#yes this was done out of spite
princeblue · 6 months
So anyway here’s my genderbent Genya headcanons ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
She was actually born with a full head of hair, this serves as both a canon Genya headcanon and then a femya (fem-Genya) headcanon actually. And it was very thick and curly up until she got her weapon after final selection, from then on that’s where she gained her signature Mohawk/mullet look!
Genya’s hair is very special to her in general, Shizu and her siblings would spend hours playing with her hair, combing and braiding it and doing it up in pretty styles. Her hair was one of the few “nice/beautiful” things she had growing up and took great pride in it. Even though she ends up shaving her sides off she still keeps and maintains her length that reaches about mid back, often done in Viking braid styles.
I believe she would have a bit of a girlie/feminine side to herself in general! Like I said she didn’t have much growing up and most of her clothes were hand me downs from Sanemi which she never really minded all that much, but genya did and still loves to window shop beautiful kimonos and accessories and sometimes will indulge herself and buy some makeup! Later on after the final battle, similar to Tanjirou, Sanemi loves to spoil her by buying her all the pretty things she likes.
She’s my bisexual queen and has had crushes on both muichirou and aoi (a bit of a puppy crush on Tanjirou too bc it’s Tanjirou come on)
This headcanon once again serves as both a canon and Femya headcanon, but Genya took over the “mom” role like Sanemi took over the “dad” role back then, even as she grows up and regains her gentle temperament she finds herself being very motherly to children and her friends, often being labeled the mom friend and the enabler friend.
She has girls nights with aoi, kanao, mitsuri, shinobu and the butterfly girls, she likes to spoil sumi since she shares the name of her late little sister.
I always liked the idea that Genya likes to wear a long skirt with her usual top uniform, there’s a slight leg slit where she’s able to holster her gun and some spare nichirn daggers to conceal the weapons, that and she likes to twirl like a pretty princess<3
In my mind Genya would find mitsuri very pretty and be blushy around her /later/ but at first she struggled to like her because she didn’t understand why Mitsuri, a family well enough off to arrange marriage interviews and have warmth and money and be able to stay home if she wished, would join the demon slayer corps for something as silly as “marriage” because Genya is jealous of the opportunities she never got to have/will never have. She becomes close to mitsuri after she explains her past and how she finds comfort and confidence in the demon slayer core and wants to help people first and foremost. They’re like sisters<3
Femya has boy mom vibes I’ll die on this hill
Circling back to one of the prior headcanons but she has a reputation of being vain, when in reality she frets about looking presentable because of her past as being poor and being bullied for it, she’s labeled as one of the most beautiful girls in the demon slayer corps, but similar to her big brother, the most unapproachable one XD in reality she just gets nervous and blushy and freezes with her resting bitch face
She learned to actually take care and maintenance her curls from mitsuri ! (Genya canonically has curly hair but they grow on the sides of his head for some reason)
That’s all the femya headcanons I can remember at the moment!!!! She’s my daughter and I absolutely love her so much. Baby girl baby baby precious girl.
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bisquitly · 12 days
Happy one year anniversary to the day me and my best friend chose to dress up as Jere and Bojan and recreate their eurovision moments... in public!!!
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pointsfortrying · 1 month
Ah lads here we go again. Chat, who's going to tell them
#dungeon meshi spoilers#<- for the beloveds#head in hands#when characters are written well (complex) but ppl Neeeed to be able to 'they're a bad person' bc they did a bad thing#failing to realize that literally EVERYONE has done bad things---#the characters have depth! thats whats compelling!!!#yes this is bc the anime reached toshiro and we are once again seeing the waves of 'i hate shuro he's an awful person' raghhhhhhh#i fucking love laios he's an incredible character but raghhhh#chat they (fandom) don't know about the microaggressions#grahhh cultural differences and arguably clashes of nd bc i can see toshiro also being nd but even if not raghhh#yes toshiro should have handled things better but also laios should have and its wrong to baby either of them raghhh#also toshiro hasnt eaten or slept in days and is all over the place at this point and Laios Even Acknowledges It raghhhhhhhhhhh#raghhhhhhhhhhhh#ghhhhhhh knows that the later scenes will probably hopefully make some ppl better understand but its going to ten ten trillion years to get#there and raghhhhhhh#oh boy i cant wait to see th fucking. racisms.#ghhhhhhhhhh#me when idrc ab toshiro but the sheer scale of hate directed towards him makes me want to blorbo him out of spite rahhhhh#<- me when i have been in situations where im both laios and toshiro and it sucks from both sides#and thats! the! point!!!!!!!!!!!!#you can hurt ppl you care ab!!!!!!!!#grahhhhhhhh#the cultural part is one that just. grah.#ryoko kui does such an incredible job establishing and showing that different cultures exists and just the fandom ignoring that gh.#also stop calling him shuro raghhh <- thats a pet peeve one but god as someone who's irl name has been made fun of#So many times bc it's not 'local'.#ghhhhh laios ily but the panel where you were going 'HUH? SHURO? NICE TO MEET YOU EVERYONE THIS IS SHURO :D'. pain and agony#ryoko kui has absolutely been there before as most asian ppl when white person#<- this was me just having a moment bc goes into tag and sighs.#toshiro you're an asian side character standing in the way of the blorbo mc and blorbo yuri you never stood a chance.....
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alrightbuckaroo · 9 months
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majiburger · 5 months
i'm neither a Hater or Lover of t*ylor *wift (i mean, i like a few of her songs but don't really care about anything beyond that), but one of my pet conspiracy theories has always been that a lot of her songs are about the amc hit show mad men
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actias-android · 15 days
I announced this on Mythcord as well, but I might as well put it here too. I'm going to be entirely leaving the server soon after 6 years of running it. Some of the text will be familiar to those on the server but it's not a direct copy-paste, either, and I'm definitely going to be a lot more opinionated on here. I pulled my punches on the in-server announcement but this is my personal blog.
When I started Mythcord, I was looking for something. I couldn't tell you what, exactly, just that I felt like there was some Great Big Secret, and maybe nobody had all the pieces, but maybe some people had some of the pieces, and if I brought them together in an environment specifically designed for discussion, we'd assemble enough of the pieces that I would find The Thing I Was Looking For. And hey, everyone else might find their thing too.
Which, you know, decent motivation! Not a bad plan. The problem was that the thing that I ended up discovering was absolutely contrary to what I expected, and indeed contrary to the kind of place it was.
Really I found out two things: one, I'm not otherkin. I'm nonhuman, yes, but I am not the kind of nonhuman who's described by the word otherkin. I don't see my Self as something that can be split into spiritual or psychological, voluntary or involuntary, dysphoric or non-dysphoric, serious or frivolous, meaningful or random, intrinsic or extrinsic, chosen or thrust upon me—none of it. It doesn't even feel like it applies. This is like asking what flavor the moon would be if tomorrow was Thursday. It's not something I even know how to begin to address. None of the cultural parameters that are indicated by the label otherkin make sense to me in the context of my own identity. I can see where they have meaning to others. I can't see where I would begin to apply them to myself. I am literally just whatever I am right now, because I am happiest being this, and if that changes, I'm cool with it. I'll be something else and live my best life being that.
I also picked up a second identity as a reploid and promptly fumbled my first fae identity so hard it's lost in the carpet somewhere. Possibly rolled under the couch. It exists, but fuck if I can find it. A fictional type of android has no business or indeed interest in heading a community for mythical creatures with a completely different understanding of their nonhumanity. I can't keep doing it. I actually just get upset looking at the server anymore because it has no relation to me, and that's a disservice to the community that exists there.
The second thing I discovered was that the general otherkin subcultural community I've encountered is deeply fucked up. I've only really interacted in any meaningful way via Discord (and only a few servers at that) and Tumblr, and I've stayed pretty insular. I mostly post my little essays and thoughts and I don't usually have much to say directly to anybody. And yet, even with this absolute minimum of interaction, I've been on the business end of pointless drama, poorly-attempted character assassination, people flagrantly just making up shit about me to justify treating me like some horrible villain, aggressive gatekeeping, inexplicable grudges, gossip-mongering, finding out that I live rent-free in multiple people's heads as a bogeyman both too stupid to function and somehow too threatening to go unwatched, people trying to pit the Mythcord mod team against each other evidently not realizing we're IRL friends, and that one time some ineffectual douchecanoe said he was going to kill me then completely forgot what his plan to do so was. Some of this was just by vengeful random morons, but some of it was by so-called community leaders. All of it was by people in their late 20s and older. You know, adults, who should know better.
In what universe is any of that behavior okay? And yet, if I complained about it to anybody, I got told that I probably deserved it, that they'd totally seen worse drama so I should just chill, and people absolutely and repeatedly leapt at the chance to report any little fucking thing I said back to the people perpetuating it so they could wave it around as ammunition over me because look, this guy dared to talk shit about me, he's as bad as I said! (The shit amounted to, "This is a crappy way to treat someone and I'm frustrated about it." Oh, no. I am just unforgivable, obviously.)
Like, guys, this is a goddamn problem and it is huge. This is some peaked-in-high-school, adult-mean-girls, pants-on-head-stupid bullshit. It's not normal behavior, but it is deeply normalized behavior, and you can't even call it out because it's everywhere from the top down and that's how you get completely ostracized by very loud people with follower counts in the thousands and eyes and ears everywhere. I flatly refuse to share a word or even a community with it. Even if I could justify using the otherkin label—and I probably could, if I really wanted to!—I wouldn't, because then I have to be under the tent with all that, and...no. I can't stomach it. My blood pressure and stomach issues are already medicated and do not need the extra stress. I am so over it. There is more beef than a goddamn slaughterhouse in the otherkin community and I will not have anything to do with it aside from having some friends who still use the label for themselves.
That's probably rent-lowering shots I'm firing and I know it. Most people, if they said anything at all, would have thrown this whole thing under a read more at minimum but I'm too tired of it to shut up any longer and if that loses a few followers, okay, cool. I don't want to hang around people who aren't clear-eyed enough to see the issues going on. If you stick the word 'otherkin' on a thing and people who behave that way show up and expect everyone to tolerate them, that's not okay and nobody should tolerate it. And yet. That's just how a lot of otherkin carry on. I've been upset about it for years and it just. Keeps. Happening. I am sufficiently pissed at this point that you could call me antikin and I'd agree with you purely on the rotten goddamn social issues going on.
All that being said, I am leaving Mythcord in the next several days once some backend stuff gets wrapped up, but I am still here like black mold in the walls whether anybody likes it or not, and I'm still going to be right on this blog with my little essays and thoughts. I would like to think that this post might change some things, but I don't expect it, because I don't have much reach and I'm just one guy getting mad on the internet. It's whatever. I got it off my chest and I'm moving on from the whole thing. Back to your regularly unscheduled little essays and thoughts and whatever the hell else.
(And probably changing my blog name soon because I really want something that reflects my current identity better than the current one does.)
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bananonbinary · 1 year
just saw someone saying the userbase used blaze ironically and was only incidentally giving money to tumblr and we accidentally made tumblr think we wanted blaze and the site's worse because of it
and like. idk man sorry about your irony poisoning but at least 70% of blazed posts ive seen have been completely sincere. if you dont want tumblr to make the site worse but you also dont want to give them money on purpose that seems like a you problem.
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autisticasgore · 1 year
i will say, and maybe this is just because i’ve been harassed so much in the past for this in particular, that i am getting rather tired of seeing people discuss asgore being a child murderer and acting like it’s a moral competition or something. i’m tired because while it is apart of his character, it is literally so much more than him and his writing, and most of us literally just want to draw or write him in peace without worrying whether or not we’ll be harassed for “woobifying” a child murderer
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princemick · 5 months
pet peeve sharing time. do NOT ask me 'r u sure' 20 times. I WUDNT HAVE SAID YEA THE SECOND TIME IF I MEANT NO FUCK OFF
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loxare · 6 months
Every single year at the worst fucking moment the brain weevils attack and make doing anything besides the most mind numbing activities super impossible. My brain feels itchy, and I don't think I should be physically aware of it but I am. I'd really like to be able to write all these lab reports, but doing so is like trying to walk through the 1919 Boston Molasses Flood, and I keep making two and a half steps of progress before having to pull my feet from the sludge so I can sit on a ledge to rest and also try and beat the flies buzzing around my head back with a newspaper
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room215 · 8 months
sorry i’m still on about this but GOD yotsuyu’s arc is so ugly and deeply deeply depressing and just. like it’s not about her redemption but rather about the person she could have been!! you don’t get it!!!! it’s about her enduring horrible things and lashing out in horrible ways and isolation and relapse etc etc. it’s about her humanity being torn from her long before she ever became a “monster” (did she ever have a choice? did she ever stand a chance?) all for the sake of her brother who has the fucking gall to look her in the eye during their last moments and tell HER about how much she took from HIM. it’s about listening to wayward daughter thousands and thousands of times over until your head explodes
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jesterguy · 8 months
My dad has been pissing me offfffffff and today it's all coming to a head but I'm gonna be fine! It's cool!
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urcrookedneighbor · 2 years
Wake = Titania
This is a crack theory based on arguably unfounded logical leaps
Important background: Why are the three Fourth House chapters in HtN marked Fourth House? Hmm the Sleeper or Wake are mentioned in the two chapters [3rd is BARISTAR] that barely or don't feature Isaac and Jeannemary (nor Ulysses and Titania) [Chapters 8 (River Bubble!Canaan House arrival) and 30 (Dios apate, minor)].
Therefore, the Sleeper/Wake must somehow be a Fourth House character or have some significant connection to the Fourth House.
And then the wild leap step: Well, we know of Four Fourth House characters and they're Isaac, Jeannemary, Ulysses, and Titania. Ulysses dragged himself and RB 8 into a stoma, never to be seen again. Huh, Harrow the Ninth ended with Ianthe saving John from the same fate and Augustine saying hello from the other side of the stoma. Just like Ulysses.
Hmmm, other theories have reports of lyctors' deaths being greatly exaggerated (Cassie) (Mercy would def have helped her fake her death in the River). I don't recall any physical descriptions of Titania (I would check, but a. crack theory and b. I need to finish typing this and go to sleep). Huh, Wake sure is unusually robust and not insane to the point of incoherence for a revenant. Particularly a non-necromantic revenant. Who lived in her bones and then a sword for nearly two decades. And then possessed a lyctor's corpse. That's not how that's supposed to work.
What if we still only know of Four Fourth House characters? What if Wake is Titania? So many other lyctors were working with (or sleeping with) Blood of Eden. What's one more?
What if going through the stoma reverses lyctorhood? Allowing Titania to be her own person again? Or maybe even mimics the effects of the first Resurrection, revived to life with no memories of what came before but vague senses of emotional truths?
Tl;dr: Wake is somehow connected to the Fourth House and reviving Titania fits with Pyrrha's cav experience and provides a possible answer to what happens when one goes through the stoma, a question I'd argue Harrow the Ninth is asking the reader to consider. New characters are for suckers, secret identities for everyone!
P.S. The reason Abigail shuts down Harrow's adorable coffee shop au is because she accidentally pulled the Teens back into the bubble and Abigail is freaking out bc she thought she already solved that problem. No matter how fun it is to imagine Abigail as a coffee shop au hater.
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iconac · 9 months
gonna shove revan into a play-dough mold until they come out in a shape that will be normal about the empire so i can follow imperial blogs
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experimenting w/ blood colors, b/c red blood would not stand out on this hoe’s already red-as-hell design
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svtskneecaps · 1 year
ayo shoutout to revali for being the champion whose ability i have used the least since obtaining
#i have not obtained urbosa's fury bc sand seals are scary and the camel makes me nervous#i've used mipha's grace at least three times bc i'm bad at the game but i'm also a coward so i don't die but when i DO die. i DIE.#and shoutout to daruk bc i can't parry for shit but i love exploding the spiders#not kpop#shut up vic#that's a lie i'm getting better at parrying i killed at least two walking guardian spider boys entirely on my own#and i can consistently get the decaying guardians first try#but like. i suck. lmfao.#if a shrine is anything above a minor test of strength i literally turn tf around and walk out#like yes medoh was my most recent divind beast but 'most recent' was last week#i have done most of naboris; explored mount lanayru; found a stable i somehow missed; combed the eastern islands; finished eventide;#tidied some sidequests; killed a talus using only bombs; killed another talus; cried in the temple of time; dyed half of my clothes purple;#found fifty more koroks; finally found the second to last memory i need; combed faron woods looking for the spring of courage because#my theory is that it's there (i'm still looking lol); killed a monster camp out of spite; picked a fight with every yiga i saw out of spite;#combed the gerudo highlands; finished two labyrinths; wandered into castle town; wandered into castle town again;#entered castle town with the intention of murdering every guardian i saw; killed the yiga leader; helped build tarrey town; killed a molduga#activated the tower in hyrule field; explored hyrule field in stealth mode bc i'm a pussy and guardians scare me; found and paid the last#great fairy; found and paid the horse god; found and tamed a third horse for the quest at dueling peaks; furnished links's house#upgraded most of my clothes to their highest level; tracked down the other two pieces of the zora armor; found more berserker armor;#killed a lynel because i walked in on it and decided that meant it had to die even if i died too#my point is i've done a lot of shit and in that time i have used revali's gale. twice.#me staring at a wet cliff: well. my only options are to wait it out or go around.#i can't stress that this isn't me willfully sticking it to the birdman i literally just forget i have it i am. dumb.#long tags
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