Hello longtime bloggers, post deleters, tag connoisseurs. Customizable featured tags are here.
Until now, suggested tags were automatically generated when a user searched your blog via the new blog view, or from the blog archive. However, over time this list of tags may have diverged from your blog’s real interests. This isn’t always practical, especially for blogs that have been around for a while, with tags from deleted posts still showing up. Now, you can set your top tags to whatever you want them to be in your Popular Tags and Blog Archive Page. #Squop, #glongo, #plip? All acceptable.
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Why this change?
This feature has been widely requested. We understand that you have all grown with Tumblr over the years, and your interests will have probably changed, too. Some of you find the presence of old tags in your top tags list uncomfortable; for some, they interfere with the sense of order on your blogs. Others are simply excited about new customization options.
Cool—how do I use featured tags?
On web: Head to the account icon in the top-right corner of your dash, and select “Edit Appearance” from the drop-down menu for the blog you want to add featured tags to. Click on the pen icon next to “Featured Tags” to add up to 10 tags of choice. These will now appear in your popular tags in the blog view and be listed in your archive.
Featured tags will be available to everyone on the web from today, April 19. We’re also currently working on a rollout to iOS and Android.
Any questions? Drop us a line on @wip or Support, and keep an eye out for the mobile rollout on @changes.
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Strange Daze
Queerest thing to happen to me. Although only psychosomatic or all in the mind... had a dream that two women in hijabs? were tossing? salt&pepper at me? stranger; is that I saw those two peoples outfront of grocery store the next day. waiting for me? taunting me? So there’s a ‘dream machine’ where people can project dreams unto you? 
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It’s good to have goals...
... so if someone or anyone tries to lead me away.
I can say with firm affirmation; “that’s NOT MY GOAL in life sorry not sorry”!!!
In my experience people’ll try their darndest to get me to play whatever role they think I belong. I’m not sorry for not changing my behaviour to meet you preconceived notions. That is, people may presume something about me due to my demographics. I have nothing to prove to anyone but myself ?
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... I’d like to find a way for take plastic rubbish and maybe use it to build affordable housing. So, I have to intent a ‘tool’ piece to take plastic and press it into life sized Lego pieces. That could be used to create modular homes? 
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“One of the hardest things in life is letting go of what you thought was real.”
— Unknown
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We’re at Soylent Green. Next up, Children of Men and 12 Monkeys. What a bright future awaits!
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What wood Jeebus dippity doo?
Would (s)he turn the other cheek? Well people like to project their insecurities upon others (or ‘the other’). So any hate or crude statements another verbally projects onto you (not me or you specifically; only writing in second person) is their fear(s)...
... dismiss it as an attempt to soil your happiness.
That is, “they” are misers and get jollies from spreading misery. Ignore the provocations. Never throw the first punch but always willing to throw the last one. If someone casts aspersions upon you. From a karma stand point. That’s their bad NOT YOURs. Don’t fall for their clear and presently incessant harassment. Sooner or later they’ll offend someone with the mentality of Will Smith an get a well overdue slappp. “They’d” love it if you lost your kool...
They are betting on it. Bullies seek drama to justify their existence.
Responding may only fuel their efforts? I hope they learn that such behaviour shouldn’t be commonplace and that they don’t have to find out the hard way!
It may be argued that “they” are souless. Now I’m not spiritual or religious. But they have proven themselves to be WITHOUT ‘soul’. To me soul is how you conduct yourself. So by they or them acting in such a way which isn’t conducive to social cohesion. How is going outta your (not you specifically again speaking in second person) to harass and threaten others. Is darn right the m.o. of people that lack decorum.
Outright disturbing ‘the others’ or another's peace of mind by criminal harassment.
I bet they’d love it if I wrote fantasy revenge novella’s but I don’t.
My writing is fairly boring by modern day standards of entertainment. Ofc it’s only a game to them. “They’ (group of unknown third parties) lack the morality to be an half-descent human being to strangers. I doubt that I’m the only one on the receiving end. I’m not special. Heck, I below average..
I’m not the one going around committed to playing a game of sustained psychological harassment. Being bullied has clinically proven negative affects on the victim. Even though I’m subject to all of these unwanted communications. I still decided to do the right thing. Which is that unspoken ‘good deed’ I done today. Wouldn’t it be an estranged coincident if my ‘good deed’ helped someone that bullied me.
They’d have no way of knowing that today I went outta my way to do good. Contribute to society. A society (group of peoples) that allergically allegedly casually abuses me. According the the criminology textbook I’ve been skimming threw. People with mental illness are more likely to be a victim of crime than perpetrate it. Maybe only God is my witness?
Take the man at the library. I was under the impression that he got within two metres of me while I was using the computers searching for a Star Trek book to read. I was under the impression he did that to get my attention. “Hey look at me I needs attention”. Maybe also to attempt to prove a point. The only thing he proved to me is that he’s an arse. He seemed to like that I confronted him. Seemed to be gloating. I wasn’t even frazelled. I just calmly stated what I had to say and he was a dick about it. Like I called him out and he only reaffirmed to me that he was in fact out to mess with my well being. How is following someone around harassing (in this case by unwanted communication via hand gesture) them not criminal harassment? And he acted like he was innocent.
That’s literally gaslighting...
I then walked away after confirming my confirmation bias.
Everyday I run errands I have the misfortune of being harassed by strangers. Alls I can do is try my best to keep calm and chive on.
I was at the library to get a book. Did he check out a book. I’m not sure. This is win-win because if he didn’t sign out an item then maybe he was there stalking me. If he did check out an item. Then out locations are on public record.
Like another time [20220104~3:30pm] a woman approached me at Rexall. I was there getting my big bro’s prescription &vitamins for my brother. I was lingering neat vitamins aisle because it was occupied. And I keep savvily two meters away. As a COVID precaution. Then another woman approaches me and makes contrite religious statement. She seemed full of conviction. And I shy away from arguing with strangers. Especially religious nutcases. How would she no anything about me. She wouldn’t. We were, err are complete strangers. To be that certain about something about a complete strangers is completely absurd.
Say the woman that got within two metres of me while I patiently waited for aisles to be clear. Was a Christian fundalMENTAList. Firstly, doesn’t it say somewhere in the bible about; “judge ye not unless ye wants to be judged’. Secondly isn’t a facet of Christianity to be kind? Is harassing others kindness?
Thirdly, my salvation is only my business. I’m not a member of her (or any) church). She (or anyone for that mater) had no right to harass me (or anyone)...
That’s why religious folks have a bad name. Going around shoving their believes unto others. I’d say by force because she was practically yelling. I can’t remember what she said. Nor care what she said. I was listening to music.
I used music to block out unwanted communications from people.
What made this an estranged encounter. Is that, I returned to the store (@4:44pm) and the two women behind me in line. Were talking as if they bare witness to or knew what happened in the store earlier. But how would they know? I won because I didn’t react ?
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Today, I did a good deed...
... (not supposed to say because bragging about good deeds is frowned upon?)
However, still was on the receiving end of unwanted communications from strangers. Lost count on the tally. But enough to understand “they” are NOT GOOD? A woman almost hit me while crossing the street. Well, that’s an exaggeration. She scooted around me but *abnormal* how she waited for other pedestrians to cross but didn’t wait for me? I gently tossed my bananas in front of me. Into the path of the SUV that shouldn’t’ve been there. Pedestrians have the right of way. If it was were up to me. She’d loose her drivers license. 
Driving is a privilege not a right. 
Also I was on the receiving end of negative commentary from various drivers. I’m not certain why some peoples feel the need to sputter hate upon pedestrians. It’s NOT FUN & technically harassment...
Again driving is a privilege not a right. And for abusing that privileged in my humble opinion. Everyone that misuses that privilege should loose that privilege.  
Easy to casually hate on someone when you don’t have to face them. Chris Rock knows the outcome of making unsavory statements. I don’t think violence is ever the answer. Unless the question is; “what’s one thing the world could do without”....
A man at the library go up in my two meters. I can tell when someone is looking for a reaction. He continued the lies. I confronted him and asked him if he’s familiar with ‘the illusory affect’. I explained what it was and he CONtinued with the lies. So confident too. Best not to argue with cupid peoples. He likely felt like he beat me by getting in the last word. I know what Will Smith would’ve have done to the smug smile but again. In my opinion violins isn’t the answer. 
FUnny because I’m under the impression that I WON. By not reacting. Say ‘the game’ is to provoke others unto insanity. I won because I remained level headed and relatively sane. I’m likely hallucinating those peoples are talking to me.
More likely is that. “They” are talking to themselves. And I’m only misinterpreting it. I have a mental illness where I often think sheeples are talking to me. When in all of reality. They are talking to the mirror on the wall. What are the odds that so many random people would go outta their way to attempt to make a random stranger miserable by incessant harassment. Next to nil? 
By legal definition. If that’s not only a false perception. Then it’s criminal harassment... 
Section 264 of the criminal code
Criminal harassment
264 (1) No person shall, without lawful authority and knowing that another person is harassed or recklessly as to whether the other person is harassed, engage in conduct referred to in subsection (2) that causes that other person reasonably, in all the circumstances, to fear for their safety or the safety of anyone known to them.
(2) The conduct mentioned in subsection (1) consists of
(a) repeatedly following from place to place the other person or anyone known to them;
(b) repeatedly communicating with, either directly or indirectly, the other person or anyone known to them;
Alls I can do is keep calm and carry on... I have better things to do the try to teach others how to be respectful of others. I’d settle for indifference. That is, I don’t go around harassing strangers. So I expect to not be mistreated by others... 
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What I mean to say is that when it’s their turn to be tested.
I hope “they” have the  strength to remain humble. 
However, I’m under the impression that “they” are seeking conflix. And the incessant pestering is to pick at anyones patience. I say “anyone” because ‘they’ likely are in the habit of being a nuisance towards others. That is, NOT ME IN PARTICULAR. Shit disturbers just like causing troubles. Likely outta sheer boredom... has nothing better to do than cause drama for shits and giggles. 
I’m from the live and let live school of thought. I’m for freedom of expression. If people want to make a fool outta themselves. That’s their bad not mine... 
After mentioning this to a friend they provided the following advice; “Your a fool for thinking about it for more than a second. And they’re STUPID for saying (or doing) that”.
Easy to say from an outside perspective. How much harassment would you tolerate? I think the resolution is talking with them. They desire attention. Then we can have a wholesome friendly conversation... but I’m fairly certain they’ll only take that as an opening to escalate the pettiness of the matter to a less than ideal outcome? I’ll do my best to not get bound to their triviality. 
Being bullied isn’t fun? 
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Same old story...
... every day I leave my apartment to run errands. I have to contend with dozens if not hundreds of ‘random strangers’ that test my humility. I acknowledge that I may be taking some of the behaviour outta context but I firmly believe to treating others the same way you desire to be treated. 
Take my journey on the bus yesterday. The man sitting to my right kept on making lewd hand gestures. Then when I looked at his direction he just giggled like it was a game. I found that kinda annoying. /wiki/Attention_seeking explains it better. He may have just been fidgeting. However, I was under the impression that he was trying to perturb my peace of mind.
Why go outta your way to disturb the peace?
I guess the appropriate thing to do is just talk to them. ofc without scorn or and pretentious language or malice or hints of anger. Just one human being to another. Try to understand the provocation.
The way I understand conflict resolution is that it’s helpful to have a neutral third party to help keep any qualms less heated. An arbitrator. The only way I know to deal with conflicts is to avoid it. Say it was a provocation to attempt to get me to say; “may you please stop doing that it’s annoying?”. I’m guess the response would be something in affect to cause drama or to escalate it to more than just kind words. 
I’m for freedom or expression but at what point does “their” expressions become criminal harassment. As I got off the bus at approximately 4:10pm the person sitting near the backdoors make that same lewd hand gesture.
What would those two seemingly random people have in common. Like what are the odds so many random people would make the same gesture... other than to be a part of a campaigner of psychological harassment? 
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humility for humanity?
While at another place of business to prepare my taxes. As I got to their officea woman was leaving. Likely for her break. None of my business but I did get back vibes from her. I was there maybe ten minutes. Maybe I shoulda just used that QuickTax app? As the woman returned she mutter something at me.
I couldn’t quite hear what but it registered as hate... 
I’m not certain what it was all about. Why hate on a random stranger. let alone in your place of business. I think nothing of it other than confusion. Why harbour hare for a compete stranger? 
Not sure how someone can claim to be a beholder of principals against brutality yet spread hate. Seems like a contradictory juxtaposition.  
My theory is all for one and one for all.
Treat others the same as you hope to be treated. 
We are all one.
We are all human? 
Take my words with zest. I’m a pensive person. I may have imagined that quagmire of miscommunications because I has not sleep in over 36hours. I likely misinterpreted whatever was being communicated? The sound of love requires no translation? 
All I can do is put my best feet forwards and prepare for the inimitable?
I try my best not to sputter hate upon others... ABC Always Be POLITE; never let emotions guide actions. Be aware that not everyone is friendly and be ready to face a foe. Bite my tongue if need be. No tongue in cheeky responses to to those seeking a reaction. Keep calm and carry on? Would you care to bare the weight of the world next? 
My belief is to live minimalistically. For the past few years I’ve rarely left my apartment. I’m often indecisive. Overwhelmed with nothing to do. I try not to be swayed or phased by provocative statements etm.
My opinion that this is if we either all get along. Or face the inevitable? 
Sorry what are you trying to shift the blame onto a peace activity? 
If you want peace; then prepare for peace?
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People are confusing,...
... or I’m easily confused? 
So, I gets to some random retail location. A hole in the wall outta the way hassle to get to. But they offer great service at a fair price and are good people. As I get there a fellow patron is friendly. We exchange pleasantries. There is awkward silence because my social skills weren’t on fleek. I finally thing of something to say. Then they shush me. They point at tv which is I guess meant to fill awkward silences. So I shift my attention to my mp3 player. So much for trying to be sociable. I wait my turn for customer service listening to music. I’d honestly rather listen to music than engage in small talk... I’m not sure what peoples obsession is with foreign relations. First everyone is a medical expert. Now everyone is a diplomat? The person seems offended that I wouldn’t continued small talk. Well, I was shussshed. I complied with the shushing.
I hold the experience as just another person that’s rather be dosed by media then deal with the people in front of them. I’m guilty of the same thing. I use music as a shield to keep people away. Often poeple (some people not all; maybe only a few but I try not to notice). Go outta their way for attention...
... I do my best to maintain awareness of the situation and #KCCO
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those city buses will not ever loose their charm?
that is, if you find that particular smell...
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Yet another cakewalk in the cityscape?
Wondered around at will today with only a poetic license to thrill? 
Armed with nothing but a toothpick, mp3 players and half of me wits?
Gotta keep those teeth clean. As, I can’t really afford any more dentistry. 
The cityscape has changed. Lost count of all of the new buildings. New condos everywhere. Vacant #TacoBell that was collecting dust for at least a decade. Being demolished. For. You guessed it!!! (more condo’s)
How much is a condo in Brooklyn; $400k?
I guess I’ve been mainly hibernating my way thru #COVIDiots?
You can punch out but you can’t leave? 
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From our stacks: Poem "Shamrock Day," from The Book of Holidays By J. Walker McSpadden. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1917.
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Happy Holidays?
The Calendar says it’s St Paddy’s day which is really just another excuse for day drinking? 
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