#they genuinely unironically changed my life and helped me discover so much about who i was all for the better
mayxo-hxh · 9 months
2 years of being fixated: it has been consistently emphasized that hisoka always works alone and that he is his own man yet he keeps on going back to working with illumi requiring illumis assistance aka admitting that he is not that much of a lone wolf as he initially shows himself off to be to other people not to mention his marriage to illumi completely loses him the "own man" status as he now belongs to someone else and-
3 years of being fixated: OMG THEYRE SO INSANELY CUTE TOGETHER AGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
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taekooktimeline · 3 years
1 : I disagree with the anon who thinks tae has a hard time dealing with his sexuality and jk does not. In the earlier years, tae said very conservative things but since a long time now, he has been the loudest supporter of lgbt of the entire group, answers harshly to delulu fangirls and even implied he wanted to sing his love christmas song only with a man because he chose to not release it when a big hit producer made him sang with adora instead of jimin.
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Disclaimer - please keep in mind the below is our opinion / theory on the topic at hand. The timeline is separate from asks and we strive to remain credible, and driven by facts, there. In asks we more freely theorize. Thank you!
Sara: These are my rough thoughts as of 9th of November 2020. General Disclaimer - I could easily change my mind about anything that I say that isn’t included in the actual Timeline due to the extreme level of insight or subjectiveness that asks usually require which can only be answered with opinions in development and insufficient pondering / research. Well, this turned into a discussion which is good :) I do agree that Jk also struggles with his identity and is afraid to be outed without being prepared, which is natural. This would fall in line with him saying he didn’t want “a kiss from a boy” as he panicked in his coming of age day back in 2016 when he already knew he liked Tae (the famous day joon called for tae to kiss him). Mind you, on that same trip Tae said it was weird to hold a man's hand in public when he saw JK and hobi holding hands in the streets of Europe. I don’t think Tae said that due to jealousy. I think it was his internalized homophobia speaking (meaning self-rejecting feelings that are so common within lgbtq individuals where they are affected by what society considers correct. That’s where self-hate comes from). Both Jk and Tae deal with internalized homophobia and they’ll probably deal with it their entire lives to some extent, because it doesn’t necessarily disappear in its entirety even if you come out and “accept” yourself, especially if you live in a conservative environment. I can tell they’ve both come a long way though and they are much more comfortable in their own skin. It’s beautiful how Tae has embraced gay culture and clearly feels part of the lgbtq community. I think Tae seeks for belonging while Jk is much more “independent” and I personally think the idea of “a community” doesn’t resonate with him as much. I don’t know if it’s due to him being a huge introvert or what but not every non-straight person needs to be immersed in the gay scene. There was a time that Jk repeatedly mentioned Troye Sivan as his top 3 favorite singer (while he was self-discovering), recommended “memo” by years & years, etc, and we don’t know what he enjoys in his private life so...at least we know he did find solace in gay public figures during an important period of his life. I love Tae being sassy and shutting down fan’s fantasies, but Jk playing along is innocent and his way of being “friendly”. Jk is the opposite of what toxic masculinity looks like so I don’t see him going out of his way to look straight. He does whatever he wants. He uses women’s perfume, unironically fixed his long hair up into 2 cute ponytails while eating out, enjoys cosmetics and does his own makeup, owns pink items, etc. I’m just saying he doesn’t have a fragile masculinity. Saying bro is just for laughs and to sound cool and american. Him saying he didn’t think he could fall for a guy was a joke to overly compliment hobi while not outing himself. It’s not that serious. He didn’t have the need to joke about crushing on hobi, but he did so VOLUNTARILY. To me it seems like he is pretty comfortable with himself as of now, but remember they are closeted and in a delicate situation.
Kayla - hi anon! The beauty of discussions is each is entitled to their opinion. Respectful discussions are fun - thanks for being kind in your ask☺️I personally think Jk referencing “I’m still me” then taking the time to draw it in artwork speaks volumes. It was around the time Joon recommended a song from the movie and it’s a famous quote so to me, that’s not a coincidence, though you’re entitled to discard it if you wish. I also think we need to consider the context of Jk calling Tae bro - an interview in which he looked at his lips at one point, and caressed his back as he said that word. Those two were pretty affectionate through the overall interview. For some, the bro comment is proof TK aren’t together. For me, context is critical. That moment never dissuaded me on them being “real”. I know some will disagree on that so please know that’s simply my interpretation of that moment. Plus my UK friend said soon after that moment she calls her partner “bro” jokingly so I second Sara it may be as simple as that in why Jk said it. As far as the Hobi comment, I feel like that statement alone shows Jk is part of the lgbtq community. He flat out is saying he fell for a man … and I anticipate one would argue he’s joking but, for me, there’s truth in jest. He didn’t have to say that comment yet he did. I just want to leave it as I don’t agree Jk wants to come off straight at all. I mean don’t forget this is the same guy who also said grapes were more interesting than the girls at the shoot...and this was in his teenage years so🤷🏻‍♀️some may say he was just nervous around the women and that is, of course, totally okay if they interpret it that way. I just view that comment differently. And he’s wearing genderless clothes this year (2020) and changed the lyrics of “savage love” to be genderless, so he shows support, it’s just not in a bold way like Tae. He’s worn a paper clip earring and suppprted lgbtq artists so he does acknowledge the community. I think it just comes down to some people place greater weight on others knowing their identity.
I think Tae wants people to know, hence why he’s expressed loud support in various ways, whereas Jk doesn’t really feel like he needs to address it. My take is Jk genuinely just doesn’t care how people perceive him, and that’s why he isn’t as vocal as Tae, who seems to indicate he really wants people to know his identity. Jk is fortunate to have a progressive family (an example being during his vlive he said, “Anyway, my parents were like that. When I was young, no matter what I did, they let me be and do whatever I wanted to do”), he has loving and supporting members - that support system must have helped greatly as he went through his exploration and struggles. He absolutely struggled, and I agree on that, but I think it was easier for him in some ways because of his environment / support system, and who he is personality wise. Jk is a man of action, not as bothered by the opinion of others (again, we can look to his tattoos as a big indicator of this) whereas Tae seeks validation, even this year, from ARMY. Him saying during pride month, after reading the CMBYN monologue “I want to be happy too🥺” to me shows he still struggled with public perception. Personally, based on private talks I don’t want to get into too deeply in this public setting, I think Tae came more to peace with himself this year. But I do personally think Tae had a harder time coming to terms than Jk did (and has alluded as much when he’s mentioned his struggles with school and puberty, plus some of his solo work). Let me be clear, both struggled, and as Sara says both dealt with internalized homophobia, and I don’t think anyone would disagree with that, but Tae’s overall loudness, for me, shows he wants people to know. That’s why he’s loud. Jk not being loud doesn’t mean, to me, he wants to come off straight. Jk has done an amazing job over the years of smashing others’ preconceived masculinity beliefs and he does it comfortably. For me, it shows he’s just not bothered as much by public perception. He is who he is and it doesn’t matter what people see or think. I’ll agree that Tae definitely is the most vocal member, and seeing him happier and appearing at peace makes me happy, and I definitely don’t think he has any issue with people speculating. I really think it’s important to him for us to know, and i think he wants us to know. As an aside, I know I’m just a fan but I'm super happy for Tae seeming to be more accepting of himself. I know a lot of people, including myself, are touched by him, as well as the other members, for the various ways they’ve shown support to the LGBTQ community.
PS - thanks again for being respectful in initiating further discussions on this topic Anon💜sometimes checking the inbox makes me anxious so I immensely appreciate when people can hold a respectful and kind debate on various topics.
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Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Re-Write
(Inspired by the fantastic work of @dalekofchaos) 
“Fix it” fics are a thing, yeah? Well, here’s my shot at writing one for the ninth Star Wars film. Contrary to popular opinions, I’m only going to change one or two things about the two movies beforehand, because I unironically loved both of them. But I can admit that there were mistakes, and TLJ tied up most of the loose ends, leaving it difficult to follow-up with a sequel. So, regarding Episodes eight and nine, here’s what changes. 
I have exactly one change for TFA. That random ass stormtrooper who called out Finn as a traitor and inexplicably had a melee weapon that could fight lightsabers? Yeah, just make that Phasma and have done with it. I don’t understand why it wasn’t her in the first place. Also, Finn being able to wield a lightsaber isn’t “evidence” that he’s force-sensitive if you ask me. The films never confirm that non-force sensitives can’t use them. This will be important later.
Moving on to TLJ...replace that stupid milk scene with the deleted scene of Luke reacting to the news of Han’s death. I mean, come on, that’s a given. Another given, Luke uses his green lightsaber in the illusionary duel against Kylo Ren. That’s just common sense. 
After Kylo Ren asserts himself and force-chokes General Hux, and the two of them depart...the camera pans in on the pieces of Snoke’s corpse, onto his face...and his eyes suddenly open. Yes, this will be important later. Somehow, Snoke survived.
I genuinely liked Vice-Admiral Holdo, but they kind of fumbled her role in the story. She was never given a reason for why she did not share her plans with the rest of the Resistance. The most popular theory being that she assumed a mole was on board, but this was never stated in the movie. In my opinion, Poe had every reason to call for mutiny based on what he knew, so the whole message/character arc of him learning to be a leader rather than a hero didn’t quite stick the landing. So how will I fix it? Simple, replace Holdo with Leia. First things first, we don’t get the superman-flying, which is just an objective improvement. We also are more inclined to trust Leia over Poe, because of the legacy the character has. We’re also going with the plot-threat there is indeed a mole. What’s more, Leia is given the sendoff she deserves with the light-speed kamikaze scene. Sure, she may be force-sensitive, but it’s clear that she chose a different path in her life and I think she should go out as a warrior, not a Jedi, because that’s what she was. General Leia. Plus, you avoid the awkward interactions with CGI Leia from the canon episode 9. 
I think we can all agree that Finn deserved better, and he absolutely deserved to have the scene that was deleted, where he called out Phasma in front of her soldiers, telling them what happened in TFA, when Phasma caved so easily. This is the beginning of the Stormtrooper rebellion, and Finn is responsible for igniting the spark. He can definitely duel with Phasma, but he’s not going to win for one simple reason. The mole suddenly reveals herself and puts a blaster to his head. 
Spoiler alert, the mole is Rose. The reason why could vary - perhaps she blames the resistance for the death of her sister. Perhaps the First Order captured her sister alive and is threatening her. Either way, Rose’s efforts help turn the tide and allow her and Phasma to escape. The code-breaker can still be part of the movie, but he doesn’t really matter. The Canto Bight sequence is unchanged, because I honestly don’t dislike it at all. 
So who saves Finn from his attempt to follow General Leia’s example, and give his life for the cause that he now truly cares about? Poe does. This moment already causes their character arcs to intersect, with Poe being in the position Leia was in at the start of Last Jedi, Finn being in Poe’s position. Poe crashes their ships to save Finn, and because I’m #Stormpilot trash, and we deserved an onscreen LGBT relationship between leads, Poe does indeed kiss Finn. However, don’t worry about Rose. I have plans for her. 
That’s about all that changes. But in the grand scene of things, most of these aren’t really issues with the film itself. But they’re necessary to set up for my idea for a Rise of Skywalker re-write. Speaking of...
The Rise of Skywalker - let’s begin with the name. 
I hate this name and everything it represents. I’ve heard rumors of an alternate script where Ben Solo is not redeemed, called “Duel of Fates.” I’m not a fan of Ben not being redeemed, but I like the concept of that film name. So I’m thinking this movie will be called something like “One Last Bout” or “One Last Stand.” Something simple but effective, with the air of finality. I truly doubt Episode 9 is the end of Star Wars forever, but if we think of it as a conclusion to the first two trilogies, this can work. 
The film opens with the funeral of General Leia. With Rey, Finn, and Poe (who are holding hands for sure) all standing together with Chewie, who is in shambles as we can expect. Lando is also present and he gets re-introduced. Luke’s force spirit appears and looks on, but does not reveal himself to everyone else. Likewise, pan the camera over, and we see Kylo Ren observing the service as well, out of sight. Luke makes telepathic contact with Rey, to warn her of danger, at which point both Rey and Ben double over in pain, the sound design giving us an uncomfortable high pitched screech, or something similar. There’s a disturbance in the Force. Something is returning. Something terrible. Ben is spotted, and the main trio open fire with blasters, but Ben escapes. Lando stops Rey from pursuing him, suggesting that it would dishonor Leia’s memory to do it right then and there. 
Ben, on his ship, struggles with horrible pain, a serious headache. Until at last, he is telepathically contacted by a voice we do not hear. But it terrifies him, and he takes off in his ship in pursuit of it. 
A scene similar to the one where the Resistance analyzes Palpatine’s message, but there is no message and there is empathically no Palpatine in this movie, though I won’t get into why that was a horrible idea right now. Never mind, Rey is simply recounting to Finn, Poe, Chewie, and Lando that there’s a disturbance in the Force. Luke’s spirit appears and warns them that a great evil that long predates their time, is returning. He disappears, explaining that he needs to await Leia as she “crosses over” and becomes one with The Force. This is the last we see of Luke in the film, because his story is over. The torch has been passed.
Ben/Kylo Ren arrives at what we saw as Exegol. I don’t mind this planet being Exegol, it was about the only new location I actually remembered from the canon film. He confronts the voice in his head, proclaiming that he will kill any threat to The First Order and it’s Supreme Leader. A familiar voice in the dark chuckles. “You have yet to finish off your predecessor. By what right do you claim his job?” Snoke leans forward, and reveals himself. A similar scene to TROS plays out but with no mention of Rey. Despite Ben’s shock, Snoke is amused. “You are not the first apprentice to try and take my life. You probably won’t be the last. I have fashioned many into tools for the Dark Side, even the Emperor himself learned at my feet. Did you think you were special? So, yes. Snoke is the final Big Bad like he should have been (Andy Serkis was robbed) and he really is Darth Plagueis because he was totally supposed to be. By means of mental torture, Snoke reassumes control of Ben and tells him to gather the Knights of Ren “Wherever you’ve hidden them” and prepare to crush the rebellion once and for all. 
Instead of visiting a random planet for a lead, Lando and Chewie lead the gang back to Endor. Or it could also be Kashyyyk, I suppose. Like before, Lando and Luke were there. They spent years documenting the history of the Jedi and the Sith. This could be contained in “Holocrons” I realize they have meaning behind them in the lore, but I don’t know much, so just consider the “Holocron” to be a storage unit for information. Arriving there, we still have the scene of a local asking for Rey’s family name, but this time she’s going to stay no one like she should have. While researching, Finn expresses the theory, or more like the hope, that he might be Force-Sensitive. Rey tells him that everyone is, to an extent, but Finn clarifies that he means it the same way that Rey is. “Y’know, the way you can push stuff around and sense people’s feelings. Make stuff float.” An echo back to Rey’s line from TLJ. What I’m going for here is that Finn is not force-sensitive in the traditional way. His arc in this movie is going to be about accepting that, and realizing that he doesn’t need that to be a “hero.” He already is one, with everything he’s done. But as of right now, his insistence that he could be leads to bickering between him and Rey.
Things only get worse as Rey uncovers more about the Jedi. Sees some of the ways in which they were not the white knights that history remembers them as. Luke was right, they played no small part in creating Darth Vader. What’s more, she discovers the “Rule of Two” which has been hinted in the films but never discussed outright. The idea that there are only ever two people wielding the Dark Side, a master and an apprentice. And that the apprentice invariably kills the master to succeed them. A tradition dating back for millennia. The Sith, the practitioners of the Dark Side, always betray each other. She’s disheartened, thinking of Ben killing Snoke and how he offered her his hand. What it all would have led to in the end. 
They finally discover what could be the answer - the “great evil” that is returning. A Sith lord called Darth Plaguis, who, when they bring up the hologram of him, strongly resembles Snoke. They put two and two together, reading more about Plagueis’ file. How he vanished without a trace. How he was said to have performed an unspeakable ritual in the Dark Side to allow him to control life and death itself. He could revive those he loved from death, and could not truly he killed, having become an anomaly in the Force. Only another anomaly of equal power would be able to stop him. 
An ambush occurs, with assassins in masks attacking the heroes. They wield melee weapons that are not lightsabers, and they force the group to split up due to simply being outnumbered. The gang realizes that, apart from being here to kill them, they probably want that Holocron, but the Resistance must be the ones to get it. We get a similar scene to the canon film, with Chewie heading to the Millennium Falcon with the Holocron and trying to take off, to blast the assassins from the sky...but then the assassins reveal their ace card. They have force power. And they start to pull the Falcon back down. Rey struggles against them, but she’s outnumbered, still upset from everything that she’s learned, and easily angered when Finn rushes in to try and help, despite not being able to. Rey succumbs to her anger and unleashes Dark-Side lightning. Just like in the canon film. The differences? Number one, this doesn’t foreshadow any lineage for her...but importantly Chewie is actually dead, not just a fake-out. He’s dead, and the Falcon and Holocron are destroyed with him. Seriously, the emotional weight of that scene is completely drained by not having Chewie actually die there. The potential is lost, and I’m going to prove it. 
Rey is appropriately mortified, shocked, and despondent.  The assassins are too - they can’t believe their enemy killed one of their own just to win. Everyone is shocked, but Poe is the quickest to regain his head, dashing in and blasting at the assassins to help cover the heroes while they escape, Finn half-dragging a stunned Rey. So, everyone feels awkward about what just happened and though they believe Rey that it was an accident, it still happened and both Finn and Poe feel distant from her. Lando, understandably, is a lot less patient than them. He knew Chewie for years. His old feelings about losing Han might resurface, and he could say something about how Rey is no better than Kylo Ren, before catching himself and apologizing. At this point, Lando also departs. He needs to get back to the Resistance, because he has been named the Acting General, since Leia’s death. 
Meanwhile, Poe deduces that the assassins were the mythical “Knights of Ren” rumored to be the Supreme Leader’s private army. Rey is shaken from her stupor at this news - it doesn’t make sense, it completely violates the “Rule of Two.” Could Ben still be saved? Or is it too late for him? Is it too late for her, Rey, even? Cue Ben Solo/Kylo Ren opening up the force-bond once again. A similar conversation about how they’re both uncertain of their place in the galaxy, and a confirmation that Snoke is back, and is really Plagueis. Ben reveals that he’s been ordered to kill Rey, and he apologies - he truly doesn’t want to do this, but Snoke once again has control of him, and has proven that killing him won’t matter. Rey senses terrible pain, and gets a taste of what Ben has been put through - think, like, the Cruciatus Curse. Whatever “pain” move Kylo Ren used on Poe in TFA. He learned it from Snoke, of course. Ben closes the force-bond, telling Rey to run. Run as far and as fast as she can, because he’s no longer able to take it easy on her.
Finn and Poe overhear the conversation, or at least Rey’s side of it. They hear enough to deduce who she’s talking to, and this further plants the seeds of doubt in their heads. As we see in Last Jedi, Rey doesn’t really tell people about the force-bond, so we can assume she never told her friends. The family is fracturing more and more. Rey is slipping closer and closer to the Dark Side. And all without needing to give her a bloodline. See? I told you Chewbacca’s death had potential. 
They make a pit stop on Coruscant, because there’s no reason it couldn’t have been Coruscant, hiding from First Order ships. Here is where the character of Zorii originally showed up. As compelling as the performance was, she’s not going to show up here. Let’s be honest, she was only there to no-homo Finn and Poe, as well as give Poe a backstory that is apparently racist? (I’m not knowledgeable enough about this topic to comment, so let’s just throw out the whole idea.) Instead, the team is confronted by none other than Rose, the mole from TLJ. She reveals that more and more stormtroopers have been rebelling since Finn gave his speech. There’s only one faction that she is confident will never turn on the First Order - the Knights of Ren, who “seem to worship the Supreme Leader like a damn god...though, I guess he isn’t the Supreme Leader anymore, is he?” News is spreading of Snoke’s return, and Rose has the heroes cornered with a band of loyalist stormtroopers. 
Finn pleads with Rose, and the other Stormtroopers, to reconsider. Here is where we outline Rose’s character. She despises everything about war. She’s intentionally attacking both sides, seeking to see both the Resistance and The First Order collapse. She has a personal vendetta against Poe and actively tries to kill him, for his role in the battle that killed her sister. Poe likewise despises Rose for having betrayed Finn. Whether Rose’s actions are tactical doesn’t really matter - she’s responding from a place of emotion, not logic. Poe, showing his growth, apologies to Rose and talks her down. Explains the situation, how dire the circumstances are. Rey chimes in and identifies with Rose, having made plenty of mistakes of her own. There’s a moment of solidarity between the team once again. A moment, anyway. Poe makes peace with Rose, and she lets the heroes go. However, her stormtroopers turn on her, and attack everyone. The gang helps Rose escape with them, and after the escape, they realize that those stormtroopers were in fact the Knights of Ren, spying for Kylo Ren, which means Snoke as well. 
Rey, tortured by nightmares about Snoke, leaves in the middle of the night. Finn is awake, and tries to stop her, which leads to a major fight. Finn is having trouble trusting Rey, and it shows. Rey is likewise fed up with Finn trying to insert himself into the story, as it were. However, having been told by Rose the impact that he had on the galaxy, Finn no longer wishes to be a Jedi. He then redirects the question to Rey - does she want to be a Jedi? Like Luke? Honest answer - she doesn’t know. The Jedi of old would never have accepted her. She’d have been expelled and become another Darth Vader. Rey is impulsive, confrontational, she has a short temper. She gives in to the Dark Side too easily, and now it’s gotten someone killed. She feels diseased. Though Finn tries to dissuade such talk, it comes out that he and Poe overheard her conversation with Kylo Ren. Both sides are angry here, because Rey kept this secret, and because her friends spied on her. She cries out in anger, causing several nearby lights to blow out. Rey storms away, seeking to be alone.
This fight scene takes the place of the ESB rip-off with an evil Rey. That just wasn’t necessary. Instead, Rey leaves to confront Snoke, kill him once and for all, and rescue Ben if she can. After that, she isn’t sure what she’ll do. It is at this point that she is captured by the Knights of Ren. However, they don’t kill her, as instructed. They remove their masks - humanizing them as just being people. They reveal that they were the Jedi who followed Ben after he left Luke. When Starkiller Base was finished, Ben told them to go and evacuate their families from their home planets, just in case. The Knights stayed away for a long time, per Ben’s orders, but returned when he bid them too. They love him, seem to look up to him, and they can tell that he loves Rey. That he’s not his own man anymore. And that his best interests don’t align with Snoke’s. They know Snoke has to die, but also realize they aren’t powerful enough to stop him. The only one they can think of who might be - is Rey. They beg for her help, and she agrees.
The movie now offers a montage of Stormtroopers abandoning Phasma and Hux, and turning themselves in to the Resistance, explaining that they want to fight for the light. Meanwhile, Finn talks to Rose and Poe, and they all agree that they can’t just leave Rey, they have to go after her. They regret not trusting her, and conclude that even if she is tempted by the Dark Side, even if she falls...she’s still their friend. They don’t believe that she’s a spy - Rose offers useful tip in this sense. Observing that Rey offers none of the “tells.” Finally, we come to Rey training with the Knights of Ren. The transformation of her staff into a lightsaber pike. And it’s gold, baby. It’s gold. (Oh, since I forgot to mention this, Anakin’s lightsaber never gets repaired. Rey has been using a blaster up to this point.)
Bring us back to Snoke, torturing Ben once again as he can sense the betrayal of the Knights. Ben doesn’t realize that they’re still loyal to him, he thinks they just abandoned him, and his spirit is broken even further. Snoke talks more about his past, and here we can get a philosophical discussion. Perhaps Snoke discovered the midichlorians during his research, and exploited them for more power. He could analyze the Force as being, not a difference between light and darkness, but a shallow body of water that only gets deeper the further you venture. Snoke boasts that he was the first to risk “drowning” himself in it’s depths. Meanwhile, Ben hallucinates seeing Han, encouraging him to get up and fight back. We can also have Leia’s voice here, if we want. Ben fights back in a scene that echoes TFA, the way Rey resisted his own control. “You are no Master, Plagueis. Not of anyone or anything. You act so powerful, but your thoughts betray you. You’re afraid you will never get it right. Your desperation grows with every failure. But Today is not the day you finally succeed.”  snaps free of Snoke’s control and when Snoke attempts to dominate him with Force Lightning, Ben goes full Prince Zuko and redirects it, Yoda style. With that, he escapes, now on his own. 
Finn, Poe, and Rose show up to fight the Knights of Ren. Assuming Rey to be their prisoner. Rey, faced with her ultimate conflict, the symbol of her uncertainty, a literal metaphor between the two sides of her being at war...her loyalty to Ben, and her loyalty to her friends...her desire to be good, but her tendency toward darkness...finally completes her character arc and solves her identity issues. She creates a barrier between both sides, knocking them all down. She explains herself, telling her friends that the Knights want to stop Snoke. That she has joined them freely, for this reason. She apologizes for how distant she’s been. Admits that while she would never support the First Order, she does care for Ben Solo, despite all he’s done. This leads to Rey making up with her friends, and making peace with the Knights, who were already kind-of friends with Rose, once upon a time. This can lead into a bigger discussion about The Force, the concepts of good and evil as a whole. While Finn and Poe contact Lando, to tell him where Snoke is hiding, Rey reaches out to Ben through the force-bond. 
Meanwhile, Ben has returned to the planet where Luke’s old school of Jedi was. He visits the smoldering remains, and unearths Luke’s green lightsaber. He struggles, still feeling that call to the light, and now that he’s alone and able to meditate, he attempts to do what Snoke did, and “drown” himself in the Force, in the hope of stopping him. He doesn’t drown. Instead, he meets a spirit who he had unconsciously blocked out a long time ago. Anakin Skywalker, portrayed by Hayden “The lines were terrible but his acting was actually pretty good” Christensen.  The call to the light that Ben had always resisted had come from Anakin. These two finally talk, and Anakin urges Ben to choose the right side. They find solidarity in understanding that they were both drawn to the Dark Side, and both felt that this meant they “had” to be evil. Anakin doesn’t dissuade Ben from the Dark Side, but advises him to do what is right for the galaxy, defeating Snoke. Ben is helpless, he doesn’t know how. But Anakin tells him that an anomaly of equal power to Snoke could be enough to kill him forever. It’s definitely worth a try. Anakin fades, promising Ben that the answer is closer than he thinks. He can sense it right now...
After Anakin fades, Rey appears. She has succeeded in contacting Ben, and they catch up. Ben learning that The Knights still care about him, and that Rey has joined them. Rey expresses that Ben was right - it’s time to leave the Jedi and the Sith behind. To start something new. They can discuss the Force in greater detail, how being Dark doesn’t always mean one is evil, but the teachings of the Jedi suggest that it is a binary system. They express affection for each other. With everyone around Rey seeing her talk to someone invisible, Rey reaches out her hand...and Ben takes it. Suddenly appearing in the ship with everyone else. 
Rey and The Knights take turns embracing him, and he exchanges awkward nods with the others. With the help of the Knights, the group comes to the conclusion that Rey and Ben are some kind of Dyad in the Force, irrevocably connected. The two that are one. Such a thing has not been seen in millennia. It’s almost like a glitch in the universe. But this anomaly could be what it takes to stop Snoke for good. 
The main team makes their way back to Exegol as we see Lando giving a speech to the Resistance, now much stronger with the added former-Stormtroopers. As much as I love Jannah, she’s just as unnecessary as Zorii. That screen time could have and should have gone to Rose as she re-establishes herself back into the squad, same as Ben. Everyone arrives at Exegol at the same time, and Resistance soldiers move to open fire on Rose and Ben, understandably so, but here come Poe and Finn to talk them down and explain the situation. No one is happy about it, particularly having Ben Solo around, but Lando, with much consternation, accepts the situation and tells the Resistance not to fire on their new allies. However, he also instructs Finn to kill Ben if he steps out of line. We can get a callback when Finn gives the “I’m watching you” look to Ben, and have a line like “Don’t be a traitor.” Or something. 
Final battle time. Another montage. Finn leading the former storm-troopers in the battle against the last of Snoke’s loyalists, led by Phasma. Together with Rose, Finn defeats them and Phasma is left on her knees. She pleads for mercy, and Rose is prepared to kill her, but Finn intervenes. They take her prisoner instead, because killing people who are already defeated and defenseless is the “Stormtrooper” way. 
Rey, Ben, and the Knights are helping out with their Melee weapons. The Knights are also using the Force, because not using it offensively was a Jedi message, and they didn’t always follow it anyway. Though he’s definitively good now, Ben is still wearing his Kylo Ren armor, and wielding the cross-guard saber. I mean, imagine if he showed up to a warzone in day clothes with a blaster, just because his previous weapons were “evil?” How stupid would that be, right? However, at one point the cross-guard saber is destroyed in the right, and left empty-handed, Ben pulls out Luke’s lightsaber, stares at it...and then ignites it to rejoin the fray.
 We likewise get a battle of wits and strategy between Poe and Hux, as Poe commands a legion to take out the forces guarding Snoke’s throne room. In the end, Poe’s armada is saved by another that Lando commands. Hux manages to fatally shoot Lando, but Poe quickly repays him in kind. While everyone crowds around Lando, Hux dies alone, symbolizing the difference between the two causes. Lando expresses pride in how far Poe has come, tells him that Leia would be proud too, and with his dying words, he addresses Poe as “General Dameron.” It’s a truly emotional moment and afterward, Poe simply turns to the loyalist stormtroopers, carrying the poise and energy of a powerful leader. He tells them to drop their weapons. To surrender now, and they won’t be harmed. It’s badass. And the loyalists do as instructed. 
The path is clear for Rey and Ben to rush in to the Throne Room and kill Snoke, with the Resistance following them as backup. Only Snoke is nowhere to be seen. All of a sudden, we hear that high-pitched screech again. Rey and Ben collapse in terrible pain, hearing Snoke’s voice. His physical body no longer matters or plays by the same rules. He has essentially taken the practice of returning as a force-spirit and perverted it to become Dark. We now get Snoke’s final backstory, and the answer to why he’s able to do this. Snoke himself was part of a Dyad, centuries ago. Though exceptionally rare, Rey and Ben’s bond is not unique. However, Snoke murdered his counterpart for his own selfish reasons. A total violation of nature. This is what splintered him and turned him into the unnatural being that he is now. Rey and Ben vanish, to the alarm of Finn and Poe, as they disappear into the Force. 
The three of them - Rey, Ben, and Snoke, all appear to be in some kind of void. Snoke recounts having sensed the awakening of another Dyad (”The Force Awakens”) and that this is what prompted him to return to physical form in the first place. He reveals his final plan. Rey and Ben must now fight to the death - the winner becoming as powerful Snoke himself. He promises that the winner can rule beside him. This is probably a lie, and both of his opponents refuse. But Snoke also warns that without achieving that kind of power, they’ll be hopeless to stop him. He dual wields red lightsabers in the subsequent duel. Notice how Rey and Ben are using sabers of gold and green - the opposite of red and blue, which  have traditionally symbolized the Jedi and the Sith conflict. Snoke tells them that they have no future. They cannot become Jedi, not with the crimes they’ve committed. If they become Sith, well...he cites the “Rule of Two” insisting that Rey and Ben cannot coexist because one will inevitably slay the other. Rey and Ben respond that they are neither, that they simply fight for what they believe in. That they are...knights of Ren. 
Together, they strike back, plunging their sabers through Snoke’s chest. He vanishes, and the void world vanishes. Rey and Ben reappear in the throne room, and Snoke is there too, staggering to his feet. The Resistance takes aim at him, but he pays them no mind. He warns the two heroes that there is no telling what will happen if they choose this path, that the Galaxy needs structure when dealing with an entity as vague and infinite as The Force. Rey responds simply that “The Force is not some stranger or threat. It is not a vice for power. The Force...is us. All of us. The good and the bad, the light and the dark. So long as we stand together, you will never influence The Force again. You will never control us. You will never return again.” With a roar of defeat, Snoke’s body turns to dust, and a shadowy mass is left in it’s place. Finn and Poe fire at at it, to no avail, but Rey and Ben join hands, and as the shadowy mass surges toward them, The Dyad employs it’s full potential, causing Snoke’s bastardized force-spirit to vanish. Not sure how this would be filmed without looking silly, but I swear, it’s compelling. 
The battle is over. Everyone celebrates. When Finn and Poe kiss, it’s earned, not some nameless background characters. The team returns to the Resistance base. Poe has been unanimously voted to be the new General, which is the closest thing they have to an elected leader right now, so he is in charge of the trials for the loyalists, and the Knights of Ren. The people who committed treason or other crimes. But we only see three of these trials. Ben Solo, Rose Tico...and Rey. After all, she did kill Chewie, right? She conspired with the Knights, too. Rey is pardoned almost immediately, Rose not long after, but Ben Solo...after much consideration, Poe charges the Knights of Ren to a path of atonement. To go around, helping fix the Galaxy. Community service. 
Ben and the Knights prepare to leave on their trip, and Rey and Ben say goodbye. How ship-teasy this is, if there’s a final kiss...eh, interpret how you like. I’m a Reylo fan personally, but I know a lot of people aren’t. Ben promises to see Rey again, and they both acknowledge that thanks to the Dyad, they won’t have to go without seeing each other, not really. Likewise, Rey and Finn and Poe and Rose will be helping to fix up the galaxy, so it’s certainly not goodbye. 
I lied, Luke’s force-spirit appears one more time, this time with Leia, though she doesn’t speak much for obvious reasons. Luke is proud of her, and says something to the effect of “Not bad for a scavenger girl with no family from Jakku of all places. Well done, Rey from nowhere.” Rey looks around at everyone - at Finn, Poe, Rose. At Ben and the Knights. At C3PO, R2D2 and BB8 (Who were definitely involved the whole time I just didn’t have much to say about them) she looks back at Luke and replies that she does have a family. She and her friends go to wave goodbye as Ben’s ship takes off, flying into the sunset, and....ENDING CREDITS!
Let me know what y’all think! Hopefully this doesn’t throw out quite as much from Last Jedi, and does the characters justice! 
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fizzingwizard · 4 years
Since covid-19 is gone forever!! *cough* intense sarcasm *cough* that means we can have TV again! Yay? Anyway we can finally see ep four of Digimon Adventure:. I was really looking forward to this one because Sora!
And she is so cute. I mean, just look:
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Honestly Sora is so awesome, she can be that cute even though the general animation of this ep is quality product like this:
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Animators: 'Anatomical accuracy is against my religious beliefs. Besides, chins are so passe.'
I might as well say how I felt right out: this ep was a bit of a drag. I keep saying it’s important not compare this show to old Adventure, since my rosy-lensed nostalgia glasses are permanently glued to my nose and all. But four eps in, the old Adventure had a bunch of different dynamics in the group at work already, which really beefed up the otherwise pretty standard plot into something special. The new show seems to take the opposite approach: it definitely wants us to know right from the start that there's a Big Story going on, and it would rather talk about that than develop the characters and relationships.
I am not *quite* complaining - not yet. It's still too early, although to be perfectly honest, I think the tone’s set at this point. But we don’t know what’s to come and how this might all add up. Plus, different is good. All depends where we’re going with this. More under the cut...
Anyway I'm just sooooo  glad we got a real fantasy world! The background art is lovely! Really has the feel of a rainforest. Almost makes up for the crappy character art hahaha oh episode one I miss you already.
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We start out with Taichi sputtering because Sora is not Koushirou. I don't think he's disappointed to see Sora, he was just SO SURE Koushirou would be there.
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‘Koushirou! Were you always this pink? I am confusion!’
For her part, Sora is very chill about all this. She does not seem to share original!Sora's discomfort with affection. She's just total chill, so together. it's not very interesting, but we have plenty of time to get to know her more. And she gets to be a Cool Girl, not just a Responsible Girl. In this episode she's resourceful, brave, and compassionate. Honestly, she's just as much protag material as Taichi is here. So my fingers are crossed that they will Tag Team it a lot. I loved that in this ep Taichi and Sora showed so much appreciation for each other! Because my personal headcanon growing up was that Sora was next in line to lead if Taichi was ever not around, not Yamato!
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They discover a Magic Rock with digi-code on it, and Taichi can magically read it. This bit was pretty cool.
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OMG! He's a parselmouth!
At least he's surprised? I doubt he reads this well when the teacher calls on him in class.
Speaking of Taichi, who IS this kid. I said I wouldn't complain, but I will at least a little on this: who is this kid! He's way too together to be Taichi. I love athletic, goal-oriented, go-getter Taichi, but he needs his childish exuberance and goofiness to balance it out. He needs to be something other than perfect. Perfect Sports Human strikes again! (But - although I’ve been leery of this Taichi since the beginning, I’ve also genuinely enjoyed him interacting with Agumon and Koushirou in the other eps. Yamato too. I think this ep was just a miss, tbh. Just a bit uninspired.)
There is one way in which he is ABSOLUTELY my Taichi...
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... his dedication to fighting alongside Agumon. Literally. Bahaha. There's the Taichi I know.
Now, it's just not Digimon Adventure if you don't jump right off a steep cliff.
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Old Adventure: "We can't jump, we'll die!" New Adventure: "Let's jump to certain death!" "Okay!"
Now as happy as I am that we get a proper fantasy world, so far it doesn't seem all that challenging. Taichi and Sora know a crap ton about how to kick in the wilderness it seems. Not only can they build fires...
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... the two of them can apparently build a raft. All by themselves.
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When the old Adventure crew built a rash, they had help from a bunch of large Digimon. New!Taichi and Sora must be the most RIPPED eleven year olds in the world.
Also Pocket Koushirou is back wooo!
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And not only that... he's got a Pocket Taichi!
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Sora's first instinct is to poke Pocket Koushirou. Sora is Best Girl.
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So another pet peeve in this ep: I hate that Koushirou met Tentomon off screen ): C'est la vie. Tentomon has clearly made up his mind to adopt Koushirou. The first thing he does is thank Taichi for looking after Koushirou sheesh what a mom.
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I loved that the kids' only goal in the first arc of Adventure was to get home. They had no idea about a bigger picture until right before the Devimon battle. And even after that, they were more concerned with getting home than figuring it out, for the most part. It lent a bit of realism and it kept things feeling tense and high stakes. This show's not going the Lost route though, and everyone is peculiarly unruffled by their strange situation.
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Look at all of the things Sora brought that will coincidentally be super helpful if they’re stuck in this world for any length of time...
So then they get in the raft and immediately hit some rapids.
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Ooooh the tunnel is always my favorite part of the roller coaster ride!
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More attacks - Taichi rolls high on athleticism again. Michael Jordan would be proud.
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Turns out we do get a proper evolution sequence in this show! Thought we'd dodged that bullet. At least it's cool!
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Somehow I just love the idea of Greymon swimming. And Taichi sitting on him as they dive underwater like Paikea in Whale Rider.
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Here is Sora being cool and scaling Snimon's leg. I am so here for strong athletic Sora. She's no shrinking violet. It's easy to see how she and Taichi came to be friends.
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Just ahead: Plot device
We end by heading to this mysterious temple full of what look to be statues of mega-level Digimon. This is a plot for which 'subtlety' holds no meaning.
Oh, and Koushirou gets swallowed by a whale, which for me was the highlight of the episode. Can't wait to see how he gets out!
And well that's it. Verdict: Taichi and Sora are Very Cool, Koushirou is Precious, we desperately need more life to these interactions. I’m curious what sort of overarching plot they’re gonna find, or think they find. Even though it wasn’t clear at first that Chosen-Digimon relationships are predestined like in old Adventure, Agumon did seem to know Taichi already, and Piyomon in this episode states clearing “I waited for you.” It feels bit odd that they’re not all together, not jumping all over their partners, but it also just makes me really want to know why! What’s fundamentally different in this show that caused that change. Looking forward to episode 5!
Bonus: because I unironically adore acrobat!Taichi:
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harryimaginestuff · 5 years
This is heavily inspired by Taylor Swift’s ‘Lover’ so I'd also recommend giving that a listen whilst you read this (if you want). 
The one where he’s your lover.
Genre: Fluff (like pure fluff)
Word count: 3.4k 
Warnings: some drug use (weed)
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    ‘Y/N! Over here,’
    ‘Miss Y/N to your right!”
     This was familiar to her, the calling out of her name by people she didn’t know and had no interest in her actual life but rather whatever drama she could bring to whatever column they worked for. This may have been her first red carpet in over a year, but she surely was no stranger to such events.
     Going through these events was more like a chore than a benefit, at least that’s what she had begun to think soon after she passed the twelfth year of working in the music industry. She had lost herself to the glitz and glam, pulled too far into the inviting glamour that came along with fame. But what she once found charming, she then discovered it to be toxic and unfavourable. Much like the transition of the media’s view of her.
    As it turned out leaked nudes by ex-boyfriends are far more damaging to a career if the person had a reputation of being naïve and pop’s princess.
     It was the sound of another name that had called her out of her stupor, too blinded by the lights to notice that someone else had joined her on the red carpet. She had been relieved of the alleviated attention, five minutes on the red carpet had been five minutes too long. The tedious formalities aiding in the reaching of her limit. And who better to steal the attention than none other than Harry Styles.
    Harry Styles was far from unfamiliar to her, being an avid follower of the man, she practically knew everything about him (that is only things he wanted fans to know). She had been a fan since the very beginning including his X-Factor days. Becoming star-struck was not a regular occurrence to her so for it to happen to her right then and there, on her first red carpet appearance in years had her feeling giddy and scared instantaneously.
     She had already begun to walk off of the carpet when his name had been called and obviously being the huge fan, she was, could not miss the opportunity to look back and gaze at the man she had admired for so long. But it wasn’t his quirky suit that left her heart beating erratically, neither was it the one dangly lock of hair, resting delicately on his forehead, but rather it was the way he was already looking at her with the brightest most brilliant smile to match his shining eyes that had her heart beating a million miles per second. And there was nothing more to do except send him her most sincere and genuine smile of the night.
    That smile belonged to him, just as his belonged to her. As it always would.
    She was surrounded by her friends, her heart fuzzy and warm, all of them encased by the Summer air as they enjoyed drinks on a rooftop somewhere in London with the golden sunset behind them. It was times like these where she truly felt happy. Spending time surrounded by people who loved her away from prying eyes. But it wasn’t this that had her stomach exploding with giddiness, in fact it was all due to the message she had just received only five minutes prior from her boyfriend, Harry, asking her to meet him once her night was over.
    They had only began dating four months ago after the brief, but life-changing run in on the red carpet and from then they had entered a thunderstorm of a relationship. Loud, heavy and unapologetic. It was just them and nobody else.
    They were attached at the hip and no one could come in between them.
    For the first time in a while she felt completely at peace. Sure, she still got the occasional belittling comment about her body from random men on the street catcalling her and openly discussing the leaked images. And whilst it still left a dull ache, the pain from her past did nothing to change the peace she had begun to welcome.
    As if on cue her phone rang soon after hugging her friend’s goodbye.
    “Perfect timing, H.” she had smiled into the phone, her admiration for the man spilling out of her as soon as the sound of his voice reached her ears. “I’m on my way now.”
    “No need. I’m across the street.” And just as he promised, there he stood to her left, leaning on the side of his black Audi as if he had just come out of some 80s teen romance.
    “You stalker,” she had practically shouted as she approached her boyfriend, his arms already outstretched and already anticipating her body against his.
    “You love it.” He murmured against her head, pressing a soft kiss to her temple, then onto the corner of her eye and then to her cheek until finally he reached her lips.  
    “Oh, look what I picked up.” He smiled coyly at her once the two of them had entered into the privacy of his car.
    “Show me.”
    His smile grew wider as his hand reached into the glovebox on her side, pulling out a small baggie of weed. “This.”
    Now this wasn’t something the two of them did often, it was a rare occasion for the both of them to sit down and smoke together, but when it did happen they thoroughly enjoyed it. Relishing the feeling of complete serenity that was often uncommon because of the nature of their work.
    So when they reached Harry’s North London home, they were quick to get settled down, the two of the stripping only to get dressed again into comfortable attire, Y/N automatically helping herself to Harry’s stash of old tees, a habit he loved since there was nothing better than seeing someone he cared so deeply for feel so at home in his own home.
    “You roll it.” He had said, chucking the small bagie to his girlfriend along with all the necessities.
     “Just ‘cause you can’t do it yourself.” She laughed, sitting herself onto his bed and getting started.
    “I mean.” Harry stuttered for a moment before breaking out into a smile. “True.”
    Sooner rather than later, the two of them were sprawled across the bed, her legs resting on the headboard, and his legs dangling off of the end. The position brought them discomfort, but in their high state of mind, it was the unsurpassed position for them to be able to be looking at one another.
    “We were meant to be together.” She had mumbled, her dry tongue coming out in an attempt to wet her lips. “It was fate.”
    She ignored the breathy laugh Harry had let out and instead sat up, swinging her legs so that they were now on either side of his head.
    “I swear, it’s that destiny bullshit. Because if I had met you any other time before that day we actually met I never would have said yes to you asking my manager for my number because obviously I wasn’t in the right state of mind with everything that was being spread and then if we had met after I also would have said no because my ex had asked me out.” She said her red eyes meeting his. “Do you remember that? And I probably would’ve said yes to him because I’m a masochist because four months ago I had no idea that being with someone could feel like this.”
    At that moment Harry had sat himself up too, swinging himself around so his legs rested on top of hers, before pulling her in for a kiss.
    “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
    “Merry Christmas!”
    The happy couple were cuddled into each other’s side, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip, foot to foot as the clock struck midnight signalling the first hour of Christmas Day. His home-town home was entirely covered in decorations green and red tinsel wrapped around picture frames and a gold star resting atop of a heavily decorated Christmas tree.
    It had been the first time she had met his family, both agreeing they would split the two-day celebration between his and her family. Christmas Eve for the Styles’ and Christmas Day for the Y/L/N’s and boxing day just for the two of them.
    It was the first time for both of them to be that kind of couple. The kind that would wear matching Christmas jumpers and buy the two-person Christmas jumper, unironicallythat is, and post a picture of it on their shared finsta account.
    Much to their dismay, they had been split up during a game of Family Fortune, Anne demanding teams of boys against girls completely disregarding Harry’s complaints on how ‘s’not fair that they get to have my girlfriend’.
    Eventually his complaints only worsened as his team began to lose, jokingly screaming in frustration he would point accusatory fingers at whoever got the answer wrong. In this instance it was Michal, Gemma’s boyfriend triggering a frustrated cry from Harry.
    “Give me back my girlfriend!” he had whined. “She’s winning this game for you. S’not fair. I don’t’ want to play anymore. Gem take your man back.”
    He was pouting then, his arms founded across his chest as he huffed and puffed from his seat causing Y/N to laugh along with Anne and Gemma at the grown man who still had moments when he became a child.
    “Harry you’re still such a sore loser!” Gemma had called him out turning to you with a roll of her eyes. “Try playing scrabble with this man. An absolute nightmare.”
    A drawn out a slightly offended ‘hey’ could be heard from Harry, but the two girls both chose to ignore the childish, yet adorable man they had both come to love.
    “Oh I get it.” Y/N had smirked rolling her eyes too. “Every bloody Sunday we play and every time I win and every time he pulls a strop and refuses to look at me for at least five minutes.”
    “You two finished bitchin’ ‘bout me ey?” He plonked himself in between the two of them, half of his body sitting on top of his girlfriend.
    “Not bitching H, just some tough love.” She laughed, straining her neck so that she was able to kiss him on the cheek to which he happily leaned into.
“How ‘bout some other type of lovin’.” He had whispered in her ear with his back to her chest, his brows wriggling with suggestion. But little did he know that in his drunken stupor he had all but shouted the words causing her cheeks to burn a bright red as everyone in the room laughed at his words.
     “You horny bastard.” She had muttered against his back, hiding her burning cheeks from everyone’s prying eyes.
    But drunk Harry had no shame and a very little regard for a limit on what could be said. “Can’t help it babe. I love you, all of you.” His tone was once again laced with suggestion, brows raised and mouth open, his tongue poking just beyond his teeth.
    “Harry!” her mouth had said, but her eyes screamed, ‘I love you.’
    His words and actions may have been a bit too much for a family occasion, but they didn’t care for they had never seen him love so deeply without a care for anyone else.
    “Welcome to my house.” Y/N had said, pulling open the gold framed door and welcoming their friends.
    “Our!” Harry’s voice had sounded from the kitchen where he had been busying himself making frozen margaritas.
    It had taken a while, but the two of them had finally decided on a home in South West London.
    Three whole Summers they had been together.
    It had been a shock to everyone who knew them, for the couple to be moving in together so late considering the nature of their relationship. In fact, many had believed they would move in by the end of their first year together. But instead it had taken three whole Summers for it to happen. An outcome of both their busy schedules.
    The both of them had just finished their own respective tours, hers finishing only a week after his. Pathetic rumours spread by strangers did nothing to crack the towering wall built around the two lovers, in fact all it did was build another layer. After all, how could it cause any harm when the happy couple couldn’t hear anything except each other’s loving declarations even if they were 500 miles apart. Finally the media had no control over their narrative and instead they formed it together, built from the ground where they had once laid broken and beaten in a puddled mess.
    A womaniser and a princess were now simply Harry and Y/N.
    Their friends had to step around the cardboard boxes set up along the hallway, the couple not yet having enough time to set up all the belongings and make their house a home.
    “Harry I have known you five years now and I have never seen you this disorganised.” Mitch had stated, as he stumbled over a couple boxes causing him to stagger into the living room where Harry was waiting, margaritas in hand.
    With a nonchalant wave of his hand, Harry disregarded his friends’ comment, “We got time,” He could be easy going, but mostly when it came to her.
    “You guys are literally what I aspire to have.” Clare declared after a moment of watching them cuddled against each other on the sofa later that evening. Despite the free seat on their left the couple still refused to split from the others side which didn’t go unnoticed by anyone.
    “I mean… we’re not perfect.” Y/N had pointed out, her hands busy with fiddling with Harry’s brown locks.
    Mitch shook his head with a mocking laugh. “What you guys argue too like the rest of us?”
    “We do!”
    “Like about who’s turn it is to wash the dishes?” Adam joined in on the teasing.
    The couple failed to answer, but their avoiding of the eyes of everyone in the room spoke volumes causing the room to erupt into laughter.
    “Hey! it was a very serious argument in the moment!” Harry defended himself. “Besides arguments can be healthy no matter what they’re about.”
    “I can’t even imagine you guys not being stuck together anymore; you’ve been attached for so long. Swear you’ve never come out of the honeymoon stage.” Y/F/N snickered. “Remember that time they broke up for literally five minutes?” Hums of agreement could be heard from around the room.
    “Yeah!” Clare laughed. “Harry started crying in the studio, got a call from Y/N and then wrote his biggest love song on the second album.”
    “They had only been dating two months then. Two!”
    “No way was I letting my greatest lover slip through my fingers.” Y/N smiled pressing a kiss to her boyfriends’ cheek.
    The conversation continued without them, unbeknownst to the group, Harry and Y/N too invested in whispering sweet nothings into one another’s ears.
    “Oh my god they’re not even listening anymore.”
    “For fucks sake!” Complaints could be heard around the room, but it was no surprise that this would happen, besides how could they truly complain when they were nothing but happy for their two friends. Happiness was the least that they both deserved.
    However, the array of playful protests from their friends were ignored as Harry began to pepper kisses onto his girl’s face. This was their house and to them that meant they were free to do as they pleased.
    “Is it… are you?” Harry had stumbled over his words, watching in shock as tears ran down his girlfriend’s face. With a slight nod of her head, he had erupted into a fit of laughter, prancing around the room before he scooped his girlfriend into his arms and made another round around their living room.
    “S’gonna be a girl I can feel it.” He had said once they settled down, the pregnancy test clutched in their hands.
    “You can feel it huh?” she laughed at Harry, who had just begun to rub the non-existent swell of her belly.
    “Gonna name her Anastasia. S’gonna have your colour hair and my eyes. The colour not the shape, that’d be yours too.”
     “And what would she be like.”
    “An absolute handful! Because she’s our first baby we would give her everything, but she had to be good. She’d always be attached to one of us.” The noise of everything else had been drowned out by the fantasy Harry displayed, the calming, slow tone of his voice walking them through every step of their daughter’s life, from her first steps to her first day of University.
    It was hours later when they had finally risen from the couch, their legs were cramped, and pins and needles were running up their arms. But neither cared, the two of them running on the high of their news.
    “Marry me.” Harry had spoken suddenly causing Y/N to halt her climb on the stairs.
    “I said marry me.” His face was dead serious, but his eyes glowed with passion and his hands were clammy from the nerves that had been running through his body.
    “Yes.” Y/N whispered only to speak louder the next time. “Yes.” she tackled Harry into a hug, forcing him to grab onto the railing to stop themselves from falling down.
    “Of course I’ll marry you.”
    Small gurgles could be heard from the front bench, the one-year old child chatting happily on her Nana’s lap.
    “Wave hi to Daddy Ana!” Anne whispered sweetly to the child.
    “Da.” Anastasia shouted, her chubby fingers reaching out in an attempt to grab onto her father’s Gucci suit causing everyone around her to coo softly at the small child.
    Harry was right as it turned out. She did have your hair and his eyes. But she was nowhere near a handful, in fact she was the complete opposite. She was their little angel; always content and always smiling.
    It had been safe to say that almost the entire room and been in tears as soon as Y/N had stepped into the room. This was a day that everyone who knew them saw coming. Their lives together had been written by some other omnipotent force as soon as their eyes had met that night on the red carpet. For them there had been no other way.
    It was a beautiful sight to watch destiny play its card, to watch as the two lovers became husband and wife. Who knew that what was once a borrowed heart, when mixed with one that was once blue, created a golden hue, like a halo that wrapped around the couple and the happy family they had created together.
    Their love was golden, like the gold in her dress the night they had met. Golden like the sunset the same evening Harry had told her he was falling in love with her. Gold like the star that had sat on top of the Christmas tree on their first Christmas together tied with meeting the other’s family. Golden like their door, that they had promised to step into every day for the rest of their lives. And golden like the ring he had put on her finger when he had promised to marry her.
    They had left that room as husband and wife and they never looked back.
    ‘Y/N! To your left!’
    ‘Smile for us Y/N!’
    Journalists had continued to scream your name from all directions, each demanding that you gave them your attention. But unluckily for them that had been stolen, for your focus still remained on the man who joined you on the red carpet, your eyes still locked right until the point where you left the red carpet.
     It was especially chaotic that evening mostly because it was your first appearance in over a year and yet you were unable to focus. The intense stare you had just shared with him left your palms sweating and left you stunned initiating a shake of your shoulder as if an attempt to be rid of the flustering feeling that somehow you knew this man beyond what you knew as a fan of his work.
    It was then, when you were smoothing out your golden dress, that you felt a light tap on your shoulder.
    “Hi! M’Harry.” His voice caused you to jump in shock, your hand quickly reaching out to meet his outstretched one, it may have simply been a formality but that did nothing to stop the tingle that ran up your arm as soon as his skin touched yours.
    “Nice to meet you.” You stumbled over your words, slightly overwhelmed by his presence. “I’m Y/N.”
                      have I known you twenty seconds or twenty years?
Okay so I would like to know if you liked that please and thanks (please give me validation!!!! (jkjk (but not really))) 
Ngl I felt really creative and artsy when I planned out the whole thing, idk if it came across as a cool idea but idc
I really hope you enjoyed it!!
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