#this had been saved to my drafts instead of posting 💀
rocicrew · 7 months
1. I read your Amos/Holden fic on ao3 and it was SO GOOD!!!!
2. Okay but like imagine when Amos was blind and Holden found him and was talking to him for a minute in private, and trying to console him, and Amos says “you have to find a way. If I can’t see, how can I protect you?” And Holden is like ~sobbing~ but like quiet and on the inside because omfg he’s in love with Amos Burton isn’t he. (Also Holden would have to sleep next to him and spoon him and be the big spoon FOR REASONS)
hiiii i had an awful long week but this message made my day. i'm really glad you enjoyed it !!
holden is constantly sobbing on the inside abt how much he loves his crew, but s4 and amos/holden has especially extra Feels bc holden is constantly holy shit i love him sm while amos is blind, his cptsd is triggered and especially when he finds him shot on the ground after murtry shoots him
i had written this fic in regards to 4.08, but i absolutely see that exchange between them and crying
as a matter of them cuddling, personally i'd see it post ilus after they're back on the roci because (excluding the fact that holden got 0 sleep on ilus) holden would be very careful with how he's touching amos while he's unconscious after seeing him lash out. however after he made sure amos is fully on board with it up on the roci which is a safer space, he'd be soo down to cuddle. jimbo just wants to hold and be held by the loves of his life his family at any given time.
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romanticatheartt · 1 month
Rereading ACOTAR
Note: Before I start, this is not an anti post (well... maybe for Tam/in... definitely for Tampon!) and if you think talking about the literal canon and call out these unreal characters out on their flaws means that I hate these characters (beside Tim tam), then idk what to tell you lol
So 3 months ago after I read hofas I decided to reread acotar for the first time because I miss Feyre (and Rhysand... and the whole IC) like crazy. And I thought it be a good idea to read the original trilogy but since I'm a very mood reader I only read the first book lol. I had this post on my draft for 3 months now and I think I was scared to share them but now I don't really care.
I normally don't do rereads at all, my mind gets bored (I read my favorite scenes but never the whole book) so I decided to try something else and listen to the audiobook instead. And now I have thoughts!
This became longer than I intended but also I'm not going to add anything crazy that someone hadn't already pointed out so I'm just sharing some of my random notes (50 to be exact... it's long post) and thoughts of mine while reading this time around :)
This is definitely NOT a friendly-Tam/in post. If stating fact is considered as not friendly that is...
anyway ->
1. We have 2 chapter of the sisters in the beginning of the book and jeez both Nesta and Elain are the worst and as a eldest sister it pained me to read it for the first time. 2. I don't understand Elain, so I rather not talk about her and wait till her book comes out but she acts as a damsel in distress or be ignorant to the point Feyre questioning if she understand they're poor 💀 3. Although I have to admit, knowing Nesta now it was easier to go through it this time and not curse her in every page lol. But while reading the book I noticed that every time Feyre is thinking negatively of herself the voice in her head is the voice of Nesta. or whenever she wants to scolds herself, she call herself the names Nesta had called her. and it breaks my heart:
"A half-wild beast, Nesta had called me." (2 times)
"and the part of me that spoke with Nesta’s voice had laughed at the idea of an ignorant human trying to admire faerie art."
"Illiterate, ignorant, unremarkable, proud, cold—all spoken from Nesta’s mouth, all echoing in my head with her sneering voice."
4. Later on we see her actually coming after Feyre to saves her but this doesn't changes the fact that she verbally abused Feyre (and she acknowledge it!! trauma or not she abused Feyre to the point it left a mark on her so please don't turn her into a saint after one act of kindness lol) 5. There isn't much to say about papa Archeron except that he wasn't a great father. I understand depression have different effects on different people, but trauma is no excuse for how he was as a father (I genuinely believe a true parent would do anything for their children but some people are not cut out to be one and it's alright. but once you bring them into this world you have to guarantee that you can provide for them because they didn't choose to be in this life) 6. I know for a fact that if Feyre hadn't promised her mother to protect her family and didn't have a purpose to live her life, she would've been worse than Nesta. Because when she was in Spring Court, for at least 5 times she was guilt-ridden, thinking her family doesn't care about her at all (specially Nesta) or thinking about her shortcomings… (and like I said Nesta had a big role in these kind of thinking) 7. The first Feysand foreshadow was her painting night sky on her drawer<3 8. Lucien and Tam/in (specially Lucien) were so dramatic on their hate toward Feyre? she triggered a 48 years curse. It was always suppose to be this way. Andres knew what he was doing and accepted the fact that he might die. yes you can grieve but It's not really her fault now is it?
9. “You go somewhere new—and you make a name for yourself.”
^: well she definitely did that… 10. One of the things I noticed is that Tam/in was never NEVER Lucien's friend. he was Lucien's High Lord first then his friend and it's obvious from their very first scene.
11. “We’re not going to bite.” Lucien’s white teeth gleamed in a way that suggested otherwise.
^: him and Cassian will get along well... 12. Feyre hates hunting... she says that to both Lucien and Tam/in. she does that out of necessity, if it's provoked. and not for the first time I realized Feyre is a mix of both Nesta and Elain. 13. Did we all got the vibe that Tampon was mad at Lucien spending time with Feyre because he knew he didn't have a chance once Lucien opens his mouth? 14. Feyre had real fear for Tam/in. in so many occasion we have her being genuinely scared of him. he even said it himself:
"But I could smell the fear on you, more than anything."
And in acomaf we have Rhysand saying he never felt fear of him from Feyre. and when they were UTM Feyre question herself that why she was always so quiet and submissive (not excatly the word she uses) toward Tam/in but with Rhysand she doesn't have that instinct. 15. This ship is the definition of Someone who doesn't know how to love x Someone who has never been loved and that's never a good pairing in any world. it takes one to be in a relationship with someone like Tam/in to understand that... 16. She always felt little, weak, stupid and so very human with Tam/in and Lucien and they never hide their feeling on the matter! 17. Feyre is such baddie istg... she killed a faerie, then went for a stroll and captured a suriel, THEN killed 2 nagas and a fkn wyrm while being a human... GURL- 18. Okay apparently every one says mature age in acotar world was retcon but Alis was talking about lesser fae not high fae? or specially their kind? idk I read that scene and all she was talking about was their kind and not high fae. 19. Tim tam was never in control of his power... his power and anger had him on a leash not the other way around 20. Feyre is always honry (LMAO)... but the sad part is Tam/in never matched her passion. he was always afraid that he's going to hurt her with his claws and bla bla bla BUT MY GIRL wanted him to claw at her💀 savage lol. all I'm saying is that he never gave all of himself to Feyre. 21. It always piss me off that Tam/in never taught her how to write and read. (and ig we all know why) 22. In chapter 19 we have Feyre asking if Fae can be mated to humans and in the next chapter we have Calamnai and something in her chest was pulling her to go and see and next thing we know she met Rhysand (aka her mate)
23. "There you are. I've been looking for you,"
^: PEOPLE DIED! 24. Imagine reading Feyre saying before her was the most beautiful man she has ever seen and not to think that it's fkn over for Tam/in lmao (point to this post of mine) It's also hilarious when she saw Tam/in after his mask was removed she was like "handsome👍🏼" 25. Rhysand is such Theater kid istg (specially after hofas, the way he was just showing off)... he's like let me show her some tricks *walk around her and stars ripple from him* *blinking to show off the stars in his eye* *PURR* OK PEACOCK! 26. May I ask why on earth we never had a sex party like Calamnai in Night Court? I'm actually so mad because we lost the greatest opportunity WTF? Feyre was so hot and bothered about it and the reason they told her to stay at the manor was because Tam/in knew he will choose her and Feyre was like "oMg hE wOuLd chOoHe mE" *tuck her hair behind her ear* girl- IT WOULD'VE FIT FEYSAND SO FKN WELL... maybe not on acomaf (even if it could be so healing) or acowar... BUT ACOFAS WAS RIGHT THERE!!! 27. One of the things I hate about the events after Calamnai is Lucien and Tam/in laughing at Feyre... ok... you weren't yourself, but the least you could do was to apologize for hurting and scaring her. it give off the vibe when people say "why was she out so late at night? what was she wearing?" it genuinely made me uncomfortable like the first time. 27. Something I noticed when I read the book for the first and I went 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩:
“No, I don’t want you to live somewhere else. I want you here, where I can look after you—where I can come home and know you’re here, painting and safe.”
Damn I was right... 28. Tam/in always kept the truth from her even the truth that wasn't a part of the curse :) 29. When Feyre drank that faerie wine she saw through Lucien's glamour... does he always have that glamour?:
"But his glamour had been ripped away. His auburn hair burned like hot metal, and his russet eye smoldered like a bottomless forge."
interesting... 30. Tam/in is fkn coward! in more than 2 occasions Feyre was like why he's not attacking Rhys? why he's not kicking him out? and mf never once tried to stop Rhysand. NOT ONCE. yknow... sometimes in romance novels when you see your loved one in danger you don't care if he's the most powerful being in the world you just act and try to save the ones you love even if you don't win (and we know someone does exactly that at the end of the book)... it's effort that matters!!! and this doesn't stop here either it's even worse at UTM... 31. it's funny that Feyre is "in love" with Tam/in but doesn't stop to appreciate the beauty (Rhysand), even if he's in his villain era and making the love of her life beg on his knee and breaching her own mind... 32. Why Rhysand never called Feyre "love" anymore? the first time I read it I had put away my phone and take a deep breath lol. just like that "good girl" he called her at UTM... sjm knew I would've died if she used it more. 33. Never say never... Lucien:
“Those clothes are enough to convince me I never want to enter the human realm.”
The Mother humbled him real quick lmao. 34. ELAIN IS NOT AN INTROVERT FFS I'm so tried at everyone calling Elain an introvert while she's a social butterfly and we see that in this book!! and it pains me to see Elain stans are like "I'm a introvert myself so I understand Elain..." no you don't. she's traumatized, she's at her lowest in acosf. just because, like Nesta, she doesn't throw tantrums and drown herself in alcohol and sex means she's fine? you should be more worried for the person who looks fine!! 35. I adored the scene where Feyre teaches Nesta how to paint🥹 it just warms my heart<3 and now that Feyre has a art studio I want to see them paint together again or read Nesta's smutty books together at HoW!! (I read a fanfic that Nesta teaches Feyre how to read with a stick on the snow pre-canon and it just warmed my heart<3 don't get me wrong I love how Rhys taught her lol but there's something else in sisterhood...)
36. “There is a better world, Nesta. There is a better world out there, waiting for you to find it. And if I ever get the chance, if things are ever better, safer … I will find you again.”
^: Stop...😭
37. “Amarantha is High Queen of this land. The High Queen of Prythian,” Alis breathed, her eyes wide with some memory of horror.
^: That's why the whole high king and high queen will never work. people will never accept one even if they're a just person. they had the worst experience for 49 years. they can never trust a person to rule for all like that again. and honestly I hate the whole thing bye... 38. To me Amarantha and Tam/in are mates... for obvious reasons and it's fitting! idc what anyone else says 39. The whole chapter where she kills that wyrm is so hot!! and the fact that she's human and she's so calculated and plans in the span of few minutes to kill it and doesn't just attack and uses her brain instead is so hot!! I understand why Rhys fell in love!! *HOFAS spoiler* and it's funny to me how an Illyrian, a Starborn and a Valkyrie with a deadly mask struggled to kill the wyrm... 40. The only person, THE ONLY ONE who bet on her that she'll survive? who would that be? THE LOVE HER LIFE? no... and that's not something to just pass through it! there's only two assumption we can make. one, he never believed in her to begin with, two, he's a fkn coward... which I think it's both. Rhysand was r*ped and tortured for 49 years and he never stopped helping Feyre and believing in her. and knowing Amarantha wouldn't be pleased with betting on Feyre, he still did it... 41. UTM Rhys supremacy... That's it. don't ask me anything... 42. How Feyre remembered the riddle for 2.5 months is beyond me... 43. Feyre appreciating Rhysand's beauty so randomly like... GIRL FOCUS!! 44. When Feyre questions her reason for why she's doing all these, for "just a few decades", should've been the sign... 45. How Tam/in finding a way to get Feyre alone right before the night of her last trial pissed me off the first time I read it… the fact that this was a goodbye to him. That in the past 3 months he didn't try to even react to her but the night before her last trial decided to fuck her instead of helping her to get out… he can find a way now, he can get out of Amarantha sight for more than 5 minutes to fuck her, but he couldn't have done that in the past 2.5 months… yeah sure this is true love. like I said it's the effort that matters not whether you succeeded in it... Tam/in disgusts me for a better word. 46. no note... *sound of my heart breaking*:
"And if you had any stomach for cruelty, you’d go to Amarantha and tell her the truth about her whore. Perhaps she’d give you Tamlin for it.”
“When you healed my arm … You didn’t need to bargain with me. You could have demanded every single week of the year. Every single week, and I would have said yes.”
“I know,”
47. This MF sat there until he got healed while every bone in Feyre's body was breaking and when he somewhat healed he began kneeling and begging?... KNEELING AND BEGGING!! JUST FKN KILL HER! (the way Feyre kept saying that) I don't want to hear one single word about how he was injured, bla bla bla he's a fkn high lord and a warrior I'm sure he experienced worse. the least he could do, was his fkn best to stop Amarantha. and this time around reading it piss me off so bad that I wanted to throw my phone out of the window... but you know who got up even when he didn't have his full powers? to save her, to kill Amarantha, to die with her because he didn't want her to be alone while she died? yeah... The fact that the first time I read it I thought this was the reason Feyre was going to leave him and what she did?... my girl has no self-respect istg... Love blinds people I suppose... 48. Whenever Tam/in touched Feyre after this whole thing I wanted to throw up... when he cradled her dead body? oh I wanted Rhysand to mist him so fkn bad. he doesn't deserve to touch her, he didn't deserved Feyre's love not once... 49. In my language we have an expression "whoever does the final task, they are the one who finished the job" obviously in my language it has more rhyme to it lol but it's a silly expression and a stupid one at that; and When people start thanking Tam/in I was like: FOR WHAT EXACTLY? he just killed Amarantha at the last minute while he watch Feyre getting tortured? he just sat for 2.5 months while Feyre and Rhysand (and to an extend Lucien) do the works to free not just him but the whole Prythian... all the while he was in his home and you lot were imprisoned UTM, away from your home... who are you thanking to? (at least they thanked Feyre as well...) 50. Feysand's balcony scene has a special place in my heart:
“Because when the legends get written, I didn’t want to be remembered for standing on the sidelines. I want my future offspring to know that I was there, and that I fought against her at the end, even if I couldn’t do anything useful.”
“Because, I didn’t want you to fight alone. Or die alone.”
“Thank you,”
“You never told me you loved the wings—or the flying.”
“Everything I love has always had a tendency to be taken from me. I tell very few about the wings. Or the flying.”
“Be glad of your human heart, Feyre. Pity those who don’t feel anything at all.”
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whew... sorry this is so long! if you read this till the end I LOVE YOU. anyway I might do one for acomaf as well whenever I reread it. and I'm pretty sure Tam/in is going to make me see red even more than the first time!!
And I'm glad I was one of those few who saw the red flags in Tam/in even for the first time...
first time read: ⭐⭐⭐
second time read: ⭐⭐⭐.5
I noticed so many foreshadow in this book! and so many other 🚩that I didn't noticed for the first time! for some reason I can't give this book 4 stars because I tired to go easy on Tam/in but it got worse lmao💀
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safyresky · 4 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 6/52 as per this poll's (current) results:
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This dress gives MAJOR frolic vibes and DOES end with Jacqueline frolicking through the Western province's meadows and, y'know, maybe accidentally lightly frosting up the blooms which leads to. Well. This:
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Scrimbly Aunt Spring!!! I'm very proud of her, lol. She's so ANGY I'm CACKLING, VERY proud of that expression >:)
The filter I chose for purposes of scanning and sharing does NOT do the colours justice, the greens ARE different shades and the yellow on her hands is more green too lmao. I am working with LIMITED COLOURS. I've had to bring pencil crayons into the mix 😂😂😂😂. That's why the scrimbly jacquie isn't bright/crisp!! camscan refused to pick up the pencil crayons :(
But I've learnt that the oven light is PRETTY ALRIGHT.
I had some other colour options for Jacqueline's dress:
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I went with the usual blue, of course, but these guys were TEMPTING. Some ACTUALLY scrimbly Jacquies for y'all since uh, my scrimbles are more like proper doodles???? Not changing THAT tag tho lol.
SO YEAH. HAD A DREAM AGES AGO THAT INVOLVED JACQUELINE AND BLAISE VISITING A SCHOOL AND ENTERTAINING KIDS WITH CS STORIES?? My actual dream, to have CS be an actual book with so much RANGE actors go to schools dressed as the characters and bring joy to children (it's me I'm actors I WOULD get my own Jacqueline costume and spread the joy 💃🏻😎💕❄️)
Here's the uh, scanned and filtered version for purposes of colour lol. Which is apparently a thing I will be doing with the scrimbles now!!
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Learning to use the markers has been FUN.
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madame-fear · 9 months
Also 12 y/o you should have given 12 y/o me some lessons because if I was in your situation at that age I would have cried
I’ve been living here since I was 5? I believe. More or less. Like firstly we moved from one country to another so we had to live in a small apartment with a friend of the family. That place never gave me any bad vibes tbh, even if the building itself was scary as shit
But since we moved Bro I could never sleep in my fucking bedroom?? Like my mother would always say it was because I never slept in my crib; i always co-slept with her as a baby so maybe that I had grown attached but I was sure as hell it wasn’t that because I always woke up at a certain hour or I felt like someone was fucking watching 💀💀💀 and that feeling remained for years and as soon as my older sister moved out I went to her bedroom and moved my stuff out
And I had the weirdest experiences, like seeing eyes and a child smiling whenever I crossed the hall and looked at the fucking door bro. Scary shit. And so I told my ex bsf that I had bad vibes from the room and she said it was a demon. I really thought it was a joke but NU-UH 💀💀💀 and she told me the child I saw and stuff it was her. I remember speaking to my friend on the phone and I always called the demon “he” because it just gave me those vibes and she said: ...it’s not a he, it’s a she LMFAOOO
I almost shat my pants too when I remembered my childhood bedroom had all my toys since I was a kid so that demon sure is having fun there
- 🔎
EYOOO i thought i had posted this but my dumbass just realised instead of posting it i had saved it on my drafts??? 🤨
Also 12 y/o you should have given 12 y/o me some lessons because if I was in your situation at that age I would have cried
AHDJKDKDKS 12 y/o me was nearly shitting herself on her pants listening to weird ass creaking sounds and baby crying but clearly no one messes with my hunger and i 😭😭
Like my mother would always say it was because I never slept in my crib; i always co-slept with her as a baby so maybe that I had grown attached but I was sure as hell it wasn’t that because I always woke up at a certain hour or I felt like someone was fucking watching 💀💀💀 and that feeling remained for years and as soon as my older sister moved out I went to her bedroom and moved my stuff out
Ooh i co-slept with my mum as well! If my cradle wasn’t literally glued next to her bed, i was most likely sleeping on a pillow she placed next to herself while we napped (but there she placed the bed against the wall so i wouldn’t fall) — but i can reassure you that could NEVER be because of attachment. Those vibes of being observed is like a burden to you, overwhelming in a way because you can feel it all the time and YOU KNOW SOMETHING IS GOING ON ☠
And I had the weirdest experiences, like seeing eyes and a child smiling whenever I crossed the hall and looked at the fucking door bro.
Nah how the hell did you MANAGE TO LIVE THERE??? I FOR REAL WOULD HAVE JUST DIED 😭😭 like yeah i heard babies crying and someone walking down the halls in one of the houses we moved on temporarily BUT NEVER SAW A CHILD SMILING OR EYES
edit — i now remember, i DID see several times a dark shadow lurking on the big garden there was on one of those houses... and the way i shat myself all those times... 😭
I remember speaking to my friend on the phone and I always called the demon “he” because it just gave me those vibes and she said: ...it’s not a he, it’s a she LMFAOOO
NO WAY DURNDKIENSKSJS but it was rude of you not to name the demon??? smh 😤 No but seriously your intuition never fails when you sense something strange, especially from a small age and when you are seeing weird ass shit 😂 You LITERALLY LIVED IN LUIGIS HUNTED MANSION SJIDKD
I almost shat my pants too when I remembered my childhood bedroom had all my toys since I was a kid so that demon sure is having fun there
Oh my god i seriously cant believe this madness, i would never cope living there 😭 At least the toys kept the demon distracted and entertained from haunting all of you, right? 😅😂
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