miryel89 · 10 months
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Tintin and Dirk Gently's holistic reporters agency
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halfwisehobbit · 11 years
{*SHRIEKS* Thankyou TinTin mun! that means so much coming from you }
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keepyourwitts · 11 years
{{ tintinreporter }}
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               "You're not lost are ya, bud? See- I haven't got the foggiest idea of where I'm goin', but the last thing I need is directions from someone who's just as clueless as I am. "
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roberto-rastapopoulos · 11 years
random rp event
Rastapopoulos had had a nice sleep, or so he thought. All had been normal for the most part. He went to sleep at a normal time, he awoke at a normal time. For him, all was normal until he woke up. When he awoke, he awoke with no idea where he was and no memories of what had happened the past 40 some odd years. 
Frightened and confused, he yelled. He looked himself over to see if he was hurt. He was in good shape- well, he would have been perfectly normal if it weren't for the fact he had been reverted back to 2 years of age.
Rastapopoulos was a toddler.
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Reports and Villainy (Gru and Tintin)
Wherever he was...it was certainly not the suburban neighborhood he was used to see everyday... The roads were incredibly narrowed and the houses stood in rows next to each other as if somebody pressed them together. The sun was behind some dark clouds that had wetted the streets and roofs with the muggy summer rain before he found himself in this weird city.  He felt so...so out of place in this region that he almost felt bashful.  But why? Normally, he didn't care about what others said or thought about him. Yet, here, in this foreign area...he felt insecure. Gru walked along the street in silence, eyeing every corner and every little thing that he could spot, but still he had no idea where he was and how he ended up here. The worst part was, that he left his phone at home, Margo needed it to text some friends of hers, and now he was somewhere in the nowhere and was, apparently, lost....
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miryel89 · 10 months
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A Story You Can't Publish || Closed RP with tintinreporter
Anastasia briskly wiped the auburn strands of hair off to the side and out of her face, courtesy of the small breeze distracting her from the crime scene not too far away. With blue eyes, she observed as police men gently pushed back the nosy few people that quickly grew to a crowd as an ambulance with a gurney passed.
She huffed as she glanced away, annoyed, before quickly looking back. And why would she be annoyed on this particular summer day with perfect temperature and weather? The Russian redhead was rather vexed with the way the scene was shown to be.
Anastasia could list the number of reasons why she was disgusted with this scene, other than the fact that an innocent life was wasted on a job that could have been done without a drop of blood spilled. Interesting enough the two bumbling, identical Interpol officers were here as well.
The corner of her mouth twitched upwards as she watched the pair, certainly amusing the two were. She knew of one particular winter spirit that liked to cause as much mischief to the two as possible but it was only because they didn't take it personally (not that they believe in Jack enough to know he was the culprit) but always seemed to take it into stride. It's arguable that many of the spirit world find them favorable and have a fondness for the two.
My, my, my. What is this?
She raised a brow at the sight of a young lad, probably close to her physical age, with a cowlick of red hair as he talked to the two officers with a small white dog by his side.
Ah, yes. This was the magnificent Tin-Tin she heard so much about. So he's interested in the case...from what she could tell from his body behavior, his own observance of the crime scene, and what she could catch from reading his lips--he certainly was.
Now wasn't this a dilemma? Mr. TinTin has an issue with keeping his nose out of certain things that don't need him in it. And this situation was one of those scenarios.
Clicking her tongue, she bowed her head as she kept her eyes trained on TinTin. This would be interesting indeed.
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((It's 1:30 am over here and I'm going on a camping trip tomorrow so I gotta go to bed soon....
but I also haven't finished my replies, nor have I packed any clothes or anything. 
Alright, well, here's how it'll go: I'm going to log off for the night so I can get my stuff together so I'm ready to finish loading up tomorrow. If I have time I'll respond to whoever I still owe before I leave(I believe that would be Mel and Draco, but let me know if I'm wrong) and leave ya'll to it.
But if I don't manage to squeeze in enough time, I'd like to apologize for having you wait for a good 4 days for my reply, and thank you for the patience.
I'll miss you guys and I'll talk to you later after the trip :)
Sweet dreams everyone~*))
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peppymareus-blog · 12 years
 It had been raining for days...and not the kind where the heavens open, but the kind that plummets onto everywhere from the cape of black clouds above. The kind that annoys or  pleases people, depending on their perspective, and the kind that seems to cover up the artificial coating of the city.
 Giuseppe Maréus sat on a rusty shape of a seat at a tram stop, watching a letter that had absorbed as much gutter water as it could, sail along. Destination: drain. Should I save it? He thought, what if it's important? He did the same that so many of us do in those situations and waited until he could conveniently do nothing more about it.
 As the letter was persuaded, pushed and pulled into the underground, Peppy looked up at his umbrella and shook it. A rusted joint of the frame came loose and ripped some of the fabric off. The rain raced through and bled into the laceration. His trousers were getting wet. Karma.
He'd been eyeing up the diner for a while now and his usual routine of second thoughts came to a sure and sturdy primary thought: "Let's just bloody go in there."
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"A quick sketch I made at the docks."
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lordofimladris · 12 years
First Aid
"And you only tell me this now?"
"I apologize, my lord, we had overlooked--"
"Nevermind. I will get them myself."
Elrond bit back an irritated sigh; out of all the opportunities to run out of athelas, why now? Why now, when he had three wounded warriors that lay on the brink of death?
He did not bother discarding his heavy robes and his silver circlet for more simpler clothes suited for riding, and immediately made his way to the stables. He only brought with him a small cloth pouch that had the faint minty scent of mixed herbs.
He galloped off as soon as he mounted horse and turned east, where tall and thick bushes alike lined the edge of the earthen path. He stopped and got off after a few kilometers, kneeling down at the plants the crept and sprang from the ground, then picked at them with deft hands and the keen eyes of a hardened healer.
A thud and a rustling could be heard in the bushes not far from him, but he paid no heed to it; there were more important things to be done.
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roberto-rastapopoulos · 11 years
Heheheheh, I've got him now! And no matter what Tintin does, it'll be too late!
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1, 4, 5, 6, and 20.
1. RPer's real name?
4. Rper x Character; how would our relationship go?
It wouldn't.
5. Give one headcanon l have about my character(s).
I'm laaaazy just go here.
6. Favourite thing about character.
The layers of his personality.
20. What does RPer dislike about character?
He's a real dick sometimes.
0 notes
The Last Page
It was a very nice evening in the town of Brussels, the sky was its natural orange color that indicated a sunset not too far off. As a matter of fact, from the port, though clad with sailboats that were rested next to the land, you could see the beautiful sunset from some of the empty docks. 
One of the docks was occupied by a small boy who looked roughly 9 or 10 years of age. His golden curls were practically glowing from the sunlight as his head was bent over staring down at an object in his lap. His yellow scarf was loosely wrapped around his neck, for it wasn't that cold outside anymore to wear his elegant attire that was much warmer (and much nicer) than the green long-sleeves and pants he was sporting lately. If one were to ask, they wouldn't get that he was a prince at first glance.
He loved watching sunsets, it has always been the most enjoyable part of the day ever since he was very small. But his eyes were more focused on the notebook he held in his lap. There were signs of pages torn out and drawings on previous pages, giving the appearance of a very thin notebook. A very thin notebook that had reached its end, leaving the prince to only stare at the very last page that was bare and empty. He wasn't sure what to do with it. Should he write a letter? No, that would require more paper in case they sent a letter back. Perhaps he should draw something...but what should he draw? More importantly, should he mess with it yet? He was afraid if he used it it would be a very long time before he could write or draw again, and the prince really didn't want that, for he had to let Ples know he was doing all right in case he takes longer to find his fox. 
So he sat there, mind boggling over what he should do in such a predicament.
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mrandmrssnowball · 12 years
A quiet day out (Tintinreporter)
It was supposed to be a quiet day. That was all.
The Snowballs rarely had an opportunity to enjoy themselves. If they weren't trying to keep their heads down and hope that nobody knew who they were or what they'd done, they were usually worrying about how they'd manage to do that. The closest thing they'd had to a break was attending their daughter's wedding, and that was hardly a holiday.
So, when Emily had spotted that little village in the country, Howard thought that they could stop for awhile. They'd set out to do some shopping, but it was late in the morning; they had plenty of time before the shops shut. Certainly enough time to wander around a nice village; where, hopefully, no one would recognise them.
So far, all had gone well. They'd found an antique shop, where Howard had practically had to drag his wife away from an old table that had caught her attention. She'd had to return the favour when he'd been sidetracked by a collection of classical records in a second-hand store. Now, as they sat in the local cafe, sipping cups of tea and wondering if maybe there was enough room in the car to fit the items they wanted, Howard thought he was more relaxed than he'd been in a long time.
Then he heard the shouting.
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sonnelittle · 12 years
I'm glad you're excited about that post because I'm excited too...!
Ohmydeargodness!! you sent me message! I can't believe it! I shall proceed to faint right here If you don't mind.Yes! I'm very excited too, I hope he answer soon, is not very polite to let the guest wait to much! 
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