#tw: wilbur soot
Many of the younger ccs speaking up about Wilbur's manipulation is INCREDIBLY concerning, and I don't think they'll be the last. I think it's also a big indication that it happened to Tommy too, and that he'll take a while to respond. People demanding an immediate response need to remember that he was likely a victim of it too, he just may not have been aware of it.
I mean, Wilbur's ADMITTED he relied on Tommy for his mental health when he was still a minor. That is NOT something adults should ever do and it has always been odd to me. It also makes it very hard for the minor involved to leave the friendship, since they see themselves as responsible for the older person. I don't think I need to really go into how unhealthy that sort of thing is, it isn't an uncommon occurrence and lot of people will have a better explanation than me. But it is something to keep in mind, that Tommy may feel responsible or have been groomed to excuse the behavior.
The library stream is another example of the manipulation, and I'm surprised no one is talking about it. Tommy literally talked about how uncomfortable he was at Wilbur's house. It was cold, he had no blanket, he didn't want to keep staying there, he would rather be out in public at night in a strange place. Then Wilbur just shows up out of nowhere and tells Tommy he's misremembering/being dramatic and pretty much shuts him up, gets him to stop talking shit about him. Everyone's exasperation with Tommy in the situation (being a minor alone and uncomfortable and uncertain of what to do, far from home with nowhere to go), helped Wilbur pull Tommy back in and convince him to go back to his house, especially since it was passed off as Wilbur being caring.
It was obvious to me during the stream that Tommy was telling the truth and Wilbur was the one lying, but I figured he was just being defensive because he didn't want all that online. Now we know that he had a LOT more to hide about his living situation that he didn't want being spilled, and manipulators/abusers don't tend to like it when someone goes and starts talking about the truth. They want to downplay it as much as possible, and Wilbur showing up in person to shut Tommy up and make fun of him for not wanting to stay with him, make it more lighthearted, is incredibly telling and I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone point that out.
There are so many other things I found odd throughout the years that finally have a proper explanation to them, but that's just a few examples. I'm not going to get too much further into it. Wilbur isn't who we should be focusing on, I just needed to get that out to move on from it.
I do think pointing out that Tommy has openly been manipulated is important because it may cause him to take a while to respond openly to all this while he processes. If Wilbur treated so many of his ex-friends badly it's safe to assume he did it to all of them, and we need to give everyone involved time to stop and think about the situation. A lot of people want Tommy to respond immediately, but he will need time to do that and it's only fair we give him the space to do that properly.
I also think it is so, so incredible that Shelby has given so many people the space and bravery to come forward. I believe there will be more people speaking up soon, they just need time. Support her and other victims!
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link-alou · 2 months
My quick two cents on the William Spencer Patrick Gold (Wilbur Soot) situation
He’s a jerk, his apology was genuine trash. My heart goes out to everyone that man hurt.
For some people (Tubbo, Tommy, and Niki, from what I know), their relationship with him has always been iffy, as they met him when they were still minors and he was an adult. There is a very obvious power imbalance that comes with those types of age gaps, as well as the fact that they would be afraid of getting canceled considering he was bigger. As well as the fact that they probably got desensitized to stuff he would do, to them or to others.
I’m sorry to those that saw him as a comfort streamer or artist, to those that only watched him or those that supported him because he got them out of really hard times. I cannot tell you to move on just like that, but please try your best to distance yourself; to find other interests, streamers, or music artists.
Something I’ve seen people talk about is that his characters (qsmp Wilbur, dsmp Wilbur, Ghostbur, Revivebur, etc) are no longer his. William is not his characters, nor does he have control over them anymore. I think it’s understandable to have people use the characters, as long as they are not used to defend William in any way. People are attached to them, many have implemented headcanons and stuff beforehand, anyways. I feel this can also go towards Lovejoy; don’t hate the other members, they’re nice as far as I/we know; don’t directly listen to or support his music, there are covers you can listen to.You can’t really separate artist from art in this situation, considering some of the lyrics in this man’s songs.
And remember. You did not know him. His apology is not yours to accept. Do not pressure those that know him for their responses. Be respectful. Support the abused, not the abuser.
Please support Shelby and everyone that’s come out about their personal experiences. What that man did was abusive and manipulative, I hate that anyone had to go through stuff with him.
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garden-bug · 2 months
Why Wilbur’s apology was actually so bad, because it’s a lot simpler than people realise:
People seem to have the general consensus that he 'focused on himself' and 'didn’t properly apologise or take responsibility', but this understanding inadvertently and accidentally implies that he could have 'properly' apologised, or apologised 'better.' Which is... confusing. Because it's wrong.
No apology would have cut it, and that's why what he said was so bad.
What he did to Shelby was awful and you don’t treat another human being that way unless you are inherently cruel. Despite that, Wilbur still had the audacity to write a response intended to sweep it under the rug, claiming he worked on himself and that he didn’t see it the way she did. In a situation where even an apology wouldn’t have cut it he tried to deflect.
For lack of a better metaphor, it’s like you intentionally hit someone with your car and drive away and then when confronted about it you say: “Sorry, but I’ve been working on my driving since then, also I didn’t even hit them that hard.”
Not to psychoanalyse (I say as I psychoanalyse), but the implications of that behaviour are pretty severe: he abused someone and doesn’t see the problem with it.
That’s scarily messed up. So yeah, if anyone was still wondering why his apology was actually so bad, that’s the crux of it. And I think it makes the real issue a lot clearer.
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french-croissant · 2 months
After reading Wilbur's fuck ass "apology" I genuinely wish he did a ukulele apology
If your apology is gonna be shitty, than at least make it a catchy song we can all laugh at and tease for multiple months
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fandomdemigirl · 2 months
Going to be honest here, i havent watched much of their content but she seems cool as fuck and i need to watch them more.
i am so proud of them for telling the entire internet this because it's a huge and scary thing to do, especially when this may ruin your career for something beyond your control.
Shubble is badass as fuck to even think about telling everyone this and the fact that she went through with it, no matter how scary, and even rejected the fake-ass, shitty-as-fuck PR apology is so fucking brave and so fucking admirable.
We support victims of abuse in this household and go ahead and unfollow and block if you disagree.
Support Shubble and support whoever else was abused or manipulated by this horrible, horrible man. We got your backs.
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404-systemnotfound · 2 months
Man, no wonder my abusive ex bf “kinnied” cc Wilbur Soot.
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arctasy · 2 months
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shelby’s recent statement on twitter
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snow-lavender · 2 months
my mind keeps circling back to "my silence was his peace" because that only proves truer by the hour. i am overflowing with respect for shubble; the amount of bravery and vulnerability it must take to put yourself in a position to be a catalyst like that is staggering. wishing her nothing but peace and happiness from here on out.
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in-the-archives · 2 months
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moldyhay · 4 months
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Tommy, Wilbur, and their giant man-eating spider ( •̀ ω •́ )
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thunderbottle · 9 months
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two traitors in a ravine
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give-grian-rights · 2 months
hey guys how SHITTY OF A RESPONSE do you have to make, for DreamWasTaken to make a better statement than you? x
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i always thought of Wilbur as a fantastic writer and how the fuck did this guy MAKE SUCH A BAD STATEMENT that he got upstaged by DREAM??
This is one of the best things i've ever seen come from Dream. Words, actions, and intent, and to have someone who, for better or worse, has such a big platform support Shelby is just amazing to see.
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totally-average-kid · 2 months
Imagine your apology is so shit that people came out of retirement, people you dont even talk to anymore called you out, ex co-workers call you out, people call you out in several different languages, get your stuff removed from the stream section, your listeners drop, multiple people who made stuff for you dropped you, people who have moved on dropped you, reunite MCYT twitter, get STEEL CHAIRED, Fucking DREAM makes a better apology than you, Lil Tay comes out, YOU GET EXPOSED AS A FUCKING RAPIST. AND SEVERAL OTHERS.
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"Ccs only spoke up now and were gonna let him continue this behavior" do you have any fucking understand how manipulative people work, you ignorant cunt?
Not to mention most of those who are speaking out were fucking children when they met him
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french-croissant · 2 months
I absolutely love whichever mod did this
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theglitternet · 2 months
If I see any of you take this shit out on TommyInnit (or Ranboo, or Tubbo, or anyone else who Wilbur has known since they were a minor) when you mention his enablers I'm gonna need to to remember that there's a massive power imbalance between them. Tommy was not his peer in the past and that will affect his view of him now.
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