#what he does to marina??. how he treated her??? how he treat Eloise????
rainybraindays · 2 months
So I haven't read Eloises book because of a mixture of thinking the concept was boring andbeing a lesbian Eloise truther, but I just fell down a rabbit hole and holy shit Phillip is a terrible person?? Like i thought he was boring from the way people who like him talk about him, but oh my god???
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dollypopup · 14 days
"Colin should have grovelled more!" "Penelope folded too easily"
I think statements like this typically come from people who like Penelope. . .but don't really understand her. And don't really understand just why she cares for Colin, and just why him groveling would not in any way bring her peace.
Penelope and Colin are kindred spirits in their loneliness, in season 3 more than any others. Penelope had lost her friendship with Eloise, and Colin didn't really have a close friend circle to begin with. Except with Pen. Pen was the person he could put the mask down for, could open up to, (in particular with their 'dreams' discussion) and that's why he couldn't even entertain the idea of giving up talking to her in Season 2. She is a vital part of his life, and holds so much significance and importance to him.
I imagine that's what made their silence over his travels especially painful for him. They spent such a long time talking after Season 1, and he even informs her that her letters were so encouraging, that it helped him heal something inside of himself. That if she could see him in a gentle way. . .so could he. (And he repays this, because he is honest to god out here acting and looking at her like she hung the moon in the sky). But without her presence in his life, he spiraled. Didn't feel confident in being who he is, and thus put on his persona more firmly. We know this because he wrote in his journal that "I want to be less needy, less insecure, while still maintaining the core of my vulnerability that makes me who I am". That he misses his family, that he misses home.
And we know, from the books, that Home? Home is Penelope. Penelope is his North Star, is his guiding force, and who I argue he feels he needs. In his very first scene, he looks toward her house, tries to find her in the window. When he does not, he returns to his family. In the outdoor gathering, he looks for her and finds her, eager to talk. He states aloud that he misses her, and I imagine he wrote it, too. Not hearing back from her over the course of his travels was surely something that hurt him, but he doesn't hold any ill will toward her for it, only wants to reconnect again. In fact, the one and only time he brings up how he misses her and that she didn't respond, she makes very clear the reason why: she heard what he said and it hurt her. And he's ashamed of it.
Colin hears her call him cruel, and instead of ruffling his feathers about it, instead of getting upset, instead of having a chip on his shoulder as I feel so many men would about it. . .he understands why she does so.
Penelope is a woman who has been largely treated poorly in her society. She feels unheard, she feels undesired, and in her circumstances, and I can't help but ask myself. . .has anyone ever truly apologized to Penelope for hurting her, before? Her mother? Her sisters? Eloise, likely, but. . .anyone else? And the way Colin did? Because of all the characters in the show, Colin? Colin knows how to apologize. He has a lot of practice in it. And very importantly: Colin, a man of privilege in his society, apologizes. . .predominately to women. To Marina, to his mother, and multiple times to Penelope.
Ultimately, Penelope wants to be heard, Penelope wants to be understood, Penelope wants to feel desired.
And Colin checks every single one of those boxes. He informs he is not who he was before, and then he proves it to her. He hears that he hurt her, and he comments on it directly. An entire night apart, and he comes back to her 'Because I embarrass you' with 'I am most certainly not ashamed of you', replies to her 'I am a laughingstock' with 'you are clever, and warm, and I am proud to call you my good friend'. He hears her proclaim her own insecurities, and empathizes so deeply with her. He listens. He understands. He makes clear that he cares for her, and that she *is* desired. 'You lift my spirits' 'I seek you out at every social assembly'. That she helps him see the world in ways he loves, that he sees HER and how much she has cared for HIM, that she makes him feel appreciated, that he appreciates her, in turn.
And then? Then? He shows her. He tells her, and he shows her. His actions all throughout Season 3 reinforce this apology. He continues looking for her in every corner of every ballroom, he continues complimenting her, he laughs at her jokes and respects her boundaries, he is ever so gentle with her, he listens to her with an attentiveness that no one else has ever given her. To Lady Whistledown? Sure. But to Penelope? Who else in the entirety of that ton has listened to Penelope the way Colin has?
Absolutely no one.
Penelope Featherington ghosts Colin Bridgerton for months with no explanation, and Colin comes back wanting to reach out to her, and she finally tells him why.
And he apologizes. Because he listens. Really, truly listens. And really truly cares.
I need you to understand how rare that is, even nowadays, but especially back then. That Colin is the kind of man who can put his hurt to the side and realize he made a mistake, that he said something callous, and he adores her, and he can't lose her, and he has to see her and make it right.
Because that's why Penelope fell for Colin. Not because he's beautiful, not for his charm, not for his family. But for his heart. Because he shows her kindness in a world that so often disregards her. Because he seeks her out and tries to understand her, truly hears what she has to say and compliments her, says he's sorry and looks at things from her perspective.
Because he saw her when she was invisible.
Penelope Featherington, who grew up in a house that made cruel jabs at her, has Colin Bridgerton come to her and say he regrets what he said, and that he was wrong, and that he understands why she's mad at him. Penelope Featherington who has so rarely had much of anyone tell her that they're sorry for what they said about her, sits before Colin Bridgerton as he professes how much she means to him. That he cannot even spend a full day away from her knowing they're on bad terms with each other without making it right. That he sees how she is hurting and he has to in any way he can amend it. She is lonely, with no one really in her corner at the start of season 3, and she feels like she lost it all, and Colin comes to her and says 'no, I'm here and I appreciate you and you are special to me, please let me in and let me prove it'. Is it any wonder why after she shakes his hand, she stands in the sun, and she feels the warmth of it, she can smile? That she can breathe, again? That she can be truly content for the first time in the season?
Because Penelope Featherington does not want Colin to beg. She knows him. She knows the tender, full heart he hides behind the new cavalier persona. She knows the soft underbelly of Colin Bridgerton.
He never had to grovel. All he had to do was love her. Assuredly. Fervently. Loudly. Unapologetically.
And he does.
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watercolor-wings · 16 days
I think Penelope writing about herself is going to be the saving grace of part 2. I've never read the books (and don't really intend to) but people who have say that Marina and the Eloise/Theo things weren't a part of the books, and I think those things amongst others have heavily influenced how Colin sees Lady Whistledown. Obviously he didn't like her writing about him this season, but I think to him it's more that he's protective of those he loves, and he finds it "beastly" the things she writes. When he finds out who she is, he wants to bring her down, as anyone would when the ones you love are hurt by gossip. I think it'll also help them that he's seen more of Penelope's anger this season at the way the ton treats her. In the past she's just been sweet Pen who's quiet and doesn't get courted. She's just his friend who's...there. This season, not only is he starting to see her in a romantic and sexual light (and good god his downstairs brain was thinking thoughts some of those scenes after their kiss), he's getting a glimpse behind the curtain. She's not the girl next door best friend anymore. She's the fiery love that does not deserve to be the laughingstock of the ton simply because of her family, the fact that she does not fit conventional standards, and the fact that they have pushed her to the fringes for so long that she does not know how to find a husband if she wanted one. She gets angry, she tells him to stop mocking her when he's sincere, she's trying to come off the wall and is beaten back each time by rumors and judgement, and he sees that. Lady Whistledown writes about her, and "it would be suspicious if she did not." Penelope's self confidence has never been stellar, but when she wrote about herself I think that's what she truly believed in that moment.
I think that when Colin finds out, it's certainly not going to be pretty and it will take time for them to work it out, but I think that the fact that he's seen Penelope's anger this season, he's seen how hard she's trying, and he's seen that she'll write about herself too will help them out in the end. I've been back and forth about Penelope during the show, but I liked this season because it really does show that Whistledown was born out of a desire to get away from her family and is Penelope's way of expressing that vicious Featherington streak that's been festering as the ton ostracizes her more and more. I hope Colin sees that after the growth they've both experienced to get to this point. I'm really excited to see how it goes down and gets handled in part 2.
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stephsbridgerton · 4 days
My take on how the Lady Whistledown reveal between Pen and Colin could go in s3p2!
TW: Angst
Let me know if you want a second (smutty) chapter in the comments!
Thanks to @barbiewritesstuff for betaing!
Check this story out on Ao3!
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Pen was breathless by the time they made it to what she assumed was Colin’s room. Her panic did not allow for her to take much of it in as she turned to face him in the soft light of the moon.
“Colin,” she said, her voice breaking on a sob,”I-”
His eyes were icy and his voice hard, as he cut her off,  “How could you? How could you expose Eloise? Marina?” 
Penelope closed her eyes, taking a breath, her answer surprised even herself, “Because I love you, I’ve loved you from the first day we met. You fell off your horse and even though you were covered in mud, you laughed. You showed me kindness when others would have been cruel.” 
“Pen-” he started, confusion and shock painted his features. 
“Please,” she replied, her voice rough and broken, her eyes pleading with him to let her explain. 
At his silence she continued speaking, “Marina was using you, when my mother found out she was pregnant they decided to trick a young man into marriage and hoped that he wouldn’t notice when the baby came early. I tried - I did everything I could think of. I - I couldn’t let them use you Colin…” she trailed off as she broke down in sobs, hugging her arms to her chest. 
Warm arms enveloped her in a tight hug, “Shhhh,” he breathed into the top of her head, “It’s okay Pen, I-” Colin let out a shuddering breath, “I didn’t realize how far her scheming went.” 
Taking a deep, gasping breath, Pen nodded, trying to calm herself enough to continue, once she had quieted her crying, Colin prompted her again, “What about Eloise? Does this have to do with your apparent falling out?”
A lone tear fell on to her reddened cheek, her heart breaking as she continued to lay her sins bare to him, “She had drawn the attention of the Queen. She thought El was Whistledown, she threatened to ruin your family. I knew that if what El was doing was printed, the Queen would leave your family alone. I didn’t want to publish it, and I published a tame version of the events at that, but I did it to protect your family.”
With that she stayed silent, the occasional hiccuping breath escaping the confines of her lips as a steady stream of tears flowed down her face. She couldn’t bring herself to look up at him, especially with the next statement that left her lips, her voice nothing but a pained whisper, “I would understand if you felt differently now. If you travel for a year I’m sure the scandal would die off, I won’t pose a threat to your future.”
She felt his grip loosen as he pulled away from her slightly, “Pen,” he whispered, as he lifted her chin with a finger, their gaze connecting as he made a confession of his own, “I love you, I’m sorry it took me so long to see it, to see you. I would be a fool to let you go. Let me protect you, as you have protected my family and I.”
The shock of his confession found Penelope on the verge of sobbing again, but the quivering of her lip was put to a stop as Colin crashed his mouth down on to hers, their kiss all consuming, sealing their fate together. 
Colin broke away first, “Pen if I had known, I -” 
“Shhh,” she said, placing her finger on his lips to silence him, “It is alright,” she said with a sad smile.
He brought a hand up to pull hers from his mouth, “No, it is the farthest from alright,” he said, his hold on her getting just a bit tighter than before, “God, you were protecting me, and Eloise, and look how we have treated you. Hell, up until ten minutes ago I was ready to dance on Lady Whistledown’s grave.” 
“You didn’t know,” she said, “I couldn’t tell you, I had to protect you, and El, if the Queen finds out who I am, everyone we know will be threatened. Colin, are you certain you still want to marry me?”
Pen’s heart stopped as his look turned almost dark before she felt his hands shift lower, from her waist to her bum, and she let out a surprised squeal as Colin picked her up with ease, her legs wrapping around his trim waist on instinct and her hands clutching at the back of his neck. 
“You are my dearest friend, and fierce protector, there is nothing that will keep me from marrying you now,” he said, his voice deep and heady, “I only wish I had plucked up the courage to tell you I was interested in you as more than just a friend sooner, much sooner” he ended in a whisper, his lips seeking hers out passionately.  
Footsteps in the hallway brought their embrace to a stand still, Colin’s grip on her vice-like as they both held their breath, the footsteps fading down the hall until they were left in silence once again. 
Colin quickly put her down on her own feet once more, “Forgive me Pen, I should not have- You are too precious to me for me to treat you this way, now and in the carriage, I am a gentleman, I should-” 
Pen gripped his collar with her fingers and pulled him down into a softer, slower kiss, “I find I am not sorry in the least,” she said, a smirk finding its way onto her face. 
Puffing out a laugh, Colin’s gaze fell from her lips to her breasts, and on down. She felt his hands shift on her waist, turning her until her back was tucked tightly against his front and she could feel the hard planes of his body against her feminine softness. Penelope’s breath caught in her throat as she saw them standing in the mirror. 
Colin’s hands framing her hips, his lips pink and slightly swollen from their passionate kissing, how tall his frame was in comparison to her own. While Pen wasn’t one to be caught admiring herself in the mirror, she couldn’t keep her eyes from taking in her own flushed cheeks and chest, how her lips looked slightly puffy and darker than usual, and how dark her irises had become in the face of their passion. 
She continued to watch as Colin traced a finger from her ear, down her neck and across her shoulder, to the strap of her dress, the roughness of his voice surprising her, “I do believe we have some unfinished business, Pen.”
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lovelyo · 1 month
Live in Reality: You Would Not Want a Friend Like Penelope
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I can’t with people talking bout Cressida is meaner than Penelope or that Cressida is a bully and Eloise is a bad person for befriending Cressida. The difference is Cressida is upfront with her mean girl attitude. She isn’t two-faced and would let you know upfront that she doesn’t fuck with you, totally opposite from Penelope who would write the muddiest of shit about you behind your back and feel absolutely no remorse, while on top of that gaslighting into believing she’s the victim.
Unless you’re a masochist, who would want a friend who smiles in your face but has secretly been resenting you and your family for years, has been tricking and lying to you for years; the friend has been disrespecting your family behind your back, gaslights you, is jealous of you every waking moment, always singing the same “woe is me, life is unfair” song to you but accuses you of being a bad friend, betrays your trust, thinking that hurting you even is a viable option, throws you under the bus to save their own neck and tries to manipulate it as they were trying to “help” or “save” you.
Anyone with a well-adjusted mind who has a friend or who sees a love one have a friend such as that will immediately take the action of cutting them off, despite any history, despite the memories, we would clearly think that a friend as toxic as that is not a good friend or rather a good person to be around.
So why does the individual who has been dealt with such a friend has to apologize or accept the toxic’s friend past and current bullshit. Does it make sense that that individual who has been treated like that by the toxic friend apologize to the toxic friend?
That’s y’all’ logic when it comes to Eloise and Penelope.
When you holler your chewbacca war cry in defense of Penelope, you are rooting for that toxic friend I have explained earlier knowing damn well that if someone like that was in your life or in the life of someone you deeply care for, you would NOT be associating with them or advise others not to.
But Eloise mustn’t be upset and must accept Pen’s hollow apology despite all the things that she has objectively done because…🤷🏾‍♂️ we’re not allowed to be mad at the plus size character cause she’s plus size, that’s the reason people are mainly giving me.
Who cares about size? A toxic person is A TOXIC PERSON: short, tall, small, curvy, a person’s character isn’t defined or should be given a free pass because of their appearance. That’s what you guys are doing with Penelope and it’s insane dawg 😭. You can’t attack people for focusing on her size when YOU FOCUS ON IT! I hope people noticed that, Penelope defenders always bringing up fatphobia and the girl’s size while the Pen critics don’t mention are size at all.
P.S. Given from the spoilers, Pen apologizes to Eloise about the betrayal and being LW but goes back to the same schtick, talking shit bout her brother so ask yourself how genuine she really was
P.S.S Even Colin thinks what LW did was wicked and unnecessary, especially since in season 2 he said if Marina had told him bout the pregnancy, he would’ve still went with the marriage. Plus his sister got dunked on….but hooray for Penelope getting a HEA and being a part of a family she disparages.
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why are so shitty with pen, she is the only plus size woman in this show!!! LIKE SIMONE IS THE ONLY WOC, its disgusting
Being plus size shouldn't prevent her from being criticized for her bad actions. She wrote and wrote about people, criticizes them, but cries scandal when one tells her it's not ok.
If i am criticizing her, it's not because of her weight. No one should be. It's because what she did was shitty, and how she treats others is wrong.
In the books, the articles are a report of things that are happening. They do not ruin lives, and book Penelope criticizes herself as much as she does the others. But it's more about the clothes they wear, the musical performances... trivial things. They are here to describe what is happening. She does not call out the queen as show Penelope does. In the show, they are simply ruinous and meant to influence, to insult people for entertainment. Like when she called Kate a beast.
I like book Penelope. Book Penelope is sweet, proud of her work, caring and can be witty. I hated how the show handled the scène when Colin says he won't marry Penelope. In the book, his brothers are the one pushing him behind closed doors, and she overhears, then is discovered. Here, she has quite the gracious moment when she ridicules these words, and is supported by Anthony. And the show... well, handled it as if Colin was broadcasting Penelope's indesirability in public space, and here we should say, poor poor Penelope? Poor writing mostly, to try to make people empathize with her.
Show Penelope, the more the seasons go, is rash, hypocritical, lacks questioning over her actions, complains about not getting attention, put the blame on others and use what she knows for her own interest. She doesn't want Colin to marry Marina? She makes it impossible by ruining the girl completely to the eyes of everyone. She throws Eloise under the bus in order not to get suspected.
And this, I find it disgusting. Personally, I can't root for her. But it's my own opinion, I do not ask you to have the same.
Also, what's that thing about Simone??
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becky5203 · 18 days
Something I find really interesting about Colin as a character, and something I think a lot of people miss about him and his character arc, is his place within his sibling’s birth order. He is the third born boy in a family of 8 children with three sisters between him and his brother 7 years younger than him. He has a unique position within his family in that he is sandwiched between his two older brothers who are closer in age to each other than they are to him and the first born girl of his family who is only a year younger than him, and because of this he falls into this category where he is considered a “baby of the family” despite actually only being the third oldest. You can see it in the way his family acts towards him and talks to and about him. They love him dearly but they don’t respect him as the adult man he is. He wants to grow up and mature and be seen as someone other than as a young boy within his family but he just doesn't know how because his family doesn't treat him like it and they don't expect him to.
It's even been mentioned in interviews that he struggles with being a third son in a world where all you need is "an heir and a spare". He doesn't know where to fit in. Unlike Benedict and Anthony, he was still a child when he lost his father, leaving him feeling somewhat stunted, I think. Anthony was expected to become the head of the family and Benedict was probably expected to take on more responsibility as well, but Colin seemingly became a mama's boy who his mother would lean on and would try to bring cheer and joy to his family in their time of grief. Colin, Eloise, and Franchesca all seem to have their own unique brand of "middle child syndrome", and they deal with it in different ways. El is the second girl, she's not the first to enter the marriage mart but she knows its an inevitability for her, and she's terrified. She, like Colin, wants to find her place in the world, but she does this by being as outspoken and definitive about her life as possible. Franny is also scared but she hides away from it all, trying her hardest to blend into the background. Colin, however, is just lost and drifting. Not being truly seen, not being truly heard despite trying to.
It's brought up in season 1 how Anthony sees him compared to Daphne, who, again, is only a year younger than him, but because she is the eldest girl, and is the first responsible for marrying into another family instead of providing for her own, she is expected to grow up and leave as soon as she can while Colin is expected to take his time, "sow his wild oats", and put aside the notions of leaving his family and starting his own for many years. But he doesn't want to, he wants to grow up, be "taken seriously" as he put it, and find a purpose for his life. He thinks he can do this by getting married and starting a family because he just saw Daphne do it, but Daphne had something he didn't: Love. In season 2, he deals with that fallout by looking anywhere and everywhere for purpose and answers. Trying to ask who really sees him, how he should've handled the Marina situation better, what is his purpose. His hero complex leads him to protecting Penelope and her family, not even realizing that by doing this he's protecting the one who holds his heart, and he has found his purpose, and for a short time he feels fulfilled. But then he's off traveling again, and when he returns he is seemingly overcompensating for how he still hasn't found his purpose by pushing his sensitivity and emotions down, becoming even more flirty and charming to the women of the ton but not making any serious attachments and overall avoiding who he really is. He's putting on a facade because he thinks that's the way he'll finally learn how to grow up. He's been traveling the world to find his purpose only he hasn't realized yet that it's been right across the street this entire time.
While I have my own problems with the idea of the "Bridgerton glow up" within the fandom, that is probably deserving of its own post, I do think that even his costuming throughout the show reflects this characterization. In season 1, he is boyish and sweet looking, still young, naive, and finding his way in the world before his heart is broken. In season 2, he comes back more grown up looking, but in a way so drastic and different to the previous season that it comes off seemingly forced and ill fitting to him and his own style. From what we've seen of season 3, he SEEMS to have finally captured a style, look, and personality that is right for him. But it almost seems too perfect, TOO 'grown up', again, like he's trying to force a change he hasn't fully felt in himself yet.
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Season 3 of Bridgerton
An analysis of part 1 and theories of part 2
To say this season has been long awaited would be an understatement and I am proud to say that from what I have seen it has met expectations with some lovely surprises.
While it was well known that this was to be Colin and Penelope’s season I did not expect to see Francesca fall in love this season let alone become the diamond. For those who read the books we never got to meet her first husband and to get this chance in the show is quite interesting and I wish to see more of this relationship as it progresses against the Queen’s wishes.
It was also a welcome sunrise to see Lady Violet potentially finding love after such a long time since her husband’s passing. She is certainly one who has seen many hardships and deserves to find love again.
Meanwhile, Colin has returned from his adventures in such a roguish fashion and while he was certainly charming I have found myself more captivated by Lord Debling. Perhaps it is his acting skills or how the writers presented him but he is truly a fascinating character when he is on screen. He is also the first suitor to treat Penelope with any sort of respect when courting her which was a welcome change. That is not to say Colin wasn’t kind to her but it was from friendship rather than romantic interest until near the end of part 1 of Season 3 when he finally faced his feelings.
Penelope had also redeemed herself this season beyond the cruel actions of Lady Whistledown which I found was handled very well. However while I found myself wishing for her to marry Lord Deblin that quickly changed when she silently admitted to not loving him. Out of all the characters Penelope is certainly one who deserves a love match this season.
But what I found most surprising was the turn around for Lady Cressida. Through her friendship with Eloise we were allowed to see a new side of her. While she does have some of her old habits of bullying Penelope (and I do wish for an explanation for that) I don’t not wish for her father to marry her off to the highest bidder. Even Lady Cressida does not deserve to be married off like cattle to the slaughter.
However, with part 2 set to release June 13th I am hoping for the best for all of our favorite characters I do wish to see Lady Cressida married to Lord Deblin. Their match seems to be the most agreeable after everything that has happened to both of them and she genuinely shows interest without another suitor she is secretly in love with.
With so many plots, romances, and much more I wonder if season four will follow the formula of season 3 and have not only Benedict finding his love in our yet to be seen Cinderella at the masquerade (much like in the books) but include Eloise and her romance with Sir Phillip Crane. However that will mean that Marina will be gone. Of course that depends if the writers chose to continue with that romance plot.
I know some fans of the show are sensitive to Marina’s situation however it is something that we should not be afraid to discuss. She is a lovely character and her actress was phenomenal in the show but for those who read the books it is heartbreaking knowing what the future may hold. One that I am unsure if the writers on the show will be comfortable working with. But we will never know until season 4.
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shewhotellsstories · 10 months
It’s crazy ironic how you go on and on about how “Penelope stans call Eloise a white feminist/criticise her/etc to bring up their fav (Penelope)” when literally all u do is criticise Penelope as a half baked attempt at defending Eloise.
Let me be clear - I am not a Penelope fan. I do not like her, and I fully agree with your criticisms of her. That said, it’s ridiculous how pretty much ur only method of responding to Eloise crit is by bringing up things Penelope has done. Like, they are two different people. Penelope’s bad behaviour does not in fact have any bearing on how Eloise should be examined.
And all this while constantly complaining about the same damn thing u urself are doing ??? Insane levels of hypocrisy honestly
You know, I went a good chunk of the summer without getting any obnoxious anon messages. But all good things must come to an end, and of course, the peace would end over Regency Era Perez Hilton. So let's get into this anon.
If you've read my blog you'll see that my issues with Penelope Featherington pre-date her falling out with Eloise. I've said I think she punches down quite a lot. I've said I find it wildly unethical that her stans call what she does "reporting" because reporters have ethics, editors, a responsibility to fact-check, and ways of being held accountable if/when we get something wrong. When you're hiding behind a pseudonym and printing whispers and rumors as fact, with no way of verifying if it's truth that's just not happening. Additionally, at the end of season one after the reveal I posted that I didn't think Penelope's hurt feelings over an unrequited crush were as serious as the threat facing Marina as an unmarried pregnant girl (google fallen women, they tend not to live long). I don't think that Colin deserved to be tricked, but given the alternatives of a lifetime of poverty or being married off to a creep twice your age who approaches an engagement the same way a person purchases a horse, I understand why the desperate 17-year-old pursued the boy her own age who she knew would at least treat her well. Not only that, but I said I found it gross that she was smiling in Marina's face while having exposed her secret in the cruelest way possible.
Here's another Eloise-free critique of Penelope, she's the worst kind of mean girl, the kind with a victim complex who wants to do nasty things while still being seen as an angel who can do no wrong. Do you want another criticism of Penelope that has nothing to do with Eloise? I think it's icky that she mocked Kate for being a spinster and called one of the few Indian women on this show a beast. I heard that was in the books too, but fun fact, Black and brown people being compared to or flat-out called animals has a racist history and present. Despite the "Penelope woman of the working class people" song and dance, I pointed out that she's trying to stay in Madame Delacroix’s good graces because she can blow the whistle on her.
I've said, it annoys me that people behave as if Penelope's crush being unrequited is a terrible hardship that justifies all her misdeeds, when Colin has never been cruel to her about romantic feelings he doesn't know are there. Contrary to Penelope stans version of history he hasn't tried to lead her on or hurt her, he treats her like a friend and nothing more. In Queen Charlotte, I said it was a dick move to needle the Queen about her lack of heirs during her granddaughter's funeral.
Now, you're saying that I only use Eloise to criticize Penelope, but not only is that untrue it's devoid of context. I only started comparing Eloise and Penelope because after their falling out Penelope's stans started saying that Eloise was a privileged white feminist as a reason that Penelope's actions weren't wrong and why she had no right to feel betrayed. Eloise's feminism is flawed, there's a lot she hasn't considered because she's been sheltered. ICYMI, I pointed out that she failed to understand that due to their class differences, Theo was in more danger than she was because he didn't have a rich family nor the protection that comes with her surname. I even agreed with Theo getting frustrated with her because due to class he is vulnerable in a way she is not. Furthermore, when Penelope stans say Eloise is an entitled white feminist it's not really about what Eloise has done, it's said in service of absolving Penelope of any wrongdoing. I've pointed out that it's said as if in comparison Penelope is Audre Lorde and hasn't been almost as privileged as Eloise up until her father died.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Who acts like more of an entitled white feminist. The girl who is ignorant or the girl slut shaming other women and notably hurting women of color for her own selfish gain? Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony would be proud. Sure, it's despicable that they used racism to gain support for women's suffrage and threw Fredrick Douglas under the bus, still wanting voting rights is less selfish than wanting the high and financial gain that comes with running an anonymous burn book.
Call me a hypocrite if you want but I've got the receipts to show I started criticizing Penelope way before she fell out with Eloise. And frankly, it's hypocritical of you not to realize that my Eloise and Penelope comparisons are a response to the "Eloise crit" that are just thinly layered Penelope apologism and revisionist history.
Have the day you deserve anon.
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lizardrosen · 14 days
@glintglimmergleam the play that's near and dear to my heart and very hard to cast with eight bridgertons is king lear, partly because so many of the characters would suit multiple siblings, mostly because i can count twelve fairly important characters - lear, kent, gloucester, three lear daughters, two duke husbands, two gloucester sons, oswald, and the fool - which. oof, that's a lot to distribute!
as i've discussed, i would love to see cordelia, the fool, and edmund all played by the same person, though i'm flexible on edmund. if we're going just by Type, daphne would be the obvious cordelia, but would honestly rock it as goneril, so as with ophelia, eloise is going to steal the role. is this also because i desperately want to see eloise as edmund? obviously. i was going to have her battle it out with benedict, but my own triple casting convinced me
daphne is goneril, francesca is regan, and they each play each other's husbands (albany and cornwall). in the first scene when everyone's together they link arms and have their hands wear little hats. daphne getting to play the oldest sister who has to lock all her emotions down tight because she cannot afford to make a slip and the guy who pulls out someone's eye is beautiful to me; and francesca is both the husband who's afraid to make a move for fear of disrupting the extremely delicate political balance and the woman who will literally kill the servant who just stabbed her husband. i am gnawing on the parallels between these two marriages like a chew toy at all times.
that's seven characters handled by three actors, now for the rest!
at the beginning of the play edgar is the exact character profile you'd expect colin to play - legitimate, trusting, unobjectionable - but then he gets forced out of his home by edmund's maneuvering and is forced into a radical transformation, pretending to be a madman who calls himself poor tom, speaking in riddles and hiding knives under his pillow, and then he slowly comes out the other side, saving his blinded father from throwing himself off a cliff and from a guy paid to kill him, and watching him die anyway. but he finally returns to civilization and successfully challenges his brother, and is one of the last characters left standing!
do we think he can do it? more importantly does his family think he can do it? before everything happened with marina thompson and he conveniently took his Grand Tour, i don't think even colin would think he's up to the role, but after his travels, getting to know himself better, he gets a new set to his shoulders and thinks about how he can be better than he is. and then the additional journey of playing edgar makes him think differently about the things and people he's taken for granted and he begins to treat penelope like a person.
now, there's another character in this play who gets banished from his home and comes back in disguise, and that's kent. everything he does is driven by loyalty to his king; sometimes that means telling the king who he loves "thou dost evil", and sometimes that means returning to his side even though being revealed would mean his death. he's a fascinating character, and i really want to see anthony play him, with a balance of duty and protectiveness - impulsive anger when lear is attacked, but good humor when he's threatened.
so that means benedict gets to be king lear! sorry, gregory and hyacinth, but this is a challenging role, and even benedict can get wiped out by the end of rehearsals, because the old man has so many conflicting emotions and impulses At All Times. benedict is goofy and patient, but damn, he can be scary in the scenes where lear is cursing his daughters and possibly threatening to throw furniture at them (violet and anthony both veto the actual throwing of furniture). but what really makes lear tick as a character is that he can see his mental health deteriorating and can't figure out how to stop it, so he's terrified of it, and benedict taps into that very well. he also kicks ass in the scenes where lear remembers that other people exist and that the world has been unfair and he helped make it that way.
gregory is oswald, goneril's steward and designated punching bag of the play - kent beats him up twice, he gets caught in a power play between the two sisters, he tries to kill gloucester for a reward and gets killed by edgar and then buried ignominiously by the side of the road. he's a fun role with lots of opportunity for physical comedy, which fits in with what we've been giving him in other plays!
and hyacinth is gloucester. i don't have much justification for this one, but i do think it's funny for the youngest kid to play the father of two of her older siblings (plus she was a really good horatio to anthony's hamlet, so there's precedent). she really plays up the earnest and well-meaning side of him but doesn't shy away from the ways he's a sort of terrible dad. maybe while edgar is leading gloucester around colin gives her a piggyback ride, that would actually be adorable!
there are sundry other characters - burgundy and france, lear's soldiers, curran (edmund's informant), the servant who kills cornwall, an old man who helps gloucester, the captain who hangs cordelia and makes it look like an accident, etc but most of those people don't show up in more than one scene, so they can figure it out themselves
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quotergirl19 · 1 year
Perhaps while Marcus Anderson catches the eye of Violet Bridgerton and she’s distracted by his charisma and charm, Eloise will somehow become friendly with Lord Debling and possibly be surprised to find a titled gentleman who treats her like more than a silly debutant and more like an equal, will she end up rejecting his proposal by the end of the season? Meanwhile the handsome gentleman Harry Dankworth is Penelope’s desired match.
Maybe Colin knows Harry well enough that he tells Penelope about him & she decides to focus on being whatever Harry likes and wants in a bride. She begins dressing better and exuding more confidence and it works because she seriously catches his interest. Much like Penelope was forced to sit on the sidelines as Colin courted Marina, Colin will watch the two grow closer, hating the way Penelope isn’t quite able to be herself because she’s determined to be what Harry wants to convince him to marry her.
But just when Penelope is closer than ever to securing her match, Colin discovers her secret and uses it as an excuse to marry her because he doesn’t trust that Harry would stand by Penelope and protect her if her secret was revealed. Penelope is reluctant because she knows Colin doesn’t desire her, but he surprises her with a kiss that grows intense and she agrees… they embrace their passion for each other as they plan their wedding and grow closer than ever.
Colin is undeniably smitten and for Penelope her betrothal and Colin’s eager attention is a dream come true, but before they have a chance to confess their feelings someone is spreading cruel lies about Penelope trapping Colin which the ton believe and the two are at odds over how to handle the situation because Colin does not want Penelope to write Whistledown any more since she’s grown more popular which puts her at greater risk of being noticed and for her secret to be discovered.
The rest of the season Polin are searching for clues as to who is the source of the rumors. Is it a jealous Cressida, an angry Eloise, a spurned Harry or is someone simply trying to force Lady Whistledown out of retirement to set the record straight… perhaps her Majesty has been missing her favorite gossip writer’s musings. Only time will tell.
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spartazia-blog · 11 months
Listening vs Obeying
Something I’ve been mulling over since seeing another round of discussion about Penelope and her choices specifically around the Marina and her children and Eloise LW publications is the notion of listening to someone vs obeying them. When we talk to people or provide advice, what is our expectation and goal in doing so? Are we helping and being a sounding board or are we trying to give marching orders? And, at the end of it, do we respect that ultimate decision maker in someone’s life is and should be them?
I ask because a common theme I see pop up is the idea that Pen “had” to resort to Whistledown because “no one listens to her.” But is that true? Did they really just close their ears and go “lalala” when she spoke to them? Or, is it that she was heard but she just wasn’t *obeyed*? And why do so many Penelope stans seem to have this absolute conviction that if she expresses something to someone or gives them advice, she is entitled to unquestioning compliance?
Colin listened to her about Marina loving someone else before him, he just didn’t go along with what she wanted him to do which was be horrified and cast Marina aside. In fact, he quite maturely expresses that it would hypocritical of him to do so given that he also has a past with other women. That’s really cool of him! It shows that he’s a solid and reasonable man who doesn’t judge others against a bar he wouldn’t use for himself.
Eloise listened to Penelope about she concerns (which Penelope was mostly lying about to outright gaslighting Eloise with to keep from getting caught as LW. Not to mention the hypocrisy over lecturing Eloise about going to ‘bad parts of town unchaperoned’ while Penelope was doing the exact same thing), Eloise just decided that her conversations and friendship with Theo along with expanding her mind at the rallies she was attending were worth the risk. Which, again, very cool. No matter how people try to spin Eloise as some selfish asshole, her pushing back against the box the patriarchal society she exists in and wanting to reach beyond the arbitrary barriers of class and gender placed on her is very brave and admirable.
Even Marina listened to Penelope about her objections to the Colin plan but was in desperate straits after Portia (whom the fandom never seems to want to blame for her part in that whole debacle or who does get to be applauded for doing whatever she needs for her children…hmmm…qWHITE interesting that point) locked her away, put the fear of God into her, and tried to sell her to a man who INSPECTED MARINA’S TEETH, so forged ahead. Marina’s choices are definitely murky and unfair to Colin but the idea that she was doing anything for some sort of diabolical and cruel reason and not out of desperation and fear driven by the terrible way society would treat her and, more importantly, her innocent children, is just not borne out by the narrative. And anyone trying to claim otherwise is not someone I can take seriously. Marina’s first choice being her children should be more admired than Portia’s choices but somehow, Marina is a villain while Portia is “complicated and flawed.” I cannot talk about Marina without wanting to wrap her in blankets and protect her from both the fandom and what I fear the show has in store for her. I admit this bias freely.
Penelope is never fully honest with people and then, when they don’t follow her marching orders on how she thinks they should operate, she goes nuclear and takes their choices away from them. Penelope is not the god of the people in her life’s lives. She is not *entitled* to being obeyed (even if you think she is 100% in the right when giving advice, this is still the case). People have their own minds, their own free will, and the right to make their own decisions and mistakes. Penelope needs to learn both to fully be honest and speak up as herself AND to accept that she is not the boss of the people in her life. There is no way she can be a healthy partner in her relationship with Colin (or anyone!) if she operates under the theory that if someone won’t take her advice willingly, she will just force their hand. And her stans need to learn the difference between being listened to and being obeyed.
I think she can. And I think, if her arc is done well, that will be a big point of growth for her. She will learn to use her words and her voice, as herself. She’ll learn to trust the people in her life - because she doesn’t really trust anyone right now - and she’ll learn to see the people in her life are entitled to autonomy. I just hope the fandom can learn the same.
P. S. This is all coming from someone who is a Polin fan desperately hoping their season gives me the growth and story I desire while dreading what I think is actually in store for them so miss me with the “hater” bs I can already sense coming.
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alphinias · 4 months
That bridgerton sneak peak had some good chemistry they might make me tune in idk, I usually agree with you on most things ship related but I have a problem with this specific ship, Colin is the least interesting of the siblings so far but that's okay I didn't care for anthony either before his season, my bigger problem is Penelope, I think they tried to go for the drama and the twists too much and made her seem kind of awful? They're trying to pretend racism doesn't exist in that era but the way she outed Marina in s1 ( who was not doing a good thing at all but I don't she had much of a choice given her other option was abject poverty) and the way she talks about her friends in her column and outs everyone's shit, things that have really serious consequences on people's lives. The writers literally called her a villain which???? They're doing something I feel a lot of shows have a problem with lately, trying to girlboss women doing shitty things, same with their brand of white feminism for Eloise who spends all her scenes lamenting her fate and being "quirky" with no actual depth or confronting her privilege or trying to help other women or really anything at all, all she does is talk like a "not like other girls" girlie circa Tumblr 2012 and they're thinking omg we're being such feminists right now 🤣😅🤣
Girllll you better tune in anyway so we can get more seasons and other ships you might like better! PRESERVE OUR LIMITED ROMANCE GENRE.
In all seriousness, I totally get where you’re coming from! I personally love polin and I’m very excited for them, but I don’t think the writing has always been the best. Obviously a lot of polin fans don’t agree with me, but I still think this season not being Benedict’s is so strange and a mistake. The general audience adores him and I think both Colin and Penelope could’ve done with another season of personal growth (and slow burn) to help them win over the rest of the audience more. I like Colin and I think he’s actually really funny when they give him a chance, but he’s done nothing to scream leading man like Benedict has yet. I guess S3 will tell us how much is on the writing so far vs Luke Newton. I want him to be so amazing, but I get the doubts because I still have some nerves about it too. I think the sneak peek looked great and is a great start so I’m gonna go in with optimism and positive thoughts!
Gotta defend Eloise because I think her thinking she’s ranting and valid but actually being more out of touch than she realizes is mostly purposeful! I like that as a character flaw and I think it’s realistic for someone in her position. Or maybe I just love Eloise lol. Penelope is a bit of a more… complex case. I see why people hate her, although I personally mostly like her even though I think she sucks for what she did to the Bridgertons. She’s just treated so polarizing one way or the other by the fandom and the producers are obsessed with her and I think that’s part of the problem.
I have doubts any of the Bridgerton ships will beat kathony for me but overall this fandom is so weird! I don’t get the ship wars amongst the ships because they are all canon and they’re all meant to have their spotlight and be enjoyed. I don’t mean you anon when I say this btw, I mean more the hardcore Bridgerton fandom. It’s why I don’t engage with them a lot lol. I just want to enjoy a cute ship every season.
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bridgertonbabe · 8 months
Does Marina come back in the hp au?
She does, arriving just before the twins' second birthday and while Phillip is glad that she's in a better place, what completely throws him off guard is the fact she's returned with a boyfriend in tow - who turns out to be none other but his own brother, George.
He's shell-shocked as Marina explains how they met in the waiting room of the therapist office they were both going to and how George would take her to a local cafe after their sessions where they'd talk about their respective issues over cake, which is how they ended up falling in love with each other. George explained that he had no idea who Marina was before they met, not having much to do with Phillip in the years since he had left Hogwarts, and that he only found out she was the mother of his niece and nephew after they had been dating for several weeks. He expresses his deepest regret to Phillip for the way he treated him growing up but that he's put the work in by going to therapy and with Marina's help has become the better man that he now is. He doesn't expect Phillip to forgive him any time soon but he'd like the chance for them to start over if Phillip was willing to.
Throughout the conversation Eloise clutched Phillip's hand knowing just how daunting it must be to come face to face with his estranged brother after so many years. While she knew the reason for Marina leaving and completely empathised for her and her choices, she was very wary of George, well aware of the bullying he had subjected Phillip to over the years. Once the pair had said their piece they waited for Phillip's response but after several long minutes passed by in silence, Eloise knew she had to take over for her partner who was understandably unsure of how to answer Marina and his brother. Eloise told George that he'd have to give Phillip some time to decide whether or not he was willing to give things a second chance, something which George was okay to be patient with. She then turned to Marina and said she was welcome to come round and visit the twins whenever she wanted before they figured out arrangements pertaining to sharing custody.
Over the next few weeks Marina and George came over for daily visits as Marina became reacquainted with her babies and George got to know his niece and nephew. Marina experienced bouts of mum guilt, feeling awful for missing out on so much but both Phillip and Eloise were there to assure her that she did the right thing by putting her mental health first and that there was no shame in bettering her own well-being since it would help her and her relationship with the twins in the long run. They were also able to provide her with the memories of the twins' baby milestones that they shared with her via the ancient Bridgerton family Pensieve, making Marina feel much better as she got to experience these precious moments despite her absence.
Meanwhile as difficult as it was for Phillip to come to terms with the fact that George was now going to be a prominent presence in his life again, he also knew for the sake of their situation that he had to be the bigger person and try his best to forgive his brother and give him a chance. He couldn't help but admit that his brother had massively changed since he had last known him and that the combination of therapy and being with Marina had proved to be the making of him. Plus he was very good with Oliver and Amanda in spite of Phillip's underlying worry that George was only pretending to care about the twins to please Marina. While Phillip informed George he was willing to accept the olive branch, Eloise made it very clear that her partner was going to forgive him in his own time, and she warned George not to hurt his brother again, or else; a warning that George very much took on board.
Eventually over time the twins' time was divided between the two couples, and while Phillip and George's relationship was quite awkward at the best of times, Eloise and Marina became great friends; and Oliver and Amanda experienced the happiest of childhoods having four loving parents.
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thekatebridgerton · 2 years
I read your post yesterday about if - and how- mad the Bridgertons will be once they know Penelope is LW. You said 50/50… And i’m still confused about your reasoning, because i feel like you don't mention all.. so I decided to send you this message, and I hope you'll respond :-).
You talk about limited impact? How about her being cruel and malicious towards Marina to make herself feel better. (she could've just told Colin, left him a secret note if she was too afraid, why ruin her????) If they kill off Marina later on, it’s due to Penelope’s actions, because Colin would’ve married and they could’ve been happy. Colin probably would be because in s2 he was still in love with her. Also: how is calling Kate a beast and betraying your (best)friend like that, okay??? The Bridgerton’s should be very angry and i’ll hope they will be.
You know I debated on if I should answer this today, considering that I usually answer oldest to newest and there are more than 20 asks ahead of you as we speak.
But you had to go and send a message like this on a monday Morning. (my side of the hemisphere) right before I had my daily dose of chamomile tea, and gosh, I kept wondering what kind of person sends a message this strange on a Monday morning.
My answers came up as follows 1) Someone who got cero sleep on Sunday night and the day before 2) someone who hasn't been treated very nicely by their surroundings in real life 3) Someone who obviously didn't realize their message would reach me on Monday morning, Theory #4) that's the one that would be mildly offensive to hear because there's a chance I may be right about the kind of negative people you've been surrounding yourself by
Admittedly I may be projecting, after all I was kinda sleep deprived when I wrote the post you were talking about. So I went again and read it...And I still don't get what you're talking about. I sounded pretty logical to my ears.
Because remember, the post asked if I thought the Bridgertons would be mad at Penelope, not if I thought her actions were right or wrong.
Note that as a viewer and as a woman I don't hate Marina, I think she's a pretty neat and pragmatic character. But you're about to hear the protective sibling in me throw some Marina slader around. So stop reading and skip this post.
Because this is from the perspective of a protective sibling. Not from the perspective of a woman, or an omniscient viewer, or a friend, or your friendly neighborhood spiderman.
Here's the thing anon, I get that you sound like you don't have siblings over the age of 17 but I do. And moreover I'm very protective and loving towards my siblings. So here's my humble perspective since you were left confused about my reasoning:
If one of my brothers was about to be duped into marrying someone who didn't love him and she was planning on making him take responsibility for children he had no hand in creating. The person who let the gossip out about her, wouldn't be the bad guy in my eyes. Rather, the girl who tried to dupe my brother would. (whether that girl's life was destroyed or not, would be irrelevant, because I care about MY BROTHER, not some stranger who tried to trick him into marriage).
Actually add that to my list of questions dear reader. Why did Daphne care more about Marina than Colin in s1 again? and why does Eloise?. Because as a person, they don't know her or her tragic backstory from Eve, and Colin is their brother, who they're supposed to have loved since diapers.
I'm with Anthony and Benedict on this one. I think the concerned sibling in me, wins out on the women supporting women side of me. If siding with the woman in the situation means my brother gets lied to by some girl who doesn't love him and tricked into step fathering kids. I don't care that my brother loved the girl, she didn't love HIM, and my brother deserves to be loved. So hear me, I'm picking the side that gets my brother out of that mess even if he ends up heartbroken.
And if it turns out that years down the line, that same person who spread gossip about that girl. Ended up marrying said brother. I still wouldn't think she's the bad guy.
Actually I'd probably be more angry if I had to endure a sister in law who tricked my brother into marrying her, despite not loving him and being pregnant with another man's baby.... But If you're okay with a sister in law like that and think your brother would be happy in that marriage, well, that's on you anon.
Me? I'd be pushing my brother to divorce that person as soon as I found out she doesn't love him and lied to him about it.
There's no accounting for one sibling taste in women, but if I had to chose between two evils, I'll take the sister in law who likes to publish people's dirty in her gossip column. Because if worse comes to worse, at least I know that one loves my brother and thinks honesty is the best policy. whatever methods of telling truth she may use. We may even get along in that aspect.
Also If my sister's best friend, published an article about her on the news that said she was hanging out with political radicals in a red light district on the day of MY wedding or any of our sibling's wedding. I wouldn't think my sister's best friend was out of line. I would be ripping off my wedding dress and holding my sister accountable for her behavior. AND then, after talking to my sister, I'd get mad at her best friend for not talking to me about it. But I'd definitely understand why she wouldn't. Because she's my sister's best friend, not mine and I'm older and I've given her no reason to think I'd believe her.
I think the only thing I'd realistically be mad at, would be if that girl spread gossip about one of my sisters not being good enough as a diamond for suitors to be flocking at her side, without my sister ever doing anything to deserve it. Because yeah, that wouldn't fly in my book. That's hurting my siblings feelings just because another one of my siblings is scaring away all her prospects and that's not her fault.
If the girl that's marrying my brother had her fun spreading gossip about people who aren't me and my family. I realistically wouldn't be mad at her. Not really. Why would I be?
Furthermore if she called my brother's girlfriend a beast, before that woman was even my brother's girlfriend, why would I be angry about it, it's not like I knew my brother liked that person back then.
So when I say it's a 50/50 what I mean to say is that to big families gossip is really easy to get over when there's another thing for people to talk about later on.
Yes people usually remember stuff 20 years down the line, but in big families we all know the aunt or the girlfriend or the cousin who used to be a gossip before she married in (the cult) the family. There's the uncle who has tattoos, and the other one who was in a country band. Everyone who marries in, had their own past, so chill.
In fact if you're from a big tight knit family, we all know stuff from everybody, and yeah we all gossip about it. Doesn't mean we love each other any less, or that we wouldn't beat up anyone who lets the story outside the family walls. But if my sister got caught by a paparazzi sneaking out of our brother's wedding to go to a political rally, excuse me but I'll hold her accountable, not the press, and then maybe I'll have a laugh with my mom about it when the fuss dies down. that's just how families are, or maybe that's just my experience with mildly functional ones.
I can't be the only one from a big family who wouldn't be mad if my brother ended up marrying Lady Whistledown. Because gossip comes and goes. But if someone really loves your sibling and you all as his family by extension, a lot of stuff can be forgiven, including what that girl has said in her gossip column.
But maybe that's just me. Dear readers with siblings you don't totally hate (and maybe even love). give me your opinion.
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thewuzzy · 2 years
They just released this excerpt from Shonda’s new book “Inside Bridgerton” where she and another executive producer talk about Colin. The way that neither of them even understand his character. Talking about how he got honor and a savior complex. As if he wasn’t the one being scammed left right and center and was a prick when Anthony asked about why he was taking out so much money for that scam.
that's fucking hilarious 😂
Colin does have a sense of honour...but only in the deeply misogynistic old fashioned sense; that is, the one where women in his social orbit are helpless possessions whose purity and innocence he needs to defend for the sake of his own reputation.
It really isn't made clear in the show at what point Colin realised Lord Featherington was a scam, and I do think he was initially in serious danger of falling for it. Anthony is a chauvanist patriarch who controls the family finances then resent his siblings for not sharing the burden but my GOD was I pissed when Colin just ran off with a wad of cash without even letting him know!!!
He treated Penelope like an object when he concocted his covert plot to "save her family's reputation" without ever thinking to involve her --- even though this issue deeply materially affected her, NOT him. I can't imagine the pressure Penelope was under, and yet he never even considered to ask her how she felt about it or what she knew. He's a piece of shit.
It would never occur to Colin in a thousand years that Mrs Featherington could be involved with the scam, or that Penelope might already know about it, because he doesn't see women as humans capable of agency or rational thought. It would never occur to him to ask them if they are okay, because he sees women as empty vessels, whose only feelings are projections of his own. This is why he continued to delude himself around Marina even after her marriage. This is why he will never, ever be able to recognise that Penelope loves him unless he decides that he loves her first. This is why despite Eloise's obvious unhappiness and jealousy, it never occurred to him to ask if she wished to accompany him or even VISIT him in Europe with a female chaperone (which absolutely was within the realms of respectability at the time, if unusual). Because women only feel what Colin feels.
(This is another difference with Anthony. Anthony fully recognises that the women around him know and think and feel things, and crucially that women can disagree with him. That's why he verbally spars with them, and gets pissed with when they undermine the sexist or stupid roles he's trying to enforce for himself and the family. Whereas Colin....doesn't even talk to them.)
Honestly, based on his behaviour around his siblings I don't think it's just entrenched misogyny. He is so staggeringly unobservant and careless with others that I think he actually doesn't have a theory of mind about other people.
Thank you nonny!
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