turnipwritesokay · 1 month
I am a patchwork quilt
my edges roughened by use
my color bleached by time
I am a patchwork quilt
my skin made of abandoned scraps
a jumble of colors and patterns
I am a patchwork quilt
my pieces bound by worn strung
red stitching entangled and fraying
I am a patchwork quilt
I was born of gentle hands
Made to comfort those left behind
I am a patchwork quilt
A ledger of memories lost and forgotten
A reminder that all things end
I am a patchwork quilt
And I am proof that not all ends are final
That life can be rekindled
I am a patchwork quilt.
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turnipwritesokay · 1 month
This too shall pass.
but when?
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turnipwritesokay · 1 month
I long to find comfort in my body
To wear sweatpants with an easy grace
And not out of a need to hide myself
For my gaze to skip over my reflection
No longer compelled to study every fault
To look in the mirror and see myself
To finally recognize my reflection as my own
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turnipwritesokay · 2 months
I’m so tired of being told I’m not enough
Not ever in so many words
But in between the lines of each
I regret to inform you
In the pittying expressions
From dismissive glances and silent doubts
I’m so tired of sitting alone each night
Whispering that I am enough
I am enough
I am enough
I am enough
I am enough
But what if they’re right. It would be so easy to believe.
My words mean weigh nothing
Compared to the stacks evidence
Proving my failure. Inadequacy. Insignificance.
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turnipwritesokay · 2 months
It’s all I have.
It has to be enough.
It isn’t.
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turnipwritesokay · 2 months
fuck you for telling me to dream
fuck you for saying anything is possible
you can be anything if you set your mind to it
you’ll do great things
i’m proud of you
fuck you for lying to me
just to make yourself feel better
fuck you for letting me ‘give it my all’
and fuck you for making me clean it up
watching me pour bleach over the tiles
and wash it all down the drain
fuck you for giving me hope. for making me believe in myself. for making this so hard.
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turnipwritesokay · 2 months
I stare into the eyes of a stranger
With a strained face and sad eyes
Makeup runs down their face
The mascara they just finished applying.
I take out makeup remover
Glancing at the growing pile of discarded wipes
Stained with black and beige.
And I wipe their eyes, ignoring still falling tears
A deep breath.
A futile promise this is the last time.
And I draw their face back on.
Hands shaking. Breath catching.
I critically eye my work.
Lips quirked in disappointment.
It’ll do for now.
At least until the next time.
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turnipwritesokay · 2 months
The terifying thought that I’m more comfortable
Here sitting in my misery and discontent
Than I’ll ever be chasing down happiness
The blade of disappointment looming over me
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turnipwritesokay · 2 months
I hate the sentiment that living isn’t just surviving.
I get it, I know life should be more
More than a day to day affair
Than eating just to stay alive
It should be a veritable feast
Of friends and families, of hobbies and adventures
But I can’t have that
Not yet at least
No, I’m still just surviving
Playing it day by day
And hoping for anymore will just pain me
So for now I’m just surviving
Just keeping myself afloat
and one day I will truly live
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turnipwritesokay · 2 months
I’ve been managing so far…
…You shouldn’t have to
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turnipwritesokay · 3 months
You’re telling me I could’ve been happy this whole time?
That I suffered for nothing?
You’re telling me that all that time I spent sat on the floor, back to the corner, hoping for a way out,
You had the key?
And now you expect me to be relieved? To thank you for your benevolence and shed the sorrow that’s etched itself onto my soul.
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turnipwritesokay · 3 months
my playlist titles:
nothing…just a lack of talent
the myth of Sisyphus
nostalgic for a future i’ll never see
the world is ending and there’s nothing you can do
i’m tired
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turnipwritesokay · 3 months
i’ve spent so many hours longing
dreaming of the possibilities
sketching futures in my mind
of love, of friendship. of something more
overtime the lines faded,
reality blurring into dreams
and i could see no more futures
until my passion dulled, and i no longer dream
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turnipwritesokay · 4 months
Airport Bathroom
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 across and
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 down
50 tiles, but I should double check
So I count them one-by-one
My eyes tracing the grout, yellowed with age
I keep losing track, distracted by the banging of doors
The stream of faucets and clattering of suitcase wheels
So I start all over again, glancing to that first tile
It rests right under the stall’s wall,
a curve cut out to accommodate the toilet’s pipe
I keep count as I track the tiles towards my knees
Shifting them slightly to ensure an accurate count
I have to double check my work,
My cheek rests my arm, eyes half lidded
I lean forward, hands brushing my hair out of my face
And there I kneel, prostrate before the porcelain bowl
Tears blurring my vision as I try to keep count
Because I have to double check my work,
I have to commit this floor to memory
Every stain, every chipped corner and rusted pipe
Because if I’m not, If I let my mind wander
I find myself retracing my steps, through the airport
Back onto the plane and across the county
I find myself sitting in a driveway that isn’t mine
Going over all the ways things could have turned out differently
I instead find myself meticulously cataloging my fuck ups
Creating a list of my shortcomings
Running a regression on my weaknesses
Creating hypotheses and designing studies
If Jay had been better smarter shown initiative chosen a different major applied themself tried
then they wouldn’t be spilling their guts into an airport toilet
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turnipwritesokay · 4 months
Get Back Up
The hero in the film always gets back up.
Even after being beaten bloody
Loosing the love of his life
Watching his mentor murdered
He remembers some wise asinine saying
And through a tremendous display of will
Pulls himself back up to fight another day
And he wins
How great is that?
He overcomes the odds and he wins!
and he wins
And he beats the villain
And he gets the girl
And he lives to fight another day
I know this would be the point in the story where the hero gets back up
I know I should have some moment of clarity
Or a second wind
A burst of adrenaline
But I dont
There are no memories of my wise mentor
There is no love interest for me to save
But most importantly there is no final fight
I know I won’t win,
I know I’ll just get knocked down again
And I can heroically push myself up
To just repeat the same stupid mistakes
To be stuck in another loop of mediocrity
But it’s so comfortable on the ground
And I know it’ll just hurt more to stand
So why can’t I rest?
What’s so wrong with that
I’m so tired
Why do I have to get up?
Do I have to get up?
I could just play dead, claim a martyr’s death
Give my life some meaning, however contrived
Because each time I get up I lose something
I chose something to protect
To work towards
To love
And I get up for that ‘thing’
Only to fall again, this time farther, this time with empty hands and a broken heart
And now I find I have nothing left
Nothing else to lay my life down for
Nothing else to work towards passionately
No more reason to get up
And it really is comfortable down here
With the other souls lost to time
The other ‘mes’ who failed to do much of anything
And maybe this is what fate wrote for me
Just a midling life with no real purpose
Nothing important or gut wrenching
No passions or grandiose dreams
And it hurts, in an empty, cold, way
But it’s nice
It is so nice
To finally give up
To let my eyes close and relax my straining muscles
So no, I won’t get back up. But you can.
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turnipwritesokay · 4 months
I’ve cut myself open
Bisecting lines across my chest
And pulled everything out
Just to put it all back
a little to the left
And I have nothing left
nothing but the scars and
the feeling that something is wrong
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turnipwritesokay · 4 months
you asked me to kiss you, and i did
and i stared at the sparkling lights of the city
but i couldn’t feel your lips or your hands
perhaps the cold wind has sunk into my bones
maybe my body is growing weary with age
possibly i’ve just felt too much for too long
but i close my eyes and pretend i feel you
and i give you what you want
because one of us deserves to feel happy
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