#voyance angers
kamenrideryeets · 2 years
Basically, a second Tangle and Whisper miniseries was released, and the antagonist was someone unexpected: Claire Voyance.
Specifically, her from another universe.
Anyway, this Claire was from a universe where instead of Mimic, Whisper had betrayed the team. However, during the fight with the Shadow Androids, seeing Smithy, Slinger and Mimic die, and learning of the betrayal of the one she thought loved her, brought out Claire's inner anger and awakened her psychic potential, increasing her power so she was basically Silver. Telepathy, telekinesis, and for some reason multiversal travel.
For some reason, she headed out into the multiverse, and investigated alternate versions of the Diamond Cutters. Then, to her horror, she discovered that in every universe, one of their own betrays them and gets them killed. Sometimes it's Mimic, sometimes it's Whisper, sometimes it's Claire herself.
Already not in the best place mentally, this revelation made Claire completely lose it and decide that the Diamond Cutters had to be erased from the multiverse in order to end the cycles of pain. And so she went about killing the survivors with her enhanced powers, until finally, she reached the main IDW universe, looking to take Whisper and Mimic down.
Despite it coming from a dream and me having to make some changes to the original for streamlining, I think this would make a really good angst AU. Things like our Whisper insisting that she still loved her Claire, Mimic begging for mercy and probably dying anyway, Tangle being forced to once again save Whisper from her past and keep her from sinning, probably a Whispangle confession that just hurts Claire more. It would be a wild ride.
TL;DR: I had a dream that was basically Tangle and Whisper in the Multiverse of Madness with Claire as Wanda and I will now be passing away.
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Rituel de retour affectif rapide à paris
Faire revenir son ex Rituel de retour affectif à Nantes
Retour rapide de l'être aimé, Marabout sérieux Paris, Retour affectif rapide en 48H
Voyant Africain près de votre position VERNON
Voyant Marabout en France
Le Meilleur Marabout Medium Voyant Africain ROUEN
Le meilleur medium africain Grand voyant marabout GRENOBLE
Le meilleur medium africain BOURGES
Marabout africain argenteuil
retour affectif qui fonctionne magie la plus forte du monde
retour affectif rapide, retour d'affection serieux en Belgique
Retour Affectif - Reconquérir son ex en Martinique
Le grand marabout voyant médium guérisseur africain Maître VOGNON BOSSA pratique toutes sortes de techniques pour aider contre les problèmes de la vie, les charmes et les sortilèges : jalousie, complots, déveine, malchance, chômage, addiction, permis de conduire, argent, promotion sociale, santé, et bien être, relations humaines, notamment, il est expert en magie noire et en chamanisme ancestrale. Maître PAPA VOGNON BOSSA connaît le vaudou.IL conçoit des prières secrètes, des signes de protection, des talismans, des gris-gris ainsi des portefeuilles d'abondance, etc….
Le grand marabout voyant médium guérisseur africain Maître SERIEUX MEDIUM VOYANT PAPA VOGNON BOSSA est au service de l'amour et du bonheur conjugal. Ses travaux d'envoûteurs servent les causes amoureuses grâce à des envoûtements amoureux, des rituels de possession, des rituels chamaniques, des prières spirituelles de fidélité, pour faire revenir votre ex, Obtenir le retour immédiat et définitif de l'être aimé, reconquérir un conjoint infidèle, stopper l'impuissance ou la stérilité, posséder le retour de l'être aimé et le conserver, etc.
Spécialiste de retour affectif, vous souffrez de peines d'amour, une personne que vous aimez ne partage pas vos sentiments ou vous aimeriez qu'un être aimé revienne vers vous ? Sachez que quelques soient vos besoins, il est possible de forcer le destin très facilement sans avoir à mettre qui que ce soit en dangers.
Maître PAPA VOGNON BOSSA, grand marabout voyant médium guérisseur africain, spécialiste du retour immédiat et définitif de l'être aimé.
Un grand marabout voyant médium capable de résoudre tous vos problèmes même les cas les plus désespérés et inquiétant : amour, chance, travail, aide d'entreprise, impuissance sexuelle, commerce, abandon d'alcool et de tabac, fécondité, entente familiale, examen, attraction clientèle, timidité, protection, désenvoûtement, envoûtement, rencontre et mariage rapide.
Ne restez plus dans l'impasse face à vos problèmes Contactez vite Maître SERIEUX MEDIUM VOYANT PAPA VOGNON BOSSA.
Travail par déplacement possible a la demande ou par correspondance.
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KitTy Flower Cards Fan Fic - I have loved you & you haven’t known it (last Chapter)
KitTy fan fic based on Kit and Ty’s flower cards (art by Cassandra Jean), to celebrate the release of Ty’s latest flower card. I alternate between Kit and Ty’s POV.
If you prefer reading it on AO3 or if you have missed the previous chapters, Link is here. AO3 Link - Am I forgotten?
Following Chapter is the last: Chapter 9 - I have loved you & you haven’t known it.
Kit was staring, frozen in shock, as Ty crumpled to the floor and curled up against the wall, his hands covering his head, his forehead resting against his knees. His knuckle was bloody and red streams were running down his hand, his forearm. He didn’t seem aware of it. He started rocking back and forth.
‘Ty… let me see your hand,” Kit said gently. All the anger had left his body.
Ty must not have heard – or cared – because he replied, in a muffled voice. “Why won’t you let me… be there for you? What- What else can I do to… to be there for you?”
Kit took a sharp intake of breath as realization dawned on him.
“It wasn’t Anush, was it? He was only helping you. You were calling the shots. I know it now. All the intelligence we received from the Scholomance over these past two years… All the missions you picked… everything, all of it. It was all about… me ? You did all of this for me ?”
Ty didn’t answer. He was caught up in his own world, rocking restlessly. His hands were now fluttering above his head like butterflies, sending specks of blood everywhere.
“Why, Ty? Why? You haven’t tried to contact me once. You never wrote me a single letter. Hell, I was one phone call away. But nothing. You left me with nothing, all these years. I thought you had forgotten me completely. Every night I lay in my bed and asked myself. Am I forgotten ?”
“I thought YOU KNEW!” Ty cried. He lifted his gaze then, and Kit saw that silver tears were streaming down his cheeks.
“I thought you knew,” Ty whispered again, in a softer voice. He wiped his tears with shaking fingers, leaving smears of blood on his cheeks.
Kit was desperate. He couldn’t stand there and do nothing while Ty was having a breakdown. Worst of all knowing he was having a breakdown because of him.
He wanted to hold Ty, the way he had done on the London Institute’s roof. The way he had done in the nightclub. To hold him tight and never let go. But would Ty welcome his touch? Or would he push him away?
“Knew what, Ty? Knew WHAT?”
“I thought you knew… that all these years… I loved you. But it seems as though…” It was as if the dam gates had been opened, and water kept pouring out of his eyes. “It seems as though…”  His shoulders were shaking now, with deep shuddering sobs. “I have loved you and you haven’t known it.”
For a moment, Kit just stood there, stunned.
The sight of Ty’s crumpled figure, the sight of his wet cheeks, the sight of his bloodied hand, acted like an electric shock, bringing Kit back to his senses. He fell on his knees, before Ty. He put his arms around him and held on tight, using all his strength. He knew he was using too much strength. Much more than anyone would use in any affectionate embrace. But he also knew that this was exactly what Ty needed.
“You… love me?” He whispered in Ty’s hair.
Ty let out a deep sigh and relaxed against him, laying his forehead on Kit’s shoulder. “How could you not know?” Ty’s voice was barely a whisper, Kit was not sure if he had heard or imagined it.
“Ty,” he said. “All these years… I loved you, too. This is the reason I left. I loved you then, and I love you now. I have never stopped.”
Ty whimpered. “I thought… you hated me,” he whispered. Kit’s shirt was already drenched in salted water.
“Ty, I could never hate you… Let me see your hand now.”
Kit took Ty’s hand with gentle fingers, as if he were holding the most fragile and precious thing in the world and started drawing an Iratze with his stele. “Do you remember?” he said. “You were the first one to give me a healing Rune. It was my first Rune.”
“Of course, I remember.”
Ty lifted his free hand and traced the Voyance Rune on the back of Kit’s right hand, with a feathery touch of his long, calloused fingers. Kit shuddered.
“When I thought I could never have you, I held on to the fact that wherever you would go, whatever you would do, there would always be something to remind you of me… And even if you never spoke to me again, even if you had forgotten me completely, I was selfish enough to think that at least I would have been the first one to… mark you in some way. To mark you as mine.”
“Ty…” Kit said. “Look at what you did for me all these years. You are one of the most selfless people I know.”
Kit released Ty’s hand to bring his own hands on either side of Ty’s face, cupping his wet cheeks, drying away tears and blood with a gentle stroke of his thumbs.
“And I am yours. I always have been.” Kit sighed. “From the first moment I lay eyes on you. You had me completely. And God knows there is nothing I could do – nothing anyone could do, not even you – to change that. But why didn’t you tell me, Ty? All these years I thought you didn’t care…”
“I wrote you a letter a few weeks ago.”
“I didn’t receive anything.”
“Because I never got to send it. I was so angry when I wrote it. It’s probably better this way.”
“Can I- Can I read it someday?”
“You can read it now,” Ty said. He reached for a pocket in his jacket and winced. Kit wanted to offer help but Ty had already retrieved a folded piece of paper. It was stained and wrinkled as if it had been folded and unfolded several times.
He handed the letter to Kit, who opened it with shaking fingers.
Dear Kit,
I am not good with words, but trust that I am at telling the truth.
I have no excuse for acting as I did three years ago, but I beg you to consider my youth.
I dream every night of words you said, wishing you had not taken them back,
When you told me you wished you had not known me, I swear I felt my heart crack.
You think I only care about myself, but how could this ever be true,
When my every thought, my every breath and my whispered words are only for you.
When an idea comes to my mind, it feels empty if not sparked by you.
When a mystery is finally solved, victory is bitter if not shared with you.
When I witness something funny, my laughter dies like a flame without air to nurture it too.
When my eyes behold something beautiful, its shine is lost if I cannot show it to you.
How can you accuse me of being selfish when you disappear all of a sudden without a clue,
Leaving me to figure out on my own the words I Love You.
When you tore yourself away from me, my chest felt as if it had been cut through,
Leaving me only with my reflection to speak the words of my heart to.
Kit could barely see through the tears that were now freely rolling from his eyes, so he closed them and bent to press his forehead against Ty, whispering over and over three simple words that would heal both their hearts. I love you. I love you. I love you.
Tagging @arangiajoan @nenyx @naerysthelonesome @adoravel-fenomeno @unorganisedbookshelf @blindbandit1515 @whyhastgodfarsakenme @noah-herondale-lightwood @georgiaherondale @nicotheangel17 @joonjxne @that-dreamer-girl-m @mariiaarranz @writeforjordelia @shadowfae1878 @majollica-blog @mferraz @darkkitai @justanothermultifandomgirl @kitty-appreciation-week @gabtapia
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imlaxdris71 · 4 years
OUAT Shadowhunters AU
Okay so this is a bit of a beast and I’m so sorry for how long it is. But this is the basic outlines of each character I thought of, although I may not include all of them in the story. I’m also still tweaking some ideas, but here’s how I kinda sorted everyone out. I want to work on a snippet, but it is very late so this is what I have! I hope you guys enjoy my late night rambling. @teamhook @kmomof4 @ultraluckycatnd @stahlop @therealstartraveller776
Killian Jones: Fae/Shadowhunter (26)
Killian is the second son of Alycia of the Fae Court and Brennan Jones, making him a Fae/Shadowhunter hybrid. He is extremely skilled with seraph blades and throwing daggers. His two most prominent runes are Calm Anger and Courage in Combat. Killian’s fae heritage means that he is seen as less than other Shadowhunters and has had to work twice as hard as other Shadowhunters to prove his worth. However, he is disturbed by the discrimination that downworlders face and often finds himself among downworld company. His best friend was David Nolan, but when they were nineteen, David was bitten by a werewolf and exiled from Misthaven. Killian was dating the werewolf Milah, but she was killed in a raid a few years previously and Killian has been investigating her death ever since.
Liam Jones: Fae/Shadowhunter (30)
Liam is the oldest of the Jones brothers and also a hybrid like his brother. Liam’s choice of weapon is a seraph blade, but he is also quite skilled with the stave, making him deadly at both range and up-close. His most prominent rune is the Angelic Power rune because, unlike his brother, Liam cleaves closer to his angelic heritage than his fae heritage. He works hard to make himself the perfect Shadowhunter so that the Clave doesn’t doubt his loyalty. He worries incessantly after his younger brothers and is slow to believe Killian’s theory that there is something rotten in the Clave. He is not overly fond of Emma at first, but is very interested in her young Warlock friend, Elsa.
William “Lee” Jones (Liam 2.0) (20)
Lee is the youngest of the Jones brothers and the result of his father’s second marriage Anne Whitlock. He is a full Shadowhunter, but still very much aware of the shadow that hangs over his older brothers. Lee is very talented with the crossbow and prefers to be able to analyze a fight before getting involved. However, he is as hot-headed as his brothers and his most prominent rune is Accuracy. He works alongside his brothers to stop whatever Gold is planning.
Will Scarlet (25)
Will is a good friend of the Jones brothers and parabatai to Robin Locksley. He prefers seraph daggers and his most prominent rune is Stealth. Will enjoys hanging around downworld bars and his quickly falling head over heels for the head of the vampire coven, Belle French.
Robin Locksley (30)
Robin and Liam are best friends, but Robin chose to form a parabatai bond with the young Will Scarlet because for all Will’s recklessness, he’s a good, passionate fighter and he needs someone with Robin’s head to watch out for him. Robin prefers the bow and his most prominent rune is Flexibility. Robin is in love with fellow Shadowhunter Regina, but Cora doesn’t think Robin has the right background to marry her daughter. 
Regina Mills (28)
Regina is a particularly talented Shadowhunter that prefers the electrum whip and her most prominent rune is her Angelic Power rune. She believes that she is superior, mostly because of the way Cora raised her. Born to one of the “original” families, Regina doesn’t think much of the discrimination that downworlders face, but agrees to investigate what is happening in the hopes that her mother will allow her to marry Robin. 
Robert Gold (52)
Gold is the Inquisitor and is known for doling out harsh punishments to downworlders and Shadowhunter sympathizers. He has been attempting to ruin Killian for years and sees downworlders as scum to be eliminated. Gold has teamed up with Cora Mills and Peter Pan to destroy the downworld and raise a new, pure order from the ashes. Gold orchestrates many of the murders and tries to pass laws that would place stricter regulations on downworlders. They would also forbid the Jones brothers from being Shadowhunters. His most prominent rune is the Power rune.
Cora Mills (50)
Cora is a skilled Shadowhunter that specializes in the electrum whip like her daughter. However, she also has impressive rune work with her most prominent rune being her Voyance rune. Cora believes downworlders to be a scourge and is working to eradicate them along with Gold and Pan. Cora had a daughter at 18 when she slept with a demon for fun. She cast Zelena aside and instead married into the high-class Mills family through Henry Mills. She has raised Regina to follow in her footsteps and does not approve of the lowly Robin.
Emma Swan (200+)
Emma is the High Warlock of Misthaven and takes great pride in protecting her downworld community from threats, both from demons and from the Clave. She is extremely skilled in defensive magic and her warlock mark comes in the form of white, shining stripes and glowing eyes. Emma is the current ward for a young warlock Henry and they have a mother-son relationship, especially since they share the same demonic parent. Emma first comes across Killian in the club she owns that he frequent, but their first official meeting comes when a young warlock is murdered and Killian comes to ask her about him. From then on, the two of them work closely together to solve the murders and they begin to develop feelings for each other. 
Henry Swan (12)
A young Warlock who was taken in by Emma when his birth mother abandoned him, Henry and Emma share the same demonic parent. Henry has similar stripes to Emma, although his are red, and he has small fangs. Henry is an excitable kid that doesn’t quite understand the discrimination the downworld faces. Emma is extremely protective of him. 
Zelena West (32)
A young Warlock, Zelena is the illegitimate child of Cora Mills, who had an affair with a demon, but cast the child off. Zelena’s angelic heritage makes her particularly powerful, but her bitterness at Shadowhunters makes her a nasty opponent. She works with Pan and Arthur in the hopes that they will double-cross Gold and take over. Her warlock mark is her green skin and she specializes in potions.
Elsa and Anna Fross (182, 178)
Elsa and Anna Fross are sisters born to the same mother. Their mother was part of a brooding den that was broken up by Shadowhunters. They saw the horrible things their mother experienced and hold kinder feelings than most Warlocks towards Shadowhunters. Elsa has a particular talent for water and ice magic and her warlock mark is her white hair and two horns. Elsa has begun to fall in love with Liam Jones and worries about what that might mean. Anna has less magical talent than her sister, but can also manipulate water, although she uses it for healing mostly. Anna’s warlock mark is the same horns as her sister, but she also has a white tail instead of white hair.
Snow White (30)
Snow is the Alpha of the Misthaven pack, along with her mate, David. Snow is a born werewolf and her wolf form has white fur, which is what earned her her name. She is well-respected among the downworld community and rules with a fair and firm hand. Her acceptance of David was much contested at the time, but he quickly proved to be an asset. She and David have a son named Leo, who is still a little puppy. She and Emma are good friends.
David Nolan (26)
David was once a shadowhunter who was bitten by a rogue werewolf during a mission gone wrong. He was close with the Jones family and didn’t much mind their half-fae heritage, especially since he was mocked for being from a lower-class Shadowhunter family. David met Snow’s pack after he turned and fell in love with the Alpha. David still keeps in contact with Killian, but it is sometimes difficult as Killian is closely monitored. David’s wolf form is russet and sandy-brown. His most prominent rune was Fortitude.
Ruby and Granny Lucas (29, 80)
Ruby and Granny Lucas are both born werewolves that run in Snow’s pack. Ruby is Snow’s Beta and Granny often advises Snow on difficult political matters. They two women are incredibly loyal, but have a severe distrust of Shadowhunters, especially since Ruby’s mother was killed by Shadowhunters when they declared her rogue. Ruby is a dark brown and black wolf while Granny is silver. They are both trained fighters, although Granny usually runs the restaurant, Lupus Diner, which is a front for the werewolves. 
Graham Humbert (31)
Graham was a human cop who was bitten by a werewolf and joined Snow’s pack. He is mated to Ruby Lucas and still works as a police officer. He is in charge of investigating the human connections to the Shadow World murders. He doesn’t really trust Shadowhunters, but doesn’t have quite the same hate for them as others. He is a brown and gray wolf.
Milah Auro (33)
Milah was a werewolf in the Misthaven pack and dating Killian, although their relationship was kept secret for obvious reasons. However, she was murdered by Pan and it was made to look like a Shadowhunter attack on a rogue werewolf. Milah’s death prompts Killian to pull away from the Clave and begin investigating Gold. Milah was a pretty black wolf.
Belle French (124)
Belle French is the leader of the Misthaven coven of vampires and an old friend of Emma’s. The two aren’t incredibly close, but they respect each other and will come to each other’s aid. Belle keeps her coven on a tight leash and does not wish to give Shadowhunters an inch when it comes to coven business. She has worked hard to change the vampiric image and the recent killings disturb her. Belle’s true love is her library, but the snarky Will Scarlet is beginning to turn her head, something that hasn’t happened in decades. She and Snow have a fairly amicable agreement between the vampires and werewolves.
Arthur Pendragon (600+)
Arthur is a very old vampire that remembers the times when downworlders weren’t beholden to the Accords and wishes to return to that time. He is working with Pan and Zelena to double-cross Gold and bring down the Clave, restoring downworlders to their place as predators. 
Victor Whale (107)
Whale is a vampire that was turned during World War II when he was serving as a doctor in Europe. Whale is in charge of getting blood shipments for Belle’s coven and mostly just wants to keep practicing medicine. He has found a few effective treatments for wounds dealt by Shadowhunter weapons or demon ichor.
Archie Hopper (300+)
An old vampire that often gives counsel to younger vampires and coven leaders. He is an oddly peaceful vampire who works as a therapist on the side. He is good friends with Emma and Belle.
Fair Folk
Tinkerbelle (Unknown)
A member of the Faerie Queen’s court, Tinkerbelle is a scout that often works with the Shadowhunters to bring murderers to justice. She is also the one who brings Pan’s plans to the attention of the Shadowhunters, but she doesn’t really trust them. She works mostly with Killian because Alycia was her friend and she trusts her sons. Tink is particularly deadly with a dagger.
Alycia (Unknown)
Alycia is a handmaiden to the Queen and a particularly trusted scout. She fell in love with Brennan and had two sons with him, but was forced to return to Court. She has little contact with her sons, but tries to let them know how much she loves them and how proud of them she is. Alycia has a son, Jefferson, from a previous relationship with a human.
Ashla, Aurora, and Philip (Unknown)
Fae knights that want to unite the Shadow World so they work with Jefferson and the Jones brothers.
Jefferson (73)
Jefferson is a relatively young Fae who chose to leave the human world behind and accept the immortality offered by the Fae Court. He serves as diplomat and knight to the Queen and wishes to get to know his younger brothers better. 
Peter Pan (Unknown)
Pan wants to rid the world of Shadowhunter influence and teams up with Gold to bring the Shadow World to the brink of war. He murders Milah and organizes the murder of both Shadowhunter and downworlder alike so that he can double-cross Gold and overthrow the Clave. 
So Gold wants to destroy all downworlders; he enlists the help of Peter Pan to sow discord in the downworld and Cora to spread hate rhetoric. He particularly targets the Jones brothers, and Killian because he has friends in the downworld, his supposed to be parabatai was turned, and he has a wolf lover. Pan kills Milah, but makes it look like a Shadowhunter attack. While investigating her death, Killian comes across several cases of what looks like shadowhunter-on-downworlder crime and downworlder-on-shadowhunter crime. Tensions are rising and the brothers are in the middle. They team up with the downworld and work to bring Gold’s horrible plans to light.
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“This is one of my favorite places.” Mark sank down onto the sand, leaning back on his hands. “The Institute and the highway are hidden and the whole worlds goes away. It’s just you and the desert.”
She sat down beside him. The sand was still warm from the sunlight it has absorbed during the day. She dug her toes in, glad she’d worn sandals. “Is this where you used to do your thinking?”
He didn’t answer. He seemed to have become absorbed in looking at his own hands; they were scarred lightly all over, calloused like any Shadowhunter’s, his Voyance time stark on his right hand.
“It’s all right,” she said. “It’s all right for you not to be able to stand the iron, or inside spaces, or closed rooms or the sight of the ocean or anything at all. Your sister just died. There is nothing you could feel that would be wrong.”
His chest hitched with an uneven breath. “What if I told you— if I told you that I am grieving for my sister, but since I five years ago decided she was dead, that all my family was dead, that I have already grieved her in a way? That my grief is different than the grief of the rest of my family, and therefore I cannot talk to them about it? I lost her and then I gained her and lost her again. It is more as if the having of her was a brief dream.”
“It might be that it is easier to think of it that way,” she said. “When I lost Jaime— though it is not the same—but when he disappeared, and our friendship ended, I grieved for him despite my anger, and then I began to wonder sometimes if perhaps I had dreamed him. No one else spoke of him, and I thought perhaps he had never existed.” She drew up her knees, locking her arms around them. “And then I came here, and no one knew him at all, and it was even more as if he had never been.”
Mark was looking at her now. He was silver and white in the moonlight and so beautiful to her that her heart broke a little. “He was your best friend.”
“He was going to be my parabatai.”
“So you did not just lose him,” Mark said. “You lost that Cristina. The one with a parabatai.”
“And you have lost that Mark,” she said. “The one who was Livia’s brother.”
|Queen of Air and Darkness pp. 131-132
Grief and loss can have so many shapes.
Linette & KJM
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jessamine--lovelace · 6 years
Can you do the prompt “Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry” für Malec oder Haline. Thank you.
I wanted to celebrate, not cry…
Honestly I don’t see Magnus or Alec crying, because they are not the crying type. The only situation in which I see Magnus crying is after Alec dies soooo NO Malec with this prompt.
‘‘Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see you cry”- Helen & Aline
When she wakes up to an empty bed, Aline knows it’s one of those days. She covers her face with her palms, preparing herself for the hard day. She gets up from the bed and heads to the kitchen. Her wife is sitting at the table, starring through the window, her mind miles away from this cold and lonely place where her only joy is being with her wife. Aline sits in front of her, knowing too well that Helen is not alright. It is the same every year. Mark’s birthday has been a hard day in the last few years while they were isolated on the freezing cold Wrangel Island. Aline inspected her wife’s face. Helen’s eyes were cold like the snow falling from the sky, one of her hands covering her lips and the other one placed on the table, the dark Voyance rune contrasting with her pale skin. 
Aline doesn’t say anything, waiting for Helen to speak. She doesn’t have to wait too long though. Helen sighs, not moving her gaze from the window and whispers “I miss them so much” 
Aline reaches for her hand over the table. “I know, baby. I know.” She says, squeezing Helen’s hand. Helen’s expression is something Aline hopes to never see again; her eyes are full of so much pain and anger that Aline’s heart hurts. 
“I can’t… I just can’t do this anymore, Aline. I hate this so much…’’ Helen’s voice breaks and tears start to roll over her cheeks. Aline stands up and moves to Helen. She wraps her arms around her wife, holding her together, trying to shield her from the cruel world they are living in. 
Aline knows she can’t help Helen; her pain is something she can’t protect her from. She is helpless in this situation and she hates to be helpless. She hates the Clave for punishing Helen for who she is. She hates that they left Mark with the Wild Hunt and that now Helen is hurting because of this. She knows Helen is blaming herself because she is not there for her younger siblings and she can’t stop the tears rolling over her face while her wife is crying in her arms. 
Helen feels her shaking and looks into her eyes. She tries to wipe away the tears from Aline’s cheeks with her thumbs. ‘’Please don’t cry, baby. I can’t stand to see you cry.’’ she whispers, her voice shaking. 
Aline looks at her wife and shakes her head. “I can’t stand to see you cry either.” She cups Helen’s cheek with her hand and she can feel her lips shaking as she whispers “I love you!’’ And she hugs Helen tight as she starts crying again. Missing her brothers and sisters and wishing she could be with them now. 
I know it’s short… hope you like it tho. 
 I am a lazy bitch and I don’t proof read sooo Sorry for any mistakes!
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plurcspopulus-a · 7 years
[ kai has several runes over his body. his angelic power rune is on his left shoulder. he has a healing ( iratze ) rune on his left forearm. he had his parabatai rune over his heart but once nathan was killed it faded. when that happened he got a mourning rune on the left side of his neck. Kai also has calm anger on the right side of his abdomen. He has the deflect/block run on his right collar bone. He has the voyance rune on the back of his right hand. He always makes sure his footwear/bare feet have the soundless rune drawn onto them. He has an agility rune on his left collar bone. And just before missions he draws flexibility, heightened speed, and stamina runes on himself if they’d faded before he’s gone out again ( or when he feels he’d need them ). He has a fortitude rune on the inside of his right tricep. He has night vision/nyx on the back of his neck. He has a tracking mark on the back of his left hand. There’s a farsighted rune on the inside of his right forearm. ]
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Undone || Malec
Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/569889032-undone-malec-four
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/14520396/chapters/33701745
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"Clary, don't." Isabelle sighed as the four of them walked towards Sebastian's apartment. Max watched the interaction curiously.
"No, I knew there was something off about Sebastian- or Jonathon. I should never had second guessed myself." Clary stated in frustration.
"He would have found his way into our lives one way or another. The only thing that matters now is taking Jonathon and Valentine out." Jace spoke up beside Max. Max stayed quiet, he knew they wouldn't find Jonathon but still felt something was off as they approached the apartment building. With Isabelle taking the lead as leader of the mission, she sprinted up the stairs to the front door. Max watched, impressed, as his aunt kicked the door open with frustrated force, staff at the ready. Max, Clary and Jace provided backup, scoping the room for any threat.
"Jonathon!" Isabelle shouted in warning. They turned to see the slumped figure of Sebastian at the table, Max immediately felt his blood heat up as he noticed the demonic energy in the room. That was definitely not Jonathon.
"Turn around and face us." Jace commanded. Max's fingers tightened on his blade, watching the body's every movement. He could sense the demon lurking under the surface but knew he couldn't say anything without solid evidence. He swallowed his warnings, trusting that his family could handle the surprise.
"Where's Valentine?" Isabelle asked coldly. The blond shadowhunter didn't respond and Max watched the confusion on his aunt and uncle's face. Jace relaxed his stance whilst Clary's stiffened, clearly dealing with the uncertainty in different ways. Isabelle stepped closer, staff inching closer to the body and turning the chair to face them. Max's nose wrinkled in disgust at the blackened edges of the Shadowhunter's mouth and the dead expression on his face.
"What, did Valentine kill him?" Clary asked in disbelief, staring at the black veins in shock.
Isabelle sighed in disappointment. "He's been dead for days."
"Tortured first." Max felt a shiver go down his spine at Jace's words. His family really had gone through some dark times. "This was the real Sebastian Verlac." Jace explained and went to close the Shadowhunter's eyes out of respect. Clary looked stricken and Max stood aimlessly, wishing to give comfort but not able to. "Ave atque vale." Jace recited.
"Hail and farewell." Max, Clary and Isabelle chimed in to give the Shadowhunter a respectful passing. However this seemed to trigger the demon as Max noticed the body start to twitch and shake.
"Jace!" Clary warned as Sebastian's eyes flew open and he shrieked. Jace immediately went into action, swinging his seraph blade. The demon moved quickly though and clung to the ceiling.
"It's a possessing demon." Jace supplied and Clary grit her teeth.
"The same kind that murdered my mum." Max felt anger for his family and threw a seraph dagger that lodged into the demon's throat. It screamed and slid down the wall.
"Then we know how to kill it." Isabelle concluded harshly and used his whip to drag the demon close enough for Jace to finish it off with his seraph blade. The demon burned through the angelic properties and evaporated into a black and amber cloud. "We'll make them pay for what they did to you." Isabelle promised Sebastian.
"We're going to make them pay for everything." Clary corrected with conviction. Max hated seeing his regularly-smiling aunt have such a vicious expression. He hoped they'd resolve things soon so they could start to heal.
"Nice response time." Jace praised to the youngest Shadowhunter. Max smiled weakly and felt guilty considering he could have responded sooner.
"Let's report back to Alec and start tracking Jonathon and Valentine." Isabelle sighed.
"Have you notified the Verlac family yet?" Rafael heard Imogen Herondale's strict response to the news. He was surprised that they'd let him in on the conversation. Max was filling out their mission report so they could discuss the matter at hand.
"Penhallow's daughter, Aline, delivered the message in person, Madame Inquisitor." Alec explained.
"Defiling the body of a fallen soldier and turning it into a booby trap is sadly part of the course for Valentine isn't it?" Imogen replied bitterly.
"The possessing Demon wouldn't have done this on its own. The trap could only have been set using the mortal cup to command it." Alec deducted and Rafael felt anger and anxiety flare in his stomach - he and his brother really had dropped slap bang into the middle of the mortal war. Just hearing the mortal instruments' names made a shiver go down his spine.
"So he had it all along."
"Our intel shows he is also in possession of the mortal sword." Alec added.
"Do you have any good news for me today, Mr Lightwood?" Imogen asked exasperatedly.
"Valentine and Jonathon believe that the New York institute is in possession of the mortal mirror. He won't leave the city without it." Alec reported.
"Thank the angel that at least he wasn't able to find that." Rafael detected the slightly sarcastic tone, but couldn't help agree with the woman. The situation was pretty dire.
"We were. Clary?" Alec prompted.
"My connection with the angel led us to it. It's in Idris. The mirror is Lake Lynn.
"That's the very same water that Raziel first rose from. Who else knows about this?" The inquisitor demanded. Alec's eyes flickered to Rafael but quickly looked back.
"Unfortunately the number of people we can trust is getting smaller by the day. We thought it best to tell you first." Jace explained, turning to look at Rafael with a slight glare. Clearly it was a warning and he didn't wish to share this information with him. Although Rafael couldn't necessarily blame him given the circumstances, he still contemplated how the loving uncle he knew could have been such an ass. Jace turned his attention back to the screen. "We'd like to officially request soldiers for the guard to be placed in the surrounding woods around the lake. It may be only a matter of time before Valentine realises he's been had."
"I'll speak to consul Malachi about deployment at once. Good hunting." Came the inquisitor's reply and Rafael grit his teeth at the traitor's name. He wished he could protest but knew he'd be put under suspicion with that kind of knowledge.
"So what do we do now?" Jace asked quietly, stalking away from the others and eyeing Rafael out the corner of his eye.
"There's only 9 million people in the metro area. How hard can it be to find two?" Clary's sarcasm was dripping from every word. Alec only rolled his eyes in response.
"The job is too big to go alone. We need to ask for help." Alec sighed.
"From who Alec?" Jace asked.
Alec stood, "from everyone." He said firmly. Jace nodded in understanding before glancing at Rafael once again.
"Are you sure he should have been in on the meeting?" He voiced and Rafael internally groaned. Young Jace was hard work.
"I give you my word I'll keep this confidential." Rafael replied calmly.
"Your word means nothing until you can live up to it." He snapped.
"Jace." Clary sighed.
"I trust him Jace." Alec explained and Rafael gave his father a grateful smile.
"On what grounds Alec? A gut feeling? What about Jonathon?" Jace stressed.
"Look." Rafael interrupted firmly. "Valentine attacked and tortured my family. My best friend is a downworlder and so are some of my family. My little brother is in the next room in the middle of this mess and I'm terrified for his safety. I will do everything in my power to help you take the bastard down. I will not let him harm anyone I love again." Rafael snapped with conviction. Jace and the others went quiet. Jace searched the others expression and let out a defeated sigh.
"You better be right. Just know that if something goes wrong, I'll be investigating you first." Jace warned. Rafael sighed but nodded anyway, glad that he was able to co-operate.
"You have downworlder's in your family?" Clary asked curiously. "You seem a lot more progressive that the majority of Shadowhunters I've met." She explained, ignoring the annoyed look on Jace's face.
"My aunt is dating a vampire and I grew up with a warlock. She's my best friend and I'd do anything to protect them. I'm not saying I don't have reservations as a warlock experimented on my brother before my parents adopted him. I don't let that overrule my general opinion on downworlders though." Rafael explained, getting as close to the truth as possible.
"Poor Max, is he ok?" Clary asked and both Lightwood brother's jerked when they heard the name - still not used to the similarities.
"He's good now, a little anxious here and there but a strong warrior." Rafael confirmed. Clary smiled kindly and Rafael was happy to see her usual self shine through.
"Right, well, I'm going to contact the downworld leaders." Alec stated and gestured for everyone to get ready.
"How's the report going?" Rafael asked and sat beside his brother.
"Horribly. I hate this bit, why did I offer?" Max complained.
"Because you're a good person and they had important matters to attend to." Rafael smiled.
"What happened?" He asked curiously.
"If they ask, be adamant I didn't tell you because I'm trying to keep their trust. They've discovered the location of the mirror and are going to contact papa and the other downworld leaders." Rafael informed, making sure no one overheard them. Max nodded, remembering the story.
"Guess you'll finally meet who you're named after, huh?" Max smiled sadly and Rafael's eyes widened in realisation.
"Oh yeah, Raphael Santiago is still the Clan leader of New York." He mused.
"Good luck with that. I'm going to submit this report and get some more sleep, my magic still isn't back to full pow." Max sighed, thumb tracing the voyance rune on the back of his hand.
"You do that, I've got to stick by dad and give him updates. I'll see you later?" Rafael offered, guilty that they were being separated again. Max gave a small smile and a nod before walking away. Rafael's attention turned to Alec, Isabelle, Clary and Jace as they entered the ops centre. Rafael grabbed the tablet he'd been given and joined them.
"Ready?" He asked cautiously.
"As we'll ever be." Isabelle sighed, flipping her hair over her shoulder and taking the lead to the meeting room. As the five of them made their appearance, Rafael assessed the scene. His heart spiked when he saw his papa standing tall and defiant, looking flawless as per usual. He tore his gaze away and spotted Madzie's mentor, Lucien Greymark, leader of the New York pack on the right. In the middle, Rafael's eyes narrowed on the Seelie Queen, feeling resentment build. He'd met her in his own time and they hadn't seen eye to eye. She was selfish and cruel and reluctant to compromise. Finally his gaze shifted to the vampire in the room and studied the man who was also raised by his father. Raphael Santiago sat poised in his chair, skin pale and eyes sharp on the Shadowhunters that entered the room. Rafael could sense the potential authority in the man and felt a sadness for his future and the rocky relationship between him and his papa that follows.
"Where oh where is Simon?" The Queen asked with an innocent expression and Rafael cringed, remembering her obsession with his uncle.
"Your highness." Clary addressed, expression sour. "What an un-pleasant surprise." Rafael nearly snickered at Alec's exasperated expression.
"Oh now, I'm she didn't mean to-" He tried to amend but Jace jumped right in, ruining the chances of reparation.
"No offence Alec but I agree with Clary. Your majesty." Jace addressed and cross his arms with a sneer, "this another one of your little games?"
"The institute called an emergency meeting of the downworld council." The Queen replied and Clary frowned at her. "I speak on behalf of the downworld." Rafael immediately noticed his father's eyes flick to Magnus whose head was held high and defiant in his gaze.
"Magnus is this true?" Alec asked and Rafael felt his stomach sink at the tension between them. He hated how they were apart when they both so clearly loved the other. Magnus didn't reply and the Queen spoke for him.
"Henceforth when you need anything from the downworld, you shall address me Mr Lightwood. Such is the nature of our new agreement." She explained with a smug air. Rafael wanted to punch her teeth in. Sensing the hostility, the Queen's eyes flicked to him, eyebrow twitching. However her attention was divided when Alec addressed her once again.
"Your highness. Valentine believes the institute has the mortal mirror. He's not going to leave the city without it. I would like the downworld's help in locating him." Alec tried to settle diplomatically.
"In order to capture him so that he might escape once again." She shot back.
"In order to execute him, so that his threat may finally end." Alec relied just as confidently.
"Why should we believe you?"
Alec inhaled, "I understand why you might doubt my intentions." He looked pointedly at Magnus and Rafael tried to conceal the smile at his father's pettiness. "After what happened with the soul sword, and for that I am sorry. But I founded this council to make things more transparent between the downworld and the clave."
"And how has that been going?" The Seelie Queen asked with an un-impressed tone.
"It's been a bit of a working progress." Alec nearly snapped. Rafael again tried to conceal his smile at Magnus' expression, he was ridiculous. His parents could be so dramatic when they wanted to be.
The Queen let out a disappointed sigh and stood. "For far too long, the downworld has depended on the clave and your institute to protect us from men like Valentine. It's time we learnt our lesson and started fighting for ourselves." She said with finality.
"We can't do this alone. Valentine is a threat to all of us." Alec tried to reason and the other downworld leaders looked like they wanted to help him.
"The answer Shadowhunters, is no." The Seelie Queen said firmly. "Come along." She beckoned to Magnus and her knights, seeing no reason to waste her breath on them any longer. Rafael glared with the others as she started to leave and felt exasperated at his father's willingness to follow her. He could be gullible sometimes. Rafael stiffened as the Queen paused by his side, looking him up and down before casting a glance at Alec. "You're certainly a long way from home." She smirked and Rafael's teeth clenched.
"Indeed I am your majesty." Rafael replied smoothly. He knew the Seelies were talented with dimension magic, she could probably sense he was out of his time.
"You are certainly a curious being. Do come visit me before you ... find your way back." She winked and Rafael held back his shudder of revulsion. She continued on, his papa at her heels.
"Do you know her?" Isabelle asked curiously.
"Of her, she's not to be trusted." Rafael spat quietly, vaguely aware of her allies still sitting at the table. Rafael watched as Jace and Alec went to greet Luke before walking him out. Rafael hung back a little as Isabelle approached the vampire.
"Shouldn't you be waking up every vamp in the city to start hunting?" Isabelle asked with a little hostility.
"I texted Eloise to start spreading the word. We'll search every tunnel, sewer, dark corner that we can, till the sun sets." Isabelle nodded. "That's the best we can do. I'd be mroe than happy to join them, but Magnus was kinda my ride." Rafael nearly face-palmed at his father's ridiculousness. He was so caught up in his own problems and now he forgot to give his vampire friend who was like a son, a ride home. Despite the frustration, Rafael couldn't help the small smile that reached his lips due to the dramatics.
"Yeah, I was surprised he would leave you behind like that." Isabelle breathed with a little mirth.
"You and me both." Rafael retorted in his head.
"He's got bigger things on his mind right now. He's been through a lot lately. We all have." The vampire explained wisely and Rafael felt a surge of affection for the man's understanding. He clearly cared a lot about his stupid warlock father. He understood. There was a moment of tension between the two and Rafael remembered that Isabelle and Raphael had had a thing of sorts and tried not to feel uncomfortable about. Besides the thought of Clary and Simon together was more disgusting.
"I'm truly sorry. For everything. Our worlds turning against each other, it's, it's not quite how I pictured how our paths would cross again." Raphael admitted, Rafael felt like he was invading on a private moment and took the opportunity to retreat. He'd seen enough to respect the man he was named after and would remember him fondly. He retreated to the ops centre to help his father re-think his strategy.
He saw Max shifting uncomfortably in the corner and decided to check up on him first. "What's wrong?" Max sighed.
"I still can't access my usual amount of magic. Going through the portal took a lot out of me and I need my full strength if those hounds show up." Max whispered. Rafael stopped to think for a moment, his brother was correct. Despite not wanting to put all his eggs in one basket, his brother's magic was the only hope at defeating them.
"The warlocks are gathering at papa's loft. If you glamour your runes and show your warlock features instead you may get away with it. I'm sure Magnus won't be unreasonable in giving you a rejuvenation elixir if you say you've been attacked by demons. Father would never exploit someone's weakness for gain." Rafael suggested.
"But how do I sneak out?" Max hissed.
"I'll cover for you." Rafael smiled and went to find Alec
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