#you asked for lore dump you get lore dump
aquarius-cookie-jar · 11 hours
Right. I'mma just dump these ref sheets I made here because I'll be making some drawings with these guys, and I am bad at staying consistent within the design lmao.
I was inspired by these amazing designs, go check them out.
X || X || X.
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Ramble down here, where I try to explain the ""lore"" and my design choices:
So as mentioned above, the majority of the Dark Cacao kingdom is actually composed of kirins, mainly because Cacao was already a kirin in my older designs, and I wanted more of his citizens to match him. Maybe I'll draw the other Cacao NPCs mlp-ified and what I headcanon their species to be.
I ultimately decided to give Cacao a mane and replace his long hair with that. Ngl, I was always on the fence about Cacao and Choco's designs, but yeah, I think the mane works better than just getting rid of it. (Old design below).
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Btw, I dunno if I wanna give Cacao an actual crown, or just keep the additional horn things the leader of the kirins kinda have.
Dark Choco hasn't changed much, just in a different art style. I do however wanna say that he shaved off his mane out of shame and guilt for coming across the cursed sword not long after his banishment. Maybe when he and Cacao reconcile, he'll start to grow it out again, or maybe he'll keep it that way as a reminder of the past.
I actually drew (more like edited a screenshot) Caramel Arrow before, and she was originally just a pegasus, but honestly, the concept of hybrids and what they entail really intrigued me. I thought it would be fun if she were a hybrid kirin/pegasus.
Also, her horn doesn't exactly function, mainly because there's this headcanon I once came across that says faux alicorns do exist in the mlp canon. If you wanna know my full headcanon for this, feel free to shoot an ask, but to keep it short, for faux alicorns, either their wings are under developed, or their horn can't control the frequencies of magic that well or at all. Such is the case for Caramel Arrow. Though she has fully developed wings, she can't control magic with her horn, and if she tries to, it may cause a headache. But besides that, she's all fine and dandy.
Crunchy Chip, hm, I'd say when he was a little filly, he was found in the woods, either by Cacao, or Choco, and his horn was already broken by the time they came across him. When asked, the little guy said he was protecting the cream wolf pups from a monster, but he can't remember what else happened before he fell unconscious. As he grew older, his broken horn didn't really bother him anymore. He's adapted well, and picked up a thing or two about survival from his cream wolf pack.
Also, sidenote, the kirins' scales are actually very hard to dent, meaning their backs are usually safe from attacks. Crunchy once encountered... something when he was out on patrol, and he was out of commission for a week (to his incredible dismay + annoyance) because of how rare serious injuries to the kirins' backs occur.
Ah, Affogato. Actually, I really do like him as a character, I just tend to focus my attention towards the Celestia and Luna coded father-son duo a bit more. Oops. But anyway, I decided to make him a hybrid just like Carrow too, mainly to add both contrast and similarities between them. They're not too different, but their ideals and beliefs clash and cause conflict with one another, I just thought it was fitting. Also decided to give him a more elegant and curved horn design as a nod to his unicorn heritage. Unicorns in the Cacao kingdom (and maybe the Golden Cheese kingdom) have a curved horn, mainly because the east asian coded unicorns in the mlp canon have curved horns too, and I thought they looked beautiful. Affo is someone so elegant and refined in a land that's chaotic and holds danger everywhere.
And that's my unhinged thoughts for now. I think I'll design Licorice and the others next time, but no promises.
Anyway, thank you for reading.
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agent-toast · 6 months
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@irregularityregularity, my friend, you have made a terrible mistake.
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alt text: ok so theres this guy who is you and ur a secret agent and you have a handler in your earpiece who guides you and you solve puzzles in vr like an escape room and there are danger things like bombs and trapped shelves that will kill you if you activate them and you die but you can respawn and there is a big danger weapon in space called the death engine pointing at earth which is going to kill all the agents of ur agency which is bad and the person behind it is commander solaris and you defeat her and stop the death engine from engineing and in the process you accidentally fake ur death and then it turns out the person behind solaris is the head of the bad company thing called dr zor (ur agency company is called the enhanced operatives division/EOD btw) so then in the second game you find out that this annoying howlian actor called john juniper who calls himself the greatest actor ever, is actually working for zoraxis and your handler is like 'but but i liked that guy' so anyway zoraxis thinks you're dead right so john juniper thinks you're some other agent, he tries to kill you to stop you from finding out his top secret evil plan but you survive (well i assume you survive) and he realises 'oh shit this is the agent who supposedly died on the death engine' and he calls you agent phoenix because you 'came back from the dead' so he even more tries to kill you but eventually you find out that john juniper, along with an inventor of traps and stuff called the fabricator, is impersonating heads of state with a 'mimic mask' that lets you look and sound like the person you want to impersonate. they use the mask to steal the nuclear launch codes that all the heads of state have, so that they can launch some nukes and make the whole world know that zoraxis is in control of everyone now. they also kidnapped the real heads of state and, john impersonated the heads and made statements saying that they were friendly to zoraxis and wanted to work with them. (before, the real heads did not like zoraxis.) you manage to take the suitcase that holds the nuclear launch codes but john juniper sleeping gases you and takes it back, and kidnaps you and impersonates your handler :D you manage to escape, and because you put a tracking device on the suitcase, you find out where john juniper is conducting the final part of the plan, zOraXiS dEfEnsE (name of level i think). john is pretending to hold a peace summit with all the heads of state to show that zoraxis is in league with the heads, but in actuality he's being a drama queen and wants to show the whole world (its being broadcast) the moment he launches the nukes and takes over the world. you ride an elevator with nice music to the 'peace summit' and almost get killed by gunshots (this is part of the plot), the elevator stops working, then you use external power from some danger blades from zoraxis that were going to slice the ropes of your elevator to make it start again. you reach john juniper who's standing on a very thin platform in the middle of a hole (im assuming that's the place where the nukes are but idk). john juniper's like ahah you can't stop me but you turn on a lever that splits the platform in two, causing john to almost fall into the hole, but he just barely hangs on. dr zor's voice appears! and they say 'ahahah mr juniper u were never running the show' and electrocute him using the mimic mask that he's wearing. he falls off the platform and probably dies? idk? then dr zor launches the countdown for the nukes and you have five minutes to figure out how to stop the nukes using the modified briefcase. it kinda looks like a bunch of random puzzles. you solve it, but when you press the stop button, there's low power, so it doesn't work. so you use the external power you got from the elevator and plug it into the suitcase, ignoring what your handler says about the elevator being about to fall without power. you press the button woo and fall to your death.
the third game is even harder to sum up than the first and second so i'll shorten it
dr prism is agency inventor and missing
she actually works for zoraxis because the agency rejected her idea to use robots as agents instead of humans
oh yeah i forgot you have telekinesis and she's the one who made ur telekinetic implant, using an ore called kinesium.
she made the robots using the kinesium and other stuff and now they're gonna kill you because prism wants to show the agency that robot agents are better than human agents and she knows you're very skilled, so killing the great agent phoenix will show the agency that the robot agents are better.
long story short you chase prism, die a lot, the robots get knocked out by zor and die, prism is angry at zor because zor used her, you guys find out zor wants to mine a million kinesium because heated and blown up kinesium messes with the telekinetic implants in agents' heads. if there's a loooot of kinesium, that means the agents will all die, and the radius of the explosion will be big enough to kill all the agents. you and prism go and stop zor in a volcano where all the kinesium is stored. you use your telekinesis to contain the blast, which really messes hard with your head and you black out. your handler and prism get worried about you and while you're out, prism carries you to a nearby beach then leaves because she says she can't face the agency rn. your handler reveals his distrust of chickens. one robot agent is actually alive and he's a good robot. the end. my god that was long
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cacaocheri · 3 months
You should in fact infodump about poptropica, also have you considered doing a DCA Poptropica crossover to unite the interests together?
1) I love you so much dude I hope you're doing well 2) poptropica infodump would take AGES this thing has lore so I will spare you a ramble for now 3) I . HAVE NOT. BUT COULD YOU IMAGINE SUN AND MOON WITH THE BIG BOBBLE HEADS
no? because I can
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oh my god they look so much more cursed than I expected I'm laughing my ass off
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the-raging-tempest · 5 months
pretty pretty please can you talk more about ginger zrise i have a mighty need to know what he’s looking for im trying to make that man a father
LMAO Hi! You know what. I’m always happy to go on a ramble! Sure. Sure. Okay JESUS CHRIST this turned into a monster. Watch me live try and figure this out
What is he looking for? That’s a question I haven’t really considered. I’ll be honest. But you know what I’ll get this version of him more fleshed out.
I see him having some things in common to og Zrise. I think he still likes strong personalities. He is probably not drawn to the stoic or quiet type immediately. As much as he loves his sister he is not a fan of dragging things out of people. I think he still is drawn to those with confidence. But for a different reason and he probably admires a different kind of confidence. I think it’s not envy anymore. It’s appreciation. I think this version of him is much more into people who have a good impact on others. Once again og Zrise was very envious of that but now it’s admiration. I think he still likes a chase but no longer a fight (to get affection that is) LMAO
I think this version of him is the type to passively admire a lot of people. But he’s a little hesitant about love or getting too close. He can certainly flirt and tease in a playful manner. But once things seem to cross into moving towards more intimate / romantic / sexual I see him kind of sheepishly backing off. Very ‘hah well you called my bluff and I can’t ante up’
I imagine because no Calistrian clergy, no training, no sex work, he’s very different in that department. I think he probably has some experience but not much. I don’t think he’s ever been in love before.
In my mind I think he’d easily make casual acquaintances. Harder for him to have long term friends. Not super intentional on his part. But it’s half not wanting to hurt people when he has to go wander. But also I think he’s sheepish about someone who looks at him with a deeply curious eye. I also still see him as the type to not really be locked down. Still working and traveling a lot. Just now with completely different intentions.
I see him as hesitate about romantic love because I think he’s actually scared about being drawn in too many directions. He’s worried about loosing focus. Which is funny for someone who worships the goddess of love. In his mind it’s that romantic love ‘eludes’ him. He’s kind of waiting for it to knock him on his ass. Love is something he’s not looking for but when he finds it I image he’ll be a wreck (affectionate).
I think he’s still worried about not being a good choice for someone. But not because he’s self destructive but he’s just a little flighty and finds it hard to open up. Very surface level friendly and kind but a little shy or sheepish. Worrying any feelings he would grown could be a burden to someone. Also he still loves dueling, combat, using his battle prowess to do good. He’s much less blood thirsty, but it means he worries about getting injured or dying and breaking someone’s heart. I think if he did fall in love a lot of these insecurities would fall to the wayside.
This version, unlike his og self, is the sibling that can have children biologically should he choose. The cursed making whoever has it infertile. So his mother is CONSTANTLY trying to set him up with ‘eligible singles’ usually women. Heirs are important to nobles. Though he would reject this. I think he’d really resent the heteronormativity. He’d still be very bisexual but his mother would say things like ‘I thought I was a lesbian and I’m not anymore.’ LMAO
Another reason he’s anxious about falling for someone. Because then he’s gonna have to break it to his mother and sister…
Zrise as a father… this version at least… getting emotional about it… this is hard. This is like so so so far from og Zrise but… it’s just stripping away all the curse and deep deep self loathing. Hmmm I think it wouldn’t be his first instinct to want to be a father. I think he would worry about the kind of parent he’d be. But I think he’d also want to be better than his mother and his father. But once he had a child or heard he was going to have one… I think that baby would have him wrapped around their little finger… and now I’m crying thanks
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sso-montana · 3 months
Catherine lives! AU
Ok so I finally got around to write this thing so here you all go, more under the cut bc it kinda got long
Also if you want me to make a post specifically abt how Catherine being alive would impact the general story tell me and I'll make one for that, too ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
Catherine always knew Montana was like her, even when she was little. At first she was hesitant to let Justin play and spend time with her but after seeing how good they got along and remembering how she never really had friends she decided to let them be.
Fast forward to Montana coming back to Jorvik and Catherine's motherly instincts I immediately kick in. Yes, she hasn't seen this girl in almost 8 years and she's grown up and changed so much. The Montana before her is so quiet and almost desperately tries to She's reminded so much of her younger self, of how lost and alone she felt and decides that she won't let this happen to another girl. Once Montana realizes she posses magic abilities and starts training with Ydris and a WIP oc of mine (it's a bit messy right now kay?) Catherine sits her down and tells her about how they're the same. Obviously Montana asks her for help and guidance, which Catherine immediately shuts down. Montanas initial reaction of anger and confusion leaves after Catherine explains that she no longer associates herself with magic, hasn't used it in years and never was that good at it. What Catherine can do though is make Montana aware of the dangers of magic, to tell her about her own mistakes, the Keepers and the Sisterhood.
And there are times when Catherine is almost scared of Montana. Because Montana isn't like her, isn't afraid to loose control. She's so full of anger and frustration and sadness right after loosing her parents and that paired with uncontrolled power is a dangerous combination. Montana isn't hurting others on accident but rather manages to keep injuring herself while learning. There are so many times she comes back to the stables and Justin and Montana sit in the saddle chamber putting creams on her arms and wrapping bandages around her hands because she burnt or cut herself. She's stubborn and impulsive and acts without thinking things through and clearly struggles with magic.
And yet she makes up for it with her sheer determination to learn, to master this power which allows her to protect what's left and Catherine can't help but be amazed at this young girl. They're the same and yet so completely different.
Of course as soon as Justin starts to get more involved with all the magic stuff Catherine is worried about him. It's not like she wasn't worried about Montana to begin with, but Justin is her son, her baby. It's the first time the two of them ever had a big argument since Justin never really fought with his mom. Even after they talk it out she's not happy with him joining Montana on trips. But after seeing his determination and desire to protect Mo, to be able to return the favor because she always protects them and he desperately wants to keep her safe, to make her understand she's not alone and doesn't have to do everything by herself, even if at times it scares him, Catherine gives in. At least she has the comfort of knowing they're looking out for each other.
Catherine isn't unfriendly to the soul riders either, quite the opposite. It would be easy to be angry at them, to hold grudges and not want a single thing to do with it, but that's not like her. Catherine isn't a hateful person. She wouldn't be angry at kids for something that their predecessors did. Elizabeth and Avalon are a different story of course, but the girls never did anything bad, she doesn't hold any grudges against them specifically. They're just kids, kids who have way too many things that they have to shoulder than anyone that age should. Those girls aren't even in their 20s and are being told the fate of Jorvik and perhaps the whole world is depending on them. That's fucked up, like, severely fucked up.
So Catherine always tells them that no matter what, they can always come to Moorland Stables. Even if she can't do much in regard to guiding them on their Soul Rider journey, she can make sure there is a place for them where they're safe.
It does hurt to see that just like her Montana feels like she doesn't fit in, doesn't belong with them. To see that cycle repeat itself. Yet Montana doesn't seem to be as bothered by it as she had been, which isn't exactly better if you hear the 'I wasn't really able to make friends after we left Jorvik, so it's nothing new' explanation.
I do think she would stay away from Valedale and the Keepers and Elizabeth as far as she can. The only time I can see her showing up again is after Justin got imprisoned and for the first time in her life Catherine is full on willing to throw hands with someone. (She doesn't. She doesn't stop Montana from doing it for her either.)
Catherine is basically treating Montana as her own daughter and being a great at it. She doesn't hold grudges against the current Soul Riders bc they're just kids. The Keepers can go fuck themselves she ain't dealing with them. When are Montana and Justin getting married she'd love to have her as her daughter in law
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hkpika07 · 1 year
We’ve seen younger Gordon, but Have you ever thought about what a younger flying Scotsman and Spencer looked like in your au??
Scotsman does not have a younger avatar. He only has the one he was built with. This is to show how much he’s stuck in the past and hasn’t changed.
Spencer however…. At first I didn’t know how to make him look. He has tons of avatars present day due to needing them for all the different events the Duke and Duchess bring him to. But for the past? That was tricky. After Umi and I discussed it for a bit we decided that Spencer before Lady’s disappearance was pompous and prideful to the max. Before he was adopted by the Duke and Duchess he used to have friends, albeit shallow ones. Those friends abandoned him once he became a private engine though. Many engines hated him and were jealous of his status, being not only a private engine but also a Gresly. And instead of coping and handling the sadness and betrayal like a normal person he propped himself up on a higher pedestal, thinking “You don’t need them. You are a private Engine, private engines don’t associate with those of lower status”. He wraps himself up in his job and duties thinking it’s all he needs but as time goes on he becomes lonely and this warps his behavior into something of a chameleon. Changing how he acts depending on where he is (which explains his inconsistent character in the show). -lies on the floor- Spencer….
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Anyways here’s pre-disappearance Spencer. The Duke and Duchess definitely humble him somewhat after they adopt him.
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spaciebabie · 2 years
*Points* YOU! YES YOU! Tell me about your ocs please. Any oc. The oc you can never design right, or the oc that won't stop changing, Any. Just tell me about your ocs!
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this guy.....i have given him the most amount of trauma At The Start. he's already gone (and is still going thru shit) and b/c he's already had it tough he's gonna end up being the wisest person by the end of the story most likely (in his own way)
fuckin this guy's a tech nerd and if i knew more abt computers n junk i would be more specific but thats rlly. all i can say. he makes funny programs, he can code, he makes robots, aaalll that shit!!
fun fact: angie is a relatively new character that ive created for two! he (along w/ness) were not in the original story, but.....kat had like....NO friends and w/all the shit she was gonna go thru she really needed them lol. it also didn't make sense w/her character ta have her have no friends?? at that point in time i was revamping kat's personality cuz i realized she was too much Like Me and I didn't wanna create a self insert lol 😅
ANYWAYS- angie's got the worst of life w/in the last 2ish years, dead dad, depression caused from dead dad, struggling family b/c of the sudden loss of income (at this point in the story his family is more stable, but that's the reason he originally started working at kat's parent's cafe), anger issues caused by depression from dead dad, and on toppa all that, he's in honors classes!! man's has got it tough!!
he's also the eldest sibling in his houshold n has got 5 siblings!! (here's a wip of them i never finished. this would've been his fam 2 yrs ago)
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him n the sister he's smirking at are at eachother's throats a lot lol. she's sorta similar ta ness but a lot more blunt. they shoulder the burden of being the eldest, sort of a team but not really? angie takes the brunt of the burden. eldest siblings (me) understand.
he's got ta deal w/being held ta such a high standard n he's constantly under pressure ta succeed, ta do great ta make his family proud, n now that his dad is dead he feels like he owes it ta him ta do well by him.
beyond the sad stuff he had a major caffine addiction that his mother put a stop ta. he had a habit of procrastinating and then pulling coffee fueled all nighters, except now that he cant have coffee anymore he supplements it w/soda (his mother will NOT allow energy drinks he sneaks some anyways tho. ((his mother is not happy abt him drinking sodie)))
he's a meme king and irl shitposter and a very Big Boi (6ft!) he's got a new york accent as well!
fun fact numero dos: angie is one of the several characters who i am completely unsure of their orientation. i feel like he could be the queerest person on the planet and yet also be the straightest most cis-dude ever. idk ik he likes girls thats the most ive come up w/so far.
he loves his friends so much dude!! they've helped him thru so much and he's done so much dumb shit w/them (like The Bruisehouse, of which the trio of kat, angie, n ness is named after. they're still quite famous from what they did in elementary school). honestly he just wants ta relax. you can see that reflected in his clothing choices (yk besides being a sans kinnie n liking utdr) he's one of those kids in middle school who dresses in shorts n short sleeves no matter the weather n is like, "im not cold"
him n kat met first and were bffs b4 they met ness n she was added inta the group, so they're a bit closer in that aspect!
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authenticaussie · 15 days
tagged by @suzukiblu and @cer-rata (wtf y'all, you're taking away from my "people I can tag" pool---)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Y'all of course like. Know me as a person (and probably remember the LAST time I did something like this and ended up with 200-odd fics) so 'cause I was tagged by two DC moots I shall only do DC fics:
tfw you give yourself amnesia because your parents make friends with a mind-reader and you don’t want to give up the secrets of your pseudo-family
Blogging (and other dangerous activities likely to get you adopted by the Batman)
growing up feels like (free-falling)
eight legs hit the wall
The future starts tomorrow
Jumanji (what the fuck)
our past deed's punishments (our future's reward)
Illogical Fallacy
Acrobot, (but I didn't start that one so it may die a tumblr post death eventually)
It's just a matter of time (before we learn how to fly)
keep yourself in Check (but I'll be real this title WILL change because every time I read it I go oooo TT hockey au? and i CAN'T KEEP DOING THAT TO MYSELF-)
buy a date
To-do-it List
Palatable (but i need a cooler poet title and I am FAILING)
take our ages, take our failures, rescind
put me in your Pocket
Not in love with you (shit!)
Autism and the body-bat-swap
Tim sticks his foot in his mouth and threatens to jump out a window
by any other name
There are many benefits to being a marine biologist
I'm not tagging 22 people. that's just. that's not happening. But also I will tag some artists! In case they also have wip aus they wanna talk about. <3
@midnightluck @touchmycoat @rockingthegraveyard @12freddofrogs @2014federalbudget @lollesss @litnerdhood @justm3h @leviathiane @emygrl99 @trickstermelon @potat-o-piece @xamaxenta @merryfortune @saltfics @minister-of-silly-walks
and I think it was REALLY STRONG of me to tag 15 people and pretend that this isn't out of the blue <3333 don't look at me 😔😔
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aj-forged-edition · 3 months
Is that Apollo and Kristoph in the art?
Apollo is defending Kris for a murder that happened Long Ago, & before the trial starts, he's trying to perceive him so he testifies the truth,, little does he know that ain't gonna work bc he can't see psychelocks (I kinda forgot the handcuffs yeah)
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flavos-df · 2 years
RGB; Really Goofy Bois
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moth-mart · 8 months
Stylus & Dae are the only ones of the main 4 who can drive but Stylus is banned from it on account of road rage
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tvrningon · 9 months
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i think i've said it before? but chiyo is really big on visuals/aesthetics, which is why she's into dressing up ( like in pretty clothing, but she'll wear some kinda costume if you ask nicely <3 ), lingerie, etc. it's also!! why her favorite positions tend to be the ones that allow her to see her partner's face. watching their expressions and reactions really gets to her, and making direct eye contact will initially embarrass her before simply!! pushing her further along!! demand it from her and she's gonna become mush beneath your fingers :' )
all that said, i think any position involving a mirror would probably end up being a guilty pleasure of hers, if that makes sense?? like it's embarrassing and feels vain, but chiyo just really enjoys being able to see everything going on.
and last thing!! if chiyo's in control, her favorite position is cowgirl bc, well, she's on top :' ) and like i said before, she's able to see her partner's face and how she's making them feel. she also generally likes when she can be as close as possible to her partner, so sitting in their lap, being propped on a counter, or pressed against something -- the position doesn't matter so much so long as they're close.
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assistant-tails-au · 2 years
ive been thinking about sonic heroes in this au, tails is worried about eggman being missing, sonic is bouncing between "hanging with my bro" and "eggman better not be becoming a deadbeat dad", and knuckles is there, really trying not to get attached to this kid (hes failing)
Funnily enough, I actually had a good chunk of Heroes plotted out! It's a very pinnacle moment for Tails, because it's his first time officially working apart of Team Sonic. He was there to witness Eggman being kidnapped by Metal, and managed to get away. Naturally, he does the normal thing when your Dad's been usurped by his creations -- go to Sonic the Hedgehog.
He's very vague about his intentions, though, because he's kind of afraid Sonic might not help if he knew Eggman was in trouble? (We know Sonic is Sonic, but Tails is still developing that trust with him. So Tails, nodding: 'yep, that's absolutely my dad. Not Metal in disguise') Anyway, Heroes is where his heroics really get a chance to shine -- it's also the first game he actually achieves a Super Form as he fights Metal Madness alongside Sonic and Knuckles! Per status quo though, Team Sonic disbands after Eggman is saved and Metal is defeated. u-u But the character development is put into pocket for another day.
Tails and Knuckles make me very emotional in this situation because since Sonic 3 & Knuckles, it's definitely been bumpy for them. The whole 'lying by omission while Robotnik was manipulating him' -- but Tails did get back the ME for him in that game as well as saved Sonic from the Death Egg fall. An interesting thing, tbh, is thinking about how Tails is the glue that keeps Sonic and Knuckles together in main canon. So things are definitely a little more on edge between those two, even when Tails comes in. But they'd really function like the great team they are in canon when they hit the right note, y'know?
I'm still figuring out the Adventure arcs, but gosh Tails and Knuckles are definitely going to make me feel things when I plot them more indepth.
Another thing I had was that Tails actually tipped Rouge off about 'Eggman's secret treasure' -- he gave her the anonymous tip of where Shadow was without saying. Well, It's Shadow. That's mostly what I got down for Heroes so far.
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vampacidic · 2 years
hi sage!!!! pls talk about rei sakuma. thank you (say whatever!!! i would like to hear about your blorbo ♡)
oh good lord have you opened the flood gates of hell
hm. well i first got attached to rei circa mid july of 2020 (sage how do you remember the date so specifically? fuck if i know dude). i had originally been really attached to kanata (i still am. i love her) and roughly put: i was struggling with realizing i'm autistic (i thought it was adhd and that every autist in the world was being dramatic because "everyone does that" as it turns out, they don't) at the time and rei just kinda fuckin. i don't know. made it fall into place if that makes sense.
like rei just hit me as a character who just so strongly reminded me of myself. there's a lot of personal stuff there i could get into but to give the spark notes of it: i have always largely been attached as a "gifted kid who had so much going for them!" that i'd be treated as an adult and expected to just. solve adult problems. and to see a character who had also been levied with that and had just kinda fucking given up entirely really echoed the shit i was going through. so like. that's kinda what drew me to him i think. also i thought he was silly
well here's my favorite lore tidbits in ties to me at least. rei is inadvertently what got me to study japanese (1: enstars TLs are hard to find and i'm incredibly lazy and hate asking for help so about a year ago i was like fuck it! and now i'm learning it and 2: i liked his use of multiple 1st person pronouns in easter). my girlfriend and i actually bonded over enstars (rei + kaoru in particular) so he inadvertently got us together. the fact he can play violin got me really impassioned about my music studies for about a month
my favorite lore bits in general? i looove his dynamic with 2wink. i adore sad grandpa and his overactive kids (+ brother dynamics here. how the aois look completely just like. get along fine get along great!! from the outside when in actuality they have a dynamic not. horribly far from the sakumas. less overtly violent but still very 'younger brother feels overshadowed by the older, and older brother is sometimes kind of a prick'). i absolutely adoreeeee his dynamic with kaoru in crossroads. i love the dichotomy between rei, as someone who's spent his entire life as being "gifted" and bearing the ugly burden of it, getting told off by kaoru, someone's who's "normal." like i love how they're both opposites of each other yet both just as disillusioned with the world in 2nd year. i could go crazy talking about kaorei Ok anyway. i love how ultimately rei is still kind despite what he says about himself. he might whine and insist he's a "dark demon of the night" or something but i feel like that comes from his guilt of feeling like he's unable to just. solve everyone's problems. that's how he lost the war!! he tried so hard to save everyone that he ultimately couldn't save anyone + destroyed his own relationships in the process. i love how the way he's "selfish" is by standing up for himself and saying he's not going to just fix everyone's problems for them anymore. and i like how his conflict with koga reflects this; it's not that koga is dumb or anything, but that he's staring at rei with rose tinted glasses. he sees rei as an idol (arguably, he's just as bad as those who demand rei fix their problems) first and foremost and can't understand why rei would just stop being his idol. god. undead dynamic. i feel like his dynamic with ritsu is also fucking crazy. and i think ritsu is right not to just point blank forgive him tbh. enstars is great cause you can see how both of them are just hurting the other by acting the way they do but how they're both so similar + stubborn they'll refuse to admit it. and how rei says that even if ritsu hates him he's still his big brother?? good lord. i'm a sucker for older siblings in media (checks out! i am an older sibling)
outside of the serious stuff, rei is also great cause he looooves acting like he's stupid. he loves to pretend he doesn't have 8 different master plans rotating in his brain at any given time. he loved pulling the "ohh i wouldn't know i'm just stupid 🥺" card and it's fucking crazy. there's something wrong with his brain. he genuinely knows how to help people form his past experiences but doesn't want to become so over relied on again that he constantly plays the "ohhh i am just so old and my bones are so creaky :( my genuinely helpful advice was just a fluke!" card ALL THE TIME. i think it's funny how he loves to tease people. act all haughty and then be like "haha wouldn't it be funny if you sucked on my boob." it's fun because he's just like. still a Guy beneath his 8 levels of demon hell. he's just very silly. i like that he skips class all the time to sleep, too.
and like (slaps the top of oddballs) these guys can fit SO much found family. you're telling me 5 guys who have consistently been outed from their peer groups for "weird" interests/abilities/family shenanigans finally meet up in high school, get stuck in a weird trauma hell for a year, and they're NOT going to have a weirdly strong bond of trust that it's something to fear? good lord. they make me feel crazy. i love that they ultimately end up making a home for themselves and they remain close friends after the fact (hell, if i remember right they were friends even before eichi did eichi things. he's just kinda what cemented them and really knit them together). i love natsume and his 2 sets of parents
good lord. i could probably say more but i've been typing this for an hour and a half! whoops! thank you for asking me about him though :) i have many thoughts. as you can tell. also look at this funny video i have
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Kirby headcanon?
He doesn't like dragonfruit >w<
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…and I thought the issue I’d run into with my theory posts was that someone would get mad that I lowkey called god an abuser lmao
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