#this alter is doggender
transmasculine · 1 year
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“this alter is gendergender” “this alter is gendergender” “this alter is xenogender”
“this alter is canisgender” “this alter is doggendergender” “this alter is felisgender”
“this alter is sheepgender” “this alter is angelgender” “this alter is devilgender”
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paw-pride · 5 months
'dog alter' and 'doggender' paw pls?
dog alter: https://www.tumblr.com/idolsystem/731644637431906304?source=share
doggender: https://www.deviantart.com/transfeminine/art/Doggender-Flag-Adjustment-870191961
Dog alter and doggender paws!
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mogaispiderpunk · 10 months
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[ID: a blue userbox with a square doggender flag and the words "this alter is doggender" in a darker blue next to it.]
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kandikiddo · 1 year
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A nonbinary xenogender where you feel a strong gendered connection to wobbledogs (not inherently the game but the wobbledogs **themselves**). This gender can be bouncy, silly, upbeat, wobbly or stumbly. Intended to be a neurodiverse gender or an inhuman gender. can also be connected to pupgender or any sort of doggender if so desired.
This gender can be interpreted in; feeling so much like a wobbledog it affects your gender, feeling connected to wobbledogs so much that it affects your gender, liking the game so much that it affects your gender, or all of the above!!
This gender is intended for neurodiverse, physically disabled, or nonhuman system alters but litterally anyone can use it. If you just like wobbledogs so much it affects your gender you can use it ^-^ 💖🎊🎊
I personally ID with this cause I'm very nonhuman and very dogboy and I felt so instantly connected with wobbledogs when ppl started playing it. like ... I'm litterally a wobbledog boy ok? ty for reading.
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thegendergoblin6 · 8 months
✰ Intro ✰
∴∵Forsaken Star System∴∵ ⊱ System Tag ⊱ ✰ ⊱ System Type ⊱ OSDD-1b ⊱ Body Age ⊱ Minor Bodied!! ∵COLLECTIVES∴ ⊱ Collective Name(s) ⊱ Serein ⊱ Collective Pronouns ⊱ They/It/Mew/Purr/Chaos/He/Eye ∵SYSTEM INFORMATION∴ ⊱ Hosts-Co-Host ⊱ Douxie, Fae, V ⊱ Frequent Fronters ⊱, Pluma, Thistle, Titan Luz, Jon ∵RELATIONSHIP INFORMATION∴ ⊱ Partners ⊱ 🗲, 🦴, ☀︎ ∵BOUNDARIES∴ ⊱ Pings ⊱ Y ⊱ DMs ⊱ Y ⊱ Nicknames ⊱ Y ⊱ Petnames ⊱ Only Partners and Close Friends ⊱ DNI ⊱ Usual DNI criteria, ∵EXTRA INFORMATION∴ ⊱ Comforts ⊱ Music, Certain video games, reading, listening to TMA ⊱ Alter intros: ⊱ W.I.P.
On this account we are gonna mostly post Xenogender Bookshelfs and resources for Alterhumans [not just Therians]!!
✰Whats a Xenogender Bookshelf?✰
Glad you asked! Its a collection of posts where I try to find any and all xenogender relating to a theme/gender. Its to try and help those who want to look for labels that fit them the best!
I am currently working on the Catgender Bookshelf! However my list of To Dos are below!
Nature-Based Genders
DogGender + Pupgender
Aethestic Genders
Stim-Based Genders
✰ What does my Alterhuman Resources entail? ✰
Now for most of my Alterhuman Resources, I want to try and help people better understand themselves, and find a way to connect to their kintype in their own way! I understand for most therians it means Quads and Gear, however my goal is to try and find things for Therians and other alterhumans to do that doesn't involve gear and quads! However I'll get more into it in my first post!!
The resources will also be about alterhuman terminology, different kintypes, and just basic overall information of the Alterhuman community as a whole!
My ask box is mainly for requesting a Xenogender Bookshelf, maybe some Neopronouns or asking for a specific Alterhuman Resource, however if you have a question feel free to use my ask box!!
I will also post art and oc stuff on this account!
-Fae+Douxie+V ✰
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caninemutt · 2 years
Name: Ty
Age: my alter/mind age slides between 18-23, but I am bodily 25
Pronouns: he/they
Gender: doggender transmasc, digidaydreamic
Kintype: Caninekin domestic mutt dog / dog polykin shifter (dog cladotherian mutt), some kind of digital being / possibly an AI?
System role: “Diplomat” (social alter, non-host)
System type: DID
System origin: traumaendo / multigenic / mixed-origin
I do not have a DNI (for now), I’ll just block you/expect you to block me if I violate yours. I block liberally, and without warning.
About Me Tag | Starboard | Dogposting | Botposting
(Tags without links are coming soon)
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banana-yo-gurt · 2 years
Holy shit why can't women with arfid just be normal lmfao. I check arfid tags and i relate to everything they say and then i click on their profile and BOOM Aidan 15 self diagnosed autist xir/xyr/xem afab doggender dreamgender multisexual 382k+ alters HOLY SHIT JUST BE NORMAL. I MEAN WHAT DID I EXPECT LMFAO I'M ON TUMBLR THERE AIN'T NO NORMIES HERE OMEGALUL
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ray-of-melancholy · 3 years
neo/xenopronouns and xenogenders their relevance to nd people
[30 sec- 2 min read ] truscum and terfs do not interact (feel free to read though)
neo/xenopronouns and xenogenders their relevance to nd people. - more specifically autistic people and did/osdd (do say if i missed anyone).
why am i talking about this?
someone said its only said by nt cis people so I - a trans person who is autistic will speak on it.  
why is is significant to (SOME) autistic people: most autistic people see the world and therefore themselves differently than allistic people see themselves. so its understandable that (again, SOME) autistic people view their gender differently and experience it differently, hence genders like princegender and catgender! so it is in fact not saying that autistic people cant understand things such as gender, rather that some view the world differently (because we do!!) /SRS  
why is is significant to (SOME) people with did/osdd (do keep in mind im a singlet so tell me if i got anything wrong, or if its not my place to speak on this /gen): sense system alters can be just about anything some of them will have genders that dont lie within the typically viewed ones, such as doggender or raingender! again this wont count for all  system alters or even systems.
of course nt people can use them as well!!
remember  xenogenders/pronouns are valid!! (whole post is /srs)
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mogaispiderpunk · 10 months
This alter is doggender, this alter is soldogic, and this alter is dogthing please! :3
- saintpallis
Doing these rn!!!!
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