#you’re a gem
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🩵🩵 Noopface
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dykeredhood · 2 months
Alexander James Adams my beloved
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goldkirk · 11 months
I hope this isn't an overstep, but I had previously downloaded the whole shutterbug series as epubs (including the latest update of hymn!) bc I love them so much and are constantly rereading. bc we don't know how long a03 will be down for, if any of your followers/readers might like a copy feel free to hit me up!
This is so kind of you!!! Posting now before I go to sleep in case anyone wants to take you up on it. Thank you for the offer! 💖
(And thank you! I’m so so glad you like the series! 😭👍💖)
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akitsuneprince · 3 months
Omg Tysm! You are making me blush!
I’m slowly returning to social media after my heartbreak and I plan on doing more Ren cosplays and some other new ideas soon!
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askhospilabnovela · 11 months
Candy is such a great partner for this blog- (especially since they’ve done all of the art so far lmao) so uuuh- YEAH THEYRE REALLY COOL
I’ll make art eventually- one day
That’s all
Just wanted to prove I’m alive
— @confusedgoblin (your favorite goblin man <3)
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rookthorne · 1 year
If my future relationship isn't exactly like readers and Buckys in your Christmas series I don't fucking want it
oh nonnie, I feel you on a soul level with this.
I’m gonna manifest us all a b&b!bucky, because we all need him and how sweet and loving he is and how big he- I mean what? 👀
just for some added torture, here is our I picture our biker boi when I write for him:
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it’s that fucking Henley I swear to god, just imagine whatever tattoos your heart desires - I am unfortunately not that good at photo manipulation
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Your fics give me life!!!! What does your WIP list look like?😍 I’m excited for them all!
omg stop🥹🥹 that makes me feel so special, tysm!🥰 well it’s looking pretty nuts atm😭 ive got tonnes of requests that im trying to work through, but id LOVE to share it
so…: (these are all x reader - so it makes it easier + in order)
- tan - comfort - depression comfort
- matt - smut - soft dom reader (currently working on this one rn)
- matt - smut - mommy + breeding kink
- steven g - fluff (?) - blind reader
- tan - fluff (?) - deaf reader
- matt - (?) maybe angst? - they’re in college and she has a bf
- steven g - angst (?) - him being unaware of someone flirting with him
- tan - (?) - he has a family and they get on the bullet train without him knowing
- tan - fluff - where he’s 20 and has a baker fiancé
- tan - comfort(?) - it’s for an actual reader who has been to the dentist (I need to do this one asap- bc it’ll be too late)
- tan - smut - him being a sub and calls reader mummy
- pietro or tan - smut - hatefucking + degradation
- matt - fluff - continuation from one I posted earlier on (fort stories)
ALSO I HAVEN’T FORGOTTEN, part 2 to ‘the devil in disguise’
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roxydemi · 1 year
Congratulations on your Graduation poppet, Today is your day.
Super proud x
Thank you thank you so much 💕💕💕
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Had a nurse go above and beyond today to help me get my dose of birth control after it very much felt like I might have to delay receiving it (which was totally my fault due to poor time management).
I could’ve cried, she really didn’t have to do that. Wishing her every magical blessing.
Remember to treat our healthcare workers with the kindness and respect they deserve. 💕
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biillyhargroves · 2 years
Sorry to hear you’re feeling sad. I couldn’t really think of anything cool to say to distract you but I drew you a little Billy enjoying an ice cream ^-^
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Oh gosh, you’re the sweetest!! This is so damn cute!!! Thank you, friend. Your kindness is appreciated very much.
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shibaraki · 2 years
Thank u for ur fics. They bring me alot of comfort and I just wanted u to know that.
Whenever I'm having a bad day I read ur fics and it helps alot
thank you for sharing this with me love I’m so happy to bring you comfort and I’ll remember this whenever I feel discouraged
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liesandbrokenhearts · 2 years
I was gonna dm you but I didn’t want you to feel pressured to respond :)
Do you spend any time outside at all? If you’re gonna scroll thru your phone for hours try doing it outside. At least you’ll get nice fresh air and sunlight. Hear the world go by. Sun exposure is very important for your health.
First of all, this is such a thoughtful message, Wow. Thank you ♥️♥️ You’ve warmed my heart and I can’t tell you how much that means to me that’d you take the time to write me a little message like that 🧡 and I think you’re right, I don’t get outside very often, I think that’s a great idea. Being locked up in here is really not good for me and I think it could help with dissociation too, thank you so much! Sending you so much light and beautiful skies, you deserve it.
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sandlyness · 1 month
Nothing like waking up to see yourself mentioned in a new art post by an artist you really like 😭
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beaconfeels · 4 months
54) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
Super healing! That’s a thing, right? (not very up on my super beings lore) after spending half my life exhausted and with some level of pain, the idea of all that going away is THE fantasy
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cloudsandrosess · 7 months
“And its amazing how Allah makes things so easy right after u go thru the minor steps of struggle for His sake”
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kimtaegis · 1 year
oh, annie, i'm sorry to hear that :( i'm glad jimin made you smile though, and i hope everything gets better for you soon! sending you lots of love <3
no worries my love, just feeling a little weak and sleepy and unmotivated today, nothing major. I’ll try to find a good fic to read now and will go to bed early I think. love you so so much darling!! 💗
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