#who aren’t racist
mxtxfanatic · 7 days
Been inundated with posts about the character descriptions in the 7seas mxtx releases, and I just wanna say that I find it the highest level of disrespect how a publisher treated someone’s serious writing that they bought the publishing rights for as a little jokey joke that’s lead to so many people’s misconceptions about said book. Tell me: why do these character sheets include publisher/translator opinions on the characters? Why do these character sheets directly go against what the actual text has to say about these characters? Why do these novels need character sheets?
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autistic-katara · 10 months
“you did the mature thing, you did the mature thing, you did the mature thing,” i repeat to myself after blocking someone to quell the urges to unblock and yell at them for being a fucking idiot
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solitaireships · 1 month
Twitter sucks bcs I’ll politely tell a white woman not to use an Asian name bcs that’s cultural appropriation and she acts like she got brutally harassed (I apologized to her twice in the conversation where she constantly dismissed me and only mentioned her doing it publicly after she started acting like she was being attacked and framing me as getting offended over nothing). Then someone claims me being whitepassing means I’m not actually Korean and being hypocritical for saying that she shouldn’t use a Japanese name, and a popular white rw/by fic writer blocks me for calling out her friend, but if I say anything about that I’m the bad guy
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freshbeeth · 2 months
had it not been for the laws of this land (needing to self-promo as a new streamer/creator) i would have slaughtered you (being on twitter) bc why are people arguing ON BEHALF of the non-black players who make their inklings and octolings racist caricatures
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rangercorpstherapy · 3 months
I don't actually want the series/movie to happen because it feels like it will just be another dissapointment (think pjo). If they make anything, I'd prefer it to be animated (because let's be honest, I don't think you can pull off people dissapearing and slinking around without looking foolish and bad, when using actual people)
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menalez · 3 months
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so ur argument is that “arabs” are currently risking their lives while living under dictatorships that have normalised relations with israel to protest for palestinians because *checks notes* they just hate jewish ppl?
ur argument is that “arab countries” fought israel in the 1960s as a result of israel’s hostilities against palestinians bc they just. hate jewish ppl?
ur argument is that “arab countries” which had hundreds of thousands of jewish ppl for thousands of years just woke up coincidentally the same time israel came to exist, the same time as the nakba, and suddenly expressed their hatred of jewish ppl despite coexisting with jewish ppl for centuries in a way europeans were unable to?
if u want to argue “arabs” hate each other, i can at least agree with that but to claim “arabs” hate palestinians bc palestinians r just so evil but hate jewish ppl more & therefore support palestine.. u just sound like an idiot to me.
the way zionists oversimplify the middle east & middle eastern history is genuinely insane. the way they utilise the same argument points antisemites made to justify antisemitism is insane. where else did i hear the argument that a certain population is evil, manipulative, sly and criminal and tricks others into feeling sympathy for them but no population genuinely likes them bc they’re just so sly and evil? oh.. wait yeah that’s literally what antisemites say about jewish people to justify & normalise antisemitism. and here zionists are using these same arguments to dehumanise palestinians & normalise hatred against them as somehow factual.
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vespertine-legacy · 2 months
brb gonna put the “Koth’s Kindred” title on all of my toons
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infectiouspiss · 11 months
i love it when there’s lies being spread as fact about serious things. how the fuck am i supposed to know it’s fake when it’s presented as facts? “oh but it was obviously fake! how could you be so stupid as to fall for it!” go look at the fucking news everything sounds like a parody of itself everything is awful and people are horrible
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badolmen · 7 months
Wrote out a big long phone call rant to have with my mother later because as much as I hate it she is my closest irl spiritual confidant 👍 here’s hoping her response to ‘hey I’ve been spiritually depressed and disconnected for like 8 months and for some reason these last two weeks advocating for Palestine has me feeling alive and burning with divine passion and love in a way I’ve never felt before in my life’ isn’t like. ‘Talk to your psyche abt your meds hun’
#ra speaks#personal#religion#oh god these tags got out of hand. look away I’m rambly today.#outing myself as deeply spiritual and devout on main oops#‘aren’t you gay and trans and -‘ listen Israel the person received that name after literally wrestling with gd in the desert#I’m allowed to put my faith leaders in a spiritual headlock for past and present crimes while I live my joyful life#maybe a physical headlock too. I’m down to body slam some wueerphobic racist pos who claim to be faithful while never exercising such faith#also lmao of the idea of a queer leftist being deeply spiritual makes you uncomfortable…bro everything about me makes ppl uncomfortable#I’m bi gender I consider myself a trans gay man and a nonbinary dyke at the same time. I’m disabled and ugly and autistic. im not palatable#accept the inherent apparent contradictory nature of the varied human experience and move on.#sorry thought about that post complaining abt observant jews being excluded from the conversations about queer jews like#you don’t have to get it. you don’t have to think it’s real! but it’s real to me! it’s important to me!#so are you gonna be my transphobic uncle and call me sick and deluded the same way he talks about trans people?#or are you gonna keep your mouth shut accept that you don’t have to understand someone to respect them and move on with your life.#anyways uh. here’s hoping I don’t lose my voice or start crying like I did while typing the script up.#vocational woes
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the origin of the two wolves meme is racist theres been a few people pointing that out in the replies of your post
It really isn’t, though?
It started as a meme someone posted on a “failed meme” Facebook page in 2018 based on either something a Christian weirdo said (I think it was Billy graham?) in the 70s.
Billy graham was being racist for making up a legend about a culture that white people think is mystical or whatever, yes, the origin of the “legend” is racist. That doesn’t really make the meme racist imo?
Billy graham cracker didn't make the meme. He made/popularized a fake proverb. The meme was making fun of his use of his fake proverb. A parody of a racist isn’t inherently racist, especially because the meme has by now removed the link to native cultures by just saying “there are two wolves inside you” instead of “in the Cherokee culture there are two wolves” or whatever. It’s racist and harmful to still go on and say “oh yeah in Cherokee culture they say there’s two wolves inside you one evil and one good and the winner is whichever you feed” because first of all the “evil” traits graham cracker described were more or less the seven deadly sins of Christianity and the “good” traits were more or less the heavenly virtues which should already be a hint that it was a Christian invention.
Beyond that though? It was never a legend in Cherokee culture and the guy made up a different tribe at random each time he retold it because he was either incompetent or just didn’t want people to realize he was just lying. The racist is the butt of the joke, not Native American cultures. I fail to see inherent racism in flippantly parodying the weird fake legends he made up to sound cultured or whatever.
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louisredsuit · 7 months
honesty hour: the vitriol in this fandom can be very discouraging for me as a fic writer, even though I’m not the one it’s directed towards
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starlooove · 1 year
Why are y’all so mad abt jayara it’s literally not that serious 😭💔
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mcnjushcge · 7 months
Would you support a 2 state solution for Israel and Palestine?
if there was ever a possibility for it to happen this is no longer the case. the two state solution is dead. it was never alive in the first place lol. zionists will never be satisfied without stealing all of Palestine, a two state solution would not suddenly make them see Palestinians as human beings. their goal has always been to fucking kill every last Palestinian. for Palestinians this solution is also unacceptable because they want ALL of Palestine back, understandably because that’s THEIR ancestral land that they’ve lived on for generations.
in conclusion israel does NOT have the right to exist, it’s all Palestine! RAHHHHHHH 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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artist-issues · 1 year
Only two things make me consider watching the Live Action Little Mermaid.
People coming to me and making the claim that it tries to say the same thing that the original does…just with different story elements. And then they don’t just claim that, they try to rationally back up the claim with actual examples from the new movie. So like, fine, okay, maybe it’s not a total burning of the original, it’s just awkward. Whatever. I can watch awkward things.
2. Jodi Benson wants people to watch it. She’s Ariel. She’s a genuinely kind artist who never gets tired of her character or seeing it; so if she can encourage people to see a new version, I can do it out of appreciation for Jodi “The Actual Ariel” Benson.
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lesbiancalkestis · 8 months
Not even a democracy sausage could calm my anxieties about today.
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beloved-ranger · 10 days
Heartbreaking: person you like doesn’t like Gale Dekarios because he’s “annoying” and “doesn’t have as ‘traumatic’ or interesting of a story” and “doesn’t have that much bearing on the story” (cough cough that damn vampire too, but sure Gale has “nothing” going on.) oh you don’t like Lae’zel? Who could’ve guessed that…?
Also I don’t think 90% of people know what infodumping actually is. And besides anytime I hear it y’all just sound like dicks. “He’s infodumping” go make actual friends that don’t shop on shien and call literally anything tmi. I’m putting “infodumping” on the shelf until you learn how to enjoy a game that isn’t all killing things or action 24/7.
#leave my husband alone#he’s the most normal ass person there#Gale Mr Dekarios I will defend you with uh 1/19th of my life. obviously I have more important things to do but I do have a duty to you.#the fallout fandom lets me have more peace from this behavior#which is probably because tumblr fallout is ‘find your corner. stay in your corner. most people outside the corner misinterpret literally#everything about the story’#while in bg3 it’s like oh god 15 people you follow just started playing bg3 and you do not want to see their takes#it still bothers me that people think y’know who was being practical about not helping the tieflings#despite the fact he was very obviously being racist#but whatever go ignore all of your favorite character’s flaws since that’s the only way they’re your favorite#gale dekarios#not like most of the bg3 character’s aren’t alreayd extremely defanged#larian and Bethesda have a few things in common. for instance I am not buying anything else from them outside of the one specific series#they’ve contributed to#is there a way to get steam to not update fo4…#I know this person is in act 1 but also. like. come on man.#‘he’s obsesssing over magic while we’re all possibly dying’ girl Larian put very little effort into making the tadpole feel like an actual#threat#the only thing holding the game’s story together is being able to punch things.#but I’ll save my lengthy critique for bg3 for later#and I need to finish the Kane playthrough. don’t really care about Ciaran. really really want to go play bg1 but I want to finish bg3 first#sigh#thank you for reading this I suppose#:)
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