#this is out of sheer boredom tbh
laiostoudenn · 28 days
Out of pure curiosity and fun!
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necromancy-savant · 5 months
Sometimes I worry that I haven't taken good enough care of my ears, but then I'm in physical pain from how loud not only friends and coworkers in the same room keep their music but how loud my neighbors and the people in the parking lot blast it
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jals-stuff · 2 months
dudeeee orter is SOOO overworked it's crazy. man just looks like a stick and he can probably sleep while standing it's almost scary 💀 love him tho!
IKR man can probably sleep with his eyes open too, just imagine laying in bed and he's sitting in an armchair in the corner of the room with his eyes wide open but he's sleeping LMAO best sleep paralysis demon tbh. your ask did inspire me tho thank you anon ♥ just a very short one!
word count: 900 ish
Train ride.
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"Are we there yeeet?"
Your voice took him out of his intense focus as he looked up from his book, golden eyes narrowing in annoyance at your childish whine. You had been Orter's teammate for about a year and a half, so he was pretty much used to it now.
"Will you stop asking? The train left less than an hour ago."
A deep sigh escapes your lips and you rest your head against the table in sheer boredom. It was your idea, after all, not to bring any distractions because what's a few hours long train trip anyway? Nothing you can't handle, or so you thought.
The two of you were on your way back to the Bureau after a long, exhausting mission that should've been mainly investigation, but had somehow escalated into a wild goose chase after the main suspect had ran away.
Your eyes shot up to look at him but his attention was already back on his book. Out of curiosity, you switched your seat and plopped down next to him to read a few lines of it— which was dumb, he was already midway through the book.
His eyes travelled to your form for a few seconds before he resumed his reading, not minding your closeness as long as you wouldn't disturb him. "Why didn't you bring a book? Or... whatever things you allow yourself to be entertained by."
You shrugged dismissively as your eyes kept carefully following the lines. How interesting is it that the human brain can make something this boring look so enticing whenever there are no other distractions around?
"It's fine... I can read your book, too."
He decided not to respond and flipped the page to keep reading. What was interesting, however, was to know what kind of books Orter likes to read, even though you couldn't really guess what the story was about right now.
"Aren't you tired?"
He adjusted his glasses on his nose and quietly cleared his throat.
"What gave you this impression?"
Answering him that "oh, your reading speed is slower than usual, your hair is just a little messy and you blink very slowly" would be admitting that you've been staring a little too long at his handsome features.
"...call it a hunch." You chuckled softly at your own thoughts and he raised an eyebrow but didn't dig any deeper.
He flipped yet another page after a while, but it was just a little too quick for you.
"Hey, hey, I wasn't done! ..let me hold the book on this side." He sighed deeply but knew very well that if he didn't abide to your tantrum, you would probably be more annoying.
So here you were, holding half of a book while he held the other part of it. Your thumb was holding the page a little deeper than necessary to make sure the book wouldn't escape your grasp or that he wouldn't try to turn a page without asking.
Another page flipped, and you found yourself quite relaxed, your shoulder resting against his, reading peacefully... until he was done with the page you were holding— or almost.
You see, your thumb was covering a small part of it, and instead of asking out loud, his hand made his way to yours and he gently brushed your thumb aside so he could keep reading.
Needless to say, you were really agitated now. You decided to let him turn the page, unable to focus on the story any further and trying to control this embarrassing blush that had crept on your face.
No questions were asked, and he flipped the page again. You tried to read the first few words again, but it now felt like you were fully aware of his shoulder against yours, of his leg against your own on the train's sofa, and of his soft sighs as he kept on reading.
You really did try to keep reading for a long time, and you realised Orter hadn't flipped the page in a while now. Was he... waiting for you? You were about to apologise for taking so long when you felt his head against your shoulder.
He hadn't let go of the book, but he was now peacefully asleep, looking very relaxed against your shoulder.
His warm, soft breathing against your neck only made you more flustered, but it was somehow extremely soothing. You carefully removed his glasses and folded them on the table.
You slowly pushed the bookmark inbetween the pages and closed the book, sliding it on the table as he let his hand fall back to his lap.
Now, to see which of you would be more embarrassed when he would wake up...
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After three or so hours, his eyes fluttered open, only to be greeted with an unusually blurry vision... where were his glasses?
As he was about to reach for them, he felt some kind of weight against him and, upon further inspection, it seemed to be your limp figure, sleeping with your head on top of his.
One movement too quickly made and your head fell from his, landing on his shoulder and visibly not disturbing your sleep enough for you to wake up. You only gave a quiet groan as you softly nuzzled him.
He gave a deep sigh as he looked at you and your messy hair, eyes closed and looking so peaceful...
He mindlessly brushed a few strands of hair away from your face, gently placing them behind your ear, his thumb lingering a little against your cheek as he chuckled quietly.
He rested his head on top of yours and closed his eyes again. The ride wasn't over yet, surely he could indulge in a bit more of this temporary peace, right..?
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lilithgreye · 1 day
thats why i hate social media ik the irony of saying that online but ppl have normalised social media reliance so its not like we can escape it anymore.
i used to follow many tarot blogs but a lot of them either kept giving snarky replies or generic rudeness that or anons would keep overreacting to other anons and it felt more pointless than anything tbh, even if the question was quite reasonable and inoffensive or polite. that or tarot blogs i liked have been deleted due to some not nice reason or other (drama usually).
if time machines exist please can i take one? theres a few nice blogs but theyre harder to come by these days it just seems to be about popularity than actual decent interactions online for anything. every site has either turned into a pile of horseshit to use or its become that way overtime. i just want society to be somewhat normal again cause this feels like some bad fever dream that we have had to experience so far and no ones woken up from it. yet every time shit just seems to be getting weirder and weirder, im torn between being so bored of modern day society and needing something to read or watch constantly so i dont die of sheer boredom yet not caring deep enough for half the stuff online bc its so flipping boring with a capital B. its like nothing can be truly lively or joyful anymore bc the internet sucks the joy out of it, that or things often seem to be taken too literally or seriously.
u r so right. i feel like the covid lockdown is a huge part of the toxic change that was made on social media within the past 5 ish years. ppl were in their houses for so long they got bored and became these insanely judgmental and critical ppl. sure there was already toxic ppl, that’s life, but now it’s become 10x worse than it’s literally ever been before. i didn’t intend to say i hated the entire astro community tho. there’s nice ppl. the more popular ones tend to be meaner tho. no different than school
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demcnsinmymind · 5 months
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
💻 ― excellent writing
🐝  *  ―  𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑼𝑻-𝑶𝑼𝑻𝑺 𝑶𝑭 𝑨𝑾𝑬𝑺𝑶𝑴𝑬𝑵𝑬𝑺𝑺.  (  send in one or more of these symbols for me to pick one blogor multiple i wanna shout out that i think fit well into the category. explanations optional.  ) | OPEN!
⭐️ ― convincing portrayal of a canon character
(looking through my following list I notice that I don't follow many canons lmao)
You obv. Seriously, I love how you don't shy away from the fact that Klaus is a terrible asshole, can and will be a ruthless monster who's not exactly right in the head. You don't soften the character and improve on things that canon messed up and that honestly make more sense in your divergences, and I think that's awesome!
@walriding and @mslangermann it's been eons since I played the Outlast games and don't remember every last canon fact in detail, but the care, lore, headcanons, aesthetics and just overall vibe that those two have put in their characters is just top notch and all I accept as canon, honestly haha. Just the way they keep true to the worlds and characters while adding to them so much is just *chef's kiss* @thatslayer Because boy can you just hear Faith in that writing. Keeps me and the boy completely on our toes and unable to anticipate what comes next but all in the best way. Also the sheer amount of years, writing and effort and love that has been put into Faith, just...admirable! @bitchheroine For also staying true to canon Meg while greatly adding to the general vibe and depth of the character, be that with sheer badassery and vulnerability. You see this Meg and you just want to hang out with her in a bar and chat about both the 'good side' and the 'bad side' kinda being shit birds, while also being aware of the danger she can pose, just like in canon. Also bonus points for being so friendly and excited about our threads OOC! Just a joy to see on the dash.
@innerwar couldn't ever forget to put Tommy on here. I'm not much one for following multimuses most of the time, but we've been going back years now, and it's honestly just such a joy to see how much love and attention to detail the vast selection of canons get here! Really don't know how he pulls it off to stay so faithful to so many canons at once, but this blog got it going!
💻 ― excellent writing
@shellcrack just writes me into a corner each time I get a reply. Just the way the visuals, scenes, and headspaces are set is so beautiful and tangable. And the general lore, vibe and idea behind the character really comes through in the replies, absolutely amazing.
same goes for @sprnkles - especially with the focus on how different each character is, it really shines through in every reply, the way the characters think and speak is so distinct and unique, constantly floored by that writing! Entirely beautiful.
@kxllerblond I can hear and see the monotone mildly bothered boredom in that writing, and I don't mean that in a negative way, but as praise. The way each reply and writing is just ...so Clark and representative of all the lore and care that has been put into this character is just crazy. I also can never appreciate enough how arachno manages to say twice as much with much more elegance in half the word count compared to me haha
tbh basically just all of my mutuals haha
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Kotlc gang on a road trip
Fitz - he’s driving to everyone’s absolute terror, alternates between murderous road rage that nearly causes him to run a family of four off the side of the highway and yelling back at everyone whenever they make even the slightest bit of sound. Which is hard because they are constantly making sound. When they finally get to the motel he collapses into his bed for three hours and then immediately begins planning out how far away the next stop is.
Sophie - she’s in the middle at a window so she can stick her head out like a dog and definitely hits people with her hair by accident. Eats all of one specific snack everyone wants ten minutes later and nearly jumps out of a moving car at all the glares she gets. In charge of the aux and she alternates with Tam, but as they have basically the same music taste its always just emo/metal music that gets played w the occasional side of ear bleeding autotuned pop.
Biana - she and Marella and Linh are here to judge all the food even if its just plastic like pizza at a 2am gas station stop. They act like food criticis and make Fitz even more murderous. Changes her makeup - from foundation to eyeliner to lipstick - like five times despite being in a moving, shaking car. She’s directly behind the passengers seat and puts her feet up on the headrest constantly and it drives Dex crazy which is a feat in and of itself. She’s the only one who isn’t tired when they get to the motel and decides to ‘go exploring’.
Maruca - in one of the back seats, generally listens to music and ignores everyone but occasionally just yells something to start a fight and fades back whenever she gets bored. Has her own collection of snacks she’s only sharing if people ask nicely and so far only Marella has noticed this. Is sadly dragged by Biana to ‘go exploring’ when they get to the motel, but also cannot sleep anywhere unfamiliar so it wasn’t like she had anything better to do.
Tam - alternates control of the aux with Sophie and whenever he plays songs you can see the Black Parade flash through his memories. Gets pissed at everyone for being too loud and tries to sleep but hits his head on the window from all the bumping and invents five new death threats. He’s in the middle, squashed between Sophie and Biana, and has to alternate dealing with Biana’s makeup kit and Sophie’s snacking. By the time they get to the motel he just disappears and they find him sitting in a bathtub brooding to Teenagers.
Linh - like I said, she Marella and Biana are just here for the food. She comes out of this road trip with a new appreciation for digital art and an addiction to 7/11 road slushies. Probably asks everyone to play ‘I-spy’ all the time to everyone’s great despair. Awful at handling road trip boredom, but she forgot her headphones so her options are either draw or bother people so she happily does both. She somehow finds a pool near the motel and tells everyone someone has been murdered there once and no one is quite sure how she knows.
Marella - at the back between Linh and Maruca and is only here for food and chaos. Is the main person Fitz yells at when he nearly crashes the car for the 100th time. She nearly gets them beat up at a gas station when she cusses out some guy in a pickup truck. Is the only person who brought sufficient reading material and is also the only person who can read maps, which is a shame given she’s all the way in the back. They get stopped by the cops at some point and she tells them to fuck off. Its a miracle she hasn’t been arrested yet ngl.
Dex - he’s in the front seat as the only guy who knows how to work a gas pump, an ATM, change a tire, or anything about mechanics. He sadly doesn’t know how to read maps and yet goes ballistic whenever he thinks they’re even a bit off course. Is the only one who can match road-rage Fitz in sheer energy tbh. By the time they get to the motel he’s so drained he just passes out and then accidentally scams someone on his way to get breakfast.
Keefe - he hid in the trunk and was determined not to let anyone know but also has to stop for the bathroom every fifteen minutes. Is accidentally a backseat driver but in the worst way possible and is the cause of 90% of Fitz’s road rage. Biana tried putting eyeliner on him while he leaned over Linh and now it’s smeared all over his cheeks. Tam once threatened to tape him to the top of the car before they realized he would probably find that fun.
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dimorphodon-x · 11 months
🎫 Is it bad to ask for some more Sg!Starhawk lore?
Aus aside, shattered glass Starhawk really is a menace to society. He is not nice at all.
He’s a mercenary who takes on a lot of jobs. More targets not only means more money, but more sparks to satisfy his hunger. Tbh he probably cares more for the sparks than the money. Of course he does enjoy ripping his prey to shreds and has been known to torture mechs out of sheer boredom. The more bored he is, the more creative he might get.
Do not put Phoenix in front of this guy, I promise you he will not survive💀
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 year
i am so sorry megmeg, i have an unfortunate hyperfixation on the fairy boys now. i will now proceed to ask way too many questions :3 some for moon: - does he ever summon lunar out of sheer boredom while sun's out (if he's awake at that time) - would he be mad at me if he knew i haven't slept properly in a few weeks (i have an entire scenario in my head abt this tbh-) - does he ever accept sweets from sun if he asks him to try something and for sun: - does he mind cats if they're nice and don't chase/attack him straight away (similar to juniper) and would he try to befriend one that may be injured/disabled in any way (ex. my little boy, pyro, is blind in his left eye, but an absolute sweetheart, and doesn't chase bugs or anything :D just don't get near him when his brother biscuit's around, biscuit's not so friendly sometimes) - would he ever try to befriend or just cheer up someone who looked lonely, regardless of age (exception being hunters, of course, probably due to unpredictability) - does he like black jellybeans (ik theyre not for everyone but theyre my favorite so i wanted to know) - *leaves candy outside their tree hollow for him* :3 im leaving my lunar ones for the qna, theyre already in the notes of that post lmao
ho goodness XD
Moon questions:
-Not really. Moon spends most of his time sleeping when Sun is away, so Lunar isn't needed.
-That would depend on why your sleep schedule has been poor.
-It takes a lot of coaxing for him to try something sweet, but he is willing to try it if Sun thinks it's good.
Sun questions:
-He doesn't mind them, but he is still weary around them at the start.
-Yes, but he is more comfortable revealing himself around young children.
-He does not like black jellybeans, or black licorice.
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moonlitxeuphoria · 2 months
Hey pal! I hope you're doing well!
Character Asks: #2, 7, 12 and 26 for Katara please ^.^
Hey Ronin!! Always nice to see you buddy!
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
- Oh my gosh there’s so many things I adore about her, she’s such a badass; but the biggest thing for me is that Katara is so expressive and passionate. Growing up, I just really admired that there was a brown girl on screen (someone who looked like me) who wasn’t afraid to showcase her emotions - both the good and the bad - or be vocal about things that didn’t sit right with her. Especially when you’re told to control those emotions by elders in order to be taken more seriously. It made me feel more comfy in allowing to let that side of myself shine every once in a while as opposed to keeping it hidden.
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
- I haven’t been in the atla fandom for very long but in the short time I’ve been here, one big thing I noticed was that the opinion on Katara is really split. You either love her or you hate her, and that latter bit usually comes with opening a whole can a worms that I do not want to touch at all. All I will say on that is she’s not perfect (none of the characters are tbh) but that doesn’t make her terrible, it makes her human. But I will say one thing I do like that the fandom agrees on is that Katara deserved so much more than what she got. I love how that is something a good majority can agree on. And side note, I can’t forget to mention the memes surrounding her mom (some of those are foul, but I also can’t deny they’re a little funny some times. Like my god y’all get creative with those 😭).
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
- This is a silly little one but that she invented ice skating out of sheer boredom one day and then subsequently introduces it to the Gaang and it turns into a tradition that they have to do every time they visit the South Pole.
- I’m genuinely not sure what to do for this last one 🤣 but I’m guessing it’s like the ask equivalent of a free space in bingo? I haven’t done very many of these games so I feel outta my element (pun fully intended) rn 🤣 but overall this was super fun to do!
Thanks for the submission! 💗
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copepods · 1 year
Hii! I really liked your god morality chart and was wondering what influenced the way you positioned the characters? I can be more specific if you want but I'm only interested in all of them!
thank you! tbh i wouldnt consider myself an expert on most of those characters so it was mostly based on vibes, im sure someone more familiar with characters like foolish or bad or charlie might move them elsewhere lol.
xd and kristin were 2 positions i find very interesting, because kristin imo doesn't give a damn about mortals but also doesn't wish them harm most of the time? like she'll smite anyone who pisses her off and she probably accidentally kills people all the time but overall mortals are mostly inconsequential to her. like ants. meanwhile XD i think is SO interested in humanity and mortality, finds mortal life fascinating, and wants to pry it apart in a scientific kind of way. and this manifests in a very dark fashion (manifesting everyones personal hell after they die to see what they do lol). xd doesnt do all that much in canon so most of this is made up obviously.
eret is interesting i think because in a way, her amnesia gave her the opportunity to really invest herself in the mortal realm in a way she never would have while accompanying foolish. she doesn't know she's immortal, so she has no frame of reference for how she should behave around non-immortals. it gives her the chance to enmesh herself within humanity and discover humanity within herself. (i think she still finds herself drawn to positions of power, as a fault of personality. she likes to be in charge and leverage that power over others, even if she does so with kind intentions.)
phil ive talked about a little already, i think he struggles to invest himself in mortals' lives because he's lived so long already. he's relatively nice to people, but he also won't go out of his way to help them, and he certainly won't balk at killing someone if it benefits him enough. techno is one of the first people outside of kristin he actually connects with, mostly because techno is also immortal and so phil has spent much more time with him than with others. i think techno is a little more naturally kind than phil is, also, and (maybe unknowingly) nudged him out of his comfort zone and caused him to make some other friends, like ranboo and niki. phil's big life-changing moment of introspection comes after wilbur's death, i think. it's the first time phil has lost someone he really, truly loved, and it shocked him out of his apathy enough for him to start caring about the injustice around him. (he did care a little before, i think, but was more following techno's example than anything else.)
techno is quite a bit younger than phil (phil is like 4000 while techno is ~300) so he's never been quite so apathetic towards mortality. he still struggles to connect with people, but it's more because of his duty to the blood god (ie Killing People, A Lot) that prevents him from making any real friendships for a long time. the antarctic empire is when he sees the true effects of his brutality on a large scale, and it's enough for him to swear off hurting others as much as he can and turn to anarchy. most emissaries to gods aren't nearly so attached to the mortal plane as techno is, especially those of the blood god. technos just very special :]
drista, like kristin, is pretty amoral, but has a bit more of a malicious streak. she isn't particularly compelled by humanity, but xd is and she's his servant, so she ends up observing mortals a lot out of sheer boredom. as soon as one stops being interesting, though, she'll drop them.
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⛓️🔪🎇 👄 with Jane and Lucifer? Sorry if that's too much. I just love these headcanons. Thank you:)
NOT AT ALL ahhahaha i love when people enable my obsessions and special interests :)))))))) i could talk about my blorbos all day
⛓️ kinky headcanon
JANE: ooooh she'd def be into voyeurism i feel. like she'd just take special pleasure in Watching ahahah, not even necessarily sexual acts (that too though, i think she'd love to watch a woman masturbate that would be The Shit for her) but also like, think of the fireplace cleaning scene in my fic lol. pretty maid on her knees cleaning? uhhhh. jane has thoughts and feelings about it. i also feel like she'd like the idea of tying someone up haha and she'd enjoy some humiliation (i think she'd be into both humiliating and being humiliated tbh) but that's not like a main thing for her. she'd definitely loooove to spank someone and like, generally be in charge haha
LUCIFER: and well, lucifer? that's a kinky bastard if i ever saw one. i think there wouldn't be anything they haven't tried, honestly, if anything out of sheer boredom. BUT i think they are a big softie at heart who would Yearn to experience like. A Real Loving Connection and like really Make Love. i think curiosity would like gnaw at them and they'd like imagine what humans feel when they talk about that. but also..... i think they'd be both into sadism and masochism (the whole self hatred after the fall thing would like really play into their masochism i think). any type of receiving or inflicting pain. i think all other kinks are just kind of eh for them, like they would enjoy it kinda but it's like Whatever. they can't Fill The Void (nothing can). the only thing they would be REALLY into is the Wing Thing(TM) ahahahah and that is fandom canon at this point
(also while scrolling through a list of kinks for this i saw stygiophilia exists, and that is a fetish that involves sexual pleasure from the idea of going to hell or facing eternal punishment. i thought that was very funny bc idk lucifer ahhahaah)
🔪 dangerous headcanon
JANE: i think she'd be into getting caught -- which in victorian times would mean Bad Things and would actually be dangerous for her so she would never dare. but she'd fantasise about Being Watched ahahahah. as for anything physically dangerous like i guess nothing really comes to mind?
LUCIFER: what is dangerous when you are the ruler of hell???
🎇 orgasm headcanon
JANE: already Wrote Some Thoughts about this here!
LUCIFER: they have the best orgasms when their wings are stimulated :))))) but we all knew that
👄 making out headcanon
JANE: i think she Needs to control/lead the kiss. she'd also love like Aggressive makeout sessions ahahha
LUCIFER: i think they would appreciate the intimacy of a kiss. they only reserve it for special people though. it's more intimate than an orgasm for them. if they were really into someone they'd enjoy kissing them very slowly and deeply for a long time i feel
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robocracker · 1 year
ranking esc2023 songs... part one
it’s officially eurovision week, and the first semi final is less than 24 hours away!! so, i’m ranking the songs of that first semi into my personal qualifiers and non-qualifiers.
1. sweden || tbh i was never all that keen on euphoria but i can’t help but root for loreen with tattoo, it’s a quality tune and it just screams eurovision champion to me.
2. finland || love that he’s one of the favourites to win this year because he deserves it, the song is experimental and fun, and it works!
3. czech republic || there’s only one crown i’m swearing allegiance to this month, and it’s my sister’s crown! love the mix of languages on this one, and the sisterhood theme, i’m all for it.
4. norway || okay i lied i’m actually here for two queens this month. where are the north and south seas?? who are the kings that she’s queen of?? i have no idea, but i’m singing along anyway.
5. netherlands || what can i say, i’m a sucker for something slow and sad. i know they keep sending stuff like this year after year and it’s not always to my taste, but this year it’s working.
6. serbia || lowkey worried he’s going to get the juri pootsman treatment from voters because it’s kind of a creepy song, but maybe he can make it work better than poor juri did. i’d definitely like to see it in the final.
7. azerbaijan || this keeps getting stuck in my head, and tbh, it’s welcome to stick around. it’s unusual for eurovision, but it’s good.
8. switzerland || is it out of touch and privileged, bearing in mind the very real war that ukraine is currently fighting? probably. i don’t feel qualified to talk on that subject. but he’s got a solid voice and the song builds nicely, and it’s got a theme that a lot of people will go for regardless of how it sits right now.
9. portugal || enjoying her voice, and the beat is fun without forcing the quirkiness. i like the style of the music.
10. moldova || maybe it’s the lingering bitterness in me that france got so few votes last year despite delivering a cultural banger, but i need moldova to qualify!! this song is great!
11.  malta || their vocals aren’t my favourite but the music itself is funky and it’s not completely forgettable.
12. israel || she can sing, but. i’m not feeling the unicorn imagery. definitely not ~phenomenal~ for me.
13. croatia || i get it, catchy beat, unusual, making fun of putin, but it’s just not working for me. i can’t explain it.
14. ireland || it’s not the fact that it’s painfully generic pop, it’s the fact that i swear to god it’s ripping the fuck off of one specific song that i can’t name off the top of my head but i know i’ve heard before. i’d like it if i hadn’t heard it already by somebody else several years ago!
15. latvia || his voice isn’t bad but i’m physically incapable of putting this song on without zoning out from sheer boredom before i’m even halfway through.
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clonehub · 1 year
so because CS is all in hiding, they can't really be going to the store regularly (Kiki was going by herself w ridge for a while until everyone else showed up) for various reasons:
every member of CS stands out for being human on a moon that's almost entirely Vero
Jax and Edger specifically stand out for being bald
They can all go to the market but not all at once, and they can't really all go to the same parts of the market all the time for the risk that sharp vendors will recognize them. kiki's technically next in line for the throne but she gave up that claim (still has the title) and also tbh nobody knows what she looks like.
so when it's just Kiki, Ridge, Pai, and a few family members they manage just fine in the huge mostly empty house. the reset of CS comes and now they need way more food. Out of sheer boredom, Jax and co start making something serious of the garden at the back so they can grow as much of their own food as possible, especially when going to the market gets too dangerous (after there's a raid and after their kids are kidnapped).
It helps to keep all of them occupied too. lots of raised beds for the plants that thrive in those, certain kinds of fruit trees, a water system, maybe even a pond. theyd have to raise (small to medium sized) animals, too. a compost for everything, especially when they get into drying/canning foods for the long hauls of the empire breathing down their necks. at least the time periods of mass peeling and chopping yams is great for socialzing.
edger's a great help bc he finds a way to get all the pollinators and bugs they need into the garden while keeping out what they don't want. Jax and Cord and Marik will go hunting in the bush behind the home on occasion.
the basement is huge. who even knows how many freezers are down there. at the peak of the homes population, there's Kiki, Jax, their three kids; Marik, his wife/partner, their three kids; Ridge, Ule, their four kids; Ratchet, his wife, their one or two kids; Bliz, his partner; Edger, Cord, Kiki's aunt/second in command at the house, and some other family members. at the minimum 24 people not including the extended family beyond the aunt. the grounds are huge, the main house is massive but its massive in like the. designed to fit multiple generations kind of way. and like they've got other small houses (guest? houses?) on the property.
but yeah before Jax and the rest show up it is quite empty.
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dogmomwrites · 1 year
Find the Words!
Thanks to @sleepyowlwrites for this tag, and apologies for my delay! I'm gonna pass it on with soft tags to @crypticcodexcreations, @ghost-town-story, @pluttskutt, and @daisywords, as well as keeping it an open tag for anyone who wants to join in!
Your words will be clench, point, pause, and flash. If you can't find one, leave a fun fact about your WIP, OCs, or writing process!
My words were bent, brave, bored, and back, with body and bludgeon as bonus words to find. These excerpts are taken from my unnamed WIP.
Bent It took a couple minutes of struggling before he shifted the blindfold low enough for it to fall around his neck. The room around him was empty. There was no furniture, no pictures hanging on the walls—there was no nothing on the walls. They were bare concrete, without even drywall or decorative paper to cover them. The ceiling bore an uncovered light with a long bead chain hanging from the base.
He hung in the center of the room not far below the naked light, the black zip ties that circled his wrists hooked over what looked like bent rebar embedded deep into the gray ceiling. Riley pulled his legs up and wiggled to see if he could chafe through the plastic. After a moment, he decided he could, given time. However, it was likely he would shred his skin with it, so he stopped to find another way free.
Brave Don’t have this word. Pretty sure I don’t have this word in any of my WIPs tbh, but here’s a little fact about Aaron, since I don’t think I’ve shared much about him. Aaron has a very unique ability—he can read minds. Given that this WIP is set in mundane, magic-free Earth, this ability of his is one-of-a-kind. Everyone is just lucky Aaron’s not the kind of person to use this ability for evil!
Bored When he awoke, he was still alone. He had no idea how much time had passed, but the mug and thermos of coffee were both gone. Someone had come in while he was asleep and retrieved them. He shifted as much as he could, but everything felt normal. They hadn’t done anything to him.
He tried again to get free of the straps, but his efforts were just as futile as before. So he waited. No one came in. He struggled again, out of sheer boredom this time. Still nothing. Still no one came in.
Hours passed. Eventually he drifted off to sleep again.
Back She barked again, the sound harsh and reprimanding. Jimmy fell silent. Avalanche clicked her teeth together, then looked expectantly at Riley.
With a sigh, he muttered, “What’d she say?”
“She said to apologize.” Jimmy’s voice was just as sullen.
“Fuck no,” Riley said.
No sooner were the words out of his mouth than Avalanche was suddenly at his side. She swung her muzzle at him, cracking her jaw across his hip bone with enough force to make him back down. It was like catching the corner of a counter.
“Fuck! Fine!” Limping away from the door, Riley pressed his hands against his hip as if he could smother the pain. He clenched his jaw and ground out, “Sorry.”
Body On the other side of the dining room, a man aimed a gun at him. Riley’s eyes flicked to the man’s body that lay over his gun.
“Don’t try it,” the mercenary warned, taking a careful step closer. “I’ll take half price if my alternative is getting shot cuz of greed.”
“I respect that,” Riley said. “But I don’t wanna be caged.”
“I respect that,” the mercenary said with the tiniest nod. Then he suddenly yelled, “In here!”
“Shit!” Bastard! Riley threw himself to the side, out of the mercenary’s view through the doorway and ran even before he’d regained his balance.
Bludgeon Don’t have this word. Another little tidbit about Aaron, since I used him for the other fun fact: if it wasn’t for Aaron, there would be no Danny. When they first meet, Danny is entirely lost, and Aaron’s aforementioned ability is the only reason even he is able to get through to Danny
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jeremy-queere · 2 years
i've actually been rereading the fic again, for once out of sheer boredom. And by "reading" i mean "listening to the TTS Reader" to make it an audiobook. My default is UK Daniel Faster. The number of times I've heard Daniel say "S-Q-U-ITEMS." Or how I've learned to just interpret him saying "NUMBER." to mean "No."
I did appreciate his sassy line read specifically of Michael saying "You can't please everyone," and then Jeremy saying "Oh, Michael. Michael, Michael, Michael, Michael! Poor outdated, analog, retro-tech Michael! Of course we can!"
Some of the fic I've read too much to have a real opinion about. But that chapter in Rich's SQUIP's POV?? That was good shit. I have always been kinda neutral about that chapter, but it was the kind of thing that actual sci fi lit authors would be into. (Maybe I just haven't reread it often because I didn't think it was interesting, so now that I'm reading it, it feels fresh and new.)
I think if I were having it edited like a book, I would be cutting out some of the expository sentences - I think Jeremy's inner narrative sometimes explains too much. I'm ok with that in the long run tbh. I can also tell who I was roleplaying with at the time based solely on my word choices...
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deus-ex-mona · 3 years
tl;dr of sekoi:
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