#wordpress security vulnerabilities
wppipcom · 1 year
WordPress security | How to protect your WordPress website from Malware attack
WordPress security | How to protect your WordPress website from Malware? How we can protect and prevent WordPress malware and hacking?
WordPress security | How to protect your WordPress website from Malware WordPress is a commonly used content management system (CMS) for creating and maintaining websites. This, also indicates that WordPress websites are a popular target for hackers and online criminals. They injects Malware, Spyware, Adware, ransomware, Virus, Trojans to WordPress website when there are no security prevents…
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devsnews · 1 year
Since WordPress hosts a high percentage of websites worldwide, its vulnerabilities can be very dangerous for the web industry because they allow hackers to access many websites' sensitive information. According to the U.S. Government National Vulnerability Database, there are several warnings about different vulnerabilities affecting WordPress. In that regard, the WordPress team released a new version to address these vulnerabilities.
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orbitbrain · 2 years
WordPress Security Update 6.0.3 Patches 16 Vulnerabilities
WordPress Security Update 6.0.3 Patches 16 Vulnerabilities
Home › Vulnerabilities WordPress Security Update 6.0.3 Patches 16 Vulnerabilities By Eduard Kovacs on October 19, 2022 Tweet WordPress 6.0.3 started rolling out this week. The latest security release patches 16 vulnerabilities. WordPress 6.0.3 fixes nine stored and reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerabilities, as well as open redirect, data exposure, cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and…
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mtechcore · 2 years
Best Security Plugins for WordPress
Best Security Plugins for WordPress
It is very easy to find the security, hack or weakness of your WordPress website. If you suspect that your website is being hacked, then you should launch WordPress security scan. In this article, we will tell you about the best WordPress security scanners. With the help of which you can quickly check the security of your WordPress website. What WordPress Security Plugins Can Do? It must have…
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ariyogames · 2 years
Patreon has laid off their security team
I know this isn't an update on my interactive fiction game but I just wanted interactive fiction creators and other people who have Patreons to be aware about this issue.
Whitney Merrill on Twitter: "Whoa @Patreon laid off their ENTIRE security team. Wouldn’t trust my data there. Also there’s some amazing talent to scoop up." / Twitter
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For creators with a Patreon, I would recommend using a password manager to generate a randomly generated password so that when Patreon has (another) security breach, your password will be unique.
For creators that are uncomfortable with using Patreon and do not want to lose their Patreon content, you can import your Patreon content to a WordPress website with a WordPress plugin that can be used with a WordPress membership plugin like Paid Memberships Pro that lets patrons subscribe to your content like on Patreon. However, please keep in mind that WordPress plugins are also very vulnerable to attack so it is very important that you update the plugins frequently if you choose to go this route.
Ko-fi is also a good alternative that I know a lot of interactive fiction creators use for their work. SubscribeStar is a good option for NSFW artists.
Hopefully there won't be any serious security breaches with Patreon but who knows what will happen...
UPDATE (10th September 2022 - 11:30AM BST):
Patreon has confirmed to reporters that they are hiring an external security team to handle Patreon's security.
Kevin Collier on Twitter: "Wild. Patreon confirms the layoffs in emailed statement to me, says it's ok, they're using third-party security. https://t.co/zV9zw9yOlh" / Twitter
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What this means is that Patreon has decided to go for the cheaper option by outsourcing their security to a team abroad instead of spending more money and resources on an in-house security team. This is what is known to infosec/cyber security experts as MSSP/MSP.
However, a lot of cyber security professionals have criticised this decision by Patreon because historically, organisations that have outsourced their security to a team abroad have usually had a lot of security issues/security breaches later on down the line because they do not check/scan the security of the company as frequently as an in-house security team would.
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This also conflicts with what a laid-off security employee has said about the situation where they disputed Patreon's claims of this decision not impacting their security by alleging that Patreon has cut down of its use of external security vendors in the past four months.
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So what does this mean for Patreon's future and how am I affected?
What this means is that there are things going on behind the scenes at Patreon that we do not know about yet, all we know is that the leadership over there is making incredibly unwise business decisions by firing their entire internal security team and what this usually means is there will either be a huge security breach down the line or an announcement of a merger or acquisition.
Another potential risk is supporter deanonymisation, where attackers with malicious intent could blackmail subscribers that pledge to NSFW artists and kink content creators and threaten to reveal their Patreon pledges to an employer.
Your payment information (credit/debit card information) should be safe because Patreon do not process payment information themselves, they outsource it to Stripe and PayPal.
This blogpost by a cyber security professional is worth reading to know more on what to do about this situation.
Should I delete my Patreon account?
If you have no other option, then I would not delete my Patreon account especially if it is your only active source of income. What I would do is what I have listed above: by turning on two factor authentication through an app like Google Authenticator or Authy and changing your password to a randomly generated password so that you are not too much at risk when a security breach inevitably happens.
If you do have other options and are not as financially dependent on Patreon alone, then I would think about switching to other crowdfunding services like Ko-fi, SubscribeStar (I hear SubscribeStar is a good option for NSFW artists) and Comradery
I was originally going to create a Patreon for my interactive fiction/narrative game studio after I release the demo/first chapter of the interactive fiction game I'm currently working on (Mutants of Mayprice) but Patreon's lack of communication about this situation and their unwise decision of firing their entire internal security team (which wasn't many people to begin with, five people) does not leave me with a lot of confidence about the future of the platform.
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lesbianchemicalplant · 8 months
On September 11th, 2023 Google released an emergency security fix for a critical vulnerability discovered, identified as CVE-2023-4863 affecting the Google Chrome for Windows, macOS, and Linux. CVE-2023-4863 is a zero day heap buffer overflow vulnerability in Google Chrome’s WebP with a HIGH 8.8 CVSS score. The vulnerability allows a remote attacker to perform an out-of-bounds memory write via a crafted HTML page. According to Google’s report and the CISA KEV Catalog, the vulnerability is known to be exploited in the wild, which highlights its urgency and affects any application or software that uses the libwebp package of WebP codec, which significantly increases the attack surface. Rezilion analysis of the vulnerability reveals that: • The scope of this vulnerability is much wider than initially assumed, affecting millions of different applications worldwide • Vulnerability scanners will not necessarily provide a reliable indication of the presence of this vulnerability, due to being wrongly scoped as a Chrome issue. • It is highly likely that the underlying issue in the libwebp library is the same issue resulting in CVE-2023-41064 used by threat actors as part of the BLASTPASS exploit chain to deploy the NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware on target mobile devices. Rezilion analysis reveals that there are several common Linux applications that contain or use the vulnerable libwebp package as a dependency. Examples include: libtiff, python-pillow, libgd, gnuplot, libavcodec58, libmagickcor, libqt5webkit5, libgvc6, libimlib2, and others.  Rezilion has also identified the vulnerable library in several popular container images׳ latest versions, collectively downloaded and deployed billions of times, such as Nginx, Python, Joomla, WordPress, Node.js, and more.
(September 21st 2023)
(September 26th 2023)
A critical zero-day vulnerability Google reported on Wednesday in its Chrome browser is opening the Internet to a new chapter of Groundhog Day. Like a critical zero-day Google disclosed on September 11, the new exploited vulnerability doesn’t affect just Chrome. Already, Mozilla has said that its Firefox browser is vulnerable to the same bug, which is tracked as CVE-2023-5217. And just like CVE-2023-4863 from 17 days ago, the new one resides in a widely used code library for processing media files, specifically those in the VP8 format. Pages here and here list hundreds of packages for Ubuntu and Debian alone that rely on the library known as libvpx. Most browsers use it, and the list of software or vendors supporting it reads like a who’s who of the Internet, including Skype, Adobe, VLC, and Android. It’s unclear how many software packages that depend on libvpx will be vulnerable to CVE-2023-5217. Google’s disclosure says the zero-day applies to video encoding. By contrast, the zero-day exploited in libwebp, the code library vulnerable to the attacks earlier this month, worked for encoding and decoding. In other words, based on the wording in the disclosure, CVE-2023-5217 requires a targeted device to create media in the VP8 format. CVE-2023-4863 could be exploited when a targeted device simply displayed a booby-trapped image. “The fact that a package depends on libvpx does NOT necessarily mean that it'd be vulnerable,” Will Dorman, senior principal analyst at Analygence, wrote in an online interview. “The vuln is in VP8 encoding, so if something uses libvpx only for decoding, they have nothing to worry about.” Even with that important distinction, there are likely to be many more packages besides Chrome and Firefox that will require patching. “Firefox, Chrome (and Chromium-based) browsers, plus other things that expose VP8 encoding capabilities from libvpx to JavaScript (i.e. web browsers), seem to be at risk,” he said.
(September 28th, 2023)
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safsec · 1 month
I will provide WordPress malware removal, fix error, recover hacked website and secure it.
Here's what my service :
Recover and fix hacked Website Remove shell,backdoors and phishing scripts Remove and clean Malware from your website Remove Malware from Wordpress core files Blacklist Removal Vulnerability Testing Fix redirect to others site Security Patch Installation Software Version Upgrade Remove malware from all infected files Update plugin and theme from your Wordpress website Install security plugin Keep Website files and database backup
If you're interested in availing my services or have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. I'm more than happy to discuss your needs in detail and provide you with a personalized plan of action.
Thank you for considering my expertise, and I look forward to the opportunity to assist you in securing your WordPress website.
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rohan277 · 1 month
As a Cyber Security Expert, I will provide penetration Testing and WordPress Malware Removal services. Those are my best and strongest skills. I can combine the power of manual and automated penetration tests to remove all types of malware and viruses from any WordPress website.
My Services on penetration testing:
✅I will test File Uploads, SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, Authentication, Access Control, Information Disclosure, RFI, RCE, LFI, Brute Force, SSRF, and many more Bugs.
✅I will test your website and give you a professional and premium testing report that help you fix this vulnerability.
✅Network devices (Servers, switches, routers) Penetration Testing services.
✅I will test manual and automated both.
✅Mobile Application Penetration Testing.
My services for WordPress Malware Removal:
✅I will remove all types of malware and viruses from hacked WordPress websites
✅fix redirect issues where the website redirects to another website and URLs.
✅remove malware from the server of C-Panel
✅Reactive suspended hosting account.
✅Remove Japanese or Chinese Spam Links.
✅Remove all backdoors and phishing scripts.
✅Install many security plugins.
✅Updates all Plugins and Themes on your website.
Why work with me:
⭐️I will use multiple vulnerability scanners.
⭐️Provide unlimited modifications and retesting for the issues that have been fixed.
⭐️No false Positives on the Report and give the recommendations.
⭐️On-time delivery.
Me on Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/safety_hub?up_rollout 
Let me work with you. I am a professional cybersecurity specialist with 3years of experience. I will give you the best service. I hope you will be satisfied.
Thank You.
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cyber-sec · 1 month
Hackers exploit LiteSpeed Cache flaw to create WordPress admins
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Source: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hackers-exploit-litespeed-cache-flaw-to-create-wordpress-admins/
More info: https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/litespeed-cache/wordpress-litespeed-cache-plugin-5-7-unauthenticated-site-wide-stored-xss-vulnerability/
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wordpresscareplans · 1 month
How Cloudflare Can Improve the Performance and Security of Your WordPress Website
If you run a WordPress website, you know the importance of ensuring that it performs well and is secure. One tool that can help with both of these goals is Cloudflare, a content delivery network (CDN) and web security platform. In this post, we'll explain how Cloudflare can improve the performance and security of your WordPress website, and provide step-by-step instructions on how to set it up.
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How Cloudflare Improves Performance
A CDN is a network of servers that are located at various points around the world. When a visitor accesses a website that is using a CDN, the CDN will serve the website's content from the server that is closest to the visitor, reducing the physical distance between the server and the visitor and therefore improving the website's performance.
Cloudflare has a large network of data centers, which means it can deliver content to visitors with high speed and low latency. In addition, Cloudflare's caching capabilities allow it to store copies of a website's static content, such as images and CSS files, on its servers. This means that when a visitor accesses the website, the static content can be served from Cloudflare's servers rather than the website's own server, reducing the load on the website's server and improving the website's performance.
To set up Cloudflare for your WordPress website, you will need to sign up for a Cloudflare account and follow the prompts to add your website. Once your website is added, you can choose the performance and security settings that best suit your needs.
How Cloudflare Enhances Security
In addition to improving performance, Cloudflare also enhances the security of a WordPress website. There are many potential security threats that a WordPress website may face, including DDoS attacks and malware.
Cloudflare serves as a buffer between the internet and a website, helping to protect the website from these types of threats. Cloudflare's threat intelligence system can identify and block malicious traffic before it reaches the website, and its web application firewalling feature can protect against vulnerabilities in the website's code.
To further enhance the security of your WordPress website when using Cloudflare, you can enable two-factor authentication for your Cloudflare account and keep your WordPress plugins and themes up to date.
In summary, Cloudflare is a powerful tool that can improve the performance and security of your WordPress website. By using a CDN and implementing security measures such as threat intelligence and web application firewalling, Cloudflare can help ensure that your website is fast, reliable, and secure. If you haven't already done so, consider setting up Cloudflare for your WordPress website to reap the benefits.
Learn more about adding CloudFlare to your website: https://maintenancepress.com/
Image by vectorjuice on Freepik
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reliqus · 3 months
WordPress users, beware! A new phishing scam targeting the popular content management system was discovered on January 5th, 2024. This scam involves a fake 'CVE-2024-46188' patch that claims to fix a security vulnerability in WordPress. However, this is actually a cleverly crafted phishing attempt to steal sensitive information from unsuspecting website owners. 
Remember, as per the WordPress team, "Official communications from WordPress will always come from a wordpress.org or wordpress.com email address." To know more about Read our full blog on Fake CVE Phishing Scam Tricks.
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shoaibsheikh786 · 1 year
Website Maintenance in Melbourne - Ensuring Your Melbourne Website is Up to Par
Website Maintenance: Ensuring Your Melbourne Website is Up to Par
In today's digital age, having a website is no longer just a luxury for businesses, it's a necessity. Websites provide businesses with a platform to showcase their products and services, reach out to potential customers, and even sell their products and services online. However, just having a website is not enough. In order to ensure that your Melbourne-based business is reaching its maximum potential, it's important to keep your website well-maintained. In this article, we'll be discussing website maintenance in Melbourne and why it's crucial for the success of your business.
What is website maintenance?
Website maintenance refers to the process of keeping your website up-to-date and in good working condition. This includes tasks such as updating software and plugins, backing up your website, monitoring website security, optimizing website speed, fixing broken links, and more.
Why is website maintenance important?
Website maintenance is important for a number of reasons:
1. Security: Websites are susceptible to cyber attacks and hacking attempts. Regular maintenance helps to keep your website secure by identifying and patching security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
2. User experience: A well-maintained website ensures that your visitors have a smooth and enjoyable experience when browsing your website. This can help to increase engagement, improve your website's conversion rates, and ultimately, drive more sales.
3. Search engine optimization (SEO): Search engines, like Google, rank websites based on a number of factors, including website speed, mobile responsiveness, and the presence of broken links. Regular website maintenance can help to ensure that your website meets these criteria and is optimized for search engines.
4. Brand reputation: A poorly-maintained website can give visitors the impression that your business is unprofessional or unreliable. On the other hand, a well-maintained website can help to build trust and establish your brand as a reputable and trustworthy business.
What does website maintenance involve?
Website maintenance involves a number of tasks, including:
1. Software updates: Websites are typically built on content management systems (CMS) like WordPress, which require regular software updates. These updates may include security patches, bug fixes, and new features.
2. Plugin updates: Plugins are add-ons that extend the functionality of your website. Like software updates, plugin updates may include security patches and bug fixes.
3. Backup and restore: Backing up your website ensures that you have a copy of your website in case something goes wrong. This is especially important if you have an online store or rely heavily on your website for business.
4. Security monitoring: Regular security monitoring helps to identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.
5. Performance optimization: Optimizing your website's performance can help to improve page load times, reduce bounce rates, and improve user engagement.
6. Content updates: Updating your website with fresh, relevant content can help to improve your website's search engine rankings and keep visitors engaged.
7. Broken link checking: Broken links can negatively impact your website's search engine rankings and user experience. Regular broken link checking helps to identify and fix these issues.
8. Website redesign: While not a regular task, a website redesign may be necessary if your website is outdated or no longer meets the needs of your business.
What are the benefits of outsourcing website maintenance?
Outsourcing website maintenance to a professional company in Melbourne can provide a number of benefits, including:
1. Expertise: Professional website maintenance companies have the expertise and knowledge necessary to keep your website up-to-date and secure.
2. Time-saving: Website maintenance can be time-consuming, especially if you're not familiar with the process. Outsourcing frees up your time to focus on other important aspects of your business.
3. Cost-effective: Hiring a professional company can be more cost-effective than
Source: https://shoaibsheikh786.com/website-maintenance-in-melbourne-ensuring-your-melbourne-website-is-up-to-par/
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99wd · 1 year
WordPress vs. Other CMS: A Market Analysis and Comparison of WordPress with Other CMS in 2023
Content Management Systems (CMS) have become an integral part of website development, and their importance is set to grow in the years to come. Among the popular CMS available today, WordPress has emerged as the clear leader in terms of popularity, user-friendliness, and flexibility. However, with other CMS gaining popularity, it is worth comparing WordPress with its competitors to assess its market position in 2023.
To begin with, let's look at some of the popular CMS that compete with WordPress. Drupal, Joomla, and Magento are the main competitors to WordPress, and all of them have their unique advantages and disadvantages.
You can design now any kind of website with WordPress. For example eCommerce, LMS, Blog, and more.
Drupal, for instance, is a CMS that is often preferred by developers for its scalability and advanced features. However, Drupal is not as user-friendly as WordPress, and it requires significant technical knowledge to operate. Joomla, on the other hand, is a good choice for small to medium-sized businesses, but it may not be as suitable for large-scale websites.
Magento is another CMS that is popular in the e-commerce industry, and it offers a wide range of features and flexibility. However, it is not as user-friendly as WordPress, and it requires significant technical expertise to operate.
When it comes to market share, WordPress is the clear leader with a market share of over 60%. In comparison, Drupal and Joomla have a market share of around 4%, while Magento has a market share of around 2%. This indicates that WordPress has a significant advantage over its competitors in terms of popularity and market reach.
One of the primary reasons for WordPress's popularity is its user-friendly interface. WordPress is designed to be easy to use, and it can be used by anyone with basic computer skills. This makes it an ideal choice for small business owners and bloggers who do not have a technical background.
Another advantage of WordPress is its flexibility. WordPress offers a wide range of plugins and themes that can be used to customize the look and functionality of a website. This makes it possible to create a website that is unique and tailored to specific needs.
WordPress also has a large and active community of users and developers. This community has created thousands of plugins and themes that can be used to enhance the functionality and design of a website. This also means that there is a wealth of resources available for WordPress users, including tutorials, forums, and support groups.
In terms of security, WordPress is considered to be a secure CMS, and it has a dedicated team of developers who work to ensure that the software is regularly updated and patched. However, like any other CMS, WordPress is not immune to security vulnerabilities, and users must take measures to ensure that their website is secure.
While other CMS like Drupal, Joomla, and Magento offer unique features and advantages, WordPress remains the clear leader in terms of popularity, user-friendliness, flexibility, and market share. With its active community of users and developers, WordPress is set to continue its dominance in the CMS market in 2023 and beyond. However, it is always advisable to evaluate the specific needs of a website before choosing a CMS, as each CMS has its own strengths and weaknesses.
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shaan10 · 1 year
Get Quality Service with my Fiverr Gig
As a professional cyber security specialist with over 6 years of experience, I know how important it is to protect your website from cyber threats. That's why I offer a range of services that help safeguard your website from hackers and other cyber threats.
My Fiverr gig specializes in two key areas: penetration testing and WordPress security.
Penetration Testing
Penetration testing is an essential component of any comprehensive cyber security strategy. As a penetration testing expert, I can help you identify vulnerabilities in your website or application, and provide recommendations for how to fix them.
With my penetration testing services, you can:
Identify vulnerabilities: I use a range of tools and techniques to identify vulnerabilities in your website or application, including SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and more.
Test your defenses: I simulate real-world attacks to test your defenses and see how well your website or application can withstand an attack.
Receive a detailed report: I provide a detailed report that outlines the vulnerabilities I found and provides recommendations for how to fix them.
WordPress Security
WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world, which makes it a prime target for hackers. As a WordPress security expert, I can help you secure your website and protect it from malware and other cyber threats.
With my WordPress security services, you can:
Secure your website: I will review your website and identify any vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.
Clean malware: If your website has already been infected with malware, I will clean it up and ensure that it's secure.
Provide ongoing support: I can provide ongoing support to ensure that your website remains secure and protected from cyber threats.
In conclusion, my Fiverr gig offers professional cyber security and penetration testing services that help protect your website from cyber threats. With my expertise and experience, you can rest assured that your website is in good hands.
If you're ready to take your website's security to the next level, look no further than my Fiverr gig. Let's work together to keep your website safe and secure!
Check out my fiver gigs:https://www.fiverr.com/tanviralamshaan
Have a nice day
Than You
Tanvir alam shaan
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krypteiagroup · 1 year
Mozilla Releases Security Updates for Firefox 111, Firefox ESR 102.9, and Thunderbird 102.9
https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/alerts/2023/03/14/mozilla-releases-security-updates-firefox-111-firefox-esr-1029-and-thunderbird-1029 Mozilla has released security updates to address vulnerabilities in Firefox 111, Firefox ESR 102.9, and Thunderbird 102.9. An attacker could exploit some of these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system. CISA encourages users and administrators to…
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jscalzi · 1 year
The Big Idea: Bruce Schneier
The world has systems. Systems have rules. Or are they more like guidelines? In today’s Big Idea for A Hacker’s Mind, security expert Bruce Schneier takes a look at systems, how they are vulnerable, and what that fact means for all of us. BRUCE SCHNEIER: Hacking isn’t limited to computer systems, or even technology. Any system can be hacked. What sorts of system? Any system of rules,…
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