#vn juliette
VN MC: So, what was your childhood like?
Juliette: Oh, you mean my tragic backstory that you must be at least level 3 friendship to unlock?
VN MC: ...What level am I at?
Juliette: 10. So it all started—
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Lovestruck | Daily Rewards Puzzles | 61-70
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beamycomet · 2 months
You pump out these updates so fast! It's really impressive, but I hope you're doing okay!
I also wanted to ask, considering I found out about Love and Legends (and Lovestruck by extension) like, a week ago: what was the original app like? How many routes were there? Which one's your favorite, and why is it Helena? (/j)
Sorry if these are weird questions, I'm just really interested and curious about this project!
First of all, welcome to Lovestruck! I'm glad that more people are finding and experiencing Lovesruck despite the game being dead for almost 2 years at this point.
Anyway, Lovestruck was probably the most unique visual novel app I have ever played not only because of the app's unique artstyle and charm but also the huge amount of LGBTQ+ representation the app has included during it's run. The stories are played out differently compared to other VN apps as well where the story is completely different depending on the route you choose.
Now I'm not 100% sure how many routes Lovestruck included but I think it's over 70+ routes across 19 different series and you can choose to romance male, female and non-binary characters.
As for my favorite routes, obviously one of them is Helena because the writing for her route is incredible, but some of my other favourite routes in no particular order includes Juliette from Villainous Nights, Xenia from Reigning Passions, Emeril from Sweet Enchantments, Medusa from Astoria Fate's Kiss, Vivienne from Queen of Thieves and Vanessa from Havenfall. There is a few other routes that I enjoy other than the ones that I mentioned, but I'm going to be here forever listing all of them!
If you want to check out some of these routes for yourself, then I strongly recommend checking out the LS Salvation Squad YouTube Channel as they have recordings of every route from the Lovestruck app. Watching a recording of someone playing the game is not the same as actually playing the game for yourself but it's the closest thing we have right now to actually experiencing the app.
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anjanettexcordonia · 1 year
A/N: Welcome to chapter 4 if you’ve stuck around. This chapter has a song that helped me pump this one out. Enjoy. No word count. Please excuse grammatical errors because I’m half assing editing. Sorry. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 4
The Last War-Epic Music VN
Mine. Mine. Mine. That’s all that is going through my head as I hold her close to my chest. Her perky tits pressed against my chest. Mine.
I am taking her home with me. There is no choice. I can not let her go. I know she felt like I did. I know she felt the zap up her arm when our fingers touched. I know she felt the magnetism between us and I know she felt my hard on when I pressed her against me. Hard on all for her. I couldn’t care less about any other woman here. I can’t see them. I can feel their eyes on me. I know I am a mystery. I know they think I am a recluse like my father. They think I am grief stricken and destroyed. Just doing my duty. How wrong they are. I am not a recluse, not even close. I am a very social person. I am known all over the world. I hold many business holdings all over the globe. I chose to study abroad in New York. Until I was summoned home, I lived my life thoroughly and uninhibited. But I’ve always known my duty and never balked against it. I’ve led a life of privilege and gradeuer and now it’s time to honor my father.
And honor my father I will by choosing the first and only woman that I danced with tonight. Taking her home and making her mine in every way imaginable. Mine. I will own her.
“Mind if I grab a glass of water?” Her big blue eyes look up at me. She's nearly a foot shorter than I am. Sweat is beginning to bead across her forward and her chest is heaving. I nod and grab her hand as I pull us from the dance floor. “Fair is over.” I announce it to Bernie, my head of security. Without waiting for response I pull my sweet girl along behind me feeling her stumble in her stilettos but not relenting even a bit. The faster I get her out of her the faster I can satisfy this animalistic need roiling inside of me. A primal urge I can’t control. It's almost a high, I can’t seem to control it.
“Slow down please.” She tugs on my hand but I only grip hers tighter as we get closer to the exit of this charade. The crowd parts like the Red Sea to let us through. People bow as I rush by but I don’t spare them a glance. I can feel her tension growing as the fleet of SUVs comes into sight and my men; they may be the King’s men, but they are my men all the same; flank us from all sides. The door to the coach opens and I pull her in behind me.
“What are you doing? Where are we going?” Juliette’s voice has an edge to it. Her eyes darted all around the vehicle, to the privacy screen and blacked out windows to the chilling champagne and back to me. Her eyes harden. “What’s going on?” The vehicle roars to life and begins to accelerate.
I ignore her.
“Where are you taking me?” I can sense the panic beginning to set in. It only fuels my need for her. Fear me and only me I want to tell her. I don’t of course, I remain silent and stoic. Stoic as all royals.
“I am not getting out of the car.” It’s been twenty fucking minutes of this. Her refusing to get out of the car. My anger rising and rising. I think steam may be billowing out of my ears. “I am going to drag you out of this car and lock you in the dungeon, you have ten seconds.” I can hear Bernie’s snickers behind me. He is going to be locked in the cell next to her if he keeps it up.
“This isn’t my home. Take me home.”
She thinks I’m joking.
“Take me home.”
“Eight. You are home.”
She crosses her arms in defense and huffs out a breath.
Eye Roll.
“Five. I will put you in the dungeon.”
“You don’t have a dungeon.”
I smirk. This is going to be fun.
“Take me home now.”
I take off my jacket and start rolling up the sleeves of my dress shirt.
“One. Last chance.”
Nothing. She thinks I’m bluffing.
I grab her by the ankle before she can pull it further out of reach and yank her out of the car. I throw her across my shoulder. I hold her legs still but she’s beating the shit out of my back. She’s making sure to stay as far north of my ass as possible in this position. That makes me hard. Fuck.
The metal bars slam on the decrepit dungeon door. I’m not sure these doors will even hold her in here. She could probably just kick them down if she tried hard enough. I don’t see that happening. She’s submissive. I can sense it. I will break her and mold her to my will. The key clicked the lock and I turned without a word. She thinks I was bluffing. She will see to never fuck with me. I am a King after all.
Tags: @txemrn @tessa-liam @kingliam2019 @twinkleallnight
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ja-lin · 10 months
Now that I’ve finally released ep6, I can reveal some spoilers on homages/cameos. I think I’ve added as many Lovestruck character homages/cameos as I can from series I’ve read and feel comfortable writing from.
Episode 6 has a giant cameo at a boba shop featuring Juliette, Lorelei, and Andi. As usual, the characters’ names aren’t in-game, but I describe them. I had a lot of fun writing this cameo as choices, Andi is being super gay, Lorelei is ...Lorelei, and Juliette is being nerdy and awkward.
If it wasn’t obvious from the episode 5 Renzei + VN MC cameo, VN is my favorite series.
Episode 6 also has a new background, if you look closely, the skateboards have Lyris, Amara, and Sevastian designs on them. Yes...RP is another one of my favorite series lol...
One of the new characters’ nicknames is inspired by Altea from Love & Legends and also inspired by Nav from Starship Promise.
One of the other new characters is inspired by Renzei’s design and character. With a backstory inspired by Antonio’s route.
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jupitter-argento · 2 years
The true is out there...
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aquagirl1978 · 3 years
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@jupitter-argento @pongo-optima
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bigscooby · 3 years
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I mean you already did in another timeline you thirsty girl 😏😏
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Lmao at Juliette being jealous as hell.
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otomeloversunite · 3 years
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I was reading through Juliette's season 7, and I absolutely loved this heart scene with the team and it only rekindled my love for Zeke, especially when they sprinkle in this
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My man still needs to get a full route HE DESERVES TO HAVE MC LOVE HIM TOO
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violettduchess · 3 years
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For @jupitter-argento @pongo-optima 💛
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kiel-adair · 4 years
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It's ya local bat gremlin in a pan flag burrito
Made this for the Fanhearts Challenge by @lovestruckvoltage and since the theme this month is Pride, i wanted to draw Juliette! :DDDD
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thedemonturnip · 4 years
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As Xenia came out so good... I thought I'd share those as well.
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JK we all know who this lovely lady in the bat armor suit is, it’s Juliette Optima! 
I had only played lovestruck for a couple months when her route announcement came, and at the time I think I had only just started Renzei’s route so I didn’t understand how big a deal it was that she was getting a route, and then when I encountered her character in the other routes, I could see why everyone loved her so much! All the meme references in her route and everyone else’s always make me laugh 😂 I think out of everyone I relate to Juliette the most because I also communicate nearly solely through memes and want to be left alone but I can only wish I had half her computer science skills 
Her suit is a blessing because not only was it not too complex but I only had to use 2 colors (that I didn’t have to custom mix) so sometimes you get small victories like that and this only took me like a half hour which is very short. But it was fun to get to pick which emoticon face I wanted for the helmet, and I decided on the simple smiley face for this meme queen  (◡‿◡✿)
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justeatingramen · 3 years
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ja-lin · 11 months
Sin w/ Me and Villainous Nights are my two favorite series. So, I was thinking...crossover?
- Andi and Onyx would probably flirt with each other. Ranza and Lorelei would arm wrestle? Juliette and Ripley would try to out-pun each other.
- Andi would also fantasize about Ranza’s biceps...cause we know she thinks about Lorelei’s muscles.
- Since Onyx flirted with Quillain in Cal’s route, I assume she’s also going to flirt with Renzei for giggles.
- Andi hanging onto Ranza’s left arm and Lorelei’s right arm and swinging around.
- Onyx having a “oh no everyone’s hot” moment.
- Renzei flirting with Cal, because why not.
- Darius flirting with Lorelei, but rejected. 
- Cal and Duke can be grumpy together at all the chaos happening before their eyes.
- Nahara and Zeke are the only two responsible adults chasing after the MCs.
- Meanwhile the SWM MC is being carried off by demons and Optimus goons are carrying off the VN MC...
Any other ideas what might happen in this crossover? Just wanted to write something relaxing and fun, my brain is frying from editing episode 6 and making sure there’s no plot holes.
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jupitter-argento · 2 years
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One of the best crossover ever
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