obstinaterixatrix · 3 months
Back again after 43 episodes of Kamen Rider Wizard. 10 more to go. Annoyed by how it feels like 30 episodes of not-very-good fight scenes and dripless villains. These characters are trapped in a mid show where they occasionally get to do good character bits/gags like that part where they're all eating together and asking for rice refills until the pot is empty, and Medusa being so pissed off that Gremlin (annoying in an un-fun way, I detest him) got promoted above her and sabotaged him. (1/2)
The double whammy of finding out boyband face Wizard was a football jock and then finding out Beast was still in college. Speaking of Beast also haunted by the thought that maybe he doesn't generate his own mana bc Chimera ate his inner phantom when he first put on the belt. Also rip Mayu the single claw hand is cool but it cannot save the fact that your suit is beige and you're only in this show for 13 episodes. Clawing at the walls. Good base suits wasted. Release me.
Additional: you know what thought actually it's hilarious that that anime twink Ride Kamens game did an anime boy for Wizard. But not either of the actual Riders. No they picked Phoenix. A midboss that doesn't even make it halfway through the show. Which is so fucking funny.
Additional additional: it is kinda fun to compare the only 2 KR series I've seen so far (Den-O and Fourze are next on the list after I finish Wizard) bc Gotchard is out here like teenager funtimes! Peril isn't super serious! Meanwhile Wizard and Beast regularly get the shit kicked out of them. Beast voice Yuzuru do NOT become a wizard this job fucking sucks.
beast's whole deal makes sense when you think of him as a wacky grad student imo, also I was SOOOO disappointed when mayu got like, a mook suit. IN THE SERIES THAT'S ALL ABOUT COOL SUIT DESIGNS. image vtr. have you watched wizard in magicland, beast is in it
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antimony-medusa · 9 months
Re: family dynamic/daddy kink thing. 1) I used to like found family but DSMP sure did temporarily ruin it for me and now the phrase "Family Dynamic" gives me hives. The archetypes everyone gets shoved into are so boring. 2) LOL. LMAO. THE FIC AUTHORS MIGHT NOT BE AWARE OF THE SUBTEXT BUT I SURE AM. MCYT ENEMYFUCKING IN 2011 WAS LESS KINKY THAN WHATEVER IS GOING ON IN DSMP FIC. Anyways do you think this is the modern equivalent of wattpad fics about being sold to One Direction.
Yeah like, I don't want to yuck the yum of anyone who is still enjoying family dynamic, people like different things! And being attatched to different characters in the dynamic means you have a different read on things! But yeah, at this point, as an emduo main, it is the VERY rare DSMP fic I'll click through on if Technoblade is one of the kids. That's my red flag that the dynamic is not going to be interesting to me. And when I see the signs that someone is trying to shove my QSMP guys into a family dynamic I have to have to start screaming into a jar or something because NO PLEASE STOP I CAN"t DO THIS AGAIN. Like even if you don't ship it— I ship it, but you don't have to ship it. But PLEASE just let them be friends only, I'm dying here.
It's fine. I'm fine. I'm normal.
And oh my god some of it is so kinky. So kinky. Some of these people I'm sitting here like "god i wish you were just writing porn because I think you'd write SUCH good porn" but of course, that's illegal. Imagine a society when these gifted kink writers could take the training weights off and be unleashed, what a good world we'd be living in.
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scribbleboxfox · 9 months
*points at felix rvb* *points at incubus k6bd* *gestures as well at the mercs as a pair and also WHEEL-SMASHING LORD 1-1 and the lore text for belligerent knights* does this make sense
holy shit your MIND
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eijiroukiriot · 4 years
When you first posted about the kiribowl thing I've got the mental image of Kirishima like flexing or something and then in the background you just hear this engine backfiring noise and Iida's legs start belching fumes (Kirishima goes Iida ur legs are smoking and he dies right there on that fine Tuesday PE class) and I think about it when I'm sad or bored sometimes and I want to thank you for that personally.
i really like this image partially because i’m glad kiribowl has brought you joy and also because i love how iida totally could have interpreted “your legs are smoking” as “nice legs” which definitely would not help his situation at ALL 
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albino-pony · 5 years
EIYM stands for Extremely paInful gaY tiMe and frankly that's what I signed up for, pls continue slow-roasting these boys at 225 until golden brown and juicy (drama)
How the fuck did you know that-
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COMPANIONS QUARTET... I HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT IT IN LITERAL YEARS, I ACTUALLY FORGOT ITS EXISTENCE, BUT YOU REMINDED ME WHEN YOU MENTIONED IT. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. Anyways universal companion Kirishima. I am actually gonna go look for it in the library the next time I go bc I can't remember most of the plot other than Kullervo shapeshifts and that at the start of book 3 she's lying on the beach starting storms. It'll be like reading for the first time again THANK YOU SO MUCH.
If I did want to specify to a particular one I’d say he’d be Companion to either Rock Dwarf or Dragon. One of the two would be what his personal companion would be anyway, I think.
I can see Bakugou for Dragon, too. Hm maybe that’s how they meet, maybe they’re brought to the same clutch of eggs or the same flock of dragons... Hm... I do love dragons...
Ye Kullervo,,, he’s so callous and cruel but he makes for a fantastic villain.
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alpha-hydra · 5 years
For that fic ask meme, Tomorrow Will Be Better, Maybe: 2: What scene did you first put down?, 3: What’s your favorite line of narration?, 4: What’s your favorite line of dialogue?, and 9: Were there any alternate versions of this fic? It's one of if not my most favourite plotty fics of the lads, have a good day!
#2 What scene did you first put down?
THE iconic scene in Ch 4 The Really Bad Thing (tm). Kiri snapping out of the mind control and realizing what he'd done to Bakugou came to me out of the blue and I quickly became obsessed with the idea, with what would come before and after and what it would mean for krbk's relationship. It sent shivers down my spine. I remember bolting to my laptop to write the scene down, frantic that I would lose the gut-wrenching horror Kiri felt looking at Bakugou's blood running down his hands. Even still I get chills from how viscerally I felt that moment (i styl hippie I managed to convey the feeling well enough). This scen happened and then like a woman possessed, I'd written the rest of that nearly 8k chapter in two days.
I don’t think I've ever had a better cathartic experience.
Even before starting TWBBM, I knew I wanted to write a fic about recovery, and how it looks different for everyone, and how people deal with trauma especially when a lot of really bad things happen in a short span of time. But I didn't have any specifics and was pretty content not writing it. Fun Fact: I had actually started writing This Ain't a Fairytale and Chemical Physical Kryptonite at this point, and the only reason i finished CPK was bc after writing that, I desperately needed fluff. But I wasn't really thinking about posting TWBBM bc I wasn't sure I had the nerve to write all of it, and I didn't think there would be an audience for it. After all, I hadn't read anything as dark in the fandim, and actively shied away from angsty fics at that point. But I kept writing it and eventually I couldn't pretend I want taking on whatever monster the story would become.
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cant-icle · 6 years
Have u considered: roadtrip au is literally just the end of the game.
this is true and very powerful.......
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destiny-islanders · 6 years
I saw that lineart of goofy and legit burst out laughing, thank you.
You’re welcome and I’m sorry hahahaha
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arirashkae · 7 years
@writerdragon replied to your post “Locus AKA Weapons Proficiency: Yes”
Having grown up on Jackie Chan Adventures and some memories of films via Chinese New Year reruns, I would give someone's left arm for that hell yeah (I saw the last few minutes of that one with him and Donnie Yen fighting some bad guys on a clocktower this year it was good).
I  mis JCA; I was so sad when it left Netflix
I just love the thought of leaving Locus in a room that’s not completely empty being basically like leaving MacGyver or Tony Stark in a hardware store: y’all gonna get done fucked up
accidental drunken master Locus
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obstinaterixatrix · 9 months
Re: Laika: COUGHS BLOOD BC KUBO'S OPENING I THOUGHT WAS PRETTY STRONG but the rest of the movie was like. Eh. Haven't seen Paranorman but I know ppl loved that one back in the early 2010s so I can't exactly say they're bad at original scripts but like. Boxtrolls also made me feel nothing despite their technical skills. Mournful noise. Coraline my beloved Ah well at least that other claymation studio Aardman is still going.
I watched kubo when it came out and never again but the grudge I carry is deep. It’s a beautiful movie that obviously has a lot of effort and artistry in it. the themes of family were weak especially because there’s a fakeout found family thing and the incredibly weird grandpa resolution where yaaaay you lose your memory and are pliable enough to be manipulated into believing you are a better person and that’s supposed to be A Satisfying Resolution (WHAT??). just extremely weird and incoherent themes of memory and identity. it’s also a story that’s ostensibly about grief and death, but like. huh?? what?? they’re gone then back then gone except that one guy who’s essentially responsible for everyone dying but it’s not about mourning or letting go or coping with grief, death is just a plot point that happens. it’s supposed to be an epic fantasy inspired by samurai movies and like obviously folks out of a culture can be inspired by a that culture but they didn’t competently execute a compelling narrative within that context. the visuals are so strong but the writing just doesn’t carry it. did they even watch any samurai movies. or understand them.
with paranorman, the thesis of the movie was a lot stronger because it had a clear narrative to convey—a story about outcasts and the consequences that come from. well. when a bunch of people commit to child murder. I also haven’t watched this movie in years. it’s crazy because the writer of paranorman also worked on kubo but the emotional arc is so much more coherent and I really do like the execution. I felt insane when kubo came out because coraline & paranorman really set my expectations. so high.
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seeminglyseph · 6 years
writerdragon replied to your photo: I’m too tired to figure out the lighting of this...
That looks RAD AF. Love the jacket flare, and the pose has a great line of action!
Aaaaa thank you! /clutches face
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eijiroukiriot · 5 years
What's your ideal Class 1-A Big Three? Mine's Uraraka, Kirishima, and Yaoyorozu, bc like. Powerful quirks? Doubted themselves? Would have to work super hard and make it work for them, coming up with creative applications for it instead of just having brute force power? The Parallels. Even Yaoyorozu has to memorise an insane amount of stuff just to utilise her quirk. Your thinky thoughts are always fun to read, have a good day!
i feel like unless Big Three is a big long-standing UA tradition and the hero course Always has one, class 1a is way too even to ever put 3 of them above all the rest! i mean obviously deku todoroki and bkg are the main characters and thus if you were gonna pin the 3 most exemplary heroes from the class it would be them, but then you’d be dismissing other really strong noteworthy classmates like tokoyami and iida but mostly yaomomo. we don’t really know any other UA 3rd years so it’s really easy to say ‘oh yeah, those 3 are The big 3′ but when everyone in class 1A is important to some degree i feel like it’d be unfair to just section any 3 off as so far above the rest that they get to inherit that title. if it was like...a big 5, maybe it’d feel more right 
and i REALLY like that point about the overcoming of self-doubt and the focus on creative technique over just having a powerful quirk! i mean it’s been said in canon that mirio would be nothing if he hadn’t worked so hard on technique and amajiki’s whole thing is that ‘working hard despite the self doubt’ mindset and since none of them were particularly noteworthy until around their 3rd year i think the core of big 3 is that they all rose to the challenge and that’s why they’re important. not to say that todoroki and bkg and ESPECIALLY deku haven’t gone through a lot to get where they are, i just feel like if there absolutely had to be a big 3, it’d feel kinda boring for it to be the ones that were the most obvious from the start 
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darksidekelz · 7 years
Greet. Would just like recommend another song for I'll Follow You Forever bc it also gave me Emotions today (this one was the person who sent the ship to wreck ask, couldn't login at the time). This time it was Things We Lost In The Fire by Bastille because SOUNDWAVE, YOUR LIFE. AND DECISIONS. GAAAH. Have a good day!
Ooh, another good one, thanks!!  That line, “You said we were born with nothing and we sure as hell have nothing now,” feels stupidly appropriate to Soundwave and Megs I think.  Oh man, I really do need to make a playlist for this.
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chloeannart · 3 years
Tumblr media
I took part in the @moonfirebigbang along side @writerdragon and @bookwormally who did some utterly fantastic work :D  Find Writerdragon’s piece here : https://tmblr.co/Z1mMfrZQVt9ZmW00  And the fic by bookwormally that we based our art on:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/28061883/chapters/68748711  Please go check the others out they worked SO hard on them :D Massive thanks to our mod too who was absolutely awesome!
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