today was Choi Jung-gun’s birthday, and it would also become this kid’s birthday as well. Choi Jung-gun didn’t mind sharing, especially if it was with his nephew.
He was an uncle at twelve years old, that wasn’t something that happened everyday! If anything, his nephew being born today felt a little bit like a gift for himself too, as much as it was a gift for his brother, Shin Haneul, and the baby.
The two brothers sat outside the hospital room. At Shin Haneul’s request, it would only be them, her parents, and their parents to see the baby when he was born. The hospital staff had said that it was ideal for the health of both the baby, and the mother as well.
“Sir, everything went alright.” The nurse stepped out of the hospital room, and Choi Sujin stood up fast enough that he would have stumbled if not for Jung-gun’s hand on his arm to catch him. “…I understand you wish to see your wife and child, but please be careful to not injure yourself.”
“Yeah, Hyung. You need to calm yourself down, don’t trouble Haneul-noona.” Choi Jung-gun let go of his brother, who nodded and sighed.
“Thank you, nurse. Is it alright if my brother and I go in to see my wife or do we have to wait longer?”
“No, now would be the perfect time to see her. We’ve already done everything needed for now.”
At the nurse’s words, Choi Sujin’s face lit up and he went inside the hospital room with Choi Jung-gun following behind him.
“Haneul-noona, are you okay?”
Shin Haneul’s smiled wide, and ruffled Choi Jung-gun’s hair. “Better than ever, lil’ bro!”
Currently, the baby who had yet to be named was being held in his father’s arms. The father in question would have been crying louder than a baby ever would if not for the fact that it would startle the child.
“Haneul… he’s so cute….he looks just like you!” Choi Sujin said, voice shaking with emotion.
Choi Jung-gun looked over his brother’s shoulders and frowned slightly. Now, he wasn’t going to be mean to a baby. This baby had just been born and he was his nephew, but new born babies were a little….ugly.
“He’s going to look even more like you when he grows up.” Choi Jung-gun smiled as he said this, instead of voicing his inner thoughts. It was clear that Shin Haneul already knew what he was thinking based on the amused expression on her face.
“It’s okay, Jung-gun, he just looks funny cause he's like one hour old.” Shin Haneul said, and Choi Jung-gun angled away his face so she could not see his embarrassed expression.
“Have you picked a name yet, Haneul?” Choi Sujin asked, handing the baby back to his wife, who nodded.
“Yeah, I was thinking of Han.”
“Han?” Choi Sujin looked at Choi Jung-gun who nodded in agreement,
“”It’s perfect.””
Shin Haneul smiled, and looked down at the baby in her arms, who from this day forward, would be named Choi Han.
“What do you think, Han? Do you like it?”
As if responding to her words, Choi Han began to cry and Haneul laughed. He had just been born and yet he was so lively.
That was good, because Shin Haneul wanted nothing more than for her son to live well.
“Han, can you say uncle?” Choi Jung-gun sat in front of Choi Han, who blatantly ignored him in favor of swinging his toy sword at the toy monsters in front of him. “Hannnn, please! I’ll buy you candy forever if you say uncle.”
Shin Haneul watched her brother in law try and coax the ten month old Choi Han into saying ‘uncle’ as his first word. Of course, she wouldn’t let that happen so easily.
“Han, it’s me, mom!” Shin Haneul picked Choi Han up, and placed her on her lap. “Mom.”
She pointed at herself.
“Mom’s brother in law.”
She pointed at Choi Jung-gun, who grumbled. “Not fair, noona!”
Shin Haneul stuck her tongue out at the boy, who did the same in return. At their childish actions, Choi Sujin could only sigh.
“C’mon you two, don’t argue in front of the baby.”
“He’s not even sentient yet!” Choi Jung-gun argued back, which made Choi Sujin poke his cheek.
“So what? What if you guys subconsciously influence him to be as ridiculous as you both are.”
“Wow, is that any way to speak to your dear, kind, beautiful, lovely, amazing, strong, incredibly intelligent, cunning, fantastic, wife?” Shin Haneul looked down at Choi Han, “Han, can you believe this! Yell at your father for me, he deserves it.”
Logically, there was no way Choi Han completely understood her, but he looked at his father with his big, round innocent baby eyes, and seemed to glare at him. Babbling baby like nonsense while waving his fist in Choi Sujin’s direction.
Choi Sujin put a hand to his heart, and pretended to fall to the floor like he had been struck by a sword. “My son, you’re so cruel!”
Choi Han, the mischievous little boy, laughed at him alongside his equally mischievous mother.
Shin Haneul pointed at Choi Sujin, “Han, you see this man? This man is mom’s husband.”
“Don’t sabotage us, Haneul! C’mon, Han. Can’t you call me dad? Please!” Choi Sujin crawled over so he was in front of Choi Han, but the baby looked at him with expressionless eyes.
“Bleh.” Choi Han stuck his tongue out, and both Shin Haneul and Choi Jung-gun began to cackle.
Choi Jung-gun paused, and looked away from his homework. For the time being, Shin Haneul and Choi Sujin had left Choi Han with him to take care of while they made a quick grocery run.
“Han, can you say that again, please?” Choi Jung-gun pointed at himself, “Who am I?”
Choi Han puffed his cheeks, and with a slightly frustrated tone he exclaimed, “Uncle! Un-cle. Uncle.”
He repeated the word over and over, like he was getting used to the ability of speech. The more Choi Han spoke, the wider Choi Jung-gun’s smile became.
Gently, he scooped Choi Han up and placed him in his lap. “Yeah! I’m your uncle.”
This was Choi Han’s first word. Choi Jung-gun had never actually thought samchon would be his first word. Sure, he did want it to be the case, but he’d be happy no matter what Choi Han’s first word was.
Although, Choi Jung-gun couldn’t help but think of his Shin Haneul, and his older brother who had really wanted mom or dad to be his first word.
“Hm… Han, you love your mom and dad a lot, right?”
Choi Han nodded slowly, and looked at Choi Jung-gun with curious eyes.
“Let’s keep this a secret from your mom and dad, kay’? Next time you see your mom, try and say ‘mom’ instead.”
Choi Jung-gun wasn’t sure if Choi Han would listen to him, but with how much attention he was paying to Choi Jung-gun’s words he figured it was worth a shot.
“Mo-m.” Choi Han sounded out, and Choi Jung-gun nodded.
“That’s it, Han! If you say that, your mom and dad will smile real wide.” Choi Jung-gun pat Choi Han’s head, and carried him in his arms as he walked downstairs. Shin Haneul and Choi Sujin should be home by now.
As expected, Shin Haneul and Choi Sujin stood in the kitchen with the grocery bags on the table.
“Ah, there’s my sweet baby and silly little brother!” Shin Haneul exclaimed, whisking Choi Han away from Choi Jung-gun’s arms and pointing at the grocery bags. “I got some chocolate for you, Jung-gun. Don’t tell your father.”
Choi Jung-gun cheered and threw his arms up in the air, digging into the grocery bag enthusiastically until he found the chocolate,
Choi Sujin smiled, and went to the stove to make the pancakes he had promised the family earlier today.
“Han, did you miss mom and dad while we were away?” Shin Haneul kissed the top of Choi Han’s head, who giggled. “I’m sure you were good for your uncle.”
Choi Sujin almost dropped the pan he held in his hands, and Choi Jung-gun gaped at Choi Han in shock. Man, maybe it was just Choi Han, but babies were straight to the point!
“Han! D-did you say mom? Is this your first word?!” Shin Haneul looked around, as if there was anyone else who would be called mom by Choi Han.
Choi Jung-gun walked over to the stove to cook the pancakes Choi Sujin had been making, but abandoned it in favor of running over to his son and wife.
While Choi Sujin and Shin Haneul fussed over Choi Han, Choi Jung-gun gave Choi Han a very discreet thumbs up when the baby was staring at him with his wide black eyes.
Sometimes, when Choi Jung-gun looked into his nephew’s eyes, it felt like there was a whole universe of stars growing inside of them.
Shin Haneul sat up in her bed, looking around the room as to where the sound of crying could be coming from.
She had been a light sleeper ever since Choi Han was born, not because he caused a lot of trouble, but sometimes she couldn’t get rid of the overwhelming dread that took over her at night.
Shin Haneul had no idea where this feeling came from. She had always been overjoyed at being with her son, in fact, she couldn’t be happier! But there were days when it felt like Choi Han would disappear if she didn’t pay enough attention, like he’d be gone before she even knew it.
She had spoken about it to her own mother before, asking if it was a normal feeling. Mother nodded, looking at her own daughter with sad eyes.
“I was scared I would lose you too. You were a very active child, and sometimes I’d get scared that if I looked away you’d injure yourself. Thankfully, when I was busy your father was always there so you were always safe.”
Shin Haneul sighed in relief, thank god it was just a normal thing and not some weird premonition of the future.
She wouldn’t know what to do with herself if that was the case.
Even with the reassurance she got from her mother, Shin Haneul couldn’t help the unease that was in her mind at night. Choi Sujin was fast asleep, like he was a Victorian child who was suffering from the plague, so it could not be her husband who was crying.
The only other option was Choi Han, who she found sobbing into his pillow.
Shin Haneul felt her eyebrows twist, and she put a hand on Choi Han’s head, wiping away the tears that fell from his eyes.
“Oh, my star, what’s wrong?”
Choi Han did not respond, could not respond, for his mind was overtaken by the terrors of the night.
Shin Haneul laid back down, and pulled Choi Han closer to her. While he was still crying, he had stopped shaking.
She wondered just what kind of things had happened for a five year old boy to be crying so much.
Had Choi Han remembered Jung-gun, who had gone missing two years earlier?
…Ah, perhaps that was where her fear came from.
Ever since Choi Jung-gun went missing, Shin Haneul had never gotten a full night's sleep. The only times she could sleep were the short naps she took in the morning.
Choi Jung-gun had gone missing just like that, no warning, no nothing.
It was like a god had taken him to another world, with no trace of him left to be found at his home where everyone cried out for him.
Shin Haneul didn’t let herself cry, because to her it felt like if she cried it would be admitting Choi Jung-gun had died.
She knew that boy wasn’t dead, he had to be alive, no matter what. One day he would come home, and they would all be there to welcome him again.
Shin Haneul looked down at her son, who was still crying, and kissed his hair. She caressed the top of his head, and began to hum a lullaby her own mother had sung for her when she was young.
The terrors of the night were strong, but against a mother’s love, even they would fall as well.
Slowly, Choi Han’s sobs died out, the only other sound left in the quiet night being that of Shin Haneul’s comforting hums, and the gentle sounds of her husband and son’s breathing.
Choi Sujin watched Choi Han hold up a cat plush to the baby in front of him.
Choi Jungsoo, the baby, had been born two months ago, but this was Choi Han’s first time seeing him. Despite only being six years old, Choi Han was technically an uncle, and Choi Sujin was a grand uncle.
“Jungsoo, call me hyung!”
“Han, he’s only two months old, so he can’t really talk yet.” Choi Sujin said, sitting down next to his son who continued gave the cat plush to Choi Jungsoo.
“Oh, was I like that too?”
“Mhm, you were just as small as he was too.”
Choi Sujin smiled at his son’s shocked expression, like he couldn’t even fathom being as small as Choi Jungsoo was.
“But I don’t remember that!”
“You don’t remember, but mom and dad remember.” Choi Sujin picked Choi Jungsoo up, and held him in his arms. “I can show you the photos.”
Choi Jung-gun would have said he remembered too, if he was here. Jung-gun had loved taking photos, especially of Choi Han since he was his favorite nephew.
The photo album they had consisted of many photos, but a good chunk of the later half of the album was filled with photos Choi Jung-gun had taken. Choi Jung-gun took photos and notes of almost everything he liked.
In the album, there were photos of the family, and Choi Jung-gun’s notes about them under it. Choi Han was no exception, and had multiple pictures of himself from when he was zero to three years old.
“I wanna see!”
Choi Han stood up, and followed his father upstairs who still carried Choi Jungsoo in his arms. After looking through a shelf, Choi Sujin found the album, and handed it to Choi Han.
He wasn’t worried about Choi Han damaging the album, because Choi Han had always handled books and albums with a lot of care. It seemed that even though he couldn’t remember most things, he still cherished the memories that he held in his hands.
Choi Han opened the album, and flipped through each page. Pointing out the people he recognized, and asking if he didn’t recognize someone. He flipped through the pages until he found a page labeled ‘November Eighth’.
They had dedicated an entire page to that day, because three people had been born on that day. Choi Jung-gun, Choi Han, and now, Choi Jungsoo.
“It’s me!” Choi Han pointed at the picture of him from when he was a baby. The hat he wore had rabbit ears on it, something Shin Haneul had found absolutely adorable when she saw it at the store.
Underneath the picture was a note, no name on it, and Choi Han did not recognize the handwriting, but he read it anyway.
‘On November Eighth, Han was born! He was a little ugly, but he’s cute now. He looks a lot like Haneul-noona, but his eyes are the same as hyung’s. He pulls my hair a lot, and he’s stupid strong for a baby. Maybe I’ll cut my hair so he has nothing to grab on when I carry him.’
“I’m not ugly! Whoever wrote this is the king of ugly.” Choi Han grumbled when he saw the second sentence.
Choi Sujin laughed, “But didn’t they call you cute after?”
“Hm… well, they’re still wrong! Mom says I’ve been cute forever, and mom is never wrong.” Choi Jungsoo yelled in agreement, and Choi Han nodded. “That’s right, Jungsoo! Moms are never wrong so you should always listen. And you should listen to your dad too, and my dad. My dad is cool too!”
Choi Sujin smiled proudly, “I’m the coolest, aren’t I?”
Choi Jungsoo only looked at him with such unimpressed eyes that Choi Sujin felt like his ego was being stabbed directly in the heart.
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torgawl · 8 months
lyney's character story about his vision revealing arlecchino didn't allow him to use a delusion and was genuinely angry that he would do something lynette wouldn't want for him, encouraging him to find other solutions... the way she was also sad lyney didn't feel comfortable relying on her during the quest... she really cares about the kids. her smile while speaking to furina also looked sincere. even though one can debate if this is all an act to make them trust and be loyal to her (as said by her, "good actors hone their craft to mesmerise the whole crowd") or acknowledge the fact she's using the kids by making them part of the fatui, she genuinely seems to cherish them. at least she goes through lengths that aren't really necessary for her not to care. the way she reformed the orphanage, the way she helped freminet get closure on his mother's fate... i just think it goes to show and confirm once more how biased everything/everyone in the game is. sometimes bordering unreliable, really. scara and childe's lines about her paint her in a certain light, which i'm not saying isn't true quite the opposite, but that persona seems to coexists with the version the kids from the house of the hearth know.
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skunkes · 2 months
OMG you like moral orel?? who is your favorite character :]c *Blinking and fluttering my eyelashes beautifully*
i watched the whole thing in a few days, ended yesterday. My faves are nurse bendy and joe (together and as a unit), stephanie (individually and then as a unit with the reverend but i dont like him individually), + danielle, of course
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johndonneswife · 2 months
someone really should be talking about how difficult it is to plan a wedding - a gay wedding - when both of your families fucking suck
#who is talking about this!!!! let me know#idk i have 0 expectations for my family but they still somehow always manage to let me down which#i was anticipating#and i didn’t think i would care because i have never cared before#but liiiiiike.#i wasn’t expecting to feel sad rofl but my family is so fucking flaky. again i KNOW THIS i know i cannot rely on any of them#it’s annoying when i have given them a year and a half to make plans and i have had so many people tell me they would be there#just to back out or ghost or come up with some excuse#like do you know how expensive weddings are 😭 JUST fucking be honest with me and rsvp no#anyway i was very intentional with the few family members i did invite#and specifically invited people i have a rapport with / had a good (ish lol) relationship with growing up#people i have bent over backwards trying to please!!! and dropping everything to help them out#and they can’t even be bothered to communicate with me lol it’s fine. like. i do feel like it’s internalized homophobia at this point#or maybe they have hated me this entire time which is totally plausible#but they KNOW how much ayesha means to me and knows that no one from her family is coming to our wedding#at the end of the day it’s going to be like. 5 people from my family 1 from ayesha’s (her brother) and like 30-40 friends#which i am so grateful for obviously#i sound like such a brat but it’s also like - watching your family continuously choose drugs/alcohol over showing up for you - lol#AGAIN i’m used to this and expected as much but i’m still feeling bad#just rsvp so i can move on with my life please. stop telling me you’re trying to make it work when we both know you aren’t#i have so much more to say but i’m going to sound crazy even though i knooooow it is homophobia like i Know it#i think there are certain people i will finally go no contact with for good after this#which is a freeing thought but i only invited v few family members to begin with. there’s abt to be no one left lmao#probably for the best#ugh whatever#again i can’t help but feel a certain way when they have done more/traveled further for relatives they hardly know#meanwhile i was forced to spend so much of my life living for these people and for them alone#AAAAAAAA i just want to scream#text
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bunny-xoxo · 3 months
I’m going to my new position this week but tell me why I’m feeling sentimental about the stupid ass shop I’m gonna leave 😭😭😭
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skyburger · 3 months
im probably never gonna watch the kenobi series but i did just find out there was a qui-gon scene so i went to find that. it was awesome btw i have a soft spot for qui-gon. but then in the recommended i saw it... vader vs. obi-wan in that series and i watched it and
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gwyoi · 5 months
crying over a fake conversation yeah it’s time for me to take a pregnancy test
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kuiinncedes · 5 months
#to start this w a good note lol#bro almost all the music i’ve heard since we got to this vacation spot was done on gIee LOLLLL#not even just at the hotel where they were playing xmas music so like ofc a lot of that but also other music#that was just . all done on gIee lmfao#but also on the shuttle ride here from the airport#the driver had like disco music playing and istg it went from like#staying alive to ​u should be dancing to uhhh disco inferno#to idk if it’s disco but after that was u can’t touch this lmao 😭#on to the not so good part bro it’s day one why i gotta be so sad lmfao#im blaming it on the like 2-3 hrs of sleep 🤩#it ok i actually feel not bad for only 2-3 hrs of sleep before flight LOL i’ve been banking up the sleep so that rly makes a difference lma#i feel fucking ridiculous tho bc i feel lonely af and unwanted on a family trip#bc my brother has a childhood family friend to hang out with who for the fucking record i was also friends with#and last time we were together for a significant amt of time idk why but my brother freaking ignored him basically#ik they exchanged snapchats tho recently and they’re both like buff gym guys now lmfao so idk they’re besties now so#i kinda feel like i can’t hang out w them#and then idk my parents like yeah and then my grandma so i’m just kinda hanging out w my grandma#they all went onto the beach i think and i’m here in a room w my grandma and i spent fucking like 30 minutes watching the beach bc i didn’t#know where they were and they didn’t tell me and like overthinking whether i should go#i got as far as tying my hair up and taking out a change of clothes#and then almost cried and gave up and took out my book and came out on the balcony lmao#like what am i even complaining about. but idk#it all goes back to that lovely middle school friendship that left me fucking devastated bro lmfao 🤩#idk if that’s actually the reason but i’m blaming it all on that LMAO#anyway we’re here for a while so . i’ll just chill and read today bc i do want to read more and i kinda in the mood recently#also another thing was that my skin is still being a little fucking bitch#and i’m so hesitant abt doing anything w it so like going in ocean water#anyway. fuck my fucking brain i hate it here#it’ll be better tmrw when i’ve had some fucking sleep lmfao#jeanne talks
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appsa · 2 years
Superhero movies are only good when theyre silly and for kids like thats the only time it feels heartfelt 😔
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awek-s-archived · 1 year
my fave thing abt job hiring in my town is that they hire based on connections rather than someone who actually needs or wants the work so they hire friends only or friends of friends and then the job opens up again within a couple of weeks because those people don’t actually do anything but the hiring staff just keeps repeating the cycle ????? like lmao it’s so laughable
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transxfiles · 2 years
every day i'm so so tempted to just shake my dad by the shoulders and say "please just realize you're bisexual already it will make things so much easier for everyone"
#he's a very firm believer of ''but EVERYONE is interested in women AND men right? like that's just standard'' and i'm beating my head#against a wall in the corner. dad please i mean this from the bottom of my heart take it from your dyke child#that is NOT the case. PS this is my dad who's also famous among my friends for reacting to my outing like...#''we're all attracted to people of the same gender at a young age and its normal i'm just sad bc this is going to make your life even#harder i wish you were able to repress that part of you and find someone of the opposite gender like i did.''#rough approximation of what he said (like VERY ROUGH approx) but yeah lmao. we have a complex relationship#fr he's actually a very good dad imo he just. man this guy needs to learn that not everyone has bisexual thoughts and that#maybe he should reexamine that part of himself. he also flirts randomly with male coworkers sometimes and im like 😭#i was in the car with him the other day and he got a call from one of his male coworkers and i put it on speakerphone for him#and was quiet - we do this all the time we're he has Important Work Chats on speaker and family members are completely present while#they're happening but we just don't say something - so the coworker didn't know i was there and it was like 24ish minutes of Important Work#Chat and then my dad said ''okay bye matt'' and the coworker said ''bye babe'' LIKE??? and my dad just was like#''haha he's one of my best friends :D'' dad please what is happening. what is going on right now what is happening.#this has gotten SO derailed from the original topic but uhm yeah.#bi wife energy but it's bi dad energy and it's just me desperately trying to explain to my dad what bisexuality is.#cricket.chatterbox
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lyekisses · 2 years
having one one of those days where the least bizarre thing that happened to me was seeing josh peck
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