ionmarkelargazkiak · 1 year
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real-sociedad · 3 months
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dreamy-conceit · 10 months
Porque la nada que está en todo igual que los siglos en los siglos se ocultaba incluso en aquellos encuentros en los que nunca estuviste y en los que habrías estado si las cosas fueran reales si no desaparecieras a cada momento preso de aquello que hay entre la noche y el tiempo gran desierto de tu oscura inexistencia. Translation: because the nothingness that is in everything the same as centuries within centuries hides itself even in those encounters in which you never were and in which you would have been if things were real if you did not disappear at every moment prisoner of that which exists between night and time great desert of your dark non-existence.
— Rodrigo Arriagada-Zubieta, 'Extrañeza'
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cmatain · 2 years
Carlos Mata Induráin presenta en las Jornadas de Teatro Clásico de Almagro los dos últimos volúmenes de la serie de «Comedias completas de Calderón de la Barca»
Carlos Mata Induráin presenta en las Jornadas de Teatro Clásico de Almagro los dos últimos volúmenes de la serie de «Comedias completas de Calderón de la Barca»
En el marco de las XLV Jornadas de Teatro Clásico de Almagro, «Calderón sin fronteras», organizadas por la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha y celebradas en el Palacio de los condes de Valdeparaíso los pasados días 13-15 de julio, el Dr. Carlos Mata Induráin, Secretario del GRISO, ha presentado los dos últimos volúmenes de la serie de «Comedias completas de Calderón de la Barca». La presentación…
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ca-dmv-bot · 1 year
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realmadridnews · 5 months
Athletic Bilbao Femenino - Real Madrid Femenino 0:1
scorers: 0:1, Feller 43'
Athletic Bilbao Femenino: Nanclares; Nevado, Torre, Landaluce, Ortega; Pinedo (72' Amezaga), Uriarte, Zubieta (77' Arana), Cerro (61' Elexpuru), Nahikari, Azcona
Real Madrid Femenino: Misa; Oihane Hernandez, Kathellen, Ivana, Svava; Abelleira (72' Toletti), Zornoza (90+2' Oroz), Feller (84' Carmona), Caicedo, Athenea (72' Olofsson); Moller (46' Raso)
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nelove22 · 10 months
RealSociedadFEM: This was Andreia Jacinto return to Zubieta after the WWC 🩵
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Well this artwork speaks to my soul!
Onirical Zubieta’s art explores popular culture through retro and tropical references and alternative universes. With them, she describes the myths and clichés of Generation Z and Millennials, the feelings and anxieties of her generation, stories of love, dreams, and technological addiction in a pastel and neon universe.
She entered this digital work "Inner Jungle" into Natural Cannabis Company's High Art 2022 competition and made the Top 150! Congratulations Onirical!
#beautifulbizarre #OniricalZubieta #highart2022 #highart #naturalcannabiscompany #wereallmadhere
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He compartido 945 publicaciones este 2022
¡Son 173 más que en 2021!
746 publicaciones originales (79 %)
199 reblogueos (21 %)
Estos son los blogs que más he reblogueado:
He etiquetado 931 publicaciones en 2022
Solo el 1 % de mis publicaciones no incluye ninguna etiqueta
#euskal herria: 822 publicaciones
#pais vasco: 819 publicaciones
#pays basque: 817 publicaciones
#basque country: 816 publicaciones
#euskadi: 777 publicaciones
#anons: 350 publicaciones
#personal: 235 publicaciones
#euskera: 219 publicaciones
#euskara: 216 publicaciones
#basque: 210 publicaciones
Longest Tag: 79 characters
#if you just bought one with the coat of arms of euskal herria embroidered on it
Mis publicaciones más populares este 2022:
Since almost no mass media is reporting this, here's a video of this last weekend when Euskal Herria and Catalunya were connected by Basque and Catalan people, lighting up more than 300 Pyreneean summits asking for the right to self determination:
Video source
396 notas. Fecha de publicación: 4 de julio de 2022
Re: traditional carnivals
You should know by now that we’re kind of obsessed with traditional carnivals and the incredible similarities they have across Europe.
What, you’ve never heard of it? Come with us!
1) Horned figures wearing fleece:
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2) Bears:
401 notas. Fecha de publicación: 24 de febrero de 2022
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Traditional masquerade, Zubieta.
472 notas. Fecha de publicación: 25 de enero de 2022
Science Association Aranzadi has made a discovery that can be a landmark for the history of Basque language. In an Iron Age Vascon town of Irulegi, in the region of Aranguren (Nafarroa), an inscripted bronze hand from the 1st century BCE has surfaced. It’s the longest and oldest Basque text until now. It’s written in a variation of the Iberian alphabet, adapted by Vascons to our language. According to experts, the hand could have been a lucky charm to bring good luck and shoo bad luck away. 
The first word reads sorioneku - please compare to nowadays Basque word zorioneko (for good luck, luckily).
It’s the first Vasconic text - not single words - that has been found so omg, we’re super excited!!!
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Sources: 1 & 2
1423 notas. Fecha de publicación: 14 de noviembre de 2022
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3516 notas. Fecha de publicación: 25 de mayo de 2022
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We are SO HAPPY to see the hand of Irulegi among our most successful posts!! 😘😘
Eskerrik asko for another great year here on Tumblr 🧡🧡🧡
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ionmarkelargazkiak · 11 years
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martazubieta · 6 months
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Where the Grass Is Greener Mixed media
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agent-astronaut · 2 years
mid year book tag <3
thank you @claimedbytheearth for tagging me!! 😚💖
amount of books you’ve read so far: 10
best book you’ve read so far in 2022: probably Don’t go without me by Rosemary Valero-O’Connor, I really really enjoyed the three short stories, and I have very nice memories of reading it <3
best sequel you've read so far in 2022: I just finished Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World, and I really liked it, it’s a very good sequel and completes Ari’s personal journey in a very nice way. I’m very attached to the characters and I feel like this sequel honored them very well.
new release you haven't read yet, but want to: I'm looking forward to reading Supersaurio by Meryem El Mehdati! I bought it back in april and I'm looking forward to reading it soon
most anticipated release for the second half of the year: I can't say, I don’t really know what people are releasing right now </3
biggest surprise favorite new author (debut or new to you): I read my first H.M. Zubieta book this year (Infinitas) and I was already expecting to like their books a lot, so I was happy to be proven right!! I’m looking forward to keep reading their novels, though I don't own any others yet
newest fictional crush: I read Outlawed from Anna North and while I don’t really recommend it a lot (just read Upright Women Wanted if you want actual queer cowgirls), I had the biggest crush on The Kid chatacter, I was sure that the main character would also fall in love with them because how couldn’t she, but she turned out to be straight and not into cool queer nonbinary cowboys??? Can’t relate but okay. Just read Upright Women Wanted where the main character does fall in love with a cool queer nonbinary cowboy because how couldn't she.
book that made you cry: I cried in the tram a lot reading Aristotle and Dante Dive Into the Waters of the World hahaha
book that made you happy: I loved El cristal imposible by Anabel Colazo, a little comic my gf lent me, it was so fun and cool!!
most beautiful book you've bought so far this year (or received): this question is unfair because my girlfriend gifts me so many beautiful books... I'm gonna say Notes from an Island, by Tove Jansson and Tuulikki Pietilä <3
what books do you need to read by the end of the year?: off the top of my head, i really want to read How to be both by Ali Smith, Supersaurio by Meryem El Mehdati, and finish the Gloria Fuertes poetry anthology I'm currently reading. There are many more of course but those three I'd really like to finish this year!
Not tagging anyone but if we're mutuals feel free to do this and tag me I'd love to know ur books 💖
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dreamy-conceit · 10 months
A decir tanto en una época en que la palabra se ha gastado como moneda corriente Translation: To say so much in a time where words are wasted like currency
— Rodrigo Arriagada-Zubieta, 'Extrañeza
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🧐¿Qué es más poderoso, el amor de una hermana, o la pasión ardiente de dos amantes?👨‍💔👩
✍️ Dramaturgia: Marcos García Tizón
🔎 Género: Drama
💥 Argumento: Una rica heredera francesa pierde toda su fortuna de manera misteriosa y se marcha a los Estados Unidos a darle la noticia a su hermana. Al llegar, nota que su hermana está enamorada de un hombre violento y peligroso, al que no deja porque le ama de forma apasionada. La puesta en escena es una historia de superación personal, que aborda temas como la soledad, la desesperación, el deseo, la violencia, la fragilidad emocional y las tensiones familiares, que se centra en el mensaje de que por terrible que sea tu mundo, puedes ser feliz.
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👥 Elenco: Nicolás Bazán, Emilio De Rutte, Marcelo Prado, Guillermo Falcón, Giovanna Zubieta, Cleidy Lupú, Miluska Fuentes y Grecia Simon
📢 Dirección: Marcos García Tizón
© Producción: Municipalidad de Lima y Alumbra Producciones.
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📌 Funciones:
📆 Miércoles 05, 12, 19 y 26 de Junio
🕗 8:00pm.
🏪 Sala Alzedo del Teatro Manuel A. Segura (jr. Huancavelica 251 - Centro de Lima)
🎯 Entradas:
🎟️ Adultos: S/.45
🎫 Estudiantes: S/.25
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🖱 Reservas:
📱 912125713
📧 DM: @alumbra_producciones 
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moviesandmania · 2 months
ABADDON'S PIT Mystery sci-fi - free to watch on YouTube
Abaddon’s Pit is a 2024 sci-fi mystery thriller about a grieving man who blames himself for the death of his wife The movie was written and directed by Jason Egan and Matthew Nash. It was produced by Alyssa Talbot and executive produced by Rob Coshow and James Manning. The 454 Productions movie stars Jeff Ayars, Lawrence Trailer, Faith Kelly, Alyssa Talbot, Ben Bocko, Ellen Boscov, Amy Zubieta,…
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xtruss · 4 months
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Geese swim through the mist at Taudaha Lake in Kathmandu, Nepal 🇳🇵. Photograph: Sanjit Pariyar/NurPhoto/Rex/Shutterstock
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A black rhino also has an avian passenger in Nairobi national park, Kenya 🇰🇪. Photograph: Brian Inganga/AP
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An egret is reflected in Ana Sagar lake in Ajmer, India 🇮🇳. Photograph: Himanshu Sharma/AFP/Getty Images
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A starling murmuration over the Skylarks nature reserve at Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham, UK 🇬🇧, looks uncannily like a bird silhouetted against the sky. Photograph: Neil Squires/Alamy Live News
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Agen, France 🇫🇷! People look at slurry, manure and tyres that have been dumped by farmers at the entrance of the local state administration building. Photograph: Fred Scheiber/AP
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Zubieta, Spain 🇪🇸! A group of Joaldunak called Zanpantzar take part in the carnival between the Pyrenees villages of Ituren and Zubieta. In one of the most ancient carnivals in Europe, dating from before the Roman empire, companies of Joaldunak (cowbell wearers) parade the streets costumed in sandals, lace petticoats, sheepskins, coloured neckerchiefs, conical caps and a hyssop of horsehair in their right hands. Photograph: Álvaro Barrientos/AP
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