#tintin Adventure the secret of the unicorn
miryel89 · 10 months
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as newspapers today dont tend to hire children, a modern day Tintin would run a clickbait YouTube channel, except the clickbait is 100% real every single time
he starts off as an irritating conservative pundit at 14, meets Chang then leaves the think tank paying him and launches his own independent channel and blows up shortly after. Chang helps with video editing and managing his socials and they often chat on video calls between adventures. Haddock, his foster dad, has absolutely no knowledge of his earlier videos.
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side-sidecast · 1 year
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instead of situations i will be putting him into outfits
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calloff57 · 11 months
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Here's more cute pictures of TinTin
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writing-fanics · 1 year
Yo! As you said to send the request anyway,here i go!
Our beloved Tintin x thief reader! (Basically an enemies to lovers cuz is my favorite troupe 😌👌🏽)
The scenario is quite simple: she is a thief relatively famous,not too much,that aways escape in the last minute from Tintin and the interpool. One day,she have to help him with an adventure (probably because someone stole something and she bein a good thief should now how they act more than others).
Because of that,they start to get close for some common interests and all (she even learn how to shoot with him,imitating that posture of his when he shot the plane). In the end of the adventure,the two of them kinda confess at the same time? This part i don't really know so,you can make whatever you want in there.
Well,that's all! Thank you for reading!
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The Reporter and the Thief
Tintin x Fem!Reader
[summary: the Reporter tintin enlists the help of a thief to help him on an adventure]
[a/n: i did too much reaserach on this especially for the currency that would;ve been used at the time]
[Y/n] hummed, to herself, as she walked around the flea market looking curiously at the array of expensive knick-knacks. She walked around her eyes fixated on the costly items.
While walking through the crowd, her hand would slowly and unexpectedly slip into their pockets and take any spare change and jewelry. She immediately shoved the change and necklace, into her satchel and walked away without anyone suspecting a thing.
As she walked around pickpocketing unsuspecting people. The smell of freshly baked pastries wafted through her nose. She could smell the buttery and flakey bread and the baked sweets. sniff sniff.. and was that, Baisers de Malmédy?
She smelled, that was her absolute favorite sweet. she could taste the rich sweet butter cream and the almonds on the biscuit. Her stomach growled, having not eaten since yesterday she decided to treat herself.
She walked towards the bakery, and her mouth watered seeing all the baked goods. "What shall it be?" The baker asked, looking at her and she looked up at him. "Um, one Baisers de Malmédy please, and a bread roll." She asked, and he nodded.
She waited impatiently her stomach growling, louder and louder by the second. the baker handed her the wrapped baked goods. "That will be two quid." He said, and she nodded. Scrounging in her satchel, getting the change needed as she handed it to him. The necklace she stole fell out of her satchel.
She froze for a moment, "Hey! that's my necklace!" a lady shouted, pointing at the necklace on the ground. [Y/n] immediately, shoved the goods into her satchel and ran before Interpol could even arrive. as she ran she lept over a white dog that had gotten in the way. before anyone could even get a good look at her she had left.
She stopped to catch her breath after having ran what felt like a mile. Her back hit the brick wall and she reached into her satchel, taking out the Baisers de Malmédy and unwrapping it.
Despite it being basically smashed, she took a bite and savored every bite. It tasted almost as good as her mother used to make it when she was little. Bringing back so many good memories of when her life was simple and she didn't have to steal to survive.
She looked up and noticed a dog, who looked really hungry. Reaching into her bag she pulled out the bread roll. Ripping a piece of bread, she reached out her hand to feed it to the dog. He sniffed her hand and ate the bread from her hand.
She smiled, giggling as she shared her bread with the dog. He licked her face wagging his tail, happy to have finally gotten some food. She looked at him, scratching the top of his head as he licked her face.
She smiled, leaning her head back against the brick wall, and stared up at the sky. "I'm still hungry," She groaned, her stomach still growling the dog whimpering in response. He laid his head down on her stomach, staring down at him she scratched the top of his head. Closing her eyes she decided to take a nap.
"She always slips right through our fingers," Thompson says, looking at the young ginger-haired journalist. "She's fast, I'll give her that," Thomson says. Tintin looked, down at the newspaper, "Hm," Tintin thought to himself, something valuable was just stolen. Not by the thief but by someone else.
"I'm going to need the mind of a thief for this one," He thought and closed the newspaper and folded it up. "Any reports, on what the thief looked like?" He asked turning towards Thompson and Thomson, and the two police officers thought.
"She's about [your height]," Thompson says, and Thomson shakes his head, "No, I think its [random height]." Thomson says, and the two start bickering over the thief's height. Tintin sighs, "Anything else?" Tintin asked, and the police officers looked back at him.
"She may have [h/c] and look around 16-18," Thompson says, and Tintin nodded it wasn't much. But he needed to find her.
[Y/n]'s eyes fluttered open, and she looked around realizing the dog is no longer there. A sigh escaped her lips as she stood up, and looked down seeing an apple placed on her lap. She smiled happily, picking up the apple and taking a bite.
"You need my help?" She folded her arms across her chest, as she looked at Tintin. "What's in it for me?" She asked, raising her left eyebrow to look at him.
"All your theft charges will be dropped." He said, and she looked at him unconvinced. "Hm, what about a reward?" She asked, and the journalist looked at her. "What kind of reward?" he asked, and she rolled her eyes.
"But the money of course." She said, and he looked at her, "How much?" He asked, "Fifty quid" She asked, she knew that was a lot but she isn't going to let them use her for free. "Done." He said, and she smiled looking at him.
"Then we have a deal, Mr.Tintin." She said, looking at him. He reached out to shake her hand, and she took it grinning mischievously as she took his watch without him even noticing.
"You really, need to pay more attention." She said, holding up his watch in front of his face. He immediately snatched and looked at her, a mischievous grin on her lips as she looked at him.
"Where do you live?" He asked, and she scoffed. "Why you haven't even asked me out yet." She said, jokingly looking at him smiling mischievously.
"Why should I bother telling you?" She asked, folding her arms across her chest. Raising her eyebrow as she looked at him, "So, I know where to find you." He said, and she chuckled.
"Trust me, even if I were to give you where I lived, you wouldn't be able to find me. I'm like a ghost in the night. You see me." She said and swiftly hid somewhere. A blink and you'll miss it a moment.
"Then you don't." She said, causing Tintin to look up and see her hiding on the ceiling her arms and legs stretched out to keep her hidden.
She smiled, as she landed on her feet to only lose her balance and fall on her butt. "Still working on that." She sighed, swiftly standing on her feet. "So, no I won't tell you where I live." She said, and looked down noticing Snowy, and started petting him, cooing over the dog.
After taking in the girl's appearance and the events that occurred early this morning, Tintin thought for a moment. How she stole and ran away, as well taking into account the grumbling of her stomach.
"In that case, the only option is for you to stay here." He said, causing her to look at him in shock. "Really?" She said, looking at him confused. "You want me a thief to stay here with you? A detective-"
"Journalist," Tintin corrected, "Whatever," She said, brushing off what he said. She looked at him her hands on her hips, "Have you gone mad?" She asked, tilting her head while looking at him.
"Loony even?" She continued, raising her pointer finger to the side of her head, spinning it in circles while making a crazed face. "No, I have not," He said, looking at her. "Then why ask me to stay here?" She asked, and he looked at her.
"Like I said, I'll know where you are." He said, and she rolled her eyes in response. Her stomach, then grumbled as she let out a yawn..
Thompson and Thomson had left, leaving Tintin and [Y/n] alone in his flat. She looked around the flat curiously, gazing at some of the artifacts he'd collected over the years. "Don't touch that." He said, and she turned to look at him and rolled her eyes.
"Here," He said, placing a plate of food on the table and she turned around, rushing over to the table. Sitting down, and quickly eating the good. Downing it in seconds, "I haven't had something that good sinc-"
She stopped, and he looked at her curiously. "Since when?" he asked, and she looked at him and shook her head. "Nothing." She said, looking at him. Silence fell, and he pushed the plate of his half-uneaten food towards her and she smiled. Eating the rest, and finally after so long had a full stomach.
Also after years, was able to take a hot shower. Tintin gave her a place to sleep on the couch and handed her a pillow and blanket. The couch felt like a cloud and the moment she laid her head down. She was sound asleep. Snowy, kept her company which she gladly appreciated.
[Y/n] enjoyed teasing Tintin during the entire time, they were together. During that time she helped him figure out where the thief could've possibly taken the artifact that was stolen from the museum. They got closer to each other over time, bonding over things they had in common.
She eventually opened up about her past, telling him how her mother passed away when she was little. Leaving her alone, and being tossed into an orphanage that didn't treat her or the other children there well. She acted up and stood up for the children being picked on, and was eventually thrown out.
To be taken in by a couple of thieves who raised her, and they too eventually abandoned her to be taken by Interpol. She eventually, got out but went back to stealing since it was the only way for her to survive.
He then offered her a job so she wouldn't have to steal anymore. A job to help him out on his adventures. She took the job and gave him a big hug tackling him to the ground. Their lips are inches from each other. They stared at each other cheeks bright red. They quickly pulled away, blushing awkwardly. He even taught her how to use a gun, she'd never blushed so hard in her entire life.
Once they solved it, in the end, they confessed their feelings for one another and arrived back at his flat.
Tintin tackled her onto the bed her hands pinned above her head, still holding the wallet. “was this always your endgame?” he asked, and a mischievous grin grew across her lips as she stared at him. As he leaned down to kiss her on the lips a smile grew across her lips as she kissed him back. unknowing of his hand slowly taking the wallet from her hand, and pulling back from the kiss, and waving it above her head causing her to gasp.
and smile, "hey, you stole that trick from me." She shouted, and playfully started reaching for him causing him to lift it higher. She pouted until she got the upper hand wrapping her legs around his waist. and pinning him to the bed. She smiled playfully, as she took the wallet from his hand. "Was this your endgame?" She asked, mischievously marching her fingers on his shirt.
She dangles his wallet in front of his face and he reaches to grab it, but she swiftly moves it out of the way. And kisses him on the lips passionately, moving her head slowly. His hands wrap around her waist pulling her closer and deepening the kiss. his hand slowly creeping up her back gripping the back of her head. while the other creeps its way underneath her shirt.
Causing her to lose her grip on the wallet, and for Tintin to swiftly snatch it. He pulled away from the kiss and dangled the wallet in front of her face, she pouted and blushed from embarrassment. Her lips were red and plump, her cheeks bright red, and her hair a mess.
He looked at her for a moment before pulling her closer onto his chest, and back into a kiss. She smiled softly, feeling his lips against her, and kissed him back once more. She grinned mischievously as she reached for the covers pulling it over them.
a/n: sorry if it seemed rushed but you've been waiting long enough hope you enjoyed.
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bttf-dork · 11 months
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TinTin doing some research on the Unicorn
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tintinology · 1 year
So we're getting a new Tintin radio play episode in a few weeks 👀
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pilferingparakeet · 2 years
the most unrealistic part of the 2011 movie is that Tintin and Haddock make it through like half the fucking Sahara with no sunburn in sight. you’re telling me that the redhead is totally fine after all that? not even a bit of pink? lies. you are like papa.
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anais-s-world · 1 year
✨️ Ivan Ivanovitch Sakharine ✨️
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Sakhartin aesthetic
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Blue eyes full of curiosity for the next adventure. His bright eyes behind his glasses always watching him as his plans unfolded just as he had planned. A reporter and a nobleman. Two who have the same path and the same goal with different approaches. One with kindness and courage, the other with ruthlessness and blood. Until they meet, fending off hidden blades, bullets and penetrating skin. Porcelain skin that he wanted to break stains me with possession. Your courage and perseverance does not stop and I find it amusing but I want to see you break. Like a hawk I wait in the air before I pounce on your defenseless body at the right moment and make you mine. While the nightmare that was so full of joy in the beginning becomes your nightmare becomes my goal and dream at the end of which you will never break away from me…I will make sure of that.
Because you are my Tintin and no one else…...
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dimdiamond · 10 months
Ok I just watched the secret of the unicorn tintin movie after almost a long while and I loved it so much again of course ,but I realized that both tintin and haddock characters are a bit out of characters sometimes don't you think?I mean compared to the original version from herge,cause that scene where tintin tends to give up and then haddock makes a speech to him about a lesson of life was amazing and tbh a bit weird for me cause tintin was like NEVER like that?like ever man it usually was like the opposite I mean haddock giving up and tintin encouraging him,like tintin being the optimistic and captain being the pessimistic one?it was the only little problem I had with it not that I don't like it or else it's amazing but it was weird to me so what do you think?
I completely understand what you mean. This movie is amazing and you can't help falling for it again and again every time you rewatch it! Despite the changes you feel that this movie was made with love and passion for the original creation, it is a love letter from fans to the creator! At least that's how I perceived it but I don't think anyone can disagree with the fact that it does feel different than many other remakes that are made these days and I think the reason is simply because they saw the original as something worth to revisit, not as something that needs to change.
About the characters and this scene specifically I see your point and you're right, they're not their usual characters, especially in the specific stories they adapted. One explanation could be simply because it's Hollywood and Hollywood likes drama and scenes of resolution, where the hero fails and finds the courage to stand up again to face the enemy one last time. In that scene Haddock is the mentor and Tintin the young man who needs to be reminded of the truth and that feels strange for these specific characters. Haddock is always the one who gives up and needs a push and Tintin the one who encourages him and never gives up. BUT I find this change not that far away from their characters. Please indulge my following blabbering.
Tintin in the whole movie feels different than the Tintin we all have in mind, especially the Tintin from the 90s cartoon series. However he does have many traits from the comic Tintin. He is sassy and has no patience for the bad guys, his whole attention is on the mystery but he can't help pulling back Haddock from whatever he does. I feel that Tintin from the Spielberg movie gets all these traits from all the comics, not just the ones that are adapted in this movie, and they're enhanced. Why? Probably to make him more of a recognisable character but I don't feel he's out of character, it's just another reading of his character. And the core is kept: Tintin is kind. Tintin, no matter what, won't give up Haddock, even when he is disappointed. Tintin shows lots of patience and determination when anyone else would have given up. His moment of weakness, when he says better give up, could be because of his more pragmatist side- I saw all the options and I concluded that it's better to do nothing- but it is Tintin. Tintin won't give up as long as he has something to believe in, something to support on, and in this scene he had nothing. And don't forget that just before that, he had to give up the scrolls and the chase to save Haddock and Milou. Tintin was called to choose between his determination and his good heart and of course he chose the last one. At that point he had already given up on the story for his friends. In the beach scene Tintin reminds to the audience that he is just a human, a young man that had no one to support besides himself and now is completely lost on what to do. Haddock is someone who gives him something to believe in and support again and I think this is obvious on the way Tintin is with him afterwards till the end of the movie. Tintin wants Haddock to be his partner and go to more adventures together, he realized he can have both friends and adventure in his life, without choosing.
Haddock in all the movie is completely himself and the character we all know but he shows his virtues all the way. He tries his best to help Tintin and amend, he falls and stands up again, he tries not to waste Tintin's trust on him and so he doesn't drink and protects the one thing Tintin entrusted him with. And even when he fails and he is misunderstood, he keeps following Tintin and doesn't give up. This is Haddock in all the comics. Maybe the beach scene is so he can shine but to me it doesn't feel out of character. Haddock saw his tired and faithless side of himself on this young man and couldn't help but to scold him, to remind him and mostly himself that giving up isn't an option. Haddock in the comics tends to give up but not for long, soon he goes again and without much push from Tintin, just a word- or a drink, depending on the comic. He shines in challenges and, if you think about it, his whole character arc is about a man that fails and still doesn't give up.
Tintin always encourages Haddock and Haddock doesn't encourage Tintin because simply he tends to go to the danger and someone needs to bring him back to earth (like an anchor but this is a whole other discussion). But in a moment when Tintin would need encouragement, in a moment of his weakness, Haddock wouldn't encourage him back? Haddock wouldn't hate to see Tintin like that and wouldn't remind him that "hey, this isn't you, don't be like me" because of course Haddock doesn't realize his own achievements and good sides? And how can we be sure that there was never a moment like that in-between their adventures? For all we know, the comics could be the things the narrators aka the main duo want us to see, even Tintin's articles! We have many skips and many blank periods of time, anything might have happened, even Tintin feeling like losing his resolve and Haddock encouraging him. An adaptation can explore all the things that the original didn't and still be faithful to that.
So basically my points are that first, since the movie serves as a love letter to the comics, the characters are going through all their character development in just one movie, meaning we see a mix of many of their traits, even if said traits appeared in the last comics. Last, this isn't a common reading of the characters but that doesn't mean false, in the end the cores of the characters are kept and what really makes them a unique team and their bond strong are shown all the way.
This is my opinion and the way I saw the movie. It doesn't mean I am right necessarily but for me looking at the adaptation in this way helps me see the good points of every adaptation and in the end understand better the characters themselves.
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miryel89 · 11 months
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tony-andonuts · 10 months
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The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn (PC, Xbox360, PS3, Wii) concept art by Christophe Messier
[More art here]
[Even more art here]
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side-sidecast · 1 year
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more outfits for tintin! i finished the game yesterday and not to intimidate anyone but i'm good as hell at it (it is a game made for 12 year olds)
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calloff57 · 11 months
Here take some cute pictures of TinTin that I found!
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incorrect-tintin · 1 year
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