#venture capital fund
truthventures · 1 year
Scale Up your business hassle free with Truth Ventures
Scaling up your business is always something that every organization aims to do and regularly accomplish. However, scaling up brings with it lots of hassles as well, such as needing to figure out how to allocate money more efficiently, Hiring good employees that can deal with the high demands of work, dealing with the workforce, and so on. All these issues are easier to deal with top venture capital firms. Truth Ventures is one of the most renowned Capital Venture firms that assist in meeting every unpredictable market demand.
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naktipanchal08 · 1 year
Two decades after selling their startup to Microsoft, Eran Megiddo and Liviu Asnash are going back to their entrepreneurial roots. The longtime Microsoft leaders are the co-founders of Maximal Learning, a new Seattle startup that just raised a $5.7 million seed round. Maximal is using the latest advances in generative AI technology to give students personalized instruction that can cater to different learning styles.
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blockchainnewsme · 1 year
Blockchain Investment And Web3 Crypto Projects Get A Boost With Venom Foundation's $1B Fund
The global blockchain market is predicted to witness unprecedented growth in the coming years, with estimates suggesting it will reach $94.0 billion by 2027. In light of this, the Abu Dhabi-based Venom Foundation has launched a $1 billion venture capital fund poised to boost blockchain investment and accelerate the growth of web3 crypto projects. The Fund will provide crucial startup funding to…
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jcteamcapitals · 2 years
You need to stand out, and the only way to achieve so is by having something truly original and distinctive, as less than 1% of all U.S. startups ever receive Venture Capital funding . Your idea will only garner initial interest if it is something that the Venture Capital has not already heard presented multiple times.
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investorbase · 2 years
What is a Venture Capital Fund?
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What is a Venture Capital Fund? Venture capital fund is a professionally managed fund that invests in startup companies and maiden businesses. The VC fund is usually backed by institutional investors like pension funds, endowments, family offices and hedge funds. The VC fund can be public or private. A venture capital fund usually has a 10-year life span. There are different types of venture capital funds such as seed-stage funding, early-stage funding, expansion-stage funding and growth-stage funding.
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phoenixyfriend · 10 months
Ko-Fi prompt from @dirigibird:
I've been looking at investment options but I don't want to be messing around too much with the stock market, and a co-worker suggested exchange traded funds. Would love to know your opinions!
LEGALLY NECESSARY DISCLAIMER: I am not a licensed financial advisor, and it is illegal for me to advise anyone on investment in securities like stocks. My commentary here is merely opinion, not financial advice, and I urge you to not make any decisions with regards to securities investments based on my opinions, or without consulting a licensed advisor. I am also going to be talking this all over from an American POV, which means some of these things may not apply elsewhere.
So instead of letting you know what to pick or how to organize your securities, I'm going to go through the definitions of what various investment funds are, how they compare functionally, and maybe rant about how I disagree with the stock market on a fundamental ethical level if I have word count left over.
If you want more information, and are okay with jargon, I'd suggest hitting up investopedia. That is where I will be double-checking most of my information for this one.
I also encourage folks who know more about the stock market specifically to jump in! I like to think I'm good at research and explaining things, but I'm still liable to make mistakes.
Mutual Funds: A mutual fund is a pool of money and resources from multiple individuals (often vast numbers of people, actually) being put together and managed as a group by investment specialists. The primary appeal of these is that the money is professionally managed, but not personally so; it gives smaller investors access to professional money managers that they would not have access to on their own, at cheaper rates than if they tried to hire one for just their own assets. The secondary appeal is that, due to the sheer number of people, and thus capital, that is being invested at once, the money can be invested in a wide variety of industries, and is generally more stable than investing in just one company or industry. Low risk, low reward, but overall at least mostly reliable. Retirement plans are often invested in mutual funds by employer choice, through companies like Fidelity or John Hancock.
Hedge Funds: A hedge fund is a high risk, high reward mutual fund. Investors are generally wealthy, and have the room and safety to lose large amounts of money on an investment that has no promise of success, especially since money cannot be withdrawn at will, but must remain in the fund for a period of time following investment. It gets its name from "hedging your bets," as part of the strategy is to invest in the opposition of the fund's focus in order to ensure that there is a backup plan to salvage at least some money if the main plan backfires. Other strategies are also on the riskier side, often planning to take advantage of ongoing events like buyouts, mergers, incumbent bankruptcy, and shorting stocks (that's the one that caused the gamestop incident).
Private Equity: Private equity is... a nightmare that got its own incredibly good Hasan Minhaj episode of Patriot Act, so if you've got 20 minutes, an interest in comedically-delivered, easily-digestible, Real Information, and an internet connection, take a watch of that one. (If it's not available on YouTube in your country, it's originally from Netflix, or you can probably access it by VPN.) Private equity companies are effectively hedge funds that purchase entire companies, rebuild them in one way or another, and then sell them at (hopefully) a profit. Very often, the companies purchased by private equity are very negatively impacted, especially if the private equity group is a Vulture Fund. Sometimes, it's by taking it apart to sell off; sometimes it's by just bleeding it for cash until there's nothing left. Sometimes, it's taking over a hospital and overcharging the patients while also abusing the staff! (Glaucomflecken has a lot of videos on the topic of private equity in the medical industry, check him out.)
Venture Capital: In contrast to private equity, which purchases more mature companies, venture capital is focused on startups, or small businesses that have growth potential. These are the kinds of hedge funds that are like a whole group that you'd see some random tv character calling an Angel Investor (they're not actually the same thing, but they overlap by a lot). I'd hesitantly call these less ethically dubious than private equity, but I'm still suspicious.
And finally, to answer your question on what ETFs are and how they fit into the above.
Exchange Traded Funds: ETFs are... sort of like a mutual fund. Sort of. You are, to some extent, pooling your money... ish.
An ETF is like a stock that is made out of partial stocks. So instead of paying $100 for stock A, and not getting stocks B/C/D that all cost the same, you buy $100 of the ETF, which is $25 each of stocks A/B/C/D. You are getting a quarter of a unit of stock, which isn't normally an option, but because you are purchasing through an ETF that officially already bought those Whole stocks, you can now purchase the partial stocks through them.
They buy the whole stocks, then they resell you mixes of those stocks. They still officially own the whole stocks themselves, but you now own parts of the stocks. Basically, you own "stock" in a company that owns stock in other companies, and in that process you own partial stocks in those other companies.
I'm going to re-explain this using fruit.
Imagine you can buy apples, oranges, melons, grapes, etc. You can also buy fruit cups. You can only buy the individual fruits in big batches or you can pool your money with a few other people, hand it to a chef. The chef will decide which fruits look like they'll taste the best by lunch time, buy a bunch of those fruit pallets with your combined money, and plan out the best possible fruit salad for you to share with a bunch of people once lunch rolls around.
You could also buy a fruit cup. You don't have a lot of control over what's already in the fruit cup, but there are a few different mixes available--that one has strawberries, but that one over there uses kiwi, and the other one that way has pineapple--and you can pick which mix you want. It's a pretty small fruit cup, and it's predesigned, but you can choose the one you want without having to pool money with everyone else. You just first have to let someone else design the fruit cups you choose from, and you don't know which ones are probably going to survive the best to lunch time unless you ask a chef (which defeats the purpose of buying a fruit cup instead of pooling your money, and asking the chef costs money).
That's the ETF. The ETF is the fruit cup.
The upside is that you can now just track the prices of your fruit cup, instead of tracking the prices of four different fruits, and so if the price of one fruit drops, you can just... let the other three buoy it.
Of course, in the real world, there are more than just four stocks involved in an ETF. This part of the Investopedia article lists a few examples, and they're usually themed and involve anywhere from 30 (DOW Jones) to thousands (Russell) of shares by stock type, or by commodity/industry. So with the ETF, you can invest in an entire industry, like technology, and just keep track of that single "stock" in the industry game.
They do cost less in brokerage/management fees than regular mutual funds, and they have a slightly lower liquidity (slower to cash out). There also exist actively managed ETFs, which are basically mutual funds for ETFs. You are paying the chef to buy you premade fruit cups.
(Prompt me on ko-fi!)
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nando161mando · 5 months
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So what you're saying is, you don't have a business.
You have a bunch of venture funded criminals looking to eventually sucker teacher pension funds and other investors with an IPO and laugh all the way to the bank.
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solarpunkbusiness · 1 month
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truthventures · 1 year
Build a business responding to the market gap – Truth Ventures
Most new businesses emphasize rivals' strategies more than consumer needs and miss out on fantastic prospects. Truth Ventures is among the best venture capital firms led by their Renowned CEO, Varun Datta, and other seasoned leaders such as Alejandra Echeverri and Adam Ibraheem. After providing seed funding for startups, Truth Ventures works with them to determine market demand and regularly monitors market developments to ensure their partner companies always deliver on their enormous potential and stand out in these highly competitive times.
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ludocrow · 3 months
Well not that I was using it a lot anymore but with Tumblr apparently now opting-in by default everyone's blogs to be shared with AI bullcrap, I think this is now officially my very last personal post. (btw you should totally go ASAP in your blog settings to deactivate third party sharing, among other stuff; not that I expect it to do much with the lack of caring for boundaries/intelectual property/etc AI folks have but it's the one thing we were 'granted' ugh) You can find my at these places(though Cohost is the more active of the two tbh in term of actually getting art): https://cohost.org/Ludocrow?page=0 https://bsky.app/profile/fringecrow.bsky.social https://www.furaffinity.net/user/fringecrow
I might outright delete this blog in coming weeks tbh.
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naktipanchal08 · 1 year
DreamBox Learning is the only K-8 digital math program powered by students, built by and for educators, and independently proven to positively impact student achievement. DreamBox dynamically adapts and differentiates in real time based not only on students’ answers, but also on how they solve problems. Along with actionable reporting and tools that empower differentiation for all learners, DreamBox gives teachers content-specific professional development and provides administrators with insights about how all students are progressing. Founded in 2014, Owl Ventures is the largest venture capital fund in the world focused on the education technology market with over $2 billion in assets under management.
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zelthq · 5 months
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UK-based Zelt raises $3.5M seed funding to streamline HR, payroll operations
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jcteamcapitals · 2 years
The money given by investors to startup companies and small enterprises with the potential for long-term growth is known as Venture capital and is often regarded as 'good capital.' India Venture Capital is helping startups create wealth, wherein the valuations not only benefit founders or investors but all stakeholders
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iamidentical · 10 months
autostraddle... yikes
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max1010 · 9 months
Fireside Ventures Team: Diverse Experts Driving Purposeful B2C Brands
Meet the dynamic team behind Fireside Ventures, a leading venture capital firm dedicated to nurturing purpose-driven B2C brands in India. With a mission to enhance consumer experiences and create meaningful societal impact, Fireside Ventures is at the forefront of supporting innovative ventures.
 About Fireside Ventures 
Fireside Ventures is a visionary venture capital firm that is reshaping the consumer landscape in India. By identifying and supporting purpose-driven B2C brands, Fireside Ventures is not only investing in businesses but also in the betterment of society.
 Nurturing Purpose-Driven Brands 
Fireside Ventures has carved a niche as d2c investors in India, recognizing the potential of brands that are not only commercially viable but also aligned with a larger societal purpose. By investing in these brands, Fireside Ventures is facilitating a positive shift in consumer experiences.
 Expertise in Consumer-Focused Ventures 
With a deep understanding of the consumer market, Fireside Ventures is one of the premier consumer venture capital funds in India. The team's expertise lies in identifying brands that resonate with consumers and have the potential to make a significant impact on the market.
 Rooted in Bangalore, Impacting India 
Based in Bangalore, the heart of India's startup ecosystem, Fireside Ventures is at the epicenter of innovation. The venture capitalist team at Fireside Ventures is dedicated to identifying and nurturing ventures across India, contributing to the growth of the startup ecosystem.
 Investing in Visionaries 
Fireside Ventures is more than just a venture capital firm; it's a partner to visionaries and innovators. The team understands the unique challenges faced by entrepreneurs and provides not just financial support, but also mentorship and guidance.
 Driving Societal Impact through Ventures 
Fireside Ventures believes in the power of businesses to drive positive change in society. By supporting purpose-driven ventures, Fireside Ventures is not only creating successful brands but also contributing to a more conscious and impactful consumer culture.
 Collaborative Ventures, Collective Impact 
Through strategic collaborations and investments, Fireside Ventures is fostering a community of ventures that collectively contribute to a better consumer experience and a more impactful society. The team at Fireside Ventures understands that true change comes through collective effort. Fireside Ventures and its diverse team of experts are at the forefront of the venture capital landscape in India. By investing in purpose-driven B2C brands, Fireside Ventures is not only shaping the consumer market but also making a tangible impact on society. With their deep expertise and collaborative approach, Fireside Ventures is set to lead the way in driving meaningful change through ventures in India.
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formidium · 10 months
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Harness the potential of Razor State to streamline and automate your repetitive tasks, enabling you to allocate your valuable time and energy towards the essential aspects of your business. We are specialized in providing customized outsourced solutions for financial accounting and operational support to cater to the unique needs of fund managers and the pre-IPO corporate community. To know more about our offering email us at: [email protected] or visit us at: https://razorstate.com/
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