tinymintygarland · 8 months
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for any kpop fanfic writers hoping to save themselves from a headache, please block these two people — both velkna and the weird icon person above them. they’ve very clearly been going around arguing with people — nct fic writers, especially, considering i found a post from one of them that was tagged “i hate nctzens” — and shaming them for writing rpf. it’s quite obvious they’re doing this for shits and giggles, and they’re in cahoots with each other i fear since they’ve been interacting with each other’s posts lol.
boost to help a writer!
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tinymintygarland · 11 months
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19K notes · View notes
tinymintygarland · 11 months
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254K notes · View notes
tinymintygarland · 11 months
The Nightshift
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Pairing: OT6 Mafia! Exo x Janitor! Reader
Summary: One day  Song Y/n switches her day shifts with her best friend Nari . Who knew her Employers were fond of her?
Genre: Angst, Mafia Au, Fluff
Trigger Warnings; Mentions of Blood, Dark hallways, Kidnapping, Wounds, Needles, Alcohol, Drugs, Sex, Cat-Calling, Sharp Objects. 
Exo Masterlist
Main Masterlist
This is also taking place in their Lotto/Louder era :)
I also included what i think Chen’s IRL wife would be like based on assumptions. As much as I adore Jong-dae but my guy has a whole wife AND kids!!
 Lmao this is based on a fic on my other blog and a dream so i wanted to write what had happened after if i continued dreaming. I would write what actually happened but omg it’s crazy lol. 
                      _______________DAY 1__________________
The city of Seoul was bustling. people taking phone calls. Others taking down orders. As well as some bussing tables, some cooking, some simply showing off that they had gotten promoted to a higher position. 
However our story begins with a friendly janitor who was getting ready for her day shift. Down the road a bus that was meant for the company called SM was coming up a few seconds. the sun illuminating the shiny bus filled with SM employees. These were the highest and most hardworking employees. there were sections of the bus that had designated spots for the employees positions. as well as those that were disabled and were going through their maternity. 
There stood a woman in her Mid 20′s. She had mid length H/c colored hair that was tied back into a ponytail a few strand finding their way out, her head also had a soft baby blue bandana. She had smooth S/c skin, her evenly toned lips smiled, her eyes shone in happiness at the conversation she held with the woman beside her. Her figure was hidden by her baby blue uniform that was a little loose fitting, her hands being hidden by the white rubber gloves. 
“Oh y/n! I’m so glad you were finally able to stand next to me!” The pregnant woman smiled at the blue clad woman. This woman was the wife of one of the CEO’s. She worked at her husbands company before becoming his wife. She also had just come back from her vacation with him and opted to be with her friend rather than her husband. she cherished the small friendship she had with Y/n despite their different positions in the company. 
“Oh yeah? I thought you would’ve ditched me for your husband hehe” The young woman giggled teasing her friend. This prompted a surprised expression from her friend and she giggled. 
“Oh Y/n don’t worry I’ll set you up with someone too!” she teased her single friend. The janitor whined at her friends teasing. This continued for the rest of the ride and after a while the bus had come to a stop. The bus doors had opened signaling the employees of the company to step out and head to the elevators or the cafeteria to have some breakfast provided by the company. A benefit of working for the company. 
The young woman helped her pregnant friend up from her seat and walked towards the cafeteria as they chatted. Y/n’s other friend had waved her over. It was Nari. Nari worked the night shifts and had made sure the company building had stayed clean for the employees in the morning. 
“Hey! Y/n! Mrs.CEO! OVER HERE! I SAVED YOU THE BEST THINGS!” Nari shouted from a table with an excited smile. The two friends that had arrived gave each other a strange look and giggled at their energetic friend. The trio had greeted each other. 
Nari is a good friend of Y/n’s. Her full name being Kim Eun Nari. She liked to be called Nari. Her long hair being tied into one single three strand braid, as well as the baby blue bandana. her porcelain skin contrasting her best friend Y/n’s. her hazel brown eyes shone under the florescent lights of the building. As the trio ate and caught Nari upon what happens when she goes home to rest. 
The building doors opened and walked in one of the CEO’s of the company. His name was Kim Jong-dae. or as his employees had nicknamed ‘Chen’. He smiled as he made his way towards the table of the three women. The blue clad females teased their pregnant friend as they whispered to her that her husband was looking for her. 
“Ladies and My lovely wife good morning” He greeted the trio with a smile. The Two single females greeted their boss with a smile while the wife smiled warmly at his husband. He sat down next to his wife coffee in hand as well as a pumpkin porridge. 
“So Nari? how was your shift earlier? any gnarly clean-ups?” Y/n had teased her friend. To this the female rolled her eyes at her friends comment which had caused a laugh from the three. 
“No but thankfully it was an easy night! wasn’t too bad after all I have you! you make my job way easier!~” Nari chirped as she took a spoonful of her Vegetable soup. 
“Oh! while I have you here Y/n would you mind switching shifts with Nari tonight? As much as I love both of your cleaning methods the other guys want to see how you’ll both do if you switched. you’ll both get paid extra for the trouble” Chen chimed in with a bashful smile. I looked at Nari who grinned, I nodded my head and agreed. 
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt. why not?” I gave a nod and ate a bit of rice from the tray that Nari had saved for me. 
“Then It’s settled. You can go home early today to rest up and then come back with Nari for the night” Chen added with a smile. I looked at Nari who was day dreaming and nodded when she was caught. To this she gave Y/n a look and they both stood up from their seats as their meals were completed.
 “We’ll see you later Mrs.Kim!! Chen..” the two women teased their friends as they left the cafeteria with a smile and walked towards the janitor’s closet. One leaving her items and the other gathering her items for the day.  
The female had begun her journey of cleaning the windows, taking out the trash and dusting the small areas of the building as well as opening the windows to air out the building. 
I opened the window letting out the dusty air and took in a breath of fresh air with a smile. I felt a shadow loom over me and I opened my eyes to find a pair of brown eyes staring into mine. I rolled my eyes as I found Mark staring into mine. 
“Hey! why the glaring? hehe you’re cute when your at peace” He laughed as he stayed in close proximity. 
“Oh whatever don’t you have to get back to work Mr. Security guard?” I teased the male as I left my spot from the window and back into the building. The male followed behind me with a smile. 
“Actually I am Y/n besides I’m making sure whoever comes in is not a threat to the building” He laughed as I sweeped the floor. 
“Oh haha Mark at least I don’t get distracted easily” I laughed and watched his face flush at my comment. The doors opened at the entrance and walked in Taeyoung with a small smile. 
“Hey Ms.Janitor!” The male smiled at the smaller female who gave a smile. 
“Hey Taeyoung!” I greeted him with a shy smile. Mark gave a shocked look as the two interacted happily. 
“Hey! why don’t you ever smile at me like that!” He cried out dramatically. I rolled my eyes at his comment. Taeyoung just laughed at his Co-workers attitude. 
“Maybe when you’re less hyperactive she’ll take you seriously haha..” Taeyoung laughed. Mark looked in my direction as I laughed and huffed. 
“Oh! speaking of which I heard you switched with Nari?” Taeyoung looked at me with a small smile. I looked in his direction and sighed. 
“Sadly yes so now I don’t think I’ll be able to entertain your friend here for awhile” I groaned knowing that I would be in this building at late at night. and alone. 
“Hey hey it’ll be okay besides I think Haechan and Johnny are working those shifts..Don’t worry!” He said with a small smile. I knew that my other friends did work at night but still made me nervous. 
“Alright Alright..Thanks just makes me nervous of the building at night haha” The two males smiled at me and sighed. I smiled and waved them off as I continued my way up the building as I was called to the Second floor. 
This floor was the most that needed extra care as they frequently spilled things onto the floors and didn’t care to clean it up and left it a sticky mess for me to clean. I sighed as I grabbed my scrubbers and bucket and made my way towards the area that had the spill carrying as well as the wet floor sign.
The day carried on as usual as I cleaned the spills, changed trashcans and dusted areas that needed to be tended to. As the day came to a close I made my way towards the elevator and pressed the button as I sighed waiting for the elevator to be called upon.I took one of my earbuds that was attached to my phone out of my ear as I looked up at the sign watching how much time was left for the elevator to make its way towards me. The doors made a ding sound as the doors opened. I made my way inside with my duster and rags that were in the loop of my pants and I reached over to press the first floor button but halted at the sound of someone calling out “Hold the door!”
I stopped and held my hand out to stop the doors from closing allowing the person to come in to the elevator. The male was much taller than me. I looked up at him, he had his hair dyed a bright red, his brown eyes gave a thankful smile. He had rather than a suit a grey plaid button up, black slacks as well as black dress shoes. He looked like any other employee but as soon as I took in his lanyard that was a Bright white it sunk in He was one of The CEO’s. 
“Hey thanks for holding open the door haha” The red headed male smiled at me. His smile was nice. I gave a shy smile and nodded. I reached for my earbud ready to give the male some space but he did the opposite and began to talk. 
“So...You’re Y/n? Chen’s wife talks highly about you during coffee breaks” he spoke with a smile as he stood across from me on the empty elevator. I looked at him and smiled at the mention of my friend 
“Oh? she does? that’s nice” I smiled not knowing what to say. 
“Sorry my name is Kim Chanyeol..I’m assuming you saw the lanyard.. don’t worry I don’t bite!” He gave a gentle smile. 
“Its alright I just didn’t think anyone would be here considering I’m usually the last one that leaves..” I gave my honest response to him and gave a small laugh. He smiled at my response and nodded. 
“So you’re our janitor for the switch? hehe well its nice to finally put a face to that name!” He said excitedly. 
we continued our small conversation down the building we stepped closer now comfortable with each other the more we talked as friends rather than business.
“So? is it fun you know cleaning up our mess?” Chanyeol joked as he stood infront of me with his arms crossed. I rolled my eyes with a smile. 
“Mhm~ definitely fun cleaning your-” I was cut off by the red head male reaching over me our bodies extrremely close as he pressed a button to a floor. our faces close and then he jumped away realizing how close we were. I blushed at the close proximity from when he pressed a button.
“Oh! sorry I forgot that I was supposed to meet the rest of them on the seventh floor but we’re now on the..third floor!” Chanyeol admitted with an embarrassed smile. I smiled at his cuteness and smiled. 
“It’s alright I understand!” I smiled at the tall male that I had befriended. He gave a sigh of relief. 
“So I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked with a big smile wanting to know what I had to say and I nodded at his words. 
The elevator doors gave a small ding and I walked out the doors and turned to wave at him with a shy smile. To which he waved and smiled as the doors closed behind him.Once The doors closed I blushed heavily and pressed my hands on my face knowing that I had met one of my other CEO’s and had a friendly conversation and had gotten close to him on accident. 
 I waited for the elevator to leave and quickly made my way to my janitor’s office and closed the door behind me so I could react to what had just happened in secret.
“Get it together Y/n! you’re here to work! besides.. this is the last time I get to see the sunset from the big windows..” I sighed as I had began putting away my items that I had used for the day.I grabbed my phone plugging in my earbuds sticking them in my ears and playing music as I finished my routine. I finished putting my things away on a shelf I had begun filling the items that the company that would clean this month would need. I refilled spray bottles, I put the dirty rags into a bin that was reserved for the ones that would be cleaned in the morning and grabbed the clean ones as well as other items that would help them. 
 Once I had finished my restock One by one I had left a spare key for the company and hung it by the door so they could gain access to the office if they needed anything else extra for the night and smiled at my work. Whistling the tune of This is love. 
Who knew My real shift began the night I started?
___________________________NIGHT 1____________________________
The female was on her way to the SM building. However she was used to the daylight that shone brightly. The female sat on the bus for once as she was all alone. Her earbuds playing music calming her nerves as she watched through the windows watching as she neared the building. Her nerves getting more and more anxious as the bus finally stopped and she got up from her seat and made her way to the front of the building. 
She was determined to finish cleaning this building as quickly as she could and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. She took a breath and bumped into Johnny who gave her a raised eyebrow. 
“Y/n? I thought you worked during the da- oh wait I thing Haechan already told me that you both switched..don’t worry you’ll be fine besides! If anything just radio us and we’ll be there!” Johnny reassured her with a smile. 
“Thanks I just want this done as quickly as possible..” I groaned and made my way into the building beginning to clean as quickly as humanly possible with the help of anyone else that was on staff for the nightly clean as I was the one to lead. I had cleared the top four floors as they were the smallest of the 12 floors and continued for the rest of the night. 
I finally had finished cleaning all 12 floors of the building as quickly and as clean as humanely possible and made it down to the first floor that was the last of them and breathed heavily. 
“Jesus christ Y/n! you did all that in 8 hours?!” Haechan gaped at the sweaty state I was in. I was sitting on one of the couches and nodded. 
“You would too if you were up there with a bunch people who were lazy at their job!!!” I whined and was finally able to breathe normally. The two nodded but were still shocked that I was able to clear all 12 floors by myself. 
I stood up taking the final sips of water from my water bottle. My hand wiping the sweat from my forehead. I stretched my limbs finally walking to my small office again and took out what I needed and began to sweep the floors quickly not wanting to be here despite knowing that My friends were here. 
I finally got finished with sweeping and finally began to scrub the dirty floors that seemed to be covered in muddy footprints despite the outside of the building to have concrete, I shrugged it off and continued to scrub the floors on all fours. This continued for another hour as I didn’t want to go up the stairs for another mop knowing that would make this quicker but didn’t want to up the dark floors. 
Finally admiring my clean work I had gotten done. I had tied my long-sleeve blue shirt around my waist, showing off my figure that was hidden by the soft colored uniform. I took out an earbud and heard the elevator ding as the floors dried and watched seven men walk out of the doors. I looked away as I continued my work, grabbing my bucket and scrubbers. I knew that I had to walk past them to put away my things to be done with work.
“Y/n? what are you doing here? I thought you worked during the day?” I looked and saw Chanyeol among the seven faces. I smiled and walked up to him and Chen ignoring the stares from the other Five men. 
“Hey Channie. Oh I thought you knew that Nari and I switched our shifts?” I said confused to why he had asked that. He shook his head as he kept eye contact with me. I looked over at Chen and smiled. 
“I hope you’re treating my friend right Chen, and looks like to me they weren’t aware of the switch” I teased him to which he laughed. 
“Dont worry I-” He was cut off by one of the other men. The three of us looked at the male who cut him off. 
“Chen! Chanyeol! I didn’t know you guys were friendly with our cutie here!” The male with puppy eyes and dark hair cried out. I raised a brow at his comment. 
“Excuse me? I have a name you know?” I shot at the male crossing my arms as the males chuckled. 
“Hey! You realize I am one of your Boss’ right? The Names Byun Baekhyun but you can call me Baek~” He smirked and I rolled my eyes unphased by him.
“No way? So I’m Assuming you all are as well?” I looked at them all who grinned and nodded. I sighed. 
“Dissapointed?” Baekhyun grinned
“No I knew Chen And Channie were but all of you? that’s a little insane don’t you think?” 
“Well we do have the most sales besides these guys won’t give you trouble maybe except for Baekyun and Kai ” Chen laughed.
“Anyways let me introduce you guys! Since you already know Chen and I This is Baekhyun, Suho, D.O, Kai, Sehun and Xiumin!” Chanyeol introduced the other CEO’s. 
I finally got a good look at them all. I couldn’t deny that they were all as good looking. 
“Interesting.. well its nice to meet you I’m-” 
“Y/n. we know I’m the one that hired you” The male named Suho cut me off. They all elbowed their friend who had cut me off and gave smiles. 
“mhm whatever anyways I have to put this all away.” I made my way past them all feeling them all stare at me as I made my way towards my office. I opened the door and closed it behind me as I began the routine that was left to me and finished in less than 10 minutes. I swiped my card finally clocking out.  I walked out of the office and found the others standing there Chen being an exception as he probably went off to meet with his wife. 
When I had left the office I saw that they had all left. 
what an interesting night that had been. 
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tinymintygarland · 11 months
BTS Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
Love Letter to you
The One That Got Away
Deja Vu
Bubble Gum
6 notes · View notes
tinymintygarland · 11 months
EXO Masterlist
sorry to those that adore chen. sadly i dont write for him because he has a wife and two whole kids :’)
my guy can get it but I don’t have the heart to write bout him sorry T^T
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The Rating (OT6 fic) coming soon
Main Masterlist
Sehun’s Girl (Coming SOON)
The Nightshift (OT6 fic/ Mafia Au) 
The Rating (OT6 fic) coming soon 
Sehun’s Girl (Coming SOON)
The Nightshift (OT6 fic/ Mafia Au) 
The Rating (OT6 fic) coming soon 
Sehun’s Girl (Coming SOON)
The Nightshift (OT6 fic/ Mafia Au) 
The Rating (OT6 fic) coming soon 
Sehun’s Girl (COMING SOON)
The Nightshift (OT6 fic/ Mafia Au) 
The Rating (OT6 fic) coming soon 
Sehun’s Girl (Coming soon)
The Nightshift (OT6 fic/ Mafia Au) 
The Rating (OT6 fic) coming soon 
Sehun’s Girl (Coming Soon)
The Nightshift (OT6 fic/ Mafia Au) 
The Rating (OT6 fic) coming soon...
Sehun’s Girl (Coming Soon)
The Nightshift (OT6 fic/ Mafia Au) 
3 notes · View notes
tinymintygarland · 4 years
GOT7 Masterlist
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Main Masterlist
Mark : 
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tinymintygarland · 4 years
Minty’s Masterlist
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Hello to all! 
SO as you may have noticed This is a seperate blog from my other! and! on this one I will be posting more Writings and bits! as well as SOme of my original work! 
GOT7 Masterlist
I might add more later >:) 
Thank Youuu!!
Also please be patient because I am Just One admin working on this blog so if the requests you have come out late I do apologize for the delay!!
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