yacheika213 · 2 years
I discover quickly that the biggest improv obstacle for me is that I always come to the scene with a fully formed story in my mind and stubbornly refuse to deviate from it... I like knowing what to expect, even for the simplest of things... I like to have a sense of what’s going to happen next – and improv consistently pulls the rug out from under me.
From: “Sorry I’m Late, I didn’t Want to Come. One Introvert’s Year of Saying Yes” by Jessica Pan (2019)
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yacheika213 · 2 years
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C39: Citizen
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yacheika213 · 2 years
Her only hope was that he would disappear before she had the chance to approach him.
“Two Serious Ladies” (1943) Jane Bowles
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yacheika213 · 2 years
Number - Face Down In Ecstasy
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yacheika213 · 2 years
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Басё, хайку #235 (пер. В.Н. Маркова)
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yacheika213 · 2 years
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Naked (1993, Mike Leigh)
I've got an infinite number of places to go, the problem is where to stay.
Are ya with me?
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yacheika213 · 2 years
Korean: Incidents 1
그 여자 마음을 뺏기 위해서 온갖 노력을 다했어요. I have done so much effort to get her heart away.
기대하는 마음으로 매주 복권을 한 장씩 사요. I buy a lottery ticket every week with anticipation.
전쟁은 절대 일어나면 안 돼요. The war should never happened.
숲속을 걷다 보니까 마음이 평화로워지네요. When I walk through the forest, I feel peaceful.
점차 기후변화가 심해지고 있어요. Climate change is gradually getting worse.
전쟁이 일어날까 봐 걱정이 돼요. I worried that the war would happen.
저는 노래방에서 소리쳐 노래를 부르면 스트레스가 풀려요. I relieve stress by singing in Karaoke.
큰비로 도시 전체가 물에 잠겼다. The entire city was soaked in by the water.
이 건널목에 신호등이 설치되고 나서 교통사고가 훨씬 줄었다 고 한다. Traffic accidents have been much reduced since the traffic lights were installed at the crosswalk.
이 사건 해결을 위해 광범위한 조사가 필요할 것으로 보입니다. An extensive investigation is needed to resolve the case.
저는 이번 시험에서 예상하지 못한 점수를 받고 실망했어요. I was disappointed with the unexpected score on this exam.
저는 출근길에 소매치기를 당해 지갑을 잃어버렸어요. I was pickpocketed my wallet on my way to work.
남편이 뺑소니를 당해서 병원에 입원했습니다. My husband was hit-and-run and had to go to the hospital.
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yacheika213 · 2 years
Skrillex / Marley - Make It Bun Dem (Ska!Step Remix)
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yacheika213 · 2 years
Voluntary actions
... are voluntary not because they descend from an immaterial soul, nor because they ascend from a quantum soup. They are voluntary because they express what I, as a person, want to do, even though I cannot choose these wants. As nineteenth-century philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer put it, ‘Man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills.’
From: “Being You. A New Science of Consciousness” by A. Seth (2021)
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yacheika213 · 2 years
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Mark Rothko Untitled , 1952–53 Oil on canvas 299.5 x 442.5 cm Guggenheim Bilbao Museoa
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yacheika213 · 2 years
Her fine black eyes were never still and this was the most noticeable thing about her; for when she was talking to you it was disconcerting to see those eyes in that impassive, unlined and yellow face. They moved from one part of you to another, to other persons in the room, and then back to you; you felt that she was criticising you, summing you up, watchful meanwhile of all that went on around her, and that the words she spoke had no connection with her thoughts.
“The Painted Veil” (1925) W. Somerset Maugham
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yacheika213 · 2 years
Massive Attack - Essential Mix
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yacheika213 · 2 years
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The Skeleton Twins (2014, Craig Johnson)
Does the dog die at the end?
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yacheika213 · 2 years
Korean: Marriage Life 1
저희는 한 달 전에 결혼한 신혼 부부입니다. We are a newly-married couple, who got married a month ago.
그의 신혼집은 조촐했지만 필요한 것은 모두 갖춰져 있었다. Even though his honeymoon house was a bit tiny, it still had all necessary stuff.
그녀는 면접관의 질문에 충실하게 대답했다. She answered the interviewer’s questions faithfully.
나는 시험 결과와는 상관없이 시험이 끝났다는 사실 자체만으로 행복했다. I was happy with the fact that the exam was done, regardless of the result.
엄마는 아이에게 양말을 신겼다. Mom puts the socks on the kids.
나는 아내에게 요만큼의 불만도 없다. I have no single complain or whatsoever to my wife.
너는 겨우 요만큼을 먹고 배가 부르다고 하니? Are you already full now just eating that much of food?
우리는 모든 절차를 생략하고 혼인 신고만 했어요. We skipped the whole procedure and registered our marriage.
세상에는 구구절절한 사연들을 안고 있는 사람들이 참많아요. There are so many people who have their own stories.
우리는 신혼 여행을 다녀온 후에 양가를 방문했어요. After honeymoon, we visited both parents’ houses.
부모님은 우리의 결혼을 반대하셨어요. Parents opposed to our marriage.
어머니는 아들이 독립하겠다는 말에 반대하지 않으셨습니다. The mother did not object to his son when he told he wanted to live independently.
아내가 친정에 간 지 하루밖에 안 되었는데 벌써 보고 싶네요. It has been only a day since my wife left to her parents house, but I already miss her.
나는 생전의 아버지 모습을 간직하려고 애썼다. I tried not to forget the moment when my father was alive.
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yacheika213 · 2 years
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CW11: Green
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yacheika213 · 2 years
Blank Banshee - Teen Pregnancy
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yacheika213 · 2 years
A sense of contact
I wonder at certain painters I have heard about, but never met, who are content to paint for themselves, not caring if they ever have a show, much less sell a picture. This requires self-sufficiency indeed. All pleasure for them apparently comes from perfecting their work before their own eyes, for themselves alone. This seems strange, as long as there are people around them, and perhaps some of them do have a select group of friends to whom they like to show their work. But such an attitude is not impossible to imagine. I think the majority of writers, living a Robinson Crusoe existence with no hope of seeing another human being as long as they lived, would still write poems, short stories and books with whatever material there was at hand. Writing is a way of organizing experience and life itself, and the need of this is still present though an audience may not be. However, I think most painters and writers like to think of their work being seen and read by lots of people, and emotionally this sense of contact is of great importance to their morale.
From: “Plotting and Writing Suspense Fiction” by Patricia Highsmith (1966)
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