#wille memory.. not sure what this is other than I feel strongly about these headcanons lol 🥰
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I remember that first time we had so much fun baking together at Hillerska.. I didn't know what I was doing but you helped me make it feel so easy and fun. I'm so happy I get to do this with you, for you Simon, so many more times since then. ♥️🧡
5. Baking/Cooking @youngroyals-events 💜
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thedickgraysonrp · 8 months
Thematic Headcanons // hc + 🚬 for a headcanon about a bad habit (and/or) hc + 💔 for a headcanon about a sad experience?
Thematic Headcanons
hc + 💔 for a headcanon about a sad experience
I have this headcanon about Dick's first time returning to Haly's Circus after his parents' death. I imagine he couldn't bring himself to do it until years later, after he became Robin. He was frustrated that all he could remember was that night and that anger, so he just asked Alfred to drive him there one night, when he felt ready to face it.
Long text below the line.
Dick stepped in through the threshold of Haly's circus big top, the entrance flap closing behind him as his hands returned to the pockets of his bomber jacket. It was quiet and empty; so silent, in fact, that Dick could hear his own pulse replacing the usual sound of uproaring applause in his ears. The center stage illuminated by spotlights, and all the performers are gone. This was supposed to feel like home. Now all it felt like was a crime scene.
He hasn't been here for years, yet all he could remember was the police's yellow tape. The blood, disgustingly warm against the palms of his trembling hands as he tried to shake them awake. The silence, returned, as he screamed their names. Their empty expressions as they looked right back at him as he cried, his tears soiling the stained ground. The cold of their paling skin, the stiffness of their contorted bodies.
He tasted blood. He had been biting onto his lower lip so strongly that he didn't feel he nicked himself. Reaching to wipe the red away, he let his lungs release a shuddered breath. He was angry, melancholic even, he felt all those emotions stir in him and make him restless. It was a different feeling than his itchy feet, or the need to release pent up energy. It was hot in his stomach and it made him nauseous, but at the same time it fueled him in a way no other experience could. He wanted to kick something, his foot tapping the ground restlessly, or maybe shout.
He didn't come here to stoke the flames that were already there; it wasn't the initial intention, though he wasn't sure why exactly he came here to begin with. If all he could recall was the memories of that night, why would he want to be back here so badly? Maybe Bruce was right. Maybe he wasn't ready. Not yet.
His big, blue eyes looked up at the platforms and bars above, tied idly to the posts up high. An instinct overtook him, an acrobat's calling ruminated from the depths of his mind. He found his body acting on its own as he barely willed it to step forward, and climb up that ladder to the upmost platform.
A single spotlight lit the area as he finally reached his destination, standing where his parents once stood with him before. What were their last thoughts before getting on the platform? Did they sense this was their final act? He felt the brushing of his mother's hand against his shoulder, and the flash of her painted, tender smile flashed in his thoughts. She must have been happy, Dick thought, to have me at her side that night.
Dick reached for the bars, untying the knots, letting the bars swing and hang in their right placement so high above the ground. He took hold of the first, feeling the firm handle under his firmer fingers. His father always told him to perform every time like it was his last. To dazzle, to wow; the crowd always wanted something new. He laughed every time he said that. He could hear it now, echoing in his ears.
He took off his jacket and shoes, stepping towards the edge of the platform, holding the first bar in his hands. Poised to perfection, his body never forgot its teachings. A phantom touch of his mother's against his lower back. 'Straighten your posture, sweetheart,' her voice—he didn't forget it after all, 'Chin up, shoulders firm, back straight. Smile. You are my shining little star.' His lips pulled into a smile, and as if that very phantom touch pushed him, his feet left the platform and he swung.
Gaining momentum, he knew exactly where the second bar was, closer since he didn't have a catcher this time around. He recalled the endless hours training the bars with his father, how urgently sore his muscles felt and the aching that followed at times. His father was a tough but kind, and he knew his limits; he pushed them every session anew. He used to motivate him with the promise of candy, or giving him allowance for the arcade if they were in a city. He remembered that one time there was a film festival at the same time they arrived to one of the cities, and they had a special screening of Charlie Chaplin's The Circus and his father took him out to see it. How hard they laughed that night.
His fingers let go of the bar and launched towards the second, uplifting himself to soar higher in the air. 'My little Robin,' his mother used to call him, it's what inspired his vigilante name. Every time she saw him in the uniform colors, flying in the air like a bird in the sky, she reminded him of Robins. They were her favorite bird.
He caught the second bar, making a half turn to face the first bar yet again. He felt his body getting lighter with every memory restored, every phantom sensation imprinted, the crumbs of his childhood finally making a whole again. It swelled him, his heart felt ten times its size as it beat inside his rib cage—oh, how full it felt!—and it wasn't due to the exertion of the late hour or the sudden acrobatic exercise. No, his body was at peak condition. It was his mind that was starting to hear.
He took his time, swinging from bar to bar, performing tricks and maneuvers only an acrobat of his expertise could perform. No crowd, no cheering, no music. Only a single spotlight and an acrobat gliding gracefully in the air, each movement freeing his muscles and joints more by the minute, remembrance stitching gaping wounds in his head together.
How long was he up here? His hands started to hurt, his palms faltering in their grip for a moment. He could easily swing back to the platform, make another spin in the air before making a solid landing and giving a bow to the invisible crowd. Did his parents feel the rope tearing, how the suspension faltered mid air? Did their hands sweat, did they think of death? He wanted to know what it was like. He had to feel it. Once again, pushing himself through the air, he swung the bar - and let go.
He fell. It took seconds, and all the air sucked out of his lungs in an instant as the peppermint stripes of the tent rushed in front of him. He could feel the force of the fall, the gravity pulling him in, and another moment he would be in shambles on the ground. Reunited with his parents, in same fashioned death.
But his body shifted, and he maneuvered himself just right mid-air, tucking in his legs and coming to a softer landing on the ground, his legs unbuckled as he his body rolled and tumbled to spread the force of impact. His feet hurt, his body ached a little, he might have even broken a bone—but he was alive. He hit the wall of the center ring with a soft oomph, and oxygen filled his lungs once again.
Silence. He slowly shifted, his clothes sullied with dirt and dust, some smeared across his face. He looked at the floor, his hands, his knees. Tears began to stream down his cheeks, and his body shuddered as he covered his face with his hands. He was alive. Just like his parents would have wanted.
He finally knew why he came here. No, it wasn't to move on. Not yet. He may never be ready for that. He was here to grieve.
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cboffshore · 4 months
daily anon asks because anon likes hearing you ramble about your fics and i encourage them like the little analysis rambling - gremlin that i am.
regarding your new fic, which was beautifully written by the way! to what extent would you say the skybound events still affect jay & nya even after crystallised? are they small little triggers, nightmares after all the years passed? what’s your insight with that?
Hey there! Looks like I might have to start calling you the Enabler or something if this keeps up ;)
Anyway: yes, I'll take you up on the ramble chance offer, and I'm doing it in a single shot so I don't forget. And it's going to get long, so. You know.
Under the cut we go!
Post-Crystalized, I do think the events of Skybound still affect Jay and Nya, but realistically not much more than any other character-specific events affect any of their teammates. It's not a timeline that gets explored a lot, either - most Skybound angst that I see either happens during the season, immediately after, or within the context of very specific events, like the pirate genie joke from season eight. Granted, that's about as much as the show is willing to acknowledge it, so it's sort of tricky to figure out how strongly it would affect them.
Ultimately, I settled on a little bit of projection - I have some specific emotional trauma from a few years ago that I like to think I've gotten over, but sometimes I find myself thinking about it after the smallest little thing. For instance, I discovered a while ago that when I put my retainer in for the night and then smile at myself in the mirror, the retainer moves my lips and exposes my teeth just enough that my smile looks pretty close to the perpetrator's.
Weird, right?
It's been years since I've seen or spoken to that particular person. I can barely remember their face, so I have no idea what really set THAT memory off. And yet: there I was in my bathroom thinking of them. I didn't have any kind of major reaction beyond some discomfort and feeling kind of weird about myself in the moment, but, you know.. still happened. Anyway, that's the angle I go for when writing post-Skybound Jaya, because it's the one that makes the most sense to me and that I find easiest to write. The common trope of huge, overblown speeches about self worth and guilt and everything being okay that crop up in so many Skybound fix it fics has never sat right with me, because that's not how I approached my own recovery. I think I'm pretty healed and that I've processed it pretty well, but every so often, something minor just takes me back.
When I was first outlining this fic, I set it right after the Dark Island Trilogy, because that's something that I've NEVER seen addressed. If you haven't read it yet, I won't spoil anything for you, but the important bits are that it is canon and that it actually involves the Sky Pirates (minus Nadakhan). While they don't remember any of the timeline, Jay and Nya sure do, and they mention it a few times in the trilogy in that classic secretive way people have headcanoned for years now. Had I gone this route, it would have made the wound a bit more raw, which would've been nice. However, Jay having that flashback THEN would have been too obvious. (Also: they didn't have the Monastery. I wanted them to be seriously stable for this.) I then tried pushing it back to right after MOTO to be a companion piece for Small Cuts, but ultimately, I decided that loading Jay and Nya up with all the events of the Wildbrain era would give me the most ammunition to choose from. So: Post-Crystalized. They're still getting used to each other. Chapter two of A Little Annihilation will basically just be them on their own, bonding more as they embark on the world's most sentimental Home Depot run.
We don't have any decent information on how Jay and Nya process Skybound now. We ALMOST did, believe it or not, but the creators chickened out of putting Nadakhan on the Council of the Crystal King. Beyond the teapot gag, we haven't had any solid acknowledgement since SOG.
However! We did get a scrap of it in Dragons Rising season one, but only from Nya's angle, and it's VERY minor. I drew from e14 of DRs1 for both IICT and Annihilation, because that episode gives us two tiny, telling moments: the tinge of bitterness in Nya's voice when she tells Sora about the djinn and their showmanship, and the way she steps in front of Sora when all she sees of Arrakore is his silhouette and can't rule out that he's not dangerous. I've seen a lot of criticism towards this episode for not giving her a more dramatic or emotional reaction, which I find WILDLY unfair, because let's be real: at this point, Skybound is no longer the worst or craziest thing she's seen.
Whether or not those tiny reactions were intentional on the writer's part (and the writers' room for DR id so thorough that I believe it was intentional), they're IMPORTANT. It's been years! The Merge has happened, she's been the ocean, Jay's gone MIA, she's helping mentor the next generation and stop reality from caving in on itself. Dying in a wedding gown Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge style (and all its associated trauma) isn't necessarily top of mind, but having to use a djinn spell and tell Sora who they were would probably remind her of all that. To say NOTHING of the absolute curveball of meeting Arrakore! I stand at my mirror, put my retainer in, and see my bully's face; Nya steps into a cave and sees a four-armed, ponytailed silhouette rising and threatening her. Of COURSE that's startling, but enough has changed that she wouldn't collapse into a sniveling mess in front of Sora. For Jay, we know nothing, so I'm making him up as I go and taking a similar approach.
I got a little carried away there, but the point is: yes, it probably still affects them; no, it's not as drastic as people probably expect, and I can't bring myself to write it that way, because Nya's reaction matches my own so closely that I can't imagine writing anything else. Obviously I'm not working from the knowledge Nya has in Dragons Rising, but I'm letting her reaction there retroactively color her post-Crystalized experience (as well as Jay's, because I think they're similar like that).
Anyway, thanks for the ask! I'm hoping that that "daily" there isn't just hyperbole - you know I'm always down for this.
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janetbrown711 · 3 years
My headcanons about Sir William the Good
This is like my Angelina II post, so be sure to check that one out too
Oh! And be sure to check out this fic, because it talks about a few of these situations ^^
As always, if you have any questions/requests about them, my ask box is always open :)
Buckle up, because I have a lot of thoughts
Early life: 
His mother died not long after he was born, so he has no memory of her
His father’s name was Alan, and he loved William dearly, and William loved him too
His best friend growing up was Heloise Nerz (more better known as Hello Nurse)
They ran around Acme Falls like little rascals and were mostly adored by the town
She was always a lot smarter than him though, so whenever they got into trouble she’d have to usually get them out of it, though William was always very apologetic and felt very guilty when he did something wrong
Despite what the townspeople whispered and joked about, William never had a crush on her and vice versa. They were both just really good friends
His father got sick of a mysterious illness when he was eight, and died in less than a year, and William missed him terribly
He wandered around Acme Falls for jobs, and while most folks were willing to give him work, he felt unfulfilled and tried to search for the perfect job
No less than a year of searching, a royal knight came into town looking for a squire, and William jumped at the opportunity
He was young for a squire (he wasn’t even 10 yet) but the good natured knight liked his spark and took him under his wing. 
It was hard for William to leave Acme, but he promised to write to the town when he could, and so he left. 
For the first few years he did more of chores than actual knight training- but William never complained. He looked up to the knight quite a lot, to the point where he was basically a second father figure
However, once he turned 12, the real training began, and it was intense.
William never really complained though, knowing what he had signed up for
He was best at sword fighting, though he was a terrible equestrian
When he was 15, he was taken to the royal palace for further knighthood training, and he met Angelina on his first day by making an utter fool of himself (tripping over a bucket of water)
To his surprise, this didn’t push Angelina away, and William fell in love instantly. 
Often, she’d watch him during his horseback riding lessons and would laugh when he screwed up and cheer for him when he succeeded, which made him work harder and harder for her. 
Sometimes they even rode together, which was fun (though she beat him every time, but William was a very good sport about it- which Angelina greatly appreciated)
However, their favorite activity to do was to stroll and plant in the garden. Often the two were busy with their lessons, but they’d try their darnedest to squeeze in the time together
The queen, Angelina the First, strongly disapproved of him, but since William hadn’t really done anything wrong, he couldn’t find good reason to send him away, so he remained at the castle. 
William knew how much Angelina hated the suitors and would always try to get the next day off to spend it with her to help her feel better
When he saw the bruise Salazar had left on Angelina he nearly cried out of empathy for her and her situation, and swore that he would never let anything like that happen to her ever again
(That was when Angelina realized she was in love with him too)
They began their secret relationship when he was 19 and she was 18. 
He proposed two years later, right before gaining his knighthood, and Angelina didn’t hesitate to say yes
William was prepared to stay engaged as long as it took, but luckily for them, Queen Angelina the First died a month after he proposed and they were married shortly thereafter. 
William had always wanted to have children, as he was an only child and loved the idea of raising and having children, and when Angelina told him she was pregnant he was over the moon
However, he was a bit nervous when he realized that his father died when he was eight, and he had few memories of how he was raised, so he studied and read up on every parenting book he could find and studied like a madman before Yakko was born
William fell in love with Yakko instantly
He was really nervous to hold him though, as he was terrified he’d drop him (which was odd, because being a knight made him very strong)
However, he did relax and eventually he was able to hold him without being nervous, and it soon became his favorite thing
He loved to read bedtime stories to Yakko when Angelina was too exhausted to sing a lullaby, and Yakko seemed to really like them, especially as he got older
Angelina said he got his talkativeness from William, and William couldn’t help but agree, he did have a tendency to ramble (especially when he was nervous)
He wanted Yakko to learn how to horseback ride, but Angelina forced him to promise to wait until he was at least eight because of how dangerous it could be
However, she didn’t stop him from getting Yakko a wooden sword, and William proceeded to try and teach him to sword fight, though it clearly wasn’t his forte. Still, Yakko seemed to have fun, and liked to act out the bedtime stories of William’s knighthood to Angelina, who also seemed to find it adorable. 
William had been utterly delighted to find out that Angelina was pregnant again, loving the idea of a big happy family, which Angelina liked too, as she was also an only child
Yakko was curious about what being an older brother would be like, so this time both Yakko and William were studying to prepare themselves
When Wakko wasn’t born crying or breathing, William nearly had a heart attack and died right there
However, the doctor quickly fixed it, and he cried tears of relief and joy
William noticed Wakko had a lot of similar features to his own father, and so made his middle name Alan
It was really hard to get Angelina to let go of Wakko to let him get a chance to hold him (not that he blamed her in the slightest) so he had to wait until she fell asleep to hold him
Again, he fell in love instantly
He was really nervous whenever Wakko was out of his sight, but recognizing that someone had to be the sane one (as Angelina was having terrible separation anxiety) he stayed strong and reminded Angelina that they had done this before and that it was gonna be okay
Helping her helped him a lot, and soon enough their worries were down to a normal level
Wakko was a lot more energetic and wild than Yakko, which reminded William of himself when he was younger, running around Acme Falls. 
William often had to chase Wakko around countless halls of the castle because of how much he loved to run and toddle around
Wakko had less patience for William’s stories- often interrupting with questions or little comments, much to Yakko’s annoyance. William didn’t mind though, as that was when Wakko was the most talkative with him
Again, William was ecstatic upon hearing Angelina was pregnant again
However, his confidence and optimism wavered a bit when King Salazar started causing problems on purpose
He was determined to protect Angelina from him though, intent on keeping the promise he made as a teen
He was determined to not let Angelina worry herself to death though, remaining optimistic about having a little girl (hopefully) and how great it would be when they could all relax with the new baby after this Salazar nonsense ended
He often had to watch the boys as Angelina went to diplomatic meetings and so when he found out that he had actually gone into labor during one and continued to the end anyway he was both in awe and amazement at how strong Angelina was (though he also did have a fairly short lived freak out about how dumb of an idea that was)
When Dot was eventually born though, they were both so tired that they both cried, especially because of how cute she was
William had been in love with the idea of giving her Angelina’s name, and was happy she agreed to it, as he never thought of her name as her mother’s name
He did also like the name Dot (Lena’s suggestion), so he suggested that they call her that for short, and Angelina agreed. 
However, he did panic momentarily as he realized he had no idea how to raise a girl, until Angelina said “just raise her like any other kid- being a girl hardly makes a difference” and William realized he was being stupid, and relaxed.
Since she was born in the spring around the time all the flowers in the gardens went in bloom, William loved to dress her in flower patterned clothes and hair pieces. 
He loved dressing her up (perhaps even more than Angelina did)
He also helped Wakko with advice on what to do as a big brother, and watched him as he watched Dot, finding his curiosity and newfound tameness around her adorable and admirable. 
However, as tensions were rising and Angelina being too exhausted and busy to go to meeting, it soon became William’s job to attend the meetings. William decided it was a good idea to bring Yakko along to help prepare him for when he’d be king, but he realized his mistake when he noticed how nervous he looked as they started discussing war. William promised he wouldn’t let that happen though, which helped Yakko to relax. 
However, Salazar and his army invaded the castle that night, and William wished that he just had more time with his kids, having never wanted them to be orphans like he was, but unfortunately he had no say in the matter and he was killed
Misc. (bc that’s a depressing end)
Hello Nurse was the “best man” at his and Angelina’s wedding
He didn’t realize Lena was only a nickname special people got to call her until after they were married, and he said “it was his greatest honor” when she pointed it out. 
“William, we’re married” “You could’ve married anyone you wanted, but you let me call you Lena”
He’s just... a big ol’ softie. A big teddy bear. He loves cuddling, hugs, crying, and just- he’s impossible to hate
However, like a bear, he gets very protective of his family, and died honorably while trying to protect them
The knight who practically raised him died before Yakko was born, and William held a huge funeral in his honor
He nearly cried when Yakko told him that his favorite story was the story of how he and Angelina met
He taught Yakko how to read and do math, as well as how to sword fight (though it was a slow process since he was only 8 when he died and all)
He grew a mustache bc he thought it made him look more like a king
He loved to just sit and think about all of his and and Angelina’s traits that he could see in the boys (like his optimism in Wakko, Lena’s love of reading and learning in Yakko, etc.)
He loved his children and Angelina with everything he had in him
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mc-critical · 3 years
This ask got me thinking after one of your latest asks about Hurrem's suicide attempt. Do you think Hurrem's enemies( such as Mahidevran, Hatice, Ibrahim, Gulfem...) would start to be a little bit more sympatic towards to Hurrem if they learn her suicide attemps for Suleiman?(Like when Afife saved her in ep 72) I mean, Valide started to respect and understand her after she saw how much she really loved Suleiman and was willing to give her life for him. Also Afife started to understand her after saving her life. What do you think about the other enemies ? :)
It highly depends on the dynamic each one has with Hürrem individually, their own reasons for putting their foot down on her or being enemies with her, how much can that "new knowledge" move past these reasons and everyone's own individual view on Süleiman.
I feel the one who would sympathize with Hürrem the most in such circumstance would be Gülfem. She has experienced a level of loss and knows what it means to feel that life isn't worth living after that loss. If she learns, she would surely understand and perhaps say that, despite of everything, Hürrem is attached very strongly to Süleiman and has immense loyalty for him. She wouldn't condone Hürrem's other actions that don't sit well with her (like bringing Nigar in the harem only to spite Hatice, reminding her of the infidelity at every turn and even using Gülfem herself to frame Mahidevran for an assault in order to become the ruler of the harem since that was relatively soon), but would put the action into context in front of everyone.
This reaction would be helped by the fact that Gülfem isn't exactly her enemy per say, is very forgiving and patient, isn't used to holding grudges, and is only ever against Hürrem when she does something against her loved ones or she crosses some kind of a line by petty insults or comebacks. Besides, Gülfem still strives to see the good in Süleiman by this point of the show, being his emotional support and conscience even before S04 and becomes worried about what would happen to everyone every time he's ill, so such action of Hürrem's would be pretty explainable for her, even though she could certainly think that Firuze is something she had coming for her, and if they get a chance to talk about it in the depths of my headcanon, they would be the most possible "duo" to have a heart to heart.
Both Ibrahim and Mahidevran's perspectives have pretty much in many ways been shown by episode 55 where Hürrem prepares to do something pretty similar to her suicide attempt in episode 72, just with even more massive stakes.
A major part of the conflict between Hürrem and Ibrahim is rooted on Süleiman: his attention on both of them and the amount of influence Hürrem wants to exercise over him. However, the loyalties they have towards Süleiman is where they have managed to find common ground. Ibrahim is fully aware that Hürrem would never directly act against him. Him learning about a suicide attempt of Hürrem's due to the prospect of losing Süleiman would be nothing new to him, since, as highlighted by their confrontation in E55, he was aware that she was in such a state where she was willing to 'do the impossible'. They were both devastated by the ongoing events and they could come to a mutual understanding. It's possible for him to at least try to understand what she's going through there. But that would only last for so long, for the moment he learns about it. He would widen and maybe think, but... that would be about it. Because if Mahidevran directly acted before Valide hid the children and with SS's fate still being uncertain in E55, Hü and Ibro would have teamed up to stop this mess, but not here.
I once again come back to the comparatively more personal stakes of Hürrem's suicide in E72: this attempt wouldn't be enough to put everything between them behind, for Ibrahim to have such a strong amount of sympathy, none of this can be forgotten by a single suicide attempt. Their history is much longer than that. I would say that he would indeed think about the fact that Firuze is bothering Hürrem so much, wonder for a few seconds, how did it come to this, tell Matrakci about it and tell him that Hürrem must be very threatened to go for this, maybe with a hint of understanding... but that would be about it. It would be a temporary reaction, nothing between them or their dynamic would change in a significant way, he wouldn't get more sympathetic with Hürrem. Because that is a side of her Ibrahim has seen, on the possibility of another, scarier, more dangerous future for them both.
Mahidevran is the person who, is not only the least likely to, but surely, by one hundred percent, wouldn't sympathize with Hürrem over her suicide attempt at. all. Her hatred for Hürrem is seriously big and the points where they both could ever come to an understanding are rare. Some suicide attempt would seem something incredibly trivial and far too small to turn the tables. That is empowered even further by Mahidevran's own ongoing character arc that relates to Süleiman and the way her inner strength evolves by her letting go of him. At this point of the show, Mahidevran wouldn't even be able to relate to what Hürrem has done on a personal level, since Süleiman is nothing but memories to her already. It's not an experience she could connect herself with because of this exact shifting of priorities. What she wants even more at this point is Hürrem's end and she would be fine with however would it happen. {We could say she would generally prefer suffering for her (as she said in E55, but it's a belief confirmed again in E79, saying that death would only be a salvation for her spy; and then advanced even further in S04.), but is on board with killing her as well. (see her sending Diana to kill her)} I even imagine her to still widen at the news, but to wonder why did Afife even save her. (if they learn about that, too)
Despite of this, I feel there're a few angles of how precisely Mahidevran would view this suicide: the confrontation between Hürrem and her in front of SS's bed in E55 is key in her witnessing her say that it's namely dying with Süleiman that she would do if SS died anyway. And there we have Mahidevran claim that Hürrem doesn't do it out of love, but out of fear for her life. She could view Hürrem's suicide in E72 like this, too, and this way she would not only not sympathize with her for it, but also condemn her for doing it in some way. She may not read these intentions as genuine, she may even see it all as a plan of Hürrem's to win Afife over? There wasn't an indication that Mahidevran's view of these stunts of hers changed by that point, even though Mahidevran realized that her E55 actions were a mistake. The second angle of this could be the direct demonstration of her belief of the endless cycle of the harem that would never change. Yes, in E64 Mahidevran had stopped believing that another woman could defeat Hürrem (seen by her expression when Hatice told everyone that this is the only thing that would beat Hürrem), but seeing Firuze brought something else to the table. Then Mahidevran begins once again saying that Hü would burn in the same fire she did, calling back to her words in E61 that one woman would come and destroy this indestructible love. Seeing this realized with Firuze, seeing Hürrem struggle against her that much to the point of giving up, albeit in the opposite way Mahidevran did from SS... it would just show that Hürrem indeed isn't irreplaceable, that every good thing comes to an end, that Hürrem's victories wouldn't be endless and that she would doom herself one day. This could be a part of what Mahidevran wanted, confirming her beliefs of then, yet weakening her rival by a severe amount. Firuze having such an affect on Hürrem would by no means be approached sympathetically by Mahidevran, even if it hypothetically happened in the moment where it could (by that I mean early S01, in E10, when SS was rumored to be dead and if Hü tried such a thing then. And if, say, Firuze existed instead of Sadıka, ofc.), because even then Mahidevran's priorities would be immediately switched to the baggage little Mustafa had to deal with. Hürrem and Mahidevran had their few and far between moments of understanding, but that understanding was connected to their children and their motherly instincts. Only then would they be close to put their differences behind. Not here.
I find Hatice's possible reaction to be kind of a mix between what virtues she has seen in Hürrem before and their relationship in S03A's present. We know that Hatice completely stood against Hürrem because of her simultaniously threatening dynasty and family and what they stood for in Hatice's eyes. However, there have been two exceptions throughout S03A where Hatice actually sided with Hürrem or was shown to be empathetic to her. One of the exceptions was Süleiman falling ill once again in E78 where she was standing next to Hürrem and sharing her desire to see SS recover. That circumstance is similar to what E55 offered, because Hatice saw Hürrem in a better light, albeit for a moment in this case, while showing a loyalty to both the dynasty and the family that is Süleiman. That's where they're able to set their differences even in times where they are full on enemies. It is possible that Hatice may show a hint of understanding for Hürrem's suicide, because she is showing some kind of loyalty to Süleiman and after all, Hatice did once truly admire their love and even understood Hürrem's urge to send the Russian concubines off back in S01. She could understand why Hürrem did it and even empathize with it in part. It wouldn't be completely impossible, since she also has an idea of what it is like. But on the other hand, things have changed since S01: Firuze is the person Hatice counted on to take the win out of Hürrem's hands and Hatice was in such a state that she wanted Firuze to completely take over, which would make us think.
Nonetheless, learning of Hürrem's suicide attempt would definetly surprise Hatice, because even though she wanted for Firuze to take away Hürrem's Thursdays, such a reaction from Hürrem wouldn't be that expected and she would possibly view it as extreme even, since as I have said, Hatice didn't want to kill her in S03A. To knock her down a peg, to put her in her place, yes, but to want or expect such an ending for her, with her doing it herself.. I don't think so. She could even ask her is she okay and even thank Afife for saving her. Again, I don't think it would change their dynamic all that much, probably would keep a bigger eye on Firuze's moves?, but it would be a little moment of piece between them and Hatice could really sympathize. Because Hatice is still very human at her core.
[Side note: Ayşe Hafsa's dynamic with Hürrem changed so much after she saw Hürrem in E55, namely because she saw another side of Hürrem, virtues she didn't think she had and for the defense of which she stood up against Hürrem - again, the loyalty to dynasty and family. In E38, when she overheard her, she saw Hürrem marching against all of them by saying she would get rid of basically everyone and then her seemigly using SS's trust and love for her in cold calculation. In E55, she saw her love for SS in a different better light, a loyalty so strong and contrasting it negated every doubt Valide had against her and made her fully support her as a result. To be fair, the contrast with Mahidevran also helped, since Valide was conversely disappointed by a person she had an almost familial bond with and it's just that the occurrences in the whole episode were just so massive they made her switch from one side to another. Her son's future was put in question as much as her own.
Afife wasn't really an enemy of Hürrem's. She was more of a "lawful neutral" type of character: she helped with the Firuze case only because she was led to believe that Hürrem disrupted the balance in the harem and this balance could be fixed only through another woman. She told Hürrem off that one time, because Afife was so loyal to the laws she found herself to act by them and them alone, thus claiming that Hürrem isn't a Valide Sultan and Afife could arrange the entertainment regardless. (and also because the plot demanded it.) There wasn't any personal ire there. But Hürrem's suicide is something that touched her on a personal level, for she loves SS as her own son. That's once again, something she has never had the chance to see in her life, something new that moved her and made her more supportive of Hürrem and view Firuze in another way. Because after such event she couldn't help, but think: "Could Firuze do the bold thing the legal wife and the mother of his majesty's five kids just did?".]
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ohpedromypedro · 3 years
what would Christmas with max be like?
So uhh... I initially intended this to be a headcanon, but I went a little off track and turned it into a 2k word fic 🙃 Oops?
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Max never really celebrated Christmas until he started dating you. Never had reason to, honestly. He has no family, that you know of at least, and he’s not much of a gift giver unless he actually likes somebody. Plus, do vampires even care to celebrate holidays? Max didn’t. Until he met you.
You changed it all for him. You’re all for the Christmas season. Decorating inside and out, the traditional picking out and cutting down a Christmas tree, baking lots of delicious goodies, sending Christmas cards (mainly to your own family and friends), wrapping of the presents on Christmas Eve, which of course the two of you wrap each other’s in separate rooms.
Max spoils you every Christmas and I mean spoils. With the amount of money his management style brings in, his Christmas bonuses are always generous on his wallet and he’s more than happy to spend it all on you. The one person in this world he truly loves and cares about.
The first Christmas you spent together as a couple, you were surprised to see Max had bought practically a whole mountain of gifts for you. He had asked you to spend Christmas at his place that year, which you were more than willing to do so because his loft apartment was a lot nicer than your tiny one bedroom apartment. What you weren’t expecting, though, amongst the many gifts Mr Max Phillips got you was a key to his apartment with a nice little festive note which read “All I want for Christmas is to always wake up with you. Please move in with me?”. You were stunned at first and your face said it all, that was a Christmas present you were not expecting. Of course you happily accepted and moved in the next day.
For your second Christmas together, on top of more thoughtful and expensive gifts from your boyfriend, Max decided to buy and name an entire new constellation after you. The whole thing was extremely romantic to you, something none of your past ex partners were even considerate enough to do for you, and it earned Max a nice romantic lay by the fire. Sometimes the best way for you to show your boyfriend your appreciation is by having your cunt suck the life from his cock and boy does he love that.
This year, your third Christmas together, both of you are more than excited to give each other your gifts. Max may think he’s more excited, but you strongly believe you have him topped. He has no idea what’s coming. Usually your gifts are just things you can buy with a simple swipe of a credit card, but not this gift you have for him. Money can’t buy what you’re giving Max this year.
Max is already awake when your eyes open first thing. He’s been lying here just holding you in his arms and admiring the peaceful look on your face while you sleep. He smiles at you when you look up at him from where your head’s resting on his chest, soft yawn leaving you as you smile right back.
“Good morning, handsome.” You murmur, leaning up to press a warm kiss to his lips. “Sleep any last night?” Your fingers gently touch his cheek and he lets out a content sigh as he leans into you.
“Morning, my sweet girl. A lil bit, yeah. But mostly I just watched over you while you enjoyed your own slumber.” He smiles, reaching out to tuck your hair behind your ear. “Ready for some coffee and opening presents by the fire?”
“You know it.” You giggle and press one more kiss to his lips before wiggling out of his hold. “I think I’ll take a nice hot shower first. Feel free to join, if you’d like.” You give him a smirk and quickly roll off the bed to walk into the bathroom. Obviously he’s going to join you. Max Phillips doesn’t turn down taking a shower with you ever, especially hot ones. He’s off the bed and closing the bathroom door behind you mere seconds after you cross the threshold, his increased speed abilities helping to get the two of you undressed from your matching Christmas pajamas and into a hot shower just how you like them. “Someone’s in a rush this morning.” You tease, slipping your arms around his neck as you gaze up into his soft brown orbs.
“I’m just excited.” He shrugs, his hands rubbing up along your hips as they pull you flush against him beneath the flow of hot water. “Why? Are you not excited for presents?” He gives you a teasing smirk, nuzzling his nose against yours. “Has my girl lost all her Christmas spirit already?”
“Gasp! Never.” You playfully pout up at him, your fingers playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. “I just haven’t seen you this excited for Christmas morning before.” You smile, leaning up to give him a quick kiss.
“Yeah. Well, I got you the best gift this year and I can’t wait to give it to you.” He gives your ass a playful squeeze and you only narrow your eyes suspiciously at him.
“I swear, Max Phillips, if you’re talking about your dick--” You start and he only shakes his head with an amused chuckle.
“What’s better than your dick?” You scoff and Max only laughs harder.
“Oh, baby. I love you, you know that?” He smiles, leaning in to kiss you again. “How about we finish up in here and then I show you what’s a better Christmas gift than my dick?”
“Hmmm… Okay. Sounds like a plan to me.” You smile. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Okay, best gifts for last.” Max smiles, grabbing your final gift and setting it on the floor in front of you. “How about we open them at the same time?”
You grab his gift and place it on his lap with a smile, nodding your head as you pick your gift up from the floor and hold it on your own lap. “Sounds good to me, baby. Yours has a little card you need to read first.” You point at the little envelope taped to the box and Max smiles, tracing his fingertips over the red lipstick print sealing it with a kiss.
“I can see that…” He chuckles, opening the envelope and pulling the card out so he can read it in his head to himself.
My Dearest Max,
My heart is yours, I’m here to stay
And now I’m ready to give it to you in the forever way.
Max’s brows furrow in confusion for a moment, his eyes flicking from the card to you where you’re very slowly peeling away the wrapping paper of your gift, your eyes still set on his face. You smile at him before flicking your gaze to the present on his lap then back up at him, giving your lip a small bite. He catches the drift and sets the card aside to start unwrapping the decent sized box that holds his gift, his own gaze switching between his present and you opening yours. He doesn’t want to miss the look on your face when you see what your gift is, it’s a look he’s been looking forward to for some months now.
After unwrapping your present and setting all the paper aside, you slowly lift the lid from the box, tilting your head when you see what looks to be a special made book inside. From the looks of how oddly thick and formed it is, it definitely seems to be a pop up book. You glance warily at Max now, noticing that he’s stopped unwrapping his. “Hey, mister! You stopped unwrapping.” You pout.
“Yours is more important.” He smiles and you huff out a semi offended breath as you take the pop up book out of the box. “I promise you, you’re gonna love it.”
“I still say your gift is much better than a book.” You remark, a small, knowing smirk on your face. You examine the cover of the book, seeing that it’s definitely specially made because the two cute little animated characters on the front more than resemble you and Max. They are you and Max. You look at the title of the pop up and smile. “My Life With You”. You can’t deny it, this is quite an adorable and thoughtful gift, but you still think yours tops it.
You open the cover of the book and the first image that pops up makes your smile widen. It’s a cute little replica of you and Max outside the bookstore where you two first met. You remember that day like it was just yesterday and the memory makes your heart flutter. At the bottom of the page there are words and you slowly read them to yourself.
This little bookstore I will cherish forever because it’s where we had our first encounter.
You turn the page and the second pop up picture appears, eliciting a giggle from you at the image of you and Max under a tree sharing your first kiss during a summer night walk in the park.
Our first kiss I will always remember. You seemed so eager to kiss a vampire for the first time.
A lighthearted laugh escapes you when you read the words and you share a quick glance with Max with a knowing smile before bringing your attention back to the book and turning the page again. You feel the pang in your chest at the image of your first fight with Max, but you still continue to read on.
Our first fight I for sure thought I’d lost you for good. I let my own ignorance get the best of me that day and that’s something I’ll never allow to happen again.
You look up at Max again, unable to stop yourself from leaning forward and giving him a reassuring kiss. He only chuckles, savoring your kiss before pulling back and motioning to the book. “There’s more, babe.”
“I know. I just couldn’t help myself.” You smile, turning the page and revealing the fourth pop up. You gasp and burn up with a shy embarrassment as your eyes take in image of you and Max in a very scandalous position in the bedroom. This is definitely no children’s pop up book company. “Jesus, Max.” You giggle, reading the words at the bottom.
The first time I took you to bed is one my cock and I will remember for the rest of time. How warm, wet, and tight you were as I sank into you… Your whimpery little moans as each thick inch of me stretched you.
God, he’s already having an affect on you and he hasn’t even touched you. The littlest things like these will always have some sort of affect on you coming from him. You bite your lip as you turn the page, your eyes met with the fifth image. It’s you both during your first Christmas together and you can tell by the key you’re holding in the image.
I loved our first Christmas together, asking you to move in with me was the best move I could have made. But there’s one more first, I’ve still yet to do and that’s to make a beautiful woman’s like you dream come true...
You tilt your head at that and when you turn the final page, revealing the largest pop up of the book with Max on his knee holding up a ring, a real ring set in place in the book with large words reading “Will you marry me, my sweet darling girl?”, your eyes widen. You look back up at him now and he’s got a shit eating grin on his face.
“Oh, Max…” You whisper, tears already well past slipping down your cheeks. “Of course I’ll marry you.” You take the ring out and set the book aside, quickly slipping it onto your left ring finger before crawling over onto Max’s lap and kissing him deeply, your arms slipping around his neck as he holds you against him.
“I love you.” He murmurs into the kiss, hands holding you by the waist.
“I love you too… Now open yours, mister.” You tut, picking his present up where he set it aside and resting it on your lap. “You read the card, now open your present.”
“Alright, alright. My impatient fiancée.” He chuckles, finishing ripping off the wrapping paper and tossing it aside before opening the box and pulling out its contents. His eyebrows raise when he pulls out polaroids you took, but he quickly smirks as he gives them a quick look through. “Such a sexy little thing…” He sighs, biting his lip as he sets the polaroids aside and pulls out another wrapped gift. It’s a picture frame and inside contains Max’s true Christmas present. He shoots you a curious glance which you only smile innocently at and he grabs the wrapped frame from inside the box and tears that paper off too.
You anxiously chew your lip as you watch Max open his gift and when he really sees what the framed picture is signifying, his head is shooting back up to look at you. You were slick enough to get an x-ray image of your heart from your doctor for this gift and written in metallic sharpie are the words “A reminder of what once beat for you, now that I’m asking you to take its life essence away.” It’s your creative way of telling Max you’re ready for him to turn you.
“Are you asking me to turn you?” He already knows the answer, but he’s just so stunned that he still needs to ask for clarification.
“Yes, Max Phillips. I’m asking you to turn me. I’m ready to spend forever with you.”
“Oh, honey… I love you so fucking much.”
He carefully sets the picture frame back in the box before cupping your face and kissing you deeply again. Max wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his immortal life with you, hence asking you to marry him, but he was not expecting you to be ready for him to turn you already. He’s more than ecstatic that you’re ready to take this large step with him. He breaks the kiss after a few long moments to let you breathe and you smile up at him widely.
“Merry Christmas, Max.”
“Merry Christmas, beautiful.”
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Max Phillips tag list:
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manifesto no. 790: why nikki/bobo is the best ship
(Author’s note: The title is in jest. It’s just for fun!)
In this essay I will explore the appeal of why Nikki/Bobo is actually the most narratively interesting ship you could choose for Nikki and for Bobo. Note that I don't intend to bash other ships or cause ship wars, because if you know me, you know that I am a multishipper and I support and enjoy ships like Nikkimi. I just want to explain why I personally like Nikbo and why it is the most interesting one to me as it exists in canon. Also note that because of the way I experience "ships", romantic ships and platonic ships have a very blurred and sometimes nonexistent line for me. 
Shared Experiences
Not only do Nikki and Bobo first meet at the very beginning of the story, they spend nearly 100% of Volume 1 together, and all of Nikki's moments in Miraland as she learns about the world and forms impressions are spent with Bobo. Because of this shared time together at the beginning of the game, a lot of base game items and early events also have interaction between them, outside of what you see in the main story. By and large, they spend their happiest moments together. (There are way too many of these moments to list! Thank you, writers, for all the wonderful interactions.)
Of course, they also go through low points together. The rebellion in Chapter 12 was one of the few times they were separated before Bobo's eventual departure, and Nikki refused to leave Royal City with Ace until both Bobo and Momo were back with her. Bobo went from uncontrollable crying in V1:12-2 to feeling entirely certain that Nikki would be able to get them out of the mess by V1:12-7. (After all, she's Nikki's biggest fangirl!) The opposite happens in V1:15-9, when it's Nikki who's crying and Bobo giving her the strength to get up and fight. Despite that this was likely part of Bobo's mission, she makes sure to ask if Nikki's okay after Nidhogg defeats her for the first time. Neither situation actually involves much comforting, but they are both there for each other during those moments. 
Relationship Arc
To me this is what makes the ship very interesting. Nikki and Bobo do not have a static relationship. It's something that morphs and changes and develops as the story goes on. We all know the feeling of discovering that Bobo and Nikki's meeting was not a coincidence at all and that she was actually ordered to befriend Nikki! But beyond this we also know that Bobo realized quickly into her mission that she actually really did like Nikki, which is a driving force in Bobo's storyline. Without her genuine affection for Nikki, I think her story would have actually been very different.
On Nikki's side of things, she had her faith in Bobo tested in V1:19-5 when it was suggested that Bobo might have been putting Nikki in danger on purpose. Of course, this wasn't far from the truth given Bobo's mission, though we don't know if every instance brought up (like Bobo tripping in the League Till outpost) was on purpose. But Nikki is so loyal to Bobo that she refuses to believe that she could have done anything like that. Reflecting on the matter in her dreamweaver The Girl's Decision, she says to herself, "Maybe you have your own difficulties, but I have always believed in you. You are my best friend on the Miraland. Your sincere wishes and dear heart, I have never doubted them." She also realizes then that she did not know how much she would miss Bobo until she was gone, which I think is important for contextualizing some of the earlier chapters.
We see their "low point" in the relationship at the end of Sunflower in Long Night, when the True King, who has been successfully manipulating Bobo for what seems like a while, forbids her from reuniting with Nikki who is actively searching her out. Paralyzed, she listens as Nikki leaves, and wonders to herself if that was the last chance she'd get, to which the True King responds, in the most ominous and chilling line to end a Dreamweaver ever, "You're right. There's no turning back." 
Nikki does eventually find out the truth in Brave New World, but by then she's seen the turmoil Bobo's been going through, and assures her that even if her goals were false, their time together was not, and that her memories were proof of their true and real connection. Their bond of shared experiences was so true that even the lies could not break it - even if it could shake it.
Personally, I just find it more interesting when the ships have, like, literally anything that might stand between them. The deception in this - even if it's a double layered deception where Bobo was only deceiving Nikki because she herself was being deceived - is a fun dynamic to me. They formed their relationship despite the factors that worked against them, Bobo's conflicting motivations and Nikki's being kept in the dark. In a story where many of Nikki's relationships just happen because she ran into them on the street, this is a really refreshing relationship: a dynamic story underlied by a beautifully simple bond.
Mutual Desire to Protect
Both characters are marked by their overwhelming desire to protect each other. It is natural that Nikki wants to protect Bobo. Nikki sees her at her absolute weakest, disappearing right before her eyes in the Cloud Realm due to her uncertain status in the real world. Of course, that's what prompts Nikki to make that promise that the writers will totally make her follow through on, because they would never ignore a plot detail involving a major character: "Bobo... I will find you... I won't leave you anymore, I will face everything with you. Wait for me."
But it's also very important that Bobo wants to protect Nikki just as much. Immediately after leaving Nikki, she's already worried about her, thinking: "Nikki, how are you doing? Are you safe now? Have you found any new clues? I'm sorry I didn't protect you." (This actually reminds me a lot of how Orlando will address Flynn while talking to himself.) She's put in an even more precarious situation because she was meant to involve Nikki in the disputes of the world, which inevitably meant that Nikki was put into danger, over and over.
In my point of view, I think this is why Bobo left. It's canon, as stated in Daymare Fairy Tale, that the gun was what caused her to leave, because it caused her to "wake from her dream" (presumably referring to the good times with Nikki). However, the specifics of this are where I lean into theoryville. I think Bobo did mean to trip in V1:19-4 and that's what caused her to realize her actions crossed a line. A gun was pointed at her - and, presumably, at the nearby Nikki - and she realized she could not protect Nikki and involve her in disputes at the same time. She could not complete her mission. There's another more personal reason she could have decided to leave, and that would be that the sight of a gun pointed at her brought up the trauma from the events surrounding the death of her father. Regardless, I don't think either interpretation - that it was related to endangering Nikki or that it was related to her personal trauma - is wrong, but rather, it is easy to read more into it than what's stated so I thought it was worth mentioning.
Their desire to protect each other continues into Brave New World, both the day and the night sections. Really, these two are basically in an endless "no let me protect u" battle. Bobo breaks through the possession of the True King twice, once in Day and once in Night. Both times, she tells Nikki to run, to leave Miraland and herself, so that at least she can be safe. Both times, Nikki responds by telling her she isn't going anywhere: "No matter what you want to do, I will be with you. [...] I choose to stay here to protect the Miraland and keep everyone's dreams and future, to also keep our precious memories. I will not let you face this all alone. Trust me!" Eventually Bobo does accept this and tells Nikki that she trusts her to protect her. I can't wait for Nikki to make good on that promise and find her!
Personalities, Compatibility, and Character Analysis
I realize I have not touched on why their personalities work together, so here are some thoughts on them as individuals. (I will lean into hypotheticals and headcanons here.)
I see Bobo as someone who indulges too much in escapism. She likes to pretend things are okay when they really, really aren't. We see a bit of this when she refuses to believe Nidhogg could have betrayed Lilith in Chapter 12, and of course it's sort of... the entire thing about why she spends so much time gallivanting around with Nikki. After this she's pretty much forced to understand and accept the realities of the world all at once, and I think this is a major component of her character development. Nikki is both a source of her escapism and the entire reason why it comes crashing down. I think, in a hypothetical post-canon context, Nikki could still be that type of person who could help distract Bobo from things for a while (because god knows that girl needs some comfort).
At the same time, just due to Nikki's nature, she wouldn't let Bobo wallow too much in the past. Nikki believes strongly in moving on and becoming the best version of herself. This is a theme mentioned in her most recent birthday suit, Sparkling Cupcake. More personally, she reflects on it in her dreamweaver. She recognizes that she used to be a passive person and vows to change that in order to better protect the people she loves. So I know she would also do her best to help Bobo, because that's just who Nikki is.
As I think about Nikki's main goals and motivations beyond this, I keep seeing one theme pop up over and over: she places a strong value on happy memories. (Really, I cannot overstate this - she talks about it all the time.) She treasures her memories of Miraland more than anything, so much that she is willing to face its impending destruction, because they mean so much to her. These memories are something crucial she and Bobo already share. It's why I think she would find true happiness with Bobo.
(I will also touch on the obvious things here, albeit briefly: they have shared interests, like cuteness, the color pink, and romance, and they... uh... quite obviously get along.)
Comparison to Nikkimi
Really, like I said, this is not an attempt to bash or put down any ship. Nikkimi is great (and canon), but there are a few things that frustrate me:
Their relationship is largely focused on Kimi, not Nikki. Nikki is the one who comforts and supports Kimi on her journey, and Kimi is not there for most of Nikki's moments of weakness, nor does she accompany her on her journey. Kimi doesn't even know Nikki isn't from Miraland until... the very last stage of Volume 1, 19-SS3.
They get together quickly and stay together with no major interpersonal challenges. While yes, this is definitely ideal in real life, it's just not that narratively interesting.
Concluding Thoughts
If there is anything that marks the earlier chapters, it's Bobo's sadness over still being single. Yet, I love the trope of when someone didn't realize the person they were looking for... was with them the whole time!
Bobo has so many countless lines where she is fangirling over Nikki that it is very easy to read more into that. I think people ship her and Kaja for this reason but oh my god there are just as many if not more where she is Nikki's cheerleader, constantly complimenting her and hyping her up to the people she meets (just open Dreamweaver for this).
And even if you still prefer Nikkimi, Bobo having unrequited feelings for Nikki is also pretty fun.
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ladytelos · 5 years
Lance Relationship Headcanons after s8
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Hello Anon, sorry it only took me 8 months to finish this. I started this in January and finally finished it T.T Sorry if its not what you hoped for after all this time, if you’re still paying attention to my blog. Another shortish piece but I hope you enjoy. -I think that after the show Lance would definitely need some time for major healing. Which is what's nice about his quiet life on the farm. It gives him exactly what he needs to mend what was ripped away.
-He’ll never be fully okay, but that doesn’t mean he’s broken either. Lance is an incredibly strong person. 
-If he were to find someone else, most likely they would have to be able to balance giving him space while also softly pursuing him. I don’t feel like he would go chasing after any relationships the way he has in the past.
-He’s settled into a rather calm life, so most likely someone who fits into that life style. Maybe someone from his past that he knew before Voltron was formed. They would also probably have to be relatively independent, but more than willing to give him the affection he needs.
-I’m sure he’d carry some kind of trauma with him that would make him fear losing someone he loves again. Who ever he finds love with would have to reassure him that they won’t disappear on him. It might take awhile for him to climb over this fear.
-Getting into any form of an official relationship would be hard at first. He would most likely be fighting the idea that he was somehow betraying Allura or disrespecting her memory. I think he would talk to Shiro or Hunk about it though in those moments, and they’d remind him that all she’d want is for him to be happy.
-Whoever he is with would also have to acknowledge the pain he’s been through and be okay with the fact that a part of him will always be in love with Allura. They aren’t there to replace her, but to bring Lance something he deserves, unconditional love.
-It would be quite days helping him around the farm. Listening to him tell the most absurd stories of his time in space. Playing around and having fun with him, because in his heart he’s still a goofball. 
-Visiting Allura’s memorial with Lance and getting the chance to speak with her. Asking for her blessing and telling her all they want is to bring Lance back his smile. And somehow I think they would just know that she accepted the idea.
-They would be able to meet the other paladins and would have to get along with them well in order for Lance to be serious about the relationship moving forward. They are his second family and it wouldn’t due to have a significant other who couldn’t be around them.
-It would also be sleepless nights, reassuring Lance after countless nightmares from experiences in war. The parts of him not a lot of people ever got to see. Making sure that in those times he felt safe, and loved.
-They would also have to get along well with his actual family, and like to be around children to an extent. After all there are a lot of them in his family, and they are all incredibly important to him.
-He’d probably end up taking them with him to some of the planets he once went to during his travels. Showing them the parts of his stories first hand that he remembers most fondly. They would meet the Arusians, Balmerans, Alteans, and the Mermaids. And don’t doubt for a second he’d find a way to show them around the Marmoran bases, even if they aren’t what they used to be.
-Mostly a relationship with Lance after season eight would take time, and patience. Someone who is willing to listen and understand. Not push him where he shouldn’t be and be considerate of what he’s been through. Someone who will remind him of his worth everyday and reassure him that they won’t be leaving anytime soon.  
-It would take quite a while for him to consider a relationship again. But I think that if he felt strongly enough for someone he could. While I don’t believe he could ever entirely move on from his love for Allura, I do believe his heart is more than big enough to love another eventually.
-Just give him time,love and happiness. As is what he deserves.
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crimsonrevolt · 7 years
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Congratulations Fallon you’ve been accepted to Crimson Revolt as Thorfinn Rowle!
↳ please refer to our character checklist
Death Eaters are always chilling to me, especially when written well, and Thorfinn was no exception. I loved how you balanced the subtle edge between charming and vengeful and constructed a character who uses everything he can to his advantage and spares no mercy. Your interpretation for him was everything that I didn’t realize he was lacking in skeleton form alone, and it was beautiful (and terrifying) seeing him come to life in your writing! We’re so excited to see what you do to build him further and what kind of impact he’ll have in the rp! *your request to age Thorfinn up has been accepted
application beneath the cut; tw: death, violence, murder, torture, abuse
Hello! I’m Fallon, twenty-one, reside in the CST, and go by She/Her pronouns. And for that optional fact: I am originally from Germany.
Between a 1-10 I would currently set myself at a 6 or 7. I do run two roleplays of my own, and university is back in session as well as me having work.
*removed for privacy
Your confessions blog showed up on my recommended blogs, and clicking it out of curiosity, I found myself very much appreciative of all the kind words your members left there. Hoping the roleplay was still active I clicked onward to the main, thus discovering your exquisite roleplay! Also sidenote hi Jen Boo Bear.
Hang on to your wands, kids, because this is about to get deep (sorta). I identify most with Sirius Black (alright, so maybe I haven’t been to Azkaban, but we’re disregarding that bit). Being considered as an initial outcast, especially amongst his family, is something I can greatly relate to. With a family that has always ventured on a certain path, holds strict values, and expects their descendants not to differ, both my brother and I haven’t always been received in the best of light. But in the end this unfortunate upbringing didn’t discourage him, but shaped him, and I like to believe that like Sirius, in the end, will be sure of my chosen path.
Just to age up Thorfinn to twenty as earlier discussed, and thank you for considering my application!
Thorfinn Aesir Rowle
Thorfinn: ‘thunder’
Aesir: ‘of the gods’
Rowle: ‘renown, wulf, wolf’
Dominic Sherwood
I’m a sucker for the dark, battle-worn antagonist, and most likely lack the ability to play anything but. I often play Antonin Dolohov or Amycus Carrow, but one of the things that drew me to Thorfinn Rowle was the simple fact that I’ve never seen him as a character in an HP roleplay before, and that I was instantly drawn to give his character a voice that I have yet to see. I immensely enjoyed all the carefully chosen aesthetics for your characters, but the dark princeling aura I was struck with by Thorfinn’s stuck with me.
I see him with wicked grins and darkly promising smirks; donning a crimson, cracked crown. He is not the calm before the storm, or the storm itself. He is the devastating aftermath; what the world left for others to see. A loose cannon, an army’s artillery, the Coliseum walls, and possibly the tragedy of Pompeii. Rage is his conquerer. I see him a strong-willed and brutally honest; with a sharp dose of unforgiving. He is prepared to move hell and earth to obtain what he wants, obliterate anything in his path no matter the consequence. Socially, he prefers isolation; volatile actions being the loudest thing about him. He’s apathetic, and considers emotions a distraction, a waste of ability. People tend to avoid him due to his cynic and unpredictable nature. However, if he likes you— though you would never find him admitting it— then he’s more inclined to make an effort not to piss you off. He wears vengeance without a cloak, and has swept over lives with its very existence. His charming persona is often a ruse, a swift way to invite you in before the killing blow.
Thorfinn identifies as a male with the use of He/Him pronouns. Though he is demisexual, he has found that he holds a preference for men. Romance is a falsity, and sex is as simple as intoxicated convenience. With parents that married due to bloodline, had a child for the sole purpose of an heir and lineage, he does not hold the best views on relationships. He considers them a ruse, and strongly believes he lacks the emotions to pursue them (or hold the patience to achieve them).
As for ships, Thorfinn, I believe, would do well with someone of similar mind and position. A death eater, as merciless as himself, would cause an initial, gravitational pull. Someone that has known their share of tragedy, and that holds a pension for volatile behavior. Someone he can kill with, but also, in the end, perhaps trust and self-teach a fondness for.
You can find headcanons, aesthetics, a playlist, and more on a mock blog right HERE!
♔ If you were able to invent one spell, potion, or charm, what would it do, what would you use it for or how would you use it? Feel free to name it:
His mouth twisted with vile intent. There were plenty of spells for inducing silence; to singe the worthless tongues emitting mindless, dimwitted banter. “Perhaps a spell that removes your tongue,” he proposed, mismatched eyes flickering toward his inquirer, “so that when the silence is lifted, you will be forced to remain mute.” He sunk into the leather sofa — his seat a throne wherever he sat— and hoisted legs crossed at the ankle atop a crystalline table. Someone’s priceless heirloom, no doubt. Thorfinn pictured his knuckles testing the strength of the glass, and the force needed to fracture its history. How little he cared, and how much he urged to set ablaze someone’s foundation of precious memory. “Or,” he continued, a dark chuckle bubbling within the cauldron of his hollow throat, “I could simply cut out your tongue.”
♔ You have to venture deep into the Forbidden Forest one night. Pick one other character and one object (muggle or magical), besides your wand, that you’d want with you:
His grin was a trap; a feigned charming persona a fallacy. It was an invitation to lean toward the wolf’s bloodied maw and bare their jugular to ivory fangs; their life forfeit to his usurping snarl. Camaraderie was a long lost, archaic concept to the bloodied prince. Who would he have beside him in war, if not but himself, the only being he knew to depend on upon a genocidal battleground? “Freyja.” At least she was loyal. “Scarier than any bloody werewolf, and knives have never done me wrong.”
♔ What kinds of decisions are the most difficult for you to make?
His brows furrowed, and a dramatic, over-exasperated sigh was its accompaniment. “The decision to answer this question.” He could feel his hands become coated in oil-slick scarlet, sticking his palms together with familial blood. Then his fingers, curling around the dagger’s hilt, and its silvery blade embedding its sharp structure into an unmarred canvas. Again. And again. And again. The parental slaughter had been the most effortless decision of his life. What could be difficult, when your actions were comprised of reactive ideas? Decisions for my wellbeing, he thought, the realization tasting acidic.
♔ What is one thing you would never want said about you?
Flames licked behind mismatched irises. That was rather personal. Through his stoic demeanor came a feign of allowance where discord stood vigil. The query posed could never truly hold a valid response. To allow a crack disrupt his fortress? The idea was built on an inferior man’s principles. His voice captured a death eater’s generic principle: “That I was merciful.” What priest in their dutiful confessional could possess his true answer? Oh, how Thorfinn’s words could set its frame ablaze. The presence of his sins could ignite it, perishing the priest to embers, leaving the scene to ash.
(Flashback, Age seventeen, Christmas Eve)
Outside, the Rowle mansion was an exquisite portrait; its estate’s entirety blanketed by a delicate layer of frigid snow. Dusk had sunk the brightest globe, and engulfed the elegant architecture in a fine veil of twilight. Inside, the shadowed hallways were ablaze with screeching, humanoid howls. Inside, a chamber’s immoral walls were drenched by a garnet-tinted paint.
It had begun with his vision of a mother— an empress in her evening silk. A son had ascended stairs which rose toward heaven, yet truly descended into hell. She was seated upon her deep-violet, ornately carved throne, the tip of a feathered quill peeking through a curtain of ashen hair as her cranium dipped to write upon parchment. “I am busy, Asger.” The son had taken another, sinisterly determined step. His mother’s head lifted, and he was met with her porcelain features through a mirror’s reflection. She swiveled around to face him. “Thorfinn.” Her tone was riddled with surprise; had he ever intruded her chambers before? Or, perhaps, the shock withdrawn from her siren-song voice was the result of his wand, steadily directed toward her. She rose with  years of practiced grace, and he, the birthed puppeteer whom cut her fraying chords by a whispered, fatal curse. And then, she cascaded, her elegance smite. She looked like the angel she never was. And him? Only demons soaked themselves in blood.
The man convulsed beneath the wand’s volatile scrutiny. Its possessor stalked felled prey, predatory gate circling the pursuit of an oncoming kill. The last of his lineage, brought low.  “How does it feel?” he queried, tone level, voice failing to rise above his father’s ceaseless war-cries. “Does your blood feel frozen? Do your bones feel shattered? Does your body feel ripped apart?” He wished to pluck his tendons, incinerate his veins. How does it feel? he thought, to be the receiver of such senseless, merciless brutality. He’d known its pained definition for seventeen years— a length that which confessed itself a millennia of accursed onslaught. His father had swallowed lucifer’s luck; he’d only tasted its iron for mere hours.
And then he unsheathed a bladed heirloom; meant for crystalline encasement, yet selected for insidious motive. Thorfinn knelt beside his father’s mangled figure, the torturous curse subsiding, paying tribute to its subterfuge. “How does it feel?” he repeated, the inquiry infested with sadistic promise. “I’ll teach you.”  Like you taught me. There was a spray of pink mist as he drove the dagger home, discoloring his ivory flesh. Turbulent wrath. Barbaric savagery. Ferocious fury. Colossal sin. The blade rescinded to his potent rage with a sickening shing and squelch. The knife committed its massacre; a rerun of sharp steel embedding itself into a shallow-breathing frame.
The host’s mouth parted to expel a current of blood; staining loathing lips with death’s lipstick. Again, a caged voice whispered, rattling his vandalized skull. Again. Again. Again. The battlecries no longer echoed from his father’s frozen throat. They were his elicitations, tearing through his system with each thrust of the weapon.
Exhaustion finalized the deed. At its release, the knife struck the earth with clattering force. The victor rose, armored in liquified rubies. His victim lay in grotesque mutilation, a corpse devoid of its proper casket. The wraith vanished from its demolishing destination, and sought an eloquent alternative.
Deft digits slipped upon the keys, revealing red smears upon their stark notes. The kneazle’s lioness paws left perfect, scarlet-printed shapes atop the piano’s glossy roof. She sat poised on charcoal-colored haunches, sharing a piercing gaze with her murderous owner. “Happy Christmas, Freyja.”
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Rules of the Account
I apologize sincerely ahead of time for the length but I want to get EVERYTHING out of the way so there are no problems or drama in the future. I want to get every contention down long before it has a chance to become a problem so as to avoid being swept up in some flame war. Please do not be intimidated I’m actually significantly more lenient than it might seem I just want to try and make sure nothing ever explodes into drama wars, I hate drama, love people, and like civil discussion. I also do not assume prior roleplay experience so there’s a handful of details you probably already know, sorry about that. Thank you so much for your time, it is the most valuable thing and I am so grateful you are spending it on me. I look forward to our interactions.
Basic Outline of the Account
I am willing to see if absolutely any character what so ever will work. I am multiverse, multistory, and, as incredibly uncommon as it is to actually succeed in someone achieving this with Ganondorf, multiship. This means that any events in one roleplay or story will have no direct affect on another beyond if it influences the perception of the admin on how to roleplay Ganondorf. As I will go into in more detail later this is not an account where I tag triggers unless to a far extreme in specific areas, namely incest or rape (there may still be implication or reference to events of these things that go untagged but if going into any sort of detail beyond a general inference I will tag it), and as such take this as your warning, Ganondorf is a very violent character when he is set to the situation and I feel that if I tag acts of violence it would damage the portrayal as well as that I would have a tendency to forget to tag them, further studies have shown trigger warnings have been more harmful than helpful to those with actual mental scars in the healing process so I just don’t agree with them. I do not require full out careful writing to the quality of Lovecraft or Shakespeare, I do, however, need something of substance and decent detail usually. I am willing to help any newbies though and I can help with some pointers. Do note the quality and effort of my roleplays usually depends at least somewhat on how much detail I am given and the quality of my partner so the more you put in the better I can put out, after all roleplaying is a partnership and a bit like improvising so we all rely on one another in it. Absolutely anyone can send me any memes from any account, though if we haven’t interacted before and it deals with me judging a character expect me to pop up in messaging before I properly answer, especially so if it’s not a Legend of Zelda profile. Similarly any roleplayer at all can approach me with an idea and I am fully open to discuss anything in messaging for any possible setup for a roleplay. PLEASE feel completely free to contact me through messaging for any clarifications or anything, my messaging is public for a reason. Every meme I’ve ever posted is always open for anyone to send at any point and just about any serious question can be sent to messaging or askbox, just be sure to tell me which one it was if it’s an old one and preferably send me a link, messaging is fine for the link. I am happy to receive constructive criticism and I do not at all mind reminders as Tumblr might have eaten the notification or I may have forgotten as I do not have the most pristine memory. If I seem to be avoiding yours I either missed it or need some extra time to consider how to answer it, sometimes the ones in my drafts the longest are the ones I most care about, sometimes I just need a spark to really piece together my answer.
I take magic anons though may be fairly selective on which I will actually RP and won’t play them to be constant through some period of time but more so reliant on the RPs and interaction based around the M/A.
Note: I will never show private messages, even if we have a complete fall out and hate one another you are free to message me anything but porn, slander, or call out requests and I will gladly listen and converse. I despise call out culture and the mob mentality that it comes with. I am not vengeful so feel free to speak openly. I am also not a person who will block anyone without exhausting every other option, I want to solve things and improve.
Oh also my writing style is heavily inspired by Lovecraft so there might occasionally be some antediluvian words in there. If you have an issue and want me to avoid words like squamous and gibbous just send me a message. They have a certain impact and tone, an ancient air to them that I like to use for Ganondorf but I completely understand not wanting to deal with such an old diction. If you need some clarification on a word rather than full aversion just message me about that word.
General Rules of the Account, Interaction and General Behavior
2: Do not feel uncomfortable to message me unless you are coming purely to insult me constantly. NOTE: CRITICISM DOES NOT EQUAL INSULT, I REALLY LIKE CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM BECAUSE IT MAKES ME BETTER FROM THAT POINT ON. I HAVE IMPROVED IMMENSELY DUE TO IT. LET ME KNOW WHEN I SCREW UP. I am always open to talk about any problems you are having, anything wrong with myself, and I will try to be as accommodating as I can without compromising my own enjoyment.
3: This is only a rule because many people do it on this site and it got to the point I was getting stressed out, angry, and hostile on an account that is meant for entertainment, relaxation, and socializing purposes after making my views known just once. Sorry if this comes out as a bit of a rant, I just want to avoid all of the drama that it caused, that’s pretty much why half of these rules exist. Please do not just come here to belittle and contort my opinions, to conflate my views with things I do not agree with at all, or to twist how I portray Ganondorf into something that is somehow related to looking down on real life people especially when it’s canon parts of the Gerudo culture and for using multiple other cultures as inspiration in my portrayal of a fictional society. If you want to talk my character, my headcanons, even politics or anything else in a respectful way or have rational criticism of it I am always open to such discussion through private messaging system, I probably greatly disagree with you in many areas but even on extreme accusations if approached respectfully I’ll talk on it. Try to be tolerant of people with reasonable but differing views. I’m a debater by nature and I enjoy such talk, but if all you want is to be disrespectful, insulting, and condescending then please do leave. I hold strongly to principles of individual rights and the principle of free speech and try to be as welcoming as I can without hurting my own enjoyment and violating my values. I ask for simple decency and hold strong to the idea all people of all ideologies, no matter how stupid or intelligent, are free to speak their opinion, including to hate and belittle me. I just don’t have to listen and mockery is just as free game. This will only be brought up when absolutely necessary due to the context of something sent to me or in the comments of a post dealing with these topics, I will not actively post anything political anywhere on here. Also do not think disagreements mean that a friendship is impossible. I can be friends with people of most opinions and views even if directly conflicted on some very serious personal values.
4: Do not insult me behind my back please. Seriously, don’t do it. If you are going to insult me, at least have the courage to do it in front of me and give me that decency. I truly despise being talked about behind my back and it instantly destroys any trust I have if I find out, this relates to something that happened back when I was about 13 or 14 that was rather dramatic and very painful in my life. It is something that crushes every a single bit of trust I have. I work to not do it to anyone so please don’t do it to me, it will likely destroy the possibility of anything more than distant acquaintance if I learn about it. If you have a problem, again, just say so to me and I will seek ways to improve.
5: I’m truly and honestly sorry, I apologize, but due to religious and personal reasons I am not able to call someone by anything other than he or she in my discussions. I can learn your name and always use that instead if preferred. It just feels completely contrary to my beliefs, my religious faith, and it makes me feel like I’m dehumanizing a person because it feels like I’m describing an object and that makes me feel absolutely horrible in my gut. I think of everyone, the worst and best of humanity, is made of the same flesh and blood as me no matter. They are all human beings and should be thought of as such, not faceless monsters but humans, the worst are not worth the effort of hating, but pity, for they are truly pitiful people. That is a policy I have and I will respect your beliefs in this, please respect mine. I have respect of whatever you want to be identified as and believe even if I disagree, just have respect of what I want and believe as well. Call it selfish if you wish but I can’t bring myself to do it and feel right about it. It’s a mental tick that grates really badly on my conscience. I can refer to you by name however and avoid pronouns altogether.
6: If you have any general problems with me, my portrayal, or anything at all discuss it in messaging and I will gladly talk it out. I am an adult, I can handle complaints like an adult, and if they are legitimate complaints I will change accordingly. Again, make it a PRIVATE conversation. There is no point in dragging these things out into the public, I won’t do it to you, don’t do it to me. It just makes the problem worse for everyone. I know I keep bringing it up but it’s important above all else in my rules.
7: I don’t use trigger warnings on violence or gore unless it is a graphic picture, which I have never posted, though sexual writing will usually be tagged NSFW. My account will have descriptive gore in its writing, it will describe mangled bodies and twisted corpses. Violence in my writing will not have trigger warnings, so take this as your warning. I do not back away from depicting gore and actually enjoy describing a bloody mess, even if in real life I can barely look at other people’s blood without entering a bit of a panic. If you find things like this hard to read that’s fine but this may not be the right blog for you. I tackle many dark themes. Extremely sexual things such as actual intercourse, however, will almost always have a read more break and an NSFW tag if I even post anything of the sort (I’m not a fan of detailed sex). Descriptive, gory violence occurs suddenly and without warning at times with this portrayal. This is your warning for the profile, I won’t warn you of when Ganondorf is about to tear something apart beyond maybe some plotting if necessary, he simply will do it. I would feel like I was discrediting him otherwise as it’s important in writing to get the full impact of what he is doing. Passing mentions of other seriously dark issues will not be tagged, but anything detailed that is sent in detailing subjects similar to rape, incest, or other similar actions will be tagged and likely beneath a cut. Note: My characters do not ever engage in any of those types of actions.
8: There be spoilers here, there’s not a whole lot to spoil in Zelda as most twists are really obvious but if you want to avoid them then you may want to seek another. I personally rarely give a shit about spoilers. Also I swear pretty passively when relaxed and not around family so be aware of that if you haven’.t noticed yet
9: Do not use art I create without giving credit, I would also appreciate you confirming that it is okay with me first though if you’re using any of it, though I really doubt I will ever need to enact this rule.
10: Recognize that my character and myself are two separate entities, just because I write something does not mean I approve of it. I have written things that disgust me, but I write them because they are part of the story. Writing about the snapping of bones actually does create some kind of cringe reaction in me, something about compound fractures makes me react even in written form, but I’ll still write it because I want to be descriptive and I do enjoy writing gore, even though if I see another person’s injury I can barely stand the sight of it in person.
11: While I do care about others I do not want other people demanding I change how I speak and act. Come courteously and I will gladly and calmly talk it out. Follow my rules.
12: Every time something happens that causes a rift, I will want to discuss it before actions are taken. I can get passionate about things especially when I’m distressed, agitated, and have been going without sleep. It’s a flaw, I know, and I cannot possibly express how sincerely sorry I am for it in words. I want to work things out with everyone as much as possible. Please, I want to be understanding and empathetic, but that goes two ways, I’m not perfect as shown by some of the other rules so please be a bit understanding here. I fail, I break, and I do stupid shit that gets me in trouble, just give me an opportunity to make it up and get better if I ever do.
Roleplay Specific
1: If you are going to drop an RP with me please let me know so that I don’t keep bothering you trying to ensure we are still in contact or looking back at it. Send me a message notifying me that you are dropping the RP. I’m a person who thinks about RPs between turns and tries to get a general outline for the next one so the sooner I know it’s dropped the better. So many people have broke this rule.
2: If you have an idea for a full and proper roleplay setup it’s best to contact me before sending me an RP. I will accept RPs without the discussion if they are well made and make sense for Ganondorf but I like to be able to talk things out a bit and know you are going to be making an RP with me before you create it. Make sure it works for my character and such so that it’s worked out before posting.
3: I am unlikely to RP situations that Ganondorf would never be in nor will I generally RP with people who do not have enough detail. Now that is not saying I’m snobbish just basic detail. For example, I’ve had people go essentially “I dodge and stab you to death” without any explanation, any chance to respond, or even having any of the proper tools to actually harm Ganondorf. I’m much less likely to want to RP with people who go “I attack” but anyone of any level can approach, just expect similar quality or asks for clarifications and the very possible drop if it simply becomes too arbitrary, though I will talk in messaging with you before hand.
4: Do not tell me how to run my character. If you have a disagreement with me on my portrayal feel free to discuss it with me in chat but don’t demand me to change my ideas and my opinions. This is a heavily personalized take on the character focusing on a realistic portrayal based on the psyches and justifications of historical figures both horrible and great, building a uniquely Ganondorf psyche inspired by them while remaining loyal to the version given by Legend of Zelda. If you see an issue with my portrayal please do tell me, I like constructive criticism, but don’t demand it.
5: Romance can occur but it will rely on some at the very least basic chemistry and Ganondorf is a man who is not very sexually active and is extremely picky, do not expect if you try to approach Ganondorf as a date that he will even consider you worth his time to speak with. Do not expect Ganondorf to be kind and caring about your character. Do not expect Ganondorf to like your character or engage in anything with it. He is not your friend. He is not your buddy. He is Ganondorf and he has no hesitations about breaking your bones if you push too far. He will behave as he behaves in my portrayal not as you want him to behave. I’ve made occasional AUs to work with good friends that adjust his personality but this is very rare and very specific. I don’t do ships often and only in the most specific circumstances, it has to come naturally and it has to fit Ganondorf’s character at least roughly, and though I’ve made some exceptions those are very rare and usually in PM variants of RP, it is a very difficult task to meet. Even then, he’s not the most affectionate of lovers, he’s distant, possessive, and aggressive. His main reason for a relationship is children rather than any partnership so it will not often be a merry match made in heaven. For romantic RP no one under 18 please. No minors. Feel free to RP anything with me but romantic stuff if you’re a minor. It’s just uncomfortable for everyone and can cause legal problems.
6: If we go into a serious combat RP I usually expect some basic understanding of how weapons and armor work and a basic grasp of military strategy. Not mastery or having read through all of The War As I Knew It or anything just some basic knowledge on the purpose and operation of the weapon your character uses and how it reacts and how armor behaves in actual combat. This isn’t a big rule it’s just a pet peeve of mine.
7: Please, no godmodding, powerplaying, auto-hitting (do not decide for me what strikes me, I will decide how my character reacts and how it strikes, if you feel I am being unfair contact me), auto-dodging (you can’t just go “I dodge” forever and ignore every attack unless there is a good lore reason for it), metagaming, or retconning. These are standard rules of roleplay that most accounts include in one way or another, often not even bothering to label them and are better described in the attached graphic. If you made a mistake and want to take something back I’m perfectly open to discussing it but don’t get upset if I say no, I have never actually said no but don’t get angry about any disagreements.
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Primary roleplay linguistics used by this account: (may vary if requested by partner)
(Post number in the RP for keeping track of order if one wishes to go back)
Partner’s writing
This is my primary character speaking
“This is someone other than my primary character speaking”
This is either a phrase being emphasized while it is being spoken or it is something written down.
This is a thought or occasionally an emphasized action, use context
This is an action, contextual information, anything not previously mentioned within the RP
[[This is the admin speaking, all of these linguistics come from my origin as an RPer on another site where this was the standard. If you have issues with my linguistics I am willing to alter them]]
I do not have a password, I trust you to have read this. Thank you very much and have fun. I anticipate your interaction, I’m almost always hungry for more activity. I wish you only the best and look forward to good interactions and pleasant discussions.
Sincerely, Jacob “Puncledorf”
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