lananiscorner · 2 years
3H route lords and/or Tim Drake? 👀
Thanks for your ask, writtendown-woundup!
Edelgard critical beneath the cut. Don't like, don't read.
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If you look up "wasted potential" in the dictionary, you will not find Claude's picture there, because the creators seem to be allergic to putting him where he belongs. Claude has such an interesting premise! He's a biracial person who has experienced discrimination from both sides of his heritage. He's got trust issues, but he wants to build a world based on trust. He is always seeking knowledge about the world, but refuses to let the world gain knowledge about him. He's a schemer and honestly a bit of an ass sometimes, but at the end of the day, he can be the most dependable and caring person. There are so many fascinating avenues you could explore with this guy! You could wave the most intricate, 5 dimensional Xanathos gambit chess plot with this dude... and yet somehow the writing staff at KT/IS looked at this man and decided what he really needs is a copy-pasted Black Eagles route. Twice. What a tragic waste.
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Dimitri is my favorite character in FE3H, no contest. I love how his greatest strengths are also his greatest weaknesses. I love how they did not shy away from depicting him at his darkest, while not denying him a hopeful ending. I love how you can see his gradual descent into psychotic breakdown happen just as clearly as his gradual recovery. I love how much he loves his country and its people while acknowledging their flaws. Also, he's the best enemy phase unit in the game. I just love Dimitri. It doesn't matter which route I play--if I play 3 Houses, I think of Dimitri, and if it's not his route, I think of what's happening to him in Faerghus while I'm busy elsewhere. As for "they got done dirty by the fans"--Dimitri fans are a mostly chill and wholesome bunch, as far as I have seen, but my GODDESS have I seen some rancid takes about him from Edelstans (calling him a conservative status quo centrist, an epitome of toxic masculinity, someone who had to be put down for his own good... ughhhh).
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Okay, so this may come as a shock to some, but I don't actually hate Edelgard. I think she is a perfectly fine example of a nuanced and flawed character. As a villain. I don't know what kind of mental gymnastics must be involved in considering her a hero, because imo she lost any hope of being that (and instead went into "what's wrong with them" territory) the moment she gave her absolutely bonkers war speech and declared war on two sovereign nations. She definitely got done dirty by the writing, what with both CF and her supports refusing to let her suffer any meaningful consequences for her actions, and her attraction to Byleth being uncomfortably shoved into routes where it makes no sense (particularly Verdant Wind). If I were to meet her, I would probably try to deck her in the face, only to get Mired into oblivion by Hubert.
Tim Drake:
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This was a tough one, because... who even is Tim? Which of his many volumes of depictions are we talking about? This is why I don't have much to say about him, except Tim is a character who works best when he has someone else to play off of, ideally Bruce, Dick, Jason, or Damian. He has certainly had a number of hair-raising wtf moments in his appearances (e.g. treatment of Stephanie in certain issues, his treatment of Jason in Teen Titans Vol. 3 #47, and that one mini series in New 52/Rebirth, the name of which I can't recall, where he went full megalomaniac psychopath and turned out to be the villain orchestrating some multi-dimensional shenanigans). That said, he can also be a massive, extremely likeable nerd sometimes.
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threehousing · 2 years
Sorry if this is too generic as far as writing prompts go, but I'd be curious to see a little blurb from non-AM Three Houses routes focused on the dimivain dynamic? Platonic or romantic doesn't really matter but I do love these two 💔
oh ho ho HO are you ready for angst. any non-AM blions means angst.
Thank you so much omg!!! and nah bro dw this was not too vague! This was actually perfect I adore sylvain and dimitri's dynamic so much, they do not get enough love. have some very brief and upsetting CF platonic dimivain :)
The King never could move quietly. He’s always been like that, ever since he was a little kid, snot nosed and terrified by his own strength. 
Sylvain knows it’s him without needing to look.
He remembers, once — back when the future had seemed bright and no one had died and left them behind — his friend storming up to him in tears, the pieces of a broken lance held forlornly in his hands. He’d been mortified, Sylvain remembers. Mortified and so, so afraid that Felix was angry with him that he’d sobbed into Sylvain’s cloak until Felix had finally torn around the corner, out-of-breath and red-faced from crying— 
Sylvain slides the whetstone over the spear’s blade too fast. The tip nicks his skin and he hisses. 
Goddess. Part of Sylvain doesn’t know if he can face him right now, because he knows exactly why he’s here. He can hear it in his friend’s voice, knows the exact look he’ll see in his friend’s eyes.
But he can’t ignore him. Won’t. He’s the King, Sylvain’s King.
“Yes, Your Majesty?”
“Do not— do not do that, Sylvain.”
The energy drains out of him, like it’s leaked through his boots and out into the dirty tent floor below. Sylvain lowers the spear, laying it gently down next to his others. The Lance of Ruin twitches grotesquely as his fingers brush against its grip. 
He turns his head. The King’s expression matches the one Sylvain had imagined exactly.
“Apologies, Your Majesty.” He’s wearing his father’s armour again. Sylvain hasn’t seen him out of it since— Arianrhod fell. “I’m not sure what you’re referring to.”
Something seems to break in Dimitri then. His shoulders, broader than life in plated metal, sag, heavy with the same weight that Sylvain has felt crushing his chest for weeks. He swallows. Guilt thickens in his lungs.
“Sylvain, please. I—”
And Sylvain stands, suddenly seized by the need to move. To look Dimitri in the eye on an equal level. To be closer to him, as he chokes on the words sticking in his mouth.
Dimitri clenches his hands into fists at his side.
“I… I ask not as the King, but— as your friend, Sylvain. If you wish to flee, and find somewhere to live the rest of your life in peace, then— then I would not hold that against you. I— I would encourage you to—”
“Your Majesty—”
“Please, Sylvain, let me finish. I am trying to—”
The King breaks off. He looks shaken, and Sylvain tries to recall the last time he’d called his friend by his name. 
“I’m not going anywhere, Dimitri. So stop it with that crap.”
Dimitri hesitates for a moment. Sylvain sees the apple of his throat bob. “I— Sylvain. You must be aware of how slim our chances are now. This next battle may very well be my last stand and I— I do not know if I can stomach the thought of losing you here, too.”
“You really are an idiot, you know, Your Majesty? Felix would—” he falters. Tries again. “Felix would hold you at swordpoint if he could hear you talking like this, and don’t get me started on what Ingrid would say.”
Dimitri makes a gut-wrenching, gasping sound and Sylvain takes a step towards him without thinking. 
“It’s my fault, Sylvain. I sent them out there— I ordered them to—”
“They made their choices independent of you, Dimitri. They chose to protect Faerghus, just like they chose to protect Faerghus every moment of this damned war. Just like we are now. Just like everyone back in Fhirdiad is. We’re not doing it for you Dimitri. We’re doing it with you.”
Dimitri reaches out, and Sylvain meets him halfway. Their hands meet, solid and real, and Sylvain pulls him in. His King, his friend, his brother. He squeezes Dimitri’s palm through the cold leather of his gauntlet and meets his eyes dead on.
“I’m not going anywhere. We stand together, Dimitri. Until the bitter end.”
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So! Life is expensive.
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