thecobraghost · 4 months
This was their way of saying ‘I love you’ without saying it and you can’t convince me otherwise
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Promise you won't write.
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thecobraghost · 7 months
I can’t be the only one disappointed with s7 art style? The lack of customisation as well….only two free hairstyles!!?????
Fusebox WTF!
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thecobraghost · 1 year
So I started binge watching Yellowstone a few days ago and I’ve just started season 4 and I’m literally in love is Ian Bohen’s character Ryan.
So so that I’ve created my very own fanfic in my head and I’ve just started writing it as drafts atm.
I’m wondering if anyone would be interested in reading if I was to ever publish it.
My MC is called Cassandra ‘Cassie’ Dutton, and she’s the second youngest of the family. She’s also a single mother and her daughter is called Elsa Dutton II. I basically feel in love with the idea of Ryan being a total ‘daddy’s girl’ to a little girl. Also being massively inspired by the song ‘The Good Ones’ by Gabby Barrett
So let me know and I’ll keep writing 😊
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thecobraghost · 1 year
Ian said that rent was due
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thecobraghost · 1 year
professor fig dies in every iteration of the game’s ending
Who cares? Not me. Find another spoiler cause this one is old and boring now. Spoiling the games ending isn’t going to stop people from playing or annoy anyone
Have fun wasting your time on doing so though!
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thecobraghost · 1 year
Where is the same energy for Kanye West?
You know, the man who literally said he loved H*tler and other fucked up stuff?
As a jew, I am so tired of this performative act. People don’t really care about antisemitism. They just want to bully women. I do not see people post about Kanye West, at all. Sure, there used to be some memes on the internet but that’s it. And memes make the whole issue with Kanye West…weirdly unserious? Where is the same energy for actual nazis? The ones who meet up every other week in a public meeting house, ones who claim mandatory vaccines are the same as the Shoah, the ones with nazi symbols tattooed on them, the ones who gang up and beat up people in the street for fun, the ones who proudly yell H*il H*tler, the ones who shoot up synagogues…
People claim to care about jews but they choose this easy form of “activism”, which is bullying a woman for writing about goblins. In my opinion, this is just lazy. If you really care that much about standing up for jewish people, you should invest your energy in something else.
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thecobraghost · 1 year
I still don’t get how so many of the ‘treat people with kindness’ ‘you’re all loved’ people on here can justify supporting or telling others that they don’t deserve to live and should kill themselves because they’re playing HL
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thecobraghost · 1 year
Say it louder for the people in the back
I really didn't want to say anything else about this whole Hogwarts crap because it's just a million voices all individually convinced they have the right opinion. That's just how opinions work, no one is out there on tumblr to have their mind changed they just want to hear their own arguments agreed with and that's fine.
I also didn't want to involve my sister at all but shocker she's Jewish (We have different dads). She does not give a fuck that I'm playing the Hogwarts game. She couldn't care less. NOW If you yourself are Jewish and want to make a post about how the games bad that's perfectly understandable. If you want to say you find the game antisemetic even if you're not Jewish STILL understandable, that's an opinion anyone can have. But my God the amount of people saying you're insulting Jewish friends, they'll hate you, they'll never see you the same again. How can you say that??? The Jews are not a fucking collective entity they are individuals Goddamit, they have differing thoughts and opinions the same as any religion or group. It's not only ridiculous for you speak as a spokes person for the whole race but also possibly insulting to any Jewish people who ARE playing the game. Again shocker but they do exsist.
Make your posts about how antisemitic you find the game but hell I wish you wouldn't speak on behalf of everyone in the Jewish race. Cause I highly doubt you're psychically linked to every damn one of them.
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thecobraghost · 1 year
I’m sorry you’re so caught up in your worship of Rowling you’re unable to see why people are angry about the game. Here’s hoping you grow up one day
I'm sorry you're so caught up in online social activism that you cannot acknowledge and respect the voices of the trans and Jewish community members who have said that they wish to buy and play the game without being harassed for it.
Just because a portion of the trans and Jewish communities are of one opinion does not mean those of the same communities who are of a different opinion are invalid or wrong.
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thecobraghost · 1 year
My Thoughts on the Issue
Not that anyone asked but whatever....
Hot Take #1
Is JKR problematic? Absolutely.
Can problematic media be consumed responsibly and with neutrality? Absolutely.
Consuming and even enjoying problematic media can help people develop informed opinions and even help people develop a moral compass. Especially, when this source material is a generation-spanning thing that has been a part of pop culture for decades.
Recognizing problematic themes within media doesn't always make that media problematic itself. For Example, in the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, readers are exposed to problematic views that existed at the time of its publishing. Do we protest this media and demand that it be removed from circulation? Do we condemn anyone who consumes it? No, we instead use it as a tool to teach others about the existence of problematic media. About the existence of social issues. How to recognize and how to respond to these things.
This all leads me to....
Hot Take #2
Do I, personally in my view of things believe that Hogwarts Legacy's purpose is to be transphobic and antisemitic?
No. Absolutely not. In the face of JKR's views, the developers have made strides to try and combat against this. Did they resolve the issue entirely? No. But they tried. And that effort should be recognized.
Do I believe one can see these issues or relate these issues back to this piece of media?
Yes, but that can be done with ALL forms of media. Nothing is truly unproblematic. Social issues and social activism are fluid.
Is 'cancelling' a piece of media because it can be found problematic the correct approach?
Absolutely not. It will have the same effect as banning media always does, it'll will just make people want to consume it more.
Hot Take #3
When addressing problematic media, especially in this instance of Hogwarts Legacy, a lot of definitive statements are being made. The biggest being;
"If you buy this game you are transphobic and antisemitic."
The problem with definitive statements like these is that it excludes some of the members of these communities that you claim to defend. On top of that, it encourages others to engage in harassment.
Many people have said "If you buy this game you are no alley and you should just unfollow and block me." But what the posters of these statements fail to realize is that there are many people within the LGBTQ+ and Jewish communities (not allies but true members of the community) that do not share this same point of view.
Suddenly we see trans and Jewish peoples scared to enjoy a piece of media that means something to them personally for fear of being attacked and demonized by their own so-called allies.
No member of any community should have to prove themselves to be valid to an alley.
Hot Take #4
Allies who yell and scream overtop of the voices of the people within the community are not allies.
Allies who invalidate members of a community due to conflicting opinions are not allies.
Allies who claim to be allies but do not show up, be present, or engage when it truly matters are not allies.
True allies are there to support and lift up the community, not silence them or push them aside when differing opinions are presented.
Hot Take #5
Your unyielding aggression and verbal/written attacks on others is not helping the communities you claim to defend. It instead paints the already affected peoples in poor light and gives even more ammunition to those wishing to oppress/harm them.
People who do not already have well formed or educated opinions on these matters only see the explosive discourse, and this can sway them into the direction of those what wish to oppress/harm these communities.
Hot Take #6
This is something more specifically related to the Hogwarts Legacy that I haven't seen many people discussing.
On the specific subject of antisemitism. Yes, goblins (the mythical creatures) have been used as a way to stereotype and hurt those of the Jewish community. However, you also have to consider that the concept of goblins did not originate for this purpose and these are real aspects of someone's real culture. Just as the Swastika was once, and still is, a religious symbol of divinity and spirituality in Indian religion until it was appropriated by the Nazi party. So has the image of goblins and other mythical creatures been appropriated to represent the Jewish communities.
This takes me back to a previous Hot Take, I don't believe this game or this media is meant to perpetrate this stereotype. And many of the Jewish community are of the same opinion as well. But also there are some of a different opinion, this all goes back to how we consume and enjoy media.
Instead of becoming aggressive, instead of immediately condemning someone because they choose to consume this piece of media we should instead be using this as a segway into the discussion of how these things have been used to harm communities in the past and how we can stop perpetrating these stereotypes in the future.
Before this explosive discourse, there were many who truly never even knew these stereotypes of the Jewish peoples existed. But instead of becoming informed they were immediately condemned, and that is what is can become dangerous.
Now, my final words on the matter.
I've said my peace, and I know it won't change opinions. I don't expect it to. I know it won't magically fix the issues at hand. I don't expect it to. I know my opinions are mine and mine alone and that both members of the communities and allies will not agree with me. I don't expect them to.
Instead, I decided, as an alley, to post this for those within the LGBTQ+ and Jewish communities whose voices have been drowned out on the matter.
I've posted this for a transgender friend that has lost friends and support within his own community because he wants to enjoy something that has saved his life more than once and has been there through the good and the bad for him.
I've posted this for my Jewish friends and family members who were happy and excited for this game, but now instead they are facing backlash and are shocked and hurt at being compared to mythical creatures.
And I've posted this for everyone else who is scared to speak out and up for fear of retribution. Whether it's the religious extremists or the social activists leading it, a witch hunt is still a witch hunt.
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thecobraghost · 1 year
I've seen your posts about HL, and I can't thank you enough for them. I fucking despise those people who bully others for a stupid game.
Like I was bullied since elementary school, and it still left some "scars" on me. I became asocial, I feel like I can't connect with others without worrying if that person finds me annoying. Like I always fear that the person is only nice in front of me, and they're talking behind my back.
And despite this, I would never wish for others to experience this. Not even to my former classmates, my bullies. Not even for these nasty people who write others death threats.
I think that these people are control freaks, narcisistic a-holes who think they're better than everyone.
I really hate how they're all about freedom and anti-bullying but when you have a slightly different opinion, they want to crucify you and bully you. Hipocrytes. And the worst thing, that they're attacking people who they want to protect, just because they want to enjoy the game and seperate the artist. Like this video shows these tweets at 15:23 attacking trans people. One of them says to a trans woman: "So you're a dude"
They just seethe more hatred not just towards the trans people but to the whole LGBT community. I hate this, because I believe that a lot of trans and other LGBT people are kind and these are just a loud, crazy minority.
Control freaks.
Sorry for the rant, I just wanted this out from my system, sorry it was inapropiate what I said. And sorry for the weird grammar, English is not my native language
And don't forget: the sane people are with you. We got you.
🦡 anon
First off I’m so sorry for what you’ve gone through, as someone who was also bullied during school I know exactly how you feel and what the mental scars can be like.
Your rant is completely valid and reasonable and not at all inappropriate and your whole post is correct and you can back it up, so don’t apologise for it.
That’s why I won’t shut up against them. If they wanna make noise, I’m going to be even louder. So if you want to play the game, play the game. Don’t let some random NCP’s on the internet control what you can and can’t do with your life. You know who you are as do the people that are in your life.
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thecobraghost · 1 year
Yes, I bought Hogwarts Legacy Deluxe Edition for the PS5.
And it's AWESOME.
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thecobraghost · 1 year
What’s really made me giggle is going through peoples Tumblrs of those who have insulted for playing Hogwarts Legacy and seeing that things they support or enjoy (other games/films & TV/large companies) that once had or currently has transphobes, terfs, antisemitic, homophobic, racist, sexist bigots being part of them…
From characters, to actors, to crew members, to writers, directors, producers ect. Yet they ain’t saying shit about it
But no. You okay Hogwarts Legacy and your the worst person in the world. Even worse then serial killers.
Oh and seeing them spit out support for mental health and how to care for one another, but have told people themselves and supported others in telling people to kill themselves for playing HL….
A known ‘supporter’ of the trans community told my trans friend that they’re not a real trans person because they’re playing the game and purposely used the wrong pronouns…
Yet players of HL are the ones hurting the communities. I’ve not seen one HL player insult, misgender, send death threats to the keyboard warriors (Temper Tantrum Toddlers) But from my own experience, my close friends and innocent people online who are playing this game. It’s the keyboard warriors who have far too much time on their hands and cry if someone dares to have a different opinion to them. The minuet we dare to insult you, you all cry. You all scream that we’re ‘this’ or we’re ‘that’ or ‘that’s a hate crime’….
And it’s so funny when they stop after you ask for real proof or you say you yourself Trans or Jewish or if you’re like me you tell them that you’re part of a family that is Jewish (my partner’s) and that family you’re literally apart of are playing the game themselves and have no issues with it, they go radio silent
With your ‘logic’ anyone who plays Hogwarts Legacy is a bigot, a transphobe, supports Nazi propaganda, antisemitism and so much more. Are you going to say that to a kid that’s under the age of…let’s say 12 for example…who has no idea what’s going on and is innocently playing a game where they can be in their favourite fictional world and be a wizard… are you seriously saying that young kids playing this game deserve to die?
So many of you are hypocrites but y’all can’t even accept that.
And for the last time…
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thecobraghost · 1 year
I just finished Top Gun Maverick and now I’m wanting a Aaron Hotchner x Top Gun Reader.
Cause like imagine the team finding out how much of a badass Hotch’s partner is when they:
1) Find out they’re a Navy Pilot
2) Witness them flying for the first time (like when Maverick shows you can do the mission)
I wish I had the talent to write something like that so I would literally pay someone to do it
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thecobraghost · 1 year
How much do you wanna bet that the people bitching the most about HL are white and cis? I saw a post where this one person was complaining that their Jewish and trans friends were playing the game and "betraying" their own community. Like how do they not see the irony of telling a minority how they should feel about something? The white savior complex is STRONG in the HL tag.
FACTS! These keyboard warriors/Temper Tantrum Toddlers who are saying people who like and are enjoying the game (like myself) are hurting those communities.
Yet they are also hurting people in those communities with everything they’re doing and saying. They’re all hypocritics
Another thing, they’ll come and attack you with their insults and ‘hero complex’s’ and the moment you come back to them with actual facts, if you tell them you’re in the communities they shut up. - the moment I mentioned my partner and their family are Jewish, my best friend is trans and are enjoying the game. They shut up. The moment you bring in the royalties and anything about big brand who all have contracts with JK (Lego, Universal Studios, Hollywood Studios, Funko Pop, Vans, All the parks that have a HP right) they shut up cause they don’t like that the majority of people don’t share their opinion
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thecobraghost · 1 year
Out of all the houses to get the Azkaban quest, it’s HUFFLEPUFF…..
The more I think about it, the more it makes perfect sense for a Hufflepuff to end up with that quest 🤣
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thecobraghost · 1 year
How much do you wanna bet that the people bitching the most about HL are white and cis? I saw a post where this one person was complaining that their Jewish and trans friends were playing the game and "betraying" their own community. Like how do they not see the irony of telling a minority how they should feel about something? The white savior complex is STRONG in the HL tag.
FACTS! These keyboard warriors/Temper Tantrum Toddlers who are saying people who like and are enjoying the game (like myself) are hurting those communities.
Yet they are also hurting people in those communities with everything they’re doing and saying. They’re all hypocritics
Another thing, they’ll come and attack you with their insults and ‘hero complex’s’ and the moment you come back to them with actual facts, if you tell them you’re in the communities they shut up. - the moment I mentioned my partner and their family are Jewish, my best friend is trans and are enjoying the game. They shut up. The moment you bring in the royalties and anything about big brand who all have contracts with JK (Lego, Universal Studios, Hollywood Studios, Funko Pop, Vans, All the parks that have a HP right) they shut up cause they don’t like that the majority of people don’t share their opinion
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