#this just made my day 💗
wonderbias · 4 months
thank you for being a talented, sweet, kind ray of sunshine on this silly website ✨🌞⭐
omg, Hagi, thank you so much! this is really sweet from you! anyway, if there's someone that is a ray of sunshine, it's you 😉🥰
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ghosts-cyphera · 8 months
so my giant of a bf (6’6) of 4 months and i had sex for the first time and im tellin you— i saw IT on my belly. faintly but still. it was THERE (was so fuckin hot but my brain short circuited like i was there but i wasnt at the same time) and im thinking like… ps!ghost… yknow… gnawing at the bars of my enclosure actually
— 🩰
bestie be so serious right now. are you kidding me?? I'm not surprised at all that you short-circuited like me too just fucking reading this. I'm—??? christ
you know what, I used to never be into really tall and broad guys. not that I minded, but it was never my type per se. but after discovering simon fucking riley I think I might be a changed woman? I think I need me a giant of a man. 🧍‍♀️🧍🏼‍♂️
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luminousnotmatter · 8 months
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And He’s Yours
b.r.b. for my bee 💗 @bradshawsbaby
Your job
Its days and weeks
Demand and take
Leaving you empty
And aching to your bones
Your mind and heart
Just as drained
Just as sore.
But when you’re home
And he’s home
He’s yours.
You drop away the day
Work junk
Other metaphorical baggage
The front door closes
Solidly behind you
Closing out the world
Life with its demands
Is unwelcome here.
You’re home
And he’s home
He’s yours.
His frame
Strong and safe
Fills the kitchen doorway
Almost to overflowing
Spilling toward you
On his eager steps.
Jet-calloused hands
Reach for you
Arms fold you in
And he’s home
He’s yours.
Some sweet name for you
Sighs from his lips
Over yours
Before they’re his
By right of capture.
No happier prisoner
Is there
In your mouth.
His kiss tastes of tenderness
Of peppermint and sweat
Hints of strawberries.
And he’s home
He’s yours.
The night will go on
All soothing sweetness
The yellow roses on the table.
Your laugh he adores
His curls falling loose.
A soak in the tub
Limbs tangled
Bodies close
Hot and bubbly and unhurried.
Maybe he’ll sing to you
Soft and loving.
And it’s good
Just what you need.
Your favorite
The best part
And you
That’s Home
You are his
And he is yours.
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hollytree33 · 10 days
I’m back!!
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buncha mother stuff
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
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Seventh Day of Gift-Giving: Seven Nights
Prompt: Light fell through the window, illuminating the couple lying in bed, entangled with each other and perfectly content with it.
The two idiots in love have also been idiots in the kitchen, but not for much longer! 💞
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After all the food-related disasters, their dinner date had been nothing but lovely, if simple: arriving at the restaurant, it had turned out someone working there knew Olli from one of their music projects back in their conservatoire days and had happily arranged a table for them at the back of the dining hall, hidden away from the hustle and bustle of the restaurant. There they were left in peace to chat about everything that crossed their minds, to make each other giggle by “stealing” food from each other’s plates, or just to sit in silence, finding deep comfort in each other’s easy company. The atmospheric lighting of the restaurant had made Olli’s expression look especially soft, and if they hadn’t, in spite of everything, been in public, Aleksi wouldn’t have hesitated scooting his chair next to Olli’s to whisper sweet nothings into his ear or pull him in for a long kiss, one he had been dying to give him the entire evening.
That was why, after having picked up Rilla from Tommi’s temporary dog daycare, Aleksi was more than happy to be back at Olli’s again, because he couldn’t have pushed Olli against the door to crash their mouths together at the restaurant, could he?
It seemed Olli shared the sentiment, as he was quick to undress Aleksi of his overcoat and wrap his arms around Aleksi’s waist to pull him close, never breaking the kiss but instead smiling into it. 
“Thanks for the date night,” Aleksi said, pulling his mouth apart from Olli’s just enough to form the words before savouring the taste of Olli’s bottom lip again. He could still detect traces of the chocolatey dessert they had enjoyed.
“The best idea we’ve had all week, huh?” Olli’s speech was but slur, with Aleksi nibbling on his lips with great appetite despite having just dined the better part of evening; now, he was ravenous for something else entirely.
“The best idea we’ve had all week so far,” Aleksi murmured in turn. He hoped Olli would get his hint and was rewarded when the shade of Olli’s eyes darkened and his sighs against Aleksi’s lips, cheek and neck became more shallow, more greedy. 
It seemed Tommi had done an impeccable job at activating Rilla all evening, since the dog wasted no time in making herself a nest in her little dog bed and was already settled in by the time Aleksi and Olli stumbled in the bedroom. Aleksi made a mental note of buying Tommi a beer as a thanks the next time they’d hang out, because Rilla’s sleepiness made it possible for him to grab Olli by his hips and gently guide him straight towards the bed, all the while leaving small, soft kisses on his lips.
Throughout the whole dinner, Aleksi’s mind had kept wandering to how amazing it had felt to hold Olli close and keep him there without the fear of rejection, to kiss him without alcohol clouding his judgement or regret banging the door at the back of his head; he was only just beginning to wrap his head around it all. Even now, with Olli’s body pressed against his, eagerly echoing every movement of Aleksi’s own, Aleksi almost wanted to stop and pinch himself to make sure it wasn’t all just another unattainable fantasy, a daydream that would turn into a nightmare when Aleksi would realise that was all it was: nothing but wishful thinking of a fool who had gone and fallen for a friend. 
As if reading his thoughts, Olli let their final kiss linger unnecessarily long before he opened his eyes to look up into Aleksi’s. His pupils were dilated and his eyelids hooded, but his hands were no longer roaming Aleksi’s backside aimlessly but instead slowly caressing his neck and chest before grabbing Aleksi by his shirt and pulling him on top of himself as they fell on the bed.
After the brief interruption, their mouths found the same rhythm effortlessly as a familiar feeling began to set in Aleksi’s lower stomach. Underneath him, Olli let out a long moan, his voice low – and insanely sexy, might Aleksi add – but just as Aleksi had begun to subtly roll his hips against Olli’s, his efforts were interrupted by Olli’s hand on his pelvis and his lips withdrawing from Aleksi's own.
“Aleksi, ummmm…” For one terrifying second, Aleksi paralysed in fear of having done the wrong thing or having misinterpreted Olli’s cues. Olli must have sensed this, for he immediately flashed him a reassuring smile and brought his face closer so their foreheads were touching.
“Is it okay if we just sleep tonight? Let’s just… not rush things, yeah? We’ve got time, don’t we?”
The relief almost brought tears to Aleksi’s eyes. 
(And maybe it did for real, but just a little, mind you.)
“Yeah,” Aleksi nodded, his nose nudging Olli’s. “We’ve got time.” 
Suddenly feeling exhausted (perhaps it was the stress from all the bottled-up pining finally pouring out of him all at once), Aleksi slumped next to Olli on the bed with a quiet oof, careful not to alarm Rilla. Olli turned to his side to face him, his fingers stroking the exposed parts of Aleksi’s hands below the rolled-up sleeves of his sweater. He seemed particularly fascinated by the tattoos on Aleksi’s forearm, tracing them with his fingers. The touch was just soothing enough for Aleksi to ignore that they should maybe change into something more comfortable before they’d cuddle each other to sleep, but then Olli’s lips began to slowly work their magic on Aleksi's own again, so he really wasn’t in the mindset to care all that much.
“Can I help you undress though?” Olli asked him after a series of long, slow, mind-blowing kisses.
As if Aleksi was ever going to say ‘no’ to that.
Once they had successfully (although not without tired giggles) removed each other’s shirts, they spent a good while taking turns at mouthing one another’s bare neck, shoulders and chest with all the care and love they could possibly put in such a gesture. It would have been easy, oh, so easy, to grab Olli with a little more intent, a little more craving, and resume what they had almost started, but Aleksi pushed aside his desires because he did agree with Olli: now that they were finally here, lost in each other’s touch, there was no more rush, no more fear of it all slipping through their fingers. Even when they were already stripped down to just their underwear, with Olli’s bulge pressing against his, Aleksi was content in having Olli by his side exactly like this.
“You’re so fucking lovely, I want you so much,” he told him, the words out of his mouth before he had a chance to evaluate just how sappy and desperate they sounded. Lucky for him, Olli didn’t seem to mind terribly.
When their kisses grew lazier and their hands found peace at last, fingers intertwined, Olli’s soft voice spoke from the dark.
“I want you too. So fucking much. Just… just so you know.”
Such simple words, yet they took Aleksi’s breath away.
I know now, he would’ve said if he had been capable of talking in that moment. Instead he left a light kiss on Olli’s fingers, hoping it might be enough of an answer. Under the touch, the fingers clasped on to Aleksi’s hand tighter, only softening their grip when Olli fell into a peaceful sleep.
‘The best idea we’ve had all week, huh?’ Olli's remark echoed in Aleksi's head.
Sure, Aleksi had agreed then, but if Olli would’ve brought it up again now, Aleksi would’ve answered differently.
The best idea we’ve had? This. Us.
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bookinit02 · 11 months
it is honestly incredible that with as many times as i’ve watched the jonwill pizza freezer talk (which is a LOT of fucking times), it still manages to make me cry every single time, without fail. THATS cinema.
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northern-passage · 1 year
i love how you draw merry, and write her too, it's obvious you have a lot of love for the character and as a trans woman myself it means a lot to see someone depict a trans woman in such a loving way. i love your work and hope you are having a nice day, i look forward to the next update (but take care of yourself!) ♡
thank you so much
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majimassqueaktoy · 1 year
the other rgg boys are hairless because rgg didnt bother to model them with body hair but spiritually we know they should be hairier- Majima however is hairless because he goes to a salon and gets a full body wax every friday afternoon at 3pm on the dot.
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selfrinsert · 3 months
Oh, hon, you're having a bad day? That's no good! Stress is simply awful for your health, you know...
Why don't you let me take care of you for today? I'll run you a nice bath in my room, and-
Eeeh?! Charis, don't look at me like that! I was NOT going to ask to get in with you! I can't believe you'd even assume such a thing... so it's really a no? Okaaaaaay...
Well, anyway! I still have plenty of ideas on how to spoil you, so you just relax for now and let your cutie Asmo help you feel better, alright?
~Momo 💗(☔)
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ASMOOOO MY SILLY‼️ Thank you for taking care of me darling 🥺💗 even just being around you makes me feel 100 times better
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dewitty1 · 3 months
Saturday Six (Stuff)
I'd been feeling severely anxious and depressed about my business being dead, and the thought of having to talk to my parents and ask for help again, but luckily my whinging (an Ad) on Facebook seems to have worked, and I got a nice little customer job. Plus some stuff from my BFF and her family (possibly).( ´͈ ॢꇴ `͈ॢ)・*♡
Plus I'm getting weird customer messages. Always a good time.(⑅ ‘﹃’ )
Leeloo is a cute kitten, but she is seriously a little bit of a terrorist. When I say she gets into everything I mean it. (^・ω・^ )
I do not like having this sinus crud that's going around.(*`へ´*)
I know both options for the USA presidency are terrible. But one (CHUMP) is more terrible. I'm tired of the argument. I'm gonna stick with the slightly better Grandpa Joe. Not because I love him, because I don't. But because he's the one that'll get us closer to where we need to go. We may take three steps forward and two steps back, but at least we're going in the right direction. Whereas the other guy has no idea where he's going. Maybe towards Vladimir. More likely than you think.( •̀ω•́ )σ
I can't believe I'm going to be five and a half decades old in a little over a month. Jfc. I don't feel that old. (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
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cashweasel · 2 months
It was hard to pick,,,,, so, fjskdjsksjs it’s so many (only sort of sorry,,ngl) 😂
5,17 for kiyazan
9,25 for daemon nd karima
8,15 for Gideon and valen loll
29 for all of em 💀
Once again I FORGOT ABOUT A BLORBO ASK but I literally had this in the drafts and everything and today I bring you answers FHRHDJKSSJ
5. How do they comfort each other when they are sad?
Yazan is a big actions guy so if something is bothering her he’d want to take care of it and fix it immediately also kiki loves cuddles and cuddles she shall receive fjskakdjdk will literally do anything to make it better,, holding her, talking about it, dancing it out, ordering her favorite takeout (yazan talking about it is a mix him being sincere and dissing the shit out of the person/situation and I kinda love it djdjskdjdk) leaving kiki’s part for you because I wanna know 😌💗
17. Their ways of expressing their love.
We talked about yazan putting up the shelves that kiara got that have been sitting around since forever and that pretty much what it’s about 😂 he just does things for her, or does things so she doesn’t have to. Pre relationship or pre living together yazan would just go around her house and fix anything that needed fixing fjdksidjdk,, also a big part of why he doesn’t mind doing the chores. To put it shortly acts of service and quality time!
Daemon and karima:
9. How open are they with their feelings?
I know why you’re asking this 😂💀 karima is…. Unfortunately still not the best at it at least in a serious vulnerable context and she bottles up a lot BUT she would sit down with him and be like “can I tell you something homie to homie 😔” and even then she tries to to keep it from getting too deep even when it comes to expressing love she’s not one to get Too sentimental but will let him know she cares about him. But this is mostly when they’re still in the beginning of their relationship (honestly it might take her 2+ years of being like that 💀) but I will say the first time she lets herself cry in front of him…………..
25. Share any headcanons about their relationship.
FHDKSJSKDJ ok so you know karima will just KO whenever wherever and her sleep is heavyyyyyy lol and I just think daemon doesn’t let her sleep in her makeup that’s all 😌 she’s knocked tf out snoring and all and he’s just 🥰 wiping her makeup off and doing her skincare for her
Valen and Gideon:
8. What are their most prominent memories of each other?
PLEASE 😭 valen’s is that he used to keep a pet rat as a kid, everybody refused to acknowledge it because it wasn’t actually a pet it was some rat he found lurking in their gardens and deemed it his bestie and would check up on it every day fssksjdjdj and when the rat died gideon was the one that buried and held a funeral for it 😔
Gideon’s most prominent memory has to be valen punching his dad in a room full of people loll bc not only was it incredibly humiliating and an act of love towards his bestie but it was also the first time anyone really stood up to this bully of a man and he just got wrecked by a teenager fjskaksjdj it was great seeing him hunched over w a bleeding nose until he made a comment about the company his son keeps and then it was both boys vs the guards trying to tear them off him fjdksksjskdn
15. Does their view of themselves differ from their partner’s view?
Sort of lol,, gideon struggles so much with his self image and thinks he’s broken and has nothing to offer or that letting ppl get to know him is essentially a burden on him and them so he just doesn’t make friends or meaningful relationships easily and valen over here just Fails to fathom it because to him gideon’s the most solid friend he’s ever had and literally nothing like all those things he says about himself and so he always makes it a point to let him know all the things he appreciates about him
Valen on the other hand thinks he’s the most interesting and amazing person anyone has the pleasure of knowing and that he’s worth it and because he’s set that expectation for himself any criticism from others or negative emotions from himself is shoved aside in favor of the facade and while gideon agrees he’s amazing and lowkey idolizes him lol he’s the only one actually capable of giving him a reality check that he’ll listen to and seeing him as just valen
29. What are your favorite moments that happen between them?
WAAHHHH LMAO ok to be completely fair my fave kiyazan moment is them throwing up into the same toilet together and kiki tolerating the bugs yazan collects despite hating them bc if this isn’t love idk what is 😂
My favorite daemon karima moment is him kicking the ball in her face when they first met DJDKSKDJDJFN and also ceramics class
And my fave valengideon moment is them going into the city and buying some lame lizard which turned out to be a large dragon they tried hiding in a barn where hay and fire don’t mix very well SGDHFKSKDJDJ rip
[oc romance asks]
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hi! i do not particularly go here (hockeyblr) except through proximity (moots) but i just wanna say that i LOVE your tags. every time i see you in the notes of a post i’m like “i did not know this man’s name until approximately two moments ago but i Will read and enjoy every tag as if i know what’s going on”. i’m having a blast. anyway, thank you for sharing your thoughts!!!! have a good one <3
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that’s what i’m here for!! treasuring this message and i’m so happy you’re here having a blast with me 🥹
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
haruka watches takane eat like a dog begging because he knows she will leave at least half its food. sorry i wrote a longer post in the tags.
#but im also attached to the idea after getting her body back takane indulges in food a lot more#i think generally she's just so glad to have it back she stops taking it for granted and is like oh my god EATING#but it goes both ways same with sensory issues#takane is extremely touch/eating/sleeping averse#but suddenly gets this rush and is like i need to binge eat and hold hands NOOOOOOW#<- haruka's match made in heaven moments but he's smart enough to see takane's like overindulging and is like Ok. let's take a break💗#takane gets so overwhelmed both negatively and positively like#omg im real!?!?!? AUGGHH to OMG IM REAL YIPPEEEEE!!!!!!#also working on not taking cover as ene bc at first she did and accidently drove itself craz#so shes like trying to work through it WITHOUT having to resort getting out of her body bc no problems are gonna get solved that way#haruka helping her through it all AUUUHCGGH#i have this very particular hc cuddling its basically therapy ok. because its all touchy and it helps her.#as much as it sometimes pains her so it can be both negative and positive#haruka is like :3 but if takane is squirming all uncomfortable he's like do we HAVE to do this youre NOT enjoying it at all and she's like#EUGH DONT TALK I CAN FEEL YOU BREATHING AGAINST ME ITS DISGUSTING#and haruka's like man when you scheduled to cuddle 1 hour a day i wasnt imagining this💔💔💔#BUT WHATEVER HE WANTS TO HELP SO HE HELPS💗 he just doesnt want her to be all uncomfortable but takane understands she needs it#BECAUSE SHE CAN ALSO LOVE IT IT ALL DEPENDS ON HOW SHE'S DOING THAT PARTICULAR DAY#and as time goes on its more and more that she enjoys it and tells haruka he can now touch her without having to ask first:3#i think at first its exclusively takane who begins any sort of physical contact not bc haruka is shy#but bc he doesnt wanna put her in a weird situation if she doesn't wanna be touched he probably only dares to like hold her hand. ñ#which is her sleeve. bc she covers their hands. lol#BUT TAKANE RLY COMES THRU i think they rly talk abt all this and she rly comes to him like hi. u can touch me without asking if u want.#and haruka's like ?? U MEAN I CAN KISS U WITHOUT ASKING??? AND TAKANES LIKE YEAH!!!and haruka's like OH MY GOD!!!!!!!#hey. sorry for being insane. i have very particular headcanons that i need to share i NEED YOU TO UNDERSTAND ME#did anyone read all these damn tags#god idk why i dont write this as the post itself but then i cant go and copy the tags. what a nightmare#kagevinnie#headcanons
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jaded-kebab · 2 years
I just realized that, when Byler becomes canon, THE iconic main couple of THE iconic netflix show stranger things would be a gay couple. A gay couple comprised of one boy who hated who he was and a boy who dealt with insecurities/internalized homophobia and a need to be needed, until they help each other realize that they are needed, and special, and important, and LOVED.
And while byler would be a white mlm couple, as part of a mainstream show, it would:
show gay people (who might not easily have access to LGBTQ+ positive media) that they deserve love and have a place in the world
demonstrate to homophobes that love, respect, and belonging is all gay people really want
prove to media companies that LGBTQ+ media sells, making gay characters in media more common and accessible.
Maybe shows and movies like First Kill or The Wilds or Batwoman, with female, sapphic, and POC leads, wouldn't be cancelled (as much, at least). Maybe there could be real-world effects, whether it comes in the form of laws furthering LGBTQ+ rights or a previous douchebag homophobe learning from their past mistakes and treating gay people with more love and respect.
Is this too much expectation to be put on one, currently non-canonical, white mlm ship? Absolutely. We'll need much more LGBTQ+ shows and movies (with more female and POC leads this time). But Mike and Will are a big step in the right direction.
And if Byler doesn't happen, at least we can ransack the Duffers' homes together.
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minty-bubblegum · 8 months
I wanna meet you so bad I can’t stand being alone anymore. I haven’t cuddled with someone since summer break started which was the last time I saw my pookies even though we still text 24/7.
I’m so lonely
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