fornaxter · 4 months
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She'll get along well with Dreemurr Reborn
[Undertale Yellow Spoilers underneath]
This idea was originally from this Twitter thread by JayTheTaco about a scenario where Kanako did absorb Clover's soul and was successfully revived. The idea has promise and I love it when I see fix-it AUs.
The Vetterli rifle felt like a good pick though there were some runnerups like the Arisaka and the Winchester. I picked that because it is a balanced weapon in Hunt Showdown, and definitely an upgrade over the revolver.
It's definitely worth exploring this more.
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handfulsofhistory · 9 months
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Rear site elevator on a Model 1871 Swiss Vetterli Repeating Rifle
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bilrost · 2 years
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Tommy T Baron
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umontortle · 1 year
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that one commission i quite liked
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wildbythought · 5 months
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Our friends 1875 Italian Carcano Vetterli to honor his Italian heritage 🇮🇹
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metalcultbrigade · 9 months
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July 22nd 1997 #Kreator released the album "Outcast" #WhateverItMayTake #AliveAgain #EnemyUnseen #BlackSunrise #RuinOfLife #GothicMetal
Did you know...
It’s their first album to feature guitarist Tommy Vetterli.
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peashooter85 · 1 year
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Swiss Vetterli Model 1878 bolt action rifle
from Czerny's International Auction House
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A guard observes beyond the loophole with a Vetterli rifle, another infantryman lights his pipe, one naps, and another tries to write a letter, Isonzo Front.
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the-stillwater-devil · 6 months
Dossier - Sheriff Wayne Hardin
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"During the early days of the infection, Sheriff Wayne Hardin was instrumental in halting the rapid spread of the infection.
However, the inmates he recruited to be Hunters proved unreliable, and as events spiraled out of control, he found himself putting many of them back under arrest."
Few can claim responsibility and right action in this land. None can claim innocence. Sheriff Hardin claims nothing himself. But the truth is that the former sheriff was one of the first of us on the ground in this war against the Sculptor. Rumor is, Hardin was a sheriff in one of the infected towns here in the Bayou, some say Stillwater, some say DeSalle. All that's in the past, as Hardin's actions will likely prevent him from ever wearing the badge in an official capacity any more. Regardless of where he was Sheriff, Hardin was recruited like many of the original hunters by a member of the organization named Lynch. Lynch saw the calculating but resolute sheriff as an ideal candidate for the AHA, and quickly put the organization's resources at his disposal. In those dark days, fighting the infection at all cost was of paramount importance- containing the event to Louisiana was hard enough, let alone the backwaters of New Orleans. Hardin was instrumental in the affair, recruiting more hunters to the fight- by emptying the prisons of the crescent city. For some, this was a chance to do something with conviction and with dignity. For many more, this was a death sentence. Hardin gained many admirers for the ruthlessness of his methods in the era, but as many detractors due to the callous recruiting methods that saw orphanages and mental asylums conscripted into the AHA, only to be used up in half formed, unorganized posses. Whatever was thought of him, Hardin's recruitment drive did manage to contain the spread of the infection with a wall of bodies, and Hardin became an on-the-ground expert and guide for many new hunters in the bayou. This, however, led to its own set of troubles. As stated previously, Hardin was recruited by Lynch, a senior member of the AHA, without approval from Dr. Phillip Huff Jones, then Director of the AHA. Jones and Hardin managed to work together throughout 1894, but tensions between the men began to roil as 1895 approached and the growing rifts within the organization began to fracture into factions. Huff Jones cited many of the unsavory elements recruited by Hardin as a source of this infighting, and while Hardin agreed in most cases, it became clear that Hardin saw this infighting as inevitable, surrounding himself with a number of allies to form his own pact. By the time Huff was assassinated, Sheriff Hardin had withdrawn from the AHA public, preparing for the conflict that was sure to erupt. Hardin has a number of known allies, including Thomas Bridge (commonly referred to as "The Mountain Main"), Marshall Brewer, and of course the mysterious Lynch. Additionally, Hardin is known to hunt the bayou with a number of weapons, many acquired from fellow early-adopter Jason Trevors (The Carcass Gunrunner). Signatures weapons of his include the Noose, a Vetterli Karabiner, and Brass Flower, a LeMat Mark II. Descriptions of these weapons are listed below.
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The Noose "The last remnant of law and order, Sheriff Hardin is spread thin, yet still reveives luxuries from those who admire his fine work. That's how Hardin tells the story of this Vetterli 71 Karabiner, though alley rumors give a much more gruesome account."
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Brass Flower
"The preferred side arm of Sheriff Hardin, this was known to pack a punch when the chips were down."
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maddavvero · 1 year
Real Fabbrica d’armi Torre Annunziata
 Nel 1758 Carlo III di Borbone decretò l’istituzione della Fabbrica d’Armi a Torre Annunziata nei pressi della Real Polveriera e divenne la più importante fabbrica per la fornitura militare di armi bianche e da fuoco di tutto il Regno delle Due Sicilie.
L’attività della fabbrica iniziò nel 1761 e di lì a breve venne fondata a Torre anche la Fonderia o Ferriera ubicata nei pressi de castello dei d’Alagno poco distante dal mare. Dalla Real Fabbrica d’Armi di Torre dipendevano gli stabilimenti di Lancusi dove si fabbricavano lame per sciabole e baionette. Gli altri opifici militari come quelli della Mongiana in Calabria, di Poggioreale e la Real Montatura di Napoli erano tutti uniti da una collaborazione produttiva gestita principalmente dalla struttura di Torre. Della qualità produttiva locale fu testimoniata dalla stampa e dai documenti dell’epoca, che annotano sistematicamente modifiche apportate ad alcune armi di origine francesi e belga conferendo ad esse uno stile “napoletano” le cui soluzioni tecniche furono molto apprezzate in tutta Europa.
La testimonianza storica di questa attività è tuttavia oggi attualmente custodita nella Sala d’Armi sita nell’antico edificio della Real Fabbrica d’Armi . Sono circa 70 le armi da fuoco lunghe conservate tra cui pregiati fucili Vetterli, Martin Rumeno, Doersh-Bauwgatten e Mauser 71, oltre a pistole, sciabole, daghe, baionette e pannelli d’indiscusso valore didattico raffiguranti i diversi stadi di lavorazione delle armi e relativi strumenti di lavoro e attrezzi di verifica-funzionalità. La Real Fabbrica d’Armi di Torre Annunziata, che in seguito assunse il nome di “Spolettificio” subì negli anni successivi, varie trasformazioni produttive. Dal 1947 a pochi anni fa si producevano a Torre Annunziata, oltre alle spolette ed artifizi vari, bombe a mano tipo SRCM mod.35 .
Un progressivo ed inarrestabile smantellamento operativo e cognitivo oggi ha ridimensionato e azzerato del tutto l’utilizzo di tale struttura, relegandola ad una semplice officina di recupero e riparazione di mezzi di trasporto militare. Degli “ingegni” tecnologici che ne erano pieni i vetusti locali, manco più l’ombra, il tutto è stato rimosso. Sono rimasti solo i locali dell’antica struttura architettonica, che sperando in una sana politica di recupero, vengano utilizzati, almeno intelligentemente, in Museo permanente degli Ori di Oplonti. Nel pieno dell’emergenza covid, i locali dello stabile furono utilizzati per la produzione delle mascherine.
Da oggi inizia un altro capitolo per la storia di questo importante polo napoletano che persegue l’obiettivo di realizzare un innovativo sistema storico-archeologico-ambientale nel centro storico di Torre Annunziata. L’accordo siglato, infatti, prevede di annettere al Sito archeologico di Oplonti alcune porzioni dello Spolettificio non più utili alle attività amministrative del Ministero della Difesa. Negli edifici dello Stabilimento prenderanno vita nuovi spazi: alcuni destinati ai servizi culturali, una scuola di restauro, ampi depositi per i rinvenimenti archeologici, sale espositive e nuove aree per le attività ricettive e di promozione locale.
Per migliorare la viabilità cittadina, inoltre, saranno incentivati gli interventi di mobilità sostenibile. Nello specifico sarà realizzato un nuovo collegamento pedonale fra il Rione Provolera ed il Rione Murattiano attraverso il sottopasso che taglia longitudinalmente lo stabilimento militare, agevolando il percorso che porta i cittadini verso i diversi edifici scolastici collocati sul territorio.
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fornaxter · 4 months
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Tiny squirrel Royal Guard invites you to his little hut to sell you acorns.
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You threaten the shopkeeper in a genocides run.
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handfulsofhistory · 8 months
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Clip drop on an Italian Vetterli Rifle
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bilrost · 2 years
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Tommy Vetterli from Coroner
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razors-tv · 1 year
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swissforextrading · 29 days
Anna Fontcuberta i Morral named as new EPFL president
On 27 March, the Federal Council appointed Anna Fontcuberta i Morral as the new president of EPFL. The 49-year-old is a professor of materials science and engineering at EPFL in Lausanne. She will succeed Martin Vetterli on 1 January 2025. https://www.admin.ch/gov/en/start/documentation/media-releases.msg-id-100549.html (Source of the original content)
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peashooter85 · 2 years
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An engraved Italian Vetterli Model 1870 bolt action rifle, caliver 10.4mm
from Czerny's International Auction House
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