#this really ran away with me lol
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never change, man !
#phantom of the paradise#potp#swan potp#nightmaretheater#65 layers and about 24 hours . Eeeyyuppp#Look into my beautiful mind boy#Its a bit unusual to what i usually draw#but i had to push a specific look for this piece#hopefully you all are picking up on the corperate look . the advertisment look#Sneeze. Anyways my point is industry destroys creative people. This includes swan#I feel like phrases like these ; how he was put on a pedistal…. it lead him to be Like That#as awful as he is he desperately needed help#it might seem like vanity on the surface#but i think its… more than that#long story short: we need to destroy the beauty industry. the skincare industry. the anti-aging industry#It ruined his psyche forever and he cant let go of the ideal version of himself he will never truly be again#i dont think he can at this point. hes in too deep and hes suffering for it no matter how much he feels hes fixed his problems#he cant accept a version of himself that isnt that perfect young man. because he never confronted his problems. he just ran away#anyways . Hi swath *punches him**kicks him*#i dont care if nobody gets me lalalalla my truths and headcanons are awesome forever and i live in my own reality lallaallal#sorry i think im gonna be posting about swan alot for a few months hes making me sick#i wass gonna post this earlier but my internet was real bad#*lays down in my pile of pillows* eat up boys. haha#sidenote: drawing white blond people is horrifiying. Boy your skin and hair are the same color. Introduce some contrast to yourself. Please#adding on: its inportant to note this focuses on him looking st himself in the mirror alot on purpouse#to remind himself what he ‘’’’really’’’’ looks like#the 4 middle pannels all represent that too . u have to be in my brain ri get this#sorry for unleashijg another swan essay in my tags. will happen again lol
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minty364 · 4 months
DPXDC Prompt #61 part 1
Danny didn’t like thinking about his old life. He was born to a family of assassins and as soon as he was out he never looked back. He had to fake his death and he changed his name, as far as anyone knew Damian Al Ghul had died on a mission to America. He was determined to keep this secret to the grave. Of course he knew who his dad was, Bruce Wayne was a prominent figure and he knew if we went there his secret would get out and he never wanted to be forced to be an assassin again. Once was enough. 
Danny knew he had a soft heart, his adoptive parents, the Fentons and Jazz had told him so. Jazz knew he didn’t have the greatest childhood or past but she never pried, she understood his business was his and wouldn’t let her own curiosity get the better of her. The only issue their family had was their parents obsession with ghosts. Damian never believed in ghosts, the entire thing sounded like a hoax. He probably never would have believed in them but then life happened. 
Danny believed, but it was kind of hard not too after everything that happened. When he had turned 14, his parents finished their biggest project yet. A portal to the ghost zone, of course it doesn’t work at first and his parents were very disappointed. Danny felt conflicted about the whole thing. On one hand he wanted his parents to succeed and he wanted them to be happy, on the other the portal was the reason he ate alone with his sister at night. He wanted a normal family life, something he was never allowed back at the league. 
He did something so stupid that night.
After his parents along with his sister were asleep, he crept down to the basement and stood in front of the empty hole in the wall. He looked around the outside of it first but nothing seemed to be out of place. Then he stepped into it and before he got too far into it something happened. He knew there were a lot of cords on the floor and thought he had avoided them all, but as he realized he was quickly being acquainted with the floor, he out of instinct held his hand out to catch himself on the wall. Right onto the ON button.
He didn’t remember much but pain after that.
A lot happened in the year after the portal was turned on but Danny thought he was taking things well. His sister found out about everything sooner than he liked but having someone to help him was something he didn’t realize he really needed until then. The ghost attacks were frequent and Danny was having trouble finding the time for school, friends, and fighting ghosts that the assistance helped a lot. 
Danny sat at as desk in Mr. Lancers class, who was going on about the play Hamlet. Danny was only half paying attention, he was preoccupied thinking about the latest conversation he had with Clockwork. Danny was recently crowned prince after his victory over Pariah Dark. He didn’t want the crown, ancients knew what Grandfather would do if he ever found out, but he had no other option but to accept. The conversation left him rather drained and it felt like every word his teacher spoke bled together. 
He eventually made his way to lunch and before he could make it to his destination a blue mist wafted out of his mouth. Sighing he ran out of the room to find a place to transform. Once he was Phantom he wasted no time finding the ghost. Of course it was Boxie. 
Before he had time to even fight though a portal opened up right besides Danny and he was kicked in by the Box Ghost. The world seemed to swirl around him until he landed harshly onto some pavement. The pavement was a roof and he appeared to be in a city. 
Not just any city he soon realized as he looked over to a bank that had the words ‘Gotham Bank’ brightly plastered on the front.
Shit… Danny wanted to avoid something like this, unfortunately the portal was already gone. 
After taking a moment to think about his predicament he decided the best course of action was to call Jazz.
He took a look around the rooftop he was on and when he didn’t see anyone he transformed back. 
Pulling out his cell from his pocket he pulled up his sister's contact on it and hit the call button. 
His sister took a bit longer than usual to answer but the hesitation in her voice caused him to pause, “H-hello?”
“Jazz, it’s Danny, we’ve got a code green,”  he knew setting up code colors with his sister would come in handy. Red meant he was gravely injured, yellow meant the ghost got away and he was in pursuit, blue meant he caught the ghost, and green meant he fell through a portal or something similar. 
There was silence on the other line for a moment and Danny was almost going to say something else but she spoke, “How do you know my name?”
Master Post:
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ima-ghost-art · 3 months
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Does he want this cure to work?
inspired by this post <3
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eye-of-yelough · 2 months
Gortash being a highly intense person but with eerie, almost inhuman levels of self control is so interesting to me. and by interesting I mean terrifying. Like i think his genuine smile or - God Forbid - his genuine laugh would provoke a visceral fear response in the average person.
I think Aeryn sees his real smile several times but the laugh only once, when Gortash is carving his name into Aeryn’s neck. Like i think that whole thing is. maybe not a religious experience for Gortash but it’s pretty close. makes him feel emotions indescribable and with an intensity he’s never felt before and doesn’t again (until Aeryn carves out his - his - heart and hands it to him before they die in each others arms in the Astral Prism :))
but yeah just thinking about that whole scene like. goddd i WISH i had the brainpower to write it but it would be so difficult cos Aeryn’s Fully Brainwashed by Gortash at that point so it’s. weird. and i don’t know how to start lmao. so lemme just say it’s the first time Aeryn feels Gortash shake against him. maybe his voice even wavers. not from nervousness, just pure adrenaline.
which i think is why i’m so hesitant to make that the first (and if i did, the only, knowing my lack of energy) fic i write about them because they’re e both being so out-of-character in it? like i don’t want that to be the main association people have with them. i don’t know.
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spaghett-onaplate · 3 months
This guy nearly beat me with a stick today (it's ok though honestly not a big deal), but on the bright side it was probably fuelled by regular annoyingness or homophobia; and not transphobia (guy called me 'he') so a win is a win
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tamaharu · 5 months
so we suspect one of our dogs grew up abused which is. a terrible way to start this. but we've had her for five or six years now and she still retains a lot of her habits but its very cute to see how our love for her has changed her. youll see her all curled up tail tucked in ears flat as you approach but shes making these tiny little tail wags anyway.
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six-of-ravens · 7 months
think I've figured out what bugs me so much about Natasha Pulley's work - every female character who could potentially interfere with the ~gay couple~ is portrayed in a negative light
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toontownportraits · 2 months
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i don't get a choice in the matter / why would i? it's only the death of me
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apricotluvr · 1 month
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April 2024
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Hey, I'm a huge fan of your page, your analysis' have enlightened me on Dabi and Hawks. You explain and structure your stuff so well.
I have one question about Dabi's character
What would you say the overarching message of his character is, the concept.
Like what would say is the message Horikoshi was trying to convey to the reader when he was writing Dabi's character
Hey! Thank you so much for taking the time to read my analyses! It makes me happy that you find them enjoyable 💕
Anyway, to answer your question: I don't know if I'd talk about a message per se, because there is too much back and forth with the framing of the Todoroki family's plotline. And that makes it kinda hard to judge if Hori is trying to push forward a moral lesson, besides the barebones of "abuse is bad." But Dabi's arc definitely follows certain themes that fit into an overall narrative, so we can talk about that instead.
I think that Dabi's role in the story is that of challenging the idea that heroes are infallible. For the longest time I assumed it was exposing the idea that they are corrupted instead, and that's why I started getting frustrated with the story the longer heroes didn't face consequences for their actions. But recently I adjusted my reading.
See, if we're talking about unveiling corruption in the hero system, that's Stain's role, not Dabi's. Stain not only was the first character to introduce that very idea, but he also is the only one who prompted a slight social change. After the resonance his ideology had on the masses, the HPSC was forced to readjust some things. They lowered the number of provisional hero licenses issued every year to students, thus making an effort to promote quality over quantity. Of course, this adjustment didn't change much, in the grand scheme of things. As it didn't address the blind idolization of heroes as gods, it didn't solve the underlying problem of corruption overnight. But I'm bringing this up to contrast it to the public's reception of Dabi's broadcast.
While Stain had charisma and people gravitated towards his ideology because they recognized the truths in it despite the fact that he was a murderer, the public can't see past Dabi's (and the League's) kill count and finds him a threat instead. Dabi wanted social change, and he thought that unveiling even more corruption would bring sympathizers to his cause the same way Stain gained followers by speaking of those issues. But Dabi had the opposite result. People turned even more of a blind eye to the heroes' misdeeds, and instead demanded that the top three go back to protecting the country.
So if we only read the purpose of Dabi's character as an agent of social change, the result would be pretty unsatisfying. Those who expect his backstory to have resonance and revolutionize the system will likely end up disappointed. There was a point where that still seemed like an option, but the more the story progresses — and the heroes aren't condemned for their methods and their beliefs — the more I reckon that using Dabi and the League's past as a condemnation of his abusive father and of the uncaring system backing him up as "irredeemably bad" was never quite Horikoshi's point.
So, if not that, then what is the point? Why were we even shown all that corruption in great detail, and from the sympathetic perspective of an abuse victim?
Don't get me wrong, Dabi was definitely created to confront Enji with his actions. No doubt about that. It's even stated straightforwardly in the story. He became a villain because he wanted his father to finally acknowledge all the pain he caused. But this is where it gets complicated with the "message". Hori is certainly writing Dabi like a sympathetic victim turned violent, but at the same time he's not portraying Endvr as a morally black bad guy anymore. Instead, the focus is on atonement and forgiveness (or lack thereof).
This is how I came to my current reading. If Dabi's overarching goal was just that of confronting his father to ruin him, then either Dabi or Enji would've died in the war arc and it would've been a wrap. Cutting it off there would've solidified the idea that there is no coming back from what Enji has done to his family. It would be a moral condamnation of abuse, and that would be it.
However, the story moves forward, and both of them are still alive. So clearly that wasn't the overarching point, was it?
As I pointed out in my last meta (the one about the noodles), the Todofam is written around the the goal of an eventual reconnection. To have that, Dabi's broken bond with his father will likely have some kind of closure (not in death or emprisonment tho. I'm taking about mending things, not futher separation).
If we then work on the assumption that exposing his dad was never the end goal of Dabi's arc but rather a mid point, it helps understanding what I mean when I say he exists within the narrative to address that heroes aren't infallible.
See, All Might puts forward this belief that heroes are pillars, that their work is the backbone that keeps society standing against the chaos and unregulated violence of the pre-quirk and early quirked gen era. And while that might've been true at some point, possibly at the beginning of heroism as a profession, society has evolved past that. Things are no longer as black and white as they were at first. Nagant even tells us that heroes staged criminal activities that they then busted to cheat the system and up their rankings. Society progressed to a point where the line between heroes and villains is a lot blurrier than it was supposed to be at first. In those gray areas where the public doesn't look, corruption thrives.
Endvr is a monster created by that obsession with the limelight and by the blurring of those lines. He's neither completely good nor completely bad. But because the HPSC worked for decades to make the labels distinct and separate, to put heroes on pedestals of moral rectitude and not question things past that, the abuse of the Todoroki family happened undisturbed for 25+ years without anyone noticing.
But Dabi challenges that. He calls out that bias, that normalized tendency of assuming heroes always have a "good reason" to do what they do. Before Touya, no other character showed us the "dark side of heroes" quite as thoroughly. Stain addressed the corruption of people who get in the business for the wrong reasons. But Touya's story goes one step further and points out the fallibility not of fake heroes themselves, but of a system engineered to assume heroes can't have flaws.
Because everyone always expects the best from heroes, no one foresees the number two Endvr to also be Todoroki Enji, the domestic abuser. Because people don't expect pros to make wrong choices, until the broadcast no one thought of connecting Dabi the villain with a top hero.
So yes. Part of Dabi's role in the story is exposing all that. Dabi, like the rest of the League, poses a challenge to the official narrative by denouncing all the different reasons why individuals keep falling through the cracks of the hero system. Their backstories are instrumental to that. They point out that the corruption of heroic ideals (the normalization of quirk discrimination, hero worship and the focus on individualism and the greater good) not only creates fake heroes, but also gives birth to a lot of villains.
But earlier I said that I don't think Horikoshi created Dabi just to throw him at Enji to ruin him. In other words, Dabi doesn't exist purely as a narrative consequence of Enji's hubris. He is also a narrative challenge.
What will Enji, and the society he represents as number one, do to face the things Dabi denounces?
An overarching theme in bnha is that a true hero is someone who extends a hand to help those in need. But Touya notably was never offered one. Specifically, he was never offered his father's.
Not only that, but in his attempt to get justice for the abuse he suffered, what he got instead was the public doubling down on their support of his father, not only once but twice (after he fought Hood and after the war, with the fam + Hawks gathered to encourage him). So far, Enji hasn't really done anything substantial to show his growth and demonstrate that the trust he received was well-placed. In fact, he's still prioritizing the wrong thing to this day. He's still avoiding Touya and leaving him in Shouto's care. Now, consistent and cohesive storytelling would have it that as long as Endvr does that, Touya won't be saved successfully. Basically, Enji needs to get over himself and prove Touya wrong. Shouto alone isn't enough to overwrite Dabi's mindset that heroes only care about their pride and only ever help themselves. And that's because it wasn't Shouto who abandoned Touya over and over. It was Endvr.
By stating that heroes can be fallible through Dabi, Horikoshi is basically setting the stage to eventually give Endvr's character the growth he needs to carry the story to its final act. I'm working under the assumption that Hori's building towards a hopeful ending where hero society correct its karmic bad by letting the heroes choose to do things differently than the norm. That is, by saving the believed-to-be "too far gone villains" instead of killing them. Cause this story is optimistic to a fault at times, and Deku's still too naive himself to suddenly become invested in revolution.
Framing the heroes as fallible gives Horikoshi room to write their eventual growth without having to revoke their licenses, and thus have the chance to write that hopeful ending where the power of friendship and connection will save the world. He's been building up towards this since Deku's rogue arc. I don't think he's planning for a substantial change in how society functions on hero worship and sheep mentality. The public's too stubborn and used to their old ways for that, and too many heroes still see villains as weapons and not humans for any change to happen overnight. Not even with the new gen focused on rescuing their villain foils. (in fact, I'd even argue that the kids, while well-meaning, are still far from thinking critically of those social issues themselves. Deku's fight with Nagant in particular solidified for me the idea that for all its flaws, they're gonna keep this system standing and only replace the people in power).
I also lowkey think Hori wrote Touya's backstory the way he did to make this happen. If Touya loved his dad and "only" became a villain when his father ignored his existence for years on end, then all it takes to "solve" the todofam plot is for Enji to finally stop ignoring him. Ta-dah. I'm oversimplifying and flattening things, but so is the story, kind of. By going at it this way, Hori can let the heroes off the hook while also saving the villains. It's a have your cake and eat it too type of situation, but also what I realistically see him go for at this point.
So... Yeah. The concept behind Dabi is simple. He is an obstacle to overcome in the heroes' journey, but also a narrative challenge for them to see the pain they caused and do something about it. Not necessarily something that will fix society, but definitely something that will "fix" the villains — and by this I mean, removing the reasons that caused their descent into villainy. Eventually, acceptance will work better than a fist to restore peace. That's what the whole "extending a hand" thing is supposed to build towards, anyway.
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sysig · 2 months
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Special Counseling (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#DAX#These are especially funny to me because I remember when I first looked through the gallery and was Deeply Distressed at ZEX like this#I didn't know the context yet so the betrayal was uncomfortable! As intended but unexpected haha ♪#I love ZEX! Why would he do such a thing! Now I know <3 <3 And now I'm doing the same thing! Lol#The thought of ZEX never getting his own body again even for just a night even on the Institute's side ah it hurts#At least he'd finally have visual proof that it's Possible he never even saw Tanaka so for all he knows it was just another ''vision''#But of DAX <3 Of him getting his body back but turning on ZEX about it ough ♥ And the fallout!! Agh!!!#The setups the payoffs <3 <3 <3#I wrote a bit more for both scenarios actually - of DAX actually pointing a laser pistol at ZEX and threatening to kill him#Thus why ZEX is questioning him the next day - was that brainwashing or would you really do that??#ZEX of course wouldn't have flinched at the time - and DAX's motivation either way that this is a fate unbefitting of his Admiral#''He lowered his head feelers in a sympathetic way. 'I can hardly stand to watch you waste away in that form. If you would ask it of me...''#Weh ;;#Can you tell it's a bit inspired by We Do What is Necessary hehe <3#Which btw you've read right it's so good everyone needs to read it <3#Remind me to make a separate post about that one actually I had the oddest reread experience :3c Fascinating ✨#Anyhow lol#I actually like how I've written their next-day meetup after DAX returns to his senses more than I've drawn it hm :P#I think it's a specific line that sticks out to me - VUX communication through human bodies my beloved ;;♥#''He ran a hand down DAX's arm - a poor approximation of the gesture he was trying to emulate but he was sure DAX would understand.#They'd exchanged it enough times before.'' Hhhhhh ❤️💕💖💞💗 ;;/♥ I love them <3 <3#Also forehead touches and holding face and hands and jfdsalkfd the tenderness and loyalty aghhahgah <3#I really like the idea of VUX lacing fingers with each other as a kind of twining/head tendrils holding replacement ♥#The most intense one-eyed eye contact hehe <3
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cospinol · 3 months
TODAY’S EPISODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Koku you amethyst time!!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 And it’s apparently the moment that the show’s staff have been waiting for just as eagerly as I have because it’s the best looking episode not just of this season but maybe… of the entire series since its inception…????!! I genuinely can’t think of another one that has Multiple dedicated cuts of detailed action in a row like the sequence from kyou kai snapping on the mountain road to the encounter between shin and kyou kai + rai do and koku’ou at kan ki’s camp, and certainly not one anywhere near as good looking, it’s such a treat…!!!!!!!
[quick aside, before I forget I want to add that rai do is addressing shin as ‘obocchan’ in the last cap above :DDD truly the gift that keeps on giving]
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And anyways that’s without even touching on how good this sequence would be regardless of looks because it’s still Amethyst Plot time 🥰❤️💞❣️💓💍💘 Bi hei giving in to peer pressure in just the kind of moment of weakness that you can’t actually detest him for (of course you would want to believe him when he tells you it wasn’t a civilian village..), kyou kai absolutely fucking snapping, the cool head ten maintains between trying to hold shin back and immediately pivoting the hi shin unit to a defensive formation for the real possibility that shin and kyou kai actually start pvp against the kan ki army , and of course shin and kan ki putting their cards on the table :)))))
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^ my favourite panel of him ever now animated!!!!!!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 and my favourite moment in the exchange between them, shin’s is still yet to come (I think all his talk in this week’s episode about kan ki not being equipped to handle sei’s dream of unification *is* sweet and sincere but it’s also dumb and that’s why kan ki is able to refute him so easily; the point that really matters and where his moral stance becomes unassailable, for me, is in the fact that it’s all for hyou’s sake. there’s no counter-argument about what you may or may not be turning a blind eye to there, it’s the mandate made absolute and incorruptible instead…) but this is maybe my favourite line of kan ki’s ever… he’s just following through on the promise he made you; these are the rules you agreed to play by! 🥰🥰🥰 i don’t even need to go into the premium emycore aspect of ever part of this sequence lol, the indulgence of it all…
also I was pleasantly surprised to see that they preserved just about all all of the gore from the scenes covered in this week’s scenes; there are some minor changes (the zhao soldiers kan ki is having the saki clan interrogate early in the episode are shown a little less mutilated than they are in the manga, and there’s no nudity) but they really are minor which bodes pretty well for the saki clan artworks coming up soon :~) I think there’s a chance we might not see that scene until the week after next since next episode’s primary focus will of course be Bi Hei And The Hi Shin Unit as per the ep title, but i’m so curious to see what they do with it since the anime has *always* omitted saki and saki-adjacent activities in the past. but I won’t get ahead of myself when we still have all of bi hei’s crisis to savour first :D
also, in shin’s speech telling kan ki off, we got a little additional visual of ran dou from sanyou campaign! always on the lookout for scenes from s1-2 appearing in flashback in the current art style <3
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and i really had forgotten what he looked like lol even though this is another scene I absolutely adore for similar reasons to the one in the camp in this episode - though there’s no mou ten around to step in and defend shin this time, of course… :)
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rosicheeks · 3 months
i do not know if i ever sent this to you. i have posted it. i hope you like it Princess.
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#uhhhhhm no you HAVE NOT SENT THIS TO ME BEFORE?!?!#I literally am speechless#I’m not super talky right now#but even if I was I feel like I’d still be fucking speechless#like I already said I love your writing 🩷#and it fucking BLOWS ME AWAY when people write about me or use me as an inspiration#like????????? what??????? me???????????!#I’m going to keep this close to my heart and look at it whenever I’m feeling down#I don’t remember if I said that already but it’s true#I need to get a journal or a cute box to put things like this in so I can just grab it and look through them when I’m feeling shitty#one thing I needed to say is the fact that you shared this with me now of all times??? is kinda crazy to me#idk if it’s a coincidence or if the universe/God/whoever/whatever is trying to tell me to go back into music and singing#not going to go into it too much but I’ve been looking at my life a lot lately#and I’m realizing I’m not getting any younger…. I know I’m still young but if I don’t do something soon -#my life is going to completely pass before my eyes and I really really don’t want that#I’m *finally* going to get mental help soon (long story but I have to wait a few weeks)#and once I’m actually mentally stable I can focus on what I want to do with my life#so I’ve been thinking a lot about my performing arts background and then randomly a get an email from a choir director I know#asking if I could please join the choir for their Easter performance cause they could really use my high notes#and she just kept complimenting me and it felt really nice ☺️#then when I went to the first rehearsal I sat next to this girl and we were singing a part and the first sopranos go up to a high A#and I can hit it easily but most of them couldn’t so it felt like I was going this mini solo lol#but she asks me what my range is and I told her that back when I trained I could sing queen of the night which I think goes up to an F6#and she was talking about how impressive that is#and it made me think about if I actually trained and got back into it how good I actually could get#I don’t mean this to be like ‘look at me look at me I’m so good’#it just feels nice to have a little bit of a direction again#who knows if I’ll actually go down the music path again but it does sound damn exciting#I miss it with all my heart - I miss singing and performing and acting… I even miss music theory#anyway rant over and i ran out of space but thank you so much I seriously can’t thank you enough 😭🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
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I kissed a girl for the 1st time today 🌸🌸💜💜🥰
May 27, 2023
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mothram · 7 months
#diana's music diary#good morning#i slept early#it was nice#very cozy#I only slept like 4 hours though cause I had to get up for a delivery... also I'm posting this a couple of hours after waking...#as is becoming usual for these... I've been kind of vibing to music pretty much...#anyway yesterday was good but so exhausting... played lethal company with friends like I'd said which was really fun!! was a little bit of#process getting my bearings in it since I'd seen maybe one second of gameplay before but after a day or two in game I picked it up I'd say!#I mostly just ran away when I saw something scary but I tried scanning a monster and it opened the door which made me scream once ahaha#after that I was a lil tired but we ended up having a session of the project moon ttrpg I'm in kind of out of nowhere#it was short but v fun to play Frei again he kind of completely shut down the distortion singlehandedly which was surprising considering he#has no combat capability.. incapacitated them and read its mind which helped us figure out what we needed to do to resolve the distortion#-peacefully! my partners character did the actual resolving cause Frei is terrified of going near anything as gross as that distortion was#(it was a giant gross greasy burger monster. who was just bob from bobs burgers. he ended up in a polycule with linda and teddy after.)#Frei also read my partners characters mind a bit and maybe upset him a little by mentioning his daughter (her character is divorced lol)#anyway yeah... I was tired after both of those so I kinda got in bed and passed out quickly while listening to music...#idk what I'll do today I'm a bit sore still and I'm v sick and tired rn so I'll probably just relax a bit...#let's make today nice and cozy and good... love u friends thank u for reading <3
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i wish i was making this up for shits and giggles but i went to an anti bullying campaign with the kid who was like bullying/abusing me at the time mostly bc i didnt want to be in a relationship with them and we got uh like pins n those bracelets etc n every time i see them i remember the bad things n it's just funny ahah myb i shld get rid of them
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